1 MBA Spring 2020 Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing Communications Assoc. Prof. Renu Emile Phone No: 13030 57965 Email: [email protected]

MBA Spring 2020 Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and ... · Advertising Goals, Objectives and Strategy of the IMC campaign Target audience IMC-related success factors Message theme/s

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Page 1: MBA Spring 2020 Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and ... · Advertising Goals, Objectives and Strategy of the IMC campaign Target audience IMC-related success factors Message theme/s



Spring 2020

Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and Marketing Communications

Assoc. Prof. Renu Emile

Phone No: 13030 57965

Email: [email protected]

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This course provides students with an understanding and appreciation of various communication tools (traditional

media channels, direct marketing, public relations, sales promotions and personal selling, digital marketing) to make

decisions on planning, research and execution of IMC programs in business contexts so as to maximize the impact

on customers and other stakeholders.


What should be your learning at the end of this course? You should be able to:

Identify and discuss the integrated nature of components of the promotion mix: advertising, sales

promotion, public relations, personal selling and direct marketing;

Critically appraise advertisements;

Formulate comprehensive communication plans;

Undertake research and communicate ideas effectively in both written and verbal presentations in

a range of settings and contexts;

Communicate ideas using marketing concepts and research by the end of the course.


In addition to the specific course related objectives, this course is designed to achieve the following learning goals

1. Critical and Integrative thinking: Each student will be able to identify key issues in Integrated Marketing-

Communications related management settings, develop a perspective that is supported with relevant

information and integrative thinking, to draw and assess conclusions. This learning goal will be measured

through assignments and submissions.

2. Awareness of Global Issues affecting Decisions: Each student will be able to identify key relevant global

issues and be able to analyze the impact of the global environment on Integrated Marketing-

Communications related programs, as compared with domestic market related management issues. This

learning goal will be assessed through class discussion on both local and global perspectives.

3. Interpersonal Awareness and Working in Teams: Each student shall demonstrate an ability to work

effectively in a team, exhibiting behavior that reflects an understanding of the importance of individual roles

and tasks and the ability to manage conflict and compromise so that team goals are achieved. (e.g. The

team-based case presentation in class, and a group-assignment will be a major component for

measurement of this learning goal).

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4. Effective Presentation Skill: Each student shall be able to communicate verbally in an organized, clear,

persuasive manner and be a responsive listener. (e.g. Case study presentations will be used to assess

effective oral communication.


The approach of this course is to combine conceptual information with real world practice via in-class discussion,

presentations and assignments. Prescribed readings and books provide information and detail on concepts. The

course emphasises continuous learning through class activities and assessments. You will be expected to familiarise

yourself with sources of marketing information such as industry organisations, publications, academic databases and



You will be informed about your team members and you should prepare cases for class discussion. You will have 2-4

members in your team. At the end of the term, each team member will be asked to grade other members’

participation in the course work. The final grade may be adjusted downward (up to 50%) if a person on a team has

not pulled his/her weight.


Attendance to all the sessions is as per the university rules (minimum 75% excluding all leaves). The following

instances will also be treated as absence unless prior permission is taken

Attending only part of the session, either entering or leaving during the break

Arriving in class after the session is scheduled to begin

Failing to display the name card


The course grade will be determined on the basis of the following:

Evaluation Item Weightage Nature Explanation

Group Case Study


15% Group Details found below. Groups and presentation schedule to

be allocated by lecturer.

Group Project Work 35% Group Details found below. Groups to be allocated by lecturer.

Group Written Report due in class in Session 10.

End of Term Exam 50% Individual End of Term Exam Period.

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Assessment Task 1: Group Case Study Presentation Assessment task 1 is based on an in-depth examination of a case-study. Students will be allocated into groups and will present case-studies from the recommended text-book. Each group will select and present a case-study relevant to each week’s session. Please check case studies as below: Chap. 3 - Buyers Behaviors - The Choice Or Choosing a Phone Company: pgs. 85-87 Chap. 4 - The IMC Planning Process - Platinum Motorcars: Market Segmentation and Repeat Purchases Or Bose: High-End Sound Reproduction pgs. 119-121 Chap. 5 - Advertising Management - Advertising Jeans to Teens Or Name Your Hero: pgs. 151-153 Chap. 6 - Advertising Design: Theoretical Frameworks and Types of Appeals - Ecko Enterprises Or Lighting Up Kindle: pgs. 183-185 Chap. 7 - Advertising Design: Message Strategies and Executional Frameworks - Peerless Marketing Or Black-Eyed Marketing: pgs. 217-219 Chap. 8 - Traditional Media Channels - Domino’s Mea Culpa and “No” Campaigns Or After Unleashing: pgs. 253 - 255 Chap. 9 - Digital Marketing - Black Friday and Cyber Monday Or Bing Challenges Google’s Search Engine Dominance: pgs. 287- 289 Chap. 10 - Database and Direct Response Marketing and Personal Selling - The Travel Agency Dilemma Or Anheuser-Busch: Database Marketing and Personal Selling: pgs. 321-323 Chap. 11 - Sales Promotions - Marketing Sports Equipment Or Newman’s Own Organics: Sales Promotions and Retail Relationships: pgs. 351-353 Chap. 12 - Public Relations and Sponsorship Programs - Olive Garden: Meet the Girls Next Door Or New Drug Faces Public Relations and Marketing Challenges: pgs. 381-383 Chap. 13 - Regulations and Ethical Concerns - A Salty Situation Or Assessing Smart Choices: pgs. 411-413 Chap. 14 - Evaluating an Integrated Marketing Program - Spych Market Analytics Or Hanes: Evaluation and Brand Loyalty: pgs. 440 - 443 The main purpose of this assignment is to develop understanding of concepts, the ability to apply theory and logic, undertake research and analysis, and communicate effectively. Marking criteria is reflected in the mark sheet provided below. Each group will identify the problem in the case, think of relevant marketing theories from the chapter, research a minimum of 5 references, a minimum of 3 of these references must be scholarly articles (journal articles and conference papers), other references could be from credible online sources. Each group will analyse the case-study using identified theories, and whether and to what extent they have or not been applied, finally, providing recommendations.

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Your task is also to bring the Case Study up to date by identifying all new and current issues (as of February 2020) regarding the case study. You will relate your understanding to the relevant theory covered in the chapter. A suggested structure would include the following sections: 1. Introduction 2. A brief background on the case, identification of key issues, and current situation 3. Introduction of relevant theories 4. Application of theories to the case. If successfully applied, how and to what extent. If not, whether the business should have applied identified theories, and how. 5. Recommendations for future action 6. Conclusion 7. References Each group will summarise the Case-Study in 300-350 words, along with references for distribution, and will also make a Power-Point presentation (not exceeding 10 minutes) in a creative and structured format. Be prepared for a short Q&A session (between 3-5 mins). All group-members are expected to contribute equally and present in class. Group Case Study Mark Sheet

Research Minimum - 5 references Scholarly articles - minimum 3


Referencing APA style of referencing.


General Structure Introduction Logical Sections that flow from one to the next as discussed above Conclusion


Case Description Background, problem/issues, and current situation in relation to the identified problems/issues


Theories Identification of theories relevant to the case; discussion on whether they have or not been applied to the case


Application Evaluation on theory application Recommendations for future


Formatting Please include a Title Page clearly stating topic, group-member names, day and date, and page numbers at bottom right. Use single-spacing, Times Roman font (size 12) with headings in size 14


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Communication Equal sharing of verbal presentation amongst group members Clarity of visuals used including power-point slides Avoid too much of reading from power-point slides Each group-member attempts to establish rapport with the audience, and participates and speaks in a civil and respectful manner through presentation and discussion


Total /100

Assessment Task 2: Group Written Project Project Title: The role of IMC (Integrated Marketing Communications) in Company-success. The assignment comprises a strategic evaluation on IMC activity. More details as below:

Step One: Each team will:

Identify a successful IMC campaign within the Indian context;

Identify statistical and other information that qualifies the company as successful;

Identify and source all IMC-related material for this campaign on the (a) company web site, (b) brochures

and any promotional material; and (c) advertisements (company-sponsored as available on various

channels including company website, television, YouTube, Facebook etc) over the past one year;

Develop categories of content as below:

(a) Company web-site: what kinds of tabs; what kinds of activity and information is covered under these tabs; what is

being communicated to audiences in terms of Company vision and mission; accomplishments; what information is

specific to the Indian context.

(b) Brochures or other information: what kinds and types of information; what is the length of the brochure; if pictures

in brochures; how many pictures; what is the content of pictures; what kinds of images in pictures; colours and

backdrop in pictures; gender and age of protagonists; who is saying what; any objects- what types; note any specifics

relating to the Indian context;

(c) Advertisements – what is being stated; note down the entire transcription (if on digital media, or text if in print),

note images and sounds; characters – how many; who are the lead characters; what are they saying; to whom;

categorise information - what kind of information is being communicated; what is the communication style – is it direct

or is it through a story or some other way; what message does one take away from the advertisement; note specifics

relating to the Indian context;

(d) Note sounds; colours for (a), (b), and (c);

(e) What is the allocation of budget to the different channels? Discuss how content within each category for (a), (b)

and (c) contributes to the company’s goals?

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(f) Discuss key considerations in communicating content through various channels to audiences? What aspects are

most relevant and/or significant to the Indian consumer or Indian audiences? Why do you think so?

(g) Identify and discuss what is missing or could have been addressed better? Why?

Step Two: Each Team will specifically address and critically review the following aspects:

A. Advertising Management

Advertising Goals, Objectives and Strategy of the IMC campaign

Target audience

IMC-related success factors

Message theme/s

B. Advertising Design: Theoretical Frameworks and Types of Appeals

Identification and application of advertising design theories

Leverage points and taglines to study advertising effectiveness

Visual and verbal elements and images

Advertising appeals

C. Advertising Design: Message Strategies and Executional Frameworks

Type/s of message strategies

Type/s of executional frameworks

Type/s and characteristics of sources or spokespersons

Advertising effectiveness and principles

Social and cultural context

Step Three: Evaluation of the role of Integrated Marketing Communications


Each Team will describe and analyse the function and significance of Integrated

Marketing Communications (IMC) for the selected company.


The assignment must be organised as follows:

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(1) Introduction: Your Introduction must clearly identify the topic and outline the


(2) Literature Review: Your literature review should address (a) the significance of

advertising messages, theoretical frameworks and appeals and strategy in

marketing communications; (b) factors contributing towards a successful IMC

campaign; and (c) the role of IMC in Company-success.

(3) Methodology: This part will describe and include mode of sample selection;

please provide copies of print ads; URLs for selected advertisements; process of

content analysis (what content did you select; how did you categorise for

purposes of analysis; how did you evaluate); justification of steps

(4) Findings: All your research-related findings will come here. Please include

content-analysis in the form of tables/charts with clearly specified categories.

(5) Discussion and analysis on:

(a) Categorisations - the application of relevant theory and linkages with

academic literature;

(b) Advertising Management and Design (Theoretical Frameworks; Advertising

Strategy) - linkages with relevant theory and references to journal articles

mentioned under the literature review;

(c) Evaluation of IMC-success

(6) References (at least 20) - For the purposes of this assignment, you must include

a minimum of twenty references as sources of your information; majority must be

from peer reviewed scholarly journal articles (search on Google Scholar to find



Each team will turn in a maximum ten-page report (1.5 spaced, 12-point font, Ariel Narrow; exhibits extra) and

submit over email to [email protected] . This project report submissions are only in MSWORD format. Students are

not permitted to copy from websites and they will be penalized if found copying/lifting from the website (There will be

a plagiarism check). However, they can quote the source and accession at the end of the text. Maximum permissible

words will be 50 words in a sentence on continuous basis.

All word documents should be in standard report formats with required headings to make for easy reading. They

should be as per the above guidelines and on an A4 paper with 1-inch default margin. In general appendices and

tables do not count towards the page limit. Please use the tables and appendices in the report; otherwise the reader

would get the impression that there just there to add ‘weight’ to the report.

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The required text book for the course is (Clow, K.E., & Baack, D.E. (2014). Integrated Advertising, Promotion, and

Marketing Communications. 6th Edition. New Delhi: Pearson.

Chapters from this book are assigned as required readings in the class schedule below- I will assume that you have

done those readings when you come to the class. The lectures will take the book material as a starting point and

probe deeper into the issues- it will not regurgitate the book material. If something in the book is not clear to you,

please don’t hesitate to ask.

CLASS SCHEDULE (Each session is of 90 minutes’ duration)

Session No-1 Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC)

Objective of the session At the end of this session you will learn:

How communication takes place; what an integrated marketing

communications program is; trends affecting IMC; creating value; and the

IMC program.

Readings Chapter 1: Integrated Marketing Communications

Pedagogy Lecture/ class discussion

Session No-2 Corporate Image and Brand Management

Objective of the session At the end of this session you will learn:

How a corporate image affects consumers, other businesses, and the

company itself; and the elements involved in identifying, creating,

rejuvenating, or changing a corporation’s image; and the different types of

corporate names; and the characteristics of effective logos.

Readings Chapter 2: Corporate Image and Brand Management

Pedagogy Lecture/ class discussion

Session No-3 Buyer Behaviours

Objective of the session At the end of this session you will learn:

The elements involved in internal and external information searches by

consumers, as part of the purchase process; the three models that explain

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how individuals evaluate purchasing alternatives; and how roles played by

various members of the buying center and the factors that influence them

impact business purchases.

Readings Chapter 3: Buyer Behaviors

Case Title and Number Chap. 3 - Buyers Behaviours - The Choice or Choosing a Phone Company: pgs. 85-


Pedagogy Lecture/ class discussion/ group case presentation

Session No-4 The IMC Planning Process

Objective of the session At the end of this session you will learn:

How the marketing communication objectives interact with the other

elements of the IMC planning process; relationships between

communications expenditures and company sales; and other IMC

components that are selected as part of the IMC planning process, in

addition to advertising.

Readings Chapter 4: The IMC Planning Process

Case Title/ Number Chap. 4 - The IMC Planning Process - Platinum Motorcars: Market Segmentation and

Repeat Purchases or Bose: High-End Sound Reproduction pgs. 119-121

Pedagogy Lecture/ class discussion/ group case presentation

Session No-5 Advertising Management

Objective of the session At the end of this session you will learn:

How to review the role of advertising in IMC efforts; how to select an in-

house or external advertising agency; developing an advertising campaign

management strategy; and how to write a complete creative brief.

Readings Chapter 5: Advertising Management

Case Title and Number Chap. 5 - Advertising Management - Advertising Jeans to Teens or Name Your Hero:

pgs. 151-153

Pedagogy Lecture/ class discussion/ group case presentation

Session No-6 Advertising Design: Theoretical Frameworks and Types of Appeals

Objective of the session At the end of this session you will learn:

Advertising design theories; visual and verbal imaging; and advertising


Readings Chapter 6: Advertising Design: Theoretical frameworks and types of appeals

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Case Title/ Number Chap. 6 - Advertising Design: Theoretical Frameworks and Types of Appeals - Ecko

Enterprises Or Lighting Up Kindle: pgs. 183-185

Pedagogy Lecture/ class discussion/ group case presentation

Session No-7 & 8 Advertising Design: Message Strategies and Executional Frameworks

Objective of the session At the end of this session you will learn:

How the three main types of message strategies used to increase

advertising effectiveness; and the types of executional frameworks help to

deliver quality advertising messages.

Readings Chapter 7: Advertising Design: Message strategies and executional frameworks

Case Title and Number Chap. 7 - Advertising Design: Message Strategies and Executional Frameworks -

Peerless Marketing Or Black-Eyed Marketing: pgs. 217-219

Pedagogy Lecture/ class discussion/ group case presentation

Session No-9 Traditional Media Channels

Objective of the session At the end of this session you will learn:

What a media strategy is; the elements and individuals involved in media

planning; the advantages and disadvantages associated with each of the

traditional advertising media; and how the marketing team can use the media

mix to increase advertising effectiveness.

Readings Chapter 8: Traditional Media Channels

Case Title/ Number Chap. 8 - Traditional Media Channels - Domino’s Mea Culpa and “No” Campaigns Or

After Unleashing: pgs. 253 – 255

Pedagogy Lecture/ class discussion/ group case presentation

Session No-10 Digital Marketing & Database and Direct Response Marketing and Personal


Objective of the session At the end of this session you will learn:

What is digital marketing; how the transition to Web 4.0 has affected the field

of marketing communications; how online social networks, blogs, consumer-

generated reviews, e-mail, and viral marketing have become key

components of market communication programs; and the methods that can

be used to effectively employ product placements and branded


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Readings Chapter 9: Digital Marketing

Chapter 10: Database and Direct Response Marketing and Personal Selling

Case Title and Number Chap. 9 - Digital Marketing - Black Friday and Cyber Monday Or Bing Challenges

Google’s Search Engine Dominance: pgs. 287- 289

Chap. 10 - Database and Direct Response Marketing and Personal Selling - The

Travel Agency Dilemma Or Anheuser-Busch: Database Marketing and Personal

Selling: pgs. 321-323

Pedagogy Lecture/ class discussion/ group case presentation

Session No-11 Sales Promotions

Objective of the session At the end of this session you will learn:

The differences between consumer and trade promotions; and how various

forms of consumer promotions help to pull consumers into the stores and

push products onto the store shelves.

Readings Chapter 11: Sales promotions

Case Title and Number Chap. 11 - Sales Promotions - Marketing Sports Equipment Or Newman’s Own

Organics: Sales Promotions and Retail Relationships: pgs. 351-353

Pedagogy Lecture/ class discussion/ group case presentation

Session No-12 Public Relations and Sponsorship Programs

Objective of the session At the end of this session you will learn:

The relationships that exist between public relations and the marketing

activities performed by the company; and what types of positive, image-

building programs are used by companies as part of a public relations


Readings Chapter 12: Public relations and sponsorship programs

Case Title/ Number Chap. 12 - Public Relations and Sponsorship Programs - Olive Garden: Meet the Girls

Next Door Or New Drug Faces Public Relations and Marketing Challenges: pgs. 381-


Pedagogy Lecture/ class discussion/ group case presentation

Session No-13 Regulations and Ethical Concerns

Objective of the session At the end of this session you will learn:

Which agencies and laws regulate marketing communications; the

relationships between puffery, deception, and substantiation; legal remedies

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that can be used to correct deceptive communications practices; and how

major industry regulatory agencies help keep advertising and business

practices from injuring customers or other businesses.

Readings Chapter 13: Regulations and ethical concerns

Case Title and Number Chap. 13 - Regulations and Ethical Concerns - A Salty Situation Or Assessing Smart

Choices: pgs. 411-413

Pedagogy Lecture/ class discussion/ group case presentation

Session No-14 Evaluating and Integrated Marketing Program

Objective of the session At the end of this session you will learn:

The three broad categories of evaluation tools used to evaluate IMC

systems; how marketing teams match evaluation methods with IMC

objectives; and the forms of message evaluations conducted to assess IMC


Readings Chapter 14: Evaluating an integrated marketing mix

Case Title/ Number Chap. 14 - Evaluating an Integrated Marketing Program - Spych Market Analytics Or

Hanes: Evaluation and Brand Loyalty: pgs. 440 – 443

Pedagogy Lecture/ class discussion/ group case presentation

Session No-15 Course Revision

Pedagogy Lecture/ class discussion


Please see the case study presentation schedule allocated by the lecturer.

The delivery deadline for the team-based IMC Written Project is: end of class Session 10