Third Sunday of Lent Tercer Domingo de Cuaresma III Niedziela Postu St. Turibius Church A Roman Catholic Parish of the Archdiocese of Chicago La Iglesia de Sto. Toribio Una Parroquia Católica de la Arquidiócesis de Chicago Kościół Św. Turibiusza Rzymsko Katolicka Parafia Archidiecezji w Chicago Lord, you are truly the Savior of the world. Give me living water, that I may never thirst again. Señor, tú eres el Salvador del mundo. Dame de tu agua viva para que no vuelva a tener sed. Panie, Ty jesteś prawdziwie Zbawicielem świata, daj nam wody żywej, byśmy nie pragnęli. March 19, 2017 19 de Marzo de 2017 19 Marca 2017

March 19, 2017 St. Turibius Church A Roman Catholic Parish of … · 2017-03-19 · Third Sunday of Lent Tercer Domingo de Cuaresma III Niedziela Postu St. Turibius Church A Roman

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Page 1: March 19, 2017 St. Turibius Church A Roman Catholic Parish of … · 2017-03-19 · Third Sunday of Lent Tercer Domingo de Cuaresma III Niedziela Postu St. Turibius Church A Roman





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St. Turibius ChurchA Roman Catholic Parish of the Archdiocese of Chicago

La Iglesia de Sto. Toribio Una Parroquia Católica de la Arquidiócesis de Chicago

Kościół Św. TuribiuszaRzymsko Katolicka Parafia Archidiecezji w Chicago

Lord, you are truly the Savior of the world. Give me living water, that I may never thirst again.

Señor, tú eres el Salvador del mundo. Dame de tu agua viva para que no vuelva a tener sed.

Panie, Ty jesteś prawdziwie Zbawicielem świata, daj nam wody żywej, byśmy nie pragnęli.

March 19, 2017 19 de Marzo de 2017

19 Marca 2017

Page 2: March 19, 2017 St. Turibius Church A Roman Catholic Parish of … · 2017-03-19 · Third Sunday of Lent Tercer Domingo de Cuaresma III Niedziela Postu St. Turibius Church A Roman

[email protected] (773) 581-2730 ext. 29

Parish Information Masses

4pm Saturday 6:45 am and 11 am


5-6pm Saturday Telephone:

(773) 581-2730

We share Christ’s light and our faith is deepened as we celebrate the diversity of our Parish.

[email protected] (773) 581-2730 ext. 15

[email protected] (773) 581-2730 ext. 14


What: 500-600 expected at Way of the Cross through Downtown Chicago:

Witnessing to the sacrifice of our Lord on Good Friday, we follow the cross through the streets of our city, where so many take up their crosses daily. This is a silent procession following the cross with Choral music, Gospel readings, plus texts by Ser-vant of God Msgr. Luigi Giussani, French poet Charles Peguy,

and others at four stops (listed below).

When: Good Friday, April 14, 2017 9:00 am-12:00 pm

Where: Beginning at Daley Plaza at 9 am 2nd Station: Veteran's Memorial 3rd Station: Tribune Tower Plaza

4th Station: Holy Name Cathedral courtyard (arrive 11:30 am)

In it's 12th year, the procession attracts between 400-600 people each year and is free and open to everyone. Organized by the

Catholic ecclesial lay movements Communion and Liberation and Focolare Movement.

Website for event: www.wayofthecrosschicago.orgPress contact: 303-901-3277

Page 3: March 19, 2017 St. Turibius Church A Roman Catholic Parish of … · 2017-03-19 · Third Sunday of Lent Tercer Domingo de Cuaresma III Niedziela Postu St. Turibius Church A Roman

Reflejamos la luz de Cristo y profundizamos nuestra fe cuando celebramos la diversidad de Nuestra Parroquia.


Sacramentos en Español


los domingos

Reconciliación 5:00PM

los sábados

Bautismos el segundo domingo de cada mes a las 2:00PM. Tiene que registrarse en

la oficina parroquial.

Celebraciones deBodas y Quinceaños

tiene que hacer una cita con un sacerdote para arreglar su boda o su misa de quince años.

Favor de no reserve un salón antes de hablar con

el sacerdote.

Teléfono(773) 581-2730

[email protected] (773) 581-2730 ext. 29


Qué: Se esperan alrededor de 500-600 personas en el vía crucis por el centro de Chicago.

Dando testimonio del sacrificio de nuestro Señor el Viernes Santo, seguiremos la cruz por las calles de la ciudad, donde

tantas personas cargan con sus cruces a diario. Será una procesión en silencio, en la que seguiremos la cruz con música coral,

lecturas del Evangelio y textos del Siervo de Dios Monseñor Luigi Giussani, el poeta francés Charles Peguy y otros autores a

lo largo de cuatro estaciones (se indican más abajo).

Cuándo: Viernes Santo, 14 de abril de 2017 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

Dónde: Partiremos desde Daley Plaza a las 9 a.m.Segunda estación: Veterans' MemorialTercera estación: Tribune Tower Plaza

Cuarta estación: Patio de la catedral Holy Name Cathedral (llegaremos a las 11:30 a.m.)

En su edición número doce, la procesión atrae entre 400-600 personas cada año, y es gratuita y abierta al público. Patrocina y organiza el movi-

miento eclesial laico católico Comunión y Liberación y el Movimiento de los Focolares.

Website for event: www.wayofthecrosschicago.orgPress contact: 303-901-3277

Consultas Legales para Padres Inmigrantes: Plan de Seguridad Sobre el Cuidado De Menores

¿Necesita preparar un plan de seguridad para el cuidado de sus hijos sí usted es obligado salir del país? ¿Le gustaría asistencia legal para aprender sobre sus derechos y opciones


Estamos aquí para apoyarlo. Abogados darán consultas legales gratis* para aconsejar a padres sobre cuáles son sus opciones legales. Si está listo con su plan de cuidado para sus hijos, los abogados podrán ayudarle a preparar los documentos legales necesarios

para su familia.

Caridades Católicas, Depto. de Asistencia Legal en colaboración con Winston & Strawn LLP, ofrecerá consultas legales gratis*: Fecha: Viernes, 24 de Marzo, 2017 Horario:

Las consultas se llevarán a cabo con cita previa ¡Llámenos para obtener más información y reservar su cita! (312) 948-6821 La consulta y los siguientes servicios legales serán


* Análisis y consejería sobre sus opciones legales para el cuidado de sus hijos * Preparación de documentos legales para llevar a cabo su plan

*Los servicios serán gratis para personas que califiquen.

Page 4: March 19, 2017 St. Turibius Church A Roman Catholic Parish of … · 2017-03-19 · Third Sunday of Lent Tercer Domingo de Cuaresma III Niedziela Postu St. Turibius Church A Roman

Dzielimy się światłem Chrystusa i nasza wiara pogłębiana jest poprzez świętowanie różnorodosci kulturowej naszej Parafii.


Msza Sw9:30am

w każdą niedziele

Spowiedz 3-cia sobota w

miesiącu17:15 do 6:00 p.m.

Sakramenty wjęzyku polskim

chrzest, slub itp.Prosze dzwonic

na plebanie

Telefon (773) 581-2730

[email protected] (773) 581-2730 ext. 29


Tradycja odprawiania drogi krzyżowej powstała w Jerozolimie. W średniowieczu rozpowszechnili ją franciszkanie, którzy oprowadzając pątników, zatrzymywali się przy stacjach przedstawiających historię śmierci Jezusa. Liczbę czternastu stacji

ustalono w XVII wieku.

W kościołach katolickich droga krzyżowa przedstawiana jest w obrazach lub rzeźbach rozmieszczonych najczęściej na ścianach bocznych świątyni. Stacje drogi krzyżowej to nie tylko odtworzenie wydarzeń z ostatnich dni

Chrystusa. Mają one swą bogatą symbolikę. Dla katolików są również podstawą rozważań medytacyjnych dotyczących m.in. tego, czym jest

prawda, miłość itp.

Jan Paweł II odprawiał drogę krzyżową w każdy piątek przez cały rok i codziennie w wielkim poście[1]. Stacje drogi krzyżowej

Formę nabożeństwa reguluje czwarte wydanie Enchiridion Indulgentiarum (promulgowane przez Pawła VI): Pobożne ćwiczenia należy odprawiać przed

stacjami drogi krzyżowej prawnie erygowany mi.

Do erygowania prawdziwej drogi krzyżowej wymaga się 14 stacji krzyżów, przy których zwykło się zamieszczać z pożytkiem tyleż obrazów, przedstawiających

stacje jerozolimskie. Zgodnie z powszechnie przyjętym zwyczajem pobożna praktyka składa się z czternastu pobożnych czytań, do których dodaje się pewne

wezwania modlitewne.

Zapisane w tradycji katolickiej stacje drogi krzyżowej to:

Pan Jezus na śmierć skazany. Pan Jezus bierze krzyż na ramiona swoje.

Pierwszy upadek Pana Jezusa. Pan Jezus spotyka swą matkę.

Szymon Cyrenejczyk pomaga nieść krzyż Jezusowi. Święta Weronika ociera twarz Pana Jezusa. Pan Jezus upada pod krzyżem po raz drugi.

Pan Jezus pociesza płaczące niewiasty. Trzeci upadek Pana Jezusa. Pan Jezus z szat obnażony.

Pan Jezus przybity do krzyża. Pan Jezus umiera na krzyżu. Pan Jezus zdjęty z krzyża.

Pan Jezus złożony do grobu[2].

Pojawia się także 15. stacja, tj. Zmartwychwstanie, która, jak wierzą katolicy, nadaje sens całej ofierze Jezusa.

Istnieje zwyczaj, według którego po każdym wezwaniu (Stacja….) klęka się i na wezwanie Kłaniamy Ci się, Panie Jezu Chryste, i błogosławimy Tobie lud

odpowiada: Żeś przez Krzyż i Mękę swoją odkupił świat lub Żeś przez Krzyż swój święty świat odkupić raczył.

Wróbel znajduje wrój dom, a jaskółka gniazdo, gdzie złoży swe piskęta: przy oltarzach Twoich, Panie Zastępów, Królu mój I Boże. Szczęśliwi, którzy

mieszkają w domu twoim, Panie, ieustannie wielbiąc Ciebie.

Page 5: March 19, 2017 St. Turibius Church A Roman Catholic Parish of … · 2017-03-19 · Third Sunday of Lent Tercer Domingo de Cuaresma III Niedziela Postu St. Turibius Church A Roman

We share Christ’s light and our faith is deepened as we celebrate the diversity of our Parish.

Intentions for the Week Intentions for the Week Saturday - March/Marzo/Marca - 18th

4:00PM MASS: + Sr. Carole Mary Capoun (Felician Sisters) + Lorraine Nicholson (Son) “17th Anniversary” + Estelle Scolan (Ken & Sue Shinkus) + Kelly & Leon Boyes (Family) + For the Deceased Members of the Wyderski Family (Family) • Health & God’s Blessings for William Delaney • Anniversary Blessings for Luis & Patricia Hernandez on Their 25th Wedding Anniversary

Sunday - March/Marzo/Marca - 19th 6:45AM MASS: + Arlene Peters (Family)+ Joseph Janicki (Sister/Jean) + For the Deceased Members of Anna Bednarz Family 8:00AM MASS: + Olivia & Celina Rodriguez (Family) 9:30AM MASS: + James Konieczny (Candy & Steve Sandford)+ Wladyslaw Wodziak (Stanley & Maria Gal) + Wladyslaw Sawicki (Family) + Mikolaj & Jozefa Kopiec (Daughter) 11:00AM MASS: + Joseph Ligas Sr. & Joseph Ligas Jr. (Daughter/Sister) + Edward Koscielniak (Tribuani Family) + Lawrence A. Jura (William, Kathleen & Robert Galway) + Jose & Vicente Ibarra (Family) • Health & God’s Blessings for David Sparks 1:00PM MASS: + For the Deceased Members of Our Hispanic Community

Monday - March/Marzo/Marca - 20th 8:00AM MASS:+ John Lazzari (Maria Lazzari) • Health & God’s Blessings for Tony Strocchio (Family)

Tuesday - March/Marzo/Marca - 21st 8:00AM MASS: • God’s Blessings for Kathy (Parents)

Wednesday - March/Marzo/Marca - 22nd 8:00AM MASS: + Mary Sutkowski (Family) • Special Intention

Thursday - March/Marzo/Marca - 23rd 8:00AM MASS: • In Thanksgiving to the St. Anne Society Members

Friday - March/Marzo/Marca - 24th 8:00AM MASS: + Jeffrey Schoot (Ellen Nicholson)

Saturday - March/Marzo/Marca - 25th 4:00PM MASS: + Joseph J. Stozek (Son) + Eleanor Ciszek (Jolly Seniors) + Michael Conff (Family) “30th Anniversary” + Sr. Joanne Maslowski (Felician Sisters) + For the Deceased Members of the Fron Family

Sunday - March/Marzo/Marca - 26th 6:45AM MASS: + Arlene Peters (Family)+ Donna Baniewicz (Maria) 8:00AM MASS: + Marcelino Guzman (Family) 9:30AM MASS: + James Konieczny (St. Turibius Parish Family) + Stanislaw, Dorotka and Jozef Bafia (Family) + Zdzislaw Slon (Wife) • Health & God’s Blessings for Jeanne Kosinski (Lucja Kopiec)11:00AM MASS: + Genovieva, Jaime & David Carmona (Family) + Lawrence A. Jura (William, Kathleen & Robert Galway) • Health & God’s Blessings for Bernadette Baran 1:00PM MASS: • Health & God’s Blessings for Oscar Gonzalez

“Bingo” Michael Nicholson, Jim Nicholson, Maggie Dybas, David Sparks, Sister Barbara Ann Bosch, Connie Bromer,

Florence Kois, Anthony & Esther Zenari, Jeanne Prokopec, Paul Mazzocco and Bernadette Baran

Pray for the Sick of Our Parish

If you or a loved one wants to be added on to our Parish’s Sick List please contact our Parish Office.

Thank you!

Attention Please!

Have you downloaded St. Turibius Parish’s App yet? We can inform you for emergencies, mass

schedules and times, or any special Parish events you may want to be aware of. Thank you!

Ha descargado el App de nuestra Parroquia San Toribio? Podemos informale sobre emergencias, horarios de Misas,

o cualquier evento especial parroquial que usted desee estar atento.

St. Turibius App


Especially during the Lenten, Holy Week, and Easter seasons, the prayer texts of the Eastern Church revel in paradoxical images of Christ: the eternal life who is put to death, the host of the supper

who is also its meal, the thirsty crucified one with living water streaming from his side. These images flow from the evangelists’ portrayals of Jesus and from his very ministry, during which he often upset or reversed people’s expectations about him or the

ways of God. This “reversal” is at play in today’s Gospel, as Jesus speaks to an enemy foreigner who is also a woman beneath his status. In addition he, the thirsting one, shows the woman to be the one truly thirsting. He—whose parched lips will say “I thirst” before he dies—is the source of life and life-giving water. Lent

calls upon us to dwell on how each of us is thirsting for Christ, and it leads us, ultimately, back to the life-giving waters of our baptism

into his Body.

Page 6: March 19, 2017 St. Turibius Church A Roman Catholic Parish of … · 2017-03-19 · Third Sunday of Lent Tercer Domingo de Cuaresma III Niedziela Postu St. Turibius Church A Roman

Reflejamos la luz de Cristo y profundizamos nuestra fe cuando celebramos la diversidad de Nuestra Parroquia.

St. Vincent de PaulST VINCENT DE PAUL


The Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich is a great school lunch or an after school treat. All of our families seem to love it, so during the month of March, we are asking for

your help with donations of the following:


Please folks, check your donations and make sure that the dates are not expired, as we are unable to use expired


Your donations can be placed in the box located in the vestibule of the church when you come to Mass, or they

can be taken to the Rectory during normal business hours.

Please take this opportunity to help all the needy families in our parish.

Thank you for your donations and may God Bless You for your generosity.

St. Vincent de Paul Society

Reading for the Week March/Marzo/Marca - 19th

Third Sunday of Lent Tercer Domingo de Cuaresma

III Niedziela PostuExodus/Exodo/Wyjscia 17: 3-7 *

Romans/Romanos/Rzymian 5: 1-2, 5-8 *Matthew/Mateo/Mateusza 17: 1-9

March/Marzo/Marca - 20thSolemnity of St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary

2 Samuel/2 Samuel/ 2 Sm. 7: 4-5a, 12-14a, 16 Romans/Romanos/Rm. 4: 13, 16-18, 22

March/Marzo/Marca - 21stLent III/Cuaresma III

Daniel/Daniel/ Dn. 3: 25, 34-43 * Matthew/Mateo/Mt 18: 21-35

March/Marzo/Marca - 22ndLent III /Cuaresma III

Deuteronomy/Deuteronomio/Dt. 4: 1, 5-9 Matthew/Mateo/Mt 5: 17-19

March/Marzo/Marca - 23rdLent III /Cuaresma III

Jeremiah/Jeremias/Jer 7: 23-28 / Luke/Lucas/Lk 11: 14-23

March/Marzo/Marca - 24thLent III /Cuaresma III

Hosea/Oseas/Oz. 14: 2-10 * Mark/Marcos/Mk 12: 28-34

March/Marzo/Marca - 25thSolemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord

Micah/Miqueas/Mi 7: 14-15, 18-20 / Luke/Lucas/Lk 15: 1-3, 11-32

March/Marzo/Marca - 26thThird Sunday of Lent

Tercer Domingo de Cuaresma III Niedziela Postu

Exodus/Exodo/Wyjscia 17: 3-7 *Romans/Romanos/Rzymian 5: 1-2, 5-8 *

Matthew/Mateo/Mateusza 17: 1-9

Eternal Rest Grant Unto Them O, Lord:

Donna Baniewicz - March 2nd Helena Kowalski - March 7thAnn Szymczak - March 8th



Presentado Por: Diácono Eddie Ortiz

LOS MIERCOLES, 15, 22, 29 DE MARZO y 6 DE ABRIL 20176:30 PM - 9:30 PM

En la Parroquia:Santa Rita de Cascia

6243 S. FAIRFIELD AVE. CHICAGO, IL 60629-2309

En el sótano de la escuela Fairfield Academy en el Salón San Agustín.

Entrada en el estacionamiento.

Para más información y registración comuníquese con:Jenny Meehan al 773-434-9600

Atención: Es necesario tener la aprobación de su párroco para participar en este taller.

Jolly SeniorsThe next meeting for our Jolly Seniors will be held on

March 23rd at 11am in Lower Church.

Bingo will be played and a treat will be served to enjoy! Hope to see you!

How will I personally share the journey of our catechumens to the waters of Baptism? Or, if our community has no

catechumens, how will I share with one other person my discovery of Christ as “Savior of the world”?

Question of the Week


Spring The first day of spring is one thing, and the first spring day is another. The difference between them is sometimes as great

as a month. —Henry Van Dyke

Page 7: March 19, 2017 St. Turibius Church A Roman Catholic Parish of … · 2017-03-19 · Third Sunday of Lent Tercer Domingo de Cuaresma III Niedziela Postu St. Turibius Church A Roman

Bingo’s Gross Profits for February$5,574.50








March- 2017

Dzielimy się światłem Chrystusa i nasza wiara pogłębiana jest poprzez świętowanie różnorodosci kulturowej naszej Parafii.

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10 11

12 13 14 15 16 17 18

19 20 21 22 23 24 25

26 27 28 29 30 31

Monday, March 207:00 PM: Lenten Journey - Spanish (LCH) 8:00 PM: Men’s Spanish Prayer Group (Rectory B)

Tuesday, March 21End Racism Day

7:00 PM: Lenten Journey (English) (LCH) 7:00 PM: Youth Leadership Meeting (Rectory C)

Wednesday, March 226:00 PM: Religious Education Classes (School) 6:00 PM: Faith Formation Workshop (CCD Parents/Guardians) *Mandatory*6:45 PM: Stations of the Cross (CCD) (CH) All Are Welcome To Attend7:00 PM: Legion of Mary (Rectory B)

Thursday, March 2311:00 AM: Jolly Senior’s Meeting (LCH) 6:00 PM: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament (CH) 7:00 PM: Circulo Vigil (Rectory B)

Friday, March 245:00 PM: Stations of the Cross (English) (CH) 6:00 PM: Stations of the Cross (Polish) (CH) 7:00 PM: Stations of the Cross (Spanish) (CH) 7:00 PM: Youth Group Meeting (LCH)

Saturday, March 259:00 AM: Quinceanera Retreat (LCH) 10:00 AM: Spanish Lector’s Meeting (Rectory A)5:00 PM: Confessions (CH) 7:00 PM: Circulo de Oracion (CH)

Sunday, March 2611:00 AM: 1PM Spanish Choir Rehearsal (Rectory A) 2:00 PM: Bingo Set-Up (LCH)4:00 PM: Doors Open for Bingo (LCH) 6:00 PM: Bingo Games Start (LCH)

Baby Bottle ProjectBeginning on March 5th our parish will be participating in

The Baby Bottle Project benefiting The Women’s Centers of Greater Chicagoland. This non-profit organization directly assists mothers and families experiencing crisis pregnancies by offering

emotional, financial, material, and spiritual support through counseling, clothing & monetary provisions, prayer, and other aid. Each year the three locations together have over 5,000

appointments with expecting mothers. By God’s Grace, The Women’s Centers have saved over 40,000 babies—and their

mothers—from abortion since opening in 1984.

Please take a Baby Bottle home with you from the church on March 5th and fill it with your spare change, and

return it the weekend of April 9th.

This is a simple, but crucial fundraising effort for The Women’s Centers. Please note the Baby Bottles cost almost $1.00 per bottle and are recycled afterwards so please return upon completion of the project. Thank you for helping defend life, and remember to

keep all pro-life undertakings in your prayers.

Also if you are making a donation by check, please make it payable to: The Women’s Center. Thank you!

Kiedzy Bóg mówi, nie gardź Jego słowem.If today you hear His voice, harden not your hearts.

Oja la escuchen la voz del Señor, “No endurez can el corazón.”

Page 8: March 19, 2017 St. Turibius Church A Roman Catholic Parish of … · 2017-03-19 · Third Sunday of Lent Tercer Domingo de Cuaresma III Niedziela Postu St. Turibius Church A Roman

Proudly Serving Our Country

We share Christ’s light and our faith is deepened as we celebrate the diversity of our Parish.

SPC Anne Marie Archer, USA - MAJ John Costanzo, USA LCPL Aaron J. Godinez, USMC -SGT Michael P. Gorski, USA CPL James R. Guarino, USMC - SPC Ricardo J. Guerrero, USA SPC Luis A. Guerrero, USMC - CORP James A. Kilkelly, USMC MSTR SGT Arthur R. Parr USMC -Airman Galo Rodriguez, USN SGTJulio Cesar Roman, USMC - PFC Hector Rueda, USA SGT Daniel S. Ryan, USMC - LTCOL TimothyTocwish, USMC PFC Joe Doyle Ryan,USMC - Jordan A. Kopf, HN-USN LT Brian Koll, USN - PFC Javier Pineda, USA Rafael Murillo, USA Army - Mathew Harjung,USA Army

Queen of Martyrs Queen of Martyrs proudly presents our Second Annual Spring


Unlock the Future

Sunday, March 26, 2017 from 2pm - 7pm at Gaelic Park

6119 West 147th Street Oak Forest, Illinois

Tickets $35.00

Event ticket includes DJ, Dinner, Beer and Wine. Join us for an evening of fun for an incredible cause! Raffles, Grand Raffle,

Silent Auctions and Baskets await!

Call the school office and reserve your ticket TODAY: (708) 422-1540

Traditional Holy Thursday PilgramagePlease join us for our annual Holy Thursday Pilgrimage to visit various churches. We will be traveling via coach

bus. Bus will leave after the 7pm Mass and return around 11:30pm. Donation is $20.00 per person and will include a memento of our trip. Please see Mike Nicholson, Virginia Pasiewicz or Kathy in the rectory during normal business

hours for reservations.

Catholic Charities Children’s Clothing Closet“Do you have children who need clothes? Come to the

Catholic Charities Children’s Clothing Closet, a volunteer-run service offering free clothing for children in

the community from ages newborn to 15 years old. The closet is open every Tuesday, 10am to 1pm at 5533 S.

Sawyer Ave. For more information, call (773) 349-8838.”

“¿Tiene niños que necesitan ropa? Venga al armario de ropa para los niños de Caridades Católicas, un servicio

administrado por voluntarios que ofrece ropa gratuita para niños/niñas en la comunidad desde recién nacidos hasta los 15 años de edad. El armario está abierto cada martes

de 10am – 1pm, 5533 S. Sawyer Ave. Para más información, llame al (773) 349-8838.”

Jesus Loves You!

Pastoral MigratoriaOficina de Dignidad Humana y Solidaridad

Pastoral Migratoria

La Palabra es un don. El otro es un don “La Cuaresma es un tiempo propicio para abrir la puerta a cualquier

necesitado y reconocer en él o en ella el rostro de Cristo…Cada vida que encontramos es un don y merece acogida, respeto y amor. La Palabra de Dios nos ayuda a abrir los ojos para acoger la vida y amarla, sobre todo cuando es débil.” Papa Francisco, Mensaje para la Cuaresma 2017

El programa de reasentamiento de refugiados de Estados Unidos es un programa de fundamental para los refugiados

más vulnerables del mundo. Acoger a las personas que huyen de la violencia y los conflictos en varias regiones del

mundo forma parte de nuestra identidad como católicos. Busquemos proteger a los vulnerables y reconocer la

dignidad humana de todos.

ACCIÓN: Esta Cuaresma pida al Congreso que apoye a los refugiados dándoles la bienvenida, ofreciendo asistencia y buscando el fin de la guerra. Envíe un correo electrónico a

sus representantes en el Congreso en confrontglobalpoverty.org o llame al: 888-562-8232.

Para encontrar maneras de apoyar a Inmigrantes y Refugiados, visite:

[email protected]


Saturday, March 25, 2017from 9 am to 12 Noon

St. Gerald Parish9310 S. 55th Ct. in Oak Lawn, IL 60453


Presenter: Fr. Marc Pasciak

Wednesdays - (Our Religious Education Students) 6:45PM (All are invited)

Fridays - 5:00pm (English) 6:00pm (Polish) 7:00pm (Spanish)

Stations of the Cross

For anyone who drinks it, says the Lord, the water I shall give will become in him a spring

welling up to eternal life.

Page 9: March 19, 2017 St. Turibius Church A Roman Catholic Parish of … · 2017-03-19 · Third Sunday of Lent Tercer Domingo de Cuaresma III Niedziela Postu St. Turibius Church A Roman

Dzielimy się światłem Chrystusa i nasza wiara pogłębiana jest poprzez świętowanie różnorodosci kulturowej naszej Parafii.

A Very Special “Thank You” to the Parishioners of St. Turibius!

Un muy Especial “Agradecimiento” a los feligreses de San Toribio!

Serdeczne “Podziekowania” dla parafian Sw. Turibiusza!

Other DonationsVigil Lights: $289.79Building Conditions: $2,186.00Endowment Fund: $35.00

Ash Wednesday: $2,176.00


$12,345.79Sunday Collections

March 5, 2017

$7,659.00$5,173.00 in 283 Envelopes

$2,486.00 Loose

4:00 PM: $1,642.00$1,452.00 in 68 Envelopes

$190.00 Loose

6:45 AM: $545.00$420.00 in 30 Envelopes

$125.00 Loose

8:00 AM: $1,159.00$458.00 in 36 Envelopes

$701.00 Loose

9:30 AM: $875.00$540.00 in 44 Envelopes

$335.00 Loose

11:00 AM: $1,351.00$1,066.00 in 32 Envelopes

$285.00 Loose

1:00 PM: $1,182.00$332.00 in 37 Envelopes

$850.00 Loose

Rectory: $905.0036 Envelopes

Other Donations $4,686.79

Penitential ActGreeting

The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God and the Communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. And with your Spirit

Penitential ActI confess to almighty God and to you, my brothers and sisters, that I have

greatly sinned, in my thoughts and in my words, in what I have done and in what I have failed to do, through my fault, through my fault, through my most grievous

fault; therefore I ask blessed Mary ever-Virgin, all the Angels and Saints, and you, my brothers and sisters, to pray for me to the Lord our God.

May almighty God have mercy on us, forgive us our sins, and bring us to everlasting life. AMEN

We realize the Rectory hours are hard for some people who work to come to register. If you would like to register with our Parish please fill out this form and drop it off in the rectory mailbox or when you come to church and our parish secretary will contact you to complete the registration process.

Also you may email us. Thank you!

Name: ____________________________________ Phone #:____________________________

Address ________________________ City____________ State_________Zip ______________

Mons. Obispo John R. Manz Rev. Claudio Diaz Diacono Roberto Rivas Obispo Auxiliar De Chicago Parroco San Eloysius y Ana M. Rivas

Rev. Miguel Angel Martinez Immaculate Conception B.V.M. Church



Sabado, 1ero. de abril, 2017 DePaul College Prep.

3633 North California Ave. Chicago, Illinois 60618

Costo: $30 por persona $35 en la entrada

Horario 7am - 7pm Para informacion llame a: La oficina (773) 847-9303

No ninos/as en el lugar del evento

Page 10: March 19, 2017 St. Turibius Church A Roman Catholic Parish of … · 2017-03-19 · Third Sunday of Lent Tercer Domingo de Cuaresma III Niedziela Postu St. Turibius Church A Roman

Saint Turibius Parish

We Are One Family, Encircled by God’s Love!Pastoral Staff Directory

PHONE: (773) 581-2730 FAX: (773) 581-5396

Rev. William (Guillermo) Lego, O.S.A, Pastor...x29Rev. Jack Dowling, O.S.A, Associate Pastor...x15Rev. John Sotak, O.S.A....x14Deacon Thomas Christensen, Judy ChristensenDeacon Javier Pineda, Irma Pineda Sr. Mary Beth Bromer, DRE...x 34Sr. Eliana Remiszewska,CRE...x34Religious Education Email:[email protected]. Eliana Remiszewska...x23Ms. Kathy Zyla, Parish Secretary...x10Email: [email protected]. Elvira Villaseñor, Office Assistant....x11Email: [email protected]

Music MinistryMs. Jolanta Ziemba, Polish and English Music MinisterEl Coro Agape: San Turibius -Spanish ChoirTiempo de Dios: Charismatic ChoirAlejandro Morelos: 8:00 a.m. Mass

Parish Addresses(Chicago, Illinois 60629-4441)

Rectory: 5646 South Karlov AvenueSchool: 4120 West 57th Street.....x21Convent: 4125 West 56th Place.....x23

Parish Mission Statement

We Believe that God is Love, and when we live in love we live in God and God lives in

us! Therefore we, the Parish Family of Saint Turibius, dedicate ourselves to living out

Christ’s Great Commandment: we will love the Lord our God with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our mind, and with all our strength, and we will show our love for God

by the way we love and care for one another. To this end, we will respond to our baptismal

call, strengthened by the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and empowered by

the Holy Spirit. As a Family of Faith that has an Attitude of Gratitude for the gifts God has given to us, we will share our time, our talent

and our treasure with each other. We welcome into our parish family all people, because we

believe that together we are the Body of Christ and together we can bring the love, peace,

forgiveness, healing, and joy of Christ into our community in ways we never could have if we were to remain apart. May all who meet us, who worship with us, who work and play with

us, know we are Christians by our love!

Rectory Hours 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.Tuesday, Wednesday,

Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.


CLOSED:Saturday, Sunday, Monday

Website www. turibius.org

Email Parish: [email protected]

Like Us on Facebook St. Turibius Parish, Chicago

BaptismsCall or stop by the parish office to

register for a baptismal preparation class and/or a baptism for your child.

Baptisms are offered ONLY on Sundays and once a month in English

and once a month in Spanish.

1st Friday DevotionsEnglish: After the 8:00 a.m. Mass


Contact one of the priests at least six (6) months in advance to make an


Sick Calls

Please contact the rectory office (x10) to arrange for visits to the sick and homebound. The priests and our

ministers of care will make every effort to visit parishioners in the hospital, at

home, and in nursing homes.

After HoursEmergency

(773) 581-2730 Ext. 55