mcb 104 012516

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  • 7/25/2019 mcb 104 012516



    MCB 104

    What do MTs do?

    Regulate cilia- Beating of cilia and flagella

    Transort organelle


    o !i"ides chro#oso#es$sindles

    Microtu%les adot different organi&ations

    'n different cell c(cle stages

    Microtu%les are d(na#ic

    Microtu%les are constantl( ro%ing out$going out and in

    o The( are sa#ling and %ringing %ac) infor#ation of cell and *hat+s going on

    ,roerties of #icrotu%ules the tu%lin heterodi#er

    .u%unit tu%lin sta%le heterodi#er of alha-tu%ulin and %eta-tu%ulin

    Beta and alha loo) a li)e

    Beta-tu%ulin can echange/h(drol(&e T, alha cannot

    3lha %inds to T, irre"ersi%l( al*a(s %inds

    Beta-tu%ulin %inds T, and can h(drol(&e it

    ,roerties of #icrotu%les

    Microtu%le MT structure- a hollo* ol(#er of tu%ulin su%units

    1 linear rotofila#ents

    o end to end %( olari&ed %inding of heterodi#ers

    o not sta%le

    o sta%le *hen arranged in a tu%e

    end to end and side to side %inding gi"es the #icrotu%ules sta%ilit(

    nonco"alent %inding

    MTs are olar-su%units unifor#l( oriented alternating alha/%eta %eta to*ard 7 end

    7 end-fast gro*ing

    - end- slo*er gro*ing

    lateral interactions %et*een rotofila#ents for# tu%e of #icrotu%ule

    ol(#eri&ation )inetics si#ilar to actin

    o Cc

    o 8ucleation

    o 9longation

    o .tead( state

    :ollo* tu%e- 26 n# dia#eter

    MT asse#%l( is couled to T, h(drol(sis

    T, tu%ulin adds to 7 ends T, then h(drol(&ed to !,

    !oes it in a concentration deendent #atter

  • 7/25/2019 mcb 104 012516


    Critical concentration- 3dding #ono#ers and losing #ono#ers at the sa#e rate so #ass

    sta(s sa#e

    T, ca if tu%ulin greater than critical concentration gt ca- sta%le structure

    T, h(drol(sis desta%ili&es #icrotu%ules

    ;ose sta%ilit( *here rotofila#ents sta%ili&e each other

    The rotofila#ents cur"e %ac)o Ma)es a #ore raid disasse#%l(

    !isasse#%l( fro# 7 end

    - end is anchored

    eeling %ac) is called catastrohe *here reasse#%l( is called rescue

    Microtu%le d(na#ic insta%ilit( at stead( state

    Microtu%les rare often anchored so indi"idual su%units generall( sta( the sa#e at *here

    the( are< ;ifeti#e of tu%ulin di#er in a resting cell is rett( long

    3t critical concentration MTs are constantl( gro*ing and shrin)ing

    The structural %asis of d(na#ic insta%ilit(

    MCB rofessor e"a nogalesMicrotu%les are nucleated fro# centroso#es

    8ucleation re=uires tu%ulin and other things as *ell

    8eed to add centroso#e

    Centroso#e- acts as a MT>C- #icrotu%ule organi&ing center

    Microtu%le organi&ation in #a##alian cells

    Centroso#es are found in right angles and found in a ha&e

    T*o centrioles #a)e u centroso#e


    7 end trac)ing rotein sho*s gro*ing MTs

    Microtu%les radiate out of centroso#es and are organi&ated there

    Microtu%le function in cells controlled %( %inding roteins

    Microtu%le #otor roteins

    MT ro"ide trac)s for cargo

    Motor roteins 7 and @ end directed

    o Ainesins

    o !(nein

    !i#ers *ith glo%ular head *hich %ind to 3T, and h(drol(&es< Ta)es that associate *ith


    Ainesin #echanis#

    Wal) along cell

    Microtu%le #otors in cell organi&ation

    Melanoso#e ositioning


    ,ig#ent$in"ol"ed in ca#oflauge

    3ctin and #icrotu%ule drugs

    Can easil( get into cells and can interfere

    .#all #olecules that associate *ith su%un it and affect ol(#eri&ation

  • 7/25/2019 mcb 104 012516
