MBS Brochure

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  • 8/2/2019 MBS Brochure



    Mae Bsiess Sh

  • 8/2/2019 MBS Brochure


    WHo WE ARE

    Mace Business School is part o the Mace, a

    international consultancy and construction business.

    Mace is relentlessly committed to employing the best

    people and supply chain companies to ensure excellent

    service or our clients.

    In 2006, Mace took a signifcant step toward achieving

    these objectives with the oundation o the Mace

    Business School, the frst o its kind in the industry

    ocused solely on improving the perormance o

    construction businesses through learning and

    knowledge sharing.

    Today, the Mace Business School provides a unique

    environment ocused on the transer and exchange oknowledge and expertise to and rom our suppliers. We

    provide a robust and collaborative learning environment

    aimed at achieving project excellence, establishing

    world-class standards, and improving the way our

    industry operates to the beneft o our clients.

    WE BRIng TogETHER gRoupS o

    cEoS And SEnIoR ExEcuTIvES

    WHoSE coMpAnIES HAvE WoRkEd

    TogETHER on pRoJEcTS. THE MAcE

    BuSInESS ScHool pRovIdES THEM

    WITH A oRuM To lEARn TogETHER,

    nETWoRk And AgREE on A coMMon

    AgEndA oR MovIng oRWARd.

    Bria Me, diretr

    Mae Bsiess Sh

    Best Iterate Sy chai the Year

  • 8/2/2019 MBS Brochure


    WHAT WE do

    We develop and deliver interactive and engaging

    bespoke management training courses on behal o

    our clients or their supply chain partners. Our award

    winning services were initially developed to improve the

    supply chain delivery on some o the industrys most

    complex projects or Mace Construction Management.

    Our expertise has since been utilised across other

    Mace Group subsidiary companies to improve the

    capability o their supply chain companies. We can

    now oer this service to any Mace Group clients to

    develop their supply chain.

    Mace Business School draws on the broad industry

    expertise o the Mace group to ensure that all o

    the content o our courses are the most up to date

    available to the industry. We create strategies to deliver

    learning outcomes to support the project requirements.

    We understand the dierent learning styles o

    individuals and can tailor the delivery o learning to suit

    the audience.

    Our collaborative and integrated approach enables

    our industry partners to work more efciently and cost

    eectively with confdence in the delivery excellence

    they provide.

    In addition to project management training, we also

    help our partners to develop their leadership abilities,

    their strategic thinking and their people management

    skills. We know that creating the right culture in an

    organisation is critical to its success.

    I WAnT ouR BuSInESS To

    lEAd, To BE SEEn AS A HIgHlY

    pRoESSIonAl oRgAnISATIon

    THAT IS pRoud To WoRk In

    THE conSTRucTIon InduSTRY.

    MAcE BuSInESS ScHool IS

    onE o THE kEY BuSInESSES

    HElpIng uS To AcHIEvE THIS.

    keith Baray, diretr

    R&S gr limite

  • 8/2/2019 MBS Brochure


    HoW WE do IT

    The Mace Business School is aimed at supply chain companies

    that have shown exemplary leadership in the industry. Led by senior

    Mace executives and other top-level industry experts, Mace Business

    Schools programmes oer comprehensive training, as well as a ull

    range o small, ocused, and interactive courses, workshops, and

    networking opportunities.




    pRogRAMME goT uS All up To

    SpEEd And on THE SAME pAgE

    BEoRE THE pRoJEcT BEgAn.

    WHEn WE dId ARRIvE on SITE,


    dIdnT REquIRE A lEARnIng


    peter Emers, gr coo

    Seerfe Rwa

    The bsiess sh has eee a rae re rts a

    series t eri its bese eris t its iets, these

    rts a series ie:


    Traii rses a rrammes:

    Interactive and engaging project and businessmanagement training courses and programmes


    Interactive workshops or stakeholders to create a

    collaborative environment

    wz Metri a ahi:To hone individual skills

    9 Researh:To underpin and support learning and create innovation


    To share knowledge through publications and other


    Ucrse a eet maaemet a amiistrati:

    We provide total support to all our courses and events

  • 8/2/2019 MBS Brochure



    The Shard, London Bridge, The London Eye, the European

    headquarters or GlaxoSmithKline, Heathrow Airports Terminal

    5 and the British Museums Great Court are just some oMaces high profle projects.

    Mace Business School is proud o our companys unrivalled

    reputation or delivering complex projects to the most exacting

    standards. And were especially proud o the collaborative way

    in which we work with our industry partners to achieve those

    standards. It goes without saying that only by partnering with

    the highest perorming organisations can we deliver world-class

    buildings to our clients.

    Quite simply, our reputation rests on the quality o our industrypartners. To succeed we need to operate as a unifed team

    with a single vision and a common way o working. Thats the

    mission o the Mace Business School.

    THE BuSInESS ScHool IS

    An ExcEllEnT AcIlITY. IT IS

    pRoESSIonAl And SHoWS ouR

    coMMITMEnT To TRAInIng.

    Jatha ster, prjet diretr

    Mae gr

    BA London Eye

    Shard, London Bridge

    Heathrow Terminal 5

    GSK House

  • 8/2/2019 MBS Brochure


    Abt Mae gr

    Mace is an international consultancy and

    construction company, oering highly integrated

    services across the ull property liecycle. Our

    experts in programme and project management,construction delivery, cost consultancy, and acilities

    management thrive within our collaborative and

    entrepreneurial culture, constantly striving to fnd

    better solutions to complex inrastructure and

    property challenges.

    Our customers are at the core o what we do, and

    we continue to grow and expand to better serve their

    property needs across sectors and geographies. Our

    talented and proessional people work rom within

    our customers organisations, constantly asking

    challenging questions and driving value at every turn.

    We believe it is our relentless passion or fnding a

    better way that helps us to deliver the best projects

    saely and efciently, while defning industry best


    T isss a traii ee, a eaershi

    rramme r ay ther way the bsiess sh

    a he yr bsiess tat s tay:

    Bria Me


    [email protected]

    Mae gr

    Atelier House

    64 Pratt Street

    London NW1 0LF

    United Kingdom

    t: +44 (0)20 7068 6000

    : +44 (0)20 7068 6111
