DEVELOPMENT DIARY FRONT COVER - After filling in my background with my chosen colour I placed in my magazine masthead first as this is one of the most important parts that has to stand out and I needed to see where the space would be available for it. After writing my title in the font, size and colour I wanted, to make it stand out more I edited the text’s layer style and added a drop shadow, inner shadow, an outline, pattern overlay and I also embossed the text - this is so it stands out more and makes the font original for the magazine to give it a unique ‘logo’ to other magazines (it can be recognised in the future by what will hopefully become regular audiences. - Next, I added in the other text that I will include in my magazine using the text box tool. If I choose to edit them in the future I can come back to it. I am likely to change the colour of the text so that it is visible when the main picture has been placed in. - I have added in a barcode that I found on the internet and I cropped it on a separate window on Photoshop and then placed it in the bottom corner of my front cover. - The next step I have done is adding in the strap-line using the text box tool and made it stand out by editing the layer style. I used the words “WORLD EXCLUSIVE” to draw in the audiences attention as it makes the audience believe that the magazine has something different from other magazines to offer that is original and special. It is also placed at the top, the audiences

Media development diary word

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- After filling in my background with my chosen colour I placed in my maga-zine masthead first as this is one of the most important parts that has to stand out and I needed to see where the space would be available for it. Af-ter writing my title in the font, size and colour I wanted, to make it stand out more I edited the text’s layer style and added a drop shadow, inner shadow, an outline, pattern overlay and I also embossed the text - this is so it stands out more and makes the font original for the magazine to give it a unique ‘logo’ to other magazines (it can be recognised in the future by what will hopefully become regular audiences.

- Next, I added in the other text that I will include in my magazine using the text box tool. If I choose to edit them in the future I can come back to it. I am likely to change the colour of the text so that it is visible when the main picture has been placed in.

- I have added in a barcode that I found on the internet and I cropped it on a separate window on Photoshop and then placed it in the bottom corner of my front cover.

- The next step I have done is adding in the strap-line using the text box tool and made it stand out by editing the layer style. I used the words “WORLD EXCLUSIVE” to draw in the audiences attention as it makes the audi-ence believe that the magazine has something different from other magazines to offer that is original and spe-cial. It is also placed at the top, the audiences eyes are often drawn to the top left-hand corner of the page first, so it is appropriate to place this there.

- Next, I added in my main cover-line making it different to the other ones on my front cover so it stands out more and can be distinguished from the other cover-lines. This cover-line will also be anchored to my main image.


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After choosing my front cover photo from my shoot, I separately edited it on photoshop. I edited the curves and also got rid of any flaws on the face that the lighting may have caused by painting over the skin (using a new layer) with a brush with a similar colour to the models skin tone and the added noise and blur then turned down the opacity of that layer so that it appeared natural. I then placed the image onto my magazine cover behind all the text and other layers apart from the back-ground layer. I then moved and adjusted the text colour so it is still legible with the image in place.CONTENTS PAGE

I copied the masthead from the front cover onto my contents page and then free transformed it to a suitable size by clicking on: Edit > Free transform

I next began to edit my main image for the contents page. I duplicated the layer and then went on: Edit > Transform > Flip Horizontal. My image then looked like the screen shot below.

In order to get the effect I wanted, I had to turn down the opacity to 50% on the duplicate layer. It then created a mirror effect. Next I went on: Layer > Flatten Image so I could edit the photo all to-gether. I adjusted the curves once flattened so it stands out more for the audience.

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I then placed the image onto my contents page and free transformed it so that it can fit in well with the page and con-formed to my skeleton


Next I added in some of the text using the text box tool and editing the layer style and added in

some extra photos that have used similar edit-ing techniques as I have used before.DOUBLE PAGE SPREAD

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First of all I edited my main photo that I wanted to use on my double page spread. I used the paint brush tool on his skin using a colour similar to his skin colour (using the eye dropper tool to guide me). After covering the skin I went on: Filter > Noise > Add Noise (10%) and then I done Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur (20%) - after this I turned down the opacity of the new layer to make it appear more natural.

Next I drew a line using the

ruler too guide me where the middle of the page is. And then I placed my main image where I wanted it placed. I then added in a caption for the photograph including information on the content of the photograph. Using the text box tool, I also added in all the necessary titles and headings.

Next I be-gan to edit the next photograph that I wanted to

include o n the dou-ble page spread. I wanted just the artist cut out from the background and to do this, I opened the image onto Photoshop and then used the Lasso select tool to select the outline, to tidy up

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the outline, I selected quick mask and erased all errors. I then placed it where I wanted it on the double page spread. I also added a shadow onto the image so it looked less “cut out” and look more professional.

Next I added in all the text I wanted and the drop caps and pull quotes using the text box tool.And then added in the extra text I needed.

Finally, to make the double page spread look more pro-fessional and to fill in the spaces (making it more aesthetically pleasing) - I added in boxes (with a low opacity) to go behind the texts and this enhanced the context within the page as it made each part of the text stand out from the rest. This especially worked well with the pull quotes, as it helped them stand out from the page and catches the audience eye to the extract.

Here, I added in backgrounds for this section, this made this part more legible for the audience and made this part of the feature seem different to the rest; therefore it is a section that appears to cre-ate some interaction with the audience.

My final double page spread ended up looking like this. I altered different parts as part of develop-ment such as free transforming the background of the text by the cut out image so that it is sym-metrical with the other page which would conform to a typical magazine front cover.