SAY EN May 2014 Newsletter PHILIPPIANS 3:20 But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ. This World Is Not My Home It’s kind of strange when I stop and think about it. The idea of moving to a foreign country and setting up residence, adjusting to the culture, making myself at home, picking a place to buy groceries, learning the streets and figuring out just how I am going to do things in my new home is a little like transitioning from a life of sin to a new life as a believer. Let me explain: Romans 12:2 tells us that we are not to conform to the pattern of this world. When we live in the world, we have habits, patterns, ways of doing things that the sinful mind may deem right and good but suddenly when we become Christians and we have the mind of Christ, we are in a foreign landscape where we have to figure out how to navigate our lives all over again. I remember when I first came into the church after years of living in sin, and I remember the sensation of strangeness, being in a foreign place. In those early years of allowing Christ to transform my heart and mind I couldn’t take a single step without praying that God would give me guidance. Although I was a babe in Christ, it was almost as if my faith was so incredibly powerful because I had no way of relying on myself, but only on God. As I continued my new life in Christ I had to acclimate to my new surroundings, and begin to think in purity, in faith - not in the wickedness that once occupied my mind. After dwelling in this mindset for some time, I look back now and realize that I have grown accustomed to my new environment in my life in Christ. Back to my loose analogy: moving to Mexico City has reminded me just how much God can do in our hearts and minds. I don’t know anything here, I am lost, I am in a foreign landscape - and the old pattern of doing things does not work here. I remember back to the time when I returned to the church, and realize the same applies here - one step at a time, one day at a time. Walk by faith, not by sight. Now that I have lived here for four months, I look around and have moments when I forget that I am not in the US, that I am not in my own culture. While I love these moments - I constantly have to balance that with the notion of Philippians 3:20 - that our citizenship is not here in this life - but it is in heaven, with Christ. Have I become complacent and accepted what I have in this life without nurturing a deeper desire for the things that God has promised? I challenge myself constantly to remember that while I am here - I do the Lord’s work - but I remember that this life is a holding tank, a pit stop, a side-trip, not the final destination which is: in heaven, with Christ. Thank You Before I go any further - I want to say thank you to each of you for the support that you have provided for me to be here and the work that is taking place. You each are partners in the work and without your eorts the work could not be done. Many individuals and churches have rallied around this work and I thank you all. Clases de Español As you can imagine, communication can be challenging in a country where you don’t speak the language. As I wrote in my last newsletter, the first “objective” is to learn Spanish and to absorb the culture and new environment. I’ll get to culture shock in just a bit. It has been interesting taking Spanish classes at UNAM. I am now in my second term of classes, Basic 2, which will conclude at the end of June. Travis P Sayen 682.217.1070 (h) [email protected] www.facebook.com/christformexico Skype: tpsayen JUST Sitting in Class A Few Classmates 1

Mexico May 2014 Newsletter - Sunset Alumnialumni.sibi.cc/sites/alumni.sibi.cc/files/Travis Sayen Mexico May Ne… · This World Is Not My Home It’s kind of strange when I stop and

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SAYENMay 2014 Newsletter

PHILIPPIANS 3:20 But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ.

This World Is Not My Home It’s kind of strange when I stop and

think about it. The idea of moving to a foreign country and setting up residence, adjusting to the culture, making myself at home, picking a place to buy groceries, learning the streets and figuring out just how I am going to do things in my new home is a little like transitioning from a life of sin to a new life as a believer.

Let me explain: Romans 12:2 tells us that we are not to conform to the pattern of this world. When we live in the world, we have habits, patterns, ways of doing things that the sinful mind may deem right and good but suddenly when we become Christians and we have the mind of Christ, we are in a foreign landscape where we have to figure out how to navigate our lives all over again.

I remember when I first came into the church after years of living in sin, and I remember the sensation of strangeness, being in a foreign place. In those early years of allowing Christ to transform my heart and mind I couldn’t take a single step without praying that God would give me guidance. Although I was a babe in Christ, it was almost as if my faith was so incredibly

powerful because I had no way of relying on myself, but only on God.

As I continued my new life in Christ I had to acclimate to my new surroundings, and begin to think in purity, in faith - not in

the wickedness that once occupied my mind. After dwelling in this mindset for some time, I look back now and realize that I have grown accustomed to my new environment in my life in Christ.Back to my loose analogy: moving to Mexico City has reminded me just how much God can do in our hearts and minds. I don’t know anything here, I am lost, I am in a foreign landscape - and the old pattern of doing things does

not work here. I remember back to the time when I returned to the church, and realize the same applies here - one step at a time, one day at a time. Walk by faith, not by sight.

Now that I have lived here for four months, I look around and have moments when I forget that I am not in the US, that I am not in my own culture. While I love these moments - I constantly have to balance that with the notion of Philippians 3:20 - that our citizenship is not here in this life - but it is in heaven, with

Christ. Have I become complacent and accepted what I have in this life without nurturing a deeper desire for the things that God has promised?

I challenge myself constantly to remember that while I am here - I do the Lord’s work - but I remember that this life is a holding tank, a pit stop, a side-trip, not the final destination which is: in heaven, with Christ.

Thank You Before I go any further - I want to say

thank you to each of you for the support that you have provided for me to be here and the work that is taking place. You each are partners in the work and without your efforts the work could not be done. Many

individuals and churches have rallied

around this work and I thank you all.

Clases de Español As you can imagine, communication

can be challenging in a country where you don’t speak the language. As I wrote in my last newsletter, the first “objective” is to learn Spanish and to absorb the culture and

new environment. I’ll get to culture shock in just a bit. It has been interesting taking Spanish classes at UNAM. I am now in my second term of classes, Basic 2, which will conclude at the end of June.

Travis P Sayen!682.217.1070 (h)!

[email protected]!www.facebook.com/christformexico!

Skype: tpsayen!


Sitting in Class

A Few Classmates


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For those of you that have learned a foreign language, you can understand where I’m coming from - and for those that haven’t - it’s easy to imagine. Next time you have a conversation, try and say everything in the present tense. It’s virtually impossible if you

want to have meaningful dialogue. So much of what we talk about has to do with the past - and unfortunately, I’m not quite at the level of being able to speak in past tense. From what those around me have said, they understand what I am trying to “communicate,” and this is what is most important when first learning a new language. The Spanish is progressing to the point where I can have conversations with other Spanish speakers for an hour or more with a good level of

understanding. I still have about 3 more terms to complete after Basic 2, but I’m confident that God will continue to give me understanding in learning the language. Occasionally I’ll be speaking in Spanish and the significance of being able to speak and understand a foreign language doesn’t occur to me until after I’m finished. I am thankful for this new gift that God has blessed me with.

In Basic 1, I am pleased to say that I made an A, it was a challenge, but it’s finished now - and I’m pleased with where I am. Each day I leave my house around 8 AM, ride the subway for about 30 minutes, and then walk a little over a mile to get to class by 9 AM. I never imagined that I would go through culture shock on so many different levels - but that is certainly the case. None of the students in my Spanish classes are Mexican - of course, because they too are learning Spanish like me. We have people from all around the world - France, Germany, China, Japan, Brazil, Canada, Ukraine, Russia, Lebanon, and so on. Because of the cultural diversity represented in our classes, we have our on little culture of sorts. I have been able to make friendships with classmates and some have even visited the church and have wanted to find out more about Jesus Christ and the gospel. I look

forward to developing these relationships and getting to know more people.

One of the most striking difference between the class members and myself is our various religious backgrounds. I am surprised at how many of the people that I’ve met are atheist and claim no higher power. There are also Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, and Hindus in our classes. It certainly makes talking about Christ interesting because the level of tolerance for conversation about religion is somewhat low. I covet your prayers in this regard - and ask that God will continue to open doors to share the message of Jesus Christ.

Culture Shock & Adjustment Adjusting to living in a city with one of the highest populations

in the world may seem like it would be more intense than it actually has been. Occasionally I have moments when I miss the United States and my home culture, but as time goes on these moments are fewer and further between.

I am blessed to be working with a fine group of individuals that have truly helped with adjusting to the new culture. The Rochas and Molinas have been instrumental in helping me to adjust. Another person that has been vital is my roommate, Enrique Chavez. He’s a graduate of Harding and helps me with translation with my men’s group that meets on Thursdays. More on that a little further down…

I’ve made some adjustments to my lifestyle that are also helping me to handle the new stresses of living in a different environment. Since mid-april, I have been exercising frequently

and have decided it is time to shed a few of the post-Sunset pounds and get back into shape. More than anything, this is helping me to manage stress and get in better physical shape as this affects all other aspects of my life. There is a local saying here about the food and diet of many Mexicans - it is the Vitamin T diet: tacos, tortillas, tortas, tostados, tamales, etc. Well, no more Vitamin T for me, at least in moderation these next few months. Many of you keep up with my day to day and weekly activities via Facebook - and I encourage you to “LIKE” my Facebook

page www.Facebook.com/ChristForMexico - I recently sent out a broadcast regarding earthquakes I have been involved in. Since moving here, I have been in two rather strong earthquakes. There is something about sitting at home or driving a car and suddenly you start shaking violently from left to right that you just cannot prepare for. I’m blessed to live in a two story first level apartment, where, unlike many of the high-rises, I experience less shaking than people who are several stories higher.

Fellow Workers, Lalo Rocha & Israel Molina

My Patient Friend & Roommate - Enrique


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I have mentioned them before, and mention again - my neighbors and landlords are a God-send. Alfonso and Beatriz and their son Al live in the two subdivided apartments that are adjacent mine. All three of them speak English fluently and have adopted me as their own. Not too long ago they lost one of their oldest dogs and we were able to visit about it and I provided them a meal just as a way of expressing sympathy for their loss and gratitude for all they have done. Al - if you are reading this, I’m still gonna bug you to come to men’s group, so I hope you do! :) They are such a blessing and have become my Mexican family in so many ways that I don’t even think they are aware.

A Catholic Culture In the US, Catholicism is practiced and in other parts of the

world it is widespread, but I find it intriguing some of the customs and practices here that I had never heard of or considered. Many of the holidays throughout the year have their roots in Catholicism - and recently we celebrated Semana Santa, or “Holy Week.” This is the week after palm Sunday and preceding Easter, and throughout the city various activities and festivals are held to celebrate the holiday. I thought it would be strange or even difficult to talk about Christ while surrounded by a culture that is so entrenched in Catholicism - but I have been wrong. The people here have a firm belief that there is a God, and I find there are so many opportunities to talk about God, Christ and the gospel because of how religion and culture are intertwined.

I’ll admit, seeing some of the traditions that are practiced has at times made me uncomfortable, but they have been opportunities to strengthen faith and return to just what exactly the Bible says about Christ and the gospel. I encourage you, when you are faced with challenges, use them as opportunities to talk about truth.

As far as culture shock goes - I haven’t quite decided if I haven’t really gone through it, if it has passed, or if it is coming. I don’t see a need to submit to having it if it is not needed, but the experts and fellow missionaries insist it will come. With that wisdom, I ask for your prayers that it will be a blessing rather than a curse, and will help me to grow stronger.

A Place to Get Away Within the walls of my

home, I have found that I have a special spot within this city of millions of people to stop, relax, hear the wind blow and listen to the birds chirp - and pray and thank God in heaven for who

He is and all He does. I didn’t realize the importance of having a special spot to meditate, escape, pray, and just be alone with God. I see now how important and helpful it has been. Again - I

must thank God for providing and doing so through each of you.When stress gets overwhelming, and when I feel alone, I can sit in my living room, open the window, and 9 times out of 10 I can hear God’s creation. Surprisingly, I can’t hear cars, or people - though they are out there. In your life - do you have a special place to get “away” from it all and be alone with God? If not - find a place today.

Mens’ Group I’m pretty sure that Jaime, David, Arturo, Alejandro, and

Enrique are some of the most faithful men I know. Each Thursday for about 2 months now, we meet for about three hours and study the word of God.

During these two months, we have each grown tremendously in our understanding of scripture and knowledge of God’s word, as well as our openness in confession and offering of prayer to God.

Enrique, “Kike”, my roommate has been translating for me since day one. It’s interesting because it is harder for him to translate now than it was before because often I am speaking in Spanish and he is not sure whether or not I have understood what the men are saying and he will end up translating. I think we are working out a system that we can understand but I’m pretty sure in the next month, or at least I hope, I will be able to teach entirely

in Spanish without the need for a “formal” translator.Currently we are going through the basics of Christianity, i.e., the life of Christ, his miracles, his ability to save, etc. Occasionally one of the men will bring a question so deep and profound that we have to switch topics and explore God’s word for what He says about the subject. The particular person that I am thinking of has grown tremendously and I see God working in his life.

Ephesians 5:15-16

Therefore be careful how you walk, not as unwise men but as wise, making the most of your

time, because the days are evil.


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Brother, if you are reading this - I’m thankful and proud of your earnest heart and what God is doing in and through you. Keep your eyes and faith on Him.

I couldn’t be more thankful for this group of men and the impact we have had on one another. Not all who attend are Christians, but it is wonderful to see knowledge, love, and devotion increasing. Please pray for this group.

In The Company of Believers The church body is incredible, and is incredibly special to the

father. As members of one body we all have something profoundly special in common - Christ’ blood. Whether you are reading this in the US, Mexico, Ukraine - or some other county - if you are a Christian, know that there is a body all over the world seeking to know Christ and conform to His image.

The Metropolitana Iglesia de Cristo in Distrito Federal (Mexico City) is no exception. I have found a place of believers that have

opened up their homes and invited me in. We all have the same goal of increasing the kingdom by spreading the word and continuing to be faithful.

A couple of those people that are special to me are Said and Rosie Velasquez. Said and Rosie have been going to the church in Mexico for many years, and their three sons have grown up with these incredible examples of faithfulness.

Said and Rosie, along with their sons Gibran, Pedro, and Gabo - have welcomed me in their home, have invited me to vacation with them, and have made me a part of their family. We were able to celebrate their birthdays in April not too long ago and many members of the church came to celebrate with us.

Another special couple is Cristina and Ramon. Ramon was recently baptized into Christ after several years of watching his wife Cristina grow in her faith. The two of them are the parents of a dear friend of mine - Marco. Marco is seeking to make some changes in his life and

I have known him for about a year now. He struggles and I ask that you pray sincerely for him and his life journey, that he may know the gospel.

Another thing we have done several times is visit the children’s home to the north of the city. I have been there about 5 times now and have made friends with some of the children there. It is amazing to see the encouragement and delight in their eyes when we show up at the door ready to cook for them and play with them. The blessing of James 1:27 in visiting the orphans in their distress is that the blessing falls upon the person who visits and the widows and orphans. I haven’t had one experience with those kids where I haven’t walked away changed, blessed, and grateful for each of them and how God takes care of the children.

Visiting The Children’s


Our New Brother: Ramon

The Velazquez-Vasquez Family

A Modern Passover with The Church


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Future Plans & Upcoming Months As you each know, the priority at this time is to continue to

learn and develop my Spanish skills, opening up opportunities to share the gospel with a broader range of people. In about July or August, I plan to start up another men’s group due to the interest in the group we already have in my home Thursday nights. With the intensity of studies and current commitments to small group on Mondays, group on Thursdays, and meeting with current church members, I plan to wait until July or August to give me time to manage the current obligations and continue studying Spanish.

With the church’s permission, I hope to be able to give a lesson and preach in front of the church soon. I have preached

before with a translator, but I would enjoy the opportunity to preach in Spanish as well.

You Are In this With Me My sponsoring congregation, the North A Church of Christ in

Midland, has been an incredible supporter and long time participant in the work in Mexico City. Along with other supporting churches including the Woodland West Church of Christ in Arlington, the Borger Church of Christ, the Dorothea Street Church of Christ in Crane, and Sunset Church of Christ in Lubbock, they have each been vital supporters of the work here. I am also thankful for my many individual supporters from all around the US - and I want you to know how important it is that you continue to pray for the work here in Mexico. God is doing incredible things, and while there have been blessings and challenges, at the heart of everything is His desire for the church. You are equally a part of this work.

I extend a welcome invitation for anyone who is interested in coming here to see the work and what exactly is taking place. My home is your home, and this city is yours to love, embrace, and experience as well. The brothers and church members would be blessed by your presence. As Paul said in Philippians

1, I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the

gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. Prayer Request •Thursday Night Men’s Group •Spanish classes & grasp of the language •Cultural adjustment •Continued spiritual

growth and discernment • God will open doors to preach the gospel • Relationship with the local body • Souls will be saved • Future plans and goals !God bless each of you, and please contact me with any

questions or for more information. Also be sure to check me out on facebook.com/ChristForMexico.

In Christ,Travis Sayen

Many From The Church…

Church Family

Church Family & The Deaf Church
