M.TECH. ENERGY SYSTEM AND MANAGEMENT (EEM)vtu.ac.in/pdf/schememtech2014/esamschemesyll.pdf · M.TECH. ENERGY SYSTEM AND MANAGEMENT (EEM) ... 14EEM32 Report on Internship -- -- --

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I Semester Credit Based

Subject Code Name of the Subject

Teaching Hours/week Duration of Exam in Hours

Marks for

Total Marks

Credits Lecture

Practical / Field Work / Assignment/


I.A. Exam

14EPS11 Applied Mathematics 4 2 3 50 100 150 4 14 EEM 12 Energy Auditing

4 2

3 50 100 150 4

14 EEM 13 Electrical Energy Conservation and Management

4 2

3 50 100 150 4

14 EEM 14 Non-Conventional Energy Resources

4 2

3 50 100 150 4

14 EEM 15X Elective-I 4 2 3 50 100 150 4

14 EEM 16 Energy Laboratory - I -- 3 3 25 50 75 2

14 EEM 17 Seminar -- 3 -- 25 -- 25 1

Total 20 16 18 300 550 850 23

Elective – I Subject Code Name of the Subject

14EEM151 Computer Modeling of Electrical Power System

14EEM152 Switched Mode Power Conversion

14EEM153 Engineering Economics & Management



II Semester Credit Based

Subject Code

Name of the Subject

Teaching Hours/week Duration of Exam in Hours

Marks for

Total Marks

Credits Lecture

Practical / Field Work / Assignment/


I.A. Exam

14EEM21 WindEnergy 4 2 3 50 100 150 4

14 EEM 22 SolarEnergy 4 2 3 50 100 150 4

14 EEM 23 Energy Storage Devices 4 2 3 50 100 150 4

14 EEM 24 Computer Aided Power System Operation & Analysis 4

2 3 50 100 150 4

14 EEM 25X Elective-II 4 2 3 50 100 150 4

14 EEM 26 EnergyLaboratory - II 3 3 25 50 75 2

14 EEM 27 Seminar -- 3 -- 25 -- 25 1

**Project Phase-I (6 week Duration) -- -- -- -- -- -- --

Total 20 16 18 300 550 850 23

** Between the II Semester and III Semester, after availing a vacation of 2 weeks.

Elective – II Subject Code Name of the Subject

14EEM251 AI Applications in Power Systems

14EEM252 Bio-Mass Energy Resources

14EEM253 Advanced ControlSystems



III Semester: INTERNSHIP Credit Based

Course Code

Subject No. of Hrs./Week Duration

of Exam in Hours

Marks for Total Marks

Credits Lecture Practical/ Field Work I.A. Exam


Seminar/Presentation on Internship (After 8 weeks from the date of commencement)

-- --

-- 25 --

25 1

14EEM32 Report on Internship -- -- --

-- 75 75


14EEM33 Evaluation and Viva-Voce

-- -- -- -- 50

50 4

Total -- -- --

25 125 150 20



IV Semester Credit Based

Subject Code


No. of Hrs./Week Duration of Exam in Hours

Marks for Total Marks

Credits Lecture Field Work / Assignment /

Tutorials I.A. Exam

14EEM41 Grid Integration Issues of Renewable Energy Sources 4

-- 3 50 100 150 4

14EEM 42X Elective-III

4 --

3 50 100 150 4

14EEM43 Evaluation of Project Phase – II

-- -- -- 25

-- 25 1

14EEM44 Evaluation of Project work – III

-- -- -- 25

-- 25 1

14EEM45 Evaluation of Project Work and Viva-voce

-- -- 3 – 100+100 200 18

Total 8 --

09 50 400 550 28

Grand Total (I to IV Sem.) : 2400 Marks

: 94 Credits

Elective – III

Subject code

Name of the Subject

14EEM421 Planning and Management of De-Regulated PowerSystems

14EEM422 Smart Grid

14EEM423 Soft Computing

Note: 1) Project Phase – I:6 weeks duration shall be carried out between II and III Semesters. Candidates in

consultation with the guides shall carryout literature survey / visit to Industries to finalise the topic of dissertation.

2) Project Phase – II:16 weeks duration. 3 days for project work in a week during III Semester. Evaluation shall be taken during the first two weeks of the IV Semester. Total Marks shall be 25.

3) Project Phase – III :24 weeks duration in IV Semester. Evaluation shall be taken up during the middle of IV Semester. At the end of the semester Project Work evaluation and Viva-Voce Examinations shall be conducted. Total Marks shall be 250 (Phase - II Evaluation: 25 Marks, Phase – III Evaluation:25 Marks, Project Evaluation marks by Internal Examiner (Guide):50, Project Evaluation marks by External Examiner :50, Viva-Voce Examination:100 Marks).

Marks of Evaluation of Project:

• The I.A. Marks of Project Phase – II & III shall be sent to the University along with Project

Work report at the end of the Semester. 4) During the final viva, students have to submit all the reports.

5) The Project Valuation and Viva-Voce will be conducted by a committee consisting of the following:

a) Head of the Department (Chairman) b) Guide c) Two Examiners appointed by the university (Out of two external examiners at least one should be present).



Subject Code 14EPS11 IA Marks 50 No. of Lecture Hours/Week 04 Exam Hours 03 Number of Practical Hours/week -- Number of Tutorial Hours/week 02 Total No. of Lecture Hours 52 Exam Marks 100

Numerical Methods: Solution of algebraic and transcendental equations- iterative methods based on second degree equation – Muller method,(no derivation) Chebyshev method, general iteration method (first order),acceleration of convergence, system of non-linear equations, and complex roots – Newton-Raphson method, polynomial equations – Birge –Vieta method and Bairstow’s method. Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations: Classification of second order equations, parabolic equations- solution of one dimensional heat equation, explicit method, Crank-Nicolson method and Du Fort-Frankel method, hyperbolic equations- solution of one dimensional wave equation. System of Linear Algebraic Equations and Eigen Value Problem: Iterative methods - Gauss-Seidal method, SOR method, Eigen value problem – Gerschgorian circle, Eigen values and Eigen vectors of real symmetric matrices -Jacobi method, Givens method. Interpolation: Hermite interpolation, spline interpolation, numerical solution of differential equations – Numerov method. Optimization : Linear programming- formulation of the problem, graphical method, general linear programming problem, simplex method, artificial variable technique -M-method. Graph Theory: Basic terminologies, types of graphs, sub graphs, graphs isomorphism, connected graphs-walks, paths, circuits, connected and disconnected graphs, operations on graphs, Eulerian paths and circuits, Hamiltonian paths and circuits, applications of graphs. Linear Algebra: Vector spaces, linear dependent, independence, basis and dimension, elementary properties, examples. Linear Transformations: Definition, properties, range and null space, rank and nullity, algebra of linear transformations- invertible, singular and non-singular transformations, representation of transformations by matrices. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. M K Jain, S R K Iyengar and R K Jain, “Numerical Methods for Scientific and Engineering Computations”, New Age

International, 2004. 2. M K Jain, “Numerical Solution of Differential Equations”, 2nd Edition, New Age International, 2008. 3. Dr. B.S. Grewal, “Numerical Methods in Engineering and Science”, Khanna Publishers, 1999. 4. Dr. B.S. Grewal, “Higher Engineering Mathematics”, 41stEdition, Khanna Publishers, 2011. 5. NarsinghDeo, “Graph Theory with Applications to Engineering and Computer Science”, PHI, 2012. 6. Kenneth Hoffman and Ray Kunze, “Linear Algebra”, 2ndEdition, PHI, 2011.



Subject Code 14EEM12 IA Marks 50 No. of Lecture Hours/Week 04 Exam Hours 03 Number of Field work/ Assignment Hours/week 02 Number of Tutorial Hours/week -- Total No. of Lecture Hours 52 Exam Marks 100

History of Energy Management: Energy forecasting, limitations of energy resources, renewable energy recourses, load management, energy management, demand side management (DSM), energy conservation in realistic distribution system, short term load forecasting for de-centralized load management. Energy Situation and Global Energy Sources: World energy consumption, energy in developing countries, firewood crises, Indian energy sources, non-conventional renewable energy sources, potential of renewable energy sources, solar energy types, wind energy, wave, tidal and OTEC, super-conductors in power system, wind power generation for large scale generation of electricity, wind driven induction generators. Energy Auditing as Applicable to an Industry: Classification of energy audit system optimization, power factor improvement, preventive maintenance, process modification, non-conventional energy sources, electricity tariffs, types of off-peak tariffs. Elements of Energy Auditing and Metering Methodologies (Case Studies): Capacity utilization, technology up-gradation, fine tuning, energy conservation, concept and methods of energy conservation. Demand Side Management: Introduction ,concept of DSM, benefits from DSM, DSM techniques, time of day pricing, multi-utility exchange model, time of day pricing models for planning, load management, load priority technique, peak clipping, peak shifting, valley filling, strategic conservation, energy efficient equipment, socio-economic awareness programs. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. D.P.Sen Gupta, K.R.Padiyar, IndranilSen, M.A, “Recent Advances in Control and Management of Energy Systems”, Interline

Publishers, Bangalore, 1993. 2. Munasinghe, Mohan Desai, Ashok V –“Energy Demand: Analysis, Management and Conservation”, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New

Delhi, 1990. 3. N.K.Bansal, KleemanMillin, “Renewable Energy Sources and Conservation Technology”, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishers, 1990.


ELECTRICAL ENERGY CONSERVATION AND MANAGEMENT Subject Code 14EEM13 IA Marks 50 No. of Lecture Hours/Week 04 Exam Hours 03 Number of Field work/ Assignment Hours/week 02 Number of Tutorial Hours/week -- Total No. of Lecture Hours 52 Exam Marks 100

Power Sector Reforms in India: Study of power sector reforms, various governmental and non-governmental agencies related to power sector, power sector rules and regulations. Electric Motors: Motor efficiency, motor selection, factors affecting motor performance, electricity use efficiently, measuring load, reducing under-loading, sizing to variable load, energy efficient motors, power factor correction, flat belt transmission drive, case studies. Pumps and Fans: Pump system design, input energy requirements, sensor location in variable speed design, estimating systems pressure loss, variable speed drives for pumps, fan system design, system characteristics, matching fan and system characteristics, efficient system operation, capacity control, variable speed, case studies. Compressors: Air compressor systems, efficient system design, capacity control, system design for variable loads, losses, refrigeration system design, efficient system operation, matching capacity to varying system load, electrical controls. Energy Conservation in Industrial Lighting : Choice of lighting, energy saving, control of lighting, energy consumption management. Economic Operation of Industrial DG Sets: Maintenance practice, load matching, PF improvement and parallel operation, waste heat recovery in industrial DG sets. Strategies for Promotion of Co-generation: Types of co-generation processes, topping cycle plant, bottoming cycle plant, choice of configuration, effect of legislation, case studies. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. K.R.GangadharRao, “Electrical Estimating and Energy Management”, Sapna book house, 2006. 2. M.V.Despande, “Elements of Electrical Power Station Design”, PHI, 2010. 3. M.M.El-Wakil, “Power Plant Technology”, Mc.Graw Hill International Edition, 1984.



Subject Code 14EEM14 IA Marks 50 No. of Lecture Hours/Week 04 Exam Hours 03 Number of Field work/ Assignment Hours/week 02 Number of Tutorial Hours/week -- Total No. of Lecture Hours 52 Exam Marks 100

Electricity Generation from Geothermal Systems: Introduction, Origin and Renewability of geothermal energy, History of Geothermal Resources, Basics of Geological Process, Geothermal Resources, Dry rock and Hot Aquifer Analysis, Geothermal Exploration, Geothermal well drilling and fluid extraction, Utilization of geothermal resources, Different methods of electricity generation using geothermal resources, advantages and disadvantages. Ocean Thermal, Tidal and Wave Energy Systems: Ocean Thermal - Introduction, Origin, history and Technology Process, Working Principle, Resource and Site Requirements, Location of OCET System, Electricity generation methods from OCET, Advantages and disadvantages, Applications of OTEC, Otec Economics. Tidal Energy - Introduction, Origin and Nature of Tidal Energy, Merits and Limitations of Tidal Energy, Tidal Energy Technology, Tidal Range Power, Basic modes of operation of Tidal schemes. Wave Energy – Introduction, Basics of wave motion, Power in waves, Wave energy Conversion devices, Advantages and disadvantages, Applications of wave energy. Fuel Cells and their Applications: Introduction and classification of fuel cells – based on type of electrolyte, based on type of fuel and oxidant, based on operating temperature, based on applications, based on the chemical nature of electrolyte, development stages and relative performance of various fuel cells, fuels for Fuel cells, efficiency of a Fuel cell, V-I characteristics of a Fuel cell, Fuel cell power plant, environmental effects. REFERRENCE BOOKS 1. Khan, B.H., “Non-Conventional Energy Resources”, TMH, 2nd Edition, New Delhi, 2009 . 2. Tiwari, G.N., and Ghosal, M.K, Renewable Energy Resources – Basic Principles and Applications, Narosa Publishing House,



COMPUTER MODELING OF ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEM (ELECTIVE - 1 ) Subject Code 14EEM151 IA Marks 50 No. of Lecture Hours/Week 04 Exam Hours 03 Number of Practical Hours/week -- Number of Tutorial Hours/week 02 Total No. of Lecture Hours 52 Exam Marks 100

Introduction to Modeling of Power Transmission Plant: Introduction, linear transformation techniques, basic single phase modeling, three phase system analysis, three phase models of transmission lines and transformers, formation of the system admittance matrix. Modeling of Static AC-DC Conversion Plant: Introduction, rectification, inversion,commutation reactance, DC transmission. Load Flow: Introduction, basic nodal-method, conditioning of Y matrix when one voltage is known, analytical definition of the problem, Newton-Raphson method of solving load flow problem, techniques that make Newton-Raphson method competitive in load flow, characteristics of the Newton-Raphson load flow method, decoupled Newton load flow method, fast decoupled load flow, convergence criteria and tests, numerical examples. AC-DC Load Flow: Introduction, formulation of the problem, DC system model, solution techniques, control of converter AC terminal voltage, extension to multiple and or multi-terminal DC systems, DC convergence tolerance, test system and results, numerical examples. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. J. Arrillaga and C.P.Arnold and B.J.Harker, “Computer Modeling of Electrical Power Systems”, Wiley Inter-science

Publications, John Wiley & Sons, 2ndEdition,(Student Edition), 2011. 2. E.Clarke-“Circuit Analysis of AC Power Systems”, Vol.I John Wiley & Sons Ltd, New York, 2006. 3. Glenn W.Stagg and E.L.Abiad, “Computer Method in Power System Analysis”, McGraw Hill Publishers, 1968. 4. E.W.Kimbark “Direct Current Transmission”, Vol.1, Wiley Inter-Science, London, 2006.



Subject Code 14EEM152 IA Marks 50 No. of Lecture Hours/Week 04 Exam Hours 03 Number of Practical Hours/week -- Number of Tutorial Hours/week 02 Total No. of Lecture Hours 52 Exam Marks 100

DC – DC Converters (Basic Converters): Linear voltage regulators (LVRs), a basic switching converter(SMPC), comparison between LVR & SMPC, principle of operation and analysis of buck converter analysis, inductor current ripple and output voltage ripple, capacitor resistance effect, synchronous rectification, design considerations, buck converter for discontinuous current operation, principle of operation and analysis of boost converter, inductor current ripple and output voltage ripple, inductor resistance effect, design considerations, boost converter for discontinuous current operation ,principle of operation and analysis of buck-boost converter analysis, inductors current ripple and output voltage ripple, design considerations, buck-boost converter for discontinuous current operation, principle of operation and analysis of CUK converter , inductor current ripple and output voltage ripple, capacitor resistance effect, design considerations, single ended primary inductance converter(SEPIC). Derived Converters: Introduction, transformer models, principle of operation and analysis of fly back converter-continuous and discontinuous current mode of operation, design considerations,principle of operation and analysis of forward converter, design considerations, double ended(Two switch) forward converter, principle of operation and analysis of push-pull converter, design considerations, principle of operation and analysis of full bridge and half-bridge DC-DC converters, design considerations, current fed converters, multiple outputs. Control of DC-DC Converter: Modeling of DC-DC converters, power supply control, control loop stability, small signal analysis, switch transfer function, filter transfer function, PWM transfer function, Type-2 error amplifier with compensation, design, PSpice simulation of feedback control, Type-3 error amplifier with compensation, design. Resonant Converters: Introduction, resonant switch ZCS converter, principle of operation and analysis, resonant switch ZVS converter, principle of operation and analysis, series resonant inverter,series resonant DC-DC converter, parallel resonant DC-DC converter, series- parallel resonant DC-DC converter, resonant converters comparison, resonant DC link converter. Design of inductor and transformers for SMPC . REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Daniel W Hart, “Power Electronics”, Tata McGraw Hill, 2011. 2. Rashid M.H., “Power Electronics – Circuits Devices and Applications”, 3rd Edition, Pearson, 2011. 3. D M Mitchel, “DC-DC Switching Regulator Analysis” McGraw-Hill Ltd, 1988. 4. Umanand L and Bhatt S R, “Design of Magnetic Components for Switched Mode Power Converters”, Wiley Eastern Publication,

2009. 5. Ned Mohan, Tore M. Undeland, William P. Robbins, “Power Electronics Converters, Applications, and Design”, 3rd Edition,

Wiley India Pvt Ltd, 2010.



Subject Code 14EEM153 IA Marks 50 No. of Lecture Hours/Week 04 Exam Hours 03 Number of Practical Hours/week -- Number of Tutorial Hours/week 02 Total No. of Lecture Hours 52 Exam Marks 100

Interest and Time Value of Money: Simple interest, compound interest, single payments, uniform series payments, interest factors and tables, nominal and effective interest rates, continuous compounding, uniform continuous payments. Methods for Evaluation of Tangible Alternatives: Present worth comparison, equal, unequal live assets, study period, capitalized cost, bond valuation, equivalent uniforms annual cost comparison, rate of return comparison. Replacement Analysis: Review of conventional approach, analysis with time value accounting, current salvage value of the defender, defender and challenger with different lives, additional one year assessment, review of project management – PERT and CPM crashing cost system. Project Feasibility Analysis: Case study, report preparation, depreciation reasons, depreciation accounts, causes of declining value, depreciation methods, cost volume profit analysis, review of conventional approach, analysis with time value, linear, nonlinear multi product analysis. Marketing Feasibility: Types of market identification of investment opportunities, market and demand analysis, forecasting demand (review), forecast control, secondary sources of information. Technical Feasibility: Product design and development, concept of concurrent engineering, plant design and capacity planning, equipment selection, process planning, line balancing, purchasing, make versus buy decisions, productivity analysis. Financial feasibility: Means of financing, financial institutions – all India and state level, profitability, cash flows of a project, financial leverage of a business, tax factors in investment analysis, direct, indirect, advance tax, tax rates, incentives for new industries in backward areas. Risk Analysis and Decision Trees: Recognizing risk, including risk in economic analysis, expected value, payoff table, decision trees, discounted decision trees, present economic policy, liberalization, privatization, globalization, scope for industrial growth. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. James.L.Riggs, David D. Bedworth, Sabah U. Randhawa “Engineering Economics”, TMH, 4thEdition, 2011. 2. Prasanna Chandra, “Projects”, TMH, New Delhi, 7thEdition, 2009. 3. Norman.N.Barish, “Economics Analysis for Engineering and Managerial Decision Making”, McGraw Hill Book Company,

1983. 4. Leland.T.Blank, Anthony.J.Jarquin, “Engineering Economy”, 7thEdition, McGraw Hill Company, 2011.


ENERGY LABORATORY-I Subject Code 14EEM16 IA Marks 25 No. of Lecture Hours/Week -- Exam Hours 03 Number of Practical 03 Number of Tutorial Hours/week -- Total No. of Lecture Hours -- Exam Marks 50

1. Measurement of kinetic energy: Linear and rotational

2. Determination of calorific values of coal, LPG

3. Test on energy efficient motors and characteristics: Comparison of performance

4. Measurement of solar radiation and sunshine hours

5. Measurement of emissivity, reflectivity and transitivity

6. Performance testing of solar flat water heater, forced flow and thermosyphon systems

7. Measurement of V-I characteristics of solar panel at various levels of insolation and the identification of

equivalent circuit parameters

8. Performance testing of solar air heater and dryer and desalination unit

9. Measurement of efficiency and concentration ratio of solar flat and linear parabolic thermal concentrators

10. Study of sun tracking system by mechanical movements

11. Testing and performance analysis of solar PV operated pump



Subject Code 14EEM17 IA Marks 25 No. of Lecture Hours/Week -- Exam Hours -- Number of contact Hours/week 03 Number of Tutorial Hours/week -- Total No. of contactHours -- Exam Marks --

The aim of the seminar is to inculcate self-learning, face audience, enhance communication skill, involve in group discussion and present his ideas. Each student, under the guidance of a Faculty, is required to

i) Choose a topic of his/her interest relevant to the Course of Specialization ii) Carryout literature survey, organize the subject topics in a systematic order iii) Prepare the report with own sentences iv) Type the matter to acquaint with the use of Micro-soft equation and drawing tools or any such

facilities v) Present the seminar topic at least for 20 minutes orally and/or through power point slides vi) Answer the queries and involve in debate/discussion lasting for about 10 minutes vii) Submit two copies of the typed report with a list of references

The participants shall take part in discussion to foster friendly and stimulating environment in which the students are motivated to reach high standards and become self-confident. The internal assessment marks shall be awarded by a committee consisting of at least two staff members based on the relevance of the topic, presentation skill, participation in the question and answer session and quality of report.


Subject Code 14EEM21 IA Marks 50 No. of Lecture Hours/Week 04 Exam Hours 03 Number of Field work/ Assignment Hours/week 02 Number of Tutorial Hours/week -- Total No. of Lecture Hours 52 Exam Marks 100

Wind Characteristics: Wind generation, meteorology of wind, world distribution of wind, wind speed variation with height, wind speed statistics. Wind Measurements:Eolian features, biological indicators, rotational anemometers, other anemometers, wind measurements with balloons. Wind Turbine- Power Energy and Torque: Power output from an ideal turbine, aerodynamics, transmission and generator efficiency, torque at constant speeds, drive train oscillators, turbine shaft power and torque at variable speeds, tower and systems installations, specific types of towers, tower height, towers and system raising, wiring, lightning protection, installation and maintenance of other equipment. Wind Turbine Connected to the Electrical Network: The synchronous generator, per unit calculation, the induction machine, features of the electrical network. Wind Turbines with Asynchronous Electrical Generators: Asynchronous systems, DC shunt generator with battery load, self-excitation of the induction generator, Roesel generator, single phase operation of the induction generator. Asynchronous Loads: Piston water pumps, centrifugal pumps, paddle wheel heaters, electrolysis cells. Economics of Wind Systems: Capital costs, economic concepts, value of wind generated electricity, hidden costs and non-economic factors in industrialized nations.


1. Dan Chiras, “Wind Power Basics”, New Society Publishers, 2010. 2. Dan Charis, Mick Sagrillo, LanWoofenden, “Power from the Wind”, New Society Publishers, 2009. 3. Erich Hau, “Wind Turbines-Fundaments, Technologies, Applications, Economics”, 2ndEdition, Springer Verlag, Berlin

Heidelberg, NY, 2006. 4. Joshue Earnest, Tore Wizelius, “Wind Power and Project Development”, PHI, 2011. 5. Tony Burton, D. Sharpe, N. Jenkins, E. Bossanyi, “Wind Energy Handbook”,, John Wiley Publications, 2001. 6. Paul Gipe, “Wind Energy Basics”, Chelsea Green Publications, 1999.



Subject Code 14EEM22 IA Marks 50 No. of Lecture Hours/Week 04 Exam Hours 03 Number of Field work/ Assignment Hours/week 02 Number of Tutorial Hours/week -- Total No. of Lecture Hours 52 Exam Marks 100

Introduction: Man and energy, India's production and resources, energy alternatives. Solar Radiation: The sun as the source of radiation, solar radiation at the earth's surface, instruments for measuring solar radiation and sunshine, solar radiation data, empirical equations for predicting the availability of solar radiation, solar radiation on filled surfaces. Flat Plate Collectors: Introduction, liquid plate collector, materials for flat plate collector, efficiency of flat plate collector, other types of solar air heaters, some novel designs of solar air heaters, solar ponds, tubular solar energy collectors. Solar Concentrating Collectors: Introduction, parameter characteristics of solar concentrators, classifications of solar concentrators, thermodynamic limits to concentration, solar concentrator mountings. Solar Water Heating and Solar Cookers: Built in type solar water heaters, performance prediction of solar water heater, introduction and type of solar cookers, performance of box type solar cooker. Application of Solar Thermal Energy: Solar desalination, solar drying house heating, passive solar house heating, solar energy for industrial process heat, solar heating of building, solar refrigeration, solar furnaces, solar powered thermal water pump, solar thermal energy storage. Economic Analysis: Introduction, net present value concept, lifecycle cost method, cost benefit comparison method, paybackperiod method. REFERENCE BOOKS 1.H.P.Garg and J.Prakash, “Solar Energy Fundamentals”, TMH, 2000. 2. S.P.Sukhatme, “Solar Energy, Principles of Thermal Collection and Storage,” TMH, 2010. 3 A.A.M.Sayigh, “Solar Energy Application in Buildings”. New York: Academic Press, 1979. 4. A.E.Dixon and J.D.Leslie, “Solar Energy Conversion”, Elsevier, 1979.


ENERGY STORAGE DEVICES Subject Code 14EEM23 IA Marks 50 No. of Lecture Hours/Week 04 Exam Hours 03 Number of Field work/ Assignment Hours/week 02 Number of Tutorial Hours/week -- Total No. of Lecture Hours 52 Exam Marks 100

Introduction : Traditional use of fuels for storage, load management, space conditioning, transportation, utility system, variable energy sources, role of different energy forms, energy quality, energy efficiency, energy and power densities. Storage Methods: Mechanical energy storage – gravitational (elevated masses, natural water cycle, pumped hydro-storage), elastic (solid springs and rubber, compressed gases), kinetic energy (linear motion, rotational motion, fly wheels). Electromagnetic energy storage – static fields, transient electric fields, magnetic materials, transient magnetic fields, radiant storage. Electro-chemical storage- Electro-chemical cell, fuel cells, batteries (lead acid, alkaline electrolyte, high temperature). Chemical reaction storage-phase transition, heat capacity, nuclear fuel. Organic Fuels: Biomass (living bio-mass storage, harvested bio-mass, coal lignite and peat), liquid bio-fuels (oil, synthetic crude, liquid fuels iron biomass), gaseous bio-fuels (natural gas, synthesized gas, gaseous fuels from biomass). Hydrogen – gaseous and liquid hydrogen, hydrides. Energy Storage Systems: Storage applications – utilities, transport, industry, house hold, total energy system – hybrid, combined, integrated. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Johannes Jensen Bent Squrensen, “Fundamentals of Energy Storage”, John Wiley, NY, 1984. 2 M. Barak (Editor) Electrochemical Power Sources: Primary and Secondary Batteries by, P. Peregrinus,IEE,1980 . 3.Baader, W. Dohne, E, Brenndorfer, “Bio-gas in Theory and Practice”,[Russian translation], Kolos, Moscow 1982. 4.P.D.Dunn, “Renewable Energies”, Peter Peregrinus Ltd, London, United Kingdom , 1st Edition, 1986. .


COMPUTER AIDED POWER SYSTEM OPERATION & ANALYSIS Subject Code 14EEM24 IA Marks 50 No. of Lecture Hours/Week 04 Exam Hours 03 Number of Field work/ Assignment Hours/week 02 Number of Tutorial Hours/week -- Total No. of Lecture Hours 52 Exam Marks 100

Interchange Evaluation and Power Tools: Introduction, economy interchange, economy interchange evaluation, interchange evaluation with unit commitment, multiple interchange contracts, after the fact production costing, transmission losses in transaction evaluation, other types of interchange, capacity interchange, diversity interchange, energy banking, emergency power interchange, inadvertent power exchange, power tools - the energy broker system, centralized economic dispatch of a power pool, allocating pool saving, problems and further readings. Power System Security: Introduction, factors affecting power system security, contingency analysis, detection of network problems - network sensitivity factors, AC load flow methods, correcting the generation dispatch, correcting the generation dispatch by sensitivity methods, compensated factors, correcting the generation dispatch using linear programming. State Estimation in Power Systems: Introduction, power system state estimation, maximum likelihood weighted least squares estimation – introduction, maximum likelihood concepts, matrix formulation, example of weighted least squares state estimation, state estimation in AC networks-development of method, typical results of state estimation on an AC network, introduction to advanced topics in state estimation - detection and identification of bad measurements, estimation of quantities not being measured, network observability and pseudo-measurements, applications of power system state estimation - derivation of least squares equations, problems.

REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Allen.J Wood Bruce F.Wollenberg, “Power Generation Operation and Control” ,2nd Edition, Wiley India,2009. 1. 2. George L Kusic, “Computer Aided Power System Analysis”, CRC Press, 2nd Edition Second Indian reprint,2014.


AI APPLICATIONS IN POWER SYSTEMS (ELECTIVE - II ) Subject Code 14EEM251 IA Marks 50 No. of Lecture Hours/Week 04 Exam Hours 03 Number of Practical Hours/week -- Number of Tutorial Hours/week 02 Total No. of Lecture Hours 52 Exam Marks 100

Introduction: AI, Definition, history and evolution of AI, essential abilities of Intelligence and AIapplications. Problem Solving: Problem characteristics, problem search strategies, forward and backward reasoning, AND-OR goal trees, game trees, search methods – informed and uninformed search, breadth first search and depth first search methods. Knowledge Representation: Logical formalisms: prepositional and predicate logic, syntax and semantics, wffs, clause form expressions, resolutions – use of RRTs for proofs and answers, examples from electric power systems. Non-monotonic logic: TMS, modal, temporal and fuzzy logic. Structured Representation of Knowledge: ISA/ISPART trees, associative/ semantic sets, frame and scripts, examples from electric power systems. AI Language: LISP and ProLog – Introduction, sample segments, LisP primitives, manipulation functions, function predicates, variables, iteration and recursion, property lists, sample programs from electric power systems.

REFERENCE BOOKS 1. K.Warwick, A.O. Ekwue and R. Aggarwal, Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Power Systems. 2. Patterson D.W., Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems, PHI, 1992 3. Charniak E., and McDermott D., Introduction to AI, Addison-Wesley, 1985.



Subject Code 14EEM252 IA Marks 50 No. of Lecture Hours/Week 04 Exam Hours 03 Number of Practical Hours/week -- Number of Tutorial Hours/week 02 Total No. of Lecture Hours 52 Exam Marks 100

Introduction : Bio-energy, Photo-synthesis and fuel production in a nutshell. Solar Energy and Photo-Synthesis: Solar energy-down to earth, mechanisms of photo synthesis. Energy from Bio-Mass: Bio-gas generation, factors affecting bio-digestion or generation of gas, types of bio-gas plants, constructional details of some main digesters, bio-gas from plant wastes, digester design considerations, methods for maintaining bio-gas production, problems related to bio-gas plant. Bio-Energy Conversion Technology: An overview, anaerobic digestion, alcoholic fermentation, chemical reduction, gasification, pyrolysis, direct combustion. Economics of Bio-Mass Systems: General considerations, net present value, energy payback time, some conventional economic costing, costs of bio-mass fuels relative prices of biological and other fuels. Present Developments and Future Prospects: The state of the art – an over view, hydrogen and electricity via bio-photolysis – hope for the future, petrol pump plants,improving plant productivity I and II, conservation through integration – a system approach, bio-mass potential for national energy autonomy, the biological path to self-reliance.

REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Caye M. Drapcho, Nghiem PhuNhuan and Terry H. Walker, “Biofels Engineering Process Technology”, McGraw Hill

Publication, 2008. 2. Dominik Rutz, Rainer Janseen, “Biofuel Technology Handbook”, WIP Renewable Energies, 2007. 3. Khan B. H., “Non-Conventional Energy Resources”, Tata McGraw Hill Publication, 2nd Edition, 2009. 4. Tiwari G. N, Ghosal M. K, “Fundamentals of Renewable Energy Resources”, Narosa Publication, 2007. 5. Rai G. D, “Non-Conventional Energy Resources”, Khanna Publishers, 4th Edition, 2000. 6. Datye K. R, Suhas, Paranjape, Joy K. J, “Banking on Bio-Mass”, Center for Environmental Education, 1997.


ADVANCED CONTROLSYSTEMS (ELECTIVE - II ) Subject Code 14EEM253 IA Marks 50 No. of Lecture Hours/Week 04 Exam Hours 03 Number of Practical Hours/week -- Number of Tutorial Hours/week 02 Total No. of Lecture Hours 52 Exam Marks 100

Digital Control Systems: Review of difference equations and Z-transforms, Z- transfer function (Pulse transfer function), Z-Transforms analysis sampled data systems, stability analysis (Jury’s Stability Test and Bilinear Transformation), pulse transfer functions and different configurations for closed loop discrete-time control systems. Modern Control Theory : I State model for continuous time and discrete time systems, solutions of state equations (for both continuous and discrete systems), concepts of controllability and observability (for both continuous and discrete systems), pole placement by state feedback (for both continuous and discrete systems), full order and reduced order observes (for both continuous and discrete systems), dead beat control by state feedback, optimal control problems using state variable approach, state regulator and output regulator, concepts of model reference control systems, adaptive control systems and design. Non Linear Control Systems: Common nonlinearities, singular points, stability of nonlinear systems - phase plane analysis and describing function analysis, Lyapunov’s stability criterion, Popov’s criterion. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Ogata. K. “Modern Control Engineering”, PHI, 2011. 2. Ogata K “Discrete Time Control Systems”, 2ndEdition, PHI, 2011. 3. Nagarath and Gopal, “Control Systems Engineering”, New Age International, 2012. 4. M Gopal“Modern Control System Theory”, New Age International, 2011. 5. M. Gopal, “Digital Control & State Variable Methods”, TMH, 2011.


ENERGY LABORATORY - II Subject Code 14EEM26 IA Marks 25 No. of Lecture Hours/Week -- Exam Hours 03 Number of Practical Hours/week 03 Number of Tutorial Hours/week -- Total No. of Practical Hours -- Exam Marks 50

1. Study of storage battery: Charging & discharging characteristics and maintenance

2. Determination of efficiency of DC-AC inverter and DC-DC converters

3. Energy audit of following installations and payback analysis, financial work sheet with reference to a

renewable energy project

a. Workshop b. Building lighting and ventilation c. Air conditioning systems d. Ice factory e. Small chemical plant f. Foundry g. IT Company h. Large scale hotels i. Labs in academic institutions

4. Series and parallel connection of solar panel and effect shading

5. Modeling and simulation of solar photovoltaic arrays

6. Effect of temperature on V-I characteristics of photovoltaic panels

7. Calculation of parameters of solar panel: Fill factor, VOC, ISC, Losses

8. Development of algorithm for MPPT of solar PV system using measured insolation

9. Mathematical modeling of solar photovoltaic arrays: Different types

10. Study of multi junction solar cells: Characteristics


SEMINAR Subject Code 14EEM27 IA Marks 25 No. of Lecture Hours/Week -- Exam Hours -- Number of contact Hours/week 03 Number of Tutorial Hours/week -- Total No. of Hours -- Exam Marks --


INTERNSHIP Subject Code 14EEM31 IA Marks Seminar/Presentation 25 Duration

16 weeks Exam Marks

14EEM32 Report on Internship 75 14EEM33 Internship Evaluation and Viva-voce 50



Subject Code 14EEM41 IA Marks 50 No. of Lecture Hours/Week 04 Exam Hours 03 Number of Practical Hours/week -- Number of Tutorial Hours/week -- Total No. of Lecture Hours 52 Exam Marks 100

Variable Renewables and the Grid: Introduction, renewable energy source variability, grid operational requirements, base load capacity displacement with increasing wind penetration. Wind Power on the Grid: Introduction, electricity system operation, wind characteristics, managing a network with wind, capacity credits, total extra costs of wind energy, wind energy penetration levels above 20 percent, influence of national and regional differences. Renewable Resource Characteristics and Network Integration: Introduction, renewable electricity generation, characteristic, integration issues; reactive power control, voltage control, short circuit power control, flicker and harmonics control, operational issues; short term balancing, long term balancing, stability in grid network, frequency control, transmission and distribution system impacts with wind power plants, unit commitment and economic dispatch, renewable electricity supply and demand patterns, role of wind power in providing capacity on electrical networks. Review of Costs and Impacts of Intermittency: Introduction, power system reliability and operation, misconceptions and sources of controversy, quantitative findings on impacts and costs. Wind Power Forecasting: Introduction, applications of wind power forecasting, steps in a fore forecasting system, numerical weather prediction, different approaches to the power output forecast, forecast horizon, regional up-scaling, smoothing effect, forecast accuracy, examples. Flexibility of Fossil Fuel Plant in a Renewable Energy Scenario: Introduction, existing system advanced generating plants, energy savings and the issue of climate change, design and operation of coal and natural gas powered steam plants, pseudo intermittency with existing plants, effects on plant components and reliability, intermittency and plants of the future. Renewable Electricity System: Introduction, scenario context, sustainable electricity system, system integration and optimization. Reliable Power and Planning: Wind resources, absence of wind blow, offshore wind power, wind power farm output forecasting, cost estimates of new grid and wind farms. Renewable source-dominated energy supply systems, energy storage and demand side management.

REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Godfrey Boyle,“Renewable Electricity and the Grid;The Challenge of Variability”, Earthscan Publishers,London,2007. 2. Joshue Earnest, Tore Wizelius,“Wind Power and Project Development”,PHI,2011. 3. Alirezaigh,Omer C .Onar, “Energy Harvesting : Solar Wind and Ocean Energy Conversion Systems”,CRC Press,2010.



(ELECTIVE - III ) Subject Code 14EEM421 IA Marks 50 No. of Lecture Hours/Week 04 Exam Hours 03 Number of Practical Hours/week -- Number of Tutorial Hours/week -- Total No. of Lecture Hours 52 Exam Marks 100

Deregulation of the Electricity Supply Industry: Introduction, meaning of deregulation, background to deregulation and the current situation around the world, benefits from a competitive electricity market, after effects of deregulation. Power System Economic Operation Overview: Introduction, economical load dispatch, optimal power flow as a basic tool, unit commitment, formation of power pools. Power System Operation in Competitive Environment: Introduction, role of independent system operator (ISO), operational planning activities of ISO,operational planning activities of a Genco. Transmission Open Access and Pricing Issues: Introduction, power wheeling, transmission open access, cost components in transmission, pricing of power transactions, transmission open access and pricing mechanisms in various countries, developments in international transmission pricing in Europe, security management in deregulated environment, congestion management in deregulation. Ancillary Services Management: Ancillary services and management in various countries, reactive power as an ancillary service. Reliability and Deregulation: Terminology, reliability analysis, network model, reliability costs, hierarchical levels, reliability and deregulation, performance indicators.

REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Kankar Bhattacharya, Math H J Bollan, Jaap E Daalder, “Operation of Restructured Power Systems”, Kluwer Academic

Publishers, 2001. 2. Loi Lei Lai, “Power System Restructuring and Deregulation; Trading, Performance and Information Technology”, John Wiley

and Sons, Ltd, 2002.


SMART GRID (ELECTIVE - III ) Subject Code 14EEM422 IA Marks 50 No. of Lecture Hours/Week 04 Exam Hours 03 Number of Practical Hours/week -- Number of Tutorial Hours/week -- Total No. of Lecture Hours 52 Exam Marks 100

Introduction: Introduction to smart grid, electricity network, local energy networks, electric transportation, low carbon central generation, attributes of the smart grid, alternate views of a smart grid. Smart Grid to Evolve a Perfect Power System: Introduction, overview of the perfect power system configurations, device level power system, building integrated power systems, distributed power systems, fully integrated power system, nodes of innovation. DC Distribution and Smart Grid: AC Vs. DC sources, benefits of and drives of dc power delivery systems, powering equipment and appliances with DC, data centers and information technology loads, future neighborhood, potential future work and research. Intelligrid Architecture for the Smart Grid: Introduction, launching intelligrid, intelligrid today, smart grid vision based on the intelligrid architecture, barriers and enabling technologies. Dynamic Energy Systems Concept: Smart energy efficient end use devices, smart distributed energy resources, advanced whole building control systems, integrated communications architecture, energy management, role of technology in demand response, current limitations to dynamic energy management, distributed energy resources, overview of a dynamic energy management, key characteristics of smart devices, key characteristics of advanced whole building control systems, key characteristics of dynamic energy management system. Energy Port as Part of the Smart Grid: Concept of energy -port, generic features of the energy port. Policies and Programs to Encourage End – Use Energy Efficiency: Polices and programs in action; multinational, national, state, city and corporate levels. Market Implementation: Framework, factors influencing customer acceptance and response, program planning, monitoring and evaluation. Efficient Electric End – Use Technology Alternatives: Existing technologies ,lighting, space conditioning, indoor air quality, domestic water heating, hyper efficient appliances, ductless residential heat pumps and air conditioners, variable refrigerant flow air conditioning, heat pump water heating, hyper efficient residential appliances, data center energy efficiency, LED street and area lighting, industrial motors and drives, equipment retrofit and replacement, process heating, cogeneration, thermal energy storage, industrial energy management programs, manufacturing process, electro -technologies, residential, commercial and industrial sectors. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Clark W Gellings, “The Smart Grid, Enabling Energy Efficiency and Demand Side Response”, CRC Press, 2009. 2. JanakaEkanayake, KithsiriLiyanage,Jianzhong.Wu, Akihiko Yokoyama, Nick Jenkins, “Smart Grid :Technology and

Applications”, Wiley,2012. 3. James Momoh, “Smart Grid: Fundamentals of Design and Analysis”, Wiley, IEEE Press, 2012.


SOFT COMPUTING (ELECTIVE - III ) Subject Code 14EEM423 IA Marks 50 No. of Lecture Hours/Week 04 Exam Hours 03 Number of Practical Hours/week -- Number of Tutorial Hours/week -- Total No. of Lecture Hours 52 Exam Marks 100

Learning and Soft Computing: Examples, basic tools of soft computing, basic mathematics of soft computing, learning and statistical approaches to regression and classification. Single-Layer Networks: Perceptron, adaptive linear neuron (Adaline), and the LMS algorithm. Multilayer Perceptions: Error back propagation algorithm, generalized delta rule, practical aspects of error back propagation algorithm. Radial Basis Function Networks: Ill-posed problems and the regularization technique, stabilizers and basis functions, generalized radial basis function networks. Fuzzy Logic Systems: Basics of fuzzy logic theory, mathematical similarities between neural networks and fuzzy logic models, fuzzy additive models. Support Vector Machines: Risk minimization principles and the concept of uniform convergence, VC dimension, structural risk minimization, support vector machine algorithms. Case Studies: Neural-network based adaptive control, computer graphics. REFERENCE BOOKS 1. Vojislav Kecman, “Learning and Soft Computing,” Pearson Education (Asia) Pvt. Ltd. 2004. 2. Simon Haykin, “Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Foundation” Pearson Education (Asia) PvtLtd, PHI, 2008. 3. M.T. Hagan, H.B. Demuth and M. Beale, “Neural Network Design”, Thomson Learning, 2002. 4. Bart Kosko, “Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems” Prentice Hall of India, 2010. 5. George J. Klir and Bo Yuan, “Fuzzy Sets and Fuzzy Logic: Theory and Application”, Prentice Hall of India, 2012.