Mental & Emotional Tool Kit

Mental & Emotional Tool Kit

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Mental & Emotional Tool Kit. Tool Kit. #1 Recognize, appreciate role of Emotion #2 To have Unconditional Self-Acceptance #3 Develop an Internal Locus of Control #4 To Recognize Irrational Thinking #5 To Correct Irrational Thinking - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Mental & Emotional Tool Kit

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Tool Kit#1 Recognize, appreciate role of Emotion#2 To have Unconditional Self-Acceptance#3 Develop an Internal Locus of Control#4 To Recognize Irrational Thinking#5 To Correct Irrational Thinking#6 Step-by-step approach to troubling Life Events#7 Recognize when people have Mistaken Goals#8 Evaluate your own thoughts, feelings and actions#9 Understand why change is tough, how to make it#10 Assert yourself with I Messages

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Ray Mathis


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Channel: itsjustanevent

Mental and EmotionalFitness Parts 1-13

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The Goal

To fix anything that’s broken

To build a better life for yourself

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“Any job is easyif you use the right tool”

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Think of yourself as an


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Tool #1

To recognize and appreciatethe important role

Emotionplays in everyday life

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E – Motion

can be helpful

Energy to Move

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Dysfunctional Amount of Emotion

• More than is necessary or helpful

• More than we’d like to have

• More than we know what to do with

• More than is healthy for us

• A type and amount that works against us instead of for us

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Makes us REACT to lifeinstead of


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It makes us less


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It can makeotherwise smart people

do stupid things

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My Goal Today

Teach you how to havetruly effective

Emotional Management

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Tool #2



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When you believe youaren’t living up to your own

or someone else’s


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There are oftenplenty of Expectations from

• Parents

• Teachers

• Coaches

• Friends

• Religion

• Society

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Plenty Plenty of = of Expectations Opportunities

for young people to feel SHAME

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Too many young people are even told

“You should be ASHAMED of yourself”

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Please don’t ever say thatto YOUR kids

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Primary Disturbance

SHAME can be the primary feeling people seek relief from by

• Alcohol abuse

• Drug abuse

• Suicide

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is often the reason studentsshut down in school

and eventually drop out

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Secondary DisturbanceSHAME is also makes people

• Keep what they think and feel a secret

• Less likely to ask for or accept help that’s available

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How keeping secrets hurts

• Irrational thoughts get rehearsed

• They go unchallenged

• Develop cognitive “RUTS”

• Becomes automatic to think that

• OPINIONS start to feel like FACTS

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“Shame blocks change”

Dr. Albert Ellis

It keeps people from makingchanges they could

and might need to make

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Part of the solutionis


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Anything youthink, feel, say or do

is perfectly


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That does NOT mean it’s

• Helpful (rational)

• Healthy

• Acceptable to others

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Put other people through exactly what you’ve

been through

And they’d probably end upthinking, feeling and doing

what you do

(And maybe even worse)

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We all do the BEST we can at the time

Given what we’vebeen through

And the situations wefind ourselves in

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Regardless of what youthink, feel, say or do

• You’ll never be the first • You’re never going to be the

last• You’ll always have a lot of

company• It’s part of being human

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No one’s perfect

Everyone makes mistakes

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That’s why we haveER’s, paramedics, police

therapists, etc.

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We’re all FHB’s

Fallible Human Beings

(Dr. Albert Ellis)

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Who at timesthink, feel, say and do things

that make our livesworse instead of better

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It’s nothing to be ashamed of

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UnconditionalOther Acceptance


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Benefits to you

• Can still dislike what others say and do

• Less likely to take what others say and do personally

• Generate a lot less emotion

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Tool #5

To develop an

Internal Locus of Control

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Why?• To feel the way YOU want to feel

• To feel as good as possible

• To control of your emotional destiny

• The best way to get even is to feel good

• To have real POWER

• To stop giving away the power & control you do have

• To be the “adult in the room”

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But most of all

To be smarter than everyone else

The vast majority of people live their lives based on a lie

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The Big Lie

“What others say and doand what happens

MAKES me feel the way I do”

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Locus of Control

Where you see your feelings coming from

What you see as the cause of them

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Part of being human

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The Problem

You make how you feel depend on events, other people

that you can’t and don’tCONTROL

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The end result

• You feel worse than you need to, for longer than necessary

• You miss many opportunities to feel better

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The real formula forfeelings

Event + Thoughts = Feeling

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Thoughts cause feelings,not events

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a + b = c constant variable

5 + 6 = 11 5 + 9 = 14 5 + 3 = 8

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Feeling Event + Thoughts = Feeling (constant) (variable) Feeling

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Anxiety is a figment of


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• It’s about things that haven’t happened yet

• Things that could, but often never do

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Spend too much time in theirIMAGINATION

instead of dealing with theHere and Now

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To combat anxiety

Staying in the NOW

Step 1: “That might happen, but it hasn’t happen yet”

Step 2: “And if it does, I’ll deal with it”

“Like I have before”

“Like other people do”

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Cognitive Choices• How we LOOK AT things• What MEANING we attach• What we REMEMBER about the past• What we IMAGINE will happen next• What we FOCUS on• What we COMPARE things to• What we EXPECT (self, others, life)• How much IMPORTANCE we attach• What we spend our time THINKING about

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Emotional DestinyHow you’re going to feel

in the next few

• Seconds• Minutes• Hours• Days

• Weeks

• Months

• Years

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Event + Thoughts = Feeling

Choices > Emotional Destiny

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Power Choices = and

Control over your

Emotional Destiny

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Cognitive Choices

are a big part of your

Tool Kit(Like a tune-up kit for a car)

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“YOU really tick me off”“YOU make me feel guilty all the time”

“YOU hurt my feelings”“YOU’re always putting pressure on me”

that’s like saying

“Here, YOU can have my tool kit because I won’t be using it”

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YOU get to decide how I’m going to feel

instead of ME

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External Locus

• You give away the power and control you DO have

• You give others power and control they DON’T really have

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People are always misspeaking

about the way their feelings come about

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Here’s the waysome things really are

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People don’t make us mad

We make ourselves mad

Anger comes from inside usnot outside

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School, a job, and other people don’t stress us out

We stress ourselves out by the way we choose to look at things

Stress comes from inside usnot outside us

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People can’t and don’tput pressure on us

We put pressure on ourselves

Pressure comes from inside usnot outside us

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No one can hurt ourfeelings

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Because of what we think about someone

And what they say and do to us

We make ourselves feel hurt

Hurt comes from inside usnot outside us

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People can’t and don’tmake us happy

We can’t and don’tmake them happy

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“A man is about as happy as he makes up his mind to be”

Abraham Lincoln

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Feelingscome from inside us

Not outside us

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Event + Thoughts = Feeling

Everything otherssay and do

and that happens is just an


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It’s OUR choice….• How we look at things• What meaning we attach• What we remember about the past• What we imagine will happen next• What we expect (ourselves, others, life)• What we focus on• What we compare things to• How much importance we attach• What we spend our time thinking about

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And given that

Thoughts cause feelings, not events

Event + Thoughts = Feeling

Choices > Emotional Destiny

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Therefore,It’s also logically true that

It’s OUR choicehow we want to feel

Including how we want to feel about ourselves

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• No one upsets us, we upset ourselves

• We are responsible for how we feel, not others

• It’s not their problem if we feel bad, it’s ours

• It’s not their job to make us feel better, it’s ours

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Did you ever use these as a child to defend yourself?

“I know you are but what am I?”

“I’m rubber, you’re glue. What you say bounces off me and sticke to you”

“Sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me”

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Adult version

“You can think or say whatever you want about me

BUTIt’s my choice how I look at myself

AND It’s my choice how I want to feel

about myself”

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People can’t and don’tmake us feel bad about ourselves

They can’t and don’tmake us feel better either

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“Everything can be taken from us but the last of human freedoms.

To choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances.

To choose one’s own way.”

Dr. Victor FranklHolocaust Survivor

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Your last freedomis your


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Event + Thoughts = Feeling

“It’s just an EVENT”

It’s not intended to beDISCOUNTING or INSENSITIVE

of a tragic event in your life

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“It’s your choice how you want to feel”does NOT mean…

• You shouldn’t feel the way you do

• It’s your fault you feel that way

• There’s something wrong with you for feeling that way

• It’s okay others said or did what they did

• You’re making a big deal out of nothing

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It simply meansthere will always be more than

one wayto look at anything

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Whatever way we pick will always be perfectly


Given our life experiences

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But some ways will makeus feel BETTER

And others will make usfeel WORSE

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Some will make it EASIERto deal with things

Others will make it HARDER

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We always have aCHOICE

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No way we choose tolook at things

will ever change what happened

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Beauty is in theEye of the Beholder

So is feeling


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“Life is Mind-Made”

Dr. Chris Eisenbarth

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Me: “How am I suppose to look at things?”Jerry: “Right now you’re looking at having those kids in your class as being a problem.

Why not look at it as a challenge,

or opportunity to prove you’re as good a teacher as you and I both think you are?”

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When something happens, and you don’t like it, which is it?




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What you call it

• Doesn’t change what happens, or what might

• It just makes you generate more or less emotion

• It just makes it easier or harder to deal with

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It’s not a PROBLEM

It’s just an EVENT

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• It’s just something I have to deal with

• Like I have many times already in the past

• Like I probably will again in the future

• Like other people have, and do every day

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It’s what I get paid to deal with

And I’m supposed toknow how to deal with kids

better than others

Took pride in being able to do thatbetter than others

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Suggested MINDSET for you• It’s just an EVENT• It’s just something I have to deal with• Just like I have many times before• Just like I probably will again• Just like many other people do• Take pride in being able to deal with it• And in doing so better than others• And better than you did before

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But remember thatif you struggle

That’s part of being human

And nothing to be ashamed of

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Developing an Internal Locus of Control

also means…

• To learn what you do and don’t control

• To focus on and work with what you do control

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The truth is….

• We can’t control what OTHERS think, feel, say and do

• We only control what WE think, feel, say and do

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It helps to remind yourself…

• Others can think, feel, say and do whatever they want to

• They don’t have to think, feel, say or do anything

• Least of all what we want them to

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Developing an Internal Locus of Control

also means…

To avoid taking unnecessary responsibility

for howothers make themselves feel

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You’re responsible forwhat you say and do

But not for how othersmake themselves feel about it

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With any life event

People can find something tofeel good about

Or something that they canget upset about

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Once they choose to upset themselves

People can upset themselvesas little or as much

as they want to

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It’s THEIR choice….

• How THEY look at things

• What meaning THEY attach

• What THEY remember about the past

• What THEY imagine will happen next

• What THEY expect (self, others, life)

• What THEY focus on

• What THEY compare things to

• How much importance THEY attach

• What they spend their time thinking about

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It’s THEIR choicehow THEY want to feel

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• No one upsets them, they upset themselves

• You’re not responsible for how they feel, they are

• It’s not your problem if they upset themselves, it’s theirs

• It’s not your job to make them feel better, it’s theirs

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You can’t make others happy

You can’t make people feel better about themselves

You can’t make other people proud of you

You can’t make someone love you

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Tool #6, Part 1

Recognize Irrational Thinking

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Why it’s important

• Thoughts cause feelings, not events

• Attitude is always the father of behavior

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Irrational means

• Makes you feel worse than necessary or helpful

• Causes you to do things that make your life worse

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Four types of Irrational Thinking

• Demandiness

• Awfulizing

• Can’t Stand It-itis

• Label and Damning

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We need air water and food

We have to have them

They are necessities to life

We’ll die in minutes, days, or weeks

if we don’t get them

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Do we needLOVE

the same way we needair, water and food?

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How about theacceptance, approval, respect

of others?

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Rule #1

You have the right to want whatever you want

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Mistakes people make

• Start to think they NEED things they simply want

• Start to treat simple preferences as NECESSITIES

• Start to DEMAND what they simply desire

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Perceived Need

• We think we need something

• And it’s nice to have

• But we’re NOT going to die if we don’t get it

• We CAN live without it

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Part of being human

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We have to be judiciousabout the way we use words like

• Need• Have to• Can’t• Should• Shouldn’t

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Dysfunctional Amount of Emotion

• More than is necessary or helpful• More than you want to have• More than you know what to do with• More than is healthy for you• A type, amount that works against

you instead of for you?

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Thoughts cause feelings,not events

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Rule #2

The bigger the difference between your expectations and

reality the more emotion you’ll

generate needlessly

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You can make The feeling Pronouns

Demands of end up with that are used

Others Anger You, They He, She


Anxiety Self Shame, Guilt I

Loneliness ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Depression Life Boredom This, It


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The Essence of Anger

They HAVE TO (should, must) do what I want!

They HAVE TO (should, must)be the way

I want them to be!

How old does that sound?

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That’s why Dr. Ellisused to say

Anger is a Temper Tantrum

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People like feeling ANGRYbecause it gives them a false sense of

• Power

• Righteousness

• Permission

• Protection

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Demands of Yourself

Before Event After Event

Anxiety Shame, Guilt

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Anxiety-producing thoughts about parents

I have to (need to, must) make them happy I can’t disappoint them

I have to (need to) make them proud of me I can’t let them down

I have to (need to, must) please them I can’t upset them like I did in the past

I have to (need to, must) do what they want

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The essence of Anxiety

I HAVE TO be perfect and do everything perfectly

all the time (self)

Everything HAS TO go exactly as I planned or

want it to (life)

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Demands of Yourself

Before Event After Event

Anxiety Shame, Guilt

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Others Yourself Life

Anger Shame Depression Guilt Boredom Loneliness

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SHAME, Guilt thoughts

I should have done better I shouldn’t have gotten so many wrongI should be doing more with my lifeI should be doing better in school I shouldn’t being getting bad grades I should know how to do that by nowI should be able to do what others can I shouldn’t have done that I should know better

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As a general rule

It’s not good toSHOULD

on yourself or others

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The Essence of Depression

My life SHOULDN’T (can’t) be the way it is

This SHOULDN’T (can’t) be happening to me

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Depressive thoughts

It (life) shouldn’t be so hardI shouldn’t have to deal with thisIt (life) should be easier that thisIt’s not fair (and life should be)

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Demands in the form of questions


How dare they...? = They can’t How could they…? = They shouldn’t

Shame, Guilt

How could I….? = I shouldn’t have

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Attitude is always the father

of behavior

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Rule #3

When people start to think they need something they simply want, it makes otherwise smart people

do stupid things

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Rule #4

Behavior intended to satisfy a perceived need will win out over

behavior intended to satisfy a rational preference

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“You’re making a mountain out of a mole hill”

My grandfather

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Rule #5

You have a right to like or dislike whatever you want to

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If you truly couldn’t stand it

• Die (physically)

• Go crazy (mentally)

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-itis = inflammation

You needlesslyINFLAME


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Can’t Stand It-itis

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Label and Damning

• Calling an apple “bad” because it has a bruise

• Calling someone “stupid” because they did a stupid thing

• Condemning the DOER instead of the DEED

• Can Label & Damn others or yourself

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Tool #6, Part 2

Correcting Irrational Thinking

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Strategy 1

The Scientific Method

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Thoughts Theories and = and Comments Hypotheses

About the way life is or should be

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The Basic Questions

• Does the evidence of everyday life support your theory or hypothesis?

• Or does it refute it?

• Does it suggest a better theory or hypothesis?

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They can’t tell me what to do


They can do whatever they want

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Strategy 2

Fact or Opinion?

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They can’t tell me what to do


They can do whatever they want

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Strategy 3

Demands in the form of questions

How dare they...? EASILY! How could they…? EASILY! How could I….? EASILY!

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How dare they talk to me like that?

How could they not get this?

How could I have made such a mistake?

How could you/I be so stupid?

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Strategy 4

Simple but directQuestions

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They need to (have to, must) show me more respect

Why do they need to do that?Do you need to do that like they need like air, water, food?They need to, or you just want them to?They need to, or you’d just like them to?

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If you start your answer with“Because….”

Then anything that followsis the wrong answer

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They need to (have to, must) show me more respect

Why do they need to do that?Do you need to do that like they need like air, water, food?They need to, or you just want them to?They need to, or you’d just like them to?

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They have to (should, must) apologize for that

Why do they have to?They have to, or you just want them to?They have to, or you’d just like them to?

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They can’t (shouldn’t, must not) say things like that

Why can’t they?They can’t, or you just don’t want them to?They can’t, or you just don’t like when they do?

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I have to (should, must) get an A

Why do you have to?You have to, or just want to?You have to, or would just like to?

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I can’t (shouldn’t, must not) get a B or a C in this class

Why can’t you?You can’t, or just don’t want to?You can’t, or just wouldn’t like to?

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It’s enough to simply reallyWANT to do something

HAVE TO often ends up beingtoo much of a good thing

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Strategy 5


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OldThey need to (should, have to, must) apologize for that


I want them to apologize for thatI’d like them to apologize

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I have to (need to) get an A


I really want to get an AI’d really like to get an A

But I don’t have to

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They can’t say things like that


I don’t want people saying thatI don’t like when people say that

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I can’t get a B or a C in that class


I really don’t want to get a B or CI really don’t like getting B’s or C’s

But it wouldn’t be the end of the world if I did

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Put your behavior where you want your attitude to be

Practice talking the wayyou want to think

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It’s really awful that they said that

Why is it so awful?

Is it awful, or just unpleasant?Is it awful, or just inconvenient? Is it awful, or just uncomfortable?

Is it awful like having cancer?

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Can’t Stand It-itis

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I can’t stand when people do things like that

Why can’t you stand it?Are you going to die or go crazy?You can’t stand it, or just don’t like it?

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They’re jerks for saying things like that about me

Why are they jerks just because of that?They’re jerks, or just did a jerky thing?They’re jerks, or just did something you didn’t like?They’re jerks, or just FHBs like the rest of us?

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Tool #7

A step-by-step approachto troubling life events

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Dr. Albert Ellis

• A Activating Event 1 or 2

• B Beliefs (recognize) 3

• C Consequences (feel, do) 1 or 2

• D Dispute (correct) 4

• E Effective Coping Statement 5

• F Functional Amt. of Emotion

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Strategy 6

Effective Coping Statements

It’s not the end of the world It’s not that big a deal It’s over and done with They can say whatever they want to People can believe whatever they want The only person I control is me I’ve survived worse It’s my choice how I want to feel

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“The problems of manare man-made.

They can be solved by man”

John F. Kennedy

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“You can’t solve a problem with the same mind that

created it”

Albert Einstein

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YouTube Tutorials

Channel: itsjustanevent

Mental and EmotionalFitness Parts 1-13

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Tool #6

Understanding why changeis hard

And what it takes

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Cognitive, Emotional& Behavioral


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to think, feel, say or dosomething

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Why people recreate their past

It’s why peoples’ history becomes their destiny

That could be a good thingor a bad thing

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Very Important

Once RUTS get createdyou can’t get rid of them

You can only make NEW ONES

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To change we need to

• Make a new connection or pathway– To think, feel, say and do things


• Use it untils it becomes a RUT – And can compete with your old


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You can alwaysslip back into your old


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Part of being human

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You Tube

Channel: itsjustanevent

Mental and EmotionalFitness

Parts #1-13

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