SHISHUR SHISHUR SHISHUR Delhi Public School, Srinagar Newsletter Jun-Dec 2014 Vol. No. Patron: : 3 : 2 // Jun - Dec 2014 // Mrs. Kusam Warikoo Delhi Public School, Athwajan, Srinagar - 190004, J&K 0194 2467286, 2467550 www.dpssrinagar.com [email protected]

May Dec 2014

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SHISHUR Newsletter of Delhi Public School, Srinagar.

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SHISHURSHISHURSHISHURDelhi Public School, Srinagar

Newsletter Jun-Dec 2014

Vol. No. Patron:: 3 : 2 // Jun - Dec 2014 // Mrs. Kusam Warikoo

Delhi Public School, Athwajan, Srinagar - 190004, J&K

0194 2467286, 2467550 www.dpssrinagar.com [email protected]

Nukkad Natak'Smoking thrills but it kills�

In continuation with observing 'No Tobacco Week', students of class VII performed a 'Nukkad-Natak' in the school ground. Students performed di�erent scenes depicting the harmful e�ects of tobacco

on smokers and non-smokers as well. �ey also depicted the scenes of how families get disturbed and destroyed due to smoking. �eir powerful performances helped in conveying the strong message of �No Tobacco� with many students applauding their e�orts.

Language ExhibitionLanguage is the soul of thoughts. Language shapes the way we think and determines what we can think. It is the most powerful means of communication and an integral part of being human.

D.P.S has always tried to produce creativity among its young learners through various scholastic and co-scholastic activities .It always takes the initiative to provide a platform to students so that they can exhibit their creative talents in various �elds.

thIn this regard on 5 June 2014 the school organized a four language exhibition that are taught in the school ( i.e. English, Urdu, Kashmiri

rd thand Hindi), wherein students of 3 to 5 exhibited their creative skills in the form of creating beautiful magazines, Haiku poems, book covers ,newspapers, stories ,jokes . �ey had been working for the exhibition since April, 2014 along with the concerned teachers i.e. English faculty-Ms Saika, Ms Nazia, Ms Nasreen ,Ms Haviya, Ms Shabiya and Ms Rukhsana; Hindi faculty-Ms Shaheen, Ms Gurmeet and Ms Nitika; Urdu faculty-Ms Masarat, Ms Ruhi, Mr Sartaj, Ms Soleha and Ms Sameena and Kashmiri faculty-Ms Shazia and Ms Hanifa. All their e�orts were displayed in the school's- Amphi-theatre. �e children were highly appreciated by the chief guests of the event i.e Mr Vijay Dhar, Mrs Kiran Dhar and the school Principal, Mrs Kusam Warikoo. �ey were impressed by the hard work put in by the students. �e main attraction of the event were the puppet show, English poems sung by students, Ladisha, (i.e.

Kashmiri satire), collage making etc.

“Tiny Tots celebrates Kashmir Day

JANNAT – E – BENAZIR”�Agar Firdaus bar roo-e zameen ast, hameen ast-o,hameen ast -o,hameen ast�.

which means

�If there is a paradise on earth, it is this, it is this, it is this�.

Kashmir Day was observed by the students of L.K.G -II with great enthusiasm on 6th of June 2014. Students were brimming with

excitement while experiencing the rich cultural heritage of their state through a programme which featured WANWUN, raps, PRAYER, LAADI SHAH, PUPPET raps (on the theme : Unity and Love for our language), SONGS.

�e celebration started with a speech by Ms Asifa who stressed on inculcating more Kashmiri Culture among the students. It was followed by traditional Wanwun written by Ms.Mahjabeen Zaki. �e

little ones also joined in while the teachers were singing.�e next performance was the Kalaam of our great Su� poet � �Mehjoor �

............ Sahiboo Saath Chem Me Chani ����.

Rubaani of class II presented the Laadi Shah ( Satire) making interesting observations on ones own . Students were enthralled by the lively puppet show which gave a message to speak in our Kashmiri Language. It was a delightful assembly which once again reminded us about the culture and traditions of Kashmir.

Work Experience Class XII�e school organized a 'Work Experience� week for Class XII to expose them to di�erent vocations and the �ne arts in order to gain a more holistic education. �e following were the various categories in which the students participated:


Delhi Public School, Srinagar


Papier Machie Wicker Work Pottery Art Carpentry Cooking �eatre Gardening Music Information Technology

�e students were provided with the resource persons who guided them in the minute details of the respective arts.

�e 'papier machie' club came up with beautiful products such as balls, glasses, plates table, �ower vases, etc and in the process learnt the technique of producing papier machie products.

�e students also created wonderful wicker products like dust-bins, �ower vases, pen holders, baskets of di�erent shapes and sizes, etc. �e end result was beautifully woven, and intricately designed wicker products.

Clay products such as clay pots, candle- holders, etc �nely painted with exquisite designs by the artists of the Art Club were also made. �ey also painted abstract and realistic paintings.

A variety of wooden models such as a stadium, Ei�el Tower, beach chair, etc were crafted by the students in the course of the workshop.

Delicious baked food items, di�erent kinds of pies were what the 'Cooking Club' came up with. It was like an appetizing tour of di�erent cuisines of the world.

�e �eatre Club turned out to be a great success as students came up with a play depicting a very important social message �Stop Bullying�. �eir performances were highly appreciated by the audience.

�e Gardening Club experimented with various techniques of planting trees and taking care of them. �ey also learnt about the di�erent seasonal �owers and maintained the �ower beds of the school very elegantly.

�e students of the Music Club prepared a beautiful Kashmiri song written by Samad Mir. �ey were highly appreciated for the melodious composition.

�ose with the IT Club participated in a workshop in which they

learnt about being up to date with the growing demand of technology.

Later, the students exhibited their �nished products in the Indoor Stadium on 30 May 2014 where their e�orts and creativity was appreciated by the management, sta�, students and parents alike.

Anti-tobacco rally held by DipsitesEvery year tobacco causes thousands of deaths across the world. �e governments of di�erent countries of the world take various measures to reduce its menace. Notwithstanding, a good deal of sincere e�orts are to be taken to make this planet free from tobacco menace. �e International Anti-Tobacco Day is observed on 31st May to remind

ourselves about the same. Delhi Public School, Srinagar observed the same day on 29th May 2014 not only to observe but to pledge to seriously think and to prevent the young ones from this menace.

�e rally started from GPO (General Post O�ce), Polo View via a Clock Tower up to a College of Education M.A. Road Srinagar. It was a peaceful rally where the students whole heartedly identi�ed with the menace that tobacco consumption has become and decided to continue with the same spirit in future as well.

Literary Meet – The Power of WordsA literary meet was held on the 3rd June, 2014 in the school A.V. room. �is was initiated by the +2 English faculty primarily to acquaint the class XII students with the eminent and the promoting writers of the Valley. It was a day-long session with a question-answer session. �is meet ��e Power of Words� was graced by Mr. G.R.

Malik, Naseem Shifai, Deeba Nazir, and Huzaiw�a Pandit. �e audience was spell bound with their narrations. �ese were moments of intensity broken by the hiatus of humour. Mr. Malik spoke about translations saying that they were impossible but a must. He said that translating anything is like taking dew drops from leaves which disintegrate immediately. Naseem Shifai expressed an urgency to preserve Kashmiri literature. Her presence and oratory skills

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mesmerized the young audience. Deeba Nazir's short story 'Chandav' brought tears to many eyes. Huzaiw�a Pandit spoke about the necessity of blank verse to create spontaneity in poetry. �e students applauded his unconventional views.

�e session generated a lot pride in the hearts of the youngsters. It has left indelible impressions on their minds. We hope this meet will be a prelude to many more in the near future.

Intra-School DebateAn Intra-School Debate was held on 4 June 2014 within the premises of DPS, Srinagar. �e motion of the debate was: �Raise your Voice, not the Sea Level� given by the United Nations Environment Programme for this year's World Environment Day, which is celebrated on 5 June every year. �e total number of students who

participated in the debate was 26. Among the 26 participants the three participants who bagged the top three positions were:

Azif 5 F [1st position]

Aalima 5 E [2nd position]

Furqana 5 F [3rd position]

�e three position holders will be presented with Gold, Silver and Bronze medals along with the merit certi�cates.

Trekking to Gulmarg by Class 4th�Never measure the height of a mountain until you have reached the top. �en you will see how low it was.�

DPS has always tried to inculcate the spirit of adventure among the students. It believes in propagating adventure spirit and zeal for the outdoors at the elementary level and exposing children to the beauty of nature for their wholesome development. Outdoor group activities and nature consciousness have an innate advantage in moulding a child's character. On 9 June, 2014 the second group of students left for trekking. �e trekking started with enthusiastic students arriving

promptly at 8:00 am with their equally enthusiastic parents. Seeing the students entering the amphitheatre with their baggage was exhilirating enough in its own way.

97 students with 58 boys and 39 girls of DPS participated in the trekking. �e group was being led by Mr Tajendar, Ms Nasreen Qadir, Ms Tawheeda, Ms Aliya, Ms Rukhsana, Mr Bilal Mr Srivastav & Mr Rana.

�e participants left the school at 9:00 am in 4 buses along with the teachers and reached the destination at 4:00 pm. �e lodging was given by the IISM, Gulmarg. Students arranged their belongings in the rooms and got fresh, and then they proceeded to the canteen area for lunch. After lunch, they got ready for a light trek to Tiger Valley. �ey woke up next day and went for a morning walk and exercise. �ey were also taken to (Khilanmarg Glacier). In the evening they had a cultural programme and the chief guest of the programme was Principal, IISM, Col. J. S. Dennel. He interacted with the students & teachers and appreciated the school management for providing students with the opportunities to develop leadership qualities among them. �e students were surprised when they were invited to a camp�re.

�e next day they were taken to KANCHENJUNGA MUSEUM where they were informed about the various adventure sports and the tools and equipments needed for the same. After exploring the museum, the students were taken to the Amusement Park where they had a lot of fun and frolic. �en they were taken back to IISM for lunch and afterwards were instructed to pack their belongings for the return journey.

Parents fetched their wards from the school at around 7:00 pm. �ey were pleased to see the children with full of sweet memories of the camp.

rdParent Teacher Meet for Classes 3 to th

5On 14th June, 2014 it was the second PTM of Classes 3rd to 5th. Work done by children for the language exhibition which included

all four languages i.e English, Hindi, Urdu and Kashmiri, was displayed on the occasion. All the parents appreciated the work of the children.

Eye Check-up CampIn continuation with our Health Care Programme, DPS Srinagar organized an eye check up camp for Class 2nd students. Dr. Imtiyaz Lone, Asst Professor Ophthalmology Dept, SKIMS MC Bemina Sgr along with his team screened around 280 students for visual acuity. Few of our students were found to have defective vision and their parents were informed about it through Campus Manager.

Delhi Public School, Srinagar


Awareness programme on First Aid

& Common EmergenciesOn 21st June, our school was visited by Dr Shamim A Bhat, Consultant, Emergency Medicine KFMC Riyadh. He had a session with class 10th students where he discussed common medical

emergencies including demonstration of CPR, management of burns, epistaxis, drowning and poisoning. He also had a session with our SEN Dept where he discussed the management of epileptic �ts.


Fun! Fun! Fun!

Here some Fun , �ere some Fun , Everywhere Lots of Fun �����..

It was a fun and frolic morning for the blooming buds of L.K.G to II as they set o� for their school picnic. It was a pleasure to behold the youngsters in a jolly mood ,with the brightest of smiles on their

cherubic faces.

Harvan (LKG and UKG) and Shalimar (1 and 2) buzzed with laughter and excitement as they played to their heart's content, singing songs, racing one another. When asked about the picnic, children informed us that they had enjoyed themselves a lot.

Indeed the picnic broke the mundane routine, refreshed the mind of youngsters and replenished their energy.

Dipsites shine in Open School

ExaminationOpen School- A ray of hope for the students who believe in 'I can't learn the way you teach, can you teach me the way I learn?'

Education in today's world has changed the de�nition of regular schooling. It has opened new windows for students who �nd it hard to cope with the regular school. Earlier such students development got arrested or they were not allowed to be in the school premises but today to overcome these loop holes, education has given birth to a new system; perhaps not quite famous with the schools and parents but a new ray of hope in transforming lives. Open school is that kind of schooling in which a candidate can qualify his particular class in �ve years. �e school management took an initiative to introduce open schooling for the students with the special needs. In the year

2013, the SEN department introduced National Institute of Open School (NIOS) to the parents of those students who have special needs through a PowerPoint Presentation. �ree parents opted to register their wards in the NIOS- namely Arsalan Ali for class 10th, Ayan Parvaz and Yawar Abbas for class 8th. School provided full support to these students as far as the teaching learning process was concerned. First achievement which the school has achieved in the month of June 2014 is that two of our students have successfully quali�ed their 8th grade examinations in one go with all the �ve subjects. �e school wishes them a beautiful and bright future ahead.

Trekking to Gulmarg by class V��e purpose of life is to live it, to taste and experience it to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience�

DPS, Srinagar has always tried to inculcate the spirit of adventure among the students. It believes that propagating adventure and similar activities at the elementary level and exposing them to its thrills would bring them closer to nature. Outbound group activities and nature consciousness have an innate advantage in moulding a child's character.

On 12 June, 2014 the third group of students left for a trekking expedition. �e trekking started with enthusiastic students arriving promptly at 8:00 am with their equally enthusiastic parents. Seeing the students entering the Amphi �eatre with their baggage was a view to watch.

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Over 94 students with 69 boys including 25 girls of DPS participated in the trekking. �e group was being led by Mr. Tajendar, Ms Sheema , Ms Shabia , Ms Soliya and Mr Sartaj.

�e participants left the school at 9:00 am in 4 buses along with the teachers and reached the destination at 11:30 pm. �e lodging was given by the IISM, Gulmarg. After unpacking, the students were given refreshments and then they proceeded to the canteen area for lunch. After lunch, they got ready for a light trek to Babareshe � a spiritual shrine attracting all faiths. �e next day they proceeded for a morning walk and exercise. �ey were also taken to (Khilanmarg Glacier) for some fun and frolic in the snow. In the evening they had a cultural programme and the chief guest of the programme was

Principal IISM, Col. J. S. Dennel. He interacted with the students & teachers and appreciated the school management for providing students with the opportunities to develop leadership qualities among them. �e students were surprised when they were invited to a camp�re.

Next day, they were taken to KANCHENJUNGA MUSEUM where they were informed about the various adventure sports and the tools and equipment needed for the same. After exploring the museum, the students were taken back to IISM where they had lunch, following which they were instructed to pack their belongings and prepare for the return journey. Parents fetched their wards from the school around 6:00 pm with full of sweet memories of the camp.

Language Exhibition VI-VIII�Language is an anonymous, collective and unconscious ART; the result of the creativity of thousands of generations.�

A Language Exhibition was held on 27th June, 2014. Students had set up stalls depicting di�erent languages like Urdu, English, Kashmiri, Hindi and Arabic.

�e programme was thrown open with a welcome speech (Kashmiri) followed by a dance performance. Students exhibited beautifully crafted book-covers, bookmarks, class magazines, collages, newsletters, Haiku trees, phrases, vocabulary, self written poems, short stories, etc. �ey also sang jingles passing beautiful messages. Di�erent games were also kept available for others to play like

scrabble, puzzles, etc. Scenes were performed from famous plays like Othello, Hamlet, Merchant of Venice (English), Shiekh Chilli (Urdu), Andher Nagri Chaupat Raja (Hindi). Many of them also enacted the roles of famous writers like Stephny Mayor, Sarojini Naidu, J.K. Rowling, Ruskin Bond, Charlotte Bronte, etc. Di�erent antiques depicting the culture of Kashmir Valley were also exhibited by students wearing traditional dresses. �ey also recited beautiful poetry in the Musshaira.

�e work of the students was highly appreciated by the Vice Chairman Mr. Vijay Dhar, the Administrator Ms. Poonam Bhan, the incharges of all the wings, the sta� and their peers.

Celebration of Fruit and Vegetable

DayFUN TIME!!!!!!!!!!

With an objective to create and educate children about the importance and consumption of fruits and vegetables in regular diet, the youngsters from class L.K.G and U.K.G celebrated Fruit and Vegetable Day.

Teachers had created interesting and simple stories on encouraging children to have vegetables and fruits in their meals. �e teachers also explained the importance of fruits and vegetables intake in diet for mental and physical growth. �e Tiny Tots also learned more about

the taste, smell, colour and texture of each fruit and vegetable. Children clearly understood the importance of washing the fruits and vegetables before eating or cooking and about the bene�ts of eating fresh fruits and vegetables. Children and teachers sang the fruit and vegetable rhyme with great zest, enthusiasm and vigour, enjoying the moments of joy and happiness on this special day.

All the children were found to be quite thrilled and agreed to the fact that vegetables and fruits are better than junk food������

US Student Exchange Programme –

Haziq Ahmad Qari & Asar Lone

share their experiences�Living away from home, on the other side of the world, has in�uenced me in ways that will live with me for life. Since living in the United States for one year I have come out of my shell, so as to say; I'm much less shy! I've become more independent, and con�dent of myself and the choices I make, and I've learned to take in everything as it comes, and not to judge things by their �rst impression, which I didn't necessarily do before my exchange. Experiencing a di�erent culture, a di�erent lifestyle, and a di�erent language has changed my perception of life. I am so much more aware of the world now, and as I am back, I can't wait to share all of my new knowledge with the people around me. Studying in the US was a very personal and a

Delhi Public School, Srinagar


collaborative experience. Also being outside of your comfort zone is a scary thing, but I've realized now that really it is just an opportunity to try new things. Student exchanges are very important and should be encouraged. I hope more and more exchanges happen in the coming years.�

Haziq Ahmad Qari

�My exchange year in America was a phenomenal learning experience. I gained a broader perspective of cultural di�erences and how to live in peace with them. I hope I can apply whatever I have learnt in US and apply it in my personal life and society and move more towards progress.�

Student Exchange Programme to Shri

Ram Ananta Aspen leadership

School�e Shri Ram Ananta Aspen Leadership School.

A two week residential programme at Camp Panther, Snow Leopard Adventures by the Ganges at Rishikesh. �e Shri Ram Ananta Aspen leadership School started this year with an opening ceremony on 18 May, 2014 at �e Shri Ram School, Aravalli and the closing ceremony was on 31 May, 2014 at the same venue. Two students of our school: �Madiha Batool� Class 10A and �Mir Irtiza Latief � Class 11 A1 graduated from �e Shri Ram Ananta Aspen leadership School this year. �is programme helps to train leaders of tomorrow. It made them independant as here they had to come out from their comfort zone. �e students had many activities to perform which helped them to unleash the leader within, and to give rise to some new leadership qualities. In order to give bene�ts to people, a leader needs to be

healthy. So, they had Acro Yoga which helped to bridge the gap between revolution and evolution. Socratic dialogue gave rise to leadership qualities like: reason and judgement. It made them understand that everybody gets a di�erent meaning for something and most of the times they are all correct. It made them respect each other's decisions. Communication skills made the students use the vowel sounds correctly. It gave them more con�dence which helped the children to speak whatever they feel about a particular situation

without being self conscious. Adventure sports made the students confront their fears- nay, embrace them and eventually they found that they could conquer them. Silent hour made them think about themselves and how a particular thing makes them feel. it helped them to discover their own self. At the end the children had to choose a leadership project which they thought could really bring a change in the world.

Leadership is a continuous process but TSALS has broken it down into �ve steps to make it exciting, engaging, and evocative to all senses for young adults.

Painting and Photo ExhibitionFine Arts club DPS Srinagar organised a grand show of paintings and photographs �INCEPTION� the wave of colours, in which 20 reputed schools of the valley participated and displayed their artistic talent in the form of paintings and photographs. �e main purpose of the exhibition was to provide an artistic platform for the young

budding artists. Exhibition was inaugurated by the Principal Mrs. Kusam Warikoo. Artistic sessions were conducted with famous artists of Kashmir like Masood Hussain, Aftab Ahmad, Showkat Kathjoo and Ehtisham Azhar. Students thoroughly enjoyed the sessions with artists and shared their personal experiences. Mr. Asif Iqbal coordinated the event.

Planet Harmony ProjectPlanet Harmony is a project that intends to help students from a�ected areas build around themselves an environment conducive to amity, integrity & development. �is project plans to identify students (between 15 � 18 years) & teachers from disturbed areas of our country and get them a host/ buddy in the National Capital Region (Delhi). �e buddies and host families are carefully selected and sensitized. It intends to bring the J&K, Northeast and Jharkhand students to Delhi and their buddies host the visitors while they are in

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Planet Harmony devised Snow Leopard Adventure Camp, which is a scenic, safe and secure location, a programme similar to the one run by Aspen Global Leadership School. Planet Harmony also has a post-program 'project' component and a follow-up component. �e project will have to further the programme credo 'From Con�ict to Harmony' and Project Harmony plans to give visiting participants an education grant once they start their project. During the program, the faculty emphasizes on value-based leadership development and will encourage participants to be thinking citizen volunteers. �e project intends to help them build around themselves an environment conducive to amity, integrity & development. �e credo of Planet Harmony is 'From Con�ict to Harmony'.

Ajeet Bajaj, a fellow of the Aspen Global Leadership Network, launched Planet Harmony by Ananta Aspen Centre (earlier known as the Aspen Global Leadership School).

Delhi Public School sent a team of students along with escort teachers to the Snow Leopard Adventure Camp for a week. �ey assembled at Modern School, Barakhamba Road and there the buddies met their charges and took them for sightseeing of Delhi along with a guide. From June 1 to June 10, every conceivable activity for the enhancement of their cultural growth and experience was devised for the team from J&K. From sightseeing to experiencing and cooking continental cuisines, as well as adventure sports with ice-breaking activities and movie watching in Camp Panther, they were shown warm hospitality and genuine camaraderie.

Some of the participants had this to say about their experiences:

Participant 1:

�My experience of going to this programme i.e. PLANET HARMONY was a life time experience. Here I tried all those things which I had never tried before like rafting and zip lining. At this programme I was able to overcome all my fears like water phobia, fear of heights and stage fright. Although I was very scared before facing all my fears but still I was the �rst to attempt all those activities because I wanted to see whether my fear was stronger than me. Here I was also able to know about other cultures and traditions as well as the things that other people from di�erent con�icted areas face and relate them with that of ours. When we went to the orphanage where children whose parents were su�ering from a disease called �leprosy� were living, it was really inspiring to see them living in this condition. My exposure to this environment truly developed a global sense in me.�

Participant 2:

�At the end of the programme we were asked to opt for an individual project which would contribute to peace and harmony. So the idea that I came up with was to start this programme in our school and spread it all over Kashmir. �is initiative of mine will include a weakly club and an annual festival in which we would have activities like poster making, discussions, skits, and campaigns promoting peace. For promoting this program all over Kashmir we can also invite other schools and the local Kashmiris through invitations and newspaper advertisements. I would de�nitely need the support of my family, my school and Planet Harmony. I hope you all agree with me and will support me to make Kashmir a better and a peaceful place to live in.�

Delhi Public School continues to work for the development of the holistic development of the young generation through exchange programmes and adventure camps.

Letters for teachers from the Hon'ble

Minister of HRD appreciating their

role as model academicians.

Letters for teachers from the Hon'ble Minister of Human Resource Development appreciating their role as a model academicians.


It is with the great pride and joy I o�er you my heartiest congratulations on the stellar performance of your students in the Secondary School Examination Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE).I �rmly believe that it is the teacher that plays the most critical role in in�uencing the minds and personalities of young students, enabling them to discover their talents and preparing them to succeed in any challenge they undertake.

I thank you for your commitment and dedication, and salute your e�orts to positively in�uence the next generation which will take our country to new heights. I look forward to working with you to ensure that the culture of excellence and innovation that you exemplify becomes synonymous with education in India.

Student Exchange ProgrammeDPS Assam students & teachers visited our school and interacted with our students and teachers. Students also visited di�erent picnic spots. Students also visited Chief Minister Omar Abdullah�s residence and shared their experiences with the CM.

Delhi Public School, Srinagar


Governor N N Vohra inaugurates –

To Our Roots Art ExhibitionSEMINAR AND EXIBITITION OF J&K ARTISTS AT D.P. Dhar Memorial Trust, Srinagar (30th July-5th August 2014) curated by Mr Veer Munshi, inaugurated by Governor of state Sri N.N Vohra, supported by chairman Shri Vijay Dhar, Smt Kiran Dhar, Madam Kusam Warikoo Principal DPS School. Co-ordinated by Ms Shama Sondhi.

Participating Artists

Zahoor Zargar, Rajinder Tiku, Masood Hussain, M.A.Mehboob, Shama Sondhi, Shabir Mirza, Bushan Koul, Aftab Ahmad, A.K Raina, Vijay Meenagi, Shaiqa Mohi, Veer Munshi, Gokul Dembi, A.K.Raina , M.K.Bhat and Lalit Gupta.

Curators Note

Indeed it has been an enriching experience for all of us to work here for past one week.

�ough all of us have been participating in such activities time and again, yet �To our Roots� was entirely di�erent in its purpose and structure. �e main and basic purpose of the event was to bring together the artists of the valley who unfortunately have been living elsewhere in the country and those who have been staying here. It also provides us an occasion to be together and share our memories, agonies and ecstasies.

At this point I feel it pertains to express that it is very important for us

to put together the history of our recent past in general and that of development of visual arts in our state in particular. �rough this event, we have together taken a step in this direction.

I thoroughly feel, that for us who have been culturally profound and rich it is even more important to preserve our heritage and pass it on to our coming generations.

It is very important for all of us, the cultural professionals to make focused e�orts in the mentioned direction and also for the state to provide us possible o�cial support.

We are dreaming for an inclusive and dynamic cultural space here in the valley.

I may also like to thankfully mention, that at a place, where institutions like D.P Dhar Memorial Trust, are already engaged in serious patronage of cultural activities in general and visual arts in particular, it may not be di�cult for us to together realize our dream.

Snapshots PTM (LKG – V)

Morning assembly III – VDelhi Public School, Athwajan Srinagar Organised various Eco events related to this year's World Environment Day, whose themes were designed by the United Nations. One of them was Essay Competition with the theme �SPARROW: A BEAUTIFUL AND

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SOCIAL BIRD� in which all the students of class IV (including all sections) participated. After the competition was held, three students who were declared as �rst three top rankers were: First Position: Shunnarah Sha� class IV 'A', Second Position: Illasa Class IV 'D' and �ird position Fariha IV 'G'.

All the three winners of the competition were felicitated with medals and certi�cates during the school assembly held on 14th August 2014.

Special Independence Day AssemblyTiny Tots Special Independence Day Assembly

�e Tiny Tots Wing was ablaze with the colours of the National Flag as the theme 'My Country' was being observed with joy, fervour and great enthusiasm.

�e same could be seen in a special assembly conducted to make Independence Day celebrations. Our very con�dent anchors Aisha Khan and Jawaad Bazaz of class II told the gathering of how our country got Independence. �e young audience sat engrossed while our puppets regaled them about how we procured Independence by Non � Violent means. Students dressed up as Mahatma Gandhi, Bhagat Singh, Laxmi Bhai and Jawahar Lal Nehru made the young ones more aware of our National Leaders. �e National Emblems

Lotus, Mango, Tiger, Peacock and Currency were beautifully depicted by students dressed up in costumes made by the art teachers �-Ulfat and Amina. Children sang the songs �Hindustan Hindustan� in Kashmiri composed by Ms. Mehjabeen Zaki; music by Jahangir and Amina Akhtar and performed the action song �Bharat Maa Kay Bache Hum� composed by Ms. Prem Gaind which set the mood for the day. �e assembly ended with students singing the National Anthem.

III � V Special Independence Day Assembly

IX � X Special Independence Day Assembly

Students visit SPS MuseumVisit to SPS museum was decided by EVS teachers for which they had set following objectives.

To integrate education with recreation.

To familiarize students with the culture of ancient Kashmir, Ladakh , Jammu etc

To develop a sense of responsibility among students regarding taking care of the things and being a keen observer.

To enable students to develop love for their culture, heritage and community.

All the EVS teachers went to their respective classes and sensitized the students about the purpose of the visit and the discipline they are supposed to maintain throughout the visit.

We took a round of the di�erent sections of the museum and explained them about various things e.g. Manuscript, weapons, textiles, paintings etc.

After the visit worksheets already prepared during the summer break by EVS faculty were provided to the students.

On spot assessment about their observation was done by providing a questionnaire.

Dipsites participated in The Doon

School Model United Nations

Conference (DSMUN)Four students from our school participated in one of the most prestigious c o n f e r e n c e s o f t h e c o u n t r y, � e D o o n School Model United Nations Conference (DSMUN) at the Doon

Delhi Public School, Srinagar


School, Dehradun. �ese were:

Group 1

Haaika Galib (XII C2)

Kashaf-ul-Khair (XII B2)

Group 2

Nazrah Altaf Shah (XII D)

Sheena Kour Oberoi (XII C1)

�ey were assigned two committees Historic General Assembly and NATO-SCO 2020, in which they represented IRAN & TAJIKISTAN respectively. �ey participated in the programme with a lot of vigour and enthusiasm. Both the groups performed well and got their resolutions passed in the committee. �ey learned about diplomatic resolutions among nations, giving solutions to crisis situations and more importantly standing up for what they believe in and to convincing others about the same.

Jungle CampDelhi Public School, Srinagar organised its �rst jungle camp for VI- VIII which was held from 21st August to 23rd August at Aru, Pahalgam, in which 60 students and seven sta� members participated. �e camp started its journey at 7o'clock in the morning from school premises. �e students were enthusiastic about the camp and were wondering as to what will happen in coming three days.

We reached the base camp at around 10:30 am. �e students were provided with breakfast and then were briefed and instructed about the rules and regulations being followed by them in the coming days. �en the students were asked to settle their belongings in the tents and after the lunch was provided, were asked to take some rest.

It was around 3 o'clock when trekking started from base camp to Green Top Aru. It was the �rst experience and the adventures for the students as well as for the sta� members. Later in the evening a cultural programme was organised.

�e next day began with the morning assembly at 7 am and after the completion of the assembly students were taken for a morning walk and then were provided with breakfast. After the completion of breakfast the students were taken for trekking to Lidderwath. �rough dense forest which was thrilling, adventures. While travelling through the jungles students learnt how to walk and climb through jungles and steep, slippery slopes. It was really a tremendous experience. In the evening camp �re was organised in which students were over enthusiastic and expressed their feeling by singing and dancing around the �re.

�e last day of the camp had a morning assembly followed by morning walk and then breakfast. Later the students were taken for horse riding. �en the students were asked to pack their belongings and camp was called o�.

�e students boarded the buses and forwarded towards the Pahalgam. While in Pahalgam students were taken to the Zoo where they spotted some endangered animals like deer, bear, leopard ,etc

After the completion of lunch at Pahalgam, the camp headed towards the school with great experience and with a hope that similar camps will be organised in the near future.

Delegates from DPS Srinagar

participated in Bhavan Vidyalaya

Chandigarh Model United Nations

Conference-2014�e Model United Nation Conference is a forum which simulates the working and functioning of the United Nations and acts as a learning platform for students. �e Students represent di�erent nations as International diplomats. �e Young Diplomats exhibit their depth of knowledge, vocal powers, negotiation etc. �e Motto behind this is to make a student a Global Student.

Bhavan Vidyalaya (BV) Chandigarh organized Model United Nation (MUN) 2014 under the theme of Ad Astra Per Adversa-�e Urge To Surge.

A team, consisted of seven members of the Delhi Public School; two escorted teachers, Mr. Muza�ar Ahmad Bhat and Mr. Manzoor Ahmad Mir, and �ve students, Mehvish Wani (11th ), Muskaan Shafat (10th G), Naysan Arif (10th G), Sai�an (10th F) and Sibti Abass (9th D) went to MUN (Model United Nations) organised by the Bhavan Vidyalaya Chandigarh.

On 1st August, the assembly started with the lighting of the lamp by the honourable chief guest, the trustee of the BV and the Principal of BV with a teacher of the school reciting the religious hymn to get showers of heavenly blessings. �e song was sung by the choir group of the school in perfect melodious voice that was putting forward the fact that the world is home to all the people, there needs to be peace as suggested by the think tanks of the country like Rabindra Nath Tagore. �e song's lyrics were the writings of Tagore and the last stanza was the writing of the teacher of the school. �e dance depicted contemporary art that the earth with its entire people was a safe and a peaceful place, and is now disturbed by negative and heart trembling in�uences.

�e best part of the assembly was the presentation prepared by two students of the BV. �e presentation put forward the condition of children in armed con�ict in countries like Syria, Egypt and Afghanistan, as videos that spoke volumes about the brutality all around the world.

After the assembly, the conference started and the delegates went to their respective committees to debate on the issues of the world. �e

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�ve delegates (DPS team) were given �ve di�erent countries or committees. �e delegates were now formally introduced to the rules and functioning of their respective committees. �ere were a total of 2 sessions held which were divided by the lunch break in which delegates met each other. �e �rst day was very amazing and the students realized that their counterparts were better researched and already experienced the same many times. Next two days, 2nd and 3rd August, the contingent of our school gained a lot of con�dence and developed international understanding.

Dipsites won RBI Quiz CompetitionMehveen Ajaz � 11th D and Fahad Nehvi � 11h C2 of our school won the City Round of the second RBI Quiz Competition. �e two winners will now be competing in the Zonal Finals of RBIQ to be held at New Delhi on November 7, 2014. More than 70 teams from di�erent schools of Kashmir Province participated in the Preliminary Round of the Quiz. Out of these, the six teams that reached the Quarter Final stage are: Delhi Public School, Athwajan, Srinagar, Lawrence Vidya Bhawan, Kursoo, Rajbagh, Government Boys Higher Secondary School, Ganderbal, Burnhall Higher Secondary School, Gupkar Road, Fayaz Educational Institute, Nowgam and Minto Circle School, Allochi Bagh. Speaking on the occasion, D P Sharma, General Manager, RBI said that the RBIQ was being organized with a view to create awareness and interest about the history and role of RBI, banking, �nance, other banking institutions, economics, current a�airs, personalities and events that have contributed to the growth and progress of the country over the years.

RBIQ is aimed at connecting RBI and the young student community enrolled in schools across the country and achieve extensive dissemination of �nancial literacy, he added. It also provides an opportunity for recognizing and encouraging bright young students on a national platform.

He said that RBIQ is being held at 61 locations across the country and Srinagar has been chosen as one of the locations for the second time. RBIQ- 2014 was organized at Jammu on August 20, 2014. Farooq Ahmed Shah, District Development Commissioner, Srinagar was the Chief Guest on the occasion. In his address, he emphasized the importance of education and said that such events help in broadening the mental horizons of the students. He complimented Reserve Bank of India for holding the quiz programme at Srinagar. He also underlined the importance of �nancial inclusion and said that the young generation has to play a very signi�cant role in achieving the goal of 100% �nancial inclusion in the country. Shaheen Altaf, Principal, Government College for Women, M A Road also spoke on the occasion and urged the students to participate in such programmes in order to keep themselves abreast with the latest happenings across the world. Dr Ashish, Quizmaster, conducted the Quiz. Finally prizes were given away to the winners and all the quarter �nalists.

�e two winners will now be competing in the Zonal Finals of RBIQ to be held at New Delhi on Nov 7 and we wish them good luck.

Session on – How to Improve Public

Speaking Skills

Ms. Mahrukh Inayat and Mr. Vikram Sawant's exciting session with class XI and XII students on How to improve your Public Speaking Skills.

NIGS Golf Coaching CampDelhi Public School Srinagar has entered the third year of imparting golf training to the students under the guidance and training of the well trained and reputed Instructors of the country. �is Golf training of the students is being organised by WGAI every year in Delhi public School Srinagar where more than 50 students are trained every year. �is year training programme started from 25th of August for the students of class 3rd and 4th where 20 students are participating which include 5 girls and 15 boys. �e training

programme for the �rst session was inaugurated by the members of the WGAI team and the instructors. Students are being given basic training of this sport. �e next session of the training will start from 4th September till 12th of September where in students from class 5th and 6th will be participating. At the end of the training programme students are being provided with the certi�cates and medals according to their performance.

Desire to do something newFrom 19th Aug to 28th A u g 2 0 1 4 N C C � National Cadets Corps organised an annual training camp in which a lmost 350 students p a r t i c i p a t e d . D P S Srinagar a lso got an opportunity to be part of this training camp. One of our students namely Afreen from class IX-A participated in the camp and got the best cadet award (First Runner Up).

Delhi Public School, Srinagar


Workshop on Heritage EducationA workshop based on �Heritage Education� was conducted at DPS, Srinagar by WISCOMP (Women Insecurity, Con�ict and Peace) on 26th August,2014.

�e facilitator Navina Jafa who is a heritage educationist and a classical dancer emphasized on various activities of how to integrate

hands on activities for educating young minds about the built heritage in the form of indigenous knowledge.

�e workshop also laid emphasis on exploring the topography and the geography of our country.

DASTAKARI MELA (Club Exhibition)�Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.�

Dastakari Mela was held on 29th August,2014 from class 3rd to 8th at DPS, Srinagar with full vigour and enthusiasm. All the students

seemed to be involved whole heartedly in the exhibition. �e students displayed their artifacts like papier machie, sculpture, aari work.

origami, willow work, etc.

�e students showed great enthusiasm in speaking about their works like what they learnt in their respective clubs. �eir work was judged by a panel of jury; Ms. Fareeda, Ms. Azhar, Ms. Hina and Mr. Tanveer. �e exhibits were judged on the basis of work done, its presentation and the discipline of the house. �e Principal Mrs. Kusam Warikoo visited all the venues and questioned the students about their work. After interacting with the students the Principal praised and encouraged them.

�e beautiful thing about the exhibition was the proper co-ordination among the students form grade III to VIII. All the venues were properly managed by the students.

Overall, it was wonderful seeing the students showing their active participation.

Reopening of Tiny Tots after floods

Delhi Public School, Srinagar

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V i g i l a n c e Awa re n e s s We e k

observed�e school observed the Vigilance Awareness week on November 01, 2014 as directed by CBSE in the memory of Sardar Vallabhai Patel who exercised a major in�uence in establishing the administrative structure of India.

�e students assembled to hear the lecture of an eminent academic professorSalfey Muzafar heading the department of political science in Govt Degree college Sumbhal. He holds a Ph.D in Kashmir politics and is author of 7 papers published internationally. Professor Salfey Muza�ar delivered the lecture of ejudiciary and its future in the country along with power point presentation.

After the lecture was concluded students from 9th and 10th grade shared their thoughts on the topic �eProcurement- an e�ective way of increasing transparency�.

Very beautifully put across by one of the speakers, �When you are inspired by some great purpose some extra ordinary project, all your thoughts break their bonds, your mind transcends limitations, your consciousness expands in every direction and you �nd yourself in a new grade and wonderful world�. Dormant forces, faculties and

talents become alive and you discover yourself to be a great person by far-then you ever dreamt yourself to be��

Vigilance Awareness Week - 2014 in DPS, Srinagar (Class XI � XII )

On 1st November, 2014, in accordance with the CBSE request to celebrate the Vigilance week, the +2 section of Delhi Public School, Srinagar held a Seminar on � E�ectiveness of E-taxation in making the system more transparent and e�cient� and a Debate on �E-governance: a way to smooth governance�. �e function began at 1:30 pm and was chaired by the honorable chairman Mr. Vijay Dhar and the Principal, Mrs. Warikoo. �e venue was decorated with

innovative posters created by the students. Almost twenty students participated enthusiastically expressing their individual views, enforcing the fact that it would be a wonderful tool to combat corruption to a large extent. Few mentioned that the information hungry people will �nd the more transparent system to satiate their individual queries. Some of the students expressed cynicism and said that with a low literacy level and small techno-savvy population, it seems a distant dream. However it was unanimously agreed upon that a beginning must be made for �Combating Corruption with technology as an enabler�. �e system may not be �awless initially but will eventually evolve into a sound one. �e audience seemed quite convinced. As a token of appreciation, each participant was given a certi�cate, awarded by the HOD Economics, Mr Yaqoob. �e programme has generated a lot of awareness amongst students who are now geared up to combat one of the main social evils, corruption. �ey seem to be yearning for an economically-sound nation.

Workshop on Post Flood Trauma

DPS students selected as National

Jury Members of Children Film

FestivalChinh Early Education Web channel run a project across the India titled Global Media Literacy Project: Four birds and one million stories. �e students across India participated in it & submitted their

Delhi Public School, Srinagar


script online. Recently Chinh India shortlisted 61 �nalists in which 12 were from DPS Srinagar. �e �nalists were invited to American Montessori Public School at Gurgaon where they were given training on recording dialogues and producing short �lms. DPS Srinagar made four advertisement movies in which two movies have been selected for �nal competition which will be held in December. �e �nalist from DPS Srinagar are going to Delhi as member of national mock children jury where they have to give critical appreciation regarding their advertisement concept & they have to defend their movie as the best movie ever produced by children.

Dipsites being creative and showing their talent in the �ADD WORLD�. Our students participated in �CHINH INDIA� organised by DABUR India Ltd. and stood third.

Our students made an ADD which was shortlisted and are now selected as National Jury Members of �Children Film Festival� which they have to attend in Delhi in coming month.

Children's Day Celebrations by Tiny

TotsTime for some splashing fun. Cheers 'n' jolly time for everyone because it's Children's Day. May the love and laughter always stay on every child's face.

Teacher, teacher, aaj naa kuch kehna humko. Aaj hum khoob mauj udayenge, saal bhar toh aapki humne suni �� Aaj hum baate aap ko apni batayege��. HAPPY CHILDREN'S DAY!!!

Children's Day was celebrated as a day of fun and frolic by the students of L.K.G to II today� 14th November' 2014.

�e Tiny Tots wing was a sea of colour with all students dressed in casuals romping around and where the sound of music, laughter and excitement on each child's face was a sight to behold.

Our Tiny Tots was entertained by wonderful performances given by the teachers stressing to imbibe the values of discipline, sense of order, cleanliness, beauty, and above all innocence.

While remembering Chacha Nehru , the students took a pledge of being more responsible,caring and loving human beings.

A day marking childhood, Children's Day celebration focused on children and their enjoyment.

Dipsites participated in Harmony –

Co-Creating tomorrow by TGLFHARMONY CO-CREATING TOMORROW 2014 by �e Global Education and Leadership Foundation (TGLEF) conducted 'Street Blenders': street play competition at Scottish High International School, Gurgaon New Delhiwhere 29 schools from di�erent states and countries participated in the event. Our school was representing J&K state for street play competition where our

students performed and were declared runner ups. Students participated in this event were of 8th and 10th standard. �e street play was written and directed by Mr. Sajid Reshi.

�e second event was 'Magic With Colours'��e Creative Arts. In this event our student from class 8th-E namely Asim Ali participated.

Dipsites win “War of Words” debate

at KUDipsites participated in parliamentary debate contest organized by Pace Productions in collaboration with University of Kashmir. Our girl students Assar Lone, Zainab Nisar & Haaika emerged as the winners from the rest of 23 teams that participated in the event.

Our students crossed a tough battle in order to compete in the 'War of Words' debate tournament held in KU. Students competed against speakers from 23 other schools, colleges and Universities. �e

Debate was both (prepared and impromptu). Despite it being only their �rst competition of this kind. �e organisers said that the parliamentary format of debate was the �rst of its kind held in KU

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Our students took home the �rst prize in Debate against KU Business School students Zubair Waja, Mahoor Shaw, Sheezan Rather who won the second among the other contestants.

�e higher education should be made free � was the �nal subject of the debates held between the two 'houses'. Our girls achieved it in just 10 minutes of the preparation and a topic given to them by the Jury members.

One of our debaters Assar Majeed who won the title of third best speaker of the debate said that she has started debating from the age of 14.

�I was in 7th grade when I �rst participated in debating in my school. �is debate was my �rst debate after the gap of �ve years. I am pursuing Humanities as my subject in my school and I have big plans for joining politics in future.

�e �rst best speaker title was given to Babar Billal, an 8th standard student of Burn Hall School and the second best speaker was given to Zubair Ahmed of Business School KU.

Editor-in-Chief, Rising Kashmir, Shujaat Bukhari said that he was thrilled to see young students debating on the serious themes. He lauded the organisers for organising �rst ever parliamentary debate contest at the KU campus.

�Rising Kashmir is always open to help such initiatives by the KU and other people which matter to the general student's community. I was very much impressed the way DPS students presented their argument on a very serious theme,� he said. �I would suggest this model should be also applied by our political �gures of the state with the masses to deliberate on any serious issue.�

Bukhari said that such type of new formats in debating should be encouraged as they bring innovation and creativity in these competitions.

Registrar KU Prof Za�ar A. Reishi who was special guest of honour on the occasion said that University would continue to organize more such events where students are exposed to international formats of debating and other competitions and in the nearby future he said KU has invited a Noble Laureate to visit the campus and interact with the students on the sidelines of the INSPIRE program. Earlier Dean Students Welfare KU Prof Neelofar Khan said that said that parliamentary format of debating is �rst of its kind in Kashmir and hoped that it will serve as a platform for the youth of valley to showcase their debating skills at National and International level.

�e 3-day mega event had a wide range of jury members who a d j u d i c a t e d t h e 2 4 d i � e r e n t t e a m s .Director Pace Productions Faizan Ul Islam conducted the proceedings of the competitions on the �nal day while as, Shahid Ali Khan, Cultural O�cer DSW KU was the In-charge of the three-day debating competition.

Cul tura l Vo lunteer Exchange

programme Malaysia-2014

AFS � Connecting lives sharing cultures.

�eme: 100 Volunteers 100 years.

�ree teachers namely Taranum Syed , Pervaiz Ahmad and Fazeelat Yasin, from DPS, Srinagar represented AFS India, Chapter Srinagar at Malaysia. �is was a golden opportunity for all the volunteers to exchange and explore new traditions and cultures.

Volunteers from Philippines, Indonesia, Germany, Italy, South Africa, France and India were a part of this Volunteer Exchange Program me.

�e volunteers from India were sent to di�erent chapters of Malaysia namely Kuantan , Perlis and Kelantan,, where they lived with the host families and experienced Malaysian culture, tradition, ways of living, hospitality and cuisine.

�ey got a chance to visit various Universities, Rapha homes, temples ,caves, mosques and museums where they learned about the education system and the art and architecture of these beautiful places. In fact at the charity homes they were able to bring a smile on the faces of underprivileged children by conducting various activities.

Cyber Crew – Tech Know 2014TechKnow, an annual tech fest organised by, Cyber Crew, computer club of Delhi Public School, Srinagar was held on 7th & 8th of July, 2014. �e fest aims at providing a clear view of the opportunities and challenges of an increasingly connected world to students.

For students interested in tech, these kinds of events are an excellent way to get up to speed on the latest developments, �nd great new services, and get hands on training in one of the areas of his/her interest � plus, you never know how social connections will be established.

�e 2-day event was inaugurated by the Chairperson Mrs. Kiran Dhar and was attended by energetic and enthusiastic students from more than 15 leading schools from the valley. Around 200 students from Classes 6th to 12th were imparted hands-on training in 5 di�erent areas of technology consisting of Graphics & Video Editing, Web Designing, Linux & Open Source, Hardware & Networking; and PHP programming.

Delhi Public School, Srinagar


�e event workshops were conducted by Cyber Crew members with their insatiable desire of learning by sharing with similar minds.

�e event started with screening of 45-minute documentary on the Future of Technology. �is was followed by day long workshops. Graphics & Video editing lab was a huge rush among the tech savvy students. Students were introduced to layout and vector art application, CorelDraw; photo retouching and bitmap image editing software, PhotoShop & video editing and special e�ects softwares, Pinnacle Studio & Adobe After E�ects. �e 2-day long graphics & video editing workshop concluded with an exhibition of student work ranging from book & magazine covers to commercial advertisements to tiny video projects.

Web designing workshop was another attraction in the event. Students were curious to get hands-on training on the hottest technology of today and the technology to rule our lives in future. Mufti Arfan, Grade 11th student, conducted the 2-day workshop which covered industry best practices in designing and developing professional websites and web apps. Students were introduced to standard complaint HTML & CSS. Javascript and server con�guration was covered on second day of the workshop.

Linux & Open Source workshop covered the basics of Linux OS as a secure and cost e�ective replacement of Windows OS and a must-have tool for budding technocrats. Students enjoyed working on the Terminal, command line utility of Linux. Cyber Crew speakers

presented some inspirational slides on the philosophy and idea behind Open Source and how it can be bene�cial to students. �e workshop concluded with InstallFest where students were trained to install Linx OS on their machines.

Students learnt to assemble a PC from scratch under the expert guidance of Crew members in Hardware & Networking workshop. �e second day of the workshop was dedicated to networking wherein students were equipped with networking basics including colour coding and crimping of cat-5/cat-6 cables. Students were also exposed to line testing techniques and setting up on secure WiFi networks.

PHP Programming workshop was dedicated to IT faculty visiting schools wherein training was imparted on the most popular programming language of web. Participants were made to work on a small project for two days to get an overall idea of this programming language.

Overnight CampsClass 2nd Camp

9:00 am 196 students of Class 2nd and raring to go !!

�e Overnight Camp' 2014 kick started today with 196 enthusiastic students brimming with joy and laughter, making a con�dent entry, leaving their teary eyed parents behind. �e idea of the overnight camp is to cultivate con�dence and a deeper sense of responsibility in youngsters.

9:30 am Assembly

�e day's program started with an assembly conducted by teachers which included a Prayer Song and a Puppet Show which set the mood for the day urging students to be responsible and sensitive to the needs of one another during the camp.

10:00 am A hearty breakfast

�e ravenous youngsters then proceeded to the indoor stadium for a hearty breakfast and ate to their heart's content.

10:30 am What we learn becomes a part of who we are � Learning

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through activity

Children thoroughly enjoyed various games like �Tailing the donkey�, �Musical chairs�, � Barn Yard Hunt� and �Back to back� which tested their �exibility and alertness.

12:30 pm Time for a YUMMY Treat

A yummy spread awaited the youngsters after their activity session ��Check out our guys and gals tucking in �-Delicious Indeed!!

2:00 pm Nap time

After lunch, the students relaxed for a while just to boost up their energy levels for the next upcoming fun activity.

2:30 pm �e most awaited hour��It's Splash Time Folks!

�e afternoon siesta was followed by swimming in the water world. All the students splashed to their heart's content.

4:30 pm Snacks time

5:00 pm Magic in our hands

Look Mom and Dad at the magic in my hands! Indeed the youngsters amazed one and all with the beautiful things created by them in the activity hour. Showing patience, determination and skill our kids

crafted objects using disposable Cd's, bottles, toilet paper rolls, pine �owers�������. Bravo youngsters, you're a rocking bunch of kids!

8:30 pm Where's the party tonight???

Class II kids were treated to a special candle lit dinner in the Indoor Stadium.

Picture Abhi Baki Hain Mere Dost���

Our young movers and shakers shake a leg at the camp �re��..

�e sleep fairy visits. Finally exhausted, our kids nod o� to sleep.

6:30 am Rise and Shine

A brisk morning walk and exercise gives our youngsters the right start to a new day.

10:00 am Group Photos, Activity & See o�

Class LKG Camp

Day 01

09:30 am Assembly

�e day's program started with an assembly conducted by teachers which included a Prayer Song and a Puppet Show which set the mood for the day urging students to be responsible and sensitive to the needs of one another during the camp.

10:00 am A hearty breakfast

�e ravenous youngsters then proceeded to the indoor stadium for a hearty breakfast and ate to their heart's content.

10:30 am What we learn becomes a part of who we are � Learning through activity

Children thoroughly enjoyed various games like �Tailing the donkey�, �Musical chairs�, � Jumping the rope� and �Guess the object� and �Count the number� which tested their �exibility and alertness.

12:30 pm Time for a YUMMY Treat

A yummy spread awaited the youngsters after their activity session ��Check out guys and girls tucking in �-Delicious Indeed!!

2:00 pm Nap Time

After lunch, the students relaxed for a while just to boost up their energy levels for the next upcoming fun activity.

2:30 pm �e most awaited hour�It's Splash Time Folks!

�e afternoon siesta was followed by swimming in the water world. All the students splashed to their heart's content.

5:00 pm Magic in our hands

Look Mom and Dad at the magic in my hands! Indeed the youngsters amazed one and all with the beautiful things created by them in the activity hour. Showing patience, determination and skill our kids crafted objects using disposable Cd's, ice cream sticks � followed by a group activity�������. Bravo youngsters, you're a rocking bunch of kids!

5:30 pm Tea time

Delhi Public School, Srinagar


Its tea time lads. Let's sip some tea and get refreshed.

8:30 pm Where is the party tonight???

Class LKG kids were treated to a special candle lit dinner in the Indoor Stadium.

Picture Abhi Baki Hain Mere Dost���

Our young movers and shakers shake a leg at the camp �re��..

�e sleep fairy visits. Finally exhausted, our little ones nod o� to sleep.

Day 02

6 :00 am Rise and Shine

A brisk morning walk and exercise gets our youngsters the right start to a new day.

10 :00 am Group Photos, Activity & See O�

After a hearty breakfast, our bonny gals and guys, gave their best shot when they posed for a group photo. �ey then proceeded towards the Atrium to draw and depict their best moments at the camp.

�e overnight camp ended with an assembly-children sang songs, spoke about what they liked at the camp.

Parents were indeed surprised to see that their children had stayed away from them without hardly any fuss. Many students didn't want to leave.

�e overnight camp succeeded in making our students more con�dent and self reliant and taught them skills of independence, doing things with responsibility from a very young age. Bravo, youngsters. You sure did grow up in a span of a day!

Dipsites selected to play SOFT

TENNIS NATIONALSAdnan Ismail of class 5th, Mohammad Aheed Shah of class 7th and Aishan Mearaj of class 9th were selected to play SOFT TENNIS

N A T I O N A L L E V E L S ( JUNIOR) to be held in Bhubaneswar (Orissa) from 27th to 29th June and 23rd June to 01st July 2014 respectively. All three of them represented J&K State at the National

Levels. Tournament was conducted in collaboration with Youth Services & Sports Department J&K. DPS Srinagar wishes them good luck.

Dipsites bag second position in

Triathlon�e Fort City Athletic Club emerged as winners in the Triathlon event organized by Indian Institute of Skiing and Mountaineering in

collaboration with J& K Tourism as part of the ongoing Summer Festival. �e event was inaugurated by Inspector General of Police, AG Mir in presence of Director Tourism Kashmir, Talat Parvez. �e Triathlon comprised cycling, mountain run and swimming events. �e cycling event started from Makai Park, Bouleverd after which the baton was passed on to runners who climbed Shankaracharya hillock and was followed by swimming. Each team comprised of a cyclist, a runner and a swimmer. �e event was a part of the 9- Day Kashmir Summer Festival in which teams from di�erent schools and clubs of the Valley participated. Fort City Club team comprising Umer Nabi , Tanveer Hussain and Riyaz Wani �nished �rst while as team of Delhi Public School, Srinagar comprising Basit Mubashir and Salman �nished second. �ird place was bagged by Live-strong team comprising Umer Bashir, Hamid and Willayat. Speaking on the occasion, Mir highlighted the importance of sports events for the physical and mental development of youth. He added that such events provide a competitive environment for the youth to showcase their talent. �e IGP said more and more sports events should be held covering various events and activities to encourage maximum participation of youth. Later medals and mementos were distributed among the participating teams. Among others Director, IISM, Gulmarg Kashmir, Col. J. S. Dillon, senior o�cers of the Tourism Department and various school children were present on the occasion.

Laurels for our school�ree students from our school namely, Afrasayab Khan 95.6%, Haziqa Bashir 95.20% and Hafsa Shah have received letters of appreciation from Mrs. Simriti Zubin Irani, Union Minister of Human Resource and Development dated 2nd June 2014 a f ter the result declaration of All India Senior Secondary School E x a m i n a t i o n (CBSE) XII Board Examination for ranking among the �rst ten students in the XII Board Examination.

She in her letter states, �Your Success is a result of your dedicated hard work and commitment .You have made your parents, your school, and our country proud�.

�e Minister wished them success and wants them to achieve the goals that they have set for themselves in life.

�e school would like to place on record this landmark achievement and we wish them success in their future endeavours.

Dipsite shines in U14 Cricket

TournamentSabir Bin Ayub of Class 7th F was selected for U 14 Cricket Tournament which was organised by Jammu and Kashmir Cricket Association. Sabir played U 14 Cricket Tournament with his team Under 14 Yellows and won the �nal against Under 14 Reds at Sher i- Kashmir Cricket Stadium, Srinagar. Sabir played brilliantly in the tournament and was awarded with best upcoming player of the tournament.

Delhi Public School, Srinagar

19 SHISHUR - NEWSLETTER May - Dec 2014

Dipsites bagged Bronze in Inter DPS

Football TournamentDispsites bagged 3rd Position (Bronze Medal) in Zonal Inter DPS Football Tournament, 2014 at Amritsar and quali�ed for National Inter DPS Football Tournament, 2014 to be held in Nodia this December. Our �rst match was against DPS Katra which we won by 1 � 0. Our Second match was against DPS Chandigarh which ended in a draw. Our third match was against DPS Rewari which we won by

2 � 1 and quali�ed for quarter �nal. We won the quarter �nal against DPS Rohtak in Penalty Shootout and quali�ed for semis. Unfortunately we could not make it to �nals as we lost against DPS Chandigarh by 0-1. A total of 19 teams participated in the tournament.


Economist – Haseeb Drabu

�Yet another visit to DPS! Yet another pleasant surprise! Every time and came here it has gotten better. Now it is no longer a school that it was a few years back, it is an institution. An institution of learning - not merely education.�

Renu Kaushal��is is simply a dream school. Please keep up the good work.�

R e n u K a u s h a l , P r o V i c e Chairman, DPS Gurdaspur visited school campus. She was impressed with the facilities available in the school.

S.P. Rana, Deputy

Secretary CVO,

CBSE��e school is really unique and vibrant. Doing wonderfully well

for special children and ensuring holistic development of all the children. I congratulate and thank all the sta� especially the Principal.�

Aravind Sitaraman�Quite a good school. I was impressed to interact with the techno savy students.�

Aravind Sitaraman is a Computer Scientist with over 29 years of work experience and is one Cisco System's leading inventors with 57 patents. He led & was part of several international standards bodies.

He managed all Cisco's R&D activities in India from 2007-09. He sponsored �e Innovation Hub to incubate new technologies & create solutions for emerging countries. In 2008, he created Cisco ASR 901, in 2013 the CEED 2700. He led Cisco India's CSR e�orts and launched several successful programs including 'Feed-a-Child' and 'Adopt-a-School.'

He rehabilitated tsunami victims in South India & championed �ood relief e�orts in Karnataka in 2009. Aravind created Project Samudaya, a volunteer-led program, to rehabilitate villages through technology & build 3323 homes, 1 hospital, & 2 schools. Aravind morphed this project into a vehicle to deliver inclusive growth

worldwide. In October 2010, he was appointed President, Inclusive Growth. Recognizing his social contribution, the state of Karnataka conferred on him its highest civilian decoration, the Rajyotsava

Award in 2012.

In 1994, Aravind c o - f o u n d e d ' P r a k a s h ' a n organizat ion to in�uence India policy in USA. He published several papers on strategic and social issues in several Indian & foreign journals. In 1 9 9 6 , h e w a s

invited to visit the National Human Rights Commission of India. Relocating to India in 2000, Aravind reestablished 'Prakash' as whatisindia.com. He organized strategy papers & digitized ancient inscriptions. He is a member of the Asia Center, a policy think-tank in Bangalore.

Aravind co-founded Sivagami Ammal Memorial Trust to promote Indian culture & art, serves on the Advisory Board of Akshaya Patra (feed poor children), and on the board of GTT (talent development).

In 2010, he wrote & produced an opera on the �rst woman freedom �ghter of India called �Abbakka Rani: Queen of Spices.�

Delhi Public School, Srinagar