Increase Productivity and Flexibility with Microsoft 365 HBT Communications

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IncreaseProductivity andFlexibility withMicrosoft 365

H B T C o m m u n i c a t i o n s

Page 2: Microsoft 365 Increase - HBT Communications

There are several reasons why many businesses presume their currentplatforms are good enough, staff know how they work? They maybe a little clunky but no immediate need to change, and itsperceived that it would be a struggle to migrate their data to a newplatform.

These arguments all sound justified to a degree, but where is theinitiative? Continuing with legacy platforms means you will receive lessand less support over time, you will have to eventually catch up anywayand the new technology will enable you to be far more productive. Andmigration needn’t be as complicated as you’d think.

Microsoft 365 is Microsoft’s state of the art Enterprise IT environment and is fundamentally

changing the way businesses work.

What is Microsoft 365? 

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1.Fixed Costs Per Month Microsoft 365 gives your business certainty over software expenses so you canmanage your ongoing financial commitments. Furthermore, there are no hiddenmoney pits waiting for you, service is included as part of the package. Microsoft seamlessly manages upgrades and new functionality – you don’t haveto worry about expensive migration projects as its part and parcel of thepackage. Before embarking on an Microsoft 365 move organisations have theability to compare cost breakdown. Most IT companies can do this for you todemonstrate how much you can save in real terms without the hassle.

2.Agility For Your Business We are operating in a global marketplace and the requirement to work fromanywhere is necessary. Within organisations employees are spread acrossmultiple sites and in some cases globally, with Microsoft 365 they can accesstheir documents seamlessly from anywhere. Collaboration typically can require you to set up more infrastructure which canbe costly, with Microsoft 365 this is already included making life much simpler.

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Exchange online-Users access to email, calendar, contacts and tasks from PCs,The web and mobile devices.

SharePoint online-Cloud-based service that helps organizations share andmanage content.

Yammer-Social networking tool to openly connect and engage across yourorganisation.

Office groups-A service that works with the Microsoft 365 tools so you cancollaborate with your teammates when writing documents, creatingspreadsheets, working on project plans, scheduling meetings and sendingemail.

Teams-An communication and collaboration platform that combines persistentworkplace chat, video meetings and file storage.

Office Video-Website portal where people in your organisation can post andview videos.

OneDrive for Business-Store, sync, and share your work files as part of yourorganisation's Microsoft 365 subscription, you can save your files in OneDrivefor Business and then work with them from any device.

3. Enhance Communication Across your Organisation

Teams are often separated by departments and projects, this can lead to barriersbetween teams and communication silos which in turn limits collaboration –impacting business productivity Microsoft 365 in its very nature promotescommunication and collaboration. As part of the package there are an impressive array of tools:

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All the above improve communication within an organisation and promote a culture ofcollaboration. Enabling employees to seamlessly share ideas and files between teams,departments, tools and devices. With the full Microsoft's productivity suite accessible online, colleagues can quickly make edits,comments and improvements on documents in real time without having to check out anddownload the document.

     4.Boost employee productivity With the move to flexible and mobile working styles, Microsoft 365 reinvents how you do tasksIt gives you the ability to work with familiar office apps and tools on a range of mobile devicesand smartphones from anywhere. Work can be done at the point of need not confined to anoffice – over coffee, a commute, conference call. This is itself eliminates the need to dial into a VPN which could be long winded before youcould access any of your business drives or files. It is now a case of accessing what you needwith the click of an icon.

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5.Streamline IT operations Although Microsoft 365 is in the cloud it can also integrate with yourorganisations on-premise solutions. Keeping an on-premises IT infrastructureup and running is a challenging proposition - with multiple layers of technicalrequirements, cross-product dependencies and many other moving parts - A lotcan go wrong! Upgrading one single element in the technical infrastructure can unleash awhole wave of linked upgrades or provoke a cascading set of unfortunate errorsas incompatibilities between servers emerge. Migrating to Microsoft 365 allowsyour business to streamline your IT operations, conveniently outsourcing thiskind of responsibility to a third-party (and putting your mind at ease). Microsoft365 also has instant updates and bug fixes continuously.


 An organisations lifeblood is its data and documents. Losing these can bedisastrous for any organisation. With Microsoft 365’s data protection and backupyou can have peace of mind that you’ll never lose the data you use.

With Microsoft 365 you also have the ability to scale up or down asbusiness needs change. Depending on your requirements Microsoft365 allows your business to adjust the number of users without IT

being a roadblock.