\. The Two Sparroiti. Two iiparrowB, votnTiof or Love, . , . . . Tho Marn (iTid Vonnn orihfi RToro. Had tipon, for yrnr", nucli cn.idtAtil TORICS, Ton wotilq hftvp Brt-nrn thr very Frilfs Wor6inipotPnttobrpiikthfi!»OTnl 'ITiiit \mncA n pnlr no true uTid foTia, ToRrthpr nlill tlirr Emicht llioir food j TfiRcllifT plnrpil in flold orwooa ; Topethor iitiiU tlif ''(wy nfrt TlintfiorvpLlfor (.IIPH-T rnd for roBt; ToRctliprroiiclit 111" frilhciTfl food Wiih whom tlicv rnirip to words or blowc; In (liio, llicv livltl, «!• Iivprp oiifilit, XV'iUiont RfriiiRlopfllflfh HlOn^ht, S.iVu sntli tfl fnlRlit concern tiia iwfcin, Tlirir mntnnl jov, or iTinhial pain. At hfil, one (lav, tlnv cliftTicod to Rol Tliftir rrnt tiitnTiRl'-'l in ftnH. (A,vnETJ«iit linv lind spronO DIP cnaro To cnlch (iTitl kcrp tlic protty pair?) And soon, dcBpilo llipir noluT rdpc, Thi-y bnlli worn prinonod fn a cago; Whuro—mncli 1 piicvr thr talc tfl tou— A Korrr prnndnl imw befell: They Foo'id, riTriminatc and flcbt, LiUo nirant foes, frnm morn till niKbl; Until, at li nptli, tbo wrctch^-d blnU In cniel nct» find bitler word* Tim Torv furic'R pmnlatf',— And nil {heir lovo is tnniod to lifttff I 1,'r.svot. Fnll mnny n ponplo comn to ntrifp Andhntrrd in eonnnbiil life, Wlinnc davp of cpnrl;-!* ,i prnmicod f»ir M tlio?<t' (i! Ibifl niihnppv pair; Pnt, like thr npMTOWc in my tnlo,— AVlirn ironblc (.omos, 0>olr tfliunorfl fail; Tlifvblampencb othor forllie fals Wliicb both Bbnnld tirifo to mitigato; Vilb pfttifnco hclpinR to cndnro Tbo iUB that kinducBs tftils to mn I John 0. fidTe. Fnrm, (iartlen nnd llons^Iiold. liEMON CAKC—One tcncup Imtter, three tonctips mipnr, five rgRs, four enps flonr, one cup millt, one l<>n.ipoon s a l c r a ' tns dijtfolved in tlin milk, Ri-ntc Rkin nnd inire nt a lemon nnd a liiilf; bnko in tu\H liaU liour. To CUT GLABH—Any linrd Btcel tool, Bars (lie IJoaton Jonmnl of Chcmiftr;/, will cut RUSS^MI fneility wlicn kept freely wet with cainiihor (lissDlvod in iiupcoitino. The ntgged edge of glnsB iiifty nlso bo thus muoothed with » flat file. CoBJt BEBAU.—Ono quart of coarse corn meal, one qunvt Bwect milk, one even iorispoon of soda, two of crenm tar- ler, four ep;RP, wcllbenten (two will do), II jHccc of buttiir iho frize of a blaclt wnl nut, a little siilt; bake with aquick lient, and it will bo ns light as sponge cake. NEWTOWN'S PORK CAKE.—One pound salt pork choppod fine ; let it boil two niinntei? in lialf pint of wat<>r ; one cup molasses, tno cnpsKiiRnr, three egge,two teaspoons coda, oinnnnioii, cloves, nut- meg, one pound misius clioppud flno, Hour to make a ftiff Imtter ; this makes three loaves, TheBO are the inpi-edients; every housewife known how to mix and bake. A PAnLon VrNK.—To grow a vor\* pret- ty vine from the sweet potato, pnta tuber in inire sand or snnjly loam, in a liangiup baiilict, and water oreitsionnlly. It will throw (Hit t.fiiidrils and boautifid leaves, and will elimh freely over the nnns of the basket, aud upward toward the top ol the WIIKIOW, Not one viHitor in a hundred but will suppose it to bo some raro fox'oign plaut. To llEftTOBB CoLons.—When color on a fabric liaK been accidentally or othnr- >visQ d e s t r o y e d by acid, ammonia is ap- plied to neiitruIiJiellip same, after which an application of cliloroform will in al- most all eases rcf'foro the orir^imd color. The npiilieation of ammonia is common, but that of chliiroform is but little known. Chlorofonn will also remove paint from a garment or clfiewhere. CooKiKo IEAHBITS.—Stany people ad- mire rabbit itiastctl whole, except tho heaX This is best sluH'od. While roaatiup, biithe frequently with butter, drodgn it with flour, and manage as with any other roast. The^ head and liver may be boilcil. Split tint head, take out the bmins, mash them with the liver and add lo the gravy. 'Wine and jelly are liked bysnine jieople in the gravy. Keep the rabbit in weak snlt and water at leatjt twelve hours, if the weather will iienuit, before cooking. We prefer rabbit sletfed. It is n dain- ticrdiRh. A GOOD PLAIN PIE-CBUST.—A quart of sifted flour, n quarter of a pound of lard, tho same of butter, a tea^poDuful of salt, reserve a little Hi»iir to use in rolling; work the butter into tho re- mainder. Dissolve a jiieee of sal volatile tho siso of a large nutmeg in half a tumbler of \vat<'r ; add (his to the flour, using lis much more eold watcrns is ntcossary *-i wet the dinij?Ii f o a proper confisteae,' f(»r handling; roll the douKh, B))read half the lard n]>nn it to wititin half an inch uf tlie edge, turning np till- ed go to prov.'iit the liird from oozing out. Hiniiiklo with flour; fold twice and roll. ltei)Dat Ihisproeew with,tho remaiiiiug hird, and i-et in a cool'jdaeo for half nH hour or morn before using. This answers well for on under crust where puif jiaite in usi-d for tho upiici; K.VVJNG CAUHA^ES TILL 'NViNTEn.—We know of no better way to preKru-vc cab- bages through the Winter Umu that which we havereeoinmcndcd for a num- ber of yoar«i. It istfuidant or set them up in rows us Iheygruiv—thntis witli the rool« down—fdl in with soil pretty free- ly, then make a cuvering by idantlng two posts wlier<! there if a fence to rcht nn, or four where ther<! is not, allowing for a pitch to carry oil' Ijio wat^r ; lay bean po!(»s opposite the way of the pitch, and cover with eorn-foddcr, oi straw, or boards, lu nniii;? throu.alx the Winter iivoid Its mueb as possibib tho sun side and close uj> :ig;iiu. We liavc^ hcijL our rnbbaqes for luoii! than a do/.en yearH this way in a perfect stiitv through the Winter mid into the Spring, nnd could even up io tho flrht of May if desirable. Snirn HUKNINO AT TJAUOE.—The • ]niictieooE allowing stock—cows, hogs, and Bhee]i—to wander about the public roads i:; u troubh.'some and vci-j- waste- ful one. A rreat poi-tion of the value of tlieferd of an aiiimnl properly fed aud kept in yards i;i rcturued in tjie ^e Presidflnt, in his aniinal moseage to Congress, fiays : In addressing my iliird annual mes- KigQ to tho law-making branch of the government it is gratifying to be able to stAto that during the past year mccesi liaa generally attended tho eflbrfc to cxe- cuto all laws found upon tho Statnte- bobks. The policy has been not to in- qt^rf into tho wisdom of tlio laws already enacted, Imt to learn their sptrit and intent, and to enforce them accordingly. rnosrERrrr. Tlie past year has, under a wise Provi- dence, been one of general prosperity to tho nation. It has, however, been at- tended with more than nsnal chaatise- mftnts in the loss of life and property by storm and fire. These disasters have served, to csH fortli tho best elements of Iminnn naturo in our country, and to deSTlope a friendship for us on tbo part of foreign nations, which goes far towards alleviating the distrosa occasioned by the calamitioR. otm FonrtoN nELATiosa. Tlio relations of the United SUitos with f'TciOTi powers continne to be friendly. Tlie yeai has been oventfnl in witnessing two great nfttionn, speaking one language and having one lineage settling by peaceful arbitration disputt-s of long sUindJng, and liable at any time to bring those nations into bloody and hostile eonfiieU An example has thus been set which if successful in its final issue, may bo followed by other civil- izcd naliouR, and be finally the means of j-eturning to producliveimlustry millions of men now maintained to settlo the disputes of nation's by the bayonet and tho broadsword. ill TBEATIER. I recommend the legislation necessary on tlie part of the United States to bring into operation the articles of the troaly relating to tho flsherics, hud to the other matters touching the relations ot tho United Slates toward the British North American )»iB»os.>ion8 to become oiiern- tivo so Soon as tho i)roper legislation shall bo hatl nn the part of Great Dritain nnd it-s pos.sesRinns. It is much to be de- hired tlint this legislation may beeomo co-operntive before the flshermen of tho United' Stales begin to make their ar- rangements for the coming season. I renew the recommendation for an appro- priation for determinaliug the true po- Bitiouofthc forty-ninth imralhd of lati- tude, where it fonns tho boundary be- tween the United States and the liritish Nortli American possession, between the Lake of the Woods and the summit of tho Ilocky Mouulains. rnANCE AN1> OERM4KY. The resumption of diplomatic relations between PiMiice and Germany have en- abled mo togive directimiB for the with- drawal of the i>rotection extended to Germans in Franee by the diphmiatic and consular repiesentativos of the Unit- ed Slates ill that country. It is just to add that the delicate duty of this pro- tection has been perfjrmeit by the Min- ister and ConBut-General at Paris, and tho various couHnla in France under the Bupei-^-ision of tho latter, with great kind- ness as well as with pradonce and tact. Their c(mrR0 has received the commend- ation of the German gevernmeut, and has wounded no susceptibility ot the French. UNrrEP BTATES AND GEBUANY. The government of the Emperor of Germany coutinncii to manifest a friend- ly feeling toward the Unilcd States, and a dehiro to harmonize with the moderate and jnut injlicy which this govornmotit miiiiitain!:i in its rclntious with Asiatic l)owcr8, as well as with the South Ameri- Cio republics. I hare given assurances that tho friendly feelings of that goverii- meut are fully shared by the United Slates. i ITALY. The ratifications of the new treaty of eommeroe between thw United Stateifand Italy have been exchanged. Tlio two powers have agreed In this treaty that private ]uoj>rrly at sea shall bo exempt from capture in ease of war between the two ]iower*i. The United Slates liave spared no opportunity of incoiTJoratiug this rule into the obligations uf nations. SI'AIN. The forty-first Congress at its third ses- si(m, uuuluau appi-upriaticu for the or- ganiz'ition of a mixed commission for aUiudieathig upon tlie claims of citizens of the United States against Spain, giowipg out of the iusniT'-'ction in Cuba. XJuit commisHion has duce been organ- ized. I transmit herewith tho cories- pundenoe relntiug to its formation and its jurisdiction. It is to be hoped that the comiuissiitii will uQbrd the elaimBnt« a complete remedy for their Injuries. srHsu. The intimate friendly relations which have HO longexiHed between tho United fitatcH and Ibissia continue nndisturbed. Tl»e v i i l of the third son of the Em- peror is a proof .tbnt thare is no (h'sirc ou tbo p:nt of hiy - goveinmeut to diuiLaisU tliu cprUiidity of those rela- tions. TJie hospilfibhs reception wliich has been given to Ihe Grand Duke in a proof that ou our bide we share the wishes of that g«»vcrument. llio inex- cusable cuuise of tin* Russian Minister at Wusliiugtou rendered it nocessary t<) abk his recall and t(» decline to lougtr re- ceive that functionary lu* a diplomatic representative. It wie; imjKJssifcle, with self-reKpeel, or with a jnst regard to the dignity of the country, to permit Mr. C.Uacuzy to liolii jnteivour8(! with this government after his peiKonal abuse of government o/licinlw, and during bii piiri-l|it(;nl interference, through various uieaiiR, with the rclatitJUK bctwi^en the United Kluhs and (dhcr powers. In accordaticc with my own wiishes, this (iovcnmient haa bccu relieved of further intfrroiirse with Mr. Oat u-azy, and the iimnagemcnt of Ihealfairsof iho ijupe- rial lf(/ali(Hi hnM paHsed into tho himdti of ngeiitJenian entirely nnobjectiouabk-. JAPAM.. With .Tnpau we conliMue to maintain intii.iala ndutiojit. Proinjitrt-d by a de- sire topnt on end to the barbarous treat- ThSflflttoresAhy IhiSliet. Ulsftot loo much to hope that the government ot Brazil may hereafter find it for its inter- est, as well as intrinsically right, to ad- vance townrds entire emsncipation more rapidly than tho present act oontem- pUtes. ctJBA. It is to be regretted that the disturbed condition of tho island of Cuba continues to bo a source of annoyance and ot anx- iety. Tho existence of "a protracted strug- gle in such close proximity to our own territory, without apimren't prospect of an early termination, cannot bo other than an object of eonccrn to a people, who, while nbstnining from interferotice in tho nfTairs of other powers, natnrally desire to see every country in tho undis- turbed enjoyment of peace, liberty and the blessing o( free inatitntiona. Onr naval commanders in Cnbon waters have been inslmeted, in cageitshouH become nejossaiT, toppare no cfTort to protect tlio lives'and pmpcrfy ot fcmmj7rfc Amer- ican citizens and to maintain uie dignity of the flag. I t is ho)>ed that al] pend- ing questions with Spain, growing out of the nfTairs ia Cuba,'may be ndjnslefl in tho spirit ot peace ami cnnciliation, wliich has hitherto guidcti tho two powers in tlieir treatment of such ques- tions. NATIONAL DEBT. Tlic national debt has be^">n r e d u c e d to' tho extent ot eighty-six millions, fifty-seven thousand, ono hundred and twontv-six dollars and eighty cents dur- ing the year; nnd by the negotiation of national bonds at a lower rate of in- terest, tho interest on Ike public debt has been so far diminished that now tho sum to be raised for the interest account is nearly seventeen million dollars less than on* tho first of March, 1969. TAXES. I recommend tliat all taxes frnm in- ternal sources bo abolished, except those collected for spirituous, vinusand malt li(pinrfl, tobacco in its various forms and from statnps. In readjusting tbo tarlfl I fiiiggcfrt t h a t a careful estimate bo made of tlie amount of surplus revenue col- lected under the present laws after pro- viding tho current ex]>cnflcs of (ho pov- ernment, the interest account o t a sink- ing fuml, and that this surplus bo re- duced in such a manner as to aflonl the greatest relief to tho greatest number. OOLD. C/ontinued fluctuatinns in the value of gold, as compared with tho national cur reney, has a most damaging elTect u])on the iiici'enso and development of tbo country, in keo]>ing np priee7 of all arti- cles necessary in every day life. It fos- *er« a spirit of gambling prejudicial alike to na'iional morals and national finances. If the question can be met as to bow to get a fixed valne to our cur- rency, that valne constantly and uni- formly approaching iwir with spc^cie, a very desirable object will bo gained. THE KU KLUX - Warning not having been heeded, on the 7th of Oct. a general proclamation was issued suspending tho ))rivilego of the writ of habeas corpvs iu nine counties in South Carolina. Direction was given that, within the counties so designated, persons supposed, npoiiervdilablo infor- mation, to be inemliers of Mieh unlawful combinations shouhl bo arrested by the military forces ot the United Hlatr« and delivered to the marshal to bo dealt with according to law. In two of said coun- ties—York and Spartanburg—many ar- rests have been madt\ At the last ac- count the number of persons thus ar- rested was ono hundred nnd sixty-eight. Several huildrcU whoso criminality was ascertained to bo of an inferior (fegree were released for tlio iircseut. Thoso have generally made conressiona of their piiilt Great caution has been exercised in making these arrests, and notwith- standing the large number, it is believed that no innocent person is now iu cus- tody. The prisoners will bo hold for regular trial in tho judieiiil tribunals ot the United States As soon RH it appear- el that the authorities of t h e United States wore about to take vigorous measures to enforce the law, many per- H^ms absconded, and there is good ground for suppo.<^uig t h a t all of such jicrsons hove violated the law. A full report of what has been done under this law will bp submitted to Congress by tlie At toriiey-General. UTAH. In Utah there still remains a remnant of barbarism repugnant to civilization, to decency and to the laws of the Unitod States. Territorial officers, however, have been found who nro willing to per- form their duty iu a spirit of equity, [tnd with a duo sonso of sustaining tho ma- jesty of the law, Ni-ithcr polygamy, nor any other violation of ejiibling stiitutcs will be jiermittt^d within the teiTitory of the United States. It is not with the religion of the ;;elf-Rtyh'd saints that we are now dejiliug, but with their practices. They will be protected in Ihi- worship of Ood, according to the dictates of their conaciencc ; but they will not be purmit- ted to violate tho laws under the elouk <»f religion. It may bo adviaable f(jr Congress lo consider what in the execu- ti(m of the law against |>o1ygamy, is to be the ulatu^i of ])hira! wives and their ofltipiing. The propriely of .Congrass pahsing an unnbliug act niilhorii'.iug the territorial legislature of IHah lo legiti- mize all children born i>rior t o n time fixed in the act, might be jusUflcd by its ! humanity to thoM) innocent chihlri-u. This is a snggetitioii <mly, and not a recommendation. Hie 6r«ii4 ttnlm Ban. The ball at the Navr-Tard, Brooklyn, in honor of the Grand Dnke, was held in the lai^fe equipment building. The SsiMoft in the npper story, ftbont 260 feet in length by 60 in width, had been handsomely fitted np an a ball-roAmi while adJAoent rooms wore used for prom- enading, and an cloak and ante-rooms. In the ball-room the decorations were simple but tasteful, the national flags of Rnssia and America bein^ alternately draped on ons side of the room, sn(i those of various nationalities on the other. The ceiling was decorated with rowltes of the American colors, the blue nnd stars forming the center-piece, witli the stripes radiating outward. Ap- propriate ornnmontfl, in the way of stars of entlasses and bayonets, brass guns, and models of TCSBCIS, adorned tho walls, and the whole scene was both brilliant and delightful. The Grand Duke, who had been anx- iously awaited, arrivf*d at abont lOi o'clock, accompanied by M. and Mme. Catacazy. He was immediately con- ducted to the dais in the oentor ot tho great hall, where ho was introdnced to Admiral and Mrs. Stewart, and took his stand with M. and Mme. Cataaazy to receive the eomplimenta of a large num- ber of the giicRlA, who were in turn brought np and introduced by the chief nfllccrs of tho Yard. "The Grond Dnke thus made the tonr ot the room with Mrs. Smith, wife ot the Admiral, and this ceremony over, danring began. At midnightsnpper, which had been setin a large adjoining room, was announced, and the great Uirong of guests were soon busy at work discnsRing the dainties which the taste and eare of tho gentle- men of the Navy-Yard had so abundant- ly provided. Tho scone hero and in tho dancing hall was brilliant in the extreme, the charming toilettes of no many of tho handsome New York and Brooklyn belles, contrasting picturesquely with tho evening costumes of the gentlemen and the rich uniform of tho American and Bussian ofilcem. In the throng were many literary or social celebrities , well known both in Brooklyn nnd ou the New York side of the water. As soon as supper was fairly over for (lie majority of the guests, a steady stream of people began to net towards the cloak- rooms, and at about 1 o'clock, tho tide was decidedly tending homeward. All, however, had ample opportunity to see and bo charmed with tho singularly manly features and kindly manner o'f their yornng guest. He in not only hand- some but he looks like a "good fellow," nnd no one can wonder if many teminiuo hearis beat painfully under their festal gauze and ailkn at tlio thought that tlie graceful and pleasant young man in not open to the temptation of their smiles. Not a llenllliy Region for Tltcm. Tho San Francisco Chronivle says: Utah is not a healthy country for gay •ileccivcrs, and if any man from tho out- side world, priding himself upon his conquests with women, wants to have liis skill in this lino tested, he will find a splendid opening among tho fair maids of Zion. If somebody doesn't make it very tropical for him within the first three months, ho must have been born under a lucky star. The would-lio BI>- duecr in this country is a marked men, as the viliian ought to be in every coun- try. No sooner does he step into this city (tr any other Mormon settlement than the police are uiion his track, watching his every move with the stealth of blooilhounds. It he is once caught violating the chastity ot a Mormon wo- man, or is known to have done so, there is no nicicy for him. Mormon public opinion, which in Ibo common law, thinking no more of killing a man under such circumstances than it does of kill- ing a dog. Iu this respect Mormon ven- geance in terrible. The marked victim is shot down or nssaFfsinaled at sight, no cry for mercy ever escaping his lips. His lifeless fbrm lies mangled on the roadside, until tho authorities cart it away, pass a sort of inquest, and eon- sifHi it to the worms. Onr Tntentfll Rnfiine. AWHOAL RWOHT O P THE OOWMTSBIONER. The report of tho Commissioner of Internal Rerenno states the aggregate receipts from all nonrces, exclnnive ot tho direct tax upon the land^ and the dntjr upon circulation and deposits of national banks were for the fiscal year 1871, 0144,011,170.24. This sum in- cludes the nmonnt refunded and allow- ed on drawbacks. Drawlwieks linve Ireen allowed nn general merchandise under section 171, act June 30, 1864, limited by the act of March 31, 1868, amount- ing to 822,8fi7.07. This nmonnt is larger than that allowed for in fifcal year IR'TO, on account of the adjudication of old claims for drawbacks on cotton goods rendered ndmissnble by joint resolution No. 78, aporoved July 14, 1870. There was refunded during the past fiscal year for taxes illegally nnsesscd, and eollccte«l thesnmot 8!G17,581. This large incresse over the year preceding was due to the adjustment of claims that had been sus- pended during former years for more complete consideration ; for instance, the claim ot one of the States which was embraced in the above aggregate. and nmnnnting lo $45,806 for taxes col- lected on dividends declared upon stock owned by the State, Tliis was the larg- est claim over allowed by the bureau, and was referred to the Attomey-Goue- ral for his advice. Tho Commissioner's estimate of re- ceipts for tho current fiscal year, under the present low, is ?12.'»,(>00,000. The number of distilleries {other than fruit) registered during the last fiscal year, was 1,043. Tho numlKir of fruit distiileries registered was 7,149. Tho total immber of distilleries regis- tered was 8,102. Of the distilleries jotlicrUian fniit)5I7 wereopcrateil dur- ing the yeor ; and of the fmit distiller- ies 4,007. Tlio rctnrnn io Ihin otfieo for the last fiscal year show a total pro- duction in taxable gallonn, from niato- rial other than fniil^ of 54,47(t,446 : and from fruit, 2.100,^33; total yearly pro- duction, 56,776,109. The total quantity of spirits in the United States notiu in- ternal revenue wo rehouses the 1 st of Afay, 1871, wan 41,185,713 pmotgidlonn, show- ing a decrease in quantity on market nine* Novendjor I,"!, 1870, of 4.452.580 gallons. The receipts from spirits for the fiscal year ended June 30,1871, were $44,281,818. The amount of lax receiv- ed on feimcnted liquors at Sil a barrel was, in 1871, 87,150,740. The increase over former years is believed to be due, in part at least, to the greater attention given to that subject by internal revenue offiacrs duriug that year. This attention has rovenled some defects in tho law, which ciU for early rcmndiid legislaliou. The total receipts from tobacco for the fiscal year ended Juno 30, 1871, were 833,578,0il7.18. As compared with the receipts from tho same source for the preceding fiscal year, the incrcasois 163,- 228,690. The t(Jta! amount of manufac- tured tobacco represented by the omouut of collectionn for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1871, was an follows: Chewing tobacco, snuflT, kc. (class 32 cents) 64,- 017,8(>8 pounds; smoking tobacco, scraps, sliorls, &e. (class 16 cents) 30,- 517,036 pounfls. Add to this the quan- tity exported—10,621,082 pounds—nnd the excess remaining in warehouses June 30, 1871, over Juno 30,1870, 72,377, giv- ing a total product for the year of 105,- 828,903 pounds. The total number of cigars, chc-roots, Ac, on which taxes were collected was 1,332,844,357. The Prlw Figlit, prize flght between Mnee and The Cobum took place nn advertised, on Thanksgiving day, about fifty miles from New Orleans. It was another fizzle. It lasted four hours and a halt and eleven rounds were fought Mace claims that in the fourth round his hand was dis- abled. Tlio eleventh and last round is tlins described: Cobnm's friends were in high spiHtn, and nhonted, "Bullyboy, Joe; yon've got him sure all the time." Mace l>egan to shnflle and fib around his corner, but seeijig an opening, he landed a clean cut on Joe's jaw. Joe got cautinnn again, and Iho npaning went nn an before. Mace w.'^nt to his comer puffing, Cobnrn eyeing him from the middle of tho ring. (Betting even nn Cobum.) As neither of the men showed signs of moving, Rnfo Hunt said, "This is played; T will give you five minutes to advsnee." Cobum took him at his word and went quickly to Mace's comer. Maco advanced a trifls and then retired. Cobnrn followed him closely. After a little sparring there was another ot the restfl. People were beginningto feel disgusted, and the men again toed the mark. There was anoth- er exhibition of science without any blows, and Mace again retreated to his comer with his hands down. (Hisses around the ring.) Rnfe Hunt name to the center ot the ring and said, "This ain't a fight; I'll give you men thirtjr noeondnto get to business." Both the pugs thou came forward and did some sparring for twenty minutes, with no blows. Tho people round the ring were disgusted, and Hunt again advanced and said, " I.'ere, yon men, get \<t your cor- ners ; I declare this a draw.'* This end- ed the fight, if it may lio called so, ond all beta are ot course declared off. Time, four houra and ten minutes. The American Cangrefis. In the following table of-Senators and Membem of Congress the i>oHtienl char- acter of Congressmen is put down nn understood at tho time they wero olccted: HENATP. nrpnbli(;nnn fi7 Democrats 17 . 40 A MiLB TW 2 :16.—7)i»r7rr trotted a mile on Fashion Oonme, in the presence of ten thounand people, in 2:16. There is no pretence that any other home ever trotted a mile as fast as that—iV; Y. tedffer. pEBROT<a wh« have become thomnghly chilled from any cause, may have their circulation at once restored by taking into the stomach a tea-spoonful of John- ttrnt^n Anodj/ne jAnimmt mixed in a litUc cold water, well sweetened, • CttAmtD HANDS, iace, rough akin, pim pics, ringworm, salt-rhenm, and othet cntnneons nflTections, cured, and the skin made soft and smooth, by using tho Jn- NtTKn TAB SOAP, made by CASWK^^L, HAZABD A Co., New York, ' i t i s more convenient and easily applied than other rcmedinn, avoiding the trouble of the gn-anj' compounds now in use. You shnuld write to Mr, CHARMM W. HASSLER, NO, 7 Wall Street, New York, if you wish any information about Rail- rood Bonds^^ "fTSANCIAU iiTf>«imf>nt nr«itmi»*. •TAT GOOKK A Co., an nnw K'Hliur. an*) r«>e(niinien4 u « pmfiUblp a n d m f n InrMittnitnt fnr K11 OIIIMM, tho Ftnil Mnrl«*«« V-IM Gold Bnnda ot thn Northf>rn ritolfle RAtlmad Cnmpmri bearlnii Sortin and Th»*»-Tonthti iNir Mint, sold Intpnfit (man tlinn 4 p«r nuni- rnrminr^ •nd mrnrrd br Sttrt. and ntAj tnartriffc nn the onUm Rnnd nnd ftqnlimimilH, and nn mom t h a n ! S n , M H t A<<nw ef TAnd to of(^ mfln Jlf track, or Wo Aen*" nf Iiiind to MiRh 11,000 nond. Tha hlghniit cnrmnt priM will tie TMid for U. S. Fint-TwfFntIm, and all othnr mnrkolabli- SrcMrillm rrorlved In exuhancfi. PamphlctB, majwi and full Inrnrmntion. n* m i l aa t h o tmnda thPHiwivM. ftllt tm fnmi*>i(Hl nn «|ii>llcatlnn Iif .lAT (JOOKB A !>>., Thna- dHphla, Nrv: York Hnd WanhlnRton. and liy tniMl Ranka and nanktirtthrooBhootllMinnr.ntrT. A NBOTJWTED COTTOB, COT.I>, or Sore Throat, which might be checked by a simple remedy, like " UroirrCi Bronchial TVocAes," il allowed to progress may ter- minate seriously. A good General appreciotes tho impor- innco of new rccmits, A good house- wife appreciates ,T. Monroe' Taylor's Cream Yeast Baking Powder. ll»OUlH< PorBeauty of Polish* tavlnB of LatMr* Frecness from Dust, Durabltlty ft OhMip- nesa,truly unrivaled. RfWdtB of WorililpM Imlinttonii, iiniltr otlifr namca bntr»Kcml<ltnKouriln ahape and color of Wrapper, IntcnilMl lo decelrr. The RUlnit f!im Polliih In Imlk, fnr ntnrr dralvn na» at twelve cBiitu per pound—twrnty-flve and flftj- puiind boxct. "Cheaper Mian anr (tther Bulk PolUli fur nothtni." MORSE BROS.,Prop'r8. __ ^CANTON, MASS. STEINWAY & SONS' G&sas^sen ^ ^ Repnitliran ninjnrfty HOUSE OF niO'RESrNTATrvTa. fnltfl-Vfnai} '"n-'i/itu. The Public Debt The following is a recapit'ilatlon of tho Btatement of the ijublio debt: Debt Dfiarlun lulrrcBt In Coin. noiiilN nl NIX p'-r crut $l,977.I3&.tR0.(HI lloudH al flvi' iicr cniil 3TT,UC3.100.(<0 Principal H.H51,4IlH,sr>0.on IllliTFtlt .1(l.».^l,l<SU.IJ Dilit nrnrhiii Illlc•rp^l lu Lnwhil Money. CfHl'Uatcaot luAubtttdui'N*, at Inur jiinrnt tfi7B,000.«) >'ii\-Y I'lUHliiii Fund at Uirco pur (•«i)t 14,000.000.00 C c r t i n u a p H a t t l i r r o p c r c u u l 3.1,(UO.U(M,00 I'rlnrlpnl $3«,lliB,OO0.00 IntiircHt -Hi.lW.m mbt oil v.'lili'U ]i)li.ri:Ht liau (^caKcd mlaf-c Maliirilj-. J'riiidjial f I.TO.Wl.M IiiUroHl 'iUWi-Zi Dniil Ilrvrinii no Intarrat. Old itemiiii'l aud luKBl-toiiiIiT nnlra.. (aST.fiOt . 8 0 1 M ViM-X\oiu\ iiirri'Ury 40,10(1 03(t.0S Coin CertlficatcB 91,934,110.00 I'rlJidpal |1S'>,0J«.B77.30 UnclaiuKHl iiitiirtiBt 11.11118 ToUIDcU. Principal a,ai7.1M.131.M IiilL-rrut U7,IiD8.UH7.8B Total roiii inlun'Hl Currouiy S3,a6i.fi31,C13.U Oiuil) i u t h e Tnuxurj- fiMJ.2rifl,r.Bi.Bi 10.ia3,BW».76 Oclit ii:w C u b l u tliD TruHury. ni'c. 1. 1871 |S.21P.2!H.an7,H6 Nov. I,1H71 2.a61.7J3.11H.lia Ih-rroacf ord>-bt durtnfi lonntb Iif-croaHU of debt HIIICO M U V I I I l),.i>,'i-iiM< of d e b t I r o m Miu->:b l.;iH<>I>, loMnrcbl, 1H71 »8.tr>3.(jHn iH 73.U7,1TU.07 301.7C<,US,09 hhupp of m.mare; but if HU»ck js allow- ed to roam at large, all the manure dr()pj)ed by them beeoiues Ihe JKT- (jiiihile of homo loug-hi-udcd fanner who kceiia this njud-diuius nnd gulters open nji his farm, sn that he nweivos ;UHh(^ wa«h afl.-r .-very ivin. A very ; ment of o.ir .hinvr(.ek(d saUors ou the noUccublecauseof the poverty of the I Cgrcau coasl. I iVtrucl^d our Minister stock met with JU di8tnct« where lliis at Pekin Ic endcsvor to ,«iiel.ide a eon- custom 1.S observed, w the promiscuous I vonlion with Coreu for 8<x:uriuff the stfc- mixiug up (leeasioneJ by idlowmg ani- ty and huumiic treatment of Inch ma- maU of buUj genders to run unchecked, lu sneli htculitics a fiinucr can not tell when he can f xjitjct u calf or a litter of j)igs, and often tiiey cimi'- nt mowl uu- KUAsyuuble limes, u n j of veiy uudeajra- ble parentiige. Ihus, wilhout order or system iu this pai-tiuuiur, uud from want of care gcuendly, the f.tock be- comes next to WfJithlobs, uud iu hai'dly worth the fond it conauuics. IJesidei'. it is very unfair to ollif-rs wh(j keej) bet- t'^'v st'ick, and Luep tiiou m jJuUui^s. W a n d e r i n g HJ'»ck is goncraily iiiinily, and will (^ccajJuuaiiy gel iiitu ulliei fields than their owners' at-tiiacs when thuir presence can do misehit-f which their ownerii cjui not repair. I^, would be better for all pL-rsous conci-rntd that no iilock fchoiild bo^Uowcd to ^'uu at luig^. lo well-orderod uudpruijperous ouimuu- ])!ii(<,ihisx>ractdQe is ctjut-ideied tke re- verse of pfojHT or i)r(ififcat>le. A biKODLAK C/SE.—An extiuordinary easo t^i bydroj^obis LLB< oceurj'ud in \V'(\st J^hiludtrlpliia. A littlegijl, on ie- tiiruiug humo Jnuu w^yul, WUM niuei by her jift dog. who iu the coiu'bo of jti* au- utwtoiehwr Urcwj. Worried at the in- jury to the garment, the UiUe girl, with- tiuiuu-uliuiiiug the mutter to uuy of Uie l;:mil_v w e n t ta her room, uud getting u iied-lit uiul thread, piooetuled to M^W up till turn pluc;-, VS'heuil vubliulshod she I>('Sl U u a u her Leud, and tukin^' the fud bulwutjai lier t^'i'tli, bit it oil'. Kiue duyti after Iho otx;urnuee uf l^is incident, Kvmptoius of liyii;*op)i'iljiu miiiiifehttd t'lcjjjtit'lveH iu 1D« uifoi-liucutie liUJe g^. ;slJIlod medicul tjh-ut was cuUod in, and every appHiLUpe t,h;dhcieuce could liUcriJ to itfiiivo Uio Kuiii-rty \V((n tx:i,aiiUl ty; but t^a siii-'i/lo pvbou hiid tloue itb wgik too tUoitJU^hly for iiumun tdtiU to uvuil, and the little tjiil huM uiuuu died. noes. Admiral Hodgers was iubtructed toaccompopy him, with asuffieient fon-e U>iHoteet him in eus*;_(>f n e e d . A Amall suiveying party sent out on reaching the cm-st wiib ireacticiddhly attacked ut a dis- a-lvantage. Amjile opportunity was giv- eu for t\pliijatiuji and opology ; j^either caiue. A-^oree fsai lh( iilou'dod, nnd af- ter uu arduoiia march t^tft v. mgood aud fliflleult oouitljry, tliu foit* from whith tU(; oufrsp-cB had been eommitled were i»Jiiet(J liy u fiullunt u*..sault, uiid were d«tiir(iy('d. ilaving ti)u« punibhed the crimiuuls. aiiil, huving viiidit-aUd tbo houur of Ihe flaj-, fbc fxpi<iit4oij I'etUJU- x'-d, tiiidijjg it impiuclieable, under lae oij'cumatauofc.s, to conclude, the dehired conveulioau i r«»pie|^Ilj-rafai- to Ute corroHpondeneoiJi'laHng theK^-to herewilfa submitted uud J^jive iLt* hubjoot for fauwh oolion on Congresa may Btse fit t o take. Jiixjoo. The Itepubhc tif Mexico hm aot yot rdjxuled the very'obj(5etiouubk' luas cs tulilinhiug what is kuuwn as the I'lec Zone on the frontier of tiie United btatep. Jt ib b<jped.thut Jhis may yet be done, and also that •m(J)e stringentmeas- uiea ma;? be taken by that republic for lestruijjmg luwleas iitTwmS" on' its fron- tiers. I htme Mexico, by its owu action, will soon relieve this govermuent of the diitliiUtie^ experienced from thtisc causes. OiLir rehitioiu, with the vwiom* tejiuUict* ol C<'ntraJ uud bouth America coutiuue, with oue exception, Uu b e cordiul and frieudly. I riiotimmeud some aeliou by i'-uugita* regarding the overdue ioatail- meul* under the uwurd of the Vcnezula eluiniii ouuuuiiwion of 18GU. I'Ue inter- njd dib^eu(J<inK XJI |hib govtrnment i>re- bcut no jubliiicjition for th^i abhoute of ellorl to meet their Eolemii tieaty ubli- gatiuufi.. •The j^iUculion of ^it -£«XE^ditiaii Truuty \dtXi Kiuuu^Eua JUuti biwa ^x.- fhmnjod. mtAziii. It ^JP euVJt'ct' for tjcwip^tuhitiou that Fr.Aj;ti me atill eutertiinod of a I'lalug ou the part u^theiiaperittl«|t#at('urhiea. 'thrive montliw'su]'phes have just been M'WtjLotUe F r t u c h tquudryn blutianud |tlie f.:reiit Euiperor uf limzU ha» takcu DIHiUfUTIES. More than six yeai-s having elapsed eiueo the lost hoatile gun was tired be- tween tho armicH then arr.iycd againbt each other, the (mo for the pcrpotuutiini, Ihe other for tho destiuetion of the Union. It may well bo edusideied whether it is not now time that the dis- abilities imiMitud by the FourleonUi amendment i-hould be lemovid. TJmt umendmoiit d u ^ n o t oxclnde tho ballol, but ouly imp(»8es tlio disiibiliiy lo hold oiHee upon Cfitaiu classes. Wlum .the purity of the ballot is S(H-urc, majorities are bure to elect olUcers relhicliug the views of Ihe uiajority. 1 do not tu'-a the advantage or propiiely of excluding men from oflico mciely l>ecuubo they were, before the rebeUiou, of staudiug uud character hiillicieul iu b(i elected to posi- liouh requiriug them t** take ouths tu supjioi-t the Constitution, and lulmitting to eligibility those cntcrtuiuiug j»rccisely the same views but of less stundiug iu their nommuiiities. it may be huid that thu former viuiaic^d uu uuth vhjlo the hitter did not. The hitter did not liuvo ii iu lh*»ir powiu- lu tio M>. If thtiy luul tulu-u Uiis oulh it euuiiot bo do\ibti:d they would liave biokeu il, nsdidllic former class. Xf there aie *ii.v gi>:^ Arrimiuols distiagoisjied abov^'nll otjhecK for the part tli^ t<xik.ju p^jpoMitlDn iu tho govaruuieut, they miaht, iu the judgmtuit uf CuiigruaSf be excluded from such an amuesty. In my message to Cungrcgs, oue year ogo, i urgeutlyreeom mended a reform in the (^ivil borvioc of the counUy. Ju couforaiity with iJie reuommeudatiou, Cuugrubs iu the ninth uucttou of un act making ttp]>ro]>riatiou for sundry civil exjH'uses of tho government and fur other purpuhes, n]>provcd March 3, 1671, gave the uocesuury authui-ity to the Kxocutive tu iuauguiute a civil ser- vic)p roform, aud pluo4^d u p o n him the respousibiUty of uuing ao. Under au- thoncy of said act, t couveued a board of gimtlemt-n, etuiuently ijuaUiied for the work, to devise rules undregulatiious to affuct the needed reform. Their la- bors uro not yot complete, but it is be- lieved that they will Bueuoed iu divisiug u plan wliich can be arloptod to the re- Uef of the Executive, the heads of de- ]iartiueutb aud uexubora of CougL-cbb, uud which will redouud tu the lru<j iu- iexc^at of the p u b h c MU'\-icc. At all uvout^ ihe cxpeiimeul bhtdl have a fair tiiul. I have thus haatUy buuuued up the optjii- iioiui of the governuiuui during tho lust your, and uii^de Huoh suggeuLions an oc- cur to ma to be prujier tijt ,^ uur conuid- eratiun. laubuuithcni with acauiidtaic« that your combini>d ucLiun will be WUA.-; ututiT^biuaiihke, uud iu tlio bent iuturubta of the whul« uouutry. V. ti. iJiUJiT. ExuL'UUvt) MMUaiiUJ, DoumnWo: 4, 1871. The tnl((^ Klotes Treasury. 'j'reasurer Bpriner makes tlie following r('i)urt: The books of the oflie(j were chj.^ed J u n e , HO, 1H71, after the entry of idl moneys received aud disbursed nn aulhorizi'd wnrrunls within iho fiiicul ytar, us foUouu ;-- Cattb, Dr. Iluluicc iu Troa»iir,v fnitn laM yfux CllD.Irf)1.17l. li( ri'ivtii, formerly rredlh^ aa uuavail ubln '. 3.3«.lh Ib'crlvrd from L<«tiR... tVi» 0'i0.lt2G Wl H.(.iv.l froni (UHtdiuB ai(C.*J7iMi*.ftB Uf^u'd Irom lui'r'l Jtov.. llU.WiH.KiS.CH lU'crlvofl from MudM... 2.U->H,CiG.ca HcCi Ivc'l fiotw War Vt.Kit.Wi HI U r c i i l o d H o r n N » v y U,BiS,tl«.*3 UcM-i'iv(id Irnin lul(;ri<)r.. S11,C7n.01 Uoi-dlrom MUorllau'K.. 3a.7GS,33a.(ta B.ll.39H,lSl.fi3 7 o t i J I ccM-'iiit for Uu; flMsl year.. u r a n d t o t a l (Vb, t:r. Puld on aruuuut of Publlr Dobt... Puiil nil itccuuul o ' t b o Aruij' Puidouaut'ouul ollbn NBV)- I'uld oil u(.i:uuutol luurior I'uld »u ni:<KmuI of XniaHur}' |ii-ojicr... I'uiil ou iki^'OUUt of ('uBlt'UiH I'uidoii uiwiiuut <if Trrio-ury luUrior.. I'lilil ou ikucouot of liiUrual UOTUUUV. I'aitl (ID Bii'iiiiil of mploiuitUr I'uiil (III iK( ouut of Quart' rly Kaltriix. 1-alil <iu aouount of War (rlvll biaucb) tiudou ai'count of JUUIIMATJ' l o U l <'>p(^nditun:B for flarftl rt^ar... Ctnfl,9iit>.S7-i.O0 Unl. lu 'ircMury U doaluy flucklytAr ltlU.V17,i7T.Sl [>DSU,I)01.U9,ao (CM.UlV.lU.rl 0».C3T,MIJ.S0 911,8^ , 13.('>Hfi.r.71.:i3 , :tl,:fJll.HSI.VH . iTjai l^3.l0 6,«7D.'^1T.M D.lUd.lGl.a.! l.GCl.OOS.S^ 7litl,1«(l.M Kl>br..11 3,ttII,»i7.M Tho Untied Stntcs Aruiy. REPOnT O P T H E HECRKTAnV, O P W A H . The report of llio Secretary of Wor, for the year 1871, sets forth some iutcr- ostiug facts regarding the militnry forces of the country. The report says': In occordniice with the act of Congress the niimbiT of enlisted men was ou July 1 rednced to 30,(IOn; indilTerent soldiers were discharged, aud the standard otre- cniits was raised with a view to improv- ing the character of tho rank nnti file. The following ore the figures :— Kalicted men omiftliiicra 3i>l Enllatnd inf^n of orduaucn i1!i OrduancD Kemianlant poata , 3<ll Blililary Acndciiiy band 31 rncnilitiid niiD iirroonui'j-,fi'M'ompnu'aarliry a.aiMi HI I'tillxI'-d iiiKii iif^r bat'ry, a bat'a IIKIII artll'y i'Ul Bl itulinUKl iiii-ii i«'roomp'y.ljii rriui|ian'a cav'y. 10,(11 HI 00«nliat<-<l tiicu pi'rciiinjry.^riii I'lmiii'a Infan'y.lfi.eoO Itou>eDiiniilBHiou(itl auil ot rugluiiuU... 30(1 ToUI 30,000 Tlio total cxpenditun's for the fiscal year ending June ;(0,lHriH, were 88l).(i44.04il, 76; tho expeuditurcH for llx^ year ending Juue 30, ]«70, were Si;r»7,tl55,(175,40; which s u m i n c l u d e s !Sil,t''.'7,r»00 for river nnd harborimprovemeutB. Theexjienditures fortheyenr eiidiug June 30, 1871, were about $40,000,000 including for river and harbor iiuprovemeiitH S3,!H5,i).' 0. Thus during the year 18(ii)-70 therrdnetioniu oxpeuBcs uf the War Department amount- ed to if22,!188,357.3ti, and during the year 1H70-71 a further rediictiim of isi7,- iKfi.OTS.^O was made. Tor the next fiscal year 1K71-72 there is appro]>riato(l S^fi,- 5:M,77C, including for the rivtr and har- b o r i m p r o v e m e n t s 4M,4(17,50(1. Deserlioiis duriugthe ])ast few mouths have largely increased. Tho reports re- ceived at the department indicate that Ihe reduction of the pay of soldiers from 310 to 313 per month has euuliibuted greatly to tliis result. The retired list of ihe army is now lim- ited to 300. The endeavor haw been to equali7.e the sehctions iuv that li.-^t from bolli the higher and lower gnides of the ofiiccrs entitled to be placed ujiou it, so Uiat it may not bo filled to an unieuiaona- ble extent by ofliecrsof high rank uiid uoiis<'(piciitly greater compensation. Tho iiumlier uf graves in national cemeteries is 3JT,H5l\ iiichiding 2,295 added duriug the year. The cemflterios c«>ver lui a n a , in ihe aggrc(;iite, of about 1,800 iiercB of hind, aeipiired al a cost of ijfl 711,0(10, Uuring the fiscal year Hiiiull uj'ins and orduaucJ! Biores to tln^ luuouut of Jrl^'r UOO,IKX) have been sold, nnd Ihe eiitir(> proceeds, exi-ejit a biuiili sum rutaioed 1^ meet expense of preparing other hturob fur sale, have pjivsedinUi the Treasury beyond the control of this dejiai-tmeut. itluis been absolutely neccasary to re- tain about oue-sixtli of Iho armv in those Stul«rs of Uie South oust of the Mibsiutiip- pi which were engaged in Uie war of tho rebellion. Numerous applications fin- troops to aud iu Iha oufureement of the laws wero received from Uuitod titutos marshals, ofiioers of iuteruul rcveuuc,aud tttatc ofliciids ; urgent apjwalsfor asis- tauce crowded lu from private citizens, uud it Boon becamu evident that these entity of the pcojtle demanded the cou- tioued presence of the regulur foi-ocs. Alal)ama Ai'kaiisnii ('alifnrnia (!onncrttcnt Pclaivnre Fluriflft Cieor^ia .. Illinnin Indiana Iowa Kannnn Krntncky IionHJiina IVInino Maryland , MaBRnrlinicttfl... MiHRiHHippl MiidiiKaii MinncHdta Mi^mmrl Nevada Ncbraxlca New Hampifliiro.. Now .loracy New York North Carolina .. Obin Orofjon PcnnHylvapia lllioli! ttiland Knuth Carolina.. Tcxna TcnnoHHCo Vermont Virginia WcBt VirRlnia... Wisconnin Tlio Tcrrilorics.. w. 4 2 1 (I 1 10 7 (1 1 0 5 0 0 10 6 (t 3 7 1 1 3 2 IS 6 14 n 18 2 4 S tt s 8 » ft *•, 2 1 2 1 1 0 4 4 4 0 0 I) 0 0 6 fl 0 n n 3 n 0 0 a i.t 2 A 1 0 0 0 1 n 0 n It 1 8 n. 8 1 3 :t (I 1 8 8 n n 1 0 5 s 0 in n 2 4 a 1 n 3 1!f 2 14 0 13 a 4 1 2 3 3 1 4 0 a n 1 a 8 2 in A .1 1 11 <i 0 3 1! 11 fi 2 2 (1 Totals 17(1 08 189 104 THE DiniE AT AVASHiKaTON.—Grand Duke Alexin was received by Presi- dent Grant iu the Blue Parlor of the Exeenlivo Mansiim. Minister Catacazy first piesonled tho Duke to the Presi- dent, who shook hands and spoke little compliments to each other. "''— T*,.i,n The Dnke en presenl.ed the members of his suite the President, aud tho President in turn preBent«'d tho memborA ot his Cab- inet and his ofilcial altendaulfi to the Duke. These presentations over, tho Grand Duke was escorted to the Red Parlor and presented to Mrs. Grant, Sliss Nellie Grant, nnd other Indies. At the eoncluhiou of tho corenioDies, the piu-ties returned to Ministi^r CnUicazy's residence. No formal entert:iiument was i)rovidod for the Duke nt Washing- ton. TitE.\suj(V DisnuntiEMKNTH.—The dia- burseinents by wiu"iantH from Ihe Treas- ury Department during tho month o.' November, excluf^ive of nmouuls paid on account of the public debt, were as fol- lows : riviliind mlnL<'1Iau(")U8 $l,.'-ia.«a.V33 Wnr ni-partni. nt 3.0U.71.'' fiS •Navy Dfparliui'Ut U,10l,ai Iiil'riiir Oeiiartiucnt—rciiHions Judlaua Tlie Markets. urw Y'>nK. BKBF C*rn4l—Primr l o E t , Uiilkfcka $.lMi« .W I'lrntqiiallly 11 a .\\\ M-vlhim or falrrtnnl. .lOVi -11S Orrlniarytlilnf^atUr.. .10 a .I()<« Infr or lowMt nnulc. .B « .09 MlLrnOnwa iW» oSO.ltt Ho«s—T.lvf 07 a .07;; I>rrMied 00 a .lOij Sar-Er o-l « .niJi OoTTii?!—Mlddllns IB'fi .M F1.0UK—r.xtrrv WcHlom n..TO a ,7S Btalo Kitra...; n.lO a fl.c7 Wni:*T—Anibi* WrHnm 1,00 a 1.70 " RInin l.Wl a l.(.S Wlilln Ornciee Ectr* l.nn a I.TK No. 3 Sprini! 1.00 a I.f.S n VR—WoHlcrn IW fl .!>B n,MO.KV-SIntc a .0.1 CORN—MIxnl Wcalom .*fl . a ,S3 OATH—WiBtrro BO a .Bfl Ponit—McR^ 13.no 0I400 LARD a <i ,lo CnTii(it.EeM—Cmrto 13 notlncdaj Oirrxr-u—KUtA 30 a .S3 OhloW.K 3S a .20 •• Yvnef 31 a .30 Wrflrrii Ordinary 13 s .IS I'nniHylvanla Unc 33 a .SA CaKRfiH—Slalo Fwton- IK a .11 " Sklmnn^a 07 a .10 Obio 10 s Ah Enai—Stato 16 a .18 nciTA)/>. }\KV.T CATTLK B.75 s 7 . U SuKf.p S.50 a A.SO IlrxiH—Ltvn 4.30 a R.OO ri.«itn n.5n a 7.rio WitKAT—No. 3 Spring 1.3S a I.in Conx ro a .fi% OATa 10 a .in RTK 70 a .70 llAULKV fiO a .03 L*no 10 a .v.,i AI.nANT. WlIKAT UPO a 1.70 RTK—Slnl» 00 a .0.1 0.mN—Mlicd 70 a .flO BAni.ET—Slain HO a .on OATS—SUte 13 a .10 pmLADtu.pniA. FLOITB—Pcnn. Eslra G.7S a 7.no WUKAT—Wcalcm lloil l.M a I (ill Wblto. l.ro al<iH OonN—YrUiiw..-. sn a .DO MlMd SO a .87 PRmoLEiTM—Crnde Unflni'd .31 >; lliErOATTLic 07 a .nnjt CiMVtA SFXD 11.30 al2.e0 Timothy.,. 3.00 BALTinoHK. O o i T E K — I . n w H 1(1(11 i u KB f) o -Ifl.'i Fi/irn—Eitra O.no a BOO WHEAT—Amber 1.00 a 1.05 Oans tl a .70 Oata IS a ..-VS MONEY. Subscribe Now fur tbe hef>(, m o a t widolr olr«nli(<>d A41BICVL» TVKAI.inlllOK'rit:iJI<TVBiar^PAPKK In the fVURLD, and Ibn bri-t P A P U R In llip WORI.U for tha UUUMBIIUI^P aiid li r t h e CUILDBEBT. Grand, Square and Upright Pianos w r n r AWAnnEO T S E F I r a t f l r n n d Bold MrdRl. World'ii I"air, Parin, 18^7, and I.ondoti, ines. Till S T E I M W A T P U K O " art! •nlT-rwHr fiBwd^d t o b o Tftr LradlnK Fli-«t-VMiiM PInn© nnw bi'f'iro tlic |inhlii'. Tti(*-^ini'tmini'n(Bnr»'iirr>frnTd to atl ollirr. by Ih" iti'inl ct^li-btn'Ril iilinlM". Tloij ar" niM-d hvallOl" jirinripal r.ii.r"rt tm'lJH'" wlirii^vnr «1- Inbinlilr. Tlifv linn- n iriiU " WuriilwitlP r'P<ilnli«r, Ih-iutt inni'ly ripnit. d tn E'ln'P". oxd all iinr(«(if Ihr irlvilixM iv>.i1il. nrKt Ihry are fniiirlit tube imllolvd br nnirty t>W Ain<-rirnn and Hiirii|«'An rinii'>-in«l"'r». N t n l n w N T A ' n n n h * Mnmmoth Mmitilnrtory. la III" 1. O ' f tii-Hi-rilj-nrrnncMnnd "("nitvi-MtatiliMH- mfnt of ilstlnd In Iho wnrld. Th"- imhrMicd olhcial npvi'iinor''I<iin* hsvlnnrrvi-Bl»Kl tlio f«ct Hint ih'nmnuin 111' ihrli unily fi'r- rifrr-l ih:f n/ iht titrlr' lanjnt j'inan- mn'.rrt ni \rir Vnili r„m'ilnr'l. STHINWAT it HUNK ran "inriftl atl'nllnn !•> thfir Nfw PMtpnl t'prlRhf IMnnoa _ , , with ibiiibtr Ir<m ttumr. Cat nt (ti-BntiAtor ami Tnbiiint Franip arllon, wbinh art- mni'h'ft in rn'.irn' I'lff iimtllg n tun; >i'if -ii^yfi-n in.iUru "' t'll™. uliilr •Intiiimu li^niti'i )n tnnn anil Ix-lns iiinin impptvlixi" 'i nllnn»p(i''iir In- flurnn-sthnn any -HhiT I'nnn ift prf-"ont tnsniifdctnn-d. Everr Pinna I V n r p n n l r t I l * » r FlTafrBM. PriPM »r!i,low an Ihn PJCIMMVO U*O ot lb" lift malwrlalu an'] Mni*t tliomiich workman till p will pcnnlt. Old ria- nim t'ikPM in <'tc(iine«. B»;- Ml'iitral">H!st«lopnMwltU prlro-lh.ta maiWfrw onappllcnti'ii'. ~l-ii TVA RKROOM«,«TF,ISW.VT IIAT.I.. tob A 1 1 1 FJIMI FAurtecnth nt., N«w Tnrh. t. w*i.K**. rn<t>Ti*ii>T. R. n. McnKwim * Co.. nt.i«ci;ti* 0«ii. Ar'nO. ^i"> FruiH«'n. C«l.,(in< « CfitnmnT* .trwi. N. T. MIMilOnS Renr Teirtimsnr I* tli«lt^ Wonrirrfbl Cnt-nilTO Eirecls. Ther »n n o t a TIIA Fnncr l > r l n k , M n d o of P««r Ram. WhUker. rronf Hplrllfi nnd Rof^nn fjl^aar* dfx-loml, uplreil and awcctrniidloplrn*" tho taMe.onlled " T o n l c V "Api>rtiwrn," '•nprtor(^'."A<^-. ihalleadthetlpplrrontodninki^nnfcMiandmbi.biitara atmeMrdlclno.modofronilhpMittvonootBWidUfma of California, IVrn Tram nil Alrohollb Hllmn- InntH. TtiPvarntlipUnEAT ni.f>On ri!RI- FlERnnd A l.IFR (lIVINt) I'lMNUIFLBt A perfect ncnotator »nd InvlRorntrir of the Syrt«m. (rarrylriBolT all polaonoii am utter ami rcfitorlng thtblood to a hcnUhy condition. Kp ixTann can Wlie thi"'0 niU lent accordlnit lodlrt^tiona and remain long unwrfl, provided their bpnci aro not di-ntmyrd by mineral iwtaon or other mean is and tha vHal ort:an««WMted beyond the point ot repair. TlifT n r o n Genlle rnrirnilvr n « w H I n a n . T o n i c * iKMikeimlnc. rlw. tlic j-rcuhnr mrrlt of a<.1lnii aa a powrtful ni-cnt In rclicvbii,' Ciinjrertlon or Indam- matlon of the l.lvcr, nnd nil thoVlnecml Orun"^ FOR PEnAI.E CO.-tiri.AISTS, Inyonoffor old, married or alnKlc, ot t,hc ilnwn ot woiiiniibood or at tlie turn of life, tlicFo Tonic nillcra have no npinl. Fnr Inflnmmninrr nml ('hronlc ltlii>nmn> tlim nnd flont* l>rnpFpi>ln or Inilismitoni nillonm Rctniltrtit nnd !ni<-rmiUoni Fr- ¥erB, D1iifin«(!n o f i b t - lllaod, I.lvrr, Kld- nert nnd I t l n d r i r r , t h p w i l l t l r r a h a v e iM-cti i n r « t nicoenaful. Hairh OlLrnnen vrocnnKcdhy Vitlnlod niond, which lascnernlly pro.lucrd by diTftnEcmont of the DliTffallvo Orsnn*. IIVKFKI'HIA OR INIIMIKHTION. Head- aehe. Pain In thrShoiil.lem.tVnch^ TIclitneiR of lli« Chcul. niMioe«(i. Bnnr nrLictntlcnn of Ihe Slnmach. Dad Tanto in Die Month, eillntis Atlark*. I'nIpttatloD of thn Heart. Innnmmnilon of the I-unB*. Tain In the TO* cionioflhe RldncTn.andalmn.lred oibrrpniiifiil ennp- loma, ara Ihe olliiprliKin of UfppepM*. Ther inTlcorate tbr Slumacli aiKl'llmulnlo tholorpld Urer and Dnwell. whirh render tlicra ot unequalled efllcucr In cleanalns tlie bloofl ot all liniiiirlllff>. and Im- partlnt new life and Tieor to the nliolr Erilcm. FOR BK1XI»1HF.AHF,!*, EmptionPi.ToUer. Bait Rheum. Blotchri, .'jxih, rimpli'*. ruFl'tlea, Bolla, Car- 8 O'C9I«0OK. .•C A MONTII.-llnr-e nnd mUfit fimiinh"'!. •P Adilrow _ X ( » V I : I . T V ( ' 0 ^ . Srirni. Me. iOl-m A D A V end inTPtii-ond rrlinblp aaenH. W l l f i.OI,01N(14f'o^. l*JCllbTHl...1V;^_'!!)-_Mi'^- Wnnted to f"ll artieW ne«4led by r.vl..«l». Aridr<>-.» I ' h - i n h * .Sl<v>n. P h i l a . Fa. i1n«p P i a n o * . Sent nn trial. Kn A<Hre«i U. S. PIANU CO., MB t «l:XTH e.rr.vl..«li fit itCktffe '"r nr^l-elnop Piano*. Rfoiulwaj. N.V. N ERVOVN nKniI.ITV, Ac, enred l>y m r fimiilfl rcniiiit niihnnt mrdieinn. N-nd HfU'Minte to par adr(<rli>-inR n n d i v t i t b y rrlnm mail, .larkaon, IHII IWi, tVamlnchniM. M.ixa. T n n Maicneilp Tlmc-Kcc|>rr.-A Watch and Coiniui a ci.niliinod : alpol nno ni«t«hlo works and alaiKcryrtnl in nn oniific mce. Sent hy mail on receipt of prioe. I for I.^.: 3 for (1. Addr>a". (iKO. ,T. K l i r P A l i n ; W a t e r b m r , j > n n . rf^lIP, ilARRINnHRO F.CMII'Y COKN- *. aheller Co. want A«entBtnii-H their Family iJorn- fhellprfi. npH( inrentiun nt the kind. HnJln At aighl. rruHla larce. Fur elrenlan', nildrex KUUi:.NKSNvbRIl. Trewirer. Ii<i>'k B'lt fl. Ilnrrirhnre, Pa.- t o I . N T H W anted,—A (lent* inakn more money at work fnr n* than at anrt tlinn PIHC. (i. SnS(.HN f Co.. tSi'iAtl ruhUflirii, ParOculnrH Irei Pcnlanrl, Mninr. fadllK\A\»OAII VAI.t.KVl-VB. A W . V a . r 9 3<0('Ar.Minnd Irnilt Inrni"! *.•'•-' Murk M. Sfnri wint(>riiandJ'Ai((I>vcliniiit-<. Srnd fiir( ntalnanea. __ I'lrtftMin itnit H^itt* AfiTHfv, MnrOnnbiitp, W . V a . Neuralgia aiij Rlicninalisiii. I hava a pnrlain riire for llin nbnro dixeaxei, trial aaoipini wnt tme nl clintsr'. un n|>ii1ipili<in In G A. Itv's- M n.. (.•.yyr'.tfmn. Ilmgn (•on.itjr, l\^ 'H^WO BKAt'Tirt'l. «iirTl,-"TnR PA- fL Tnii>T."ii p<>)iii;ur 4H Column Wccblr, ii«ir nvrr a (giinrtcr ciitury a d, |iri hcul- PR"!) yrmlyHiih- M-rilipr. -in irreiiil nl (lie -nli'pniilinti prim <it $ J . C m Maornlllccnl HtrrI I'nRriiviniia-tliP " Imimli- lion, 'mill ill" •'J'linr II latinns."-|> >-l-piid, Cnnta*- »er?i w n l i ' d ; c m inake |>4 l o # 8 p e r day. ('Aiii-iii\' ^ VtvANT'VMiP. .Inrkiion. Mluliiyan. i-fcs !'•-. -ij.*! irL:^:^::Z .11 Hud l.IU'>,7T0.ilH •r„lg] $1B,MI,«1J.I'S Oruudlotid |»»0,U01,3«I.30 THE Profireas of Yx>res8, in Flanders, sliitcM t h a t the lyphua among cattle cou- libues its ravugcH in tl^c norUi of France. More thuju 2U0 otcn have been killod iu the environs of St. Omcr, but the iu- BpeclioD isbo defective that infected uni- muls are almost (iuily dibcovered at the ubuitoii* of Lille. Xhe uududy has al- ready made its appeuruuco ou the Bel- pun' side of the froutier in a farm at Warhem, between Ho)id»cote aud Ber- f^ucs, \vhci-e fourioegu huud of cuttle hud to be tiiu.-j'ifio(L AFFSCTION. — T h e I'liubody (Mass.) /V<*« says : " M a n y pejiiOUK who have hiul ocuuaiuu to visit Uie Ksuex depot iu thill towu, huve fur some time time puat uolic^^d u hu^AO dun-oolujt>d doK, who aiiuouuly wutc-hus tlio passopgcrs ub they idib'hl, as though hcekiug for bome por- liculur peiiiuu. Th» dog beluugcd to Mr. Ernest S. Merrill, ono of the wotims of the Revere ditaister. When young Merrill, left homo for the last lime his do;^ hit hiin at the depot The faithful dog stiU watches fur h u luas^. whu wiU never oumo buck." Ta& MAICIUAOE OF Pmii(*E FiioniB BoKAPAUTE.—The hvthjKndfutot Ittlyf giv(;s purtiouhtrs of the juarriage of trinee Pierre Ilonujinrlc. The cere- mony was performed iu JirUfsels, at the FiyuchljCgalion, imd wn* only the ouu- secrution of u union holemuir.ed muny col's ago, iu ijresencc of an ulliciul BETriKo.—John furi->UH]y ou the Mornwy. who bet laic ekxilioi) iu Kcw veal's ago, lu iJresTjice oi uu umciyi >'f the small ditstiict of LacuiHinc. in jiel- f ;ium ljUx<mburK, und binding Mile, tiflliu to Prince llunopiu'tc. Mile Jiiff- liu had long l«'.eu known us Pnucess liouajiurte. 'J'he miUTia^jc, which result- ed in two children, \ras di»=ai'proved of bv the Emi>eror, who withheld his cuu- Heut The empire having fallen. Priuce Bumnjarte, in the opinion of the hide- jMidantf Itfltff, thought it necessary iu order to "reguiuriHe" his i>oaitiou and aocure the future righttt of his chd- dreu, to huve u new ocxcanouy. A new cuutract was prej^urtMl bv which the children were declurod le^tiiuate. The pruoetMling ufiureduu iucideut uf uuie. THE NEW LOAK JI^LEMJT FUOM TAXEII-— All bonds aud iiiterent thereon itisued under tho act of July H, 1870, euUtlod *' au act tu authtUTZO the refuudiog of the uutiouul dobl,"uro by that act de- olarod exempt fiom the p*iymcut of all tuxAss or dutitw of the Uuitod States, us woll as from taxation iu any form uuder i>tute, muuicipal, or local authurilius. (beotiou Ijoimpter 2Wi,Mxteeutb btutute, puge 272. ) The Commisaiuner of luter- AoBicriiTWDE.—Wool (irowiug. Stock Baifcing, are very prolHable in the health- ful and beautiful vallie.«, of Colorndo, Tbo plan of the Colorado Sjiriiigs Col<>ny, with other iuformatiou, auutfree, R- A. Camerou, No. 3 Bowlinj; (Jrecu New York. _ ^ Dr, R. V. Pierce, of BufTalo, N. Y., in his book on Chronic DiKenses, pavs in regard Ut his (lolden Medicine His- (^ove^-, with which our readers are familiar, " fnmi its wdtiderfiil poncr over C-<msumiitiou of the Luugs I had thought Blrongly of eiUling it my Con- Kiimiitive Cure ; but from tlu* fact tliat it is a i>crfect speeilUi for the soro throat and boaineness to which iniuiKlcrs and o t h i T i m b l i c BifCjdterH and siugers arc subject, and UIHO for Ih-unchilis, nnd all grrn-i^ Qmiihit, and is an invaluablo remedy for diKcascs of the Liver, and also us a Blood Purifier, I decided not to aiipiy t o i l a name which miglit luislend and "preveut i1« use in o t h e r dJKiyibcs fur which it iH so admirably ii(hi]>led. It will cure a ct.ld iu (iUe huU the time I nwessiu'y lo cure it with any olhcr medicine, iind it does it, not by dryinji it up but removing Ihe eiuiw—sid'duiug the irritutioif and bi-aling the idlccled luirtfi." This valuable medicine js sold by all firsi-clasb truRgUJts. S74 A BiiOW Til l''i:UAi.n: SuiTltAOP.—TIic bill for the n-jwid of Pemidc KullVage iu Wyoming passed Ihe oouucil, tJie voto being 6 yeas t« 4 iiaya. HITMAN WUECKS.—Kvery day aud hour we meet with broken down KpecimcuH of huiuihly—wrecks that hccm jiast hoju's of salviigc. At least Hcveu-elghl* of tlm; e might bo filled with new vitjility, by a o-mrse uf ]J». WALKIOI'S ('AUl'^nNlA ViKEOAB B m o w . Muuy are siitli'iing from therejielhui of rnm-uolluted bittem orjiowcrfulminerabi. ItiBchajactcristjc of Dr. Walker's (Srtfti It^himUire llmt il neutralizes the cfl'Bcl. of th(*(* mis-iadled remiNliea, and ucoumj;libhus iu due time a ptjrfccl oiu'c. American Agriculturist I ) K N O W N ALL OVKR TUECOUSTRV. a n d . n - fc.i.j:r'>'(iiAl<obe I h e c b c i a p e a t onJ bckt AURU.'t'l- TUllALand ilOnTlL'ULTI'BAL P A P U K e v e r inb- liihcd. runl^ in all it> SKNTIMFNTS. (-ORHECT In nil ilaTEArniNOS, Ri:l.lAnLi:'<v«ninHllili>i AUVKRTISKMtNTS. Iu ClRCLILATION nnarlr equala tliat ut alUtlicr Acricutlnral paper* combined. t l O V K . A K M In •orpeaaion i( lia< bacn tlip IH>M. For the Farm. A GREAT OFFER!! •lorncc lVnler«, 4til Urondwiir* ^'> T ., will iliFiiofienf OKK HrsifiiEti I'IAVII.-., Mfi/'UFoxa. and OlMiA>.Hn( hti lir.il-clh.-'F'innkeiT, ini'liiiliiiK Wuterh'H. uf erinmili/l'" f'i"- f-' "'-A. ./>" i.../ fl it mm-rh ; or Kill take frnm i i \n fv* i i i o n l h l y n n t i l i>n>d : HIP >auic (n let. and rent apntii'd if imrthiit-i^, A n"" kind nt I'AntJ'n OROAX. ilin iitii-'l bpnntiluf flrle and p'-rlcci Innp erer made, nnw on e«hihi1inn .it ISI Itmadtraf, N^w Vnrk. THE MOCKING BIRD. .V NKW HINtilNQ HOOK for AGADHHIES, eCHOQLS and Juvenile ClaESca, n>' W, fl. PFHKIWM. TtiiHwnrlii- .Monill.nf KlMI'MClTVANDfOM- l'l.irri:M>K, and ii KUnPAbSIiS Al.t> SIMILAR UUItKS in (1iPi;rca( lawot)'andeicHleii^e utlb<tMui>io i( riintnin*. I'ric", ."-O mito |ifr I'opv, Poalnso paid. YVM. A. I'OXD A t-0..rrlf ^ronriw-ity-. N.T. THEA-NECTAR l.-i A PITRK ULACX THA w.lli t h e ' ; . " - T.t n,<,..r. Thi h-I Ti'ii Iiii|.i>rli.l. Ti' -••' /row- IP-'". And fiT pjle wlii'if'ulB onlj b.- t<'p lirrnt Allatrtlo not l>.(4-inc I V n l o . , HCIiincbSt N-» Vi.rh. P. O. It<i«. ASlia Irtinrleti, Rfnc-Wnrmn. Prnlil llia.l. Sori- t.rej. Kn"lt«'- lan. Iteli.Sciirfi. lllii'^inniHimN'irilip fkiu. IliTmuriiand « nf the rilipfkiu. Umeaiip* nf the Skin, of wlmt'-v-rname oro«tiirp. olo llterallv d u e nji nnd enrrlert onl nnliPMi'li'm in a atinrt tlmo brtlie iiHeul thiie llilteri. One l>ntllo in mi'b caaea will couvlnco tbo uoat locrLiluluui ol their cura- tiro cdecti. Cloanao the Tillatpd t)lood vhrneTcr rnn And Ma Im- pDritlci buratloff tlirousblli4 akin in Plmploa, T.rnjf tloni or Sorea ; cleanie It when yon [Ind It ob^truetiHl aodtluctUb In tho rnbia, clennne it when It larntil, and Toiir frellnca will tell rouwhfn. Keep tbo Mund parr, and tho hrallb of the ^v^lpm will follow. Pin, Tnpc mill o i l i c r W o r m t t , liirklnirtn tho •riitpm ot ao many thou!>nnd*, nni eRoctiuillr deRtror^l and remoTpd. Sarn a dlndnciiinhed pbrnlolofflnl. thero IK acareelr an InillTidnal npnri llipfnppoflh« earth wli'wi- W l r I" exinipt tn'iH lb" ITI'MIP* ot wdrma. It la not upon Ibn hpnillir rhnrntii of lb« bedjr that wnnn" rxi^l, Imt iip'm thfdlvin'pil hiimora and alhnr rtcpoRit" lli.it lirppd llieK" livlnc inoiistcniol diaeaoe. No Sr"V'"' "' Mi'Uc'n"' "" rcnhifiicpa. nn S thrlminllea will IrLO the rinti-m from wuima lika ean liittpra. J. WALRF.lt, Proprietor. R. H. MoPONALD * C O , OratKliti and Oen. Amenta, tan Emnrlieo. Cnlifnrulft, rndSland S4 Commerett Htreel, Newlork. narsoi.it nv AM. mimfnsTs ANU pKAiJiRai A V N i:-occ u .^•>4ll RUPTITEES Rolievcd and e'ired br Dr. SJipniinirii I'ulrnt Aniilinnpt nnd Comiviiiiiil. o m - e PIT Srondway, N. V. J^-nd MV-. (or bonk wiib plmlok-rnrbic lik^neii^'- nt ra-cslipf-T!" and attiT cure, wilh Henry Wnol Kpe<:!ier'«wi»o. leltemnnd iHirtrait. Rpwnre ot lrav.4in« iinii'i-t'irf, who (iu'lond lo liBTe|*en^Bmii>lanl'-of Or. Silt iiM*v. _ _ BOOSEY'S OHEAP MUSIC. Cnl«1n-i|p mailrd mi n|iflie(ilion. M I O n r n i H l w n v . \ . V . TnvnUy •pn(''. I''<ir(y tf'io'l MIU ^r^ .. Vnhnihle hmt» li.r the T HE X KMT "V r.\ ir.-Tb* Xnllnnit Alinnnne. On))' Iw.-nly nifei". V.\rT no many iilrtiirr loDpehold. (inod thpyenrrm - newoMnnd or nnid aic. t o I h - Ain'ranTrart (^.wii ij.lIT W«»lung1on SI,. It-i«tin. SUP' ml I'Tiiin to ranta—fi-ii^ Universalism. FARMISRS' FAINT Wi) ari> ni:iiiutjrluriiiil tpr] pu|irriut iimnt J ( halt (hi' iii'icn III in%linBry iiiilntH, Il i. Iini.iii. Iiiil liv ilti< atl- liiti'motdry iiaintor.m be tunib- lirhifrnritiul.iT. I l ia niii.ll, rr i-t,, ii-r „••: u.id iii-ild bjlh''t.'"lli>n- ll i* wiit- •litii for IioLiiM, Vurnk. (i>n.T«, friiirht ojir», dri^iK Imil- er», pinokp "InAii. i«i'Ul n">li-. Ac. " e aii-o tiiiiiii(iii<- titre onr CjlplTai"!! UIAIIY liifnilMi lorcuicrlub-bll dn -rriii(i>n« ui riKit-.. y^r fi'v" li-w. t-tinijik*, Ac, od- dnw Uut RMAJJV IKXiriSOl'e.. N„ nt <'-«><l|in.)i HI fc—rV-'W EVERY farmer who owns a good stock of horses, cittle and sheef, and intends to keep them through tho winter, slumld gel at once a goiid stock of tSfi'-ridau'i' Cavulrj/ (hudiiiun Pvirdi-rg. Ouedcllnrti' worth will save ut least a half ton of buy. HamhrbcMSi'iri. Auiei irna J^ ti-uttui I'tf i i a lafifii jwriodlokt • ( 4 A p«f:o*. Uunlf |>rint«d> and flllcd with j>'i'ti, I'ranlral, nli4itili urijliiiil-^uittxpr. iiicludliic; buiidrrdaot itauiifnl and oi- •diirfiK K«|[ru«'liMia in evtiiy annudl voluuic. For the Garden. It oontalna cai'h luoiilb a (^londarof OtM-ratinna l o b o tn'iioruiud ou llir Fji'-ia,iii the Urtbsrd ftiid Uor* dru, ill and around I he llMrllluK, rtc. Thu lliouaand* of bin(f> and MijHwliunp given io •rery v(iiuiiie Mv iiri'iinrt'd \<y iiraoliral. inUilliUUiil \VOI4LINV uaru, «bo Uiuu wlial they ^ritv Dbou(. For the Household. Tbu llouarbold »r|)artiii«Bt ia rahialdii in pxi-ry U'luaekot'pfli-, Afluiibnc vrrr lua&y uaulol biul* aud direuoiMia cftloulatcd to ligblcoKud lauililAU In- Uoiir Work. For the Children. CUNDURA-NGO ni.IS>. KI:|:M:.V I H K F l M i d K » t r u P t , tliPw.m- •|.<ifiil Ti'iii'ili f.i I'nur-tT, '•ywbllia, (hrulUlii. IMvrrh, Pulmanurr t'uHiplialiiU,bMll Ukram, rnd nt| t'bi'Otilt* Kluud l l l a m a r a , i n j i n ' t u r e d (rutii tile GtMtutnc <'uu*lai-u»Ka Itnrk. (nun l^oia Li'- iinilor, ii>-'iiii'il lit 111-' a-M-iun I'i>i lOi' niitbur.Lipt u( ttiAl ruunlr?. Il I-the iiii>i>i '»--(i-<-, fifiucl im ( -TJ.W" '-lliT.itito nnd blood ixiriai-r knnnn. SDIJ l<y all Ilniiicii'l', ill I'liil biilti"-. iia»inr i-n tWeiu our t-aiue. trad iiiiirk nnd iiiri>iti"iis. S-iiJ for ,i ciri'U ai. OIIir» tiitil l^liora(4>n, No. aiCrdorhi.. N . V . Send f o r f r w aample copy of HIP CniiifrnAx LFAiir.n, a hnd CUM weekly I'.iirnm I'tibii-hed bvt.'a New ^jTk Slalo Ciiiiventinli "f I'liiivrvnli.'-. mill 'ij'iilaitnnc thn Kerinonn of Ilr. K. H. Clmimi, Tinin f3.Ml per yiir, Addip*. I'ubtiMiirt^llliI.^iiAh I.KADKII, I3M UiiuidHay, Kuw York City. 50th Y£AR. NEWYORKOBSERVER (3 for AEttac Ic--slkj rc:r iK'r. Tu 18V3. SIII.MCV R. MOIt^T!:, JK. & CU.. nt Pnrk Row, N, Y. _ SAMPLE COPIES FREEj BURDSALL'8 ARNICA LINIMENT. An lurahinhlo t'ute fur ntirriH. B"O1CIH. fc»pfainH, RIIEVM.ITINM, l^•^•|-AMM.VTI«^, Ac, A "ini.-l- ul.plirnliDn illnj» ibc I'lin imin n linrn tliu Histant it in aoHir'd. HO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT II. AUTNTS WANTl:l> 1 "'1! TUT H ISTORY OF THE WAR I N EUROPE l\rulil«in«oyer l."»« linu rUdievinBi'•« "'j';'" '""'-no" nnd ini'iriinta iiilMf War, nnd i-(lie i-niy ILI.!-, AU- TIIESTK.' nnd (UTICIAI- hi-l-'tytd Hat. (.a.jil e-m- rtic(. Aitenti nreiiuxtindwilh ni'linc d.'ii(.-'1 -"C'e*' willina from C O l o 4«er.|iip* |HT day. nnd il b fnl.lip-l.ed in bi.iu Knili-t • nnd (.••niinii. , , , /I i I " I M / W Infirmtlibti'nPii arnlielniiriieii. V J A V 1 | W . ^ N lated. fi.-e ilini Ihilw.^liyuiihiiy t'untaina l « 0 nnp oni:r(H'iiK(i.-imltt"l on*;.". S.-nil iitr i-iteuliii* n n d m e o u t tpnn-. iifi n (iill .T.-iril-t i.m';''h" «ork. Addn™. NATIONAL I'lIHI.lSHIYf III., rliil- mh ll.liUj I'n.. f himt-n. 111:.,^ Sl.l.i.Ui-. M'l. . tiUNTS* WASTED, i-rt-rywh.re, f.r The Home of Go(Vs People. TliiEnodtfl aaitnstUBr'-i'ulml am UTik Mll,llgwn•ll• ^; #.in OIDUIII,!!,! ii,|>"iiu. It i-'itin'to ti-ittiT ;,.• .ilJl!T».inK». •u«Ai;ffllJ-*a.l-J .td.e.|a|.-d.v«, i.tiefpiV.Tn ••• 4a>n|i r q u l l y •• "'H- 9U,r>OC> »r*nDiiinriin be i..ad* by • • y tufrj-iit malt tr (rir...i» •J,ni.l« LkinBei>l«nf«l^iii»lut'i*.fu>B<il''>'-Bilp-T«'" * « • . K " H>» l-«lrh«of»leMiW. in,--nr »•.» .•--^Tul. 0-,r rtfubTt (wnt (rr.>»lUM«tliii*>"Hp( ('•!•, c U a y w u r l«Tm», full pnri;ti.',iiri nt. WOBliaN*iT"N, I'lMIN 4 (.ii., Ilitfiux4,< unn. tl A full •ndriiiui.l.-li- lli^lor];(lf ChirnRn, h*r|)a«l. or.'Ht-nt ao'l fiiiiir-. Wilii Erjti.hic M-.-IH-I. inHdrnli nml lull f.v- lailn of the dihUFl T , li> (ieo. I'. U|ilon. nnd .1. W. Sh- n- liaii, .ditrir- r>f t l i " (-luonen rnf.j.iir. Wuh ovpr 400 I'Uura, n.xl AO lllu»trulloaii. I t ia n o w r.-ndy lor Agents Wanted. t^i^l^^^i^Ut^l l'i<ir,ix I'lil'lii-lnnr I <>., I )IIPI-G«. 111., i-r I'hil , T i . rLQRAL uvr.K ON i: u i'\ DitKM i*Au i:b, •i.ite.1 111 T wo ('.>l»r*. .'I -'i;- -h Ti-.TT , I'AiTii, Konr IMnui lluiidrrd ljiitrit« IIIB* mud V•')!''(••••••'•.'' ii'> t ) ol rtwufra. . rii-li. n«, nivl was unable to make up the rticjuirttd ,^.^ , .,_ _, . ,_ _ „ , It tukes BOUpouudo of boef, 10 bush-' amoimt of hib boil,—^iuitOUL) uftlw •!,- iit^jttcoio, uud t^e veaials «rf o]'dt<i«d t o ' iji* iuiiauiur,v'^<C«y towardb<Uie Abolition i (^ oipotutotw. CbO putind* of brond, iu;d lOUO.UOu b^u^ jiul f<4rth ocmiuir't "^<^ ^^ ' «-'i^iu\w ,ftj^ gnitrd for''ail icd&iijji^l.'.jf tjirary. 0«r r4iaUyii8 with thut tan- j cubbugof. tiirpip* and onions orfttt. *o rtauovwllMai<^7<i>u' loiltEow by the Yolk, C4ime out u (jiflOO l o a w . He pro- j ^ iu,veuue rulee thut the c^xt4uptaou bubl.vbetut leabt »50,00(J, but gfttiug ! ^^jj^^^j^^ t^^^ ^jtoteat us weU OK principal IrighU^ued, Olid " hiMlgiug," he fiuallj j ^^ ^^^. ^^y. i^udii, and that thi* iiiterobt ainved at the robult givop Out of the ; ^,,^^^ beiiicludodin the amoimt upon urge weU known New York i>ool. Uxc i ^^^^ dividi^ud oi- other tuxt* uit^ rc- hjtdwa owount actually vmi vm S5Q0> l^^tZd to be wud. —— t A liAm AJIBWMK.—A luutUttTiecMed CouyntouLXM Oouully oi New Y«k , her diuW fur ruuiiiug barefoot Bhe tioid : " What ore .vuu doiug that TeoETiwi: Ii-MknjwlMliod bytdl UUBM» of |>iHjpk) to be thu buai flud moat rxbablr bluod iiitrtlicr iu tbv Hurld. -WluUr Wladom. Warm oluUkU)« BIUDC will out |inib^ the bodj nsaiual Uia oonaMllwiiiooa td U M auddnu dotnauuou <d tuuiiHtrk- tur« wtaiub ia oouoomOant of ow-ly wiuVor. I'Uuuol next lb* akin iiroMJ^M tho MIUIIAI bual. b u t l l d o w n u t U u - IMwrt MiliulU viitur. Thai |ao|M.-rlj' ui tUe nixictftl iiiuruca- liid (if Huntiituv'k Kttiiuarb Uiltort., wliioh in tliurofut* ft •IHwdic iiruMolion as&iUHl ft uugordr of tbe ouiuitluiuU Wbiub iDuvt ouuuuon at Ibi* at-ftaoo- fur OMUiiile, a oaurio id (bo gttM Ti«NUbli> iavitor4nt, ounuunucod now. will \H> nliuoit aurv to i.'oaludv ohUlftkud loiiur, lul- loua ctd^r.. dwuidotiid tbe MoutMb, ouunt^piaiop, ftiid tutmt oUo't oauu>^i"b> wbiob MW ullen tbe (iitoct or in- dirool ullool 111 fto nUuoa^iUoR aurabAruud wilb ould. un- wbukwuue vftiior Murooter, ibd itfatoai touod and n«uUlod by tJiH looana la lunob inw* likoly to radat Utitid » U . b e iucludod i n t h e lauOUllt Oi>OU ' j„ii„,„4i,u, dm*-' tb«0 it W"«1<1 o l b o r w i - r W : for UiB iadluuuuv of kMtfoliine Uiudiciuu luuvftdw ftll tbo OICMU. Mid *^tf> Ub« (Old liatue of tbe Iruuc. rvrauiin WUOM kil*l iMWore am MVftln MlHii>t«lljr mu\ii IftdiM uud lUa fhi:. ulwtivr voidiul, will BfttuiftUj b*|f(*d iJieAubiirM buity Jr'riayiJ one dn.v.' BUwJfl w Ludlww buuot Jtiil. " 1 Wtt« l a o l u u g LU^ feot httjip^*,' Wuui't that & ^od Muver ? the III /MMyiifif ' K*hiutfi4U' Tb« l>cj»«rUB«MU Aw CkUdrco MUI Twuth ia lu-etuin-d wilb npoainl .Are. Liith to furiii-<h aiuuMHUKiil, ftud to iiieukiat4> kodwlaMljcr aud auuud tumaJ iirlDcivle*. Juw-MUH 4JrirMurm ban au luuiiiuiAv riroulntinu, ftiid un tLik aoiDuiil o)ui bp oAiiri-d nu <:l..ii>.i'ly. ll euutAinn 4 1 l a i t e ( l u n r t o )>«!(<'•-ftlld K i i s r a W a s f t l b u t •iiiDuare wonb tv wore Ibftu tb« iirtea of the pftixir, itbith uoftla OBLY ftl.oO a "^^eap; « CopiUft, M l 1 1 * Coploft' » l » t K * C ^ p l M . »»V. The voluntft* of Jm.fMm jljfi trolla'if ooualiLot* a Cytdo^ia erf Aiprlc«U«r»l aud UorUcuUur«l lAt*r»tiurr, i.uii^uiiUrlo 0(117 o n e n b u oynnu xut 1,/ lunrf. ua tbiToonUdo UIP miitinjia ol the tary I M uHthor* : DO LhoM Bubjeot* iu Oi* ooiuOo- I Try it a Year! lluiuil iu I'batikn. I'oil-iilbo* Money Uidetii orKpfia- t<i[«d LottAn ftxod b-r ya-riwlM Liat uf »ora thftn m«d, ftisMiniiMl^ itHuiiuuiDUlioduulUifftoa tbi) wiul<ir'* ' BJ^, Miy li wbicb t u v bn ubkbiuMl wiUift bklla Ubor I w U f c « t t U « M U 4 r J . Biuid for aainiilr OUM fraa. OfiAHOE JU0D & COMP^Ni, UEDUCTION OF 1»1UCE8. TOCOSl-OUMTO REDUCTION OF DUTIES. Great Saving To Consumers BY UK-rriNO i:i> ('•.IHS. jl^Kend hirotirNiH I'rirr l.ixl and a <'luli form will Rcr>'ln).niiy 11. ciinlniniiiR full tliiM-li»n.t—innkinx a Iftriir -UMiiE 1<M Kiiiii. ni a n d r i - u i i i n e t a l ' i r l>><'llil> x r ^ n o i r i i i The Great American Tea Co., CONSUMPTION. 1 Kemedy Fonud at Last! It uUt Core your Cougb. It Will Prevent M Cnre Consflfflplloii. Tbat Couith. nblrb inn ftio un^liclluff. uia) n-kult i l l l a U l Ctiuauiuidluu. If notne iiniui|il tii-ui- cd} U iiid uard. Wli; Mirrltlrr junr life nliciifouilliMMxr r a n b e riui-d huijulrk. uud al au kiuiUl nthl 1 VHAT IB TH£ VALV£ OF MONEY WHEK COUFASED TO HEALTH 1 TboMi whu an- ftlUioK-d (I'llli a Ctiucb or wilh C-i.n- aniuiitiiiu road Uu- fidloHini: luiur li^nu a iirtnuini^id ui>inibai>liif Muiiiel'Ky. Uiob.. dBt«d Julj'2x, ina liiir Hi'r.—Tlu- Abnu* Lunf ItabalD llna ftrrivvd. 1 wiiiililii"! Iiltxif hv Milbu.il il.li.r i( linKhBiid my bin. I ii.iik n tuid "uld. mud a ooutib. aud fuinlly 4<iituum|>tiiin n a * n.'ftti d itiiun liii'. 1 v a o ll> a w-il' hi.U hlntr. ] Iriod (iv(T>tbiii» Ib'Lt una iMmuuiuiHlMl, and •iiriilarnal d.-Al ol iiiiuuT. nnd cut nu bidu I had Altou'a l.uiic Uulxniii for i-dV. but I knew iiolliiiut of •(• merit-. I d i d uiil likt'U> tAL<< i( n-ilti'iul kniiwiiM; inoie nbnul i< I liad uol <uld ft buttle. W b i i n y n u i ftciiiil l A l l t d o n m". i Uild iiiiii I loulil IKil 'Mill a miidic lie I ktiovr »<ithiu£ •biiul. U>- urfled m c to try i( oiyHtilf. I did an : and. lo in) cr,il<<(ulhuriinM<. lb.-JiiM bi-oh-"i<>l<l'<d n.j it>ui:li i ftiid, bufure (he third botile u«* (»!.• u. uiy luiwi. w.«e hoftji'd ftnJ well : nml 1 .laii i».» -("•nl' lj>n»>nBb iiiy (rirUlb-Biid (UMoiil«r»af Uia W « J 0O»bU€* ol A lion a Liiui; tluWui. i loiuftin >uur», '"^"i'^^J'Jy- TWO COLORED PLATES. I>(r«<-tloa* nnd plan- loi mai,in= walks, Ii l^^. (• i ; - Ot'lDi: intlir Woil.). AlllorTru<'rnlft,lDtii<«u wild (iiiiik ol tiii)iii|f ^rldl•. K i t .t ijuniiir (l;i' CO'-I. -.1XI.UU mid ol l^;l. _ Add.ew. JAlirM»'««-W. >t TZ£XC RUraS OF CHICAGO AT yovii tnyy iiiuisjiu-:. Just Published, R. H. MACDONALD'S History of the Garden Cit^ AS IT W.\S, A M ) I S , Wi(h fine »n.-rannsml <be iirturiiial hu^ldiritn ; vii wj -ll Cliirai:.' in IfJi nn-l 1 ' I : »iOi n cmni'li'lv IliMory nl I lie i;n-iil Kire, llinlbiy ineidi lit.-hj i-yi--«itn.-i..-». and (411 nud <Hiin-oi i-laliMii> o i l h e lu.--... t'ii[itrihu(ioni>. i-d',, ccoiiipaiiiod with a hi-m M-P •/ti" vht-'r f^ii. coiufi .»i-r> M.i-.it and name. ir..|ii oUlrinl Kunry. and tb<'.>M.V oitiu:i'] outline lit Ibt o\ti<ul of ihrtlii'iit |inb1ii-hnd. |riii(.-d 111 (int. AW. a b- I •' t<:i tl- ..••...( i:,,'"/ il' ir.-.M. Umul oiueljr bound in c.Uh. bi ut iH»(-fn.' ••u iwiijil i.f J'lily tVul*. |.y llir J.•.ll1l^ln^p : and di-inle l-i all NewB ftiid Ui>nk-lii'ali'i> in (be Uuiu-d bliKr'- 'Vnioitf-iui! .\|:rr.i- M.HIIOI). 1. ir-e ruininiMOon* |iBia. " " 'ill llroadwu. N. \ - iiiawiuiT .\i:rr,i - M.iiii.nl. 1 B. Ik THOMl'.SdN i CO. NATURE'S REMEDY. THE CREW BLOOD PURIFIER •i ->-- -••—niT- "^^ —•--' C. JrrREix. ri<ur wilbuut h»vtUK iwHiUMr lo Uii* i^lr ftud nuauiuui IUM4U (d iv-enforolnc ni<(ooblud nfttoir. Hu>'b nuBuiiiii; tMT U MI»|Md,IBIUlb(UBCUr«vt>HMllV loUowlUf tOla oounoll. Ilett«rlftLc^nft*«.»«J<^l*^"*^''''^'''V f M M f W b« aAilj Uiftti IftW. I'ublii^herv, 34S BROADWAY^EW YORK. / ALLEN S LUNG BALSAM la (.ftrrauU-d (o broak u p t h e iuo«t troublwwuie Coi«h in ft.iioorodiblvaU.irI Uior. T''™'.''.?'"?P-^.l'i«i'i? diuw iiiuniiidontKiif re*l mint (bun Un" UALfSAH, fTi (murine Co((jiV»UTl"K. OoUwWf. OolU»«. A»JUJiU, Ciiol'l. Ar. .X „ ^ It in »ul) nb»ut M'Viiii j.tura ninue tbc UuMuii »«• tirat ulftiiiit) u> i h e i>iibli<' : a n d . m thui rJiurt tiiui-. il lion bu- oouie kuowu Mid ftoi««; aUwl in i.iArljf ov..r> u.wii kud vilW.' tbioufhuui thi< UiillAl but' K and ttin Uouiiulun uf C!bii>.(i'. Uuiidi.id* 111 ihouaiioda of buttlu* ftn- ftu- uually *»ld ; nml ihiiu.muUol wiluofcw. twlilj l o dft unc<au.J<-d l->-uDi 111 b>'>dii>|[ Utc d U c v i w vUftl i( i« roc* QUIIUMlded lor. ^ u u KamtoM tk* atMt d«ll«M« OUUU A laluabir Indian POIUIKIUIIII. lor u-Montyi Uif hiahh, and tor Uieix'tmuiont cure of oU dinoaaca ftrihin^ fmui mniriliiii I.f t b r blo!>d, nurb na Mcrvftela. HrrofUloua Humor. ('Mirrr. <'MU- c c r w H B U u » * i r , * > i f t l | » » - ' i * * . «'«**>»">«•, »»MH, XtbrWMk, ••liMItloa ttod lluutora u n I b o yuttr. l'»«<M-a. <'u«illb«, ('ut«rrb. Ili-uu<-btllk. Xi-MiiUitlw. Ub«u- uiullMH. fulu* ^ tbo MA*, UyaiM-iialu. ('«Uft(liMUlu«, CUAUI t-Aciui, ! • 1 1 (• a . McudBt-br, U1K»1UC.U, Ni-c-i wuKUO'ft, Fulut- Ki-jM a l lh<- ktouiicb. FalaiB l u t h o Uovk, KJdavy t'Atmvl'atu.ft. i'>«ftu4c H'««k- iicAft. iftud tactki'rul A>*'UUiiy. This [icoiMifttiuu u nLit-oUliCftlb Mid ob«uiUHiU> ooui- Uiuid, nnd MI BIIKOSIX onitiiimU-ulfid friiui roi4«. horbn Mid turk-. tliM It* RiHid (ifludU ore luAlisod luuuodkatoly nllot ooiunjiini^int to lake i(. Tin.rt' i» no dui-n--? uI Ibe liuianti nj'kloui fur wbioli Uie ^'KOETlNI: citniioi bi- UHid iritb i'lJirMT hATETT, • * i t d(MW Uut OUOUtlO ftliy IU'<l<tlUo (iiniiound. For w*dic«tiuc tlic ayahiui of ftll tm|iurilin* of Ui(< blood. It ba* UO liiiUoI. II liU.-' ueviir luitrd lo etlaot e ourr, sivini: tour aod aLronj;lb to liMiay'iUmi dehibtntud 1^' (baeaM. It* wondiiriul i^lluot* ujiun Ibent' ooiuiilaiiilii ar« BurpriBum tu all. Uony hnt-e buun ouriid b> t b o VEUETIXK tbftt bfttt Uiod uiftu)' oUuir miuvdiuft. It <NUI wuUbftOftUed THE GREAT BLOOD PURIFIER. H. E. STEVENS. rriM»1.1l».

MONEY. - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031640/1871-12-09/ed...proof that ou our bide we share the wishes of that g«»vcrument. llio inex cusable cuuise of

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Page 1: MONEY. - NYS Historic Papersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031640/1871-12-09/ed...proof that ou our bide we share the wishes of that g«»vcrument. llio inex cusable cuuise of

\ .

The Two S p a r r o i t i . Two iiparrowB, votnTiof or Love, . , . . . Tho Marn (iTid Vonnn orihfi RToro. Had tipon, for yrnr", nucli cn.idtAtil TORICS, Ton wotilq hftvp Brt-nrn thr very Frilfs Wor6inipotPnttobrpiikthfi!»OTnl 'ITiiit \mncA n pnlr no true uTid foTia, ToRrthpr nlill tlirr Emicht llioir food j TfiRcllifT plnrpil in flold orwooa ; Topethor iitiiU tlif ''(wy nfrt Tlint fiorvpLl for (.IIPH-T rnd for roBt; ToRctliprroiiclit 111" frilhciTfl food Wiih whom tlicv rnirip to words or blowc; In (liio, llicv livltl, «!• Iivprp oiifilit, XV'iUiont R friiiRlo pfllflfh HlOn^ht, S.iVu sntli tfl fnlRlit concern tiia iwfcin, Tlirir mntnnl jov, or iTinhial pain.

At hfil, one (lav, tlnv cliftTicod to Rol Tliftir rrnt tiitnTiRl'-'l in ftnH. (A,vnETJ«iit linv lind spronO DIP cnaro To cnlch (iTitl kcrp tlic protty pair?) And soon, dcBpilo llipir noluT rdpc, Thi-y bnlli worn prinonod fn a cago; Whuro—mncli 1 piicvr thr talc tfl tou— A Korrr prnndnl imw befell: They Foo'id, riTriminatc and flcbt, LiUo nirant foes, frnm morn till niKbl; Until, at li nptli, tbo wrctch^-d blnU In cniel nct» find bitler word* Tim Torv furic'R pmnlatf',— And nil {heir lovo is tnniod to lifttff I

1,'r.svot. Fnll mnny n ponplo comn to ntrifp Andhntrrd in eonnnbiil life, Wlinnc davp of cpnrl;-!* ,i prnmicod f»ir M tlio?<t' (i! Ibifl niihnppv pair; Pnt, like thr npMTOWc in my tnlo,— AVlirn ironblc (.omos, 0>olr tfliunorfl fail; Tlifvblampencb othor forllie fals Wliicb both Bbnnld tirifo to mitigato; Vilb pfttifnco hclpinR to cndnro Tbo iUB that kinducBs tftils to mn I

John 0. fidTe.

Fnrm, (iartlen nnd llons^Iiold.

liEMON C A K C — O n e tcncup Imtter, t h r e e tonctips mipnr, five rgRs, four enps flonr, one cup millt, one l<>n.ipoon salcra ' t n s dijtfolved in tlin milk, Ri-ntc Rkin nnd in i re nt a lemon nnd a liiilf; bnko in tu\H liaU liour.

T o C U T GLABH—Any linrd Btcel tool, Bars (lie IJoaton Jonmnl of Chcmiftr;/, will cut R U S S ^ M I fneility wlicn kep t freely wet with cainiihor (lissDlvod in iiupcoitino. The ntgged edge of glnsB iiifty nlso bo thus muoothed with » flat file.

CoBJt B E B A U . — O n o qua r t of coarse corn meal, one qunvt Bwect milk, one even iorispoon of soda, two of crenm tar-ler, four ep;RP, wcllbenten (two will do), II jHccc of buttiir iho frize of a blaclt wnl nu t , a little siilt; bake with aquick lient, and it will bo ns l igh t as sponge cake.

NEWTOWN'S P O R K C A K E . — O n e pound salt pork choppod fine ; let it boil two niinntei? in lialf p in t of wat<>r ; one cup molasses, t n o cnpsKiiRnr, three egge,two teaspoons coda, oinnnnioii, cloves, nut­meg, one pound mis ius clioppud flno, Hour to make a ftiff Imtter ; this makes three loaves, TheBO are the inpi-edients; every housewife known how to mix and bake.

A PAnLon VrNK.—To grow a vor\* pret­t y vine from the sweet potato, p n t a tube r in inire sand or snnjly loam, in a l iangiup baiilict, and water oreitsionnlly. I t will throw (Hit t.fiiidrils and boautifid leaves, and will elimh freely over the nnns of t h e basket, aud upward toward the top ol t h e WIIKIOW, Not one viHitor in a hundred bu t will suppose i t to bo some raro fox'oign plaut .

To llEftTOBB CoLons.—When color on a fabric liaK been accidentally or othnr->visQ destroyed by acid, ammonia is ap­plied to neiitruIiJiellip same, after which an application of cliloroform will in al­most all eases rcf'foro the orir^imd color. T h e npiilieation of ammonia is common, b u t tha t of chliiroform is b u t little known. Chlorofonn will also remove pa in t from a garment or clfiewhere.

CooKiKo IEAHBITS.—Stany people ad­mire rabbi t itiastctl whole, except tho heaX This is best sluH'od. While roaatiup, biithe frequently with butter , drodgn it with flour, and manage as with any o ther roast. The^ head and liver m a y be boilcil. Split tint head, take o u t the bmins , mash them with the liver and add lo the gravy. 'Wine and jelly are liked bysn ine jieople in the gravy. Keep the rabbi t in weak snlt and water at leatjt twelve hours, if the weather will i ienuit , before cooking. W e prefer rabbi t sletfed. I t is n dain-ticrdiRh.

A GOOD P L A I N P I E - C B U S T . — A quar t of sifted flour, n quarter of a pound of lard, tho same of but ter , a tea^poDuful of salt, reserve a little Hi»iir to use in ro l l ing ; work the but te r into tho re­mainder. Dissolve a jiieee of sal volatile tho siso of a large nutmeg in half a tumbler of \vat<'r ; add (his to the flour, us ing lis much more eold watc rns is ntcossary *-i wet the dinij?Ii f o a proper confisteae, ' f(»r hand l ing ; roll the douKh, B))read half the lard n]>nn it to wititin half an inch uf tlie edge, tu rn ing n p till­ed go to prov.'iit the liird from oozing out . Hiniiiklo with flour; fold twice and roll. ltei)Dat I h i s p r o e e w with, tho remaiii iug hird, and i-et in a cool ' jdaeo for half nH hour or morn before using. Th i s answers well for on under crust where puif jiaite in usi-d for tho upiici;

K.VVJNG CAUHA^ES TILL 'NViNTEn.—We know of no bet ter way to preKru-vc cab­bages through the Winter Umu that which we havereeoinmcndcd for a num­b e r of yoar«i. I t is tfuidant or set them u p in rows us Iheygruiv—thntis witli the rool« down—fdl in with soil pretty free­ly, then make a cuvering by idant lng two posts wlier<! there if a fence to rcht nn, or four where ther<! is not, allowing for a pitch to carry oil' Ijio wat^r ; lay bean po!(»s opposite t h e way of the pi tch, and cover with eorn-foddcr, oi straw, or boards, l u nniii;? throu.alx the Winter iivoid Its mueb as possibib tho sun side and close uj> :ig;iiu. We liavc^ hcijL our rnbbaqes for luoii! than a do/.en yearH this way in a perfect stiitv through the Winter mid into the Spring, nnd could even up io tho flrht of May if desirable.

S n i r n HUKNINO AT TJAUOE.—The • ]niictieooE allowing stock—cows, hogs,

and Bhee]i—to wander about the public roads i:; u troubh.'some and vci-j- waste­ful one. A r rea t poi-tion of the value of t l ieferd of an aiiimnl properly fed aud kept in yards i;i rcturued in tjie

^ e Presidflnt, in his aniinal moseage to Congress, fiays :

I n addressing m y iliird annua l mes-KigQ to tho law-making branch of the government i t is gratifying t o be able to stAto tha t during the past year mcces i liaa generally at tended tho eflbrfc t o cxe-cuto all laws found upon t ho Sta tnte-bobks. The policy has been n o t t o in-qt^rf in to tho wisdom of tlio laws already enacted, Imt to learn the i r sp t r i t and intent , and to enforce them accordingly.

rnosrERrrr . Tl ie pas t year has , u n d e r a wise Provi­

dence, been one of general prosperi ty to tho nat ion. I t has , however, been at­tended with more than nsnal chaatise-mftnts in the loss of life and proper ty b y storm and fire. These disasters have served, to csH fortli tho bes t elements of Iminnn naturo in our country , and to deSTlope a friendship for us on tbo part of foreign nations, which goes far towards alleviating the distrosa occasioned by the calamitioR.

otm FonrtoN nELATiosa. Tlio relations of the Uni ted SUitos

with f'TciOTi powers cont inne t o be friendly. Tlie yeai ha s been oventfnl in witnessing two great nfttionn, speaking one language and h a v i n g one l ineage sett l ing by peaceful arbi t ra t ion disputt-s of long sUindJng, and liable at any t ime to b r ing those nations in to bloody and hostile eonfiieU An example has thus been set which if successful in its final issue, may bo followed by other civil-izcd naliouR, and be finally the means of j-eturning to producliveimlustry millions of men now mainta ined to settlo the disputes of nation's by the bayonet and tho broadsword.


T B E A T I E R .

I recommend the legislation necessary on tlie pa r t of the United States t o br ing into operation the articles of the troaly relat ing to tho flsherics, hud to the other matters touching t h e relations o t tho United Slates toward the Brit ish North American )»iB»os.>ion8 to become oiiern-tivo so Soon as tho i)roper legislation shall bo hatl nn the par t of Great Dritain nnd it-s pos.sesRinns. I t is much to be de-hired tlint this legislation may beeomo co-operntive before the flshermen of tho United' Stales begin to make their ar­rangements for the coming season. I renew the recommendation for an appro­priation for determinal iug the t rue po-Bi t iouof thc forty-ninth imralhd of lati­tude , where it fonns tho boundary be­tween the United States and the lir i t ish Nortli American possession, between the Lake of the Woods and the summit of tho Ilocky Mouulains.

rnANCE AN1> OERM4KY. The resumption of diplomatic relations

between PiMiice and Germany have en­abled mo togive directimiB for the with­drawal of the i>rotection extended to Germans in Franee by the diphmiatic and consular repiesentativos of the Unit­ed Slates ill tha t country. I t is just to add tha t the delicate duty of this pro­tection has been perfjrmeit by the Min­ister and ConBut-General a t Paris, and tho various couHnla in France under the Bupei-^-ision of tho latter, with great kind­ness as well as with pradonce and tact. Thei r c(mrR0 has received the commend­ation of the German gevernmeut, and has wounded no susceptibil i ty ot the French.

UNrrEP BTATES AND GEBUANY. The government of the Emperor of

Germany coutinncii t o manifest a friend­ly feeling toward the Unilcd States, and a dehiro to harmonize with the moderate and jnut injlicy which this govornmotit miiiiitain!:i in its rclntious with Asiatic l)owcr8, as well as with the South Ameri-Cio republics. I ha re given assurances that tho friendly feelings of tha t goverii-meut are fully shared b y t h e United Slates.


• T h e ratifications of the new treaty of eommeroe between thw United Stateifand I ta ly have been exchanged. Tlio two powers have agreed In th is t reaty tha t private ]uoj>rrly at sea shall bo exempt from capture in ease of war between t h e two ]iower*i. The United Slates liave spared no opportuni ty of incoiTJoratiug this rule into the obligations uf nations.

S I ' A I N .

The forty-first Congress at i ts third ses-si(m, uuuluau appi-upriaticu for the or-ganiz'ition of a mixed commission for aUiudieathig upon tlie claims of citizens of the United States against Spain, giowipg out of the iusniT'-'ction in Cuba. XJuit commisHion has d u c e been organ­ized. I transmit herewith tho cories-pundenoe relntiug to i ts formation and its jurisdiction. I t is to be hoped tha t the comiuissiitii will uQbrd the elaimBnt« a complete remedy for their Injuries.

s r H s u . The int imate friendly relations which

have HO longexiHed between tho United fitatcH and Ibissia continue nndis turbed. Tl»e v i i l of the th i rd son of the Em­peror i s a proof . tbnt thare is no (h'sirc ou tbo p:nt of hiy - goveinmeut to diuiLaisU tliu cprUiidity of those rela­tions. TJie hospilfibhs reception wliich has been given to Ihe Grand D u k e in a proof that ou our bide we share the wishes of tha t g«»vcrument. l l i o inex­cusable cuuise of tin* Russian Minister at Wusliiugtou rendered i t nocessary t<) abk his recall and t(» decline to lougt r re­ceive that functionary lu* a diplomatic representative. I t wie; imjKJssifcle, with self-reKpeel, or with a jnst regard to the dignity of the country, to permit Mr. C.Uacuzy to liolii jnteivour8(! with th is government after his peiKonal abuse of government o/licinlw, and dur ing b i i piiri-l|it(;nl interference, th rough various uieaiiR, with the rclatitJUK bctwi^en the United Kluhs and (dhcr powers. I n accordaticc with my own wiishes, th i s (iovcnmient haa bccu relieved of further intfrroiirse with Mr. Oat u-azy, and the iimnagemcnt of Ihealfairsof iho ijupe-rial lf(/ali(Hi hnM paHsed into tho himdti of ngeiitJenian ent irely nnobjectiouabk-.

J A P A M . .

With .Tnpau we conliMue to maintain intii.iala ndutiojit. Proinjitrt-d by a de­sire t o p n t on end to the barbarous treat-

ThSflf l t toresAhy IhiSliet. U l s f t o t loo much t o hope tha t the government o t Brazil may hereafter find i t for its in ter­est, as well as intrinsically r ight , t o ad­vance townrds ent ire emsncipat ion more rapidly than tho present ac t oontem-pUtes .


I t is to be regret ted tha t the dis turbed condition of tho island of Cuba continues to bo a source of annoyance and ot anx­iety. Tho existence of "a protracted s t rug­gle in such close proximity t o our own terr i tory, wi thout apimren't prospect of an early terminat ion, canno t bo other than an object of eonccrn t o a people, who, while nbstnining from interferotice in tho nfTairs of other powers, natnrally desire to see every country in tho undis­turbed enjoyment of peace, l iberty and the blessing o( free inatitntiona. Onr naval commanders in Cnbon waters have been ins lmeted , in cage i t shouH become nejossaiT, t oppa re no cfTort to protect tlio l ives 'and pmpcr fy o t fcmmj7rfc Amer­ican citizens and to maintain u ie dignity of the flag. I t is ho)>ed tha t al] pend­ing questions with Spain, growing ou t of the nfTairs i a Cuba, 'may be ndjnslefl in tho spiri t o t peace ami cnnciliation, wliich has h i ther to guidcti tho two powers in tlieir t rea tment of such ques­tions.

N A T I O N A L D E B T .

Tlic nat ional debt has be ">n reduced to' tho extent ot eighty-six millions, fifty-seven thousand, ono h u n d r e d and twontv-six dollars and eighty cents dur­ing the y e a r ; nnd by the negotiation of national bonds at a lower ra te of in­terest, tho interest on Ike publ ic debt has been so far diminished tha t now tho sum to be raised for t h e interest account is nearly seventeen million dollars less than on* tho first of March, 1969.

T A X E S .

I recommend tliat all taxes frnm in­ternal sources bo abolished, except those collected for spir i tuous, v i n u s a n d malt li(pinrfl, tobacco in i ts various forms and from statnps. In readjus t ing tbo tarlfl I fiiiggcfrt tha t a careful estimate bo made of tlie amount of surplus revenue col­lected under the present laws after p ro­viding tho cur rent ex]>cnflcs of (ho pov-ernment , the interest account o t a sink­ing fuml, and tha t this surplus bo re­duced in such a manner as to aflonl the greatest relief to tho greatest number .

O O L D .

C/ontinued fluctuatinns in the value of gold, as compared with tho national cur reney, has a most damaging elTect u])on t h e iiici'enso and development of tbo country, in keo]>ing np priee7 of all arti­cles necessary in every day life. I t fos-*er« a spi r i t of gambl ing prejudicial alike to na'iional morals and national finances. If the question can be met as to bow to get a fixed valne to our cur­rency, t ha t valne constant ly and uni­formly approaching iwir with spc^cie, a very desirable object will bo gained.


- Warn ing not having been heeded, on the 7th of Oct. a general proclamation was issued suspending tho ))rivilego of the writ of habeas corpvs iu nine counties in South Carolina. Direction was given that , within the counties so designated, persons supposed, npoiiervdilablo infor­mation, to be inemliers of Mieh unlawful combinat ions shouhl bo arrested by the mili tary forces o t t h e Un i t ed Hlatr« and delivered to the marshal to bo deal t with according to law. I n two of said coun­ties—York and Spar tanburg—many ar­rests have been madt \ At t h e last ac­count the n u m b e r of persons t h u s ar­rested was ono hundred nnd sixty-eight. Several huildrcU whoso criminality was ascertained to bo of an inferior (fegree were released for tlio iircseut. Thoso have generally made conressiona of their pi i i l t Great caution has been exercised in making these arrests, and notwith­standing the large number , i t is believed tha t no innocent person is now iu cus­tody. T h e pr isoners will bo hold for regular trial in tho judieiiil t r ibunals ot the Uni ted States As soon RH it appear-e l tha t t h e author i t ies of t h e Uni ted States wore about t o take vigorous measures to enforce the law, many per-H^ms absconded, and there is good ground for suppo.<^uig tha t all of such jicrsons hove violated the law. A full report of what has been done u n d e r this law will bp submi t ted to Congress by tlie At toriiey-General.

U T A H .

In U tah there still remains a remnant of barbarism repugnant to civilization, to decency and to the laws of the Unitod States. Terri torial officers, however, have been found who nro willing to per­form the i r duty iu a spiri t of equity, [tnd with a duo sonso of sustaining tho ma­jesty of t h e law, Ni-ithcr polygamy, nor any other violation of ejiibling stiitutcs will b e jiermittt^d within the teiTitory of the Uni ted States. I t is no t with the religion of the ;;elf-Rtyh'd saints tha t we are now dejiliug, b u t with their practices. They will b e protected in Ihi- worship of Ood, according t o the dictates of their conaciencc ; bu t they will no t be purmit-ted t o violate tho laws under the elouk <»f religion. I t may bo adviaable f(jr Congress lo consider what in the execu-ti(m of the law against |>o1ygamy, is to be t h e ulatu^i of ])hira! wives and their ofltipiing. The propriely of .Congrass pahsing an unnbliug act niilhorii'.iug the territorial legislature of IHah lo legiti­mize all children born i>rior t o n t ime fixed in the act, migh t be jusUflcd by its ! humani ty to thoM) innocent chihlri-u. This is a snggetitioii <mly, and no t a recommendation.

H i e 6r« i i4 ttnlm B a n .

The ball a t the Navr-Tard , Brooklyn, in honor of t h e Grand D n k e , was held in the lai^fe equ ipment bui lding. The SsiMoft in t h e n p p e r story, ftbont 260 feet in length b y 60 in width, had been handsomely fitted n p an a ball-roAmi while adJAoent rooms wore used for prom­enading, and an cloak and ante-rooms. In the ball-room t h e decorations were simple b u t tasteful, the national flags of Rnssia and America be in^ alternately draped on ons side of t h e room, sn(i those of various nationali t ies on the other . T h e ceiling was decorated wi th rowl t e s of t h e American colors, t h e blue nnd stars forming the center-piece, witli t h e str ipes radia t ing outward. Ap­propr ia te ornnmontfl, in the way of stars of entlasses and bayonets, b rass guns , and models of TCSBCIS, adorned tho walls, and the whole scene was b o t h bri l l iant and delightful.

T h e Grand D u k e , who had been anx­iously awaited, arrivf*d a t abont lOi o'clock, accompanied b y M. and Mme. Catacazy. H e was immediately con­ducted to the dais in t h e oentor o t tho great hal l , where ho was introdnced to Admiral and Mrs. Stewart , and took h i s stand with M. and Mme. Cataaazy t o receive t h e eomplimenta of a large num­b e r of the giicRlA, who were in tu rn b rough t n p and int roduced b y the chief nfllccrs of tho Yard. "The Grond D n k e thus made the ton r o t the room with Mrs . Smi th , wife ot the Admiral , and this ceremony over, dan r ing began. At midn igh t snpper , which h a d been se t in a large adjoining room, was announced, and the great Uirong of guests were soon busy a t work discnsRing t h e daint ies which the taste and eare of tho gentle­men of t h e Navy-Yard had so abundant ­ly provided. T h o scone hero and in tho dancing hall was bri l l iant in the ext reme, the charming toilet tes of no many of tho handsome New York and Brooklyn belles, contras t ing picturesquely with tho evening costumes of t h e gentlemen and t h e rich uniform of tho American and Bussian ofilcem. I n t h e th rong were many l i terary or social celebrities

, well known bo th in Brooklyn nnd ou t h e New York side of the water. As soon as supper was fairly over for (lie majority of the guests, a s teady stream of people began to net towards the cloak­rooms, and at about 1 o'clock, tho t ide was decidedly t end ing homeward. All, however, had ample oppor tun i ty t o see and bo charmed with tho singularly manly features and kindly manner o'f their yornng guest . He in no t only hand­some b u t he looks l ike a " g o o d fellow," nnd no one can wonder if many teminiuo hear i s bea t painfully unde r their festal gauze and ailkn a t tlio t h o u g h t tha t tlie graceful and pleasant young man in no t open to the temptat ion of their smiles.

Not a llenllliy Region for Tltcm.

Tho San Francisco Chronivle s a y s : Utah is not a heal thy country for gay

•ileccivcrs, and if any man from tho out­side world, p r id ing himself upon h is conquests with women, wants to have liis skill in th is l ino tested, h e will find a splendid open ing among tho fair maids of Zion. If somebody doesn' t make it very tropical for h im with in the first th ree months, ho must have been born under a lucky star. The would-lio BI>-duecr in this country is a marked men , as the viliian ough t to be in every coun­try. No sooner does h e s tep in to th is city (tr any other Mormon set t lement than the police are uiion h is track, watching his every move with the stealth of blooilhounds. I t he is once caught violating the chasti ty ot a Mormon wo­man, or is known to have done so, there is no nicicy for h im. Mormon publ ic opinion, which in Ibo common law, th inking no more of ki l l ing a man under such circumstances than i t does of kill­i ng a dog. I u this respect Mormon ven­geance in terrible. The marked victim is shot down or nssaFfsinaled a t sight, no cry for mercy ever escaping h is lips. His lifeless fbrm lies mangled on the roadside, unti l tho author i t ies cart it away, pass a sort of inquest , a n d eon-sifHi it to the worms.

Onr Tntentfll R n f i i n e .


The repor t of tho Commissioner of In terna l Re renno states t h e aggregate receipts from all nonrces, exclnnive ot tho direct tax upon t h e l and^ and the dntjr upon circulation and deposits of national banks were for the fiscal year 1871, 0144,011,170.24. Th i s sum in­cludes the nmonnt refunded and allow­ed on drawbacks. Drawlwieks linve Ireen allowed nn general merchandise unde r section 171, act J u n e 30, 1864, l imited by the act of March 31, 1868, amount­i n g to 822,8fi7.07. Th i s nmonnt is larger t han tha t allowed for in fifcal year IR'TO, on account of the adjudication of old claims for drawbacks on cotton goods rendered ndmissnble by joint resolution No. 78, aporoved Ju ly 14, 1870. There was refunded dur ing the past fiscal year for taxes illegally nnsesscd, and eollccte«l t h e s n m o t 8!G17,581. This large incresse over the year preceding was due to t h e adjustment of claims tha t had been sus­pended du r ing former years for more complete consideration ; for instance, the claim o t one of the States which was embraced in the above aggregate. and nmnnnt ing lo $45,806 for taxes col­lected on dividends declared upon stock owned b y the State, Tliis was the larg­est claim over allowed b y t h e bureau , and was referred t o the Attomey-Goue-ral for his advice.

Tho Commissioner 's est imate of re ­ceipts for tho cur rent fiscal year, unde r the present low, is ?12.'»,(>00,000.

The n u m b e r of distilleries {other than fruit) registered dur ing t h e last fiscal year, was 1,043. Tho numlKir of fruit distiileries registered was 7,149. Tho total immber of distilleries regis­tered was 8,102. Of t h e distilleries jo t l icrUian fn i i t )5 I7 wereopcrateil dur­ing the yeor ; and of the fmit distiller­ies 4,007. Tlio rctnrnn i o Ihin otfieo for the last fiscal year show a total p ro­duction in taxable gallonn, from niato-rial other than fniil^ of 54,47(t,446 : and from fruit, 2 .100,^33; total yearly p ro ­duction, 56,776,109. The total quant i ty of spirits in the Uni ted States n o t i u in­ternal revenue wo rehouses the 1 st of Afay, 1871, wan 41,185,713 pmotgidlonn, show­ing a decrease in quant i ty on market nine* Novendjor I,"!, 1870, of 4.452.580 gallons. T h e receipts from spiri ts for the fiscal year ended J u n e 30,1871, were $44,281,818. T h e amoun t of lax receiv­ed on feimcnted l iquors at Sil a barre l was, in 1871, 87,150,740. The increase over former years is believed to be due, in pa r t a t least, to the greater at tention given to tha t subject by internal revenue offiacrs dur iug tha t year. Th i s at tention has rovenled some defects in tho law, which ciU for early rcmndiid legislaliou.

T h e total receipts from tobacco for the fiscal year ended J u n o 30, 1871, were 833,578,0il7.18. As compared with the receipts from tho same source for the preceding fiscal year, t h e incrcasois 163,-228,690. T h e t(Jta! amount of manufac­tured tobacco represented by the omouut of collectionn for the fiscal year ended J u n e 30, 1871, was an follows: Chewing tobacco, snuflT, kc. (class 32 cents) 64,-017,8(>8 p o u n d s ; smoking tobacco, scraps, sliorls, &e. (class 16 cents) 30,-517,036 pounfls. Add t o this the quan­tity exported—10,621,082 pounds—nnd the excess remaining in warehouses J u n e 30, 1871, over J u n o 30,1870, 72,377, giv­ing a total product for the year of 105,-828,903 pounds . T h e total n u m b e r of cigars, chc-roots, A c , on which taxes were collected was 1,332,844,357.

The P r l w Figli t ,

p r ize flght between Mnee and T h e Cobum took place nn advertised, on Thanksgiv ing day, about fifty miles from New Orleans. I t was another fizzle. I t lasted four hour s and a ha l t and eleven rounds were fough t Mace claims tha t in t h e fourth round h i s hand was dis­abled. Tlio eleventh and last round is t l ins desc r ibed : C o b n m ' s friends were in h igh spiHtn, and nhonted, " B u l l y b o y , J o e ; yon 've got h i m sure all t h e t i m e . " Mace l>egan t o shnflle and fib around his corner, b u t seeijig an opening, h e landed a clean cut on J o e ' s jaw. J o e g o t cautinnn again, and Iho n p a n i n g went nn an before. Mace w.'^nt to h i s c o m e r puffing, Cobnrn eyeing h i m from the middle of tho ring. (Bet t ing even nn C o b u m . ) As nei ther of the men showed signs of moving , Rnfo H u n t said, " T h i s is p l a y e d ; T will give you five minutes to advsnee . " C o b u m took h im a t his word and went quickly t o Mace's comer . Maco advanced a trifls and then ret ired. Cobnrn followed h im closely. After a li t t le sparr ing the re was another o t t h e restfl. People were beg inn ing to feel disgusted, and the men again toed the mark . There was anoth­er exhibit ion of science wi thout any blows, and Mace again re t reated to his comer with h is hands down. (Hisses around t h e ring.) Rnfe H u n t name t o the center ot the ring and said, " T h i s ain ' t a fight; I ' l l give you men thirtjr noeondnto get t o bus iness . " Both the pugs thou came forward and did some spar r ing for twenty minutes , with no blows. Tho people round t h e ring were disgusted, and H u n t again advanced and said, " I.'ere, yon men, get \<t your cor­ners ; I declare th is a draw.'* This end­ed the fight, if i t may lio called so, ond all beta are o t course declared off. Time, four houra and ten minutes .

The American Cangrefis.

I n the following table of-Senators and Membem of Congress the i>oHtienl char­acter of Congressmen is p u t down nn understood a t tho t ime they wero olccted:

HENATP. nrpnbli(;nnn fi7 Democrats 17

. 40

A MiLB TW 2 :16.—7)i»r7rr t rot ted a mile on Fashion Oonme, in the presence of ten thounand people, in 2:16. There is no pretence tha t any o ther home ever t ro t ted a mile as fast as that—iV; Y. tedffer.

pEBROT<a wh« have become thomngh ly chilled from any cause, may have the i r circulation a t once restored b y tak ing into the stomach a tea-spoonful of John-ttrnt^n Anodj/ne jAnimmt mixed in a litUc cold water, well sweetened,

• CttAmtD HANDS, iace, rough akin, p im pics, ringworm, salt-rhenm, and othet cntnneons nflTections, cured, and the skin made soft and smooth, b y us ing tho J n -NtTKn T A B SOAP, made b y CASWK^^L, H A Z A B D A Co., New York, ' i t is more convenient and easily applied than o ther rcmedinn, avoiding t h e trouble of the gn-anj' compounds now in use.

You shnuld write to Mr, C H A R M M W . H A S S L E R , N O , 7 Wall Street , New York, if y o u wish any information about Rail-rood Bonds^^

" f T S A N C I A U i i T f > « i m f > n t n r « i t m i » * .

• T A T G O O K K A C o . , an n n w K'Hliur. an*) r«>e(niinien4 u

« p m f i U b l p a n d m f n InrMittnitnt fnr K11 O I I I M M , t h o F t n i l

M n r l « * « « V - I M G o l d B n n d a o t t h n Northf>rn r i to l f le

R A t l m a d C n m p m r i bear ln i i Sortin a n d Th»*»-Tontht i

iNir Mint, s o l d I n t p n f i t ( m a n t l inn 4 p « r nuni- r n r m i n r ^

• n d m r n r r d b r Sttrt. a n d ntAj t n a r t r i f f c nn t h e o n U m

R n n d nnd ftqnlimimilH, a n d n n m o m t h a n ! S n , M H t A<<nw

e f TAnd t o o f ( ^ mfln Jlf t r a c k , o r Wo Aen*" nf Iiiind t o

MiRh 11,000 n o n d . T h a h lghn i i t c n r m n t p r i M wil l t ie

TMid for U . S . F int -TwfFntIm, a n d al l o t h n r mnrkolabl i -

S r c M r i l l m r r o r l v e d In exuhancf i . P a m p h l c t B , majwi and

fu l l Inrnrmnt ion . n* m i l aa t h o tmnda t h P H i w i v M . ftllt tm

fnmi*>i(Hl n n «| i i>l lcatlnn I i f . lAT ( J O O K B A !>>., T h n a -

d H p h l a , Nrv: Y o r k Hnd W a n h l n R t o n . a n d liy tniMl R a n k a

a n d n a n k t i r t t h r o o B h o o t l l M i n n r . n t r T .


Throat , which m i g h t b e checked by a simple remedy, l ike " UroirrCi Bronchial TVocAes," i l allowed to progress may ter­minate seriously.

A good General appreciotes tho impor-innco of new rccmits , A good house­wife appreciates ,T. Monroe ' Taylor 's Cream Yeast Bak ing Powder.

l l »OUlH< PorBeauty of Polish* tavlnB of LatMr*

Frecness from Dust, Durabltlty ft OhMip-nesa,truly unrivaled.

RfWdtB o f Wori l i lpM Imlinttoni i , i in i l tr o t l i f r namca

bntr»Kcml<l tnKour i ln ahape a n d color o f W r a p p e r ,

IntcnilMl l o d e c e l r r .

T h e RUln i t f! im Polliih In Imlk, fnr ntnrr d r a l v n na» a t t w e l v e cBiitu per pound—twrnty - f lve and flftj-puiind b o x c t . "Cheaper Mian a n r (tther B u l k Po lUl i fur n o t h t n i . "

MORSE BROS.,Prop'r8. __ ^CANTON, M A S S .

STEINWAY & SONS' G&sas^sen

^ ^

Repnitliran ninjnrfty HOUSE OF niO'RESrNTATrvTa.

fnltfl-Vfnai} '"n-'i/itu.

The Public Debt

T h e following is a recapit ' i latlon of tho Btatement of the ijublio d e b t :

D e b t Df iar lun l u l r r c B t In C o i n . no i i i lN nl NIX p'-r c r u t $l ,977.I3&.tR0.(HI l l o u d H a l flvi' i i c r cn i i l 3TT,UC3.100.(<0

P r i n c i p a l H.H51,4IlH,sr>0.on I l l l iTFtl t .1(l.».^l,l<SU.IJ

D i l i t n r n r h i i i Illlc•rp^l l u L n w h i l M o n e y . C f H l ' U a t c a o t luAubtttdui 'N*, a t I n u r

j i i n r n t tfi7B,000.«) >'ii\-Y I'lUHliiii F u n d a t U i r c o p u r

(•«i)t 1 4 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 0 . 0 0 C c r t i n u a p H a t t l i r r o p c r c u u l 3.1,(UO.U(M,00

I ' r l n r l p n l $3«,l l iB,OO0.00 Inti ircHt -Hi.lW.m

m b t o i l v.'lili'U ]i)li.ri:Ht l iau (^caKcd mlaf-c M a l i i r i l j - . J ' r i i i d j i a l f I . T O . W l . M I i i U r o H l 'iUWi-Zi

D n i i l I l r v r i n i i n o I n t a r r a t . O l d i t emi i i i ' l a u d luKBl-toii iIiT n n l r a . . (aST.fiOt . 8 0 1 M ViM-X\oiu\ i i i r r i ' U r y 40,10(1 03(t.0S C o i n C e r t l f i c a t c B 9 1 , 9 3 4 , 1 1 0 . 0 0

I ' r l J i d p a l | 1S '> ,0J« .B77 .30 Unc la iuKHl iiitiirtiBt 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 8

T o U I D c U . P r i n c i p a l a , a i 7 . 1 M . 1 3 1 . M IiilL-rrut U7,IiD8.UH7.8B

T o t a l

r o i i i in lun 'Hl C u r r o u i y

S 3 , a 6 i . f i 3 1 , C 1 3 . U Oiuil) i u t h e T n u x u r j -

fiMJ.2rifl,r.Bi.Bi 10. ia3,BW».76

O c l i t ii:w C u b l u tl iD T r u H u r y . n i ' c . 1 . 1871 |S .21P .2 !H.an7 ,H6 N o v . I , 1 H 7 1 2 .a61.7J3.11H.l ia

I h - r r o a c f ord>-bt d u r t n f i l o n n t b Iif-croaHU o f d e b t HIIICO M U V I I I l),.i>,'i-iiM< o f d e b t I r o m Miu->:b l.;iH<>I>, l o M n r c b l , 1H71

»8.tr>3.(jHn iH 7 3 . U 7 , 1 T U . 0 7

3 0 1 . 7 C < , U S , 0 9

hhupp of m . m a r e ; but if HU»ck js allow­ed to roam a t large, all the manure dr()pj)ed by them beeoiues Ihe JKT-(jiiihile of homo loug-hi-udcd fanner who kceiia this njud-diuius nnd gulters open nji his farm, sn that he nweivos ;UHh(^ wa«h afl.-r .-very ivin. A very ; ment of o.ir .h invr( .ek(d saUors ou the noUccublecauseof t h e poverty of the I Cgrcau coasl. I iV t ruc l^d our Minister stock met with JU di8tnct« where lliis a t Pekin Ic endcsvor to ,«iiel.ide a eon-custom 1.S observed, w the promiscuous I vonlion with Coreu for 8<x:uriuff the stfc-mixiug u p (leeasioneJ by idlowmg ani- ty and huumiic t rea tment of I n c h ma-maU of buUj genders to run unchecked, l u sneli htculitics a fiinucr can not tell when he can f xjitjct u calf or a li t ter of j)igs, and often tiiey cimi'- nt mowl uu-KUAsyuuble limes, u n j of veiy uudeajra-ble parentiige. I h u s , wilhout order or system iu this pai-tiuuiur, uud from want of care gcuendly, the f.tock be­comes next t o WfJithlobs, uud iu hai'dly worth the fond it conauuics. IJesidei'. it is very unfair to ollif-rs wh(j keej) bet-t' 'v st'ick, and Luep t i iou m jJuUui^s. Wander ing HJ'»ck is goncraily iiiinily, and will (^ccajJuuaiiy ge l iiitu ulliei fields t han their owners ' a t - t i iacs when thuir presence can do misehit-f which their ownerii cjui no t repair . I^, would be bet ter for all pL-rsous conci-rntd tha t no iilock fchoiild bo^Uowcd to ^'uu a t luig^. l o well-orderod uudpruijperous ouimuu-])!ii(<,ihisx>ractdQe is ctjut-ideied t k e re ­verse of pfojHT o r i)r(ififcat>le.

A biKODLAK C/SE.—An extiuordinary easo t^i b y d r o j ^ o b i s LLB< oceurj'ud i n \V'(\st J^hiludtrlpliia. A l i t t legi j l , on ie-t i i ruiug humo J n u u w^yul , WUM niuei by her jift dog. who iu the coiu'bo of jti* au-u t w t o i e h w r Urcwj. Worried a t the in­jury to the garment , the UiUe girl, with-t iuiuu-ul iui i iug the mutter to uuy of Uie l;:mil_v went t a her room, uud gett ing u iied-lit uiul thread, piooetuled to M^W u p till turn pluc;-, VS'heuil vubliulshod she I>('Sl Uuau her Leud, and tukin^' t h e fud bulwutjai lier t^'i'tli, bit i t oil'. Kiue duyti after Iho otx;urnuee uf l^is incident , Kvmptoius of liyii;*op)i'iljiu miiiiifehttd t'lcjjjtit'lveH iu 1D« uifoi-liucutie liUJe g^. ;slJIlod medicul t jh-ut was cuUod in , and every appHiLUpe t,h;dhcieuce could liUcriJ to itfiiivo Uio Kuiii-rty \V((n tx:i,aiiUl t y ; bu t t ^a siii-'i/lo p v b o u hiid tloue itb wgik too tUoitJU^hly for iiumun tdtiU to uvuil, and the little tjiil huM uiuuu died.

noes . Admiral Hodgers was iubtructed toaccompopy him, with asuffieient fon-e U>iHoteet him in eus*;_(>f need. A Amall suiveying party sent ou t on reaching the cm-st wiib ireacticiddhly attacked ut a dis-a-lvantage. Amjile oppor tuni ty was giv-eu for t \pl i i jat iuj i and opology ; j^either caiue. A-^oree fsai lh( i i lou 'dod, nnd af­ter uu arduoiia march t^tft v. mgood aud fliflleult oouitljry, tliu foit* from whi th tU(; oufrsp-cB had been eommitled were i»Jiiet(J liy u fiullunt u*..sault, uiid were d«tiir(iy('d. i laving ti)u« punibhed the crimiuuls. aiiil, huving viiidit-aUd tbo houur of Ihe flaj-, fbc fxpi<iit4oij I'etUJU-x'-d, tiiidijjg it impiuclieable, unde r l ae oij'cumatauofc.s, to conclude, t h e dehired conveulioau i r«»pie |^I l j - rafai- to Ute corroHpondeneoiJi'laHng theK^-to herewilfa submit ted uud J^jive iLt* hubjoot for fauwh oolion on Congresa may Btse fit to take.

Jiixjoo. The I tepubhc tif Mexico hm a o t yot

rdjxuled the very'obj(5etiouubk' l u a s cs tulilinhiug what is kuuwn as the I ' lec Zone on t h e frontier of t i ie Un i t ed btatep. J t ib b<jped.thut Jhis may yet be done, and also tha t •m(J)e s t r ingentmeas-uiea ma;? be taken by tha t republic for lestruijjmg luwleas iitTwmS" on ' i ts fron­tiers. I htme Mexico, by its owu action, will soon relieve this govermuent of the diitliiUtie^ experienced from thtisc causes. OiLir rehitioiu, with the vwiom* tejiuUict* ol C<'ntraJ uud bouth America coutiuue, with oue exception, Uu be cordiul and frieudly. I riiotimmeud some aeliou by i'-uugita* regarding the overdue ioatail-meul* under the uwurd of the Vcnezula eluiniii ouuuuiiwion of 18GU. I'Ue inter-njd dib^eu(J<inK XJI |h ib govt rnment i>re-bcut no jubliiicjition for th^i abhoute of ellorl t o meet their Eolemii t ieaty ubli-gatiuufi..

•The j^ iUcu l ion of ^it -£«XE^ditiaii Truuty \dtXi Kiuuu^Eua JUuti biwa ^x.-fhmnjod.

mtAziii. I t ^ J P euVJt'ct' for tjcwip^tuhitiou tha t

Fr.Aj;ti m e atill eu te r t i inod of a I'lalug ou the part u^thei iaper i t t l« | t#at( 'urhiea . 'thrive montl iw'su] 'phes have just been M'WtjLotUe F r t u c h tquudryn blutianud | t l ie f.:reiit Euiperor uf limzU ha» takcu

D I H i U f U T I E S .

More than six yeai-s having elapsed eiueo t h e lost hoatile gun was tired be­tween tho armicH then arr.iycd againbt each other, the (mo for the pcrpotuutiini, Ihe other for tho dest iuet ion of the Union. I t may well bo edusideied whether it is no t now t ime tha t the dis­abilities imiMitud by t h e FourleonUi amendment i-hould be lemovid . TJmt umendmoiit d u ^ n o t oxclnde tho ballol, bu t ouly imp(»8es tlio disiibiliiy lo hold oiHee upon Cfitaiu classes. Wlum .the pu r i ty of the ballot is S(H-urc, majorities are bure to elect olUcers relhicliug the views of Ihe uiajority. 1 do not tu'-a the advantage or propi iely of excluding men from oflico mciely l>ecuubo they were, before the rebeUiou, of s taudiug uud character hiillicieul iu b(i elected to posi-liouh requir iug them t** take ouths tu supjioi-t the Consti tut ion, and lulmitting to eligibility those cntcr tuiuiug j»rccisely the same views bu t of less s tundiug iu their nommuiiities. i t may be huid tha t thu former viuiaic^d uu uuth vhjlo the hitter did not. The hitter did not liuvo i i iu lh*»ir powiu- lu tio M>. If thtiy luul tulu-u Uiis oulh it euuiiot bo do\ibti:d t hey would liave biokeu i l , n s d i d l l i c former class. Xf there a i e *ii.v g i>:^ Arrimiuols distiagoisjied abov^'nll otjhecK for the pa r t t l i ^ t<xik.ju p^jpoMitlDn iu tho govaruuieut, they miah t , iu the judgmtuit uf CuiigruaSf be excluded from such an amuesty.

In m y message t o Cungrcgs, oue year ogo, i u rgeu t ly r eeom mended a reform in the (^ivil borvioc of t h e counUy. Ju couforaiity with iJie reuommeudatiou, Cuugrubs iu the n in th uucttou of un act making ttp]>ro]>riatiou for sundry civil exjH'uses of tho government a n d fur other purpuhes, n]>provcd March 3, 1671, gave t h e uocesuury authui-ity to the Kxocutive tu iuauguiute a civil ser-vic)p roform, aud pluo4^d upon h i m t h e respousibiUty of uuing ao. Under au-thoncy of said act, t couveued a board of gimtlemt-n, etuiuently ijuaUiied for the work, t o devise rules undregulatiious to affuct the needed reform. Their la­bors uro not yot complete, b u t it is be­lieved tha t they will Bueuoed iu divisiug u plan wliich can be arloptod to the re-Uef of the Executive, the heads of de-]iartiueutb a u d uexubora of CougL-cbb, uud which will redouud tu the lru<j iu-iexc^at of the p u b h c MU'\-icc. At all uvout^ i h e cxpei imeul bhtdl have a fair tiiul. I have thus haatUy buuuued up t h e optjii-iioiui of the governuiuui dur ing tho lust your, and uii^de Huoh suggeuLions an oc­cur to ma t o be prujier tijt , uur conuid-eratiun. l a u b u u i t h c n i with acaui idtaic« tha t your combini>d ucLiun will be WUA.-; ututiT^biuaiihke, uud iu tlio bent iuturubta of t h e whul« uouutry. V. ti. iJiUJiT. ExuL'UUvt) MMUaiiUJ, DoumnWo: 4, 1871.

The t n l ( ( ^ Klotes Treasury .

' j 'reasurer Bpriner makes tlie following r( ' i)urt: The books of the oflie(j were chj.^ed J u n e , HO, 1H71, after the en t ry of idl moneys received aud disbursed nn aulhorizi 'd wnrrunls within i ho fiiicul y ta r , us foUouu ; - -

Cattb, D r .

I l u l u i c c i u Troa»i ir ,v f n i t n laM yfux Cl lD.Irf )1 .17 l . l i( r i ' i v t i i , f o r m e r l y r r e d l h ^ aa u u a v a i l

ubln ' . 3 . 3 « . l h I b ' c r l v r d f r o m L < « t i R . . . tVi» 0'i0.lt2G Wl H . ( . i v . l f r o n i (UHtd iuB ai(C.*J7iMi*.ftB Uf^u'd I r o m l u i ' r ' l J t o v . . llU.WiH.KiS.CH lU'cr lvof l f r o m M u d M . . . 2.U->H,CiG.ca HcCi Ivc'l f i o tw W a r Vt.Kit.Wi HI U r c i i l o d H o r n N » v y U , B i S , t l « . * 3 UcM-i'iv(id I rn in lul(;ri<)r. . S11,C7n.01 U o i - d l r o m M U o r l l a u ' K . . 3a.7GS,33a.(ta

B . l l .39H, lS l . f i3 7 o t i J I ccM-'iiit f o r U u ; flMsl y e a r . .

u r a n d t o t a l

( V b , t : r .

P u l d o n a r u u u u t o f P u b l l r D o b t . . . Pu i i l nil i t c c u u u l o ' t b o A r u i j ' P u i d o u a u t ' o u u l o l l b n N B V ) -I'uld o i l u ( . i : u u u t o l l u u r i o r I 'uld » u ni:<KmuI o f X n i a H u r } ' | i i - o j i c r . . . I'uiil o u iki^'OUUt o f ('uBlt'UiH I ' u i d o i i u iw i iuut <if T r r i o - u r y l u U r i o r . . I'lilil o u i k u c o u o t o f l i i U r u a l U O T U U U V . I'aitl (ID B i i ' i i i i i l o f m p l o i u i t U r I'uiil (III iK( o u u t o f Q u a r t ' r ly K a l t r i i x . 1-alil <iu a o u o u n t o f W a r ( r l v l l b i a u c b ) t i u d o u a i ' c o u n t o f J U U I I M A T J '

l o U l <'>p(^nditun:B f o r flarftl r t ^ a r . . . Ctnfl,9iit>.S7-i.O0 U n l . l u ' i r c M u r y U d o a l u y flucklytAr l t lU.V17, i7T.Sl


( C M . U l V . l U . r l 0».C3T,MIJ.S0 911,8^

, 13.('>Hfi.r.71.:i3 , :tl,:fJll.HSI.VH

. iTjai l^3.l0 6,«7D.'^1T.M D . l U d . l G l . a . ! l.GCl.OOS.S^

7litl,1«(l.M K l > b r . . 1 1

3 , t t I I , » i 7 . M

Tho Untied Stntcs Aruiy. R E P O n T O P T H E H E C R K T A n V , O P W A H .

T h e repor t of llio Secretary of Wor, for the year 1871, sets forth some iutcr-ost iug facts regarding the militnry forces of the country. The repor t says':

I n occordniice with the act of Congress the niimbiT of enlisted men was ou Ju ly 1 rednced to 30,(IOn; indilTerent soldiers were discharged, aud the s tandard o t re -cni i ts was raised with a view to improv­ing the character of tho rank nnti file. T h e following ore the figures :— K a l i c t e d m e n o m i f t l i i i c r a 3i>l E n l l a t n d inf^n o f o r d u a u c n i1!i O r d u a n c D K e m i a n l a n t p o a t a , 3<ll B l i l i l a r y A c n d c i i i y b a n d 31 r n c n i l i t i i d n i i D i i r r o o n u i ' j - , f i ' M ' o m p n u ' a a r l i r y a.aiMi HI I'tillxI'-d iiiKii iif^r b a t ' r y , a b a t ' a I I K I I I a r t l l ' y i'Ul Bl itulinUKl iii i-i i i « ' r o o m p ' y . l j i i rr iu i | i an 'a c a v ' y . 10,(11 HI 00«nliat<-<l t i i c u p i ' rc i i in jry .^r i i i I'lmiii'a In fan 'y . l f i . eoO Itou>eDiinii lBHiou(it l a u i l o t r u g l u i i u U . . . 30(1

T o U I 30 ,000

Tlio total cxpendi tun ' s for the fiscal year ending J u n e ;(0,lHriH, were 88l).(i44.04il, 76; tho expeuditurcH for llx^ year ending J u u e 30, ]«70, were Si;r»7,tl55,(175,40; which sum includes !Sil,t''.'7,r»00 for river nnd harborimprovemeutB. Theexj iendi tures f o r t h e y e n r eiidiug J u n e 30, 1871, were about $40,000,000 including for river and harbor iiuprovemeiitH S3,!H5,i).' 0. T h u s dur ing t h e year 18(ii)-70 t h e r r d n e t i o n i u oxpeuBcs uf the War Depar tment amount­ed to if22,!188,357.3ti, and du r ing the year 1H70-71 a further rediictiim of isi7,-iKfi.OTS.^O was made. Tor the next fiscal year 1K71-72 there is appro]>riato(l S^fi,-5 :M,77C, including for the r iv t r and har­bor improvements 4M,4(17,50(1.

Deserlioiis d u r i u g t h e ])ast few mouths have largely increased. Tho repor ts re­ceived a t the depar tment indicate that Ihe reduction of the pay of soldiers from 310 to 313 per month has euul i ibuted greatly to tliis result.

The retired list of ihe army is now lim­ited to 300. The endeavor haw been to equali7.e the sehc t ions iuv tha t li.- t from bolli the h igher and lower gnides of the ofiiccrs ent i t led t o be placed ujiou it, so Uiat i t may not bo filled to an unieuiaona-ble extent by ofliecrsof high rank uiid uoiis<'(piciitly greater compensation.

Tho iiumlier uf graves in national cemeteries is 3JT,H5l\ i i ichiding 2,295 added dur iug the year. The cemflterios c«>ver lui a n a , in ihe aggrc(;iite, of about 1,800 iiercB of hind, aeipiired a l a cost of ijfl 711,0(10,

Uur ing the fiscal year Hiiiull uj'ins and orduaucJ! Biores to tln^ luuouut of Jrl^'r UOO,IKX) have been sold, nnd Ihe eiitir(> proceeds, exi-ejit a biuiili sum rutaioed 1^ meet expense of preparing other hturob fur sale, have pjivsedinUi the Treasury beyond the control of this dejiai-tmeut.

i t l u i s been absolutely neccasary to re ­tain about oue-sixtli of Iho armv in those Stul«rs of Uie South oust of the Mibsiutiip-pi which were engaged in Uie war of tho rebellion. Numerous applications fin-troops to aud iu Iha oufureement of the laws wero received from Uuitod titutos marshals, ofiioers of iuteruul rcveuuc,aud tttatc ofliciids ; urgent apjwalsfor asis-tauce crowded lu from private citizens, uud it Boon becamu evident t ha t t h e s e en t i ty of the pcojtle demanded the cou-t ioued presence of the regulur foi-ocs.

Alal)ama A i ' k a i i s n i i

('alifnrnia (!onncrttcnt Pclaivnre Fluriflft Cieor^ia .. Illinnin Indiana Iowa Kannnn Krntncky IionHJiina IVInino Maryland , MaBRnrlinicttfl... MiHRiHHippl M i i d i i K a i i

MinncHdta Mi^mmrl Nevada Ncbraxlca New Hampifliiro.. Now .loracy New York North Carolina .. Obin Orofjon PcnnHylvapia — lllioli! ttiland Knuth Carolina.. Tcxna TcnnoHHCo Vermont Virginia WcBt VirRlnia... Wisconnin Tlio Tcrrilorics..

w. 4 2 1 (I 1

10 7 (1 1 0 5 0 0

10 6 (t 3 7 1 1 3 2

IS 6


n 18 2 4 S tt s 8

» ft


2 1 2 1 1 0 4 4 4 0 0 I) 0 0 6 fl 0

n n 3 n 0 0 a

i.t 2 A 1 0 0 0 1 n 0 n It 1 8

n. 8



:t (I

1 8 8 n n 1



s 0

in n 2 4 a 1 n 3

1!f 2

14 0

13 a 4 1 2 3 3 1 4 0

a n 1 a 8 2

in A .1 1

11 <i 0 3 1! 11 fi 2 2 (1

Totals 17(1 08 189 104

T H E DiniE AT AVASHiKaTON.—Grand Duke Alexin was received by Pres i ­dent Grant iu t h e Blue Par lor of the Exeenlivo Mansiim. Minister Catacazy first piesonled tho D u k e t o the Presi­dent , who shook hands and spoke little compliments to each other. "''— T*,.i,n The D n k e

en presenl.ed the members of his suite the Pres ident , aud tho Pres ident in

turn preBent«'d tho memborA ot his Cab­ine t a n d h i s ofilcial altendaulfi t o t h e Duke . These presentat ions over, tho Grand D u k e was escorted to the Red Parlor and presented to Mrs. Grant , Sliss Nellie Grant , nnd o ther Indies. At the eoncluhiou of tho corenioDies, the piu-ties re turned to Ministi^r CnUicazy's residence. No formal enter t : i iument was i)rovidod for the Duke nt Washing­ton.

TitE.\suj(V DisnuntiEMKNTH.—The dia-burseinents by wiu"iantH from Ihe Treas­ury Depa r tmen t dur ing tho month o.' November, excluf^ive of nmouuls paid on account of the publ ic debt , were as fol­lows : r i v i l i i n d mlnL<'1Iau(")U8 $ l , . ' - ia .«a .V33 W n r n i - p a r t n i . nt 3 . 0 U . 7 1 . ' ' fiS •Navy D f p a r l i u i ' U t U,10l ,a i I i i l ' r i i i r O e i i a r t i u c n t — r c i i H i o n s

J u d l a u a

Tlie Markets . u r w Y'>nK.

B K B F C * r n 4 l — P r i m r l o E t , U i i l k f c k a $ . l M i « . W I ' l r n t q i i a l l l y 11 a . \ \ \ M - v l h i m o r f a l r r t n n l . . l O V i - 1 1 S O r r l n i a r y t l i l n f ^ a t U r . . . 1 0 a .I()<« I n f r o r l o w M t n n u l c . .B « . 09

M l L r n O n w a iW» oSO.ltt H o « s — T . l v f 07 a . 0 7 ; ;

I>rrMied 00 a . l O i j S a r - E r o-l « . n i J i O o T T i i ? ! — M l d d l l n s I B ' f i . M F1.0UK—r.xtrrv W c H l o m n..TO a ,7S

B t a l o K i t r a . . . ; n . lO a fl.c7 W n i : * T — A n i b i * W r H n m 1,00 a 1.70

" RInin l .Wl a l . ( .S W l i l l n O r n c i e e E c t r * l . n n a I.TK N o . 3 S p r i n i ! 1 .00 a I .f .S

n VR—WoHlcrn IW fl .!>B n , M O . K V - S I n t c I « a .0.1 C O R N — M I x n l W c a l o m .*fl . a ,S3 O A T H — W i B t r r o BO a .Bfl P o n i t — M c R ^ 13 .no 0 I 4 0 0 L A R D a <i , l o C n T i i ( i t . E e M — C m r t o 1 3 n o t l n c d a j Oirrxr-u—KUtA 3 0 a .S3

O h l o W . K 3S a . 20 •• Yvnef 31 a . 3 0

W r f l r r i i O r d i n a r y 13 s . I S I ' n n i H y l v a n l a U n c 3 3 a .SA

C a K R f i H — S l a l o F w t o n - IK a . 1 1 " S k l m n n ^ a 07 a . 10

O b i o 10 s Ah E n a i — S t a t o 16 a . 1 8

n c i T A ) / > . }\KV.T C A T T L K B.75 s 7 . U SuKf .p S .50 a A.SO I lrx iH—Ltvn 4 . 3 0 a R.OO

ri.«itn n.5n a 7.rio W i t K A T — N o . 3 S p r i n g 1.3S a I . i n C o n x r o a .fi% OATa 1 0 a . i n R T K 7 0 a . 7 0 llAULKV fiO a . 0 3 L * n o 10 a .v.,i

A I . n A N T . WlIKAT UPO a 1.70 R T K — S l n l » 0 0 a .0.1 0 . m N — M l i c d 7 0 a .flO B A n i . E T — S l a i n HO a .on O A T S — S U t e 13 a . 1 0

p m L A D t u . p n i A . F L O I T B — P c n n . E s l r a G.7S a 7 .no W U K A T — W c a l c m l l o i l l . M a I (ill

W b l t o . l . r o a l< iH O o n N — Y r U i i w . . - . s n a .DO

M l M d SO a .87 P R m o L E i T M — C r n d e U n f l n i ' d .31 >; l l i E r O A T T L i c 07 a . n n j t CiMVtA S F X D 1 1 . 3 0 a l 2 . e 0

T i m o t h y . , . 3 . 0 0 B A L T i n o H K .

O o i T E K — I . n w H 1(1(11 i u KB f ) o -Ifl.'i F i / i r n — E i t r a O.no a BOO W H E A T — A m b e r 1 .00 a 1 .05 O a n s t l a . 70 O a t a I S a ..-VS

MONEY. Subscribe Now

fur t b e hef>(, m o a t w i d o l r olr«nli(<>d A 4 1 B I C V L »

T V K A I . i n l l l O K ' r i t : i J I < T V B i a r ^ P A P K K

In t h e f V U R L D , a n d Ibn bri-t P A P U R In l l ip

W O R I . U for t h a U U U M B I I U I ^ P a i id li r t h e

C U I L D B E B T .

Grand, Square and Upright Pianos w r n r AWAnnEO T S E

F I r a t f l r n n d B o l d M r d R l . World' i i I"air, Par in , 18^7, a n d I .ondoti , ines .

T i l l S T E I M W A T P U K O " art! • n l T - r w H r f i B w d ^ d t o b o

Tftr L r a d l n K F l i - « t - V M i i M P I n n © n n w bi'f'iro t l ic | inhli i ' . Tti(*-^ini'tmini'n(Bnr»'iirr>frnTd t o atl o l l i r r . by I h " iti'inl ct^li-btn'Ril i i l i n l M " . T l o i j ar" niM-d h v a l l O l " j irinripal r.ii.r"rt tm'lJH'" wliri i^vnr « 1 -Inbinl i lr . T l i f v l inn- n i r i i U " Wuri i lwit lP r ' P < i l n l i « r , Ih-iutt i n n i ' l y r i p n i t . d tn E ' ln 'P" . o x d all i inr(«(if I h r irlvi l ixM iv>.i1il. nrKt Ihry are fniiirlit t u b e i m l l o l v d b r nn ir ty t>W Ain<-rirnn a n d Hiirii|«'An rinii '>-in«l"'r». N t n l n w N T A ' n n n h * M n m m o t h M m i t i l n r t o r y . la III" 1. O'f t i i - H i - r i l j - n r r n n c M n n d " ( " n i t v i - M t a t i l i M H -m f n t of i l s t l n d In I h o wnrld . Th"- i m h r M i c d o lhc ia l npvi ' i inor ' ' I< i in* hsvlnnrrvi-Bl»Kl t l io f«ct Hint ih'nmnuin 111' ihrli unily fi'r- rifrr-l ih:f n/ iht titrlr' lanjnt j ' inan-mn'.rrt ni \rir Vnili r„m'ilnr'l.

S T H I N W A T it H U N K r a n "inriftl a t l ' n l l n n !•> t h f i r

N f w P M t p n l t ' p r l R h f I M n n o a _ , , w i t h ibiiibtr Ir<m ttumr. Cat nt (ti-BntiAtor ami T n b i i i n t Franip a r l l o n , wbinh art- mni'h'ft in rn'.irn' I'lff iimtllg n tun; >i'if -ii^yfi-n in.iUru "' t'll™. u l i i l r • In t i i imu li^niti'i )n tnnn anil Ix- lns i i inin impptv l ix i" ' i n l lnn»p(i ' ' i ir In-flurnn-sthnn any -HhiT I ' n n n ift prf-"ont t n s n i i f d c t n n - d .

E v e r r P i n n a I V n r p n n l r t I l *»r F l T a f r B M .

Pr iPM »r!i,low an Ihn PJCIMMVO U*O o t l b " l i f t malwrlalu an'] Mni*t t l i o m i i c h w o r k m a n til l p wil l p c n n l t . O l d r i a -nim t'ikPM in < ' t c ( i ine« .

B»;- M l ' i i t r a l " > H ! s t « l o p n M w l t U prlro-lh.ta m a i W f r w o n a p p l l c n t i ' i i ' . ~l-ii

T V A R K R O O M « , « T F , I S W . V T I I A T . I . .

t o b A 1 1 1 F J I M I F A u r t e c n t h nt., N « w T n r h .

t. w*i.K**. rn<t>Ti*ii>T. R. n. McnKwim * Co.. nt.i«ci;ti* 0«i i . Ar'nO. ^i"> FruiH«'n. C«l.,(in< « CfitnmnT* . t r w i . N. T .

M I M i l O n S R e n r T e i r t i m s n r I * t l i « l t ^ W o n r i r r f b l C n t - n i l T O E i r e c l s .

T h e r »n n o t a TIIA F n n c r l > r l n k , M n d o o f P « « r

R a m . W h U k e r . r r o n f H p l r l l f i n n d R o f ^ n n

f j l ^ a a r * d f x - l o m l , uplreil a n d a w c c t r n i i d l o p l r n * " t h o

taMe.onl led " T o n l c V " A p i > r t i w r n , " ' •nprtor(^' ."A<^-.

i h a l l e a d t h e t l p p l r r o n t o d n i n k i ^ n n f c M i a n d m b i . b i i t a r a

a t m e M r d l c l n o . m o d o f r o n i l h p M i t t v o n o o t B W i d U f m a

of Ca l i forn ia , I V r n T r a m n i l A l r o h o l l b H l l m n -

I n n t H . T t i P v a r n t l i p U n E A T n i . f > O n r i ! R I -

F l E R n n d A l . I F R ( l I V I N t ) I ' l M N U I F L B t

A p e r f e c t n c n o t a t o r » n d InvlRorntrir o f t h e S y r t « m .

(rarrylriBolT a l l po laonoi i a m ut ter ami rcf i torlng t h t b l o o d

t o a h c n U h y c o n d i t i o n . K p ixTann c a n Wl ie thi"'0 n i U

l e n t a c c o r d l n i t l o d l r t ^ t i o n a a n d r e m a i n l o n g u n w r f l ,

p r o v i d e d t h e i r b p n c i aro n o t d i -n tmyrd b y m i n e r a l

iwtaon o r o t h e r m e a n is a n d t h a v H a l or t :an««WMted

b e y o n d t h e p o i n t o t r e p a i r .

T l i f T n r o n G e n l l e r n r i r n i l v r n « w H I n a n .

T o n i c * iKMikeimlnc. r l w . t l i c j -rcuhnr m r r l t of a<.1lnii

aa a p o w r t f u l ni-cnt In rcl icvbi i , ' Ciinjrertlon or I n d a m -

m a t l o n o f t h e l . l v c r , nnd nil t h o V l n e c m l O r u n " ^

F O R P E n A I . E C O . - t i r i . A I S T S , I n y o n o f f o r

o l d , m a r r i e d or alnKlc, o t t,hc i l n w n o t w o i i i n i i b o o d o r a t

t l i e t u r n of l i f e , t l icFo T o n i c n i l l c r a h a v e n o n p i n l .

F n r I n f l n m m n i n r r n m l ( ' h r o n l c l t l i i > n m n >

t l i m n n d f l o n t * l > r n p F p i > l n o r I n i l i s m i t o n i

n i l l o n m R c t n i l t r t i t n n d ! n i < - r m i U o n i F r -

¥ e r B , D 1 i i f i n « ( ! n o f i b t - l l l a o d , I . l v r r , K l d -

n e r t n n d I t l n d r i r r , t h p w i l l t l r r a h a v e iM-cti inr«t

n icoenaful . H a i r h O l L r n n e n v r o c n n K c d h y V i t l n l o d

n i o n d , w h i c h l a s c n e r n l l y p r o . l u c r d by d iTf tnEcmont

o f t h e D l i T f f a l l v o O r s n n * .

I I V K F K I ' H I A O R I N I I M I K H T I O N . H e a d -

a e h e . P a i n In t h r S h o i i l . l e m . t V n c h ^ TIc l i tne iR o f l l i «

Chcul . n iMioe«( i . Bnnr nrLictntlcnn of I h e S l n m a c h .

Dad Tanto in D i e M o n t h , e i l l n t i s At lark* . I'nIpttatloD of

t h n H e a r t . I n n n m m n i l o n o f t h e I-unB*. Ta in In t h e TO*

c i o n i o f l h e R l d n c T n . a n d a l m n . l r e d o ibrrpn i i i f i i l e n n p -

l o m a , ara I h e olliiprliKin of UfppepM*.

T h e r i n T l c o r a t e t b r S l u m a c l i a i K l ' l l m u l n l o t h o l o r p l d

U r e r a n d D n w e l l . w h i r h r e n d e r tl icra o t u n e q u a l l e d

efllcucr In c l e a n a l n s t l ie bloofl ot all liniiiirlllff>. and Im-

p a r t l n t n e w life and T i e o r t o t h e n l i o l r E r i l c m .

F O R B K 1 X I » 1 H F . A H F , ! * , E m p t i o n P i . T o U e r . Bait

R h e u m . B l o t c h r i , . ' j x i h , r impl i '* . ruFl ' t l ea , B o l l a , Car -

8 O ' C 9 I « 0 O K . .•C A M O N T I I . - l l n r - e nnd mUfit f imiinh"'! .

•P A d i l r o w _ X ( » V I : I . T V ( ' 0 ^ . Srirni. M e .

i O l - m A D A V e n d i n T P t i i - o n d rrl inblp a a e n H . W l l f i . O I , 0 1 N ( 1 4 f ' o ^ . l*JCllbTHl.. .1V;^_'!!)-_Mi'^-

W n n t e d t o f"ll a r t i e W ne«4led by r.vl..«l». Aridr<>-.» I 'h- inh * .Sl<v>n. P h i l a . F a .

i1n«p P i a n o * . S e n t n n tr ia l . K n A<Hre«i U . S . P I A N U C O . , MB

t « l : X T H e.rr.vl . .«l i

fit i t C k t f f e '"r nr^l-elnop P i a n o * .

R f o i u l w a j . N . V .

NE R V O V N n K n i I . I T V , A c , e n r e d l>y m r fimiilf l r c n i i i i t n i i h n n t m r d i e i n n . N - n d HfU'Minte

t o p a r adr(<rli>-inR nnd i v t i t by r r l n m m a i l , . l a r k a o n , IHII IWi, tVamlnchniM. M.ixa.

Tn n M a i c n e i l p T l m c - K c c | > r r . - A W a t c h a n d Coiniui a c i .n i l i inod : alpol nno n i « t « h l o w o r k s a n d

alaiKcryrtnl in nn oni i f ic m c e . S e n t hy mai l o n r e c e i p t of pr ioe . I for I . ^ . : 3 for ( 1 . Addr>a".

( i K O . ,T. K l i r P A l i n ; W a t e r b m r , j > n n .

r f ^ l I P , i l A R R I N n H R O F . C M I I ' Y C O K N -* . ahe l l er C o . w a n t A « e n t B t n i i - H t h e i r F a m i l y iJorn-

fhellprfi. npH( i n r e n t i u n nt t h e k i n d . HnJln At a i g h l . r r u H l a l a r c e . F u r e l r e n l a n ' , n i l d r e x

K U U i : . N K S N v b R I l . T r e w i r e r . Ii<i>'k B' l t fl. I l n r r i r h n r e , P a . -

to I . N T H W a n t e d , — A (lent* inakn m o r e m o n e y a t work fnr n* t h a n a t a n r t t l inn PIHC.

(i. S n S ( . H N f C o . . tSi'iAtl ruhUflirii, ParOculnrH Irei

P c n l a n r l , M n i n r .

fadllK\A\»OAII V A I . t . K V l - V B . A W . V a . r 9 3<0('Ar.Minnd Irnilt I n r n i " ! *.•'•-' Murk M. Sfnri wint(>riiandJ'Ai((I>vcliniiit-<. S r n d fi ir( nta lnanea .

_ _ I'lrtftMin itnit H^itt* AfiTHfv, MnrOnnbi i tp , W . V a .

Neuralgia aiij Rlicninalisiii. I h a v a a pnrlain r i i re for l l in nbnro d ixeaxe i , tr ia l

a a o i p i n i w n t t m e n l cl intsr' . un n|>ii1ipili<in In G A. I t v ' s - M n . . ( . • . y y r ' . t f m n . I l m g n (•on.itjr, l\^

' H ^ W O B K A t ' T i r t ' l . « i i r T l , - " T n R P A -fL Tnii>T."ii p<>)iii;ur 4 H C o l u m n W c c b l r , ii«ir

nvrr a (giinrtcr c i i t u r y a d, |iri h c u l - PR"!) y r m l y H i i h -M-rilipr. -in i r r e i i i l nl ( l ie -nl i 'pni i l int i p r i m <it $ J . C m M a o r n l l l c c n l H t r r I I ' n R r i i v i n i i a - t l i P " I m i m l i -l i o n , ' m i l l i l l" •'J'linr II l a t i n n s . " - | > > - l - p i i d , C n n t a * -»er?i w n l i ' d ; c m inake |>4 l o # 8 per day .

( 'Ai i i - i i i \ ' ^ V t v A N T ' V M i P . .Inrkiion. Mlu l i iyan .

i-fcs ! ' • - . - i j . * ! irL:^:^::Z

.11 Hud


• r „ l g ] $1B,MI,«1J .I 'S

O r u u d l o t i d | » » 0 , U 0 1 , 3 « I . 3 0

T H E Profireas of Yx>res8, in Flanders , sliitcM tha t the lyphua among cattle cou-l ibues i ts ravugcH in tl^c norUi of France . More thuju 2U0 o t c n have been killod iu the environs of St. Omcr, b u t t h e iu-BpeclioD isbo defective tha t infected uni-muls are almost (iuily dibcovered a t the ubuitoii* of Lil le . Xhe uududy has al­ready made i ts appeuruuco ou the Bel-p u n ' side of t h e froutier in a farm a t Warhem, between Ho)id»cote aud Ber-f^ucs, \vhci-e fourioegu huud of cuttle hud to be tiiu.-j'ifio(L

AFFSCTION. — T h e I'liubody (Mass.) /V<*« says : " M a n y pejiiOUK who have hiul ocuuaiuu to visit Uie Ksuex depot iu thill towu, huve fur some t i m e t ime puat uolic^^d u hu AO dun-oolujt>d doK, who aiiuouuly wutc-hus tlio passopgcrs ub they idib'hl, as though hcekiug for bome por-liculur peiiiuu. Th» dog beluugcd to Mr. Ernes t S. Merrill , ono of t h e wotims of the Revere ditaister. When young Merrill, left homo for the last l ime h is do;^ h i t hiin a t t h e d e p o t T h e faithful dog stiU watches fur h u l u a s ^ . whu wiU never oumo buck."

Ta& MAICIUAOE OF Pmii(*E FiioniB BoKAPAUTE.—The hvthjKndfutot Ittlyf giv(;s purtiouhtrs of the juarriage of t r i n e e P ier re Ilonujinrlc. The cere­mony was performed iu JirUfsels, at t h e Fiyuchl jCgal ion, imd wn* only the ouu-secrution of u union holemuir.ed muny

col's ago, iu ijresencc of an ulliciul

BETriKo.—John furi->UH]y ou t h e

M o r n w y . who be t laic ekxilioi) iu Kcw

veal's ago, lu iJresTjice oi uu umciyi >'f the small ditstiict of LacuiHinc. in jiel-

f ;ium ljUx<mburK, und b ind ing Mile, tiflliu to Pr ince llunopiu'tc. Mile Jiiff-

liu had long l«'.eu known us Pnuces s liouajiurte. 'J'he miUTia^jc, which result­ed in two children, \ras di»=ai'proved of bv t h e Emi>eror, who withheld his cuu-Heut The empire having fallen. Priuce Bumnjarte, in the opinion of the hide-jMidantf Itfltff, thought it necessary iu order to " regu iu r iHe" h is i>oaitiou and aocure the future righttt of his chd-dreu, to huve u new ocxcanouy. A new cuutract was prej^urtMl bv which the children were declurod l e^ t i i ua t e . T h e pruoetMling ufiureduu iucideut uf uuie .

T H E N E W LOAK JI^LEMJT FUOM TAXEII -— All bonds aud iiiterent thereon itisued under tho act of Ju ly H, 1870, euUtlod *' au act tu authtUTZO the refuudiog of t h e uutiouul d o b l , " u r o by tha t act de-olarod exempt fiom the p*iymcut of all tuxAss o r dutitw of the Uuitod States, us woll as from taxation iu any form uuder i>tute, muuicipal , or local authuril ius. (beotiou I joimpter 2Wi,Mxteeutb btutute, puge 272.) The Commisaiuner of lu te r -

AoBicriiTWDE.—Wool ( irowiug. Stock Baifcing, are very prolHable in the health­ful and beautiful vallie.«, of Colorndo, Tbo plan of the Colorado Sjiriiigs Col<>ny, with other iuformatiou, auutfree, R- A. Camerou, No . 3 Bowlinj; (Jrecu New York. _ ^

Dr, R. V. Pierce , of BufTalo, N. Y., in his book on Chronic DiKenses, pavs in regard Ut his (lolden Medicine His-(^ove^-, with which our readers are familiar, " fnmi i ts wdtiderfiil p o n c r over C-<msumiitiou of the L u u g s I had though t Blrongly of eiUling it my Con-Kiimiitive Cure ; bu t from tlu* fact tl iat it is a i>crfect speeilUi for t h e soro throat and boaineness to which iniuiKlcrs and othiT imblic BifCjdterH and siugers arc subject, and UIHO for Ih-unchilis, nnd all grrn-i^ Qmiihit, and is an invaluablo remedy for diKcascs of the Liver , and also us a Blood Purifier, I decided not to aiipiy to i l a name which miglit luislend and "preveut i1« use in o ther dJKiyibcs fur which it iH so admirably ii(hi]>led.

I t will cure a ct.ld iu (iUe huU the t ime I nwessiu'y lo cure i t with any olhcr medicine, iind it does it, not by dryinji it up b u t removing Ihe eiuiw—sid 'duiug t h e irritutioif a n d bi-aling t h e idlccled luirtfi."

This valuable medicine js sold by all firsi-clasb truRgUJts. S74

A BiiOW Til l''i:UAi.n: SuiTltAOP.—TIic bill for the n-jwid of Pemidc KullVage iu Wyoming passed Ihe oouucil, tJie voto be ing 6 yeas t« 4 iiaya.

HITMAN WUECKS.—Kvery day aud hour we meet with broken down KpecimcuH of huiuihly—wrecks tha t hccm jiast hoju's of salviigc. At least Hcveu-elghl* of tlm; e might bo filled with new vitjility, by a o-mrse uf ]J». WALKIOI 'S ('AUl'^nNlA ViKEOAB B m o w . Muuy are siitli'iing from therejielhui of rnm-uolluted bit tem orjiowcrfulminerabi. I t iBchajactcrist jc of Dr. Walker 's (Srtfti It^himUire llmt il neutralizes the cfl'Bcl. of th(*(* mis-iadled remiNliea, and ucoumj;libhus iu due time a ptjrfccl oiu'c.

American Agriculturist

I ) K N O W N A L L O V K R T U E C O U S T R V . a n d . n -

fc.i.j:r'>'(iiAl<obe Ihe c b c i a p e a t o n J b c k t A U R U . ' t ' l -

T U l l A L a n d i l O n T l L ' U L T I ' B A L P A P U K e v e r i n b -

l i i h c d .

r u n l ^ in all it> S K N T I M F N T S .

( - O R H E C T In nil i l a T E A r n i N O S ,

R i : l . l A n L i : ' < v « n i n H l l i l i > i A U V K R T I S K M t N T S .

I u C l R C L I L A T I O N nnar lr e q u a l a t l ia t ut a l U t l i c r

A c r i c u t l n r a l p a p e r * c o m b i n e d .

t l O V K . A K M In •orpeaa ion i( lia< b a c n t l ip IH>M.

For the Farm.

A GREAT OFFER!! • l o r n c c l V n l e r « , 4 t i l U r o n d w i i r * ^'> T . ,

wil l iliFiiofienf O K K H r s i f i i E t i I'IAVII.- . , M f i / ' U F o x a . and OlMiA>.Hn( hti lir.il-clh.-'F'innkeiT, ini'liiiliiiK Wuterh'H. uf erinmili/l'" f'i"- f-' "'-A. ./>" i.../ fl it mm-rh ; or Kill t a k e frnm i i \n fv* i i i on lh ly nnt i l i>n>d : H I P >auic (n l e t . and rent apntii 'd if imrthi i t - i^ , A n " " k i n d nt I 'AntJ'n O R O A X . i l in iitii-'l bpnnt i luf f l r l e a n d p'-rlcci Innp e r e r m a d e , nnw on e « h i h i 1 i n n .it ISI I tmadtraf , N ^ w V n r k .


for AGADHHIES, eCHOQLS and Juvenile ClaESca, n > ' W, f l . P F H K I W M .

T t i i H w n r l i i - . M o n i l l . n f K l M I ' M C l T V A N D f O M -l ' l . i r r i : M > K , a n d ii K U n P A b S I i S Al . t> S I M I L A R U U I t K S in (1iPi;rca( l a w o t ) ' a n d e i c H l e i i ^ e utlb<tMui>io i( r i intnin*.

I ' r i c " , ."-O m i t o | i f r I ' o p v , P o a l n s o p a i d . Y V M . A . I ' O X D A t - 0 . . r r l f ^ r o n r i w - i t y - . N . T .



w.l l i t h e ' ; . " - T.t n,<,..r. T h i h - I Ti'ii I i i i | . i>rli . l . T i ' - • • ' / r o w -I P - ' " . A n d fiT p j l e wli i ' i f 'ulB on l j b.- t<'p l i r r n t A l l a t r t l o n o t l > . ( 4 - i n c I V n l o . , H C I i i n c b S t N - » Vi .rh . P . O. It<i«. A S l i a

Irtinrleti, R f n c - W n r m n . Prnlil l l i a . l . Sori- t . r e j . Kn"l t« ' -lan. I t e l i .Sc i i r f i . l l l i i '^ inniHimN' ir i l ip f k i u . I l iTmuriiand

« nf t h e r i l i p f k i u .

Umeaiip* nf t h e S k i n , of w l m t ' - v - r n a m e o r o « t i i r p . o l o l l t era l lv d u e nji nnd enrrlert o n l n n l i P M i ' l i ' m in a atinrt t l m o b r t l i e iiHeul t h i i e l l i l t e r i . O n e l>ntllo in m i ' b caaea wi l l c o u v l n c o t b o u o a t locrLi lu luui ol the i r cura-t i r o c d e c t i .

C loanao t h e T i l l a t p d t ) lood v h r n e T c r r n n And Ma I m -

pDri t l c i buratloff t l i r o u s b l l i 4 akin in P l m p l o a , T.rnjf

t l o n i or S o r e a ; c l e a n i e It w h e n yon [Ind It ob^truetiHl

a o d t l u c t U b In t h o r n b i a , c lennne i t w h e n It larnti l ,

and Toiir f r e l l n c a wi l l t e l l r o u w h f n . K e e p t b o Mund

parr , and t h o h r a l l b of t h e ^v^lpm w i l l f o l l o w .

P i n , T n p c m i l l o i l i c r W o r m t t , l i i r k l n i r t n t h o •r i i tpm o t ao m a n y thou!>nnd*, nni eRoct iu i l l r deRtror^l and r e m o T p d . Sarn a d l n d n c i i i n h e d pbrnlolofflnl . t h e r o IK acaree lr an Inil lTidnal npnri l l i p f n p p o f l h « e a r t h wli'wi- W l r I" e x i n i p t tn'iH l b " I T I ' M I P * ot wdrma. I t la not u p o n Ibn hpni l l i r r h n r n t i i of l b « bedjr t h a t w n n n " rx i^ l , Imt iip'm t h f d l v i n ' p i l h i imora and a l h n r rtcpoRit" lli.it lirppd llieK" l i v l n c i n o i i s t c n i o l diaeaoe. N o Sr"V'"' " ' Mi 'Uc 'n" ' " " r c n h i f i i c p a . nn

St h r l m i n l l e a wi l l IrLO t h e r int i -m from w u i m a l ika ean l i i t tpra .

J . W A L R F . l t , P r o p r i e t o r . R. H . M o P O N A L D * C O , O r a t K l i t i and O e n . Amenta, tan E m n r l i e o . Cnlifnrulft,

r n d S l a n d S4 Commeret t Htree l , N e w l o r k .

narso i . i t nv AM. m i m f n s T s ANU pKAiJiRai A V N i : -occ u .^•>4ll

RUPTITEES R o l i e v c d and e'ired b r D r . SJipniinirii I 'u lrnt An i i l innpt nnd Comivi i i i i i l . o m - e PIT S r o n d w a y , N . V . J^-nd MV-. (or bonk w i i b plmlok-rnrbic l ik^neii^'- nt ra-cslipf-T!" and att iT cure , w i l h H e n r y W n o l Kpe<:!ier'«wi»o. l e l t e m n n d iHirtrait. Rpwnre ot l rav .4 in« iinii'i-t'irf, w h o ( iu ' lond l o l iBTe|*en^Bmii>lanl'-of Or. Si l t i iM*v. _ _

BOOSEY'S OHEAP MUSIC. Cnl«1n- i |p m a i l r d mi n | i f l i e ( i l i on .

M I O n r n i H l w n v . \ . V .

TnvnUy •pn(''. I''<ir(y tf'io'l MIU ^r^ .. V n h n i h l e h m t » l i .r t h e

TH E X K M T "V r . \ i r . - T b * X n l l n n i t A l i n n n n e . On))' Iw.-nly

nifei". V.\rT no m a n y i i lrti irr loDpehold . ( i n o d t h p y e n r r m -n e w o M n n d or n n i d a i c . t o I h - A i n ' r a n T r a r t (^.wii i j . l I T W « » l u n g 1 o n S I , . I t - i« t in . S U P ' ml I'Tiiin t o ranta—fi-ii^


F A R M I S R S ' F A I N T Wi) ari> n i : i i iu t jr lur i i i i l • tpr] pu| irr iut i imnt J ( halt

(hi' iii'icn III in%linBry iiiilntH, Il i . I in i . i i i . Iiiil liv ilti< atl-l i i t i ' m o t d r y i i a i n t o r . m be tunib- l i r h i f r n r i t i u l . i T . I l ia n i i i . l l , rr i-t,, ii-r „••: u.id i i i - i l d bjlh''t . '"ll i>n- l l i* wi i t -•litii for IioLiiM, Vurnk. (i>n.T«, fri i irht ojir», d r i ^ i K Imil-er», pinokp "InAii . i « i ' U l n">li-. Ac. " e aii-o tiiiiiii(iii<-t i tre o n r CjlplTai"!! U I A I I Y l i i f n i l M i l o r c u i c r l u b - b l l dn -rr i i i ( i>n« ui riKit-.. y^r fi'v" l i - w . t-tinijik*, A c , od-d n w Uut RMAJJV I K X i r i S O l ' e . .

N „ nt <'-«><l|in.)i HI fc—rV-'W

EVERY farmer who owns a good stock of horses, c i t t le and sheef, and in tends to keep them through tho winter, slumld gel at once a goiid stock of tSfi'-ridau'i' Cavulrj/ (hudiiiun Pvirdi-rg. Ouedcllnrt i ' worth will save ut least a half ton of buy.


Auiei irna J ^ ti-uttui I'tf i i a lafifii jwriodlokt • ( 4 A p«f:o*.

Uunlf |>rint«d> a n d flllcd w i t h j>'i'ti, I'ranlral, nli4itili

urijliiiil-^uittxpr. i i icludliic; b u i i d r r d a o t itauiifnl a n d o i -

•diirfiK K « | [ r u « ' l i M i a in evt i iy a n n u d l v o l u u i c .

For the Garden. I t o o n t a l n a cai'h l u o i i l b a ( ^ l o n d a r o f OtM-ratinna l o b o

tn ' i ioruiud o u l l i r F j i ' - i a , i i i t h e U r t b s r d ftiid U o r *

d r u , ill a n d a r o u n d I he l l M r l l l u K , r t c .

T h u l l i o u a a n d * of bin(f> and Mi jHwl iunp g i v e n i o • r e r y

v(iiuiiie Mv iiri'iinrt'd \<y i i raol ira l . inUilliUUiil \ V O I 4 L I N V

u a r u , « b o U i u u wl ia l t h e y ^ r i t v Dbou(.

For the Household. T b u l l o u a r b o l d » r | ) a r t i i i « B t ia rahialdi i in

pxi-ry U'luaekot'pfli-, A f l u i i b n c vrrr lua&y uau lo l b i u l *

a u d direuoiMia cf t loulatcd t o l i g b l c o K u d l a u i l i l A U I n -

U o i i r W o r k .

For the Children.

CUNDURA-NGO n i . I S > . K I : | : M : . V I H K F l M i d K » t r u P t , t l i P w . m -

•|.<ifiil Ti'iii'ili f . i I ' n u r - t T , ' • y w b l l i a , ( h r u l U l i i . I M v r r h , P u l m a n u r r t ' u H i p l i a l i i U , b M l l U k r a m , r n d nt| t ' b i ' O t i l t * K l u u d l l l a m a r a , i n j i n ' t u r e d (rutii t i l e G t M t u t n c < ' u u * l a i - u » K a I t n r k . ( n u n l^oia Li'-iinilor, ii>-'iiii'il lit 111-' a -M-iun I'i>i lOi' niitbur.Lipt u( ttiAl r u u n l r ? . I l I - t h e iiii>i>i '»--(i-<-, f i f i u c l im ( - T J . W " ' - l l iT. i t i to nnd b l o o d i x i r i a i - r k n n n n . S D I J l<y all I l n i i i c i i ' l ' , ill I'liil b i i l t i"- . i i a» inr i-n tWeiu o u r t-aiue. trad • iiiiirk nnd iiiri>iti"iis. S - i i J for ,i ciri'U a i . OIIir» tiitil l ^ l i o r a ( 4 > n , N o . a i C r d o r h i . . N. V .

S e n d for f r w a a m p l e c o p y o f H I P C n i i i f r n A x LFAiir .n, a h n d C U M w e e k l y I' . i irnm I't ibii-hed b v t . ' a N e w ^ j T k S l a l o Cii i iventinl i "f I ' l i i i v r v n l i . ' - . mill ' i j ' i i la i tnnc thn Kerinonn of Ilr. K. H. C l m i m i , T i n i n f3 .Ml per y i i r , A d d i p * . I 'ubt iMiirt^l l l i I .^i iAh I . K A D K I I , I3M Ui iu idHay , Kuw Y o r k C i t y .


(3 for AEttac Ic--slkj rc:r iK'r. Tu 18V3. SIII.MCV R. MOIt^T!:, J K . & CU..

n t Pnrk Row, N, Y. _ SAMPLE COPIES FREEj


ARNICA LINIMENT. A n l u r a h i n h l o t ' u t e fur

n t i r r i H . B " O 1 C I H . fc»pfainH, R I I E V M . I T I N M , l ^ • ^ • | - A M M . V T I « ^ , A c ,

A "ini.-l- ul .pl irnl iDn i l l n j » i b c I ' l in i m i n n l inrn t l iu Histant it in aoHir 'd .


A U T N T S W A N T l : l > 1 " '1! T U T


l \ r u l i l « i n « o y e r l ."»« linu r U d i e v i n B i ' • « " ' j ' ; ' " '""'-no" nnd ini ' iri inta i i i l M f W a r , nnd i - ( l i e i-niy I L I . ! - , A U -T I I E S T K . ' nnd ( U T I C I A I - h i - l - ' t y t d H a t . (.a.jil e -m-rtic(. A i t e n t i n r e i i u x t i n d w i l h n i ' l i n c d.'ii(.-'1 - " C ' e * ' wi l l ina from C O l o 4 « e r . | i i p * | H T day . nnd il b fnl.lip-l.ed in b i . iu Kni l i - t • nnd (.••niinii. , , , / I i I " I M / W I n f i r m t l i b t i ' n P i i a r n l i e l n i i r i i e i i . V J A V 1 | W . ^ N la ted . fi.-e i l ini I h i l w . ^ l i y u i i h i i y t 'untaina l « 0 nnp oni:r(H'iiK(i.-imltt"l on*;.". S.-nil iitr i- iteuli i i* nnd m e o u t t p n n - . i i f i n (iill .T.-iril-t i . m ' ; ' ' h " « o r k . A d d n ™ . N A T I O N A L I ' l I H I . l S H I Y f I I I . , r l i i l -mh l l . l iUj I 'n. . f h i m t - n . 111: . ,^ S l . l . i . U i - . M'l. .

tiUNTS* W A S T E D , i - r t - r y w h . r e , f . r

The Home of Go(Vs People.

Tli iEnodtf l aaitnstUBr'-i'ulml a m UTik Mll,llgwn•ll• ^ ; # . in OIDUIII , ! ! , ! ii,|>"iiu. It i-'itin'to ti-ittiT ; , . •

.ilJl!T».inK». • u « A i ; f f l l J - * a . l - J . t d . e . | a | . - d . v « , i.tiefpiV.Tn • • • 4a>n|i r q u l l y • • "'H- 9 U , r > O C >

»r*nDiiinriin be i..ad* by • • y tufrj- i i t malt tr (rir...i» • J , n i . l « Lk inBe i> l«nf« l^ i i i » lu t ' i * . fu>B<i l ' '> ' -B i lp -T« '" * « • . K " H>» l -« lrh«of» leMiW. in,--nr »• .» .•--^Tul. 0-,r rtfubTt (wnt (rr .>»lUM«tl i i i*>"Hp( ('•!•, cUa y w u r l«Tm», full pnri;ti.',iiri nt. W O B l i a N * i T " N , I ' l M I N 4 (.ii., Ilitfiux4,< unn.

tl A full •ndr i i iu i . l . - l i - lli^lor];(lf ChirnRn, h*r | )a« l . or.'Ht-nt ao' l f i i i i i r - . W i l i i Erjti.hic M-.-IH-I . i n H d r n l i nml lu l l f.v-lailn of t h e dihUFl T , li> ( i e o . I'. U | i l o n . nnd .1 . W. Sh- n-liai i , . d i t r i r - r>f t l i" ( - luonen rnf.j.iir. W u h ovpr 4 0 0 I ' U u r a , n.xl A O l l l u » t r u l l o a i i . I t ia n o w r.-ndy l o r

Agents Wanted. t^i^l^^^i^Ut^l l'i<ir,ix I' l i l ' l i i- lnnr I <>., I ) I IPI -G«. 111., i-r I 'hi l , T i .


u v r . K ON i: u i ' \ DitKM i*Au i:b, •i.ite.1 111 T w o ( ' . > l » r * . . ' I - ' i ; - - h Ti-.TT , I 'AiTi i ,

K o n r I M n u i

l l u i i d r r d l j i i t r i t « I I I B * m u d V • ' ) ! ' ' ( • • • • • • ' • . ' ' ii'> t )

ol r twufra. . rii-li . n«, nivl

was unable to make up the rticjuirttd ,^.^ , . , _ _ , . , _ „ _ „ , I t tukes BOUpouudo of boef, 10 b u s h - ' amoimt of hib boil,—^iuitOUL) uf t lw • ! , -

iit^jttcoio, uud t ^ e veaials «rf o]'dt<i«d t o ' iji* iuiiauiur,v'^<C«y towardb<Uie Abolition i ( ^ oipotutotw. CbO putind* of brond, iu;d lOUO.UOu b ^ u ^ j iul f<4rth ocmiuir't "^<^ ^^ ' «-'i^iu\w ,ftj^ gnitrd for ' ' a i l icd&iijji^l.'.jf t j i r a ry . 0 « r r4iaUyii8 with thut tan- j cubbugof. t i irpip* and onions orftt t . *o rtauovwllMai<^7<i>u' l o i l t E o w by the

Yolk, C4ime out u (jiflOO loaw. H e pro- j ^ iu ,veuue rulee thut t h e c^xt4uptaou bub l .vbe tu t leabt »50,00(J, b u t gf t t iug ! ^^jj^^^j^^ t ^^ ^jtoteat us weU OK principal IrighU^ued, Olid " hiMlgiug," h e fiuallj j ^ ^^^. ^^y. i^udii , and tha t thi* iiiterobt a i n v e d at the robult givop Out of t h e ; ^,,^^^ be i i ic ludodin t h e amoimt upon urge weU known New York i>ool. Uxc i ^^^ „ dividi^ud oi- other tuxt* uit^ rc-

h j t d w a owoun t actually v m i vm S5Q0> l^^tZd to be wud.

——— t A liAm AJIBWMK.—A luutUttTiecMed CouyntouLXM Oouully oi New Y « k , he r diuW fur ruui i iug bare foo t

Bhe tioid : " What ore .vuu doiug tha t

T e o E T i w i : I i - M k n j w l M l i o d b y t d l U U B M » of |>iHjpk) t o be t h u buai

flud moat r x b a b l r bluod iiitrtlicr iu t b v Hurld.

-WluUr W l a d o m .

W a r m oluUkU)« BIUDC wi l l out | i n i b ^ t h e b o d j n s a i u a l

Uia oonaMllwiiiooa td U M auddnu d o t n a u u o u <d tuuiiHtrk-

tur« wtaiub ia o o u o o m O a n t of ow-ly wiuVor. I ' U u u o l n e x t

l b * akin i iroMJ^M t h o MIUIIAI b u a l . b u t l l d o w n u t Uu-

IMwrt MiliulU viitur. T h a i |ao|M.-rlj' ui t U e nixictftl i i iuruca-

l i i d (if Hunt i i tuv 'k Kttiiuarb Uiltort., wl i ioh in t l iurofut* ft

•IHwdic i i ruMol ion as&iUHl ft u u g o r d r of t b e ou iu i t lu iuU

Wbiub M « iDuvt ouuuuon a t Ibi* at-ftaoo- f u r OMUiiile, a

o a u r i o id ( b o gttM Ti«NUbli> i a v i t o r 4 n t , o u n u u n u c o d

now. will \H> n l i u o i t aurv to i . 'oaludv ohUlftkud loiiur, lul-

loua ctd^r.. d w u i d o t i i d t b e M o u t M b , ouunt^piaiop, ftiid

tutmt o U o ' t oauu>^i"b> w b i o b MW u l l e n t b e ( i i toct or i n -

dirool ullool 111 fto nUuoa^iUoR aurabAruud w i l b ould. u n -

w b u k w u u e vftiior M u r o o t e r , ibd itfatoai t o u o d a n d

n « u U l o d by tJiH looana la l u n o b i n w * l ikoly t o radat

U t i t i d » U . b e i u c l u d o d i n t h e l a u O U l l t O i > O U ' j „ i i „ , „ 4 i , u , d m * - ' t b « 0 i t W"«1<1 o l b o r w i - r W : for UiB

iadluuuuv of kMtfoliine Uiudiciuu l u u v f t d w ftll t b o O I C M U .

Mid *^tf> U b « (Old l i a t u e of t b e I r u u c . rvraui in W U O M

ki l* l iMWore a m MVftln MlHii>t«lljr mu\ii IftdiM uud lUa

fhi:. ulwtivr voidiul, will BfttuiftUj b * | f ( * d iJieAubiirM buity Jr'riayiJ one dn.v. ' BUwJfl w Ludlww buuot Jtiil.

" 1 Wtt« laoluug LU feot httjip^*,'

Wuui ' t that & o d M u v e r ?

t h e

III /MMyiifif ' K*hiutfi4U'

T b « l > c j » « r U B « M U A w C k U d r c o M U I T w u t h ia

lu-etuin-d w i l b npoainl . A r e . Liith t o furiii-<h aiuuMHUKiil,

ftud t o iiieukiat4> kodwlaMljcr a u d a u u u d tumaJ i irlDcivle*.

Juw-MUH 4JrirMurm ban a u luuiiiuiAv r i rou ln t inu , ftiid

un tLik ao iDui i l o)ui bp oAiiri-d nu <:l..ii>.i'ly. l l euutAinn

4 1 l a i t e ( lunrto )>«!(<'•-ftlld K i i s r a W a s f t l b u t • i i i D u a r e

w o n b t v w o r e Ibftu t b « iirtea of t h e pftixir, i t b i t h uoftla


ftl.oO a " ^eap; « C o p i U f t , M l 1 1 * C o p l o f t ' » l » t K * C ^ p l M . » » V .

T h e voluntft* o f Jm.fMm jljfi t r o l l a ' i f o o u a l i L o t * a

C y t d o ^ i a erf A i p r l c « U « r » l a u d U o r U c u U u r « l

lAt*r»tiurr, i .ui i^uiiUrlo 0 (117 o n e n b u o y n n u x u t 1,/

lunrf. ua t b i T o o n U d o U I P miit injia o l t h e tary I M uHthor*

: DO LhoM Bubjeot* i u Oi* o o i u O o -I

Try it a Year! l l u i u i l iu I'batikn. I ' o i l - i i l b o * M o n e y U i d e t i i o r K p f i a -

t<i[«d L o t t A n ftxod b-r y a - r i w l M L i a t uf » o r a thftn

m « d , ftisMiniiMl^ itHuiiuuiDUlioduulUifftoa tbi) wiul<ir'* ' B J ^ , Miy l i w b i c b t u v bn ubkbiuMl w iUi f t bkl la U b o r

I w U f c « t t U « M U 4 r J . Biuid for • aaini i lr O U M fraa.



REDUCTION OF DUTIES. Great Saving To Consumers

B Y U K - r r i N O i : i > ( ' • . I H S . j l ^ K e n d h i r o t i r N i H I'rirr l.ixl and a <'luli form will

Rcr>'ln).niiy 11. ci inlnini i iR full t l i iM-l i»n.t—innkinx a Iftriir -UMiiE 1<M Kiiiii. ni a n d r i - u i i i n e t a l ' i r l>><'llil> x r ^ n o i r i i i

The Great American Tea Co.,

CONSUMPTION. 1 Kemedy Fonud at Last!

I t uUt Core your Cougb.

It Will Prevent M Cnre Consflfflplloii. T b a t C o u i t h . n b l r b i n n ftio u n ^ l i c l l u f f . u i a ) n -ku l t

i l l l a U l C t i u a u i u i d l u u . If notne i i n i u i | i l t i i -u i -c d } U i i id u a r d . W l i ; Mirr l t l rr j u n r

l i f e n l i c i i f o u i l l i M M x r r a n be r i u i - d h u i j u l r k . u u d

a l au kiuiUl • n t h l 1



TboMi w h u an- ftlUioK-d (I'llli a C t i u c b or w i l h C-i.n-aniui i t i i iu road Uu- f id loHin i : l u i u r l i^nu a iirtnuini^id ui>inibai>liif M u i i i e l ' K y . U i o b . . dBt«d J u l j ' 2 x , i n a

liiir Hi'r.—Tlu- A b n u * L u n f I t a b a l D llna ftrrivvd. 1 wii i i l i l i i"! I i l t x i f hv Milbu.i l i l . l i . r i( l inKhBi id my b i n . I ii.iik n tuid "uld. mud a oout ib . a u d fuinlly 4<iituum|>tiiin n a * n.'ftti d itiiun liii'. 1 v a o ll> a w-il' hi.U hlntr. ] Iriod (iv(T>tbiii» Ib'Lt u n a iMmuuiuiHlMl , a n d • i i r i i l a r n a l d.-Al o l i i i iuuT. n n d cut nu b idu I had Altou'a l . u i i c Uulxniii for i-dV. but I k n e w i io l l i i iut of • ( • m e r i t - . I d id uiil likt'U> tAL<< i( n-ilti'iul kniiwiiM; i n o i e nbnul i< I liad u o l <uld ft b u t t l e . W b i i n y n u i ftciiiil l A l l t d o n m". i Uild iiiiii I l o u l i l IKil 'Mill a miidic lie I ktiovr »<ithiu£ • b i i u l . U>- urfled m c t o try i( oiyHtilf. I d id an : a n d . l o in) cr,il<<(ulhuriinM<. lb . -J i iM bi-oh-"i<>l<l'<d n.j it>ui:li i ftiid, bufure ( h e th ird b o t i l e u « * (»!.• u. uiy luiwi . w . « e hoftji'd ftnJ wel l : nml 1 .laii i».» -("•nl' l j>n»>nBb (« iiiy (r irUlb-Bi id ( U M o i i l « r » a f Uia W « J 0O»bU€* o l A lion a Li iu i ; t l u W u i . i loiuftin >uur», '"^"i'^^J'Jy-

TWO COLORED PLATES. I>(r«<-tloa* nnd p l a n - l o i m a i , i n = w a l k s , I i l . (• i ; -

O t ' l D i : i n t l i r W o i l . ) . A l l l o r T r u < ' r n l f t , l D t i i < « u wild ( i i i i ik o l tii i)ii i |f ^r ld l • . K i t .t i j u n i i i r (l;i' CO'-I. -.1XI.UU m i d o l l ^ ; l . _

A d d . e w . J A l i r M » ' « « - W .

>t T Z £ X C

RUraS OF CHICAGO AT yovii tnyy iiiuisjiu-:.

J u s t Pub l i shed , R. H. MACDONALD'S

History of the Garden Cit^ AS I T W. \S , A M ) I S ,

W i ( h fine » n . - r a n n s m l <be i irturii ial hu^ldiritn ; vii w j -ll Cli irai: . ' in I fJ i nn-l 1 ' I : » i O i n cmni ' l i ' lv I l iMory nl I lie i ;n- i i l Kire, l l i n l b i y ineidi l i t . -h j i -y i - -« i tn . - i . . -» . a n d (411 nud <Hiin-oi i - la l iMii> o i l he lu.--... t'ii[itrihu(ioni>. i-d',,

cco i i ipa i i iod w i t h a hi-m M-P •/ti" vht-'r f^ii. c o i u f i .»i-r> M.i-.it a n d n a m e . ir.. |ii oUlrinl K u n r y . and tb<'.>M.V • o i t i u : i ' ] o u t l i n e lit Ibt o\ti<ul of i h r t l i i ' i i t |inb1ii-hnd. | r i i i ( . - d 111 ( i n t . A W . a b- I •' t<:i tl- . . • • . . . ( i:,,'"/ il' ir.-.M. U m u l oiueljr b o u n d in c . U h . bi u t i H » ( - f n . ' ••u i w i i j i l i.f J'lily t V u l * . |.y l l i r J.•.ll1l^ln^p : a n d d i - i n l e l-i all NewB ftiid Ui>nk-li i 'al i ' i> in ( b e U u i u - d b l iKr ' -'Vnioitf-iui! . \ | : r r . i - M.HIIOI). 1. ir-e ruininiMOon* |iBia.

" " ' i l l l l r o a d w u . N . \ -

iiiawiuiT .\i:rr,i - M.iiii.nl. 1 B . Ik T H O M l ' . S d N i C O .


THE CREW BLOOD PURIFIER •i - > - - • • - • • — n i T - "^^ — • - - '

C. JrrREix.

ri<ur w i l b u u t h»vtUK iwHiUMr l o Uii* i^ l r ftud n u a u i u u i

IUM4U (d i v - e n f o r o l n c ni<(ooblud nft to ir . Hu>'b nuBuiii i i;

tMT U MI» |Md,IBIUlb(UBCUr«vt>HMllV loUowlUf tOla

oouno l l . I l e t t « r l f t L c ^ n f t * « . » « J < ^ l * ^ " * ^ ' ' ' ' ^ ' ' ' V

f M M f W b« aAilj Uiftti IftW.

I ' u b l i i ^ h e r v , 3 4 S B R O A D W A Y ^ E W YORK.


ALLEN S LUNG BALSAM l a (.ftrrauU-d (o broak u p t h e iuo«t t r o u b l w w u i e C o i « h i n

ft.iioorodiblvaU.irI U i o r . T ' ' ™ ' . ' ' . ? ' " ? P - ^ . l ' i « i ' i ? d i u w i i i u n i i i d o n t K i i f re*l m i n t ( b u n U n " U A L f S A H , fTi (murine Co((j iV»UTl"K. OoUwWf. OolU»«. A»JUJiU, C i i o l ' l . Ar. .X „ ^

It in »u l ) nb»ut M'Viiii j .tura ninue t b c U u M u i i » « • tirat ulftiiiit) u> i h e i>iibli<' : a n d . m thui rJiurt tiiui-. il lion b u -o o u i e k u o w u Mid ftoi««; aUwl in i.iArljf ov..r> u.wii kud v i l W . ' t b i o u f h u u i thi< U i i l l A l b u t ' K and ttin U o u i i u l u n uf C!bii>.(i'. U u i i d i . i d * 111 ihoua i ioda of butt lu* ftn- ftu-u u a l l y *»ld ; nml i h i i u . m u U o l w i luo fcw . t w l i l j l o dft unc<au.J<-d l->-uDi 111 b>'>dii>|[ Utc d U c v i w vUftl i( i« roc* QUIIUMlded lor . ^

u u K a m t o M t« tk* atMt d«ll«M« OUUU

A l a l u a b i r I n d i a n POIUIKIUIIII. l o r u - M o n t y i U i f h i a h h ,

and tor U i e i x ' t m u i o n t c u r e of oU dinoaaca ftrihin^ f m u i

m n i r i l i i i i I.f t b r blo!>d, nurb na

M c r v f t e l a . H r r o f U l o u a H u m o r . ( ' M i r r r . < ' M U -c c r w H B U u » * i r , * > i f t l | » » - ' i * * . «'«**>»">«•, » » M H ,

XtbrWMk, • • l i M I t l o a ttod l l u u t o r a u n I b o

y u t t r . l '»«<M-a. < ' u « i l l b « , ( ' u t « r r b .

I l i - u u < - b t l l k . X i - M i i U i t l w . U b « u -

u i u l l M H . f u l u * ^ t b o MA*, U y a i M - i i a l u . ( ' « U f t ( l i M U l u « ,

C U A U I t -Aciui , ! • 1 1 (• a .

M c u d B t - b r , U 1 K » 1 U C . U , N i - c - i wuKUO'ft , F u l u t -

Ki-jM a l lh<- k t o u i i c b . F a l a i B l u t h o U o v k ,

KJdavy t'Atmvl'atu.ft. i'>«ftu4c H ' « « k -iicAft. iftud tactki'rul A>*'UUiiy.

T h i s [icoiMifttiuu u nLit-oUliCftlb Mid ob«uiUHiU> oou i -

Uiu id , nnd MI BIIKOSIX onitiiimU-ulfid friiui roi4«. horbn

Mid t u r k - . tl iM It* RiHid (ifludU o r e luAlisod luuuodkatoly

n l l o t ooiunjiini^int t o l a k e i( . Tin.rt' i» n o dui-n--? uI Ibe

liuianti nj'kloui fur wbiol i U i e ^'KOETlNI: citniioi bi- UHid

iritb i ' l J i r M T hATETT, • * i t d(MW Uut OUOUtlO ftliy IU'<l<tlUo

( i ini iound. F o r w * d i c « t i u c t l ic ayahiui of ftll t m | i u r i l i n *

of Ui(< b lood . It ba* UO liiiUoI. II liU.-' ueviir luitrd l o etlaot

e ourr, s i v in i : t o u r a o d aLronj;lb t o liMiay'iUmi d e h i b t n t u d

1^' (baeaM. I t * wondi ir iu l i^lluot* ujiun Ibent' ooiui i lai i i l i i

ar« BurpriBum t u al l . U o n y hnt-e buun ouriid b> t b o

V E U E T I X K tbftt b f t t t U i o d uiftu)' oUuir miuvdiuft. I t <NUI


T H E G R E A T B L O O D P U R I F I E R .

H . E . S T E V E N S .
