Marian Catholic College 185 WAKADEN STREET, GRIFFITH NSW 2680 TELEPHONE: (02) 69692400 WEBSITE: www.mccww.catholic.edu.au Timetable Week 1– 14 August 2015 No 25 Dear Parents, Students and Friends, This week our HSC Drama and Music students gave performances of their pieces to packed houses in our Drama Studio. Both evenings were wonderful and whilst each one of the students went away with deeper insights into how to improve on their performance, it was evident to everyone there that the talents have been well honed and they are certainly ready to give their best in front of the HSC examiners. My thanks go to Drama teacher Mr Hillam and Music teacher Mr Segrave who have nurtured this group over a number of years. It is an anxious time for them as well but they have definitely worked hard with the students. It was also pleasing to see so many Year 12 students and staff (as well as family and friends) supporting the performers. Having spoken with many of them over the week they are very grateful for the encouragement that has been shown. Our other “practical” based HSC classes in Design and Technology and Visual Arts are also moving towards completion of their major works and viewing them over the past week I have been reminded that the seniors are blessed with talents in so many areas. The prayer at the top of this page concludes with the Holy Spirit calling us to “share our gifts with others”. It has been said that we “Live in the shelter of each other”, meaning that we need to look out for on another. Everyone is our neighbour and caring for one another is what strong communities do. The support that we extend to others is a living example of God’s Spirit alive, in our midst, living within us! The Marian Community Action Team, supported by College Pastoral Care Worker, Sue Hone, have launched their new project, You CAN Make A Difference with the goal of providing 650 meals to those in need in the Griffith area. Homerooms have been asked to bring in cans of food which the group will make up into food boxes to give to the homeless. What a wonderful idea! On another tack, congratulations to the Marian Chess Team-Riverina Champions. Well done, John Molina, Prateek Prasad, Joyal Abraham and Piri Karunapalan and to their dedicated coach Mr Ivan Mason. Finally, the College is holding Mass next Monday at 1pm in the Marcellin Hall. Fr Rafter will be our Celebrant and you are invited to join us. Peace and Best Wishes Principal Lord of All, God of gifts, thank you for the blessings you have given us. May we always use our gifts and talents in a way that demonstrates kindness, humility, and compassion. May we continue to do our part in developing our gifts. Keep our hearts and minds open to the direction of the Spirit, who calls us to celebrate our gifts by sharing them with others. Amen

Marian Catholic CollegeMarian were then to play St John’s College, Dubbo for a spot in the final 8 in the state. Despite severe weather conditions, Marian put up a good fight against

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  • Marian Catholic College


    TELEPHONE: (02) 69692400

    WEBSITE: www.mccww.catholic.edu.au Timetable Week 1– 14 August 2015

    No 25

    Kind regards,

    Christie Scoble

    Acting Principal

    Peace and Best Wishes


    Dear Parents, Students and Friends,

    This week our HSC Drama and Music students gave performances of their pieces to packed houses in our Drama Studio. Both evenings were wonderful and whilst each one of the students went away with deeper insights into how to improve on their performance, it was evident to everyone there that the talents have been well honed and they are certainly ready to give their best in front of the HSC examiners. My thanks go to Drama teacher Mr Hillam and Music teacher Mr Segrave who have nurtured this group over a number of years. It is an anxious time for them as well but they have definitely worked hard with the students. It was also pleasing to see so many Year 12 students and staff (as well as family and friends) supporting the performers. Having spoken with many of them over the week they are very grateful for the encouragement that has been shown. Our other “practical” based HSC classes in Design and Technology and Visual Arts are also moving towards completion of their major works and viewing them over the past week I have been reminded that the seniors are blessed with talents in so many areas.

    The prayer at the top of this page concludes with the Holy Spirit calling us to “share our gifts with others”. It has been said that we “Live in the shelter of each other”, meaning that we need to look out for on another. Everyone is our neighbour and caring for one another is what strong communities do. The support that we extend to others is a living example of God’s Spirit alive, in our midst, living within us!

    The Marian Community Action Team, supported by College Pastoral Care Worker, Sue Hone, have launched their new project, You CAN Make A Difference with the goal of providing 650 meals to those in need in the Griffith area. Homerooms have been asked to bring in cans of food which the group will make up into food boxes to give to the homeless. What a wonderful idea!

    On another tack, congratulations to the Marian Chess Team-Riverina Champions. Well done, John Molina, Prateek Prasad, Joyal Abraham and Piri Karunapalan and to their dedicated coach Mr Ivan Mason.

    Finally, the College is holding Mass next Monday at 1pm in the Marcellin Hall. Fr Rafter will be our Celebrant and you are invited to join us.

    Peace and Best Wishes


    Lord of All, God of gifts, thank you for the blessings you have given us. May we always use our gifts and talents in a

    way that demonstrates kindness, humility, and compassion. May we continue to do our part in developing our gifts. Keep our hearts and minds open to the direction of the Spirit, who calls us to celebrate our gifts

    by sharing them with others. Amen

  • Learning and Teaching News


    Year 8 Last night parents and Year 8 students attended a Subject Selection Information Night in the Hall. Students in Stage 5 continue to study the mandatory subjects of Religion, English, Mathematics, Science and PDHPE. In addition, students select TWO elective subjects to study. Last night, information was provided to parents and students by our KLA Coordinators about the range of electives offered in Stage 5 at the College including:


    Elective History



    Physical Activity and Sports Studies

    Child Studies

    Creative Arts




    Visual Arts

    Photography and Digital Media


    Information Software and Design

    Food Technology

    Industrial Technology—Metal

    Industrial Technology—Timber

    Textiles Technology

    Year 8 students must return their subject selection forms to the office by Tuesday 18th August.

    Year 10

    The subject lines for Year 11 2016 are currently being designed based on the subjects selected by Year 10 students this week. Students should expect to receive their proposed timetable and pattern of study by the end of Week 7.

    Students at Marian are lucky to have such a diverse range of subjects available both in Stage 5 and Stage 6. It is important to remember, however, that the final subjects to be offered at Marian will be determined by the number of students requesting the course and the overall demands of the school curriculum and staff availability. The final decision will rest with the Principal.

    Christie Scoble

    Assistant Principal - Learning and Teaching

  • Prayers Please

    We keep in our prayers the families of Maile Tuitufu on the loss of her grandmother passed away and Georgia McGregor who’s grandfather passed away.

    We also pray for any families in our community who have lost loved ones or are suffering illnesses.


    Business Services Work Placement 2

    Monday 17 August - Friday 21

    Mass for Feast of the Assumption, Marcellin Hall @ 1pm Monday 17 August

    Preliminary Support Evening in the Learning Centre @ 7pm Thursday 20 August

    SLAM Poetry Workshop Year 7 Friday 21 August


    Monday 17 August S Schaefer, A Gibbs, J Lockwood, S Andreazza

    Tuesday 18 August L Marin, P Nunn, S Raccanello

    Wednesday 19 August K Trimboli, F Sartor, M Macrae

    Thursday 20 August D Zanotto, M Marando, J Sartor

    Friday 21 August S Royal K Adams-Jones, E Menegon

    Feast Mass of the Assumption

    This coming Monday 17th August we will be

    celebrating a Mass for the Feast of the

    Assumption in Marcellin Hall at 1pm. We

    invite all parents and friends to come and

    join us for this solemnity.

    Belinda Aventi

    Liturgy Coordinator

  • The Opens Girls came second in the round robin of the CSO’s Gala Day which would normally put us out of the state competition, however, as Xavier go into the Victorian league we have a second chance in the CCC Opens Girls Competition. We first took on James Sheahan from Orange at the Leagues Club and played an excellent game that came out with a 2-1 win to put the girls into the Quarter Finals. The team included many junior played stepping up and showing their talents, including Samantha Pandolfo, Elizabeth Barbaro, Alana Marando and Johane’ Oberholzer who scored both our goals.

    The Marian Girls out to for a win had numerous training sessions & inspirational speeches with the aim to get to the Semi’s. The Quarter Final was a nail biting game against Casimir College from Marrickville. The game having to go into extra time as the scores were locked at 1-all from 2 exceptional goals from both sides. Daisy Croce from MCC scoring the first of the match which kept us in the lead for majority of the game. The game was intense with the girls relying on their skill and speed right to the full time whistle. Casimir College took out the game in the 3rd minute of extra time with a freak double attempt at the goal leaving MCC very deflated seeing the Semi Finals slip away. Three Marian girls played their last game for the College, Tara Searl, Daisy Croce & Lauryn Harper as they will go on to graduate at the end of the year. Which leaves a very optimistic team for our 2016 campaign.

    Coaches John Seers & Nadine Scarfone

  • Combined Catholic Colleges - Athletics

    After excellent performances at BISSA Athletics in Albury on Tuesday 5th May

    representing Marian Catholic College; the following students have the opportunity to compete at the Sydney International Athletics Centre, Homebush on Friday 11



    The following students will represent the Wagga Wagga Diocese at CCC Athletics:

    Sarah Negus Noah Negus

    Prateek Prasaad Angus Kennedy

    Winter Rosengreen Claire Murray

    Tyler Andreazza Ceasar Picinin

    Emma Iralese Daniel Arcifa

    Jaeden Andreazza

    Marian wishes all competitors the best of luck as they represent our

    College and the Wagga Wagga Diocese.

    Open Boys Soccer

    The Open Boys Soccer Team has enjoyed another successful year. The Riverina Champion was decided at the Wagga Wagga Diocese carnival in Griffith on Friday 30

    th April. Marian Boys were clear leaders going into the final undefeated. Marian

    then competed against Kildare Catholic College for the title of Riverina Champions. Marian started the game strongly and never looked challenged as they scored a dominant 4 nil victory.

    Marian were then to play St John’s College, Dubbo for a spot in the final 8 in the state. Despite severe weather conditions, Marian put up a good fight against a very strong St John’s team. Marian lost the game 2 nil in a very competitive and skillful game. I would also like to acknowledge the help with coaching on the day by Daniel Febo. Daniel displayed maturity beyond his years and a very good knowledge of the game whilst assisting in the coaching duties.

    Strong performances were displayed by all players and with only four of the team members being in Year 12. Marian is set for another good year of soccer in 2016.

    I would like to wish the following Year 12 students all the best for their futures after being such strong

    representatives of soccer for Marian over the past four years.

    Steven Zalunardo, Jacob Zanatta, Andrew Raccanello and Jayden Richens

  • Open Diocesan Representatives

    Marian also had the largest number of Open Soccer players selected for the CCC state selection trial in Sydney on 25

    th and 26

    th May. This was a fantastic result.

    Congratulations to each of the following players: Tristan Beltrame, Jacob Donadel, Zac Fattore, Daniel Febo,

    Antoine Mancini Terrazas, Steven Zalunardo, Cody Peet, Sabine Mazarrolo, Johanne Oberholzer, Jaclyn

    Agostini, Caprice Torino, Selina Gatto, Daisy Croce, Tara Searl, Laura Racanello.

    U15 Girls Bill Turner Trophy Soccer

    The Junior Marian team had a bye in round one of The Bill Turner Competition and a convincing win of the second round against Wade High School. In the second round Johane’ Oberholzer made some beautiful shots scoring a hat trick and Zarah Sully, Cilla Pavese and Sophia Zappala also scoring.

    Round three saw another win this time against our local CSO rival St Francis College defeating them 8-0. With Jessica Agresta nearly on a hat trick and Alana Marando, Johane’ Oberholzer, Nadine Zanatta, Zarah Sully, Cilla Pavese and Jenna Pittari all scoring.

    We played against Finley High School in round four with Sophia Zappala, Zarah Sully, Nadine Zanatta and Cilla Pavese all getting the ball in the back of the net to get our team across the line for a 4-0 win. This win took us to the Final of the Riverina Area.

    In the Final we came up against longtime rival Albury High School. The game was drawn until the final minutes, the ball was in our half majority of the game and the Marian girls had many shots on goals which led to many missed opportunities. A goal kick from Marian which was followed by an excellent header from Albury lead to a 1 on 1 opportunity with our goalie which saw Albury get a goal just minutes from the end of the match, this left no time for Marian to recover and left a very deflated Marian.

    Coach: Nadine Scarfone and John Seers

  • On the 23rd of July 47 students travelled to Thredbo for three days of skiing adventures. All students undertook ski lessons for five hours a day and enjoyed spending time at the Thredbo Leisure Centre where they took advantage of the indoor heated pool, slide and inflatable obstacle course. In the evening the students and teachers spent time enjoying the fantastic food and atmosphere at our accommodation. The attitude and enthusiasm of all of the students made this trip an amazing experience with all students ski skills improving dramatically. I would like to thank the teachers Mr Segrave, Mr Lawler and Miss Vardanega for being so supportive and skiing everyday with the students and instructors. Mrs Segrave Co Ski Tip Organiser

    Counsellor News—Food for thought On Tuesday night I watched an interesting documentary on ABC1 called “ Stop The Rush Hour”. This documentary really got me thinking. It was an amazing insight from Dr Carl Honore who is the ambassador for the Slow Parenting Movement.

    In his book “Under Pressure” and in this documentary he discussed the idea that the Modern parents and families are increasingly running against the clock. They are busy fitting everything in, taxiing their children to extracurricular activities all in the pursuit of excellence. He calls it a “modern hyper approach to raising children.” In doing so he fears we are becoming a generation of helicopter parents and are raising a generation of highly anxious, over achieving children who have little resilience or coping skills to failure. In my head I was secretly calculating the amount of car time I was spending chauffeuring my children to events after school. I challenge you to consider when raising your children how this increased fast pace is benefiting family and to what cost does it reduce quality time. The slow parenting movement advocates for dialling down the pressure and reducing child and adolescent activities. Dr Honore recommends allowing your children to live their own lives, create resilience, and have balance of learning, a few activities and rest. Most importantly he allowed me to reflect as a parent am I truly acknowledging my children for who they are ? Not what they achieve.

  • Riverina Chess Champions

    MCC is the Riverina champions in the NSWJCL Country Secondary Schools Chess Teams Competition. On Wednesday 5

    th August, the team travelled to

    Wagga to play in the Riverina finals against Scots School Albury. It was a knockout competition with teams only getting one chance to progress. The competition started with 22 teams from around the Riverina.

    A Chess team has four players ranked from 1st to 4

    th and they play their

    matching rank in the other team (Both 1st players are on Board 1; 2

    nd players

    are on Board 2; etc.). A win is 1 point and a lose 0 points. A draw is ½ a point. The team with the highest score wins. In the case of a tie, the 4

    th board is

    removed. The lower boards are removed until there is a team with a higher score.

    Marian lost on boards 1 & 4. This meant that MCC had to win on Boards 2 & 3 to win the match. MCC won on Board 3 leaving Board 2 deciding our fate. Board 2 ran out of time (the time limit was 2 ½ hours) and had to be sent away for adjudication. Four days later I received the result that MCC had won on Board 2 giving us the match.

    The team is very excited to be named the Riverina champions. This is our 5th year in the competition and this is

    the best result to date. The team will now travel to Sydney in November to play the other 5 regional champions. This puts MCC in the top 6 regional teams. The team has their goal set on being number 1 in the state.

    Chess is a game that requires patience and the ability to stay focused for long periods of time. It is not a game of luck but of strategy and takes years to master. The team are to be congratulated on their hard work and training. The team consists of John Molina, Joyal Abraham, Piriyarathan Karunapalan and Prateek Prasad.

    I would like to thank the following:-

    Barry LeCornu for taking the team to the finals when I was ill. All the teachers who have supported the Games Group with their time over the last five years. Elda Cappello, Evelyn Cunial and all the canteen volunteers for the wonderful morning teas the home team

    is required to supply. All visiting teams have remarked on MCC hospitality when hosting matches.

    Alan LeBroque and Christie Scoble for their continuing support of the Games Group and Chess team. Michelle Quade and the office staff for their tireless assistance in everything. All students who have tried out for the Chss team and who participate in the MCC Chess Comp.

    Year 11 students studying Business Studies got to experience the workforce this week in their workplacement commitment for this year. MCC wish to sincerely thank the following local businesses who have been kind enough to host these students.

    David Davidge Solicitors, Griffith Central ,Casella Wines, Griffith Public School, Knockonwood, Riverina Regional Development Australia , Keith Gill Motors and Griffith Bus Lines

  • Congratulations to MCC Year 11 student Shallisa Ippoliti who was very

    successful at the Leeton Eisteddfod over the past couple of days winning 3

    major awards along with many first, second and third places. Many of you may

    remember Shallisa from her starring role in the MCC production of THE WIZ in


    Congratulations again on your outstanding performance.

    In 2008 St. Joseph's Primary School in Wagga was damaged by a fire. One of the rooms, in particular, was completely ruined. Everything was destroyed; tables, chairs, books etc, except for one item; a painting of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Maybe it was a coincidence. Maybe it was a little sign from God to remind us of how close He still remains to us. I am in favour of the latter.

    This Saturday we celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Mary, who never sinned, was taken up body and soul into Heaven. This day is classified as a Holy Day of Obligation, hence the reason we will celebrate a school Mass on Monday at 1pm to honour the Mother of God.

    Sacred Heart Parishe Masses for the Assumption are:

    Friday 14th of August (Vigil) 5.30pm

    Saturday 15th: 8am, 9am (Italian), 10.30am and 11.30am (Scalabrini Village)

    Some other events to consider are: Captiv8 Catholic Youth Group every first and third Tuesday at 7pm in the 'Youth Shack' in the Sacred Heart Parish hall: this is open for all High School students

    Young Adults Group meet every second and fourth Tuesday (same time and place) for those aged 18 - 40's

    God Bless,

    Father Rafter


    August 22-28 is Children’s Book Week - the theme is :


    The Library is holding a poster competition for Book Week, Students from Years 7 & 8 and Years 9 & 10 can design a poster or book mark, or write an advertisement for a book they have read.

    During the week there will be a Homeroom Trivia competition.

    Books truly light up our world in so many different ways. They shed light into dark places by bringing education to those who want it. Books bring the world to life for us, enabling us to travel to distant lands without leaving our homes and even venture into space or fantasy worlds. They empower us, entertain us, educate us and bring us closer to others. Books help us to grow as human beings.

  • 2015 COLLEGE MAGAZINE We are currently taking orders for the 2015 Marian Catholic College Magazine (available early 2016). Magazines are available to families for $27.50 each & must be pre-ordered & paid for by 27/11/2015. Magazines will not be available unless pre-ordered. Please complete your order below & promptly return to the College office. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Student Name………………………………………………… Year…………………. No. of Magazines req’d………………….@ $27.50ea = $.......................... Payment type herewith: Cash or Cheque payable to Marian Catholic College or Please debit my Visa / Mastercard No. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Exp. _ _ / _ _ Signed…………………………………………..




    AUGUST 2015 During Book Week the library will run a trivia competition during homeroom each morning also a competition to create a bookmark using the Book Week theme. They will be displayed in the Library and gifts will be given .Open to all year levels. To be

    dropped off to Library staff by Tuesday 25th August, 2015

    See library staff for more information.




    TAFE NSW Riverina Institute in conjunction with National Skills Week are

    holding parent and student information sessions at three campus locations

    TVET Information sessions will be held from 5pm to 7pm:

    • Tuesday August 25 Albury Campus

    • Wednesday August 26 Wagga Wagga Campus

    • Thursday August 27 Griffith Campus

    The sessions will provide opportunities for parents and students to speak directly with teaching

    staff of TVET courses and will be held in the Library at each campus.

    Discuss future pathway options through Riverina Institute and our partner Universities

    Learn the advantages of undertaking a TVET course

    Contact the Campus School Engagement Officer for more information.

    Kylie Hruz, Albury 0448953639 Cassie Flanagan, Wagga 0448964467 Josie Marks, Griffith 0448954414

  • Murrumbidgee Local Health District

    ABN 71 172 428 618

    Locked Bag 10, Wagga Wagga NSW 2650 Tel 02 6933 9100 Fax 02 6933 9188

    Website www.health.nsw.gov.au/mlhn/

    14th August 2015

    Dear Parent and Staff member

    Pertussis (whooping cough)

    A confirmed case of pertussis (whooping cough) is been investigated in a child from Marian Catholic College. I am writing to provide advice and to ask that you watch out for the symptoms of pertussis, especially over the next few weeks.

    What is pertussis? Pertussis is an infection of the throat that can cause bouts of coughing, and sometimes breathing difficulties and vomiting. It can be a very serious infection in small children. The illness can last for many weeks. It usually starts with a snuffle or a cold.

    What should people sick with pertussis do? If your child has symptoms, or develops symptoms take this letter and see your local doctor as soon as possible. Your doctor can advise whether pertussis is likely and arrange for early treatment if needed. Treating people who have pertussis with antibiotics can stop the infection spreading, but is more effective if started early.

    To help prevent this infection spreading, people who have been diagnosed with pertussis should not attend Marian Catholic College until they have completed the first 5 days of a course of the recommended antibiotics. If antibiotics cannot be taken, then they must stay away for 3 weeks after onset of the cough.

    How is it prevented? Vaccination is the most important way of reducing pertussis in our community. It is important to double check that your child is fully up to date with his or her immunisations against pertussis. If in doubt, please ask your doctor to check.

    Immunity to whooping cough from immunisation or infection is not life lasting. It is

    therefore important to seek medical attention if your child develops a cough even if

    fully immunised.

    If symptoms develop please take this letter and see your doctor ASAP. A course of

    antibiotics may be required prior to returning to school. A pathology test may also be

    requested. (Nasopharyngeal or throat swab is the preferred specimen)

    Need more information? For more information, please see the attached Pertussis Fact sheet, or call the Infectious Disease Surveillance officer at the Public Health Unit on 02 6080 8900

  • Whooping Cough (Pertussis) page 1 of 2

    What is whooping cough? Whooping cough can be a life threatening infection in babies. Whooping cough in babies can lead to apnoea (pauses in normal breathing), pneumonia, feeding problems and weight loss, seizures, brain damage and, in some cases, death. Older children and adults can get whooping cough too and pass it on to babies.

    What are the symptoms?

    Whooping cough usually begins like a cold with a blocked or runny nose, tiredness, mild fever and a cough.

    The cough gets worse and severe bouts of uncontrollable coughing can develop. Coughing bouts can be followed by vomiting, choking or taking a big gasping breath which causes a "whooping" sound. The cough can last for many weeks and can be worse at night.

    Some newborns may not cough at all but they can stop breathing and turn blue. Some babies have difficulties feeding and can choke or gag.

    Older children and adults may just have a cough that lasts for many weeks. They may not have the whoop.

    How is it spread?

    Whooping cough is spread when an infectious person coughs bacteria into the air which can be inhaled by people nearby. If they are not treated early, people with whooping cough are infectious in the first three weeks of their illness.

    Whooping cough spreads easily through families, childcare centres and at school.

    Who is at risk?

    Anyone can get whooping cough. People living in the same household as someone with whooping cough are especially at risk.

    Immunisation reduces the risk of infection but immunity fades over time. You can still get whooping cough even if you've been immunised.

    How is it prevented? Whooping cough vaccines provide good protection from infection but immunity fades which means that boosters are needed.

    Immunisation for babies

    Babies need to be immunised at 2 months, 4 months and 6 months. The first dose can be given as early as 6 weeks of age.

    Getting your baby vaccinated on time gives them some protection when they are most at risk of severe illness.

    If your baby's vaccines are overdue, see your GP now to catch up.

    Communicable Diseases Factsheet Whooping cough affects people of all ages. It can be especially serious for

    babies. Vaccination reduces the risk

    of infection. Whooping Cough (Pertussis) Last updated: 30 March 2015

  • Whooping Cough (Pertussis) page 2 of 2

    Immunisation for older children

    A whooping cough booster is needed at 4 years of age.

    Check if your child has been vaccinated. Look at their Blue Book, speak to your GP or ring the Australian Childhood Immunisation Register on 1800 653 809.

    A second whooping cough booster is given in high school through the NSW School –based Vaccination Program.

    Immunisation for adults

    A booster for adults is recommended for:

    Women who are in the third trimester of pregnancy, preferably at 28 weeks. Free vaccine is provided in NSW through Gps and hospital antenatal clinics.

    Other adult household members, grandparents and carers of infants under 12 months of age.

    Adults working with young children, especially health care and child care workers.

    If you are a close contact of someone with whooping cough:

    If you have been exposed to someone with whooping cough early in their illness while they are infectious, watch out for symptoms and see your doctor if you get a new cough.

    Some babies and some pregnant women need antibiotics to prevent whooping cough infection if they have had significant contact with an infectious person.

    How is it diagnosed? Your doctor may ask about your symptoms and whether there you've had any contact with whooping cough. If your doctor thinks you have whooping cough, a swab from the back of the nose or throat can confirm the diagnosis.

    How is it treated?

    Some babies may need treatment in hospital or in intensive care.

    Antibiotics are used to treat whooping cough in the early stages and can help prevent spreading whooping cough to others. People who are not treated early with the right antibiotics can spread the infection in the first 3 weeks of their illness. After 5 days of antibiotics, you are normally no longer infectious.

    The cough often continues for many weeks, despite antibiotics.

    What is the public health response? Doctors and laboratories must confidentially notify cases of pertussis to the local Public Health Unit. Public Health Unit staff can advise on the best way to stop further spread. Infectious children are restricted from going to pre-school and school. Unimmunised contacts may be excluded from child care unless they take the special antibiotics.

    Identify - Protect – Prevent NSW Health whooping cough campaign http://www.health.nsw.gov.au/PublicHealth/Infectious/whoopingcough/index.asp For further information please call your local Public Health Unit on 1300 066 055 or visit the New South Wales Health website www.health.nsw.gov.au


    News25NSW Health letter to Parents and Staffpertussis 14 08 15 ex NSW Health web