April 2017 OUR REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH “The Record” Monthly Newsletter, Volume 56 MISSION STATEMENT Our Redeemer Lutheran Church exists to daily share the message of Christ’s love and forgive- ness to our members, the community, and the world so that more people may receive salvation. Our Redeemer is a member congregation of The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. GOD’S MISSION IS MY MISSION AND GOD’S MISSION IS URGENT! Holy Week Mark your Calendar 4-1, 2 Into the Pews 4-21 LWML Spring Rally 4-23 CCC Spring Fling 4-23 Afternoon with Veterans 4-29 Women's Spring Event 5-7 Confirmation VBS June 5-8 Celebration June 9 April 13 Maundy Thursday 7:00 PM Worship with Holy Communion at the Altar “Reflections from a Roman Centurion” April 14 Good Friday 7:00 PM “Reflections from the Disciple John” April 16 Easter Sunday 7AM & 10:30 AM “Reflections from Jesus” Contemporary & Traditional Blend of Worship Holy Communion received via Continuous Line Easter Breakfast 8:00-10:00 AM Easter Fun for Kids 8:30-10:00 AM

Monthly Newsletter, Volume 56 April 2017 Holy Weekstorage.cloversites.com/ourredemeerlutheranchurch... · 2017-03-30 · Holy Week Mark your Calendar 4-1, 2 Into the Pews 4-21 LWML

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Page 1: Monthly Newsletter, Volume 56 April 2017 Holy Weekstorage.cloversites.com/ourredemeerlutheranchurch... · 2017-03-30 · Holy Week Mark your Calendar 4-1, 2 Into the Pews 4-21 LWML

April 2017


“The Record”

Monthly Newsletter, Volume 56

MISSION STATEMENT Our Redeemer Lutheran Church

exists to daily share the message of Christ’s love and forgive-

ness to our members, the community, and the world so that

more people may receive salvation.

Our Redeemer is a member congregation of The Lutheran

Church – Missouri Synod.



Holy Week Mark your Calendar

4-1, 2 Into the Pews

4-21 LWML Spring Rally

4-23 CCC Spring Fling

4-23 Afternoon with Veterans

4-29 Women's Spring Event

5-7 Confirmation

VBS June 5-8

Celebration June 9

April 13 Maundy Thursday 7:00 PM

Worship with Holy Communion at the Altar

“Reflections from a Roman Centurion”

April 14 Good Friday 7:00 PM

“Reflections from the Disciple John”

April 16 Easter Sunday 7AM & 10:30 AM

“Reflections from Jesus”

Contemporary & Traditional Blend of Worship

Holy Communion received via Continuous Line

Easter Breakfast 8:00-10:00 AM

Easter Fun for Kids 8:30-10:00 AM

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How so? You may ask, “How can one event be both the Pinnacle and the Foundation?” Glad you asked! Pinnacle means “the highest or culminating point as in success, power or fame.” The Pharisees, Sadducees, Chief Priest, Elders and Satan himself all “thought” they were victorious as Jesus hung on the cross, died and was buried. They “thought” they had eradicated this self proclaimed Messiah who had challenged them and their positions of authority and power. This happens when we take matters into our own hands and try to control a situation for our personal gain and benefit. It happens when we rely upon our own reason, knowledge and wisdom and try to eliminate God and His Word from our thought processes. So when Jesus rose from the dead on that first Easter morning all the powers of mans control, reason, conniving and all the power of Satan himself was proven wrong and defeated. Christ is Risen!!! He is Risen Indeed!!! Alleluia!!! His Resurrection is the Pinnacle of the Christian faith for look what it proved:

1. He is exactly who He said He was – God the promised Messiah – for only God has power over death. 2. His Word is Truth and can be trusted for several times Jesus had prophesied that in three days He

would rise back to life and He did! Since He was able to keep that promise He is more than capable to keep all the other promises He makes in the Bible.

3. It means God the Father accepted Jesus’ sacrifice as payment for all sin. For if Jesus had not risen we would still be held accountable for our sins and all would be doomed to hell.

4. Christ’s resurrection means all believers in Jesus as Savior will rise to eternal life in heaven and live there forever with Him! See John 3:16 and also cling to Jesus’ words there and here “Because I live, you also will live” John 14:19.

Secondly, Jesus’ resurrection is the Foundation of the Christian faith. Foundation means “that on which something is founded.” If Christ’s resurrection from the grave did not happen then:

1. The Christian church crumbles. 2. Christianity is reduced to being no different from all the other religions in the world. Their leaders

died and their bodies have remained in the grave but not so with Jesus. Christ’s resurrection continues to be the primary attraction to the Christian faith. It makes Christianity stand high above all other religious thought. So may we lovingly, gently and yet boldly proclaim Jesus who is the only one who has power over sin, death, hell and Satan. It’s a good time of the year to invite unchurched friends, neighbors, co-workers and family to worship with you. Don’t be shy about expressing the four points listed above but as Peter admonishes us: “Do it with respect and gentleness.” Christ is Risen!! Pastor Bruce Noennig

The Resurrection!! It is the Foundation and the Pinnacle of the Christian Faith!

Embrace it! Rejoice in it! Proclaim it boldly!

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DCE Mark Noennig

April 30th – Cookie Sunday April 30th – Frisbee Golf 2:00 PM

College Corner

The Story by MTN

He came a baby born, to live a life of scorn. He lived and He cried, He lived and He died. But now to reign He lives! To us, new life He gives! If we believe Him, who lives above. He gives to us His Love.

An Evaluation

Clara: My pastor is so good he can preach on any subject for an hour.

Sarah: That’s nothing! My pastor can talk for an hour without a subject.

Don Wharton LC-MS Musician

Singer/Songwriter Don Wharton will be with us on Sunday, April 23rd. Don has performed over 3,000 concerts in all 50 states, written 250 songs, recorded 20 albums and written 3 books. He also survived a plane crash in the Bering Sea in 1993. He will be singing worship songs for us in both services and also sharing about the plane crash during Bible Class.

More information can be found at www.life979.com

Upcoming Movie!

April 7th “The Case for Christ” A reporter sets out to prove Christianity is fake and discovers how Christianity changes his life.

Casting Crowns Concert! Fargo Dome on Sunday, April 9th at 7:00 PM

Cookie Sunday – April 30th Last call for delicious cookies for our college students for this school year. Help power them up for their finals. Sign up on the Ministry Action Board and then bring your cookies to the office by Friday, April 28th. Thank You!

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MIND, BODY, and SPIRIT “One Text or Call Could Wreck It All”

With ever increasing demands on our personal and professional time in today’s busy society, learning to juggle multiple tasks at once is something we all face daily. As a result, a new traffic safety epidemic has emerged on America’s roadways that demand immediate attention: distracted driving. Unfortunately, distracted driving is not a passing fad. It has become a trend with deadly, real consequences. For anyone who thinks they can talk on their phone, text, apply make-up, or do any other distracting activity while driving, it’s time for a crash course in reality from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA):

• In 2014, 3,179 people were killed and approximately 431,000 were injured in motor vehicle crashes involving a distracted driver (NHTSA).

• Drivers who use hand-held devices are four times as likely to be involved in a serious crash (Insurance Institute for Highway Safety).

• The percentage of drivers text-messaging or visibly manipulating handheld devices increased from 1.7 percent in 2013 to 2.2 percent in 2014. Since 2007, young drivers (age 16 to 24) have been observed manipulating electronic devices at higher rates than older drivers (NHTSA).

• Ten percent of all drivers 15 to 19 years old involved in fatal crashes were reported as distracted at the time of the crashes. This age group has the largest proportion of drivers who were distracted at the time of the crashes (NHTSA).

While those numbers may sound like just statistics, they’re anything but. They could be parents, children, neighbors and friends from right here in the Fargo-Moorhead community. There are too many sad tales of deaths and injuries that could have been prevented had drivers been paying attention to the road instead of someone or something else. So, why do so many people participate in this dangerous behavior? With more technology now than ever, driver distractions have risen to unprecedented levels. We live in a world where people expect instant, real-time information 24 hours a day, and those expectations don’t stop just because someone gets behind the wheel. Drivers still do not realize – or choose to ignore – the danger they create when they take their eyes off the road, their hands off the wheel, and their focus off driving. According to a study by the Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI), sending or receiving a text takes a driver's eyes off the road for an average of 5 seconds, the equivalent of driving blind at 55-mph for the length of an entire football field. And a 2014 special article in the New England Journal of Medicine found that the risk of a crash or near-crash among novice drivers increased with the performance of many secondary tasks, including texting and dialing cell phones. Text messaging is of heightened concern because it combines three types of distraction – visual, manual and cognitive. In other words, texting involves taking your eyes off the road, your hands off the wheel, and your mind off the task of driving.

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To tackle this ever-increasing problem, NHTSA is focusing on ways to change the behavior of drivers through legislation, enforcement, public awareness and education—the same tactics that have curbed drinking and driving and increased seat belt use. NHTSA’s message is simple – “One Text or Call Could Wreck it All.” So the next time you are pressed for time, and it seems like multitasking in the car is the best decision, remember those 3,179 lives that were taken because someone decided they could do two things at once. A text or call is not worth your life, or anyone else’s. Please see the bulletin board at church for more details and a copy of the “Parent-Teen Driving Contract” available for you. Living for Him, Collette Christoffers, parish nurse

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Address Changes

Dustin & Nathaniel Fick 1221 S Beach Way

West Fargo, ND 58078

Maxine Larkin 701-361-2765

Tessa Anne Nundahl March 1, 2017

Parents: Jeffrey & Amanda (Dumpprope) Nundahl

Sponsors: Janet Nundahl, Kristina Otte Travis & Lindsay Romine

Haven June Finnesgard March 5, 2017

Parents: Nicholas & Stacy (Bjerke) Finnesgard

Sponsors: Paul & Kiera LaRoche

May Newsletter Articles Due April 17th!

Pastoral Acts



Afternoon with Veterans

April 23rd 2:00 PM

In the College room

Contact Greg Brockberg for details.

Please if you have removed your landline or made changes to your phone or address please let the office know.

[email protected] or 218-233-7569. Thank You

Seminary Coin Did you know that any loose coin offerings on Sunday are given to a seminary student? This year all seminary coin is being given to Josh Mork. A member of Our Redeemer who is currently attending Concordia Seminary St Louis.

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From the CCC Director Angela Wheeler…

We also will have CCC Sunday on April 23 at the 10:30pm service (this is part of our Spring Fling), come watch the children of the CCC sing a few of our favorite songs! Join us downstairs following the service for a free will potluck lunch. We will be providing pulled pork sandwiches, please bring sides to share and come socialize with the families of the CCC.

The week of the young child is April 23-29 this year. The week of the young child is when we celebrate the children of our center, their families and their teachers! It is a special time for everyone. Mathew 19:14, Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” Please join me in prayer this week for the children of the CCC, their parents, and our teachers.

Angela Wheeler, CCC Director

Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God, and the skies above proclaim the work of his hands. April is a busy month for us in the CCC. First off, we praise God for bringing Spring with all the new growth, green grass, flowers and warm sun! We also have our Spring Fling fundraiser this month. Look for the advertisement from our board with all the information about our Spring Fling

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April Worklist

Chairpersons: Glenn & Carole Borchers Shane & Rebecca Koenig Skip & Deb Anderson ........................................... 218-233-3058 .................................................................. [email protected] Glenn & Carole Borchers ...................................... 218-287-8049 ....................................................... [email protected] Russ & Pat Carter ................................................. 701-799-0965 .................................................................. [email protected] Andrew & Kristen Frovarp .................................... 701-212-9927 ....................................................... [email protected] William Kirstein .................................................... 218-287-8410 Shane & Rebecca Koenig ................................. (S) 701-566-3871 ......................................................................... (R) 701-361-8631 ............................................................ [email protected] .......................................................... [email protected] Molly (Jeff) Krenzel ............................................... 701-541-0446 ............................................................ [email protected] Darlene Link .......................................................... 406-671-0276 ....................................................grandmalunk55@hotmail.com Craig Mohr ............................................................ 218-236-7210 Walt & Margaret Moratis ..................................... 218-233-6808 .................................................. [email protected] Dave & Pam Mork ................................................ 701-367-6126 ......................................................................... [email protected] Shirley Nelson ....................................................... 218-236-9115 Shawn & Samantha Nygaard ................................ 218-329-9068 ....................................................shawn.nygaard@hotmail.com Kurt Nelson & Mary Krage.................................... 701-790-4991 Mat & Sue Paulson ............................................... 701-367-4709 ....................................................3littlebirdsonline@gmail.com Nicole (Justin) Rohe .............................................. 507-383-6198 .......................................................... [email protected] Virginia Rosenfeldt ............................................... 218-233-4838 Matt & Emily Sagissor ................................... (M) 701-866-0779 ......................................................................... (E) 701-866-4025 ............................................................... [email protected] .................................................................. [email protected] Brian & Michelle Sailer ......................................... 218-287-1600 ............................................................. [email protected] Marv Weispfenning .............................................. 218-233-5326 ............................................................. [email protected]

Please call or email the office with any changes. 218-233-7569 [email protected]. Thank You!

If you or someone you know is in need of prayer support

please call one of the following:

Lois Niewoehner 701-541-2288 Cindy Sprouls 218-329-9035 Darlene Larson 218-233-5295 Church Office 218-233-7569

Pictorial Directories are here! If you have not picked yours up please do so. They are available on the table in the hallway.

LWML Spring Rally LWML Spring Zone Rally will be held at St. John’s Barnesville on Friday, April 21 beginning with registration at 1:30 pm. The afternoon activities will include Bible study and business meeting. Items for the Barnesville food shelf for the ingathering. The rally will conclude with supper served by Saints and Sinners from Sabin at 5:30 pm. At 6:30, Don Wharton will share music and his story of how God had been active in his life. Don is a LC-MS Christian singer, songwriter, author, humorist, film maker, and plane crash survivor. The meal and Wharton concert is open to everyone. A free will offering will be taken.

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And now these three remain FAITH-HOPE-LOVE

But the greatest of these is Love.

1 Corinthians 13:13

4/3 Richie & Laura Noreen 4/7 Brock & Melissa Laffen 4/20 Chad & Patti Lofton 4/26 Ron & Deb Jensen 4/26 Shayne & Katie Wright 4/27 Norm & Marion Eidenschink 4/28 Jose & Katie Saez


5/3 Milan & Marlys Olson 5/5 Duane & Mavis Knutt 5/5 Dennis & Francy Winkels 5/9 Jake & Stacy Hancock 5/18 Steve & Leah Busse 5/19 Shane & Rebecca Koenig 5/22 Bruce & Maxine Larkin 5/24 Greg & Becky Brockberg 5/24 Lee & Jean Nygaard 5/27 Jim & Lynne Barnum 5/28 LeNoel & Enid Lichtsinn 5/28 Steve & Tammy Morgan 5/30 Nick & Stacy Finnesgard 5/31 Dan & Janet Nundahl 5/31 Eric & Erin Pettigrew

LCMS MEN’S MINISTRY – Fargo Saturday, April 22, 2017, 8:45 A.M. – 11:55 A.M. Breakfast & Gospel-centered fellowship for MEN.

Grace, 821 5th Ave. S., Fargo, ND

Project 24: A Home Away from Home Men need to be given opportunities to get to know one another and to grow in their faith through a variety of conversations and activities. They need to see that there are other Christian men who are excited about and committed to our Lord Jesus Christ. Our society does little to encourage men to “be there” for one another or to support and encourage each other. That’s why we need to make some intentional efforts to provide an ongoing, Gospel-centered ministry to the men of our congregations.

Sponsor: Thrivent Action Team Event

RSVP: [email protected]

Presenter: Rev. Michael Giddings Crosspointe Lutheran Church, Fargo

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April 1 Mason Zito 2 Hannah Wold 4 Matt Sagissor 5 Ethan Sailer 6 Marcia Euren Kristie Mark Xavier Saez 7 Ramsey Hammer Xander Nygaard 8 John Biebighauser

9 Brooke Kangas Ellen Puffe 10 Stephanie Counts Jordan Freeman Jazz Hasbargen Andie Janke 11 Shane Koenig 12 Jane Wychor 13 Allyson Boe 14 Delores Pierce Kent Strand 15 Harold Kaste 16 Marion Eidenschink 17 Tom Wychor 19 Kari Erickson Elise Tracy 20 Chad Cota Kara Ellefson Cindy Grandbois Johanna Knutson Wyatt Miller

21 Gwen Bolster Allexis Tracy 22 Nash Armour Morgan Erickson Marjorie Klug Ilene Neirby Pam Tesch 24 Harry Puffe 25 Jonah Bach Hannah Mork 26 Olivia Babolian Annette Krueger Scott Puffe Becky Schmitz 27 Russ Carter 30 Joan Muehler Jeremy Stensland 2 Brandon Hintzen Evan Holt Gwen Noennig Brian Sailer Mike Tracy 3 Tiffany Newman Mae Schultz Dylan Shaw


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April 1 Jim & Lynne Barnum 2 Chad, Patty, Dylan & Gavin Welsh 3 John & Brittney Wychor 4 Keith Strand 5 Mike, Jodi, Elise & Neve Tracy 6 Brian & Brenda Anderson 7 Jane & Krista Arendes 8 Jon, Erin & Jonah Bach 9 Doug & Lenore Becker 10 Julie & Xavier Bendickson 11 Gary, Michelle, Evan & Jenna Bloom 12 Jason Strand 13 Renae Abraham & Samantha Hinkeldey 14 Jim, Jennifer, Arianna & Mackenzie Andeway 15 Geoffrey & Alyssa Bakken 16 Paul & Sonja Beltz 17 Dale, Lois & Daniel Birkeland 18 Russ & Judy Boen 19 Keith Briggs 20 Shelly, Cadyn & Chanley Brown 21 Steve, Leah, Noah & Grace Busse 22 Giny Anderson-Mulari 23 Jeff, Crystal, Riley & Tatum Asleson 24 Greg & Julie Barsgard 25 Dan, Amanda, John, Adam & Ellen Biebighauser 26 Melvin & Dorothy Bork 27 Bret, Kelsey, Annika & Micah Brovick 28 Kelly, Ginny, Andrew & Sam Burns 29 Kayla Dahn 30 Chad, Memory, Ally, Madelyn & Chloe Cota

May 1 Mike, Collette, Emily, Jacob, Bethany, Kevin & Alyssa

Christoffers 2 Skip & Deb Anderson 3 Jerry & Bev Ashmore

Gracious & Loving Father, You have created each of us, and have given us this great gift of life. Help us to treasure each moment, the happy ones and the sad ones, the healthy ones and the weak ones. When our lives are running smoothly, help us to turn to You in thanksgiving and praise. When our lives are in turmoil, help us turn to You for comfort and strength. By Your Word, assure us of Your loving presence in our daily lives. Keep us ever mindful of Your loving promise to always be with us. We pray now for these fellow members of Our Redeemer:

Young in Spirit meets the first Thursday of each month, Sept thru May. This is a time for socializing for members and guests 55 or over.

Young In Spirit

April 2017

April 2 "Freedom in the Spirit" Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Dr. Gregory Seltz Jesus frees you to be the person you were created, redeemed, and called to be. (Romans 8:1-11) April 9 "Humble Strength for Eternal Salvation" Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Dr. Gregory Seltz On Palm Sunday, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, not to set up an earthly kingdom but to overcome sin and death--for us. (Philippians 2:5-11) April 16 "Empty Tomb Hope!" Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Dr. Gregory Seltz The assurance of Christ's resurrection turns wonder into reality and gives us an eternal hope. (Matthew 28:1-10) April 23 "A Living Hope for a 'Dead as Doornails' World" Lutheran Hour Speaker: Rev. Dr. Gregory Seltz No matter how hard the world tries to shake our joy and faith, we have an inheritance in Christ that can never be taken away. (1 Peter 1:3-9) April 30 "Unadulterated Fact" Speaker Emeritus of The Lutheran Hour: Rev. Dr. Ken Klaus The early believers knew two things to be true: Jesus performed miraculous works and He rose from the dead. (Acts 2:22-25)

Thursday, April 6th at 10:30 AM

in the College Room

7:30 AM Lutheran Hour KFGO790 4:30 PM Lutheran Hour KFNW1200

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March 5th, 2017 1.Call To Order – Gary Euren

2. Opening Devotion & Prayer – Pastor Bruce

3. Approval of December 11th 2016 Minutes – Harry Puffe made a MOTION and was carried to approve the minutes.

4. Annual Report Brief Review – Printed copies were provided

Pastor Bruce Noennig

DCE Mark Noennig

DCE Emily Sagissor

Business/Facilities Manager — Jerilyn Kazeck

o The last voter’s meeting notes didn’t include non-budgeted items.

o Jerilyn has been ordering facility supplies and keeping inventory.

o Educating employees on their benefits.

o 75-80 hours for janitor work went through finances.

o Balcony stairs carpet is in progress. Next project will be the bathrooms by the kitchen. Men’s

restroom (downstairs) is complete. Wall moves for the CCC are just about complete.

o Strive for 75 was $1,000 short.

CCC Director — Angela Wheeler

o In need of a chair member and board members.

o Fundraiser dates: 4/23 Spring Fling, 3/22 Lent supper.

5. Any Board Chair who would like to highlight something from their report

6. Announce make up of our CALL committee – Printed document provided.

7. Discussion of Congregational Expectations and Goals – Please complete this and return it to church by 3/26.

8. April 1-2 “Into the Pews” ORLC Project

9. Announcements

All Association meeting Thursday, March 9 at 7:30 at Grace Lutheran Church, in the basement level. All pastors, church councils, Association boards of education, key leaders and Grace school board members are strongly encouraged to attend this meeting about our School. The theme of the meeting is “The state of Lutheran and Christian schools in 2017” Mr Dan Krause author and director, of Graceworks Ministries, will lead us in understanding the mission and ministry of Christian schools today. This will be a great way to know how you and your church can promote & support Christian education in our association school.

Thrivent dollars – deadline for 2016 funds is 3/31/16

10. Adjournment/Closing Prayer

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Red River Association of Grace Lutheran School Monthly newsletter – April

This Year’s Theme: Trust in the Lord - Prov. 3:5

Big Events coming to Grace Lutheran School! Monday April 3 – enrollment fee for 17-18 school year goes up to $225.00. - Don’t forget! The association Pastors will resume our meeting day on April 6 here at the school at 1:30 pm. PTL Book Fair April 10-11-12 April 11 - Grace Lutheran Girls Volleyball game at 4:30 pm April 12 Donuts for Dads Our Grace middle school students will be singing at Trinity Lutheran on April 30th!

Every Wednesday is “Welcome Wednesday “ as each week we will have an open House for prospective students. Share this information with everyone so that they can see what a day is like at Grace Lutheran School.

The teachers and staff at Grace Lutheran wish everyone in our association a very Blessed Easter as we celebrate the suffering, death and glorious resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. For it is our faith in Him that we find our life!

Want to learn more about Grace Lutheran School enrollment or Financial Aide? Just contact our school office at 701-232-7747? ALSO Check our web site, Blog, Facebook page or just call Mr. Hagge our new Principal. We never want financial questions to stand in the way of a great education.

Wish list: Grace Lutheran School has many needs from time to time and so we have created a Wish list that if anyone would be so moved to purchase or locate for us that would be great. Thank you so much for your help. Items in need please contact Mr. Hagge for cost estimates.

New school web site: ($9,000 – 5,000) New Bleachers Light up school sign for in front of school School lunch tables Sensory Table for Pre-K 2 room Larger school lockers White boards (1,3,4 & Pre-K) Brick tuck pointing Digital sign for corner of 16th and university Windows Front walk up canopy or new entrance to school – better security Outdoor fencing on playground (around shed) Landscaping Sports equipment – (Mr. Boe has costs for this) Classroom books – curriculum/equipment At least 5 new computers for teachers ($1300 each) Speak to individual teachers for specific needs Cost of new curriculum is quite high – donations to this fund would help

Camp Grace will once again open at the end of May. I am looking for young adults (college age students) to help with our Camp. We need approximately 5 new leaders to add to our staff. We will need leaders for centers and activities, not to mention recreation helpers. Mrs. Betty Hagge, Mrs. Cindy Noennig, and Kari Lugo will be heading up this year Camp Grace. Please call me if you are interested in being a leader for Camp Grace at 615-479-1438 Come and fill out an application Now! Thank you – John Hagge - Principal

Facebook: facebook.com/gracelutheranschoolfargo Website: www.gracelutheranschool.org Blog: http//gracelutheranschoolfargo.blogspot.com/

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Worship at 8:00 AM & 10:30 AM Wed Lenten Worship at 4:30 PM & 7PM

April 2 Theme: “I AM the Good Shepherd” Scripture Lesson- Is 40:11-17; Heb 13:17-21; John 10:11-16, 27-28 10:30 AM service Baptism of Savannah Rose Arendes. Traditional Order of Worship at both services. Holy Communion celebrated at the Altar Rail.

April 5 “Reflections from Simon of Cyrene”

April 9 Palm Sunday Theme: “Reflections from a Person In the Crowd” Scripture Lesson- John 12:12-19; Phil 12:5-11; Luke 19:28-44 Special Music involvement by Cathedral Choir and Sonbeam Singers

No Worship on Wednesday April 12

April 13 Maundy Thursday 7:00 PM Theme: “Reflections from a Roman Centurion” Holy Communion celebrated at the Altar Rail.

April 14 Good Friday 7:00 PM Theme: “Reflections from the Disciple John”

April 16 Easter Sunday! 7:00 AM & 10:30 AM Theme: “Reflections from Jesus” Blend of Contemporary & Traditional Order of Service Holy Communion via Continuous Line. Easter Breakfast 8:00-10:00 AM Easter Fun for Kids 8:30-10:00 AM

April 17 7:30 PM Prayer, Praise & Healing Service Holy Communion will be offered.

April 23 CCC Sunday at 10:30 AM service Theme: “Recognition and Thanksgiving for Christian Teachers” Special Service involvement by LC-MS musician, Don Wharton. 8:00 AM Traditional Order of Worship CCC Spring Fling along with Potluck Dinner/Silent Auction

April 26 7:30 PM Prayer, Praise & Healing Service

April 30 Theme: “How Were Their Eyes Opened?” Scripture Lesson- Acts 2:14a, 36-41; 1 Peter 1:17-25, Luke 24:13-35 Contemporary Order of Worship 10:30 AM Service Baptism of Chloe Jean Cota

Worship Opportunities for April

Character Matters

Let’s face it. We have really good public schools in Fargo/Moorhead/West Fargo. We could send our kids anywhere and they should be “fine.” Why do we continue to send our son to Grace Lutheran School? One word – character.

The dictionary defines character as, “the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual.” After five years of elementary education at Grace, here is how I define it for our son: Every morning in the car on the way to school, we each take turns saying a prayer. My son will start; I follow. Since we live just a short distance from Grace, I drive slowly. It’s the best part of my day.

He surprises me constantly with what he shares in those prayers; what is on his heart and mind that morning. Last week, one of his prayers hit me hard. To paraphrase, he prayed for the substitute teacher his class would have that week – that she would be able to guide the students in their lessons, and that his classmates would respond to her “in a good way.” I did not coach him on what to say; his experiences in the classroom had already taught him to give his concerns to God and to have a compassionate heart for others.

For me, knowing HOW to come before your God to pray for your substitute teacher, a person that you do not know or may have never seen before, that is how to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God, just like the prophet Micah said so long ago. Our children are being equipped to become the servant leaders of tomorrow because Grace Lutheran School provides an environment that produces the type of character, perseverance and self-control that will give them every opportunity to succeed and be happy in this life.

I would not want it, nor my morning commute, any other way.

David Freitag

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1 9:00A “Into the Pews”

2 8:00A Worship w/Holy Comm 9:15A Bible Study/Sunday School/Special Ed 10:30A Worship w/Holy Comm 11:45A College Lunch 1-3:30P Into the Pews 4:00P Today’s Light

3 5:45P Dartball at Trinity in Fergus Falls 6:00P Prayer Warriors

4 9:30A Senior Bible Study 1:00P Staff Meeting

5 1:00P Quilting 4:30P Lenten Worship 5:15P Fundraiser Dinner 5:45P Cathedral Choir 6:00P Confirmation/Cross Training/Bible Study 7:00P Lenten Worship

6 6:30A Men’s Bible Breakfast 6:30P Women’s Small Group 6:30P Board of Servant Ministry

7 Pastor’s Day Off 6:00P Scrapbooking

8 9:00A Scrapbooking

9 Palm Sunday 8:00A Worship 9:15A Bible Study/SS/ Special Ed/Blood Pressure Checks 10:30 A Worship 11:45A College Lunch 4:00P Today’s Light

10 6:00P Prayer Warriors 6:00P CCC Board Meeting 6:30P Board of Education 7:00P Board of Trustees, Stewardship

11 9:30A Senior Bible Study 1:00P Staff Meeting 7:00P Call Committee

12 1:00P Quilting 5:45P Cathedral Choir No Worship Service

13 6:30A Men’s Bible Breakfast 7:00P Maundy Thursday Worship w/Holy Comm

14 -Church Office & CCC Closed Pastor’s Day Off 7:00P Good Friday Worship

15 10:00A Set up for Easter Breakfast

16 Easter Sunday 7:00A Worship w/Holy Comm 8:00A Easter Breakfast 9:00A Easter Activities for Kids 10:30A Worship w/Holy Comm

17 6:00P Prayer Warriors 6:00P College Servant Event 7:00P Board of Elders NEWSLETTER ARTICLES DUE!

18 9:30A Senior Bible Study 1:00P Staff Meeting 6:00P TNT Fellowship 6:30P Joy Circle 7:30P Peer Ministry Mtg

19 1:00P Quilting 1:30P River Pointe Bible Study 5:30P Dollar Dinner 5:30P Board of Campus Ministry 6:00P Confirmation/Cross Training/Bible Study 6:15P Cathedral Choir 7:30P Worship w/Holy Comm 8:00P Youth Bible Study

20 6:30A Men’s Bible Breakfast 6:30P Women’s Small Group

21Pastor’s Day Off Staff Retreat


23 CCC Spring Fling 8:00A Worship 9:15A Bible Study/Sunday School/ Special Ed 10:30A Worship 11:45A College Lunch 2:00P Afternoon with Veterans 4:00P Today’s Light 4-6:00P Sr High Night

24 2:30P Eventide Comm Srvc 6:00P Prayer Warriors 7:00P Church Council

25 9:30A Senior Bible Study 1:00P Staff Meeting

26 1:00P Quilting 5:30P Dollar Dinner 6:00P Confirmation/Cross Training/Bible Study 6:15P Cathedral Choir 7:30P Worship 8:00P Youth Bible Study

27 6:30A Men’s Bible Breakfast 7:00P Women’s Small Group

28 Pastor’s Day Off

29 11-2:00P Women’s Spring Event “Lunch with Jesus”

30 8:00A Worship w/Holy Comm 9:15A Bible Study/Sunday School/ Special Ed 10:30A Worship w/Holy Comm 11:45A College Lunch/Cookie Sunday 4:00P Today’s Light


Page 19: Monthly Newsletter, Volume 56 April 2017 Holy Weekstorage.cloversites.com/ourredemeerlutheranchurch... · 2017-03-30 · Holy Week Mark your Calendar 4-1, 2 Into the Pews 4-21 LWML

SCHEDULE Apr 2nd 8:00A Jane Arendes (CP), Jan Kandt 10:30A Al & Carrie Wuollett Apr 9th 8:00A Glenn & Carole Borchers (CP), Lois Niewoehner 10:30A Olga Gregor, Walt & Margaret Moratis Apr 16th 7:00A Joan Muehler, Lois Birkeland (CP) 10:30A Bill & Lora Thielke, Lenore Becker (CP) Apr 23rd 8:00A Glenn & Carole Borchers, Carolyn Lichtsinn (CP) 10:30A Mike & Val Cossette, Doug & Becky Schmitz (CP) Apr 30th 8:00A Bret & Kelsey Brovick, Lois Niewoehner 10:30A Bill & Lori Lymburner, Kelly & Ginny Burns May 7th 8:00A Darlene Larson, Kristi Arendes, Jane Arendes (CP) 10:30A Ray & Marlys Long, Doug & Becky Schmitz May 14th 8:00A Lois Niewoehner, Glenn & Carole Borchers (CP) 10:30A Olga Gregor, Darlene Tysdal (CP), Doris Grohnke May 21st 8:00A Joan Muehler, Lois Birkeland (CP) 10:30A Bill & Lora Thielke, Doug & Lenore Becker (CP) May 28th 9:00A Walt & Margaret Moratis, Milford & Jan Kandt (CP)


Apr 2nd 8:00A Kandt 10:30A Busse Apr 9th 8:00A Arendes 10:30A Tysdal Apr 16th 7:00A Nundahl 10:30A Moen Apr 23rd 8:00A Sjurseth 10:30A Euren Apr 30th 8:00A Brockberg 10:30A Lymburner May 7th 8:00A Kandt 10:30A Busse May 14th 8:00A Arendes 10:30A Tysdal May 21st 8:00A Nundahl 10:30A Moen May 28th 9:00A Sjurseth

Apr 2nd Al Wuollett

Apr 9th Ted Helms

Apr 16th Scott Moen

Apr 23rd Al Wuollett

Apr 30th Ted Helms

May 7th Scott Moen

May 14th Al Wuollett

May 21st Ted Helms

May 28th Scott Moen

Contact Numbers:

Ted Helms 218-233-0930 or 218-277-5427 Scott Moen 701-367-5787 Al Wuollett 701-388-6245 Please let the driver know if you would like to be picked up on Sunday or if you do not need a ride. Thank You!

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Our Redeemer Lutheran Church LCMS 1000 14th St S Moorhead, MN 56560 Phone: (218) 233-7569 Fax: (218) 233-7729 Email: [email protected] Website: www.ourredeemermoorhead.org Servant, Ministers & Missionaries Every Member Bruce Noennig Sr. Pastor Phone 701-388-4740 [email protected]

Mark Noennig D.C.E.—Campus Ministry Phone 701-261-3003 [email protected] Emily Sagissor D.C.E. – Youth Ministry Phone 701-866-4025 [email protected]

Collette Christoffers Parish Nurse Home Phone 218-233-2443 [email protected] Jerilyn Kazeck Business/Facilities Manager Kristina Otte Secretary Gwen Bolster Special Education Director Eileen Kangas Sunday School Superintendent Gary Euren Congregation Chairman

Christian Children’s Center 218-233-8270 Angela Wheeler, Director [email protected] Grace Lutheran School 701-232-7747 John Hagge, Principal

Missionaries Rev. David & Rachel Baker Georgia Witt Life in Christ Lutheran in Grand Marais

Worship Service Moorhead Midcontinent subscribers, Channel 99

Cable One subscribers, Channel 69 Sun 7pm, Wed 8pm, & Fri 10pm

Worship Service Fargo Midcontinent subscribers, Channel 99

Cable One subscribers, Channel 68 Sun 9:30am, Mon 7:30pm

Lutheran Island Camp www.islandcamp.org

Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Moorhead, MN Permit No. 361

Easter Service Times

7:00 AM & 10:30 AM

Easter Fun for the Kids 8:30 AM- 10:00 AM

Easter Breakfast 8:00 AM- 10:00 AM

Mission Statement Our Redeemer Lutheran Church exists to daily share the message of Christ’s love and forgiveness to our

members, the community, and the world so that more people may receive salvation.