MISAS | MASS SCHEDULE Monday|Tuesday|Wednesday Noon | English Thursday & Friday 9:00am | English Jueves 6:00pm | Español Saturday|Sábado 4:30pm English 6:30pm Español Sunday|Domingo 7:30am English 9:00am Spanish 10:00am Rosary 10:30am English 1:00pm Español 3:00pm Vietnamese 5:00pm Bilingual CONFESSION|CONFESIÓN Saturday | Sábado 3:00pm—4:15pm Thursday| Jueves 7:00pm—8:00pm OFFICE HOURS | OFICINA Monday | Lunes 9:00am—3:00pm Tuesday & Wednesday Martes y Miércoles 9:00am—5:00pm Thursday | Jueves 9:00am—7:00pm Saturday | Sabado 9:00am—3:00pm Sunday & Friday Domingo y Viernes Closed|Cerrado OUR CLERGY | CLERO Father Tim Hepburn Pastor | Párroco (770) 535-2607 or Ext#1201 [email protected] Father Carlos Cifuentes Vicar | Vicario (678) 831-8043 or Ext#1206 [email protected] Father Cong Nguyen Vicar| Cha phó (678) 831-8041 or Ext#1204 Seminarian Carlos Lopez [email protected] Our Deacons| Diáconos Rev. Mr. Joel Ballantyne Rev. Mr. William Bohn Rev. Mr. Pat Fagan Rev. Mr. Kenneth Lampert Rev. Mr. Gilberto Pérez IV Sunday of Advent | IV Domingo de Adviento 12/20/2020 The child to be born will be called holy, the Son of God. —Luke 1:35 "Thánh Thần sẽ ngự xuống trên bà, và quyền năng Đấng Tối Cao sẽ rợp bóng trên bà, vì thế, Đấng Thánh sắp sinh ra sẽ được gọi là Con Thiên Chúa. —Luca 1:35 El Santo, que va a nacer de ti, será llamado Hijo de Dios. —Lucas 1:35

MISAS | MASS SCHEDULE IV Sunday of Advent | IV Domingo de

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Page 1: MISAS | MASS SCHEDULE IV Sunday of Advent | IV Domingo de


Monday|Tuesday|Wednesday Noon | English

Thursday & Friday 9:00am | English

Jueves 6:00pm | Español

Saturday|Sábado 4:30pm English 6:30pm Español

Sunday|Domingo 7:30am English 9:00am Spanish

10:00am Rosary 10:30am English 1:00pm Español

3:00pm Vietnamese 5:00pm Bilingual

CONFESSION|CONFESIÓN Saturday | Sábado 3:00pm—4:15pm

Thursday| Jueves 7:00pm—8:00pm


Monday | Lunes 9:00am—3:00pm

Tuesday & Wednesday Martes y Miércoles


Thursday | Jueves 9:00am—7:00pm

Saturday | Sabado 9:00am—3:00pm

Sunday & Friday Domingo y Viernes

Closed|Cerrado OUR CLERGY | CLERO Father Tim Hepburn

Pastor | Párroco (770) 535-2607 or Ext#1201

[email protected] Father Carlos Cifuentes

Vicar | Vicario (678) 831-8043 or Ext#1206

[email protected] Father Cong Nguyen

Vicar| Cha phó (678) 831-8041 or Ext#1204

Seminarian Carlos Lopez

[email protected] Our Deacons| Diáconos Rev. Mr. Joel Ballantyne Rev. Mr. William Bohn

Rev. Mr. Pat Fagan Rev. Mr. Kenneth Lampert

Rev. Mr. Gilberto Pérez

IV Sunday of Advent | IV Domingo de Adviento 12/20/2020

The child to be born will be called holy,

the Son of God. —Luke 1:35

"Thánh Thần sẽ ngự xuống trên bà, và quyền năng Đấng

Tối Cao sẽ rợp bóng trên bà, vì thế, Đấng Thánh sắp sinh ra sẽ được gọi là Con Thiên Chúa.

—Luca 1:35

El Santo, que va a nacer de ti, será llamado Hijo

de Dios. —Lucas 1:35

Page 2: MISAS | MASS SCHEDULE IV Sunday of Advent | IV Domingo de


Business Manager Rev. Mr. Kenneth

Lampert 770-536-1981 or

ext#1200 [email protected]

Office Manager Janet Olguin

678-831-7697 or Ext#1212

[email protected]

Assistant Manager Patty Flores

678-831-8042 or Ext#1205

[email protected]

Volunteer Coordinator Mrs. Beth Andert 678-831-8047 or

Ext#1210 [email protected]

Facilities Director Rev. Mr. Bill Lange 770-297-5276 or

Ext#1202 [email protected]

Director of Music Mrs. Patti Lewis 678-316-8297

[email protected] SCHOOL OF RELIGION


Amelia Seid 678-831-8044 or

Ext #1207 [email protected]

Assistant Director

Diana Pompa 678-831-8045 or

Ext#1208 [email protected]

Youth Ministry & Young Adults C. J. Clarke, IV

678-831-8046 or Ext#1209

[email protected]

Edge (Middle School teenagers)

Thursdays 7:00-8:30pm

in the Social Hall

LifeTeen (High School teenagers)

Sundays 2:15pm to 3:45pm in the Social Hall

Young Adults Tuesdays

7:00-8:30pm Classroom #29-30

Bible Study (College and High school

Students) Wednesday Mornings

7:00-7:45am Classroom #33


Deacon Ken Lampert [email protected]

404-664-3178 Tuesday 7:00pm

Social Hall


King David wished that the ark of God might have a more permanent home. David may have envi-

sioned something like the cedar palace where he resided. God had in mind something more: a throne where Da-

vid’s descendants would rule for ever, a kingdom where Jews and Gentiles alike would be welcome.

Mary’s prayerful nature led to an even more disturbing message. She would conceive and bear a Son

though she was not yet married. “How can this come about?” Mary wondered. “The Holy Spirit will come

upon you,” she was told (Luke 1:35).

Mary’s acceptance of this difficult challenge ushered in this, the final age of God’s reign. What was once a secret known only by chosen people like King

David and his descendants must now be made clear to all so that, as Saint Paul wrote to the Romans, we can be brought to the “obedience of faith” “according to the

command of the eternal God” (Romans 16:26).


El rey David deseaba que el Arca de Dios tuviera un hogar más permanente. David podría haberse imaginado algo así como el palacio de cedro donde residía. Dios tenía en mente algo

más: un trono donde los descendientes de David gobernarían para siempre, un reino donde judíos y gentiles serían bien recibi-

dos por igual.

La actitud devota de María llevó a un mensaje aún más inquietante. Concebiría y daría a luz un hijo a pesar de que aún no estaba casada. “¿Cómo podrá ser esto?”, preguntó María.

“El Espíritu Santo descenderá sobre ti”, le contestó el Ángel (Lucas 1:35).

La aceptación de María de este difícil desafío marcó el comienzo de esta, la era final del Reino de Dios. Lo que antes era un secreto conocido solo por el pueblo elegido como el Rey David y sus descendientes ahora debe quedar claro a todos para

que, como escribió San Pablo a los romanos, podamos llegar a la “obediencia de la fe”, “en cumplimiento del designio eterno de

Dios” (Romanos 16:26).


As good stewards of God’s money, and in appreciation of the Lord’s many gifts to us, we have gratefully given to our church-




Thank you for your generosity ♥ Gracias por su generosidad ♥ Cám ơn vì sự hào phóng của bạn


When Pope Benedict XVI visited the Unit-ed States in 2008, tens of thousands gathered in Yan-

kee Stadium to celebrate the Eucharist with him. What made them different from all the other excited crowds who have assembled there through the years? When they began to sing together, to listen together, to pray together, they ceased to be a crowd, and be-came a liturgical assembly. It was not where they

were but what they did that set them apart. The Gospels speak of many instances when Jesus prayed alone to his Father. But Jesus also put a special value on communal prayer. “Where two or

three are gathered together in my name,” he told his disciples, “there am I in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:20). Jesus gave his own mission to his followers, sending them forth to do everything he did: to heal, to teach, to proclaim the kingdom. Jesus wants us to meet God in and through each other. So the Christian

community continues to gather, Sunday after Sun-day. When we get up on Sunday morning and come

to Mass, we respond to Jesus’ invitation, and we express our trust in his promise that whenever we

come together, he comes, too.


Pedimos perdón

Como el amor de Dios es algo tan obvio, es posible que nos resulte un poco difícil explicarlo. Re-sulta aun más difícil explicarlo cuando en nuestra vida no nos hemos sentido amados por Dios, así como so-

mos, en nuestra humanidad más plena. Si el amor es lo único que basta, si sólo Dios basta, como escribió san-ta Teresa, ¿cómo es que ese amor no nos llega? Pues sí nos llega, a todos y todas, lo que muchas veces sucede

es que no siempre estamos abiertos a ese amor, en cierta forma, nos negamos a él, o bien, no responde-

mos a ese amor tan grande que recibimos de Dios. Por eso pedimos perdón durante la celebración de la Misa,

porque no hemos amado a Dios como él nos amó; porque no hemos seguido su mandato de amar al

prójimo como a nosotros mismos; porque no hemos caminado humildemente ante su presencia y tampoco

hemos vivido la justicia. Porque no hemos dejado todo para seguirlo. Le pedimos perdón mediante el Acto Penitencial, el Señor ten piedad o durante la Pascua,

con la aspersión del agua bendita. Experimentamos así la gran misericordia de Dios, cuyo amor por nosotros

es ilimitado.

Page 3: MISAS | MASS SCHEDULE IV Sunday of Advent | IV Domingo de


Altar Servers Belinda Jacob

Extraordinary Ministers

Of Holy Communion Alice Schultz

Knights of Columbus

Cj Clarke IV Grand Knight

2° & 4° Mondays 7:00pm Social Hall Lectors

JoAnn Phillips

Sacristy Margie Braff

Saint Vincent de Paul

Joanne Capies 770-534-0234 or

Ext#1203 Ushers

Jack Capies

St Joseph Bible Study for Men

Thad McCormack Friday 8:00am

Social Hall

Pro Life Ministry Tony Maturo

Divine Mercy Chaplet Fridays 3:00pm Chapel

Adult Catechesis Fridays 10:00am

Social Hall

Rosary Ministry Russ Williams

Gift Shop

Tienda de Articulos Religiosos

Sundays |Domingos 11:30am-1:00pm 2:00pm-3:00pm

Gift Shop open by appointment: 678-831-8047

Spanish Classes

Magda Cruz

————————— Bendición de Casas

Llame al (678) 831-7697


OUR VIETNAMESE COMMUNITY Tuan Nguyen 470-419-9097

[email protected] WMKP 98.9 FM

Totus Tuus Catholic Radio

Catholic Radio in Gainesville, GA 24/7. For more information

go to the website, www.wmkpfm.com, or

call 678 602 1773

Mass Intentions | Intensions de Misa

Saturday|Sábado Dec 19 4:30pm (+) Maddie Martin 6:30pm (I) Maria y Ashley Soza Sunday|Dmingo Dec 20 7:30am (I) Nicole Jean & Tony Doughty 9:00am (I) Griselda Garcia 10:30am (+) Mildred Amadio 1:00pm (+) Norberto Porcayo (+) Anastacia De la Sancha Carbajal, (+) Irma Garcia, y (I) Martha Leticia Flores 3:00pm (I) Vietnamese Community 5:00pm (I) Pedrito Hernandez Monday|Lunes Dec 21 12:00noon (+) Zachary Allen Tuesday|Martes Dec 22 12:00pm (+) Daniel Wilczek Wednesday|Miércoles Dec 23 12:00pm (A) Joe & Sue Hyde

Monday: Sg 2:8-14 or Zep 3:14-18a; Ps 33:2-3, 11-12, 20-21; Lk 1:39-45

Tuesday: 1 Sm 1:24-28; 1 Sm 2:1, 4-8abcd; Lk 1:46-56

Wednesday: Mal 3:1-4, 23-34; Ps 25:4-5ab, 8-10, 14; Lk 1:57-66

Thursday: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16; Ps 89:2-5, 27, 29; Lk 1:67-79

Friday: Vigil: Is 62:1-5; Ps 89:4-5, 16-17, 27, 29; Acts 13:16-17, 22-25; Mt 1:1-25 [18-25] Night: Is 9:1-6; Ps 96:1-3, 11-13; Ti 2:11-14; Lk 2:1-14 Dawn: Is 62:11-12; Ps 97:1, 6, 11-12; Ti 3:4-7; Lk 2:15-20 Day: Is 52:7-10; Ps 98:1-6; Heb 1:1-6; Jn 1:1-18 [1-5, 9-14]

Saturday: Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59; Ps 31:3cd-4, 6, 8ab, 16bc, 17; Mt 10:17-22

Sunday: Sir 3:2-6, 12-14 or Gn 15:1-6; 21:1-3; Ps 128:1-5 or Ps 105:1-6, 8-9; Col 3:12-21 [12-17] or Hb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19; Lk 2:22-40 [22, 39-40]

Reading for the Week | Lecturas de la Semana

Christmas Eve | Noche Buena– December 24 4:30PM CHRISTMAS MUSIC PRELUDE






Christmas Day| Navidad– December 25 9:00AM MASS IN VIETNAMESE




Page 4: MISAS | MASS SCHEDULE IV Sunday of Advent | IV Domingo de


Cristo Renueva Su Parroquia

Marcelino Ramirez Domingos 2:00pm


Renovación Carismática Isabel Cuevas

Domingo 2:00pm Jueves 7:00pm


Educacion Religiosa Para Adultos

Sr. Indalecio Salazar Domingos 7:00am

Salón 18

Lectores Norma Jean Gomez


Extraordinarios Daniel Hernandez

Monaguillos Ruby Duarte


Luis Gordillo

Niños Especiales Gabriela Mendoza

1° sabado de cada mes 12:00pm Salon 18, 29-30


Luis Lucumí

Ministerio de Consuelo

Manuel Carrillo

Sta. Teresa de Calcutta Maria Hernandez

Danza San Miguel

Maria Torres

Sacristanes Martin Marceleño

***Para comunicarse con los Cordinadores de los

ministerios, favor de llamara a la oficina

principal al: 678-831-7697 o



“COUNTING OUR BLESSINGS” NEEDS YOU! At St. Michael we have a wonderfully dedicated team called, “Counting Our Blessings”. We meet every Monday morning from 8am to 10am, to count the parish offertory from the weekend. We need an additional two members to our team. Currently our team is made up of Amelia Seid, Cathy Lampert, Russ Williams, Blaise Giove, Deborah Ulum, and Deacon Ken.

If you can commit to two hours per week every Monday morning, and are good with counting and details, please email Deacon Ken at

Archbishops Annual Appeal


December 1st update Goal for 2020: $73,500

Total pledged so far: $99,172

Pledges paid to date: $79,200

Goal % achieved to date: 107% !!!

Number of families pledged so far: 324

How exciting for St. Michael to be at 107% of our goal with 2 weeks remaining in 2020. There are still $20k in unfulfilled pledges.

Remember, every dollar we go over our goal is returned to the parish 100% by the Archdiocese in the Spring of 2021.

At this point, every dollar you contribute since we’re over our goal, is coming di-rectly to St. Michael. If we go $12,000 over it will pay for the new rectory roof next year, or the last A/C unit we need to replace in the church!

We are blessed at St. Michael by your generosity.

Campaña anual de ar-

zobispos 2020

Actualización del 1 de


Meta para 2020: $ 73,500

Total prometido hasta ahora: $99.172

Promesas pagadas hasta la fecha: $79.200

Porcentaje de meta alcanzado hasta la fecha: 107% !!!

Número de familias comprometidas hasta ahora: 324

Qué emocionante para St. Michael estar al 107% de nuestra meta con 2 semanas restantes en 2020. Todavía hay $ 20k en promesas incumplidas.

Recuerde, cada dólar que superemos nues-tra meta es devuelto a la parroquia al 100% por la Arquidiócesis en la primavera de 2021.

A este punto, cada dólar que contribuya desde que superamos nuestra meta, llegará directamente a St. Michael. Si pasamos $12,000, pagará el nuevo techo de la recto-ría el próximo año, ¡o la última unidad de aire acondicionado que necesitemos reemplazar en la Iglesia!

Somos bendecidos en St. Michael por su generosidad.

Page 5: MISAS | MASS SCHEDULE IV Sunday of Advent | IV Domingo de



Celebration Esp: 2° y 4° Sábado del mes a las 10:00am. Eng: 2nd & 4th Sat of the month at 9:00am.

Pre-Baptismal Class Clase Pre-bautismal

Esp: 1° y 3° Sábado del mes Eng: 2nd Sunday of the month


First Step/Primer Paso

Make an appointment with the priest by contacting

the main office.

Haga una cita con el sacerdote contactando a la

oficina principal.

First Communion & Confirmation

Primera Comunión & Confirmación

Please Contact the School of Religion

Por favor contactar a la Escuela de Religión

678-831-8044 678-831-8045

Anointing of the sick

1st weekend of the month after all masses

1° Fin de semana de cada mes después de todas la

misas OTRAS


Misa de Sanación

Segundo Jueves del mes Misa de 6:00pm

Presentaciones de Niños

Llamar a la oficina para mas información.

Quinceañeras Consultar con la oficina

678-831-7697 Coordinadora

Narcedalia Garrido 770-531-4154



Mee ng/Training Dates through May 9th: Mee ngs are in room 18-22/Sanctuary

Early Arrival can begin at 6:30pm, mee ng begins 7pm

Tuesday Jan 5

Mask need to be worn

A endance important/Light food is provided

The office is currently closed. We will resume our normal office hours from 9am-3pm on Monday, January 4, 2021. If there is a sac-ramental emergency, please call 770-534-3338 and dial 1, if your in need of economic assistance, please dial 2. May God bless you this

Christmas season.

La oficina está cerrada actualmente. Resumiremos nuestro horario normal de oficina de 9 am a 3 pm el lunes 4 de enero de 2021. Si

hay una emergencia sacramental, llame al 770-534-3338 y marque 1, si necesita asistencia económica, marque el 2. Dios los bendiga en

esta temporada Navideña.

Solemnity of Mary the Holy Mother of God

Solemnidad de Santa Maria Madre de Dios







The Gift shop will be selling Bilungual Sun-day Missals for $3/ea

La tienda de articulos religiosos venderá misales dominicales bilingües por $ 3 cada


Page 6: MISAS | MASS SCHEDULE IV Sunday of Advent | IV Domingo de

“Christ has no body now but yours. No hands, no feet on earth

but yours. Yours are the eyes through which he looks compas-sion on this world. Yours are the

feet with which he walks to do good. Yours are the hands

through which he blesses all the world. Yours are the hands, yours

are the feet, yours are the eyes, you are his body. Christ has no body now on earth but yours.”

—St Teresa of Avila

Page 7: MISAS | MASS SCHEDULE IV Sunday of Advent | IV Domingo de

Saint Michael

Please print 500 bulletins

Thank you.