1 March 28, 2015 NSQG Board Meeting Minutes This meeting was moved to Saturday, March 28, 2015 from Sat. April 4, 2015 because the April date was the weekend of Easter. It was held at the Material Girl Quilt Shop in Grand Island, NE. The meeting was opened at 1 PM by President Shirley Spence. Board Members Present: 14 Shirley Spence, President Marty Kleppinger, President Elect Janet Wilson, Secretary Sharon Clark, Region I Director Jill Vanderboegh, Region I Director Mary Dudzinski, Region II Director Nancy Peters, Region II Director Barbara Shepardson, Region III Director LaVonne Dunetts, Membership Jan Sittler, NE State Fair Superintendent Carol Brandl, Threads Across Nebraska LeAnne Killion, Threads Co-Chair Deb Austin, QNE 15 Co-Chair Sandra K. Kosch, QNE 15 Co-chair Guests: 3 Patty Young, QNE 15 Co-Chair/Treasurer Susan Schoenauer Judy Rohrich Board Members Absent: 18 Dee Augustin, Treasurer Mary Weich, Advisor Bea Bauerle, Region III Director Mary Kampfe, Awards Leeann Meduna, By-Laws & Policies Sheila Green, Education Jayne Schlosser, Historian Katie Wilson, Library Project Mari Clark, Quilt Mom Susan Weber, Site Selection Bonnie Kucera, Site Selection & QNE 16 Co-Chair Kay Grimminger, NE State Fair Liaison Dianne Thomas, IQSC/Friends of IQSC Liaison Chris Wiegers, Website Betz McMahon, Newsletter Gloria Miller, QNE 15 Co-Chair Karen Ruwe, QNE 16 Co-Chair Kathy Murphy, QNE 16 Co-Chair Secretary’s Report Janet Wilson A motion was made by Carol Brandl to accept the minutes of the last meeting, seconded by Marty Kleppinger, motion passed.

March 28, 2015 NSQG Board Meeting Minutes€¦ · $30.00. In the afternoon there will be a power point presentation on Barn Quilts. There will also be a demonstration on English Paper

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Page 1: March 28, 2015 NSQG Board Meeting Minutes€¦ · $30.00. In the afternoon there will be a power point presentation on Barn Quilts. There will also be a demonstration on English Paper


March 28, 2015 NSQG Board Meeting Minutes This meeting was moved to Saturday, March 28, 2015 from Sat. April 4, 2015 because the April date was the weekend of Easter. It was held at the Material Girl Quilt Shop in Grand Island, NE. The meeting was opened at 1 PM by President Shirley Spence. Board Members Present: 14 Shirley Spence, President Marty Kleppinger, President Elect Janet Wilson, Secretary Sharon Clark, Region I Director Jill Vanderboegh, Region I Director Mary Dudzinski, Region II Director Nancy Peters, Region II Director Barbara Shepardson, Region III Director LaVonne Dunetts, Membership Jan Sittler, NE State Fair Superintendent Carol Brandl, Threads Across Nebraska LeAnne Killion, Threads Co-Chair Deb Austin, QNE 15 Co-Chair Sandra K. Kosch, QNE 15 Co-chair Guests: 3 Patty Young, QNE 15 Co-Chair/Treasurer Susan Schoenauer Judy Rohrich Board Members Absent: 18 Dee Augustin, Treasurer Mary Weich, Advisor Bea Bauerle, Region III Director Mary Kampfe, Awards Leeann Meduna, By-Laws & Policies Sheila Green, Education Jayne Schlosser, Historian Katie Wilson, Library Project Mari Clark, Quilt Mom Susan Weber, Site Selection Bonnie Kucera, Site Selection & QNE 16 Co-Chair Kay Grimminger, NE State Fair Liaison Dianne Thomas, IQSC/Friends of IQSC Liaison Chris Wiegers, Website Betz McMahon, Newsletter Gloria Miller, QNE 15 Co-Chair Karen Ruwe, QNE 16 Co-Chair Kathy Murphy, QNE 16 Co-Chair Secretary’s Report Janet Wilson A motion was made by Carol Brandl to accept the minutes of the last meeting, seconded by Marty Kleppinger, motion passed.

Page 2: March 28, 2015 NSQG Board Meeting Minutes€¦ · $30.00. In the afternoon there will be a power point presentation on Barn Quilts. There will also be a demonstration on English Paper


Treasures Report Dee Augustin was absent. No report. District Directors Reports Region I: A Verbal report was given by Sharon Clark and Jill Vanderboegh. There is a Quilt Gathering planned for Oct 17, 2015, 1 PM at the National Homestead Monument Education Building at Beatrice, NE. Special speaker Tresa Jones will be presenting “Red and White Quilts.” by In conjunction with the “Friends of the Homestead” there will be an American Barn quilt class in the morning, with supplies supplied. Cost of the class will be $30.00. In the afternoon there will be a power point presentation on Barn Quilts. There will also be a demonstration on English Paper Piecing. A show & tell of red and white quilts is planned. They will have bookmarks with this information on them out soon. Region II: A verbal report was given by Mary Dudzinski and Nancy Peters. They are in the planning stages for their Quilt Gathering. Region III: Barbara Shepardson gave a verbal report on their Quilt Gathering “Trading Techniques with Quilting” that is planned for Sat. April 25, 2015, registration will start at 9am and the gathering at 9:30 am and it will go until 3 pm at the Methodist Church in Sutherland, NE. The church will provide a lunch for a cost of $10.00 per person. Presenters are: Patricia Pressler – trunk show; Joyce Snyder on Grace Snyder; Lisa DeBord – North Platte Quilt Rack. Barbara Shepardson & Nancy Shavilk will be using a trunk show to educate and encourage people to join NSQG, and attend QNE 15 in Norfolk, attend Threads Across Nebraska and information on the Library Project. A flyer was handed out, see attached copy. Committee Reports President Shirley Spence asked each of the board members to write down and answer the question, “What do I get for my $25.00 NSQG membership”. She would like these given back to her with no names on them. Newsletter Contract: The contract for the newsletter with Betz McMahon needed to be signed before today’s meeting. This was done with the consensus of the board. Marty Kleppinger made a motion to ratify this decision in our minutes for our contract that was signed with Betz McMahon for the newsletter; this will be for black and white copies only, no color issue. 2nd by Sharon Clark, motion passed. Nominations for 2016 Officers: President Elect Marty Kleppinger will be naming the nominating committee. She is in the process of finding Officers and Committee Chairmen. She will have nominees for the offices and they will be presented in the June Newsletter.

Page 3: March 28, 2015 NSQG Board Meeting Minutes€¦ · $30.00. In the afternoon there will be a power point presentation on Barn Quilts. There will also be a demonstration on English Paper


QNE 2015: A verbal report was given by Deb Austin. There are 117 days until QNE History Day! Deb thanked Carol Brandl for helping get the registration book ready. It is ready to go the printers. There are 24 all day classes lined up. For half day classes there are 10 on Friday and 11 for Saturday, for a total of 45 classes to be offered. They have 6 National teachers and 26 regional teachers signed up. There are 12 vendors committed to coming; eight are from Nebraska, two from Kansas, one from Iowa and one from South Dakota. The vendors were named. Just Right Sharpening, More Sew for You, Vintage Textiles, Calico Cottage, Sunflower Basket Weavers of North East Kansas, Quilted Memories, Just Sew, Blooming Minds, Pieceful Pastimes, Wagners Quilts & Conversation, and Rex’s Quilting Accessories. Things are going good for QNE. QNE 16: No report. Awards: No report. By-Laws and Policies: No report. Education: Sheila Green was not present and President Shirley Spence presented her information and proposal. There are emails with the information, see attached copies. Sheila Green and Janice Lippincott would like to propose “that the Nebraska State Quilt Guild sponsor the Quilt Contest for the State of Nebraska’s 150 Sesquicentennial in 2017. This would be a collaborative effort with the S150 Commission. This quilt contest will be a “Leadership Project” of the S150 Commission and would be the only official quilt contest of the Sesquicentennial.” They would need a total budget of $1,000.00 for 2016 and 2017. Bonnie Kucera’s email supporting this project was read. A motion was made by Marty Kleppinger that we take on this project. 2nd by Carol Brandl, motion passed. Historian: No report. Library Project: No report. Membership: LaVonne Dunetts gave a verbal report and there is a written report on the membership. See attached copy. We are out of the printed copies of the 2014-2015 membership books. There will be a password protected link of the membership list on the website. It was pointed out that we are in violation of our by-laws by having the half year membership dues at $15.00 rather than at $12.50 which is half of the current $25.00 full year dues. A motion was made by LaVonne Dunetts to change the half year dues from $15.00 to $12.50. 2nd by Nancy Peters, motion passed.

Page 4: March 28, 2015 NSQG Board Meeting Minutes€¦ · $30.00. In the afternoon there will be a power point presentation on Barn Quilts. There will also be a demonstration on English Paper


LaVonne Dunetts made a motion that beginning in the 2016 guild year that we charge an additional $10.00 for the printed newsletters. 2nd by Nancy Peters. After discussion LaVonne was asked to get together with the treasurer, Dee Augustin, to determine our printing and mailing costs. LaVonne agreed to table this motion till our June meeting. Raffle Quilt 15: It was reported that all the raffle tickets had been sold by the first of the year. A picture of the Raffle Quilt was published on the cover of the “On Track” magazine along with an article. Raffle Quilt 16: No report. Scholarships: Miriam Peterson sent information to Shirley Spence and she went over this. As of this date 2 applications for scholarships have been received. It was clarified that an applicant must be 18 years old to apply. A motion was made by Marty Kleppinger that the Scholarship Chair use her discretion to pick and approve the applicants for receiving the scholarships, for up to 4 scholarships. 2nd by Jill Vanderboegh. Motion passed. Site Selection: No report. NE State Fair Superintendent: There was a verbal and written report by Jan Sittler. See attached copy. The theme for this year is “The Fun is in the Fair.” She explained the changes and new rules for entries of quilts to the State Fair. There is also an article in the NSQG April 2015 newsletter on the changes. The State Fair is emphasizing that the different venues change the their décor each year. They are given a budget of $11,000.00 to $12,000.00 for decorating the quilt exhibit area; she is looking for ideas and someone to be in charge of this each year. NE State Fair Liaison: No report. Publicity: No report. This Committee is currently not covered by anyone. Friends of IQSC Liaison: No report. Website: No report. Chris Wiegers sent Shirley information on what she does in case something would happen to her. Shirley will put a copy of this in the Presidents book as well as the President Elects book. Threads Across Nebraska: A verbal report was given by Carol Brandl and Leann Killian. Threads will be held October 9 &10, 2015 at the Buffalo County Fairgrounds Expo Building, 3807 Ave. N. Kearney, NE. The featured speaker will be Katy Baatz Coleman who will present “Quilted Chronicles.” More help and support from the board and quilt guild members is needed. Carol introduced Leann Killian as a co-chair in charge of vendors for Threads.

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Brochures and Flyers were available for members to take for distribution. A copy of the brochure is available to view on the website. Unfinished Business: None. New Business: None. Shirley Spence inquired about two sets of signature quilt blocks she found in the Presidents box. These had been purchased at a garage sale and put in the Presidents box by Sandi K. to be used in the future for a fundraiser project. It was brought up that left over QNE Pins from the convention in Omaha could be sold at the next QNE convention. LaVonne Dunetts made a motion to adjourn the meeting. 2nd by Marty Kleppinger. Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned by President Shirley Spence at 2:55 PM. The next board meeting will be Saturday June 13, 2015 at the “Claus ’en Paus” Quilt Shop in Columbus, NE. Lunch will be at 12 noon, meeting at 1pm.

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Page 7: March 28, 2015 NSQG Board Meeting Minutes€¦ · $30.00. In the afternoon there will be a power point presentation on Barn Quilts. There will also be a demonstration on English Paper


Page 8: March 28, 2015 NSQG Board Meeting Minutes€¦ · $30.00. In the afternoon there will be a power point presentation on Barn Quilts. There will also be a demonstration on English Paper


Page 9: March 28, 2015 NSQG Board Meeting Minutes€¦ · $30.00. In the afternoon there will be a power point presentation on Barn Quilts. There will also be a demonstration on English Paper


Page 10: March 28, 2015 NSQG Board Meeting Minutes€¦ · $30.00. In the afternoon there will be a power point presentation on Barn Quilts. There will also be a demonstration on English Paper


Page 11: March 28, 2015 NSQG Board Meeting Minutes€¦ · $30.00. In the afternoon there will be a power point presentation on Barn Quilts. There will also be a demonstration on English Paper


Page 12: March 28, 2015 NSQG Board Meeting Minutes€¦ · $30.00. In the afternoon there will be a power point presentation on Barn Quilts. There will also be a demonstration on English Paper


Page 13: March 28, 2015 NSQG Board Meeting Minutes€¦ · $30.00. In the afternoon there will be a power point presentation on Barn Quilts. There will also be a demonstration on English Paper