A Study on Social Acceptance and WTP of Pepper Spray Fundamentals of Marketing Research Final Project: Pepper Spray Submitted to Sir: Basharatullah Malik Submitted by AHSAN AQEEL L1S11BBAM2014 RAO SHAFAE ALI L1F11BBAM2047 FAROOQ TAHIR L1S12BBAM0054 BBA HONS: Section (B )

Marketing Research Final Project Report

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A Study on Social Acceptance and WTP of Pepper Spray

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Page 1: Marketing Research Final Project Report

A Study on Social Acceptance and WTP of Pepper Spray

Fundamentals of Marketing Research

Final Project: Pepper Spray

Submitted to

Sir: Basharatullah Malik

Submitted by




BBA HONS: Section (B )

UCP Business School

University of Central Punjab

Page 2: Marketing Research Final Project Report

A Study on Social Acceptance and WTP of Pepper Spray

1. Abstract:

This research is carried on pepper spray usage in Lahore for determining the best target

market and acceptance of pepper spray and also will figure out the WTP of the segment. The

study will find out the connection between insecurity among people and their readiness to

carry self-safety product. The research will be completed in two months’ time.

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A Study on Social Acceptance and WTP of Pepper Spray

2. Key words:

OC (oleoresin capsicum)

Pepper spray

3. Back ground: Pepper Spray is a term which is unfamiliar to the masses of

Pakistan. It is also known as OC spray ("oleoresin capsicum"), OC gas, and capsicum

spray. It is a lachrymatory agent (a chemical compound that irritates the eyes to cause

tears, pain, and temporary blindness) used in policing, riot control, crowd control, and

personal self-defense, including defense against dogs. Speaking in a casual manner it

is a less lethal weapon which can save you in a situation where you feel threatened or

have a feeling of being harmed from another person or animal. Mostly it is used by

females in the west to save them from an attempted rape. It is small enough to be

carried in a purse but lethal enough to cause an immense pain in the eyes, throat, nose

and skin. The person upon pepper spray is used also goes in a short state of panic

giving enough time to the person who used it for running or dispersing. Now we are

thinking why it’s not much popular or used in Pakistan for the same purpose. The

assumption here that can be made is that our country is still a developing country and

we adopt western inventions sometime later after them because we are

technologically lagging behind from the west but that doesn’t mean its potential

doesn’t exist in Pakistan. Somebody has to take an initiative to introduce this popular

item in Pakistan. The same reason we are conducting this research to identify the

market potential of pepper spray in Pakistan. So we can observe whether people will

accept this product or not.

Basically we can say Pepper spray is a defense tool and in Pakistan there isn’t any

common defense tool available for a college or school going female nor do they have

a training in Karate. The crime rate in Pakistan is also very high, mostly the snatching

of valuables in streets by using force. Sometimes males can prevent this theft because

they are strong enough to fight back but females are physically weaker by body

strength and they need an extra tool to fight back. So we can assume that market

potential does exist somewhere but it needs to be categorized and analyzed in order to

fulfill this need. For doing all of this a proper research must be carried in order to

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A Study on Social Acceptance and WTP of Pepper Spray

launch a successful pepper spray brand or prevent one from loss if the market

acceptance is not very good.

4. Definition of terms: OC Spray/ pepper spray: Pepper spray, also known

as OC spray (from "oleoresin capsicum"), OC gas, and capsicum spray, is

a lachrymatory agent (a chemical compound that irritates the eyes to cause tears, pain,

and temporary .blindness) used in policing, riot control, crowd control, and

personal self-defense, including defense against dogs and bears. WTP(Willingness to

pay) Largest sum of money an individual is agreeable to pay for a product or service.

5. Research gaps: Pepper spray is produced and used in many modern countries for

self-protection and by police to use where they cannot use weapons. Since the pepper

spray is not been used and produced in Pakistan. There may be a market gap to be

filled. The rising number of street crimes and rape attempts urges people to carry a

product for their self-protection. At the moment there is no production of pepper spray

in country and no research is carried on. So carrying a research in Lahore is a gap

identified which will benefit the masses as well as this will help us understand the

market and will make us decide whether to launch the product or not and if yes then

which market segment to capture.

6. Purpose of study: The purpose of study is to know the acceptance of pepper spray

among public and nonpublic sectors to identify the target segments whose WTP is

enables them to buy pepper spray. This will include the age, education, gender,

location and income filters.

7. Research objective:

1. To figure out factors influencing willingness to pay for Pepper Spray.

2. Identify factors influencing social acceptance.

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A Study on Social Acceptance and WTP of Pepper Spray

8. Research questions:

Are people generally aware of Pepper Spray?

Whether keeping Pepper Spray will embarrass the keepers?

Whether keeping Pepper Spray will embarrass the peer of the keeper?

Whether people will be concerned of the misuse of Pepper Spray?

Whether Government will be concerned of the misuse of pepper spray?

Are people prepared to pay for the security they get?

How much people will be willing to pay?

Do people consider Pepper Spray effective for personal security?

Are people aware of the different effects it produced after being sprayed?

How much age is appropriate for carrying Pepper Spray?

9. Hypotheses:

i. H1- Pepper Spray will be readily accepted in the society

ii. H2- People are not willing to pay for Pepper Spray.

iii. H3- Pepper Spray is an effective tool for personal security.

10. Significance and contribution of study: This study will help to identify and

evaluate the hidden market potential of our target audience of Pepper Spray. This

research will also evaluate the perception of audience about pepper spray and their

willingness to pay for it if the product is produced and marketed in Lahore, Pakistan.

It will help us to understand the complex buying behavior of such items in Pakistan

and information obtained from this study will also be helpful in several other product

launches of similar category. Pepper spray is famous in west as a tool for self-defense

when it comes to individual protection for unanticipated events. It is also used by law

enforcement as an alternative of lethal weapons, also called less lethal weapon. Now

our goal is to find whether our product is accepted in Pakistan because there is a lot of

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A Study on Social Acceptance and WTP of Pepper Spray

difference in the social setting of our society and societies in the west. Not only we

are going to realize the market potential of Lahore, Pakistan but also identify the

market segments which have a special appeal for our product of pepper spray. For

example the female students who go to universities, college, schools and use

Rickshaw as a transportation method. These females are likely to have a fear of

unknown driver so they would prefer to keep a defense tool always with them in their

purse, this is just a thought but we will conduct this research to check and verify this

statement if it’s true or not. Because a strong market need exist there if we are able to

verify this and many other assumption which comes as a question in the mind of

producer and marketer. Finally research will tell us about the feasibility of launching

our product. It will help us to make a decision about our investment e.g. how much to

invest, whether to invest or not.

11.Preliminary literature review:

Title: Pepper Spray in the Netherlands

Pepper spray has been the safest way to deal with wild animals and wild

human at the time of danger and this has been proved by different researches. This spray has

specialty that it only harms for a certain time and after that particular time, it affect reduce

and finish basically it provides time to person who uses this spray to leave that place.

Ingredients used in pepper spray are capsaicin, a substance derived from the cayenne pepper

plant. Pepper spray is also known as Oleoresin Capsicum Spray or OC spray. Pepper spray is

designed to effect an inflammatory reaction such as dilating capillaries, causing an intense

burning sensation to the skin, eyes, and in some cases can induce temporary blindness. As

mucous membranes of the mouth, nose, eyes, and respiratory tract react to the capsaicin, tears

will be produced, the nose will run, breathing may become labored, saliva will be produced,

and coughing will occur as the airways and lungs try to rid itself of the chemical. Rubbing

reduce the burn. Unlike tear gas, that wears off fairly quickly, pepper spray will continue to

be painful for 30 minutes or more and discomfort may be experienced for hours. Pepper spray

is recommended for only serious matters, it’s not suitable to use for fun purposes, minimum

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A Study on Social Acceptance and WTP of Pepper Spray

10% solution of oleoresin capsicum and have an effective range of at least 15 feet. In some

states like Huawei, pepper spray couldn’t be purchased easily, for purchasing pepper spray,

people have to get license. Its means that for avoiding any unexpected incidents, states owns

such regularities which have an eye on pepper spray seller & buyer list. It should be kept in a

cool place, not to exceed 120 degrees F (48 degrees C) in temperature. This law has been

approved in Dutch police since 2003 that police are equipped with pepper spray along with

other weapons, First of all 3000 Dutch policemen made equipped with pepper spray for

checking results that what are consequences than after research, final report sent to interior

ministry and they approved it. Even after approval, different discussions took place on

different incidents and finally on 2006, analysis took place & effectiveness of pepper spray

praised in public.

Reference: http://policestudies.homestead.com/pepperspray.html

Title: Oleoresin capsicum (OC) spray use by Queensland police 

Note: This publication is accessible through the CMC website — www.cmc.qld.gov.au 


Is OC spray safe? 

Approx. more than 5000 people including policeman in Queensland tested OC spray and

found it only harmful for particular time period. Only two incidents happened in which death

occurs and in second one, serious injury took place. First matter happened in State Coroner.

Then the second matter happened in August 2005 concluded that OC spray was unlikely to

have caused the injury, but might have contributed to it. 

Then after proper investigation a heath commission formed a report and approved by CMC,

University of Queensland pharmacologist Dr Lindsay Brown. He concluded that: 

Oleoresin capsicum spray produces acute respiratory and ocular symptoms but there is little

evidence that the capsaicin cause long-term damage, although some carriers may be more


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A Study on Social Acceptance and WTP of Pepper Spray

But after proper research and investigation, it is approved by concerned departments that OC

spray is safe and not so damaging for health so police can use it properly after taking

precautionary measures.

Although during whole research, it makes clear that how much people gets how much

injuries. In all this process only few incidents happened because of OC spray, all other

happened due to such as bruising. It’s very difficult to conform that these all tragedies

happened due to OC spray because it seems to be happened by other means.

Despite the lack of statistical evidence to suggest that the use of OC spray has reduced

injuries, it is important to note that officers believe that it has but despite of all this, officers

believe that OC spray is very useful in controlling of street crimes instead of other forces like

hands or batons etc.


12. Research methodology

a. Study setting: The study will be carried on residents of Lahore regardless of

their gender but the age will be minimum 15 and maximum of 70. Sample will

be taken regardless of their profession and social class within the physical

boundaries of Lahore.

b. Research design

11. B1 Sample size: 200

11. B2 Population: The population targeted will be Lahore. Lahore  is the capital city of

the Pakistani province of Punjab and the second largest metropolitan area in the country. It is

the largest native Punjabi-populated city in the world and an important historical center

in South Asia. With a rich history dating back over a millennium, Lahore is a main cultural

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A Study on Social Acceptance and WTP of Pepper Spray

center of Punjab region and Pakistan. One of the most densely populated cities in the world,

Lahore remains an economic, political, transportation, entertainment, and educational hub. It

is referred to as the "Mughal City of Gardens" due to the historic presence of gardens in and

around the city dating back to the Mughal period.

According to the 1998 census, Lahore's population was 6,319,000.[10] In July 2014,

Index Mundi put the population of the city at 7,566,000. An estimate in July 2014 gave the

population of the Lahore agglomeration as 9,700,000.  It is ranked 42 in the most in the world

and the 8th largest city within the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. The area of Lahore

has almost doubled in the last 12 to 14 years. In 2010, Lahore was ranked as a Gamma+

world city.[12] The Guardian has rated Lahore as the 2nd best tourist destination in Pakistan

after Taxila.

11. B3 Sampling plan: Cluster sampling is accomplished by dividing the population into

groups -- usually geographically. These groups are called clusters or blocks. The clusters are

randomly selected, and each element in the selected clusters is used.

The Lahore city will be divided into segments on geographic basis and from each geographic

segment 10 to 15 samples will be drawn.

11. B4 Data collection procedures: Data will be collected using questionnaires from the


11. B5 Data analysis: SBSS will be used for data analysis.

13. Time frame: The research will be conducted within two months’ time.

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A Study on Social Acceptance and WTP of Pepper Spray


A Study on Pepper Spray

Occupation Gender

Town Age


Read the questions carefully under the heading of “Statement” and provide your answer in the

boxes available next to the question with a symbol of . Please reflect your opinions as accurately

as possible and to the best of your knowledge.

Your information will be kept strictly confidential.









1) You have an idea about

Pepper Spray.

2) Pepper Spray is used for


3) Carrying Pepper Spray for

security is embarrassing.

4) Your friends will consider

Pepper Spray a wonderful

tool for security.

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A Study on Social Acceptance and WTP of Pepper Spray

5) Your parents will be

relieved when you carry

Pepper Spray.

6) Pepper Spray can be


7) Pepper Spray should be

available to 18+ adults


8) Pepper Spray should be

allowed to carry by


9) Misuse of Pepper Spray

should be punishable by


10) Are you aware of the

hazards of Pepper Spray

on victim?

11) You heard of a news or

story that life of a person

was saved from an attacker

by just using Pepper Spray

or a similar incident.

12) Street crime could be

decreased by the use of

Pepper Spray.

13) I prefer to spend money for

the safety Pepper Spray


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A Study on Social Acceptance and WTP of Pepper Spray

If Pepper Spray is made available into the market, what do you think should be a fair

price for it ____________?

Additional Comments:


1. Occupation

91.5% Students

8.5% Employed

2. Gender

57% Males

43% Females

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A Study on Social Acceptance and WTP of Pepper Spray

3. Age

Range Percentage

15-20 17.5%

21-25 78.5%

26-30 3.5%

31-35 0.5%

35+ 0%

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A Study on Social Acceptance and WTP of Pepper Spray

99.5% Respondents were young

0.5% were in ending stage of youth

4. Location

5% Outsiders

48.5% Posh Area Lahoris

47.0 Underdeveloped Lahoris

95% Lahoris

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A Study on Social Acceptance and WTP of Pepper Spray

Frequency of Response and their Pie Charts


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A Study on Social Acceptance and WTP of Pepper Spray

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



Strongly Disagree 10 5.0 5.0 5.0

Disagree 20 10.0 10.0 15.0

Neutral 22 11.0 11.0 26.0

Agree 96 48.0 48.0 74.0

Strongly Agree 52 26.0 26.0 100.0

Total 200 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



Strongly Disagree 1 .5 .5 .5

Disagree 10 5.0 5.0 5.5

Neutral 36 18.0 18.0 23.5

Agree 113 56.5 56.5 80.0

Strongly Agree 40 20.0 20.0 100.0

Total 200 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


Valid Strongly Disagree 22 11.0 11.0 11.0

Disagree 81 40.5 40.5 51.5

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A Study on Social Acceptance and WTP of Pepper Spray

Neutral 48 24.0 24.0 75.5

Agree 42 21.0 21.0 96.5

Strongly Agree 7 3.5 3.5 100.0

Total 200 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



Strongly Disagree 7 3.5 3.5 3.5

Disagree 22 11.0 11.0 14.5

Neutral 64 32.0 32.0 46.5

Agree 92 46.0 46.0 92.5

Strongly Agree 15 7.5 7.5 100.0

Total 200 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


Valid Strongly Disagree 9 4.5 4.5 4.5

Disagree 45 22.5 22.5 27.0

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A Study on Social Acceptance and WTP of Pepper Spray

Neutral 86 43.0 43.0 70.0

Agree 41 20.5 20.5 90.5

Strongly Agree 19 9.5 9.5 100.0

Total 200 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



Strongly Disagree 4 2.0 2.0 2.0

Disagree 12 6.0 6.0 8.0

Neutral 36 18.0 18.0 26.0

Agree 80 40.0 40.0 66.0

Strongly Agree 68 34.0 34.0 100.0

Total 200 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


Valid Strongly Disagree 10 5.0 5.0 5.0

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A Study on Social Acceptance and WTP of Pepper Spray

Disagree 22 11.0 11.0 16.0

Neutral 32 16.0 16.0 32.0

Agree 82 41.0 41.0 73.0

Strongly Agree 54 27.0 27.0 100.0

Total 200 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



Strongly Disagree 13 6.5 6.5 6.5

Disagree 36 18.0 18.0 24.5

Neutral 59 29.5 29.5 54.0

Agree 65 32.5 32.5 86.5

Strongly Agree 27 13.5 13.5 100.0

Total 200 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative


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A Study on Social Acceptance and WTP of Pepper Spray


Strongly Disagree 15 7.5 7.5 7.5

Disagree 27 13.5 13.5 21.0

Neutral 46 23.0 23.0 44.0

Agree 66 33.0 33.0 77.0

Strongly Agree 46 23.0 23.0 100.0

Total 200 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



Strongly Disagree 18 9.0 9.0 9.0

Disagree 60 30.0 30.0 39.0

Neutral 58 29.0 29.0 68.0

Agree 49 24.5 24.5 92.5

Strongly Agree 15 7.5 7.5 100.0

Total 200 100.0 100.0


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A Study on Social Acceptance and WTP of Pepper Spray

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



Strongly Disagree 20 10.0 10.0 10.0

Disagree 63 31.5 31.5 41.5

Neutral 48 24.0 24.0 65.5

Agree 56 28.0 28.0 93.5

Strongly Agree 13 6.5 6.5 100.0

Total 200 100.0 100.0


Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



Strongly Disagree 9 4.5 4.5 4.5

Disagree 34 17.0 17.0 21.5

Neutral 78 39.0 39.0 60.5

Agree 62 31.0 31.0 91.5

Strongly Agree 17 8.5 8.5 100.0

Total 200 100.0 100.0


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A Study on Social Acceptance and WTP of Pepper Spray

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative



Strongly Disagree 17 8.5 8.5 8.5

Disagree 22 11.0 11.0 19.5

Neutral 62 31.0 31.0 50.5

Agree 80 40.0 40.0 90.5

Strongly Agree 19 9.5 9.5 100.0

Total 200 100.0 100.0

Pie Chart

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A Study on Social Acceptance and WTP of Pepper Spray

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A Study on Social Acceptance and WTP of Pepper Spray

15. Interpretations:

Mean and Standard Deviation


H1- Pepper Spray will be readily accepted in the society. (Total 6 Questions regarding this

hypothesis asked and 5 answers were in favor of it which proves people will socially accept

Pepper Spray). = True

1. H2- People are not willing to pay for Pepper Spray. (One Question asked which

concluded that this hypothesis is wrong and people are willing to pay for Pepper

Spray). = False

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A Study on Social Acceptance and WTP of Pepper Spray

2. H3- Pepper Spray is an effective tool for personal security. (4 Answers were in favor

of this hypothesis out of 6 which means people have an Idea about pepper spray and

they think it can be used for self-defense). = True

Willingness to Pay:

Out of 200 respondents 140 suggested the suitable price, Average when calculated was

612.0143 Rs