Patriotic Outdoor Worship Service July 4th @7:30 PM Refreshments will be served following the service. Bring a chair! June/July 2014 OUR REDEEMER LUTHERAN CHURCH “The Record” MISSION STATEMENT Our Redeemer Lutheran Church exists to daily share the message of Christ’s love and forgiveness to our members, the community, and the world so that more people may receive salvation. Our Redeemer is a member congregation of The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod. GOD’S MISSION IS MY MISSION AND GOD’S MISSION IS URGENT! Monthly Newsletter, Volume 53 Weird Animals VBS June 9-13 6-8:20pm Where Jesus’ love is one-of-a-kind! www.ourredeemermoorhead.org Summer Sunday School will be held from 10:15- 11am every Sunday beginning June 1 st in the Fellowship Center. All children, ages 3 and up are welcome to join us for a fun learning time! Each week will be different and will vary between: Family event, lesson, servant event and movie. We are looking for volunteers to help lead one or two weeks during the summer- Sign up on the Ministry Action Board. LIC Day Camp @ ORLC July 7-11 Brochures on table in the hallway Sign up Today! Watch the MSUM fireworks from our lawn!

Monthly Newsletter, Volume 53 June/July 2014storage.cloversites.com/ourredemeerlutheranchurch/documents/June-July .14.pdfSo don’t settle for less . than God made you to be. Connect

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Patriotic Outdoor Worship Service

July 4th @7:30 PM

Refreshments will be served following the service. Bring a chair!

June/July 2014


“The Record”

MISSION STATEMENT Our Redeemer Lutheran Church exists to

daily share the message of Christ’s love and forgiveness to our

members, the community, and the world so that more people

may receive salvation.

Our Redeemer is a member congregation of The Lutheran

Church – Missouri Synod.



Monthly Newsletter, Volume 53

Weird Animals VBS June 9-13 6-8:20pm

Where Jesus’ love is one-of-a-kind!


Summer Sunday School will be held from 10:15-

11am every Sunday beginning June 1st in the

Fellowship Center. All children, ages 3 and up are

welcome to join us for a fun learning time! Each

week will be different and will vary between: Family

event, lesson, servant event and movie. We are

looking for volunteers to help lead one or two

weeks during the summer- Sign up on the Ministry

Action Board.

LIC Day Camp


July 7-11

Brochures on table in

the hallway

Sign up Today!

Watch the MSUM fireworks from our lawn!

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THE RECORD June/July 2014 VOLUME 53

Stay Connected!!...Abide in Christ!

Finally it is Spring time and soon summer! (weather wise, spring was cut short this year, but we can be so very thankful we did not experience the tornados, floods,

fires, blizzards that many areas of our country had this spring). With the arrival of warmer weather many of us think about planting flowers and gardens. As those plants grow before us we have a vivid visual reminder to NOT get disconnected from Christ, His Word and His Church. What I mean by that is this: If a plant gets disconnected from the vine or stem---it will die. Cut a plant from its roots and without exception the branch soon dies because all of its nourishment comes not from the air or the surroundings, but from the root. And so it is for us spiritually, as soon as we get disconnected from Jesus and His Nourishing Word, we begin to starve and soon die. But if we “Abide in Christ” through His Church and His Word and Sacrament of Holy Communion, we get spiritual nourishment and our faith remains not just alive but vibrant and growing.

Jesus taught this in John 15 and quoting just one verse from our Lord and Savior, in verse 5 He says: “I am the vine, you are the branches. If a man abides in Me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing.” By abiding in Christ (meaning worshipping, receiving Holy Communion, attending a Bible Class and having a daily devotion—prayer time) the Holy Spirit does MORE than just keep us in faith! He also bears fruit in our lives, such as a willingness to serve Christ and others, helping the needy, serving on boards or committees, ushering, singing in choir, witnessing, giving of the First-Fruit of our income to the Lord.

In the summer time our church expenses pretty much remains the same and our church attendance is less, which generally results in a smaller offering. I realize people go on vacation (as they should, as do I) and this is good. Seek out a church where you vacation. I also realize people do enjoy the lakes on weekends, but don’t cut yourself off from spiritual nourishment-join us on Wednesdays at 7:30PM for our Mid Week service (which is basically the same service as the previous Sunday). Please remember to financially support the work of Christ’s Church at Our Redeemer during the summer, so if you are gone I ask you to consider mailing your offering or doubling your regular offering the following week. A number of members have chosen to make their offering through automatic withdrawal. (Call the Church Office on how to do this if you want information). Summer Schedule: 8:50 AM Song Fest 9:00 AM Worship 10:15 AM – 11:00 AM Summer Sunday School in Fellowship Center Bible Class in the College Room 6:15 PM Wednesday Bible Class in the Fellowship Center 7:30 PM Worship service Stay Connected by Abiding in Christ and the Fruits of Faith and Works of Service will Shine!! Pastor Bruce Noennig

ORLC’s 75th Anniversary in 2016!!!! Now is the time to form a committee for getting the ball rolling for this special occasion. So…if you have an interest, passion, or desire to be a part of the planning process please let your interest be known to Chairman, Wayne Settergren by August 15th, 2014!

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THE RECORD June/July 2014 VOLUME 53

Thrive That is what you and I as Christians have been made to do. We have been made to thrive. But how can we thrive in “this worn and weary land” as the song by Casting Crowns says? We “thrive” by sinking our roots deep into the Word of God and by drawing at the life giving water of life that is found in the Word. Psalm 1:1-3 put it this way: Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on his law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers. Instead of walking, standing, and sitting in the way of the world; we delight in law of the Lord (His Word)… When we do we are like a tree whose roots are watered by a nearby stream. So don’t settle for less than God made you to be. Connect into Him and His Word and “thrive” on a daily basis as you grow in and grow closer to Him in His Word.

"Thrive" Here in this worn and weary land

Where many a dream has died Like a tree planted by the water

We never will run dry So living water flowing through God we thirst for more of You

Fill our hearts and flood our souls With one desire

Just to know You and To make You known

We lift Your name on High Shine like the sun make darkness

run and hide We know we were made for so much more

Than ordinary lives It's time for us to more than just survive

We were made to thrive

Into Your word we're digging deep To know our Father's heart

Into the world we're reaching out To show them who You are

So living water flowing through God we thirst for more of You

Fill our hearts and flood our souls With one desire

Just to know You and To make You known

We lift Your name on High Shine like the sun make darkness

run and hide We know we were made for so much more

Than ordinary lives It's time for us to more than just survive

We were made to thrive

Joy Unspeakable, Faith Unsinkable, Love Unstoppable, Anything is possible

Joy Unspeakable, Faith Unsinkable, Love Unstoppable, Anything is possible

Joy Unspeakable, Faith Unsinkable, Love Unstoppable, Anything is possible

Joy Unspeakable, Faith Unsinkable, Love Unstoppable, Anything is possible

Just to know You and To make You known

We lift Your name on High Shine like the sun make darkness

run and hide We know we were made for so much more

Than ordinary lives It's time for us to more than just survive

We were made to thrive

Hey! We were made to Thrive

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THE RECORD June/July 2014 VOLUME 53

Movies with Christian Themes: For a long time we as Christians have asked the question “Why can’t there be more “good” movies? Where are the movies that share the Christian faith and leave out all drugs, violence, sex and foul language? Lately, our prayers and pleas have been answered. In just a few short months we have seen the following faith based movies in the theaters: Son of God God’s Not Dead Irreplaceable Alone, Yet Not Alone (New on June 13th)

So, be encouraged. There is hope for better things at the theater. But, we need to go out and support these kind of movies, or this time of faith based entertainment will disappear before our eyes.

Canada VBS Mission Trip We need you! We need you to remember your mission trip and the team members in prayer. The advance team leaves on Fri, July 4th and the rest of the team leaves on Sat, July 5th. Pray for: safe travel, team unity, changed lives, good health, and personal growth. That God would be at work in mighty ways. That Jesus love would shine through the team’s words and faces. That Grand Rapids would see Jesus and not us! Summer –A Time for Growth

June, July, and August—three great months to enjoy some leisure and warm weather. Yes, a great time to observe growth and change in God’s creation around us. And also a time to see growth and change in God’s creation in us. I encourage you to keep “thriving” and growing in God’s Word this summer. A great way to do that is by becoming a part of our Summer Bible Class called “Stuff They Didn’t Teach Us in Sunday School: About This New Thing Called “Church” This study is based on the New Testament book of Acts. The book of Acts won’t disappoint you as it shows us the “Explosive” beginnings of the Christian Church. The excitement began at the end of May and continues each Sunday morning at 10:15 AM and Wednesday evening at 6:15 PM. So come and join us this summer—so you can “thrive” and grow!!

*God gives and forgives. Man gets and forgets.

*Blessed are those who hunger and thirst, for they are sticking to their diet.

*Feed your faith and doubt will starve to death.

*Can you buy an entire chess set at a pawn shop?

*A baby first laughs at the age of four weeks. By that time their eyes focus well enough to see us clearly.

~Mark Noennig

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THE RECORD June/July 2014 VOLUME 53

Adopt A Student I would like to resurrect a program for students that was done here a few years ago. The program is called “Adopt A Student”. What it involves is getting families of Our Redeemer to adopt two students (two because the students feel more comfortable with a friend) and to open your family to them. To be their “family away from home”. You would be committing to inviting the students to your home a minimum of once a month for a meal, sending them a note of encouragement or a package, assisting with rides for them to church and “Connect”. Students will be signing up this Fall and then we will be assigning them to you. If this sounds like something your family would like to do fill out this form in the newsletter and turn it into the office. If you have questions, check with me, Mark Noennig. Thanks in advance for sharing Christ and His love with these young men and women.

Adopt A Student Name: Address: Phone: Home Cell Work Email: Other:

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THE RECORD June/July 2014 VOLUME 53

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THE RECORD June/July 2014 VOLUME 53

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THE RECORD June/July 2014 VOLUME 53

Mind, Body, and Spirit

Lyme disease is the most commonly reported vectorborne illness in the United States – in 2012, it was the 7th most common Nationally Notifiable disease. However this disease does not occur nationwide and is concentrated heavily in the northeast and upper Midwest (see map insert). The Lyme disease

bacterium is spread through the bite of infected ticks. The blacklegged tick (or deer tick, Ixodes scapularis) spreads the disease in the northeastern, mid-Atlantic, and north-central United States, and the western blacklegged tick (Ixodes pacificus) spreads the disease on the Pacific Coast.

Ticks can attach to any part of the human body but are often found in hard-to-see areas such as the groin, armpits, and scalp.

In most cases, the tick must be attached for 36-48 hours or more before the Lyme disease bacterium can be transmitted.

Most humans are infected through the bites of immature ticks called nymphs. Nymphs are tiny (less than 2 mm) and difficult to see; they feed during the spring and summer months. Adult ticks can also transmit Lyme disease bacteria, but they are much larger and may be more likely to be discovered and removed before they have had time to transmit the bacteria.


Erythema migrans (EM) or "bull's-eye" rash • Rash occurs in approximately 70-80% of infected persons

and begins at the site of a tick bite after a delay of 3-30 days (average is about 7 days).

• Rash gradually expands over a period of several days, and can reach up to 12 inches (30 cm) across. Parts of the rash may clear as it enlarges, resulting in a “bull's-eye” appearance.

• Rash usually feels warm to the touch but is rarely itchy or painful.

• EM lesions may appear on any area of the body. • Fatigue, chills, fever, headache, muscle and joint aches, and swollen lymph nodes

Patients treated with appropriate antibiotics in the early stages of Lyme disease usually recover rapidly and completely. Antibiotics commonly used for oral treatment include doxycycline, amoxicillin, or cefuroxime axetil. Patients with certain neurological or cardiac forms of illness may require intravenous treatment with drugs such as ceftriaxone or penicillin.

Preventing tick bites: While it is a good idea to take preventive measures against ticks year-round, be extra vigilant in warmer months (April-September) when ticks are most active. Avoid Direct Contact with Ticks

• Avoid wooded and bushy areas with high grass and leaf litter. • Walk in the center of trails.

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THE RECORD June/July 2014 VOLUME 53

Repel Ticks with DEET or Permethrin

• Use repellents that contain 20 to 30% DEET (N, N-diethyl-m-toluamide) on exposed skin and clothing for protection that lasts up to several hours. Always follow product instructions. Parents should apply this product to their children, avoiding hands, eyes, and mouth.

• Use products that contain permethrin on clothing. Treat clothing and gear, such as boots, pants, socks and tents with products containing 0.5% permethrin. It remains protective through several washings. Pre-treated clothing is available and may be protective longer.

Relative sizes of several ticks at different life stages. In general, adult ticks are approximately the size of a sesame seed and nymphal ticks are approximately the size of a poppy seed.

Find and Remove Ticks from Your Body Bathe or shower as soon as possible after coming indoors (preferably within two hours) to wash off and more easily find ticks that are crawling on you.

• Conduct a full-body tick check using a hand-held or full-length mirror to view all parts of your body upon return from tick-infested areas. Parents should check their children for ticks under the arms, in and around the ears, inside the belly button, behind the knees, between the legs, around the waist, and especially in their hair.

• Examine gear and pets. Ticks can ride into the home on clothing and pets, then attach to a person later, so carefully examine pets, coats, and day packs.

• Tumble clothes in a dryer on high heat for an hour to kill remaining ticks. (Some research suggests that shorter drying times may also be effective, particularly if the clothing is not wet.)

Tick removal: If you find a tick attached to your skin, there's no need to panic. There are several tick removal devices on the market, but a plain set of fine-tipped tweezers will remove a tick quite effectively. How to remove a tick

1. Use fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin's surface as possible. 2. Pull upward with steady, even pressure. Don't twist or jerk the tick; this can cause the mouth-

parts to break off and remain in the skin. If this happens, remove the mouth-parts with tweezers. If you are unable to remove the mouth easily with clean tweezers, leave it alone and let the skin heal.

3. After removing the tick, thoroughly clean the bite area and your hands with rubbing alcohol, an iodine scrub, or soap and water. The above information has been gathered directly from: http://www.cdc.gov/lyme/. Please check out the website for further guidelines regarding Lyme disease. Living for Him, Collette Christoffers, parish nurse

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THE RECORD June/July 2014 VOLUME 53

Pastoral Acts

Death Bernice Sigfrid 5/3

Funeral Bonnie Schulz 5/14

Dan Grohnke 5/27

Address/Email/Phone Changes

Allyson Boe 7179 37th St N

Moorhead MN 56560-7128

Brooke Zarling Hanson 5131 Amber Valley Pkwy Apt 23

Fargo ND 58104

Pat Hoganson 701-238-3518 [email protected]

Rick Hoganson 701-371-3313

[email protected]

Transfer Out Sarah Fox

Transfer to Zion Lutheran Church Glen Ullin, ND

Baptism Xander Thomas Nygaard June 1st, 2014 Parents: Shawn Nygaard & Samantha Freese

Godparents: Madi Ramaekers Andrew Ramaekers

Perry Center is a faith based licensed maternity home, opened in 1986, whose mission is to serve women experiencing an unplanned pregnancy by offering housing, counseling, educational services and a Christian family-centered lifestyle. Each woman is encouraged to build self-respect and confidence so she knows that she is valued and appreciated. They are also encouraged to further their education and obtain employment to alleviate the need for public assistance for themselves and their children. Classes are provided on-site that include conflict, resolution, communication, budgeting, parenting and adoption options, abstinence, accountability, nutrition, exercise, parenting skills, development of values, pre and post natal planning, Bible study and other faith classes. For more information about the Perry Center or if you would like to contribute to the support of the center, brochures can be found in the resource center in the hallway. Contact Carole Borchers or Julie German for more information.


Jenna Miller & Scott Mazour

May 30th, 2014 at Rustic Oaks

Did You Know… Grace Lutheran School puts out a very interesting and informative weekly two page update. If you would like to receive this via email please let Kristina Otte know.

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THE RECORD June/July 2014 VOLUME 53

I Say Goodbye, You Say Hello: I would like to say thank you very much to the staff and congregation of Our Redeemer Lutheran Church. Your encouragement and support has meant a great deal to me during my time at ORCCC. I have loved my time here. ORCCC will always hold a very special place in my heart. I have one final request, please be sure to be as kind and supportive of the new director, Bree Triplett, as you have been of me. Thank you all, God’s blessings to you.

Teachers: ORCCC is looking for substitute teachers. Anyone interested in being added to our sub list should contact Bree 218-233-8270.

Thank You: Thank you so much to everyone who contributed items to our rummage sale. We made over $6,000 at our event. We are very excited to get a new bus.

CAMPBELL’S LABELS: We are still saving Campbell’s labels. We get points for all labels for education. We collect these points until we have enough to purchase items for the center. Please ask friends and relatives to help us out as well. Some of the products that qualify are:

Campbell’s Prego Goldfish crackers Swanson V8

CASH WISE LABELS FOR LEARNING: We are also saving Cash Wise Labels for Learning points. These are printed out with your purchase receipt. ORCCC can collect them and turn them in to get a percentage back in money we can put towards our classroom supplies. A collection envelope can be found on the bulletin board next to the ORCCC sign in desk.

Roger Seibert, ORCCC Director

Aug Newsletter Articles Due July 18th!

As of May 21st the checkbook balance is $1,100.00 with one Sunday offering remaining to pay $6,000.00 in May bills. Through April, our expenses have exceeded our income by $17,600.00 for the year for an 11% shortage. No money from the Budget Support account has been used to keep us current. The most challenging part of budget year is coming up as we enter summer and gifts decline. May God move the hearts of our people to continue with their first fruit offerings to support the missions and operations of Our Redeemer. Cindy Sprouls, Business Manager

From Business Manager Cindy Sprouls

Our Canada Mission Team welcomes donated items such as: Arch Books, Happy Times, My Devotions, Family friendly DVD’s, misc craft supplies, paint brushes, needlework supplies, flour sack dish towels, potholders, buttons and spools of sewing thread. We also could use 500 plastic Easter eggs. Please place items in the box under the Ministry Action Board. Check out the donation board with hearts in the lobby at the top of the steps.

Canada Mission Trip July 5-12

Habitat for Humanity Our labor involvement dates are as follows: Friday, August 8th: Five people are needed for

exterior completion and clean up Wednesday, Sept 3rd: Ten people are needed to do

landscaping and building porches

Questions? Talk to Greg Brockberg Sign up on the Ministry Action Board. Don’t wait to be asked—Just sign up! It encourages others to do the same!

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THE RECORD June/July 2014 VOLUME 53

June Worklist Co-Chairpersons: Ray & Marlys Long Doug & Becky Schmitz Dan & Amanda Biebighauser ........................ (D) 701-371-7798 ...................................................................... (A) 701-371-8528 Kelly & Ginny Burns ............................................. 218-236-9913 Adam & Amanda Erickson ................................... 701-306-7153 ............................................................................ 701-830-0287 David & Gina Freitag ............................................ 701-364-0484 Lee & Chelsea Gartner ......................................... 701-388-2790 Ron & Deb Jensen ............................................... 218-287-9158 Jana Jess ............................................................... 701-238-3869 Duane & Mavis Knutt ........................................... 218-303-4743 Eric & Kelli Larson ......................................... (E) 701-367-3362 ...................................................................... (K) 701-367-9707 LeNoel & Enid Lichtsinn ....................................... 701-235-1100 Ray & Marlys Long .............................................. 218-233-3506 Rita Ludemann ..................................................... 218-230-8729 Renee Mikkelsen .................................................. 218-287-2722 Dave & Pam Mork ......................................... (P) 701-367-6126 Marlene (Claude) Nash ........................................ 218-233-3850 Dan & Janet Nundahl ........................................... 218-287-2766 Eugene & Shirley Radtke .............................................236-5518 Mike Olson ........................................................... 701-293-5708 Doug & Rebekah Schmitz ............................................232-0251 Bruce Sjurseth ...................................................... 218-233-5723 Mildred Weiss ...................................................... 218-236-7750

July Worklist Co-Chairpersons: Milford & Jan Kandt Bill & Lori Lymburner Renae Abraham............................................... 218-303-0772 Tom & Lori Asleson ............................................... 303-0882 Jerry & Bev Ashmore ............................................. 236-6434 Jon & Erin Bach .......................................... (J) 218-640-3769 ................................................................... (E) 218-831-3796 Jim & Lynne Barnum ....................................... 701-866-6782 Alicia (Josh) Bement ........................................ 218-329-6468 Harlan & Diane Bendickson ............................ 218-790-3168 Julie Bendickson ...................................................... 799-9627 Daryl & Christi Bubbers ................................... 218-329-9619 Brian Buteyn .................................................... 701-367-5856 Derrald & Evon Dewald ................................... 701-371-3140 Milford & Jan Kandt ........................................ 701-361-7059 Tricia Kandt ..................................................... 701-200-2818 Diane Kruse ..................................................... 218-790-6422 Bill & Lori Lymburner ............................................ 236-9451 Jerry & Sharon Mindermann ................................. 233-7177 Scott & Tami Moen ......................................... 701-261-0491 Ilene Neirby ........................................................... 233-6410 Adam Neirby ......................................................... 233-6410 Erin (Eric) Pettigrew ........................................ 701-793-1604 Heather (Seth) Plummer ................................. 218-230-5168 Laura Raschke ................................................. 701-318-4640 Brandy (Jay) Rodine ........................................ 701-291-0259 Rita Schmidt .................................................... 701-371-6844

If you or someone you know is in need of prayer support please call

one of the following: Lois Niewoehner 701-541-2288; Cindy Sprouls 218-287-6333; Darlene Larson 218-233-5295; Church Office 218-233-7569

If you would like to be a part of this ministry, send your e-mail address to [email protected].

Personal needs of members may be included. This ministry is separate from the Telephone Prayer Chain.

Tanzania Mission Trip

Glenn and Carole Borchers will be serving on an eyeglass mission team to Tanzania, June 9-21. Members of the eyeglass team are trained to test the eyes and provide the glasses for those who need them. The Gospel message is shared with each person who attends the clinic. This will be our seventh eyeglass trip. Your prayer support both during our preparation time and when on the trip is important to us. Thank you for your support in our mission trip.

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THE RECORD June/July 2014 VOLUME 53

Open House Anniversary Celebration

You are invited to join Pastor Bruce and Gwen Noennig as they give thanks to God for 40 years of Life Together in Christ.

• November 23rd from 2-5pm in the Dining Hall at Our Redeemer • Program at 3:30pm • NO GIFTS PLEASE- we will be honored by the gift of your presence. • Renewal of their vows will take place in the 10:30am worship service on November 24th.


1 Manuel Jerger Arvid Larson 3 April Rosenfeldt 17 Lois Niewoehner Tanyalee Smith Brian Mayfield Mildred Weiss Heather Plummer 2 Morgan Tracy 20 Scott Moen 5 Emma Bjerklie 18 Ed Butenhoff 3 Becky Goltz 22 Austin Neels Karlie Petersen Madison Neyens Morgan Shekore Morgan Wright Dorothy Schulz Annette Redding 5 Daryl Bubbers 23 Evan Bloom 7 Susan Paulson Kaylee Smith Bryan Kazeck Blake Oliver Linda Pederson 19 Sue Johnson Kelli Larson 24 Pat Carter Molly Sustad 20 Chanley Brown 7 Kelsey Brockberg 25 Loreen Schultz Lane Wilson Lee Gartner Doug Schmitz 26 Brian Bulik Rocco Wright 21 Lori Asleson 9 Greg Brockberg Sarah Johnson 8 Kristi Kackman Lindsey Brockberg Cindy Sprouls Courtney Nelson 9 Mark Felde Mira Ellefson 10 Shawn Kazeck 27 Margaret Mohr Stephanie Harman Greg Miller 11 Levi Redding David Seibel Grant Lubenow 22 Roger Willits Luke Tweten 28 Jennifer Osmondson 10 Joanne Gilbertson23 Bev Ashmore 12 Sue Helms Carole Schmidt 12 Janet Nundahl Peyton Dickelman 13 Zachary Smith 29 Deb Shasky Chris Skaurud Angie Neyens Doug Wilson 30 Matt Johnson 13 Jeff Beiswenger Zac Weinzierl 15 Amanda Erickson Edde Kuehl Payton Hausauer Taylor Wilson Lori Ress Andrew Mayfield Larry Pederson 24 Jerome Hasbargen 16 Lois Birkeland July 14 Kendall Goltz Ashlee Larson Jesse Hayes 1 Emma Hancock 15 Sonja Beltz 25 Barbara Kaste

Jennifer Randow 2 Melissa Holum Darlene Ellefson Pastor Bruce Noennig 17 Annika Brovick Steve Kadrie Kelly Janke 26 Adam Biebighauser Spencer Frueh Michelle Sailer 16 Adam Neirby 27 Brooke Gilbertson Brooke Zarling Hanson 3 Lynn Brown Lori Marty 29 Gloria Bloom 18 Shannon Barnum Curtis Fadness 17 Edna Kalsow Arianna Osmondson Don Sannes 30 Kelsey Brovick Bobbi Tweten 31 Dan Nundahl



6/17 Daryl & Christi Bubbers 7/1 Larry & Linda Pederson 6/18 Les & Marge Laffen 7/7 Eugene & Shirley Radtke 6/19 Adam & Monica Petersen 7/9 Gary & Michelle Bloom 6/20 Jacob & Stephanie Jerger 7/9 Stu & Shannon Hoganson 6/20 Clarence & Carolyn Olson 7/10 Bryan & Jerilyn Kazeck 6/20 Kevin & Jennifer Osmondson 7/10 Chris & Tina Skaurud 6/20 Scott & Lois Vorachek 7/11 Matt & Heather Oachs 6/21 Kendall & Becky Goltz 7/12 Scott & Terri Puffe 6/22 Eric & Kelli Larson 7/19 Dan & Amanda Biebighauser 6/23 Harry & Helen Puffe 7/19 Mike & Kim Blythe 6/23 Doug & Becky Schmitz 7/19 Roger & Margaret Willits 6/23 Beau & Bobbi Tweten 7/20 Scott & Pam Wold 6/25 Ed & Doris Olson 7/21 Matt & Emily Sagissor 6/28 Eric & Anne Paul 7/24 Bret & Kelsey Brovick 6/29 Mil & Jan Kandt 7/25 Skip & Deb Anderson 6/30 Don & Vi Sannes 7/29 Kelly & Mary Janke

6/1 Russ & Judy Boen

6/3 Brad & DeAnn Miller 6/4 Harlan & Diane Bendickson 6/6 Jeremy & Monica Stensland 6/8 Gary & Marcia Euren 6/11 Dale & Lois Birkeland 6/11 Mike & Collette Christoffers 6/12 Blaine & Lori Ress 6/14 Glenn & Carole Borchers 6/15 George & Gina Strand 6/16 Scott & Tami Moen

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THE RECORD June/July 2014 VOLUME 53

June 1 Brandon, Jackie, Abigail & Lucas Schmidt 2 Tom & Erin Schwanke 3 Cindy Sprouls 4 Karen Thue, Kyle & Sean Pollack & Jon Sannes 5 Darlene Tysdal 6 Marvin Weispfenning 7 Doug, Taylor & Lane Wilson 8 Al & Darlene Ziegler 9 Tyler Richter 10 Blake Rosenfeldt 11 Howard & Carole Schmidt 12 Dorothy Schulz 13 Bruce, Riley & Katie Sjurseth 14 Willis & Shirley Stelter 15 Kent Strand 16 Beau, Bobbi & Kaeli Tweten 17 Mildred Weiss 18 Scott, Pam & Hannah Wold 19 Nathan Ziegler 20 Jeff, Kim, & Molly Schmidt 21 David & Deb Shasky 22 Jeremy, Monica & Cullen Stensland, Cole Bartels Lauren & Morgan Shekore 23 Scott, Pam & Gunnar Thomasson 24 Scott & Lois Vorachek 25 Loreen Schultz 26 Bill & Marlis Ziegler 27 Giny A-Mulari 28 Jon & Erin Bach 29 Mike & Janel Beauchamp, Alexis & Gavin Hruza 30 Harlan & Diane Bendickson

Gracious & Loving Father, You have created each of us, and have given us this great gift of life. Help us to treasure each moment, the happy ones and the sad ones, the healthy ones and the weak ones. When our lives are running smoothly, help us to turn to You in thanksgiving and praise. When our lives are in turmoil, help us turn to You for comfort and strength. By Your Word, assure us of Your loving presence in our daily lives. Keep us ever mindful of Your loving promise to always be with us. We pray now for these fellow members of Our Redeemer:


1 Jeremiah Bjerken 2 Dan Boen 3 Doug, Becky, Chelsey & Dalen Schmitz 4 Wallace Schulz 5 Chris, Tina, Sydney & Garrett Skaurud 6 Evelyn Strand 7 Marilyn Tinjum 8 Jeff, Deb, Joshua, Stephanie Ussatis 9 Keith & Bernice Wiger 10 Shayne, Katie, Morgan & Rocco Wright 11 Renae Abraham & Samantha Hinkeldey 12 Jane & Krista Arendes 13 Alex & Samantha Beam 14 Doug & Lenore Becker 15 Dan, Amanda, John, Adam & Ellen

Biebighauser 16 Michael, Kimberly, Ayana & Jace Blythe 17 Glenn & Carole Borchers 18 Norma Sliper 19 PJ Solee 20 Keith Strand 21 Chad, Patty, Dylan & Gavin Welsh 22 Chelsea Smith 23 Lori Marty 24 Matt, Jane, John, Mark & Tom Wychor 25 Carolyn Ziegler 26 Dennis & Francy Winkels 27 Brian & Brenda Anderson 28 Chris, Betsy & Nash Armour; Emma

Bjerklie 29 Jim & Lynne Barnum 30 Jeff Beiswenger 31 Dale & Lois Birkeland

August 1 Kevin & Allyson Boe 2 Melvin & Dorothy Bork 3 Margaret Brokmeier 4 Bob, Connie, Brian & Matthew Bulik

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THE RECORD June/July 2014 VOLUME 53

VOTER’S MEETING MAY 18, 2014 OUR REDEEMER LUTHERAN EVANGELICAL CHURCH MOORHEAD Wayne Settergren called the meeting to order and Pastor Bruce opened with devotion and prayer. Voter’s Meeting Minutes: Jon Bach made a MOTION and was carried to accept the May 4th minutes. Jane Arendes made a MOTION and was carried to put the tabled motion from May 4th before the voters. Call Committee: Greg Brockberg provided background on the Call Committee’s role, items studied and how they arrived at the recommendation to call a pastor with 3 – 6 years’ experience. Discussion around past staff and why Campus Ministry wasn’t their preference. Mark provided a summary of the Specific Ministry Program (SMP). President Fondow felt this scenario would be accepted under the program, but there is no guarantee until the application is reviewed. Concern that SMP would go against the Call process as outlined in the Constitution. Pastor Bruce felt this situation would be similar to interns we’ve had in the past that were then extended a Call. SMP costs are $8 – 10,000 per year which would come from the individual and support from the congregation and district. The program application is due 5/30. Gary Euren called a QUESTION on the motion and was carried. Doug Schmitz asked that a written ballot be used on the motion. The ballot results were 37 – No, 20 – Yes and 1 – Abstain. The MOTION to retain the staff of Pastor Bruce, Emily Sagissor and Mark Noennig and to financially support Mark going to SMP if he should desire and supporting him in this effort was defeated. Discussion about the timing of extending a Call and whether the Call Committee had reviewed the 4th staffing scenario suggestion. Paul Beltz made a MOTION and was defeated to delay the Call process for 3 months during which time the Call Committee would be in recess and Mark and the congregation would make application to the SMP. Jane Arendes made a MOTION and was defeated that the Call Committee looks for a pastor or DCE with 5 years’ experience that would be ½ time Campus Ministry and ½ time ministerial duties of the church and strongly recommends that Mark be considered as a candidate. Gary Euren made a MOTION that the staffing situation be sent back to the Call Committee for further research. The motion was AMENDED and carried that the committee be referred to as the Call Study Committee and further study be given to the staffing situation. Proposed Constitution and Bylaws: Printed. Pastor Bruce provided an additional document that gave background of the Constitution project and listed proposed changes. He also shared the reasons for the proposed changes.

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THE RECORD June/July 2014 VOLUME 53

Harry Puffe made a MOTION that the Constitution and Bylaws as presented with the additional amendments be accepted as the first reading. Doug Schmitz AMENDED the motion and was carried that the first sentence of 13.2 of the Bylaws say “The council shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Congregation Secretary, Treasurer (if there is one) or Business Manager (if a member of congregation) and four at large members elected by the voters assembly, as well as the chairman of the elders and chairman of the trustees.” Lori Lymburner AMENDED the motion and was carried that “chairman” be replaced with “chair” throughout the document. Doug Schmitz AMENDED the motion and was carried that 14.6 of the Bylaws say “The council shall appoint all board and committee members.” Jon Bach AMENDED the motion and was carried that the article numbering of the Appendices include the letter of the Appendix before the number (Appendix A would begin A.1.0 and Appendix would begin B.1.0). The MOTION to accept the document with amendments as the first reading was carried. A MOTION was made and carried to adjourn. Pastor Bruce closed in prayer. Submitted by Brandy Rodine, Secretary

The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League Minnesota North District will be gathering in St Cloud, MN, to hold its 26th Biennial District Convention on June 23rd- 25th. The theme is “God Alone is Our Rock” Psalm 62:1-2.

Registration begins on Monday, June 23rd, 11:00 AM at the St Cloud River’s Edge Convention Center. The convention begins with a worship service at 6:00 PM.

Convention business will be electing officers for the following biennium, adopting mission grant goals for mites, and bylaw changes. This past biennium, LWML MN North women have given $135,000 towards mission goals.

Keynote speaker will be Rev Paul Krueger Senior Pastor at Our Savior Lutheran Church, Minot, ND, and Director of Hope Village, Minot, ND. Looney Lutherans will provide entertainment. The Bible study leader is Rev Brady Finnern Pastor at Messiah Lutheran Church, Sartell, MN. Debbie Larson, LWML Public Relations Director, will be in attendance.

You can participate in the Granite Country Mite Walk and other planned activities. The 2014 convention marks our 50th Anniversary since our LWML District was founded. Please join in the celebration as we…serve the Lord with Gladness!

Speak to your society president about obtaining a registration form or visit the District website: www.lwmlmnn.org to download a copy. Registration deadline for delegates is May 23rd. (Registration fee goes up after May 23rd.)

Bring your family for the recreational activities in the St Cloud area while you attend the convention.

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THE RECORD June/July 2014 VOLUME 53

Worship Opportunities for June/July

May Sunday Worship Themes

June 1st & 4th “A Holy Feast” Scripture Lessons- Psalm 51:10-17, 1 Cor 10:14-21 & 11:23-29 9:00A Traditional Hymnal Liturgy Baptism of Xander Thomas Nygaard Holy Communion Received at the Altar Rail Commissioning of Glenn & Carole Borchers High School Graduate Recognition Start of Summer Sunday School 10:15A Fellowship Center June 8th & 11th Festival of Pentecost- “God’s Power at Work” Scripture Lessons- Genesis 11:1-9, Acts 2:1-21, John 7:37-39 9:00A Contemporary Service Holy Communion on Wed June 11th June 15th & 18th Father’s Day! –Holy Trinity Sunday Scripture Lessons - Gal 1:1-2; 26-2:4a, Acts 2:14a, 22-36 Matt 28:16-20 9:00A Contemporary Service Holy Communion Received by Continuous Line on Sunday No Communion June 18th June 22nd & 25th Scripture Lessons- Jeremiah 20:7-13, Romans 6:12-23, Matt 10:5a, 21-33 9:00A Traditional Hymnal Liturgy Special Voter’s Meeting after church in the Nave- Second reading of the Proposed Constitution June 29th & July 2nd Scripture Lessons- Acts 15:1-12, Gal 2:1-10, & Matt 16:13-19 9:00A Contemporary Service Holy Communion Received by Continuous Line Commissioning of Canada Mission Team

Kristina’s Office Hours As of May 19th Kristina’s summer hours will be:

Tuesday thru Friday 7:30am to 4pm

Summer Worship Schedule: Begins Sunday May 25th!

Pre-service Song Fest 8:50am one Sunday Service 9:00am

Bible Study & Sunday School


Wednesday Worship 7:30pm Wed Bible Study 6:15pm

Cindy’s Office Hours As of June 3rd Cindy’s summer

hours will be: Tuesday & Thursdays 9:30AM – 11:30AM 12:30PM – 2:30PM

Voters Meeting! June 22nd immediately after worship at 10:00 AM in the nave. One agenda item only, the 2nd reading of the proposed Constitution & By Laws. The majority if not, all of the corrections have been dealt with. It is important that we continue the process of getting this done and then sent on to the District Constitution Committee for their review.

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June 9th thru 13th Vacation Bible School “Weird Animals: Where Jesus’ love is one of a Kind” 6-8:20pm

with free-will offering dinner at 5:15pm Adult Bible Class 6:15-8:15pm “Culture Shock”

1 8:50A Pre Service Songfest 9:00A Worship/Holy Comm 10:15A Bible Study/ Summer Sunday School 6-8:00P Canada Mission Trip Meeting

2 9:30A Staff Retreat Returning June 3rd @ 4PM

3 9:30A Senior Bible Study 5:00P Prayer Warriors 7:00P Board Meeting: Stewardship, Trustees, & Servant Ministry

4 6:15P Bible Study 7:30P Worship w/Holy Comm

5 6:30A Men’s Bible Breakfast 5:30P VBS Training & Prep

6 Pastors’ Day Off

7 7:00P Jr High Fun Night

8 8:50A Pre Service Songfest 9:00A Worship Blood Pressure Checks 10:15A Bible Study/ Summer Sunday School 6-8:00P Bible Study Leaders

9 June 9-June 21st MOST Ministries Tanzania Mission Trip

10 9:30A Senior Bible Study 1:00P Staff Meeting 5:00P Prayer Warriors

11 6:15P Bible Study 7:30P Worship

12 6:30A Men’s Bible Breakfast

13 Pastors’ Day Off


15-Father’s Day 8:50A Pre Service Songfest 9:00A Worship/Holy Comm 10:15A Bible Study/ Summer Sunday School

16 6:30P Worship Committee 6:30P CCC Board Meeting Pastor Bruce vacation 16-29th

17 9:30a Senior Bible Study 1:00P Staff Meeting 5:00P Prayer Warriors

18 6:15P Bible Study 7:30P Worship w/Holy Comm

19 6:30A Men’s Bible Breakfast

20 Pastors’ Day Off 20-21 Sr High Valleyfair Trip


22 8:50A Pre Service Songfest 9:00A Worship 10:15A Voter’s Meeting Summer Sunday School

23 2:30P Eventide Comm Service 7:00P Council

24 9:30A Senior Bible Study 1:00P Staff Meeting 3:30P Riverpointe Comm Srvc 5:00P Prayer Warriors TNT Redhawks game

25 6:15P Bible Study 7:30P Worship

26 6:30A Men’s Bible Breakfast

27 Pastors’ Day Off


29 8:50A Pre Service Songfest 9:00A Worship w/Holy Comm 10:15A Bible Study/ Summer Sunday School

30 6:00P Personal Prayer Partners for Mission Trip 6:30P Canada Mission Trip Meeting


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6:30 Board of Ed 2 6:15P Bible Study 7:30P Worship

3 6:30A Men’s Bible Breakfast

4 Independence Day 7:30 Patriotic Outdoor Service

5 July 5-12th Canada Mission Trip to Grand Rapids

6 8:50A Pre Service Songfest 9:00A Worship/Holy Comm 10:15A Bible Study/ Summer Sunday School

7 LIC Day Camp

8 LIC Day Camp 9:30A Senior Bible Study 5:00P Prayer Warriors

9 LIC Day Camp 6:15P Bible Study 7:30P Worship w/Holy Comm

10 LIC Day Camp 6:30A Men’s Bible Breakfast

11 LIC Day Camp


13 8:50A Pre Service Songfest 9:00A Worship Blood Pressure Checks 10:15A Bible Study/ Summer Sunday School

14 7:00P Board of Trustees, Stewardship, Servant Ministry

15 9:30A Senior Bible Study 1:00P Staff Meeting 5:00P Prayer Warriors Jr/Sr High Float Trip

16 6:15P Bible Study 7:30P Worship w/Holy Comm

17 6:30A Men’s Bible Breakfast

18 Pastors’ Day Off


20 8:50A Pre Service Songfest 9:00A Worship/Holy Comm 10:15A Bible Study/ Summer Sunday School

21 6:00P Worship Committee 6:30P CCC Board Meeting 7:00P Board of Elders

22 9:30a Senior Bible Study 1:00P Staff Meeting 5:00P Prayer Warriors

23 6:15P Bible Study 7:30P Worship –Country Gospel Music by: Ron & Opal Erickson

24 6:30A Men’s Bible Breakfast

25 Pastors’ Day Off 25-31 Emily on vacation


27 8:50A Pre Service Songfest 9:00A Worship 10:15A Bible Study/ Summer Sunday School

28 2:30P Eventide Comm Service 7:00P Church Council

29 9:30A Senior Bible Study 1:00P Staff Meeting 3:30P Riverpointe Comm Srvc 5:00P Prayer Warriors 7:00P Long Range Planning

30 6:15P Bible Study 7:30P Worship



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Our Redeemer Lutheran Church LCMS 1000 14th St S Moorhead, MN 56560 Phone: (218) 233-7569 Fax: (218) 233-7729 Email: [email protected] Website: www.ourredeemermoorhead.org Servant, Ministers & Missionaries Every Member Bruce Noennig Sr. Pastor Phone 701-388-4740 [email protected] Mark Noennig D.C.E.—Campus Ministry Phone 701-261-3003 [email protected] Emily Sagissor D.C.E. – Youth Ministry Phone 701-866-4025 [email protected] Collette Christoffers Parish Nurse Home Phone 218-233-2443 [email protected] Cindy Sprouls Business Manager Kristina Otte Secretary Gwen Bolster Special Education Director Eileen Kangas Sunday School Superintendent Wayne Settergren Congregation Chairman Christian Children’s Center 218-233-8270 Bree Triplett, Director [email protected] Grace Lutheran School 701-232-7747 Jean Syverson, Principal Missionaries Rev. David & Rachel Baker Rev. Mark Peske

Worship Service Moorhead on Cable TV, Channel 99 Wednesdays 8:00 PM Fargo on Cable TV, Channel 99 Sundays 9:30 AM Lutheran Island Camp www.islandcamp.org

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Mission Statement Our Redeemer Lutheran Church exists to daily share the message of Christ’s love and forgiveness to our

members, the community, and the world so that more people may receive salvation.