Methanol Synthesis From CO2 Metal Oxide

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  • 8/9/2019 Methanol Synthesis From CO2 Metal Oxide




    FROM COz

    AND Hz

    O V E R


    M U L T I C O M P O N E N T


    M a s a h i r o SA IT O1 ).* , M a s a m i T A K E U C H 1 2 ) , T a d a h i r o FU J IT A N I ' ) ,

    J a m i l T o y i r3 ) , Sh e n g c h e n g L uo 3) , J i n g a n g W u3 ),

    T a i k i W A T A N A B E Z ) a n d Y u k i K A N A 12 )

    1 National Institute for Resources and E nvironm ent (NIRE), 1 6- 3 Onogawa, Tsuku ba-shi,

    2) Research Institute for Innovative Techn ology fo r the E arth (RITE), 9-2 kizuk awad ai, kizu-cho,

    3) RITE ( N E D 0 Industrial Techn ology Researcher), 16 -3 Onogawa, Tsuku ba-shi, lbaraki 305, Japan

    Ke y w o r d s : C& hydrogenation, methanol synthesis, CuEnO-ba sed multicomponent catalyst

    I N T R O D U C T I O N

    The greenhouse effect of carbon dioxide has been recognized to be one of the most serious



    the world, and a number of countermeasures have been proposed so far. Catalytic

    hydrogenation of COZ to produce various kinds of chemicals and fuels has received m uch attention

    as one of the most promising mitigation options. In particular, methanol synthesis by C Oz

    hydrogenation has been considered to play an important role in the transportation



    energy produced from natural energy such


    solar energy, hydropower and


    on, as shown


    Fig. 1[1]. According to some estimations[2], an electric power of 300 MWh could be obtained

    from a methanol fired power plant in Japa n, if methano l synthesiz ed from COZ and



    by a electrolysis of water using an eletcric power of 1 000 MWh is transported to Japan through the

    system shown


    Fig. 1.

    A practical methanol synthesis process greatly requires a high performance catalyst, which

    must be highly active and selective for methanol synthesis and also stable for a long period in a

    continuous operation.



    RlT 3

    have been doing a joint research on methanol synthesis by

    catalytic hydrogenation of carbon dioxide. Th e authors have elucidated the role of metal oxides

    contained in CuEnO-based ternary catalysts, and then developed CulLnO-based multicomponent

    catalysts containing two or three mctal oxides [3]. Furthermore, we have examined the change in

    the activity of the multicomponent catalysts during a long term methanol synthesis test, and

    investigated the methanol synthesis over the multicomponent catalysts by using a reactor with a

    recycling equipment for unreacted gases.

    E X P E R I M E N T A L

    U of the CuEnO-based catalysts were prepared by a coprecipitation method, which was

    described in detail elsewhere [4]. Two kinds of CulLnO-based multicomponent catalysts named



    and MCB (CuEnO/Zro?/AlzCh/G azQ) wer e prepared by selecting

    metal oxides on the basis of the role of metal oxide. A commercial catalyst Cu/ZnO/Al?Q) for

    methanol synthesis from syngas was used fo r comparison. A conventional fixed bed flow reactor

    was used both for short-term methanol synthesis tests and for long-term tests. Furtheremore, a

    recycle reactor equipped with a compressor for recycling unreacted gases w as used for

    investigating practical methanol synthesis operations. Th e catalyst fixed in a reactor was reduced


    a gas mixture of Hz (10 ) and He (90 )


    523 K with a total pressure 5 MPa. The

    hydrogenation of


    was then carried


    at 523 K with a total pressure of 5 MPa in a fixed bed

    flow reactor by feeding a gas mixture of H2 and


    with a mole ratio of H2/C O2=3. The reaction

    products were analyzed by means of gas chromatographs directly connected to the reactor. The

    catalyst activity was measured


    after supplying the feed



    the reactor except for a long term

    methanol synthesis test. The total copper surface area of each catalyst after the reaction (Cutolal)

    was determined by the technique of N z 0 reactive frontal chromatography (RF C) after re-reducing

    the post-reaction catalyst with Hz at 523 K [5].

    R E S U L T S A N D D I S C U S S I O N

    ?he main products of

    C D z

    hydrogenation over CuEnO-based catalysts were methanol, CO

    and water. Methane, dimethyl ether and methyl formate wer e also detected


    the reaction products,

    but the selectivities for the by-products wer e less than 0.1 .

    The methanol synthesis activities which were expressed by mass-time y ields of methanol

    (MTY), CUtotal and the specific activities, Le. m /C u t o t a i , of CulLnO-based ternary catalysts

    (culznO /Mxq)

    containing various metal oxides wer e examined. Table


    shows the activities of a

    CUiLnO catalyst and the temary catalysts containing the optimum amo unts of GazQ,

    AlzQ, ZrOz

    and CrzCh, which were higher than that of a Cu/ZnO catalyst by factor of 43 , 40 , 30 and

    17 ,


    Fig. 2 shows the methanol synthesis activity of CulLnO-based ternary catalysts containing

    GazCh, AlzCh, ZrOz and CrzQ on varying the content from 5 to 40 wt as a function of total Cu

    surface area (Cutotai). For each metal oxide contained in the CuEnO-based catalysts, a linear

    relationship between




    wa s seen , indicating that the spec ific activity is identical for

    each metal oxide even if the content of a metal oxide in a CuEnO-based catalyst is varied. The

    specific activities for the CuEnO-based catalysts containing GazCh and CrzQ were greater than

    that of


    Cu/7 nO catalyst by factor of 40 and

    30 ,



    the other hand, the specific

    activity was not altered by th e addition of


    o r zro?, though these metal oxides play a role n



    surface area. This indicates that the addition of AI2 3 or Z r o z improves the

    dispersion of Cu particles without changing the specific activity of a W n O atalyst, while G az Q

    and CrzQ are not effective for improving the dispersion of


    ut are effective for increasing the

    specific activity of a cll/znO catalyst.

    lbaraki 305, Japan

    Soraku-gun, Kyoto 619-02. Japan



  • 8/9/2019 Methanol Synthesis From CO2 Metal Oxide


  • 8/9/2019 Methanol Synthesis From CO2 Metal Oxide


    Table 1 Activitics of Cu/ZnO and CuiZnO-based ternary catalysts containing the optimum amount


    metal oxides


    C?talyst Composition Cu surface


    Methanol synthesis activityb) Spec ific activity

    @I )


    (g-CHjOHkg-cath) (nig-CH30WmZ*h)

    1,000M W h h

    1 Cu/ZnO Sol5 36.5 516 14.1

    Cu/ZnOIGaz03 50/25/25 37.6 738 19.6

    CulLnOlAlz03 5014515 41.1 721 15 .3

    Cu/ZnO/ZrOZ 50/40/10 46.0 66 5 14.5

    CulLnOICrzO~ 50/45/5 32.8 60 2 18 .4

    a) Total Cu surface (Cu ~o~al)f the catalysts re-rcduced


    52 3 Kafter COz hydrogenation

    were measured by N20 reactive frontal chromatography.


    Reaction conditions


    weight of catalyst=l g, H2/COI ratio i n the feed=3,

    feed gas rate =300 mllmin, tcmperaturc=523

    K, total






    M W M

    Table 2 Activities of Cu/ZnO-based multicomponent catalysts

    Cu surface areaa) Methanol synthesis activityb)

    Spec ific activity



    In-CH3OWke-cat-h) (mg-CH30Wm2W

    Cu(5O)/ZnO(4S)/AlzO3(5) 47 .1 721 15.3

    MCA(Cu/ZnO/ZrOz/AlzO~) 49 .9 767 15.3

    M C B ( C u 1 Z n 0 ~ r O z l A l z 0 ~ 1 G a z O ~ )

    44.5 785 17.6

    a Total Cu surface areas of the catalysts re-reduced at 523


    after O Z hydrogenation were

    measured by NzO eactive frontal chromatography.


    Reaction conditions : weight of catalyst=l g, HzICOI ratio in the feed=3,

    feed gas rate =300 nillmin. temperature=523 K,


    pressure=S MPa.

    Table 3 Th e composition


    liquid pro ducts (except water) from a recycle reactor


    this worka), compared with that from


    commercial plant for methanol

    synthesis from syngasb)



    This work


    commercial olant


    C H ~ H 99 96 w t

    99 59

    w t

    Methyl form ate HCOOCH, 33 0 ppm 70 0 ppm

    Higher alcohols (cZ-c4) ROH


    PPm 53 0 ppm

    Hydrocarbons (CG-ClO) GHm 50 PPm

    Dimethyl ether (CH3)ZO 23 0 ppm

    HZlC02 ratio in the make-up gas=), temperature=517





    a) Reaction cond itions : c a t a l y s t = C u / Z n O / Z r 0 2 2 0 3 ~ a z 0 , ,

    b) cited from a booklet on IC1 methanol sy nthes is catalysts.

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    dies ..._. ......


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    In d u str y

    Fig. 1

    Global energy network combined with catalytic hydrogenation

    of COZ


  • 8/9/2019 Methanol Synthesis From CO2 Metal Oxide
