March 15, 2013 Volume 37, number 10 HAVE YOU READ YOUR KA TODAY? LIFESTYLES Lautern bursts into bloom, Page 20 FEATURES Civilian sees son en route to deployment, Page 8 As of March 12 584 711 Mornings are still low visibility. Wear reflective belts. Tip of the Week Ramstein: It’s your home, take pride in it by Airman 1st Class Hailey Haux 86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs T aking care of the base is impor- tant for the well-being of every- one who lives, works and visits here. “Ramstein is the same as our house. We want people to see it looking good and show that we have pride in Team Ramstein,” said Staff Sgt. Anitrea Bryan, 86th Airlift Wing knowledge operation manager and facility manager. One way for everyone on base to help is participating in the annual spring clean-up April 26. Spring clean-up is for all military and civil- ians living and working on Ramstein to come together and clean everywhere on base. This is an older base and has a lot of history. It’s important for everyone to take care of not only its future, but its fascinating past. Rheinland-Pfalz and the surrounding area have been around for years and taking care of the base ensures it’s stability for future generations. “Airmen walking through Ramstein may not be aware of it, but ancient German set- tlers, Romans and other medieval societies walked the same pathways and hunted in the forests of Ramstein,” said Bill Harris, U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa history, museums and art programs director. “From a (philosophical) point of view the base is a living, breathing artifact.” Ramstein, built in 1952, was designed by French engineers, built by Germans and oper- Photo by Airman 1st Class Jordan Castelan MXS completes AFSO event Airman 1st Class James Duncan, 86th Maintenance Squadron crew chief, performs a step in an overall check on a C-130J Super Hercules being reviewed by the Air Force Smart Operations for the 21st Century Feb. 27 on Ramstein. AFSO21 is a continuous process improvement focused on generating efficiencies and improving combat capabilities across the Air Force. For more on this story, see Page 3. See PRIDE, Page 2 New transition center helps Soldiers achieve post-military goals Story and photos by Rick Scavetta U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern Public Affairs After Lt. Gen. Donald Campbell cut the ribbon on U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern’s new transition center, the U.S. Army Europe commander spoke with Sgt. Megan Loveland about her leaving the Army. Loveland, an Indiana native who serves as a medic with 5th Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery, served four years, includ- ing a tour in a combat zone. At Kleber Kaserne, she recently underwent courses on employment, education, finances and veterans’ benefits. “Do you have a plan?” Campbell asked. “What are you going to do?” “I do, Sir,” said Loveland, who plans to leave the Army in late April. “Having a plan, that’s the most important thing.” Helping Soldiers plan for their lives after the military is the aim of Army Career and Alumni Program staff at the garrison’s new center. The center’s resources can help Soldiers transition out from federal service to become a productive member of the workforce, said Lt. Col. Lars Zetterstrom, commander of U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern. “We owe it to our Soldiers to help them transition back to civilian society at the best degree possible,” Zetterstrom said. Lt. Gen. Donald M. Campbell Jr., U.S. Army Europe commander, discusses Sgt. Megan Loveland’s plans after the Army during a chat at U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern’s new transition center on Kleber Kaserne. See CENTER, Page 9

March 15, 2013 - Kaiserslautern American

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Kaiserslautern American newspaper for the U.S. military community in Germany. Serving Ramstein Air Force Base, Baumholder, and the Kaisersluatern military community living in Germany.

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Page 1: March 15, 2013 - Kaiserslautern American

March 15, 2013 Volume 37, number 10HAVE YOU READ YOUR KA TODAY?




Lautern bursts into bloom, Page 20




Civilian sees son en route to deployment, Page 8 As of March 12

584 711Mornings are still low

visibility. Wear refl ective belts.

Tip of the Week

Ramstein: It’s your home, take pride in itby Airman 1st Class Hailey Haux86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Taking care of the base is impor-tant for the well-being of every-one who lives, works and visits here.

“Ramstein is the same as our house. We want people to see it looking good and show that we have pride in Team Ramstein,” said Staff Sgt. Anitrea Bryan, 86th Airlift Wing knowledge operation manager and facility manager.

One way for everyone on base to help is participating in the annual spring clean-up April 26.

Spring clean-up is for all military and civil-ians living and working on Ramstein to come together and clean everywhere on base. This is an older base and has a lot of history. It’s

important for everyone to take care of not only its future, but its fascinating past.

Rheinland-Pfalz and the surrounding area have been around for years and taking care of the base ensures it’s stability for future generations.

“Airmen walking through Ramstein may not be aware of it, but ancient German set-tlers, Romans and other medieval societies walked the same pathways and hunted in the forests of Ramstein,” said Bill Harris, U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa history, museums and art programs director. “From a (philosophical) point of view the base is a living, breathing artifact.”

Ramstein, built in 1952, was designed by French engineers, built by Germans and oper-

Photo by Airman 1st Class Jordan Castelan

MXS completes AFSO eventAirman 1st Class James Duncan, 86th Maintenance Squadron crew chief, performs a step in an overall check on a C-130J Super Hercules being reviewed by the Air Force Smart Operations for the 21st Century Feb. 27 on Ramstein. AFSO21 is a continuous process improvement focused on generating e� ciencies and improving combat capabilities across the Air Force. For more on this story, see Page 3.

See PRIDE, Page 2

New transition center helps Soldiers achieve post-military goalsStory and photos by Rick ScavettaU.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern Public Affairs

After Lt. Gen. Donald Campbell cut the ribbon on U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern’s new transition center, the U.S. Army Europe commander spoke with Sgt. Megan Loveland about her leaving the Army.

Loveland, an Indiana native who serves as a medic with 5th Battalion, 7th Air Defense Artillery, served four years, includ-ing a tour in a combat zone. At Kleber Kaserne, she recently underwent courses on employment, education, fi nances and veterans’ benefi ts.

“Do you have a plan?” Campbell asked. “What are you going to do?”

“I do, Sir,” said Loveland, who plans to leave the Army in late April. “Having a plan, that’s the most important thing.”

Helping Soldiers plan for their lives after the military is the aim of Army Career and Alumni Program staff at the garrison’s new center. The center’s resources can help Soldiers transition out from federal service to become a productive member of the workforce, said Lt. Col. Lars Zetterstrom, commander of U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern.

“We owe it to our Soldiers to help them transition back to civilian society at the best degree possible,” Zetterstrom said.

Lt. Gen. Donald M. Campbell Jr., U.S. Army Europe commander, discusses Sgt. Megan Loveland’s plans after the Army during a chat at U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern’s new transition center on Kleber Kaserne.

See CENTER, Page 9

Page 2: March 15, 2013 - Kaiserslautern American

Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 2 March 15, 2013

The Kaiserslautern American is published by AdvantiPro GmbH, Kaiserslautern, Germany, a private firm in no way connected with the Department of the Air Force or the Department of the Army, under exclusive contract with the 86th Airlift Wing.

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Continuous improvement: lifeblood of our Air Forceby Brig. Gen. C.K. Hyde86th Airlift Wing commander

Continuous improvement is life or death in war fight-ing. History is full of examples of those who

prepared for the last war and were defeated by foes who learned from earlier defeats or developed better ways to fight.

Our Air Force has a legacy of war-fighting innovation. In just more than 65 years, we have turned air power theory into reality with a force that can track, target and hold enemy capabilities at risk around the globe. From nuclear deterrence to strategic mobility and operational maneuver, our Air Force is the dominant air, space and cyber power on the planet. We revolutionized command and control, developed expeditionary concepts, and leveraged technol-ogy to deliver precision World War II bomber and airdrop crews could only imagine.

Our legacy of continuous improvement is strong, but it is not enough. With a smaller force and an uncertain fiscal environment, we must continue to move forward. To ensure we allocate maximum resources to our core war-fighting competencies, we must use the creativity that made us the world’s

best operational Air Force to deliv-er innovation at our installations and in our major support functions. Years of abundant resources and a focus on “mission at any cost” have left us with effective process-es that lack agility to adapt to new enemies or constrained resources.

For the 86th Airlift Wing to achieve its full potential, we must focus on our fifth priority — elimi-nate non-value added activities in our major processes. This prior-ity supports our mission and other four priorities. It is not about doing more with less; it is about elimi-nating waste and things that do not contribute to mission success. As part of our strategic plan, we identified seven major processes, which directly impact our combat airlift and installation missions, for improvement using Air Force Smart Operations for the 21st Century tools. We have completed three events this year and are on schedule to finish all of them by this fall.

Our first project was direct-ed by Headquarters Air Force, and we used it to tune up our “lean” machine. Capt. Luis Rosado-Medina, 86th Logistics Readiness Group, and Master Sgt. Shannon Huffman, 86th Material Maintenance Squadron, devel-oped a process, the “Unit Supply

Efficiency System,” to redistribute excess supplies among units. The program identified $200,000 in surplus assets and saved $34,000 in supply costs in one month. Even better, it’s a repeatable process that will go live twice a year for a spring and fall “cleaning” and redistribution.

The second project tackled out-processing. A previous AFSO21 event reduced Ramstein in-pro-cessing time from two to three weeks to three days. Leveraging RIP success, Capt. Chris Dillard and Tara Mercado, 86th Force Support Squadron members, led a team, which revamped Ramstein out-processing in time for sum-mer PCS season. The ROP is a two-phased approach, which brings base agencies to members at two key points in the PCS pro-cess, instead of members travel-ing to myriad agencies over mul-tiple days, weeks and months. The first ROP line was March 6, and the feedback was excellent! We’ve already made changes to fine tune the process. The ROP line is held every Wednesday, and start time for Phase I (pre-orders) is 12:30 p.m.; Phase II (post-orders) is 8:30 a.m — continuous improve-ment in action!

In our third project this year, Senior Master Sgt. Gabriel Nerf,

86th Maintenance Squadron, led a maintenance group team that streamlined our aircraft wash and letter check (heavy maintenance) processes. They reduced the time for a “C Check” from 17 to 12 days, which, over a three-year period, will increase C-130J availability by 70 days, providing an addition-al 1,680 mission capable aircraft hours. Further savings will be real-ized when the team’s initiatives are incorporated into other inspections.

WELL DONE to the 86th Airlift Wing Airmen who have embraced and continued the rich heritage of innovation in our Air Force.

Your initial successes have gen-erated significant improvement and excitement for our follow-on events: sponsorship (March), mis-sion generation (April), individ-ual equipment acquisition (May), Exceptional Family Member Program processing (June) and staffing and admin (summer/fall).

The success of our wing and our Air Force depends on creative Airmen and continuous improve-ment. We face thinking and adap-tive enemies, and we must be will-ing to attack the status quo and deliver improvement across all of our mission areas — our success in future conflicts depends on it. Keep up the great work!

ated by Americans. More than 200,000 U.S. and NATO personnel have been assigned to Ramstein since it opened.

“Since 1953, chaplains and local clergy have celebrated more than 6,000 marriages between American service personnel and host nation,” Harris said. “That means that some of America’s younger Airmen assigned to Ramstein may be the fourth generation of returnees to this great area known as Rheinland-Pfalz.”

In 1953, the only places to eat here were the NCO Club, Officers’ Club, Airmen’s Club and local eat-ing establishments.

Fast-food restaurants did not materialize until 1986.

“Airmen today would not recognize Ramstein of the 1950s,” said Harris. “In the mid-1950s the main form of transportation was a bicycle, bus or walking. Today most of the cars on Ramstein con-tain one person and bikes are few. However, what hasn’t changed is how the local communities have melded with Ramstein’s and their association has produced life-long friendships on both sides of the Atlantic.”

With this base being home to military members and their families, it is important that its tenants take care of where they work and live.

“We need to be sure to maintain our Air Force

standards and keep the base clean. A clean base projects a professional military image and lines up with our core values,” said 2nd Lt. Michael Peterson, 786th Civil Engineer Squadron assistant flight chief of operations support.

The thought of keeping the base tidy is something that should be done consistently by everyone who lives, works or visits here.

“The fact that this area changed hands between Germany and France on several occasions attests to the area’s prominence and strategic value,” said Harris. “Airmen should take time to practice mind-fulness as they stroll from one area to another and remind themselves that they are but temporary visi-tors on an already ancient landscape.”

PRIDE, from Page 1

Page 3: March 15, 2013 - Kaiserslautern American

Kaiserslautern American Page 3March 15, 2013

Story and photo by Airman 1st Class Jordan Castelan86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

An Air Force Smart Operations for the 21st Century event took place Feb. 25 to March 1 as a way to mold the aircraft maintenance process with the goal of improving 86th Airlift Wing aircraft availability.

The AFSO21 program is a tool for the Air Force to improve its processes and increase glob-al readiness, which Ramstein’s 86th Maintenance Squadron experienced firsthand.

“AFSO21 is a continuous process improvement,” said Master Sgt. Lester Goodwin, 86th Maintenance Group AFSO21 program manager. “The (AFSO21) program mainly focuses (on) looking at major processes and then eliminating no-value-added items and occurrences.”

One of the main focus areas of this AFSO21 was reducing the amount of time it took to wash an aircraft.

“Currently, this takes three days to accomplish,” Goodwin said. “However, after the effects of the AFSO21 pro-gram take place and we elim-inate the unnecessary steps, this process should be only a single day.”

The 86th MXS isn’t the only unit that stands to see an improvement.

“On an Air Force scale, we are talking about aircraft availability,” said Randy Glick, 86th Force Support Squadron senior management analyst. “As long as we are increasing aircraft availabil-ity and predictability, then the Air Force stands to gain a strategic advantage.”

With AFSO21 there are four elements to every prob-lem-solving model: observe, orient, decide and act. These four steps are used to break

down and simplify a problem.The five desired effects of

any AFSO21 are: Increase pro-ductivity of our people, increase critical equipment availabil-ity rates, improve response time and agility, sustain safe

and reliable operations, and improve energy efficiency.

Goodwin and Glick said they hope to see all five desired effects instilled. By removing unneeded steps during the washing process,

all AFSO21’s desired effects should fall into place.

For more information on how your unit can become part of the solution, email the 86th FSS at [email protected].

Sequestration is a big deal, so are youCommentary by Gen. Philip M. Breedlove U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa commander

As you know, budget cuts went into effect March 1. Across the command, we took action to help manage the impact and to prepare for a worst-case scenario. We are in the process of cut-ting non-mission critical travel, base maintenance contracts, and facility projects, and we are anticipating steep cuts to our flying hour program. Other potential cuts are almost certain to affect you and our mission.

While I can’t predict the course our nation’s leaders will take, I can tell you what we are doing in U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa.

We will continue to support the

warfighter by providing responsive, decisive airpower and ready Airmen to U.S. European Command, U.S. Africa Command and other global operations. To the best of our abil-ity, we will remain responsive to the combatant commanders’ operational requirements, but as cuts to training and flying hours take hold, we will certainly have a diminished capac-ity to respond to the unknown in the future.

As you know, mission, Airmen and families are my priorities. Taking care of you and our Air Force family is criti-cal to successful mission accomplish-ment. I am doing everything possible to protect programs that sustain our Airmen and our families in this over-seas community. I cannot promise the same level of service you had on Feb.

28, but I can promise you command-ers at every level are making informed choices among difficult options.

Wing commanders most certainly have you in mind during this time of fiscal reduction. They have been given broad guidelines and authori-ties, which they are using to manage issues at our wings. Commanders are assessing how to best balance people-mission priorities and are attacking the problems. I trust them, and wher-ever possible, I plan to keep decision making at the wing level, closest to you, and the mission and services that are being cut.

I have confidence you will work with your local leadership and continue to find ways to save money. Do you see wasteful steps in your shop processes? Tell someone. Every dollar counts.

Finally, I would ask you all to keep in your thoughts the nearly 2,000 civilian Airmen facing a potential furlough. Words cannot adequately express how important our USAFE-AFAFRICA civilian teammates are to our collective success. If this option is executed, it will most certainly have a devastating impact on our people and mission.

In closing, let me just say sequestra-tion is a big deal, and so are you. You work hard and are extremely good at what you do. Be proud of that — I am!

In the end, I am confident our USAFE-AFAFRICA team will con-tinue to shine, as we have throughout our 70-year history. Thank you for your service and for your sacrifice as we move forward together.

Aircraft maintenance revamps process with AFSO21

Senior Airman Seth Featherston, 86th Maintenance Squadron engine spe-cialist, performs a step in an over-all check on a C-130J Super Hercules being reviewed by the Air Force Smart Operations for the 21st Century Feb. 27 on Ramstein.

Page 4: March 15, 2013 - Kaiserslautern American

Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 4 March 15, 2013

MARCH 56:17 a.m.: A major traffi c accident with injuries

was reported in Landstuhl.9:30 a.m.: A major traffi c accident with injuries

was reported in Mainz.10:29 a.m.: A major traffi c accident was reported

in Kaiserslautern.1:08 p.m.: A major traffi c accident was reported

in Kaiserslautern.

MARCH 61 p.m.: Larceny of private property was reported

at the Kaiserslautern Military Community Center.3:40 p.m.: A major traffi c accident was reported

in Einsiedlerhof.5:53 p.m.: An Eagle Eyes incident was reported

on Ramstein.10:50 p.m.: Driving under the infl uence of an

illegal substance, possession and consumption were reported in Siegelbach.

MARCH 77:05 a.m.: Theft from a motor vehicle was report-

ed in Landstuhl.9:30 a.m.: Theft from a motor vehicle was report-

ed in Ramstein-Miesenbach.

MARCH 86:38 p.m.: Damage to government property was

reported in France.10:44 p.m.: An Article 92, failure to obey an order

or regulation, was reported on Landstuhl Post.

MARCH 912:50 a.m.: An Article 111, drunken driving, was

reported in Kaiserslautern.11:52 p.m.: An Article 92, failure to obey a lawful

order, was reported on Ramstein.

MARCH 102:12 a.m.: An Article 134, disorderly conduct,

Article 134, communicating a threat, Article 128, assault on a law enforcement offi cer, and Article 117, provoking speeches and gestures, were report-ed in Landstuhl.

9:16 a.m.: A domestic assault was reported in Niedermohr.

2:10 p.m.: An Article 92, failure to obey, was reported on Ramstein.

MARCH 1112:57 p.m.: A major traffi c accident was reported

in Kaiserslautern.

3:32 p.m.: A major traffi c accident, failure to report and fl eeing the scene were reported on Landstuhl.

6:15 p.m.: Damage to private property was reported in Kaiserslautern.

7:20 p.m.: An assault was reported on Ramstein.11:21 p.m.: A major traffi c accident was reported

in Landstuhl.

AADD STATSMarch 8 — 25 volunteers, 5 calls, 6 lives poten-

tially saved. March 9 — 25 volunteers, 7 calls, 20 lives poten-

tially saved.


e N


Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 4

COMPILED BY THE 569TH USFPS Reported LarceniesMARCH 5» Rodenbach: Two U.S. Army Europe license plates.

MARCH 7» Landstuhl: Fifteen CDs, $2 and €8. » Ramstein-Miesenbach: One iPod Touch, one Air Force fl eece jacket and one plaque.

MARCH 9» Saarbrücken: One brown leather purse, one USAA Service Credit Union Economy/savings card, $100, €80, one iPhone, one gel iPhone cover, one military ID card, one USAREUR driver’s license, one 2012 Jeep Cherokee remote entry vehicle key, one ration card, one pink cam-oufl age change purse with $22.

CorrectionIn last week’s Kaiserslautern American in an

article titled “BPC coaches Croatian air force on survival,” SERE was defi ned incorrectly. SERE is defi ned as survival evasion resistance and escape.

Closures• The change of MASO inventory will be

conducted March 25 to 29. During this time, the munitions storage area will be closed to all account custodians, therefore, only emergency issue requests approved by the respective group commander may be submitted.

• The U.S. Forces Customs Offi ce in Bldg. 305 on Ramstein will be closed for man-datory training April 3.

FundraiserThe KMC 5/6 will sponsor a Jail and Bail

in support of the second annual Joint Combat Dining In from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday in the Kaiserslautern Military Community Center food court. To sign out warrants, email [email protected] or [email protected].

Dental assisting programThe Ramstein Dental Clinic will start an

American Red Cross Dental Assisting Volunteer Program April 22. The course is full time for seven months (from 6:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Mondays to Fridays). It is open to dependents and/or ID cardholders with a high school diploma or equivalent. Applicants must attend the mass briefi ng at noon March 25 in the Ramstein Dental

Clinic waiting area. Interviews will be conduct-ed March 28 and 29. Notifi cation of selection will be announced April 1. Participants must be available to in-process April 1 to 19. Applicants must be dedicated, motivated and up to date on all immunizations. Additional information, application process and interview sign up will be available at the briefi ng. Volunteers are full time from the start date. For more information, call Master Sgt. Michael Nilles or Staff Sgt. Nichol Maier at 479-2210 or 06371-46-2210 or email [email protected] or [email protected].

Community town hall A community town hall meeting will be held

from 4 to 5:30 p.m. March 27 at the Wagon Wheel Theater in Baumholder. This meeting is your chance to ask the garrison commander and other garrison leadership questions about the community. Issues and questions can be submitted in advance through the garrison Web page, www.baumholder.army.mil, by clicking the “town hall” link.

Tax assistanceThe Ramstein Tax Center is open until

June 15 in the Ramstein Legal Offi ce, Bldg. 2137, across from the southside gym. Hours are 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Mondays and Tuesdays, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesdays, 9 a.m. to noon Thursdays, and 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Fridays. Taxes are due April 15. Automatic extension will be until June 15. Walk-in only for military members and dependents; retirees and Department of Defense civilian employees must make an appointment

by calling 06371-47-1040 or 480-1040. The tax centers on Kleber Kaserne and in Bldg. 3701 on Landstuhl are open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mondays through Fridays. For more information, call the Kleber Tax Center at 0631-411-7688 or 483-7688, or the Landstuhl Tax Center at 06371-86-6334 or 486-6334.

OHA/MIHA SurveyThe Overseas Housing Allowance Utility/

Recurring Maintenance and Move-In Housing Allowance Survey is being conducted on behalf of the Department of Defense, by the Allowances Branch of the Defense Travel Management Offi ce. The utility survey is conducted annu-ally, while the MIHA survey is conducted once every three years as part of a combined sur-vey. This year, the combined survey will be conducted until March 31 for Germany. The survey is designed to collect utility/recurring maintenance and move-in expense data incurred by uniformed service members stationed overseas, who reside in private housing. If you receive OHA and meet the following qualifi cations, you should participate in the sur-vey:

• Are stationed in the country where this survey is being conducted for three or more months.

• Reside in privately leased quarters (not a homeowner or home sharer).

• Receive an Overseas Housing Allowance.You may take the survey online at

www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/marutilmiha.cfm. The deadline to complete the survey is 4:30 p.m. March 31.

Page 5: March 15, 2013 - Kaiserslautern American

Kaiserslautern American Page 5March 15, 2013

PENTAGON CAR SALES www.pentagoncarsales.com

RamsteinKindsbacher Str. 4766877 Ramstein-MiesenbachTel: 06371 61 39 90

GermanyKaiserslauternKaiserstrasse 167661 KaiserslauternTel: 0631 351 90 40

HeidelbergTel: 06371 613 9936Email: [email protected]

WiesbadenLudwig-Wolker-Str. 1455252 Mainz-KastelTel: 06134 567 80

SpangdahlemIm Kreuzgarten 1 A54529 SpangdahlemTel: 06565 93 69 90

AvianoVia Pordenone 48D33081 Aviano (PN)Tel: 0434 676 613

Italy SpainNaplesTel: 0434 676 613Email: [email protected]

SigonellaTel: 0434 676 613Email: [email protected]

VicenzaViale Della Pace 25436100 Vicenza (VI)Tel: 0444 91 09 38

RotaPlaza Del Triunfo 611520 Rota (Cadiz)Tel: 956 840 201



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Page 6: March 15, 2013 - Kaiserslautern American

Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 6 March 15, 2013

1st Sergeants’ CornerTaking care of each otherWhether you’re an E-1, O-10 or any rank in

between, or Army, Air Force or other service, one role we all have in common is that of taking care of our fellow service members. Looking out for one another is not something new. We use titles like “wingman” or “battle buddy” to describe those who have our backs when times get rough or potentially unsafe. Unfortunately, a portion of us have forgot-ten the importance of being a sensor to those who are in need of help.

So, how do we know who’s not looking out for us? Easy. They are the ones getting drunk with others as the night grows more and more dangerous, unable to make logical decisions due to inebriation. They are the people who take no notice of us when we are experiencing times of despair, such as divorce, death in the family, or administrative and legal troubles. They have the “not-my-problem” mentality.

So, who is looking out for you? It’s the person near you while you’re drinking who is sober and brave enough to tell you, “I think it’s time to call it a night. Let’s get you home.” It’s the person who rec-ognizes a co-worker’s negative behavioral change then has the courage to intervene in that person’s life and help or get help without hesitation. It can even be the person who helps you through your job or school work when you are struggling.

Being a sensor to the behavior of those around you (friends, co-workers, etc.) places you in a much better position to take care of them. The point of having each other’s backs is to get involved in peo-ple’s lives in a positive manner before they make a poor decision. So, pay attention and get involved!

(by Master Sgt. Dathan Hayes, 2nd Air Postal Squadron first sergeant)

Civil Engineers’ CornerDormitory superintendent position availableThe 86th Civil Engineer Squadron has a vacancy

for dormitory superintendent. The dormitory super-intendent leads 12 personnel in managing 16 dorms

valued at more than $185 million, covering both Ramstein and Kapaun air bases. This person pro-motes COMUSAFE’s prioritized “Clean, Safe and Secure Dormitory” initiatives to sustain and imple-ment improvements for dormitory quality of life. This person inspects, identifies, reports, coordinates and tracks work order requests for facility mainte-nance, sustainability and improvements. This person also manages a $130,000 a year budget, includ-ing furniture replacement plans with the 86th CES Furnishings Management Office and acts as the primary adviser to command chiefs, squadron com-manders, installation deployment centers and 41 first sergeants in setting and enforcing health, welfare and morale standards to 1,200 dormitory residents.

Interested individuals should contact Debbie Perez at the KMC Housing Office at 489-6029 or [email protected].

Airman dormitory leader positions availableThe 86th Civil Engineer Squadron has vacancies

in the ADL section for E-5/staff sergeant. We are seeking highly motivated individuals interested in a unique experience that will develop their leadership, mentoring and management abilities and broaden their talents. These positions are highly visible and require working with all levels of leadership.

Applicant criteria:» E-5 with completed seven-level» Two years remaining on station » Commute should be within 30 minutes» Minimum fitness score of 80 percent» Provide copies of last three EPRs» Provide current fitness score sheet» Provide SURF» Must not have received a selective re-enlist-

ment bonus» Must be released from AFSC This person ensures a high quality of life standard

for residents to achieve a clean, safe and secure cam-pus and coordinates and advises unit commanders and first sergeants on all matters concerning dorm residents. This person manages individual room

assignments, terminations and maintains occupancy listings. The ADL also ensures dorms meet public health and safety standards and accounts for furni-ture, appliances, recreational equipment and sup-plies. The ADL maintains and coordinates work order requests and repair records to ensure all actions are completed in a timely manner. This per-son also supervises bay orderlies, making sure daily cleaning standards are met. The ADL also provides after-hours, on-call support to unit leadership and residents and ensures fire, safety and health inspec-tions are completed. This person also mentors and supports dormitory and installation dorm councils in achieving improved standards through self-help and unit led projects.

Interested individuals should contact Master Sgt. Misti Rodriguez at the Dormitory Reception Center, Bldg. 2413, or call 480-3676/9313.

Construction on Mitchell AvenueConstruction will be conducted on Mitchell

Avenue between Harmon Avenue and Kisling Drive (next to Bldg. 2128) Wednesday through March 28. The road construction is necessary to remove the old railroad tracks in the roadway. The roadwork will block vehicular thoroughfare during the time of construction, and traffic will be detoured around the construction site. Phasing of the construction work will be done in an effort to maintain one lane of traffic northbound at all times; southbound will be closed to traffic during this time period. Southbound traffic will be re-routed via Kisling, Lincoln and Harmon avenues. Access hours for pri-vately owned vehicles through the East LVIS gate will be extended from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mondays through Fridays in both directions. The jogging trail and sidewalk at this location will be closed during this time. The reconstruction is needed to improve roadway safety, ride quality and reduce wear and tear on vehicles. Watch for more updates in the Kaiserslautern American. For more information, call Tech. Sgt. Everett Wiler, 86th Civil Engineer Squadron SABER Office, at 480-9043.

569th defender

secures Afghanistan

Chief Master Sgt. Jason Paker, 455th

Expeditionary Security Forces

Group superinten-dent, high-fives

a child while per-forming security

operations recently in Parwan Province

near Bagram Airfield in Afghanistan. U.S. Air Force photo

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Kaiserslautern American Page 7March 15, 2013

Story and photo by Airman 1st Class Dymekre Allen86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Members of the Ukrainian mili-tary visited the Kisling NCO Academy on Kapaun to continue their professional military edu-cation operations and increase their

knowledge in enlisted empow-erment and leadership, March 3 through 7.

“This opportunity allows us to enhance the relationship by gaining different perspectives, not just between countries but with leaders in both militaries,” said Senior Master Sgt. Amber Mitchell, Kisling NCOA direc-tor of education.

The first part of the PME operation concluded in April, when NCOA Airmen visited the Ukrainian academy to gain knowledge on how they conduct operations.

During the visit, they spent most of their time learning about team building and develop- ing NCOs into better leaders.

They also learned about the standards and discipline in Airman Leadership School.

The visit also included Ramstein support organizations, such as the Ramstein Airman & Family Readiness Center, First Term Airmen Course, Contingency Aeromedical Staging Facility and the Deployment Transition Center, to further their knowledge of NCO responsibilities and mission objectives.

“Our international engagement with the Ukraine has been an exceptional experience for our students and staff,” Mitchell said. “There is no better way to build rela-tionships with countries than to invite them in and just talk to each other.”

The exchange of information for both militaries helped to fur-ther leadership philosophies and pushed both sides to obtain dif-ferent perspectives in leading and instructional methods.

“I feel as though we are beginning to fulfill their request in building leadership into the (Ukrainian NCOA) curricu-lum,” said Master Sgt. Karen Atiles, NCOA leadership divi-

sion superintendent. “I’m so proud to be a part of this partnership building to promote enlisted leadership.”

The Ukrainian visitors concluded their visit with a retreat ceremony honoring our heritage as professional Airmen.

by Capt. Reba GoodU.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa Public Affairs

Gen. Philip M. Breedlove, U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa commander, presented the USAFE-AFAFRICA Medal of Distinction to a German politician March 8 on Ramstein.

Minister President Kurt Beck was honored for his commitment to part-nership and his support of American Airmen while serving as minister president of Rheinland-Pfalz from October 1994 to January 2013.

“Throughout his tenure, he has been a friend to many of us individually, and most importantly, a friend to our Air Force,” Breedlove said. “He has supported our military programs time and again, successfully striking a dif-ficult and sometimes delicate balance between citizens and leaders.”

The USAFE-AFAFRICA Medal of Distinction is awarded to a non-U.S. citizen in recognition for extraordi-nary service, achievements or support to the accomplishment of the USAFE-AFAFRICA mission.

Breedlove attributed the suc-cess of several initiatives to Beck’s involvement, including the Kaisers- lautern Military Community Center and the Build-to-Lease Housing Program.

“What impresses me most is how he went above and beyond to support our Air Force,” Breedlove said.

He added that Beck was also instru-mental in providing for the safety of Americans in Germany after the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.

“We had the opportunity to work very closely with our American friends to ensure their safety and secu-rity in Germany, and we took various measures to secure the housing areas over all military installations. This has deepened the bonds of friendship between our people,” Beck said.

He also said that having an American military presence in Rheinland-Pfalz was mutually ben-eficial to both nations. As a result, the local population has formed a very close relationship with the U.S. forces over the years.

“We owe the personal freedom that we enjoy to our American counter-

parts,” he said. “We have to thank the American people for our liberation from the oppression of the National Socialists.”

Beck emphasized that having U.S. forces in Germany was key to main-taining peace, liberty and freedom

around the world.“I would like to pass on my regards

to those service members who have been stationed here in Germany and those currently deployed around the world, and we wish for their safe return,” he said.

COMUSAFE presents medal of distinction to German politician

Photo by Senior Airman Aaron-Forrest Wainwright

Gen. Philip M. Breedlove, U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa commander, presents former Minister President Kurt Beck with the USAFE Medal of Distinction March 8 on Ramstein. The USAFE Medal of Distinction is awarded to non-U.S. citizens in recognition of extraordinary service, achievements or support to the accomplishment of USAFE’s mission.

American, Ukrainian NCO academies exchange information

Master Sgt. Etienne P. Tousignant, 86th Force Support Squadron First Term Airmen Course instructor, briefs visitors from the Ukrainian military on the importance of introducing new Airmen to the Air Force and the base March 5 on Ramstein.

“This opportunity allows us to enhance

the relationship by gaining different

perspectives, not just between countries but

with leaders in both militaries.”

— Senior Master Sgt. Amber Mitchell, Kisling NCOA director of education

Spittelstr. 3 (near Sti� splatz) • 67655 Kaiserslautern • Tel.: 0631-37 35 60 10Kaiserstr. 54 a (across from City Hall) • 66849 Landstuhl • Tel.: 06371-61 22 11

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Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 8 March 15, 2013

Story and photo by Staff Sgt. Alexander A. Burnett21st Theater Sustainment Command Public Affairs

She stands in a small waiting room full of other people, although she seems more anxious than the rest. While the others wait for their loved ones to get off a plane, she goes from pane to pane in the window-walled room looking for that familiar face. She is a profes-sional at most times in her life. In this moment she is a mother wait-ing for her son.

Christina M. Wall, a logis-tics management specialist with the 21st Theater Sustainment Command, saw her son for the first time in two years March 6 on Ramstein.

Christina’s son, Air Force Tech. Sgt. Steven C. Wall, a fuel sys-tems craftsman assigned to 55th Maintenance Squadron, was deploy-ing to the Central Command theater of operations from Offutt Air Force Base, Neb., when he found out he would have a brief layover at Ramstein, only a short drive from where his mother works. He had to let her know.

“We’ve actually tried to do this before,” Steven said. “I was on my way over for a previous deployment, but it didn’t work. Somehow, I knew

my mom would make it work.”Christina knew the flight her son

was on and made it to the terminal in plenty of time, but as the plane arrived and passengers began departing, she did not see her son. After asking mem-bers of the terminal staff, someone went to another area in the airport and found Steven. As soon as he came into her view, her excitement was apparent.

“When I saw him coming toward me I was so excited to finally see him again,” Christina said. “I especially love seeing him in uniform and see-ing our family name on his chest. If his father were with us, I know he would be so proud to see his son in uniform.”

After the initial hug, Christina handed her son two large bags full of

German sandwiches and desserts for his long trip.

“Steven loves German food because he grew up here,” Christina said. “We lived here as a family when his father and I were both in the Army.”

Over the next 20 minutes, Steven and Christina enjoyed a brief walk together. They talked about his family, how his children were doing, what he would do while he was deployed and even a present she bought for when he returns, a BMW.

“I bought this car for myself when I first got to Germany and it needed some work,” she said. “Now that it is all fixed up, I want to give it to my son as a present when he gets back from this deployment.”

Both parties wish they could have spent a little more time together.

“I always wish I could spend more time with him, but I am thankful I got to see him at all,”

Christina said.They both walked back toward the

terminal as their time together came to a close. Steven hugged his mother and thanked her again for coming and vis-iting him at the airport. As Christina watched her son walk away, she left him with one final statement.

“I’m proud of you, Steven,” she said.

Story and photo by Airman 1st Class Holly Cook86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

Members of the 86th Civil Engineer Group were presented several awards at this year’s U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa first quarter awards ceremony.

Winning five of eight awards, the 86th CEG proved they are leading the way in USAFE-AFAFRICA. The winners are:

• Airman: Senior Airman Nicholas Wick, 786th Civil Engineer Squadron

• NCO: Tech. Sgt. Patrick Araujo, 786th CES

• Senior NCO: Master Sgt. Terence Ward, 786th CES

• Category-I civilian: Ali Mayoglu, 786th CES

• Airman dorm leader superinten-dent: Master Sgt. Misti Rodriguez, 86th CES

“I know that Ramstein requires a lot of manning and hard work to func-tion every day, but we have the best

and most reliable personnel in the Air Force,” Wick said, 786th CES electrical systems journeyman. “I am honored to be a part of a great team of workers.”

Working diligently every day is what the 86th CEG does to keep the base maintained and its Airmen happy.

“I’m honored to be recognized for what I do,” Wick said. “I know that the 86th CES is made up of hard-working Airmen and they should be congratulated for their efforts.”

Rodriguez said they assist the 1,200 unaccompanied Airmen on Ramstein, the approximately 300 unaccompa-nied Airmen on Kapaun Air Station and process nearly 150 Airmen in and out of the dorms every month at the Ramstein Dorm Reception Center. The members of the DRC support KMC Airmen by providing quality living quarters and assistance.

The hard work and numerous hours put forth to provide excellent liv-ing conditions, quality maintenance repair, minor construction and materi-

al support to the KMC, makes sweep-ing the USAFE-AFAFRICA first quarter awards well deserved.

“I feel it provides a great snapshot of the team work, energetic work and dedication that the men and women of the 86th CEG cranks out every day, in support of Ramstein Air Base,” said Ward, 786th CES superintendent of facility systems. “It’s a great feel-ing to have the positive results from 86th CEG’s daily accomplishments be recognized at USAFE-AFAFRICA level.”

Brig. Gen. C.K. Hyde, 86th Airlift Wing commander, also took the opportunity to personally congratulate the labors and dedication of the 86th CEG Airmen.

“Airmen in our civil engineer group play an invaluable role in ensuring our installations provide strategic capabilities for the Air Force and Department of Defense,” Hyde said. “Their daily efforts make that pos-sible. Congratulations for a job well done!”

CEG hammers competition during first quarter awards

Master Sgt. Terence Ward, 786th Civil Engineer Squadron superintendent of facility systems, prepares cable for installation for backup emergency power for the base water supply March 8 on Ramstein. Ward was presented with an award at this year’s U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Air Forces Africa first quarter awards ceremony.

‘First in Support’ civilian sees son while en route to deployment

Christina M. Wall, a logistics management specialist with the 21st Theater Sustainment Command, hugs her son, Air Force Tech Sgt. Steven C. Wall, a fuel systems craftsman assigned to 55th Maintenance Squadron, during his layover at Ramstein March 6. Steven is deploying to the Central Command theater of operations from Offutt Air Force Base, Neb., and enjoyed the chance to see his mother for the first time in two years.

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Campbell took part in the official ribbon cutting March 8. Loveland was among the more than 40 Soldiers who already took classes there.

“This is the first one we’ve ren-ovated in our footprint,” said Col. Bryan DeCoster, U.S. Army Garrison Baden-Württemberg commander, to Campbell. “In Baumholder, we’re doing the same.”

In November 2011, President Barack Obama signed the Veterans Opportunity to Work (VOW) Act of 2011 into law. That set into motion new initiatives to assist Soldiers separating from the Army, including new mandatory train-ing, said Ramona Kausch, the garri-son’s education services officer, who oversaw the creation of the new cen-ter.

Kleber Kaserne is where Soldiers process in and out of the commu-nity. The new classroom is collocated with education center in Bldg. 3245. Up to 42 people can attend.

Each workstation has an Internet-connected laptop linked to the instructor’s interactive “smart board.”

“It’s taken us from flip charts and power point presentations for some-thing more state of the art,” Kausch said.

It’s now a commander’s pro-gram and classes are mandatory, said Cherylanne Hunter, an ACAP coordinator. Participants undergo a self assessment and counseling and learn how military jobs translate to civilian skills. There’s a choice to make. Do they want to further their education, seek employment or start their own business? From that, they begin a track designed to meet their individual goals, Hunter said.

“Soldiers receive a ton of informa-tion to assist them in making a sound decision,” Hunter said. “We want to

help Soldiers succeed.” The U.S. Department of Labor

offers a three-day workshop, geared toward resume writing, interviewing and making the most of their military skills for either civilian or federal employment. A financial planner dis-cusses budgets, taxes, college funding and investments.

The Department of Veterans Affairs also offers information. Soldiers should plan on attending a year before their expected separation date, Hunter said.

“It provides Soldiers with the knowledge that they need to be suc-cessful when they leave the mili-tary,” Hunter said. “It’s also for family members. They are more than wel-come.”

Campbell, who visited several gar-

rison installations during his visit to Kaiserslautern, later reflected on his talk with Loveland.

“She had a plan she’d thought through, with the help of the transi-

tion center, her leadership and prob-ably her family,” Campbell said. “The best advice I can give anybody is to have a plan, use the transition center and determine what’s best for your future.”

During their interaction, Loveland explained how she’ll undertake a church mission before college. She plans on teaching. The gener-al clasped the sergeant’s hand and presented her with a commander’s coin.

“Good luck to you. All the best to you, as you go back to the states,” Campbell said. “Thanks for your ser-vice.”

For more information on the Kaiserslautern’s transition program, call 0631-411-8816 or visit www.acap.army.mil.

86th LRS One-Stop helps with supply accounts86th Logistics Readiness Squadron One-Stop — Your Customer Service Focal Point

Have a question concerning your supply account but not sure where to start? Contact the customer support section, better known as One-Stop, located in Bldg. 2126, Room 8.

One-Stop handles a variety of tasks ranging from taking routine issue requests, managing your custodian authorization/custody receipt listing, DLA-Disposition Services withdrawals, status checks and more.

For more details on One-Stop, call 480-2449/5241/5403, email [email protected] or visit the global at 86th LRS/LGRSC ONESTOP. You will get a response no later than the next duty day.

Defense Logistics Agency-Disposition Services Withdrawals

DLA-Disposition Services re-issues many use-ful items to Department of Defense activities for free.

You can conduct a worldwide search for DLA-Disposition Services property online at www. dispositionservices.dla.mil.

The maximum reutilization of excess property in the DLA-Disposition Services is highly encouraged for authorized military purposes. DLA-Disposition Services is considered a valid source of supply.

All excess and surplus property required by an organization must be obtained by routing the request through 86th LRS One-Stop.

All withdrawals from DLA-Disposition Services are processed as free issue.

Zero Overpricing Program To assist you in controlling and managing your

allotted funds, the Air Force instituted a program called ZOP.

Customers can challenge prices on items that seem to be high. It is important to review supply documents and listings for price changes. If there are price dis-crepancies, contact One-Stop to make a price chal-lenge. Use AF Form 1000, IDEA Application, and AF Form 1046, Zero Overpricing Challenge/Referral to submit ZOP challenges.

(Courtesy of 86th Logistics Readiness Squadron)

CENTER, from Page 1

Lt. Gen. Donald M. Campbell Jr., commanding general of U.S. Army Europe, greets Ramona Kausch, the garrison’s education services officer, who oversaw the transition center project. On March 8, Campbell and Kathleen Marin, director of Installation Management Command-Europe Region, visited Kaiserslautern. Lt. Col. Lars Zetterstrom, commander of U.S. Army Garrison Kaiserslautern, and Col. Bryan D. DeCoster, commander of U.S. Army Garrison Baden-Württemberg, showed the senior Army leaders around several posts within the garrison, including Pulaski Barracks, Sembach Kaserne and Kleber Kaserne.

Financial planner Basia Holscher explains the state-of-the-art smart board technology to U.S. Army Europe commander Lt. Gen. Donald Campbell during his recent visit to U.S. Army Garrison’s new transition center on Kleber Kaserne.

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Courtesy photo

Blood driveAirmen donate blood during a blood drive held at the Contingency Aeromedical Staging Facility Tuesday on Ramstein. Blood drives like this collect about 30 units of blood, enabling the CASF and Landstuhl Regional Medical Center to replenish their blood supply.

Photo by Airman 1st Class Holly Cook

Families get helpMembers of the Cloth Diaper Association give out free information to families at the Mom2Mom open house March 10 on Ramstein. Multiple organizations who support families around the KMC, including the New Parent Support Program and Adoption Support Group, came out to offer information and assistance to families in need.

Photo by Airman 1st Class Hailey Haux

RIGHT: KMC 1st Four donationThe president of the KMC 1st Four, Airman 1st Class Zachary Bach, and Airman 1st Class Travis Campbell, 86th Communications Squadron, donate a check of €3,136.42 Feb. 20 to Gereon Kohl, direc-tor of St. Nicholas orphanage in Landstuhl. The funds will be used to build an outdoor barbecue and picnic area. The 1st Four are trying to raise an additional €2,500 to finish the project. To make a donation, email kmc1stfour/[email protected] or [email protected].

FAR RIGHT:Patient safetyLt. Col. Kim Robinson, 86th Medical Group chief of education and training, takes part in medical bloopers March 8 on Ramstein. Medical bloop-ers simulates incorrect medical scenarios to test Airmen’s knowledge of safe patient care as a part of Patient Safety Awareness Week.

Photo by Staff Sgt. Jason Weber

Joint all-female color guard at 7th CSC FCM Ball Staff Sgt. Carmen Oxendine, mobilization NCO of the 21st Theater Sustainment Command’s 7th Civil Support Command, and Senior Airman Dayna M. Green, readiness and emergency manage-ment journeyman, 886th Civil Engineer Squadron, lead the joint all-female color guard as part of a ceremony at the 7th CSC’s Foreign Consequence Management Ball March 9.

Photo by Senior Airman Aaron-Forrest Wainwright

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Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 12 March 15, 2013

For the first time after the implementation of new NATO command structure, AIRCOM commander Gen. Philip M. Breedlove gathered his subordinate air units for the AIRCOM Commanders’ Conference. The two-day event took place at the Combined Air Operations Center in Uedem, Germany, from Feb. 28 to March 1.

The range of topics included reorganization of the AIRCOM mission, check on progress of transi-tion and updates on the various subordinate units. Another focus was on the AIRCOM role within the NATO Response Force in 2014.

“This conference is more than just an ordinary get-together of Airmen,” said Breedlove to those in attendance. “It is another step toward implementa-tion of our new air command structure. While this transition is a dynamic process, our day-to-day mis-sion continues. I am confident that together we can harmonize these new structures and ensure profes-sional execution of our air tasks.”

The meeting in Uedem offered an opportunity for the leaders to exchange views with their colleagues normally spread all over Europe.

AIRCOM is NATO’s single air command. Since the beginning of this year, AIRCOM has been implementing the new NATO command struc-ture by assuming responsibility for NATO’s entire European airspace from the North Cape to Sicily and from the Azores to the eastern border of Turkey.

(Courtesy of Headquarters, Allied Air Command)

Story and photo by Capt. Amanda Kehrrington18th Military Police Public Affairs, 21st Theater Sustainment Command

GRAFENWÖHR, Germany — A military police Soldier is dispatched to an on-post residence for a domestic disturbance. The Soldier knocks on the door and identifies himself as “military police” to announce his presence. The sound of glass break-ing and crying permeates the door. Just like instinct, the Soldier forces entry into the residence.

The 709th Military Police Battalion’s Road Warrior Challenge March 7 was designed to train for such scenarios and focused on professional law enforcement tactics, techniques and procedures and encouraged MP Soldiers to stay proficient in those skills.

“Being out there and helping people is really what I look forward to when I go to work in the morning,” said Pfc. Benjamin Varni, a gunner assigned to the 709th MP Bn. of the 21st Theater Sustainment Command’s 18th MP Brigade head-quartered at Sembach.

The Road Warrior Challenge consisted of 16 Soldiers competing in nine events, including baton strike, field sobriety test, apprehension, casualty evaluation and active shooter lane.

“The commander’s intent was to put an empha-sis back on professional law enforcement in the military police corps,” said 1st Lt. Garret Waugh, a plans officer with Headquarters, Headquarters Detachment, 709th MP Bn. “I hope this event gets Soldiers motivated and focused back on profes-

sional law enforcement because ultimately that’s why we are here.”

This event will become a quarterly challenge within the 709th with the Soldiers already preparing for the next challenge this May. This is an oppor-tunity to test MP Soldiers on their professional law enforcement capabilities keeping these Soldiers competent in their field.

“Being a military policeman is about helping the community and keeping people safe,” Varni said. “They may not like me for doing it, but I’d rather be out there and take the heat for helping them than let-ting them get hurt or putting someone in a situation that is going to hurt those around them.”

As often as first responders respond to an inci-dent, it is imperative to identify strengths and weak-nesses and have the opportunity to improve on weak areas and leverage strengths. This challenge gave Soldiers that opportunity.

“This experience has taught me to be more fluid and free thinking, because when you respond to a call you never know the situation you are walking up on,” said Spc. Richard Spurgeon, commander’s driver, HHD, 709th MP Bn.

“This was a good opportunity to test myself, see how much I have learned since working here and see what else I still have to learn,” said Spc. Michael Randall, team leader and patrolman with the 615th MP Co.

“I think professional law enforcement is the one thing that separates us (from all other branches), especially in peacetime, keeping us relevant to the force,” Waugh said.

18th MP Bde. tests law enforcement proficiency

Pfc. Benjamin Varni, a patrolman assigned to the 709th Military Police Battalion of the 21st Theater Sustainment Command’s 18th MP Brigade headquartered at Sembach, assists simulated casualties during an active-shooter lane at the 709th MP Bn. Road Warrior Challenge March 7.

NATO generals meet at commanders’ conference

Picture courtesy of Kdo OpFüLuSK Public Affairs

(From left) Lt. Gen. Joachim Wundrak, Combined Air Operations Center Uedem commander; Lt. Gen. Ralph Jodice, Air Command Izmir, Turkey, commander; Gen. Philip Breedlove, AIRCOM commander; and Lt. Gen. Friedrich Wilhelm Ploeger, AlRCOM deputy commander, are photographed during the AIRCOM Commanders’ Conference, which was held Feb. 28 to March 1 in Uedem, Germany.

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by Senior Airman Aaron-Forrest Wainwright86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

The giant voice screams “Exercise, exercise, exercise!” The process begins, recalls start and Airmen ready their gear in preparation for the impending events.

The wing inspection teams are the members responsible for the inspections we constantly prepare for, supporting the com-mander’s No. 1 priority of readiness. They do this with two types of inspections: compliance and readiness.

Compliance inspections are at the group and squadron levels, while readiness inspec-tions focus on how the wing integrates all of the squadron’s and group’s capabilities into the mission.

This enables and assures the wing’s strategic capabilities by providing combat airlift and operating the base.

“We plan, coordinate and conduct inspec-tions to strengthen the commander’s ability to focus on our most important missions and to give him answers to the most important ques-tions,” said Capt. Drumarie Grandon, 86th Airlift Wing exercise and inspections coordi-nator. “We ensure the wing commander is suf-ficiently informed in order to assess risk and identify areas of improvement.”

Conducting wing readiness inspections, the inspector general evaluates current operations, eliminates the need of unrealistic exercise sce-narios and lessens the demand on wing assets during times of opportunity.

The IG has been operating a new inspection system since the beginning of the year, which allows commanders to better and more effi-ciently identify, prioritize and mitigate prob-lems specific to their mission.

This new construct was put in place to bet-ter assess units and ensure they are meeting standards.

“First and foremost, we had to create a whole new inspection system,” said Col. Scott Morris, 86th AW IG. “Air Force Instruction 90-201 was completely rewritten, and we had to create the entire program from scratch.”

The IG had to change how they approached inspections. The old method dealt with inspections as a way to find and fix problems.

With the new inspection system, units are encouraged to let the IG know where the prob-lems lie so the IG can help push the command-er’s problems or deficiencies up to the level where it can be addressed.

“The only way for issues and problems to be solved is to make sure the right people know about them,” Grandon said.

Wing inspection team ensures readiness,


Red Cross keeps you informedby Senior Airman Whitney Stork86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

The American Red Cross pro-vides support to service members and their families stateside and overseas.

Ramstein’s Red Cross responds to emergencies and disasters that happen to Department of Defense members or their families no mat-ter where they are located. The organization relies on donations and volunteers to continue to pro-vide the services they do.

The American Red Cross has been working with the military since 1905 in emergency response and has solely relied on donations and volunteers to make what they do possible. The association pro-vides emergency contact service to all DOD identification card holders stateside, overseas and in deployed locations.

“Ninety-six percent of our orga-nization is made up of volunteers,” said Emily Hayes, American Red

Cross assistant station manager. “The majority of what gets done is by them and we are more than grateful to have them.”

Volunteers help with everything from donating money, items, blood or going to other organi-zations where their skills can be properly utilized.

“All of our volunteers go through an orientation class after they fill out the application and pass the background check to make sure they are being placed properly,” said Gymmy Harris, American Red Cross outreach coordinator. “We have an inter-national department as well that responds to international disasters and they have their own staff and volunteers to send wherever they are needed.”

The organization started work-ing with the Wounded Warriors Project in October 2011. The WWP volunteers currently sup-ply a transitional care package to wounded members in Djibouti, Kuwait and Afghanistan. The kits

are put together in Florida by vol-unteers and sent overseas to mili-tary members who were wounded and in need of new clothes, toi-letries, and other basic essential items.

“I’ve been here since October working with the Wounded Warrior Project,” said Ron Jefferson, American Red Cross outreach coordinator. “It’s an honor to help them through tran-sition. I always try to find new and fun things to make it interesting. There is always something differ-ent for them to do that matches the reason for their transition.”

This agency offers countless services to the military and com-munity to prevent and alleviate suffering in the face of emergen-cies by utilizing their strong net-work of volunteers, donors and partners.

To contribute to this organiza-tion contact the American Red Cross at 478-2171 for further information on how to volunteer and donate items.

by Doris DonchLandstuhl Regional Medical Center registered dietician

Looking for something to celebrate this month? It’s National Furniture Refinishing Month and National Noodle Month and National Frozen Food Month and Foot Health Month and Women’s History Month.

This month is also National Nutrition Month, which concerns something we all do everyday — eat.

Every year in March, the Academy of Nutrition & Dietetics kicks off a campaign to teach (or gently remind) people how important it is to treat your body well by eating right and being active.

Last year, I heard a speech given by the Army sur-geon general, Lt. Gen. Patricia Horoho. She brought up an interesting point: How much time do you spend with your doctor? If you go to the doctor five times a year, you might spend a total of 100 minutes. That’s only a small part of your life. What’s going on the rest of the time — the other 525,500 minutes? That’s when you’re in charge of your body. The take-away message is: Take control of your health.

The theme of this year’s National Nutrition Month is “Eat right, your way, every day.” What does that look like? It looks like somebody who is taking con-trol, every day, one meal at a time. It can be you. Strengthening yourself so that you can be healthy and feel good so you can face the day and perform in what-

ever job you do with energy and vitality. It represents eating right by making the right choices about what you put on your plate. It also represents exercising, which helps strengthen you both physically and mentally.

Everybody has had some exposure to nutrition information. Many of us had an introduction to nutri-tion information and eating healthy in elementary school. Remember the food pyramid? You’d have to live in a vacuum not to have some idea that we’re supposed to eat more fiber, fruits and veggies and less fat. But what’s available to us is increasingly lower in what’s good for us and higher in the “bad” stuff. OK, what’s the bad stuff? I’ll bet you already know. You can also go online to any one of these websites listed below and find all kinds of informa-tion about nutrition and tips to help you eat healthier.

* www.eatright.org * www.kidseatright.org * www.ChooseMyPlate.govBut there is nothing as powerful as awareness in

the first step to change. A good way to increase your awareness this month is to write down everything you eat and drink. Try it for one week and see how much you will discover about your eating habits.

Contact your local Landstuhl Regional Medical Center dietitians for additional help at 06371-86-7144 and check out daily nutrition tips this month on the LRMC Facebook page at www.facebook.com/#!/LRMCofficialpage.

Start eating healthy during National Nutrition Month

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Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 14 March 15, 2013

7th CSC AT program manager earns awardby Sgt. 1st Class Matthew Chlosta7th Civil Support Command Public Affairs

The 7th Civil Support Command’s Antiterrorism Force Protection manager was recently awarded second place in the annual Department of the Army U.S. Army Reserve Command Antiterrorism com-petition against 87 other competitors in February.

Diego Reynoso was also one of only four recognized at the Department of Defense level honor roll.

“In addition to his garrison responsibilities to protect the Soldiers, civilians and families at home station, he provides force protection and integration with host nation law enforce-ment and military personnel when deployed,” said James Otto, 7th Civil Support Command chief executive officer. “He conducts working groups to enhance individual protective measures, develops command-wide random antiterrorism measures sup-porting garrison requirements and trains Soldiers, civilians and families on AT/FP measures to increase their situational awareness while traveling. He devel-oped projects to improve protection at all of our Army Reserve locations in Europe.”

Reynoso is a retired military policeman who received significant AT/FP training at Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., in his final two years on active duty. His initial work in AT/FP was at Fort Leavenworth,

Kan., during his transition from a Soldier to a Department of the Army civilian.

Next, he worked as an operations specialist at the Directorate of Plans, Training, Mobilization and Security at Yongsan, South Korea, before taking the position here, where he has served for the past 18 months.

“It means a lot to me to have the Department of the Army and USARC recognize the 7th CSC for our collective efforts in improving the program,” Reynoso said. “My favorite part of working in the 7th CSC is my interaction with the Soldiers and being

part of the team. My position allows me to be involved with so many entities within the command, because any operation or mission we conduct is going to include protecting our vulnerable interest from threats.”

Several highlights from Reynoso’s nomination packet are: Reynoso procured additional funding from USARC Provost Marshal Office to improve the protection on Daenner Kaserne, a military installa-tion of more than 1,000 assigned person-nel, in which 7th CSC has responsibility. His efforts helped improve the main gate to meet minimum AT standards. He also developed and instructed the country threat brief in support of 12 training exercises and two deployments in fiscal year 2012 that involved more than 600 Soldiers.

“I have to support the command in ensuring all Soldiers and their family mem-

bers are practicing good force protection measures and keep them informed, regardless if they are on active status or not,” Reynoso said. “We live in an era in which the enemies of the United States are constantly attempting to destroy our freedom and to induce fear in our lives; we cannot let them prevail.”

“This award is the results of over 12 months of hard work,” Otto said. “Diego took over a program and within one year made it a flagship of excellence. Mr. Reynoso dedicates time and effort to improving the protection of (our) most vital asset — people.”

Courtesy photo

Diego Reynoso, 7th Civil Support Command antiterrorism force protection manager, explains how a barrier works to a security officer at Daenner Kaserne. Reynoso recently earned second place in the U.S. Army Reserve Command’s antiterrorism competition.

AER fundraising campaign launches at Smith BarracksStory and photo by Ignacio “Iggy” RubalcavaU.S. Army Garrison Baumholder Public Affairs

Baumholder’s Army Emergency Relief fundraising campaign was launched March 4 during a breakfast gathering at the Heart of the Rock Dining Facility on Smith Barracks. Eldon Mullis, deputy director for administration at AER headquarters in Alexandria, Va., told service members and civilians at the breakfast that AER is not just for service members. AER also helps family members, retirees and other components of the Army, such as the National Guard.

In addition to emergency relief, AER also provides assistance in other areas, such as preventive maintenance for service members’ vehicles and scholarship grants for dependent chil-dren and spouses of active-duty ser-vice members.

“The best part is that it’s all inter-est free,” said Mullis, who was in Germany visiting installations and helping them kick off their fundrais-ing campaigns. While here, he also assessed the impact and needs of the

AER program in Germany.The AER fundraising campaign

provides everyone in the Army com-munity an opportunity to help their fellow service members and com-munity members. Baumholder’s AER fundraising campaign officer is Capt. Jason King. For more about contrib-uting to AER, call King at 485-7383.

Immediately after visiting Baumholder, Mullis traveled to Landstuhl where he helped the medi-cal community with their fundraising campaign kickoff.

“I learned something today,” said Lt. Col. Mike Sullivan, U.S. Army Garrison Baumholder commander, after Mullis spoke. “I did not know that I could send Soldiers or tell Soldiers that they can obtain AER assistance at any military installation, be it Army, Navy or Air Force.”

All U.S. military services have a financial assistance program like AER, and service members are eligible to receive assistance from them, just as other military services can receive assistance from the Army program.

Mary Johnston, Baumholder’s AER officer and financial readiness pro-gram manager, explained that last

year, Baumholder had 224 assist cases for AER. Twelve percent of those cases were grants and the rest were interest-free loans.

Overall, Baumholder’s AER pro-gram provided almost $350,000 worth of assistance to Soldiers, family mem-bers and eligible civilians last year. The average amount of individual assis-tance was about $1,500, Johnston said.

Although there is no set amount of assistance that AER can provide, $1,500 is actually the referral limit that commanders can automatically approve for eligible service members and civilians.

AER representatives will soon be visiting the various agencies on post to provide contribution forms and answer questions.

Eldon Mullis outlines the many benefits of the Army Emergency Relief program to Soldiers and civilians during an AER fundraising campaign kick-off breakfast March 4 at Baumholder’s Heart of the Rock Dining Facility. Mullis is the deputy director for administration at AER headquarters in Alexandria, Va.

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Kaiserslautern American Page 15March 15, 2013

by Laura VasquezU.S. Army Public Health Command program evaluator

Do you ever find yourself strug-gling to fall asleep at night, yet falling asleep during briefings after a day of traveling?

You are probably experiencing jet lag. Jet lag is a common sleep disorder that occurs when crossing time zones and disrupts the body’s natural “bio-logical clock” that tells you when to sleep and when to stay awake.

Jet lag is a significant concern for Soldiers, civilians and retirees who travel often for temporary duty assignments deployments or perma-nent change of station moves. It can take several days to several weeks to adjust, leaving the traveler feeling

fatigued and prone to accidents related to insufficient sleep.

Sufficient (six to eight hours a night), healthy sleep is one of the Army surgeon general’s top priori-ties for building and sustaining good Soldier and family member health through the “Performance Triad.” Sleep, along with a focus on healthy activity and nutrition, is one of the three legs of the triad.

Lack of sleep impedes mission read-iness. Incidents of friendly fire and navigational errors have occurred as a result of a lack of sleep. Insufficient sleep also contributes to motor vehicle and machinery-related accidents or deaths in the military and the gen-eral population. Sleepiness impairs the ability to think clearly, perform complex mental tasks, form memories

and solve problems. Going 24 hours without sleep is comparable to being legally drunk in all 50 states.

Sleep is a restorative process neces-sary for muscle repair, memory con-solidation, appetite control, hormonal growth and regulation, and is a part of a healthy immune system. Adequate quality and quantity of sleep allow you to wake up feeling refreshed and alert for the day. Sleep is a necessity to perform well and is as crucial to mission readiness as fuel, food and fire power.

Fortunately, there are some actions you can take to minimize the effects of lack of sleep from jet lag and its

impact on performing your duties:Choose flights that allow early eve-

ning arrival. Stay up until 10 p.m. local time.

Prepare for time zone changes. Wake up and go to bed earlier several days prior to an eastward trip, or wake up and go to bed later for a westward trip.

Limit daytime naps. If you must nap during the day, limit the nap to less than two hours in the early after-noon.

***For more tips from the National

Sleep Foundation, visit the KA online at www.kaiserslauternamerican.com.

Ways to help you feel rested when traveling

Can’t sleep?

Courtesy photo

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Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 16 March 15, 2013

KMC schools registrationThe Kaiserslautern school district re-reg-

istration and pre-registration will take place Monday to March 22 at the following locations and times: Kaiserslautern High School gym, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday to Wednesday, and 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday; Kaiserslautern Military Community Center food court, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to March 22 (for Ramstein schools); Landstuhl Elementary/Middle School information center, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and March 22, and 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday; Sembach Elementary School Tiger Tale Theater, Bldg. 19, 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and March 22, and 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday. For details, visit www.kais-dso.eu.dodea.edu/offi ces/registration/registration.htm.

Baumholder re-registrationAll Baumholder middle and high school stu-

dents, as well as students from Smith and Wetzel elementary schools, returning for the 2013/2014 school year must re-register from Monday to March 22. Children must be 5 years old by Sept. 1 to register for kindergarten. Sure Start appli-cations for both elementary schools will be accepted at this time. The school registration process will continue for families new to U.S. Army Garrison

Baumholder after these dates. Make sure to bring a sponsor’s orders with student’s name on the orders, updated immunization records, verifi cation of employment (for civilian parents), and parents’ ID cards. Contact Randy Lambert, Baumholder school liaison offi cer, for more information at 485-6968 or 06783-6-6968.

Story walkCome to this special outdoor story time, combin-

ing a fun story with fi tness, at 10:30 a.m. March 20 at the Kaiserslautern Main Library, Bldg. 3810 on Landstuhl Post. For details, call 486-7322 or 06371-86-7322.

‘Bye Bye Birdie’Ramstein High School presents “Bye Bye Birdie,”

Thursday to March 23. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. and the musical begins at 7. The performances will take place in the high school’s great hall.

LEMS spring carnivalThe community is invited to Landstuhl

Elementary/Middle School’s annual spring carni-val from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. March 23 at the school. There will be a stuffed animal walk, bean bag toss, cake walk, toilet bowl toss, fi shing pond and golf-ing, among many other things. Volunteers are also

needed. To volunteer, sign up with VolunteerSpot by visiting http://vols.pt/Bp9bqn. Enter your email address (you will not need to register an account on VolunteerSpot) and choose your spot: LEMS spring carnival or grade level activities. VolunteerSpot will send you an automated confi rmation and remind-ers. Note: VolunteerSpot does not share your email address with anyone. But if you prefer not to use your personal email address, email carnival chair Sandra Bucklin at [email protected] to sign up.

Tween MatineeThe Kaiserslautern Main Library is having a spe-

cial marathon showing of a popular teen show, from 3:30 to 5 p.m. March 26 and 28 in Bldg. 3810 on Landstuhl Post. For details, call 486-7322 or 06371-86-7322.

Teen photography contestTeens, snap a literary-themed photo with

your phone and enter it in the Library Teen Tech Week contest to win a prize. For more details, see a member of the library staff. For details, contact the Kaiserslautern Main Library, Bldg. 3810 on Landstuhl Post, at 486-7322 or 06371-86-7322, or the Kleber Branch Library, Bldg. 3205, at 483-1740 or 0631-411-1740.

School Notes

by Callie HoodKaiserslautern High School

At the end of February, 11 students from Kaiserslautern High School’s Spanish IV and AP Spanish classes trav-eled to Sevilla, Spain, for an immersion experience in the language they have been studying for several years.

After departing Feb. 24, the students, along with their teacher and one par-ent chaperone, traveled to the south of Spain, where they explored the historic city for almost a week before returning home March 1.

Once in Spain, the AP students took the lead as they showed the group the capital of Andalucía, the southernmost region of Spain. Each day had one or two of these upper-level students as “tour guides/leaders” who took the students to the various famous cultural and historic sites of the city.

The Real Alcazar palace was one such site that includes Moorish archi-tecture and extensive gardens where the students were able to see pavos reales, or peacocks. The students explored the artistic history of the city in el Museo de Artes y Costumbres Populares de Sevilla, Museo de Bellas Artes and

the Torre del Oro, a tower that sup-posedly once held the gold that was brought back from the New World but now houses a naval museum. One day, students left the city by train to the his-toric city of Córdoba, where they had a chance to see the historic mosque-turned-cathedral, and another night at a fl amenco show.

These students had spent weeks plan-ning out every aspect of their day in the city, including a timetable, weather fore-cast and map of their route. Most of the days were spent walking the city, and the students clocked more than 11 miles on one particular outing (a total of 32 for the trip). Meanwhile, Spanish IV students researched various aspects of the history and culture, including the politics, food and royal family of the country.

The journey to Sevilla was an edu-cational adventure that was enjoyed by both students and chaperones. The memories made and experiences brought back will be fantastic remind-ers of a great time spent in Spain. The students would like to thank Paola Berdecio, the Spanish teacher who organized this trip, and Ellen Cron, a parent volunteer who chaperoned this group of outgoing teenagers.

Kaiserslautern Spanish classes visit Sevilla for immersion experience

Photo by Susi Gibbins

Dirty hands at KESJineiry Muniz, Trishelle Taylor, Noah Polin, Brice Armstrong, Freddie Foots and Aaron Hill, third-graders in Laura Dvareckas’ class at Kaiserslautern Elementary School, examine Petri dishes to  observe how much bacteria from unwashed hands has grown. Students learn about the importance of clean hands in their “dirty hands” health and science experiment.

Photo by Holly Freeman

Banned booksRamstein Information Specialist Vicki Nicholson teaches a lesson about challenged and banned books with students in Cathy Phillips’ English classes at Ramstein High School.

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Kaiserslautern American Page 17March 15, 2013

Photo by Minyi Qian

Carole Weaver’s first grade class at Sembach Elementary School bring the Dr. Seuss book “Ten Apples Up On Top!” to life on stage at the school’s Tiger Theater. The school was celebrating Dr. Seuss’ birthday.

Courtesy photo

Vogelweh Elementary School second grader Casey Knight, a student in Lisa Colson’s class, dresses as Thing 2 in celebration of Dr. Seuss’ birthday.

KMC Schools say:

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

Photo by Ignacio “Iggy” Rubalcava

Children at Baumholder’s Wetzel Elementary School get a taste of “Green Eggs and Ham” when Lt. Col. Mike Sullivan, U.S. Army Garrison Baumholder commander, showed up March 5 to read to the children from the popular Dr. Seuss book. The next day, the children actually got a taste of green eggs and ham when reading coach Micheline Huntley and WES Principal Angie Cotton offered the children a special breakfast of green eggs and ham. Huntley and Cotton prepared this unique entree for students in celebration of Read Across America Week.

Courtesy photo

Kindergarten students in Donna Pruett’s class at Landstuhl Elementary/Middle School dress up as characters from Dr. Seuss books March 1 for Read Across America.

Photo by Susi Gibbins

Kaiserslautern Elementary School staff members Cathy Longo, Linda Rocha-Mendoza and Kera Vega have fun dressing as “Cat’s in hat’s” during a celebration of Dr. Seuss’ birthday and Read Across America week.

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Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 18 March 15, 2013

Mark Your Calendar» The German-American and International Women’s

Club Kaiserslautern will host a playgroup from 3:30 to 5 p.m. Monday. Join parents from other cultures and enjoy a coffee together while children play and hear other languages. The fee for each playdate is €2 to cover facility costs. For de-tails, contact Katie Pelletier at [email protected] or 06383-9266018, or visit the GAIWC website at www.gaiwc.com.

» Get down at Armstrong’s Club’s House Party from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. March 22 in Bldg. 1036 on Vogelweh Hous-ing. Come enjoy dance music, delivered straight to you from a live DJ. For details, call 0631-354-9986.

» A preseason motorcycle safety course is scheduled to take place from 8 a.m. and 2 p.m. March 22 in the Hercules Theater. Motorcycle riders are required to attend one of the two sessions. For details, call 480-7233.

» Dance the night away at Armstrong’s Club’s R&B Night from 9 p.m. to 2 a.m. Saturday and March 23 in Bldg. 1036 on Vogelweh Housing. For more information, call 0631-354-9986.

» If you enjoy classical music, you will enjoy the Ramstein Community Center’s Spring Chamber Concert at 5 p.m. Sunday. Enjoy masterpieces of classical music from composers such as Johann Sebastian Bach, Ama-deus Mozart, Franz Schubert and more. Performers are Alexandra Panchina playing the violin, and Olga Orkin play-ing the piano. Tickets are on sale now for $10. Contact the Ramstein Community Center for more information at 06371-47-6600.

» The Deutsches Haus restaurant will offer its fi rst brunch of the year from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday. For reservations, visit www.deutscheshausramstein.de or call 06371-4659-3702.

» Grab your “right arm” and head to Armstrong’s Club’s Right Arm Night at 4 p.m. March 22 in Bldg. 1036 on Vogelweh Housing. This is a free event and an opportu-nity to show your appreciation for your colleagues. For ages 18 and older. For details, call 0631-354-9986.

» The Vogelweh Community Center will offer a trip to Frankfurt March 26 to see Lil Wayne live in con-cert. Tickets are on sale now for $125. Spaces are limited, so act fast. Ticket price includes concert and transporta-tion. We will meet at 5 p.m. at the Vogelweh Community Center and return at approximately 1 a.m. To purchase your ticket, stop by the Vogelweh Community Center, Bldg. 2059.

» Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation invites you to an adventure with the Easter bunny at “Egg-stravaganza,” at 10 a.m. March 30 at Pulaski Park. Enjoy a free egg hunt, photos with the Easter bunny, bouncy castles (weather permitting) and face painting. Egg hunts are for chil-dren up to 12 years old. There will be more than 6,000 eggs fi lled with chocolate and distributed for all age groups. Gate opens at 10 a.m. and Mr. and Mrs. Easter Bunny will arrive at 10:15. No registration required. For details and egg hunt times, call 493-4215 or 0631-3406-4215.

» The Sembach Community Activity Center Warrior Zone hosts Texas Hold ’em on Saturday nights. Registration is at 6 p.m. and the tournament starts at 7. There is a $25 buy-in. For more information, call 496-5172 or 06302-67-5171.

Meetings » The KMC Adoption Support Group will meet

at 7 p.m. Tuesday at the Landstuhl Health and Wellness Center, Bldg. 3722, adjacent to the gym. The group meets the needs of adoptive parents, adopting parents and adoptive children through education and research to resolve adoption issues. Inquiries about adoption are wel-come through the group’s website at www.usadopteurope.com.

» The Multicultural Spouses Club is designed to bring people together from different backgrounds. And it’s always more fun with food involved, so please bring a dish that is an old family favorite that embodies your heritage. The next meeting takes place at 11 a.m. March 29 in Bldg. 2926, Yellow Ribbon Room, on Pulaski Barracks. For more information, call 0631-3406-4203.

» Rheinland Pfalz Quilt Guild meetings are held the third Thursday of each month. Night meetings are held the fourth Thursday of each month. Visit www.rpqg.eu for the meeting location.

» The Rhineland Breast Cancer Coalition, a group of breast cancer survivors in the KMC, are celebrating life and supporting and encouraging other breast cancer patients and survivors in the area. This group meets at 6:30 p.m. the second Tuesday of each month at Bambus Garden, outside Pulaski Gate by Vogelweh. For details, email [email protected].

» The Kaiserslautern chapter of the Sergeant Mo-rales Club meets from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. the fi rst Monday of every month at the Rhine Ordnance Barracks DFAC. This meeting is open to all Sergeant Morales mem-bers, Sergeant Audie Murphy members and to any NCO who would like to join.

» HUGS playgroup meets from 10 to 11:30 a.m. the fi rst and third Friday of the month at the Vogelweh Commu-nity Center. This group is for parents and children ages 0 to 4. Play groups offer benefi ts for both parents and their chil-dren. Parents can make new friends and enjoy some grown up conversation while their children develop socialization skills and enjoy educational activities. This is especially valuable for moms who worked full time prior to the baby’s birth and are feeling isolated at home alone all day long. For details, call Army Community Service at 493-4203 or 0631-3406-4203.

Baumholder Events» A St. Patrick’s Day dance will be held from 7 to

10 p.m. today at the Baumholder Teen Center. Come dressed in green and have fun! Bring your iPod and favor-ite music. Free admission. For details, call 485-6810 or 06783-6-6810.

» An all ages lock-in will be held from 9 p.m. to 8 a.m. March 22 to 23 at the Baumholder Teen Center. Stay overnight with your friends at the all ages lock-in. Register by Monday. Free admission. For more information or to register, call 485-6810 or 06783-6-6810.

» Check out the “Little Mermaid,” an all-youth musical production of the classic tale, at 7 p.m. today and Saturday, and March 22 and 23, and 3 p.m. Sunday and March 24 at Hilltop Theater, Bldg. 8218 on Smith

Barracks in Baumholder. Tickets cost $8 for adults, $5 for children, students or Soldiers E-5 and below, and $25 for a family of four or more. Tickets can be purchased at the door or in advance by contacting the Hilltop Theater box offi ce. For details, visit Hilltop Theater’s Facebook page or call 485-7244 or 06783-6-7244.

» The Baumholder Teen Center will host a fl ash-light Easter egg hunt at 8 p.m. March 29. Bring a fl ash-light and hunt for Easter eggs in the dark. For details, call 485-6810 or 06783-6-6810.

» Celebrate Easter, the Month of the Military Child, and Child Abuse Prevention Month by attending “A Day at the Movies” Easter Egg Hunt, a fun-fi lled chil-dren’s festival and Easter egg hunt with a movie theme. The event will be held at 11 a.m. March 30 in the Wet-zel Elementary School parking lot in Baumholder. The event will include face painting, bouncy castles, a zombie special effects factory, a behind the scenes stunt semi-nar, and more! For details, call Parent Central Services at 485-7003 or 06783-6-7003.

» Registration is now open for SAC Spring Break Camp, held from April 8 to 12. Come join the fun at the Wetzel School Age Center in Baumholder and participate in archery, biking, treasure hunts, cultural cooking and art activities, barbecues, a water balloon extravaganza, bounce houses, fi eld trips to Yabadoo Fun Park and the Dynamikum Hands-on Science Museum, and more! Space is limited. To register or for details, call the Wetzel SAC at 485-7475 or 06783-6-7475.

» Effective Monday, the new hours of operation at Strikers Bowling Center in Baumholder are as follows: 11:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. Wednesdays through Saturdays, 1 to 6 p.m. Sundays, and closed Mon-days and Tuesdays. Fifty cent game nights will move to Thursdays. For more information, call 485-6569 or 06783-6-6569.

20132013MARCH2013MARCH2013MARCH2013 Spouses to receive EMT certifi cationThe Air Force Aid Society, in partnership with the

Ramstein Airman & Family Readiness Center, is pro-viding the Spouse Employment Training Grant for three Air Force spouses to receive emergency medi-cal technology training and certifi cation. The EMT program offers training in pre-hospital emergency care and provides the training needed for certifi ca-tion testing through the National Registry of EMTs. All necessary requirements will be addressed to uphold an EMT license.

The Spouse Employment Training Grant program seeks to address the employment challenges Air Force spouses face each time they PCS. A career in medical technology can be a viable and portable option for those interested in the medical industry, providing greater opportunities for employment and professional growth.

To qualify:• Need to be a spouse of an Air Force active

duty/E-5 and below• Have a DEROS of December 2013 or later• Write a one-page essay on why and how you will

us this certifi cation in your future• Memorandum of agreement to complete the

course and take exam if selectedThe deadline for applications is March 31. For more

information on how to apply for this grant, contact Jamie Albers at the A&FRC at 480-5100 or 06371-47-5100.

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Kaiserslautern American Page 19March 15, 2013

Classes And Training» Separations can be very diffi cult,

especially for any children involved. Learn to be the best parent you can dur-ing the process of divorce or separation in the interest of helping the children maintain a sense of love and normalcy in this co-parenting class, a special class provided by ACS Family Advocacy. The class takes place at 5:30 p.m. Thursday in Bldg. 2917 on Pu-laski Barracks. To register, call 0631-3406-4062/4228.

» Are you new to the KMC? Join Army Community Service for this free, two-part class Thursday and March 22, starting at 9 a.m., in Bldg. 2891 on Pulaski Barracks. The fi rst day covers an overview of Kaiserslautern, Rheinland-Pfalz, German cul-ture and customs. On the second day, you take the local bus for a special insider’s tour of “K-Town.” A walking tour downtown takes you to the historical sites, museums, city offi ces and a historic restaurant for lunch. Register in advance by calling 0631-3406-4203.

» Register now for the free Army Family Team Building Level III advanced leadership development course, offered March 26 to 28. Topics include cohesive team building, confl ict management, creative problem solving and more. Call 0631-3406-4203 to save your spot.

» Couples Communication is a new, two-part series being offered through Fam-ily Advocacy. In this class learn the keys to better communication, effective listening

and understanding taught in a fun learn-ing atmosphere. Take the stress out of your relationship by enrolling today. Classes take place from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. every fi rst and second Thursday of the month in Bldg. 2917 on Pulaski Barracks. To register, call 0631-3406-4203.

» Did you know anger is directly re-lated to symptoms associated with survival instincts? Learn about how anger is triggered, ways to monitor and associate patterns of anger with thought processes, and, most importantly, how to control anger in this three-part educational learning experi-ence. Join the ACS Anger Management Class by registering for a session, offered from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. every Wednesday in Bldg. 2917 on Pulaski Barracks. For more infor-mation, call 493-4062 or 0631-3406-4062.

» Feeling over burdened? Are you ex-periencing sleeplessness, muscle pain or emotional tension? Then you may be stressed. There is a lot more to stress than what you might think. Join this informative two-part series that teaches about differ-ent kinds of stress and healthy ways to cope. The class is offered from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. the fi rst and second Tuesday of the month in the Family Life Center in Bldg. 2919 on Pulaski Barracks. For details, call 0631-3406-4062.

» Have you walked into an establish-ment and found yourself in trouble be-cause you couldn’t fi gure out how to order something to eat or buy a pair of shoes? Then you need to register for this exceptional

class, which teaches the street smart version of basic German language. Now, with two days and times to choose from, learning Ger-man never got easier. Take a Monday eve-ning or Friday lunchtime class. Stop by Bldg. 2891 on Pulaski Barracks or call 493-4023 or 0631-3406-4023 for more information or to register.

Jobs» Want to learn more about fi nding

a government job? Visit Army Community Service at 10 a.m. March 22 in Bldg. 2917 on Pulaski Barracks to learn more about fi nding and applying for jobs. Get the one up on competition with hands-on instruction and assistance from our training employ-ment readiness expert. For more information or to make an appointment with Employment Readiness, call 0631-3406-4029.

» Child, Youth and School Services needs a food service training and certi-fi cation contractor. This position includes training, consultation, assessment, certi-fi cation and proctoring of FS staff in CYS Services. The ability to travel, compliance with Army CYS Services health/background check requirements, driver’s licenses, and insurance coverage are required. Minimum of fi ve years experience in training and con-sulting FS operations in CYS Services. Certi-fi cation e.g., National Restaurant Association, ServSafe Instructor/Proctor required. Experi-ence in training, assessing and certifying CYS Services FS staff in English required. If interested, email rosemary.musto.naf@mail.

mil no later than March 22. Include “Food Services” in the subject line of the email. In the email, provide your name, email and tele-phone contact information. Note: This con-tracted position is not logistically supported.

Chapel News» A Protestant Easter Sunrise Ser-

vice will take place at 7 a.m. March 31 at the Ramstein Woodlawn Golf Course. Free breakfast will be served immediately follow-ing the service. Seating is limited. RSVP no later than March 25 by calling the Vogelweh Chapel at 489-6859.

A&FRC programsThe Ramstein Airman & Family Readiness Center offers

the following programs:» MONDAY «

Ramstein Spouses Orientation: 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., A&FRC

» TUESDAY «Reintegration Brief: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., IDRC

Intro to German: 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., A&FRCManaging Credit Card Debt: 1 to 2 p.m., A&FRC

Pre-Deployment Brief: 1 to 4 p.m., IDRC» WEDNESDAY «

Base Intro: 7:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m., Hercules TheaterExtreme Couponing-Military Style: 9 to 11 a.m., A&FRC

» THURSDAY «Pre-Separation Brief: 9 a.m. to noon, A&FRC

What is What?: 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., A&FRCManaging Your Money: 10 a.m. to noon, A&FRC

Deployed Families Event: 5 to 7 p.m., Kapaun Dining Facility

» MARCH 22 «No classes

Bad behavior is good entertainment at HilltopA polite meeting between two sets of

parents to discuss an altercation between their adolescent sons — that’s what it is supposed to be. What it turns into is some-thing else entirely.

Educated, socially competent adults should be able to deal with such a trivial matter in a civilized manner, shouldn’t they? Apparently not. Instead, the four adults throw civility to the winds and rip into each other like savage beasts (or children).

The Baumholder Hilltop Theater’s pro-duction of “God of Carnage,” a smart, dark-edged comedy, explores the bound-aries of civilized behavior and then tram-ples right over them in this hilarious play by Yasmina Reza and translated by Christopher Hampton.

Michael and Veronica Novak are played by Tom Navo and Jacqui Haggerty. Alan and Annette Raleigh are portrayed by David Schwab and Melanie Robinson.

These four award-winning actors from the Baumholder and Kaiserslautern military communi-ties take the audience on a chaotic, domestic demo-lition derby fi lled with laughs. The evening begins normally enough in the upscale home of Michael and Veronica Novak. They have just met Alan and

Annette Raleigh, parents of 11-year-old Benjamin, who has whacked the Novak’s son, Henry, in the mouth with a stick. The meeting, which begins nice-ly over coffee and cobbler, rapidly goes downhill into a free-for-all complete with accusations, liquor, tears, fi sticuffs and general bad behavior.

“We’d all prefer to live in a world where adults suppress their base natures and behave politely

toward each other no matter the provoca-tion,” said director Cheryl Navo. “‘God of Carnage’ explores a world where those masks of polite behavior are ripped away to reveal just how ugly we can be under-neath.”

“God of Carnage” originally opened in Zurich in 2006. After translation, the play was performed on London’s west end. The Broadway production opened in 2009 and all four actors (Jeff Daniels, Hope Davis, James Gandolfi ni and Marcia Gay Harden) were nominated for Tony awards with the production winning “Best Play.” The Hilltop Theater’s performance is by special arrange-ment with Dramatist’s Play Service Inc.

Baumholder’s production of “God of Carnage” is billed as an adult night out complete with wine and cheese and an art exhibition. Bring your signifi cant other, a friend or come alone. But leave the kids

at home. We wouldn’t want to give them any ideas.The Hilltop Theater is located beside Burger King

(Avenue D) on Smith Barracks. Show tickets are $14, which include wine and

cheese. Tickets may be obtained at the theater or by calling 485-7244 or 06783-67244 or through the Facebook page “The Hilltop Theater.”

(Courtesy of theater volunteer Cheryl Navo)

Photo by Cheryl Navo

From left, Jacqui Haggerty, Tom Navo, David Schwab and Melanie Robinson perform in Baumholder Hilltop Theater’s production of “God of Carnage.”

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Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 20 March 15, 2013

Lautern bursts into bloom!Kaiserslautern will say goodbye

to the cold winter season and wel-come spring a few days prior to the official beginning of spring. The advertising association “Kaiser in Lautern” will offer, in coopera-tion with the City of Kaiserslautern, street musicians, spring flowers and a diversified program with Sunday shopping.

“Chasing away the winter and bursting into bloom” is the city’s motto for this event, which takes place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and 1 to 6 p.m. Sunday.

An Easter market with vendor

booths will be set up in front of Stiftskirche. There, visitors can buy unique jewelry, springtime decora-tions, caps and candy and artisans will show off their skills. Musicians and marching bands will also entertain the audience in the streets.

Next to the primrose pyramid set up on Altenhof, Miss Kaiserslautern, Sarah Lolagar, will hand out 2,000 primroses.

The Gartenschau and the Japanese Garden will inform visitors at their information stands. The Kaiserslautern Zoo will also be present with a petting zoo. The rabbit breeding association will present live Easter rabbits on Schillerplatz.

Children can enjoy face painting on Riesenstrasse, and a jumping castle on Fackelstrasse. A barefoot path and a fun mobile can be found on Stiftsplatz. A balloon artist will create fantastic figures, and the Kaiserslautern Easter bunny will make its appearance on both days.

The members of the dance club Rot-Weiss will present their sports

and invite visitors to join in. Stores that are members of “Kaiser

in Lautern” will have special offers and bargains for customers.

“Again this year, the program is very diverse and inventive,” said Alexander Hess, manager of the

advertising association and chief of the project office for city events. “We will offer a colorful mix of entertain-ment, information and shopping fun at our spring market ‘Lautern bursts into bloom.’”

(Courtesy of City of Kaiserslautern)

Sankt Wendel offers attractions at Easter marketby Petra Lessoing86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

T he City of Sankt Wendel, located in the state of Saarland, will hold its annual Easter market today to Sunday.

“Visitors will find many attractions at our spring market,” said Leonie Paqué from the Sankt Wendel office of arts and city marketing. “We offer an Easter village, a colorful Easter crown, a giant Easter egg, a petting zoo, an Easter express train, arts and crafts items, and many activities for children.”

About 90 vendors and exhibitors will present and sell a wide variety of merchandise such as Easter decorations, woodcarvings, ceramics, pottery, glass, leather and steel objects and many other arts and crafts items.

The highlight of the market will be the giant Easter crown, consisting of 2,000 hand-painted eggs and surrounded by spring flowers.

Happy Easter songs can be heard in the Easter bunny village around the dome. More than 100 Easter bunnies made of poplar in the Erzgebirge mountains will be placed in the bunny kitchen, bunny workshop, bunny restaurant, bunny kinder-garten and bunny school.

A local artist will present his exhibition of hand-made Easter bunny houses in a tent behind the rathaus (city hall). Visitors can enjoy 20 different sceneries.

Children will have the opportunity to craft Easter presents, get their faces painted, try out pottery

and take part in dancing, making music and test-ing archery. A merry-go-round will be set up on Schlossplatz.

Walking acts will entertain visitors in the streets. The Easter bunny will also make an appearance and pass out Easter eggs.

The Easter Express will offer rides through the city from 2 to 6 p.m. Saturday and Sunday. Each

night, between 5 and 7 p.m., a night watchman will make his rounds through the streets with a lantern.

On Sunday, stores will be open from 1 to 6 p.m. “With our experience and creativity, we lure

many visitors from all over to our city,” said Klaus Bouillon, mayor of Sankt Wendel. “They have the best impressions and know we are able to conduct successful markets.”

Courtesy photo

Sankt Wendel holds its annual Easter market with an Easter village, vendors’ booths and children’s activities today to Sunday.

Photos by City of Kaiserslautern

Primroses will be given out to shoppers during the “Lautern bursts into bloom” Saturday. The spring market continues Sunday with open stores from 1 to 6 p.m.

Marching bands entertain shoppers in the center of Kaiserslautern during “Lautern bursts into bloom” Saturday and Sunday.

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Kaiserslautern American Page 21March 15, 2013

by Airman 1st Class Nate Gettleman86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

The smell of fresh cut grass, the way your cleats pierce the dirt as you walk across the infield, a swing so perfect that you know it’s gone as soon as the ball meets the bat. Baseball season is back.

For those still young enough to dream, it means waking up early on a Saturday morning, stepping onto a dew-soaked field and dreaming of the day the announcer calls their name. The stadium erupts as they step into the batter’s box for their major league debut.

For those of us who have outgrown our playing days, all we have left is obsessively tracking the off-season moves of our favorite franchises, staying up late to watch games back in the states and over ana-lyzing the statisticians attempts to quantify a game that is pure magic. But for the boldest, and strongest of character, it’s getting back into umpiring.

Now that you have a mental image so vivid that you can practically taste sunflower seeds, let’s meet two Ramstein Airmen courageous enough to volun-teer to be the most hated man on the field, and not even get paid for it! They’re so good at what they do, they have been selected to umpire the Little League World Series.

John Valverde, 86th Communications Squadron plans and resources deputy flight director, is a fix-ture at KMC youth baseball and softball games.

“For me it started out of the love of the game. I played baseball and I realized how much I missed it,” said the California native. “I knew I didn’t have the patience to coach, but I learned I had the mental-ity to umpire.”

Valverde is known as the resident “rules guru” by players and coaches around the league. People will talk to him before and after games about hypothetical scenarios and how he would call that particular play. After a conversation on rules and after a few nasty curveballs, no one will dispute the assertion that Valverde is virtually un-stumpable. Valverde said it’s important to explain the calls he makes to the play-ers and coaches. He said youth baseball is less about competition and more about learning the game.

“If you stay in a league long enough, you see little Johnnys grow up to be great players and great people,” Valverde said.

In August, Valverde will be traveling to Taylor, Mich., to umpire the Junior League World Series, with boys ranging from 13 to 14 years old.

Senior Master Sgt. Jeffrey Bise, 1st Combat Communications Squadron first sergeant, began umpiring out of pure necessity. While stationed at Joint Base Andrews, Md., Bise showed up to one of his son’s little league games with the intent of being a spectator. When there were no umpires to call the game, Bise donned a set of old catcher’s gear, got behind the plate and never looked back.

“Umpiring is a family sport as well. My dad

(Lowell Bise) is coming over to Europe to umpire with John (Valverde) and me,” Bise said.

The three umpires will be on the field together in Poland for the junior European tournament.

“My son (Jarrod Bise) will also be keeping score. There will be three generations of the Bise family in Poland this summer,” Bise said. “You have kids who have their idols, but I can honestly say I never had a sports idol. My father’s been my idol and I look up to him. It’s an honor to be on the field with him.”

Bise will be traveling to Eastly, S.C., in July to umpire the Big League World Series, with boys ranging from 16 to 17 years old.

Getting selected to umpire a Little League World Series is no small feat. A maximum of 16 umpires can be selected for each age group’s world series. A minimum of one umpire is selected from each region of the world that sends a team to compete.

Accepting payment for umpiring during the regu-lar season automatically disqualifies an umpire from the post season, and a person can only be selected to work a particular age group’s world series once.

After Valverde and Bise umpire their respec-tive tournaments, they can still umpire in the Little League World Series, but never again for the same age group. However, being in Europe can improve an umpire’s chances of being selected due to the relatively small amount of umpires applying to go.

“My father umpired about 33 years before getting a world series,” Bise said.

Most recently, Bise’s father umpired the 2011 Softball Junior League World Series, with girls ranging from 13 to 14 years old in Kirkland, Wash.

But being an umpire isn’t all sunshine and rain-bows.

“It’s the fan’s God-given right to yell at you,” Valverde said. “Most of the time, you just have to brush it off. You’re going to find out in a hurry if you’re cut out for this.”

So here’s to the men who call it how they see it. The men who keep us honest. The men who are willing to sacrifice their popularity to preserve the integrity of the game they love. Love them or hate them, the game wouldn’t be possible without the men we affectionately refer to as “Blue.”

by Meghan AugsburgerRamstein High School intern

Notice anything different about your colleagues lately? Aware of a little fuzz on your neigh-bor’s upper lip? No

worries! Mustache March is mak-ing its appearance again this year. For some, it’s a fantastic opportu-nity; for others, it’s a nightmare.

Mustache March started as a fighter pilot superstition during the Vietnam War. Pilots claimed that a forbid-den mustache protected aircraft from enemy bullets.

Triple ace fighter pilot Robin Olds expanded the tradition by continuing

to grow out his mustache against mili-tary regulations.

The trend soon caught on through-

out the military, creating the Mustache March tradition.

Though not intended as a direct act of defiance, his rebellion symbolized the importance of a balance between

individuality and teamwork. Since then, the idea of Mustache

March has spread to the civilian

world. Websites for different “mus-tache freedom” groups have sprung up and gained members. Some orga-nizations use their newfound fan base to raise money for various charities.

Others utilize this chance to show off their masculinity or even protest workplace regulations and prejudices.

In 2012, mustache enthusiasts went so far as to protest for the pro-posed “STACHE Act,” a $250 annual

tax deduction for those with facial hair. Interested citizens participat-

ed in the H&R Block sponsored Million Mustache March through

Washington, D.C. H&R Block donated all contribu-

tions to “Millions from One,” a char-ity that helps dig wells for clean water in developing nations.

So, throughout March, be bold, pick a style (within regulations for those serving in the U.S. military) and join the movement!

Mustache March madness has military roots

Ramstein umpires to officiate Little League World Series

Courtesy photo

Umpire John Valverde, 86th Communications Squadron plans and resources deputy flight director, positions himself to make a call. In August, Valverde will be traveling to Taylor, Mich., to umpire the Junior League World Series, with boys ranging from 13 to 14 years old.

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Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 22 March 15, 2013

by Petra Lessoing86th Airlift Wing Public Affairs

The following is a list of performances and events happening in the KMC and nearby. Dates are subject to change.

Performing artsPfalztheater Kaiserslautern:• “Nabucco,” an opera by Guiseppe Verdi,

7:30 p.m. Sunday, March 30, April 6 and 12.• “Wozzeck,” an opera by Alban Berg,

7:30 p.m. March 22 and 26, and April 10 and 13.• “Begegnungen,” encounters, a dance project

with disabled and non-disabled people, 6 p.m. March 24 and 7:30 p.m. March 28.

• “Dornröschen,” Sleeping Beauty, a ballet by Stefano Giannetti, 7:30 p.m. April 4 and 6 p.m. April 14.

• “The Black Rider: The Casting of the Magic Bullets,” a rock musical by Tom Waits, William S. Burroughs and Robert Wilson, in German, 7:30 p.m. April 25 and 27, and 3 p.m. April 21 (child care available).

For details, call 0631-3675-209 or visit www.pfalztheater.de.

Kammgarn Kaiserslautern:• The band Massendefekt presents punk and

rock, 8 p.m. today. Tickets cost €15.• The German band Dritte Wahl presents punk

and rock, 8 p.m. Saturday. Tickets cost €15.

• The duet Making Blues performs blues, 8 p.m. Thursday. Tickets cost €16.

• Faun Acoustic pres-ents Medieval Celtic and Scandinavian folk, 8 p.m. March 22. Tickets cost €22.

• Singer Fard presents rap, 8 p.m. March 23. Tickets cost €19.

• The band Folk Noir presents old English folk songs and ballads and singer and violin-ist Sieben performs dark folk, 8 p.m. March 30. Tickets cost €17.

• Phillip Boa and the Voodooclub present electro rock, 8 p.m. April 5. Tickets cost €24.

• The band Serum 114 performs punk rock, 8 p.m. April 6. Tickets cost €16.

Visit www.kammgarn.de or call 0631-365-2607 for details.

Fruchthalle, Kaiserslautern: • Pfalztheater Orchestra presents works by

Igor Strawinsky, Sergej Prokofjew and Dmitri Schostakowitsch, 8 p.m. today. Tickets cost €17 to €25.

For details, visit www.fruchthalle.de or call the tourist offi ce at 0631-365-2316.

JUZ (Youth Center), Steinstrassse 47, Kaiserslautern:

• JA!ZZevau presents Rudi Schaaf Group featuring Edith Van Den Heuvel with jazz rock and modern jazz, 8 p.m. Thursday. Tickets cost €6.50. Visit www.juz-kl.de.

Haus des Bürgers, Ramstein-Miesenbach:• “Domino,” a devilish rock musical, with music

by the band Genesis, 8 p.m. today. Tickets cost €20 to €26.

• Villa Musica features a concert by Johann Sebastian Bach, 5 p.m. Sunday. Tickets cost €12.

• The big band Don Ellis Orchestra and trumpet player Thomas Gansch present jazz music, 8 p.m. April 5. Tickets cost €27 to €33.

For details, visit www.hausdesbuergers.de.Stadthalle Landstuhl:• Ray Wilson and his band present songs by

Genesis, 8 p.m. March 16. Tickets cost €28 to €36. • “Golden Girls,” based on the renowned

television show, in German, 8 p.m. April 14. Tickets cost €19.50 to €28. For details, visit www.stadthalle-landstuhl.de.

English Theater, Gallusanlage 7, Frankfurt:• “Master Class,” a play by Terrence McNally,

through April 28. Performances are 7:30 p.m. Tuesdays to Saturdays, and 6 p.m. Sundays. For details, visit www.english-theatre.org.

Saarbrücken, Saarländisches Staatstheater,

Schillerplatz 1: • “Love in Black-White,” a ballet night by

Marguerite Donlon, 8 p.m. today.• “The Rocky Horror Show,” a musical by

Richard O’Brien, in German, 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, March 22, 27, 28 and 6 p.m. March 24. Visit www. theater-saarbruecken.de or call 0681-3092-486.

Nationaltheater Mannheim, am Goetheplatz: • “Don Carlo,” an opera by Guiseppe Verdi, in Italian, with German subtitles, 7:30 p.m. today and March 27.

For details, visit www.nationaltheater-mannheim.de.

Miscellaneous• Kaiserslautern-center, near Stiftskirche, Easter

market, today through March 30.• Kaiserslautern center, Lautern Bursts Into

Bloom, spring market, Saturday and Sunday (read article on Page 22).

• Kaiserslautern, Japanese Garden opens 10 a.m. Wednesday, through Oct. 31.

• Kaiserslautern, Gartenschau, park opens 10 a.m. Wednesday, through Oct. 31.

• Kollweiler, fi re station, burning of winter, tonight.

• Pfalzbibliothek (library of the Palatinate), Bismarckstrasse 17, Kaiserslautern, display of documents and discoveries of airplane crashes in World War II. Hours are 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday to Friday, and 10 a.m. to 2 a.m. Saturday, through May 25. A presentation in English will be 7 p.m. Thursday.

Flea markets• Kaiserslautern, Pfalzcenter (across from

Daenner Kaserne), Saturdays.• Kaiserslautern, Merkurstrasse, behind BMW

dealer, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesdays. • Kaiserslautern, Opel, Portal 4, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Saturday and 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday.• Bad Dürkheim, Saline (salt-works), 9 a.m. to

4 p.m. Saturday and March 23. Visit www.troedlerundsammeln.de for details.

Was ist Los?KMC Cultural


Photo by Petra Lessoing

Japanese Garden opensThe Japanese Garden in Kaiserslautern opens Wednesday for the new season. Hours are from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. until Oct. 31. Visit www.japanischergarten.de for more informa-tion.

Photo by Petra Lessoing

Gartenschau starts 2013 seasonThe Gartenschau in Kaiserslautern opens its doors at 10 a.m. Wednesday. The o� cial open-ing show is scheduled for April 7. The park, with its thousands of � owers, special exhibitions, playgrounds and dinosaurs, stays open through Oct. 31. Hours are from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. For more information, visit www.gartenschau-kl.de.

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Kaiserslautern American Page 23March 15, 2013

Page 24: March 15, 2013 - Kaiserslautern American

Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 24 March 15, 2013

Free throw championshipThe Knights of Columbus, Father Emil Kapaun

Council 11987, will be holding a free throw cham-pionship event for children ages 10 to 14 from 9 a.m. to noon March 23 in the Ramstein Middle School gym, Bldg. 1002. Registration, sign-in and practice starts at 8 a.m. The presentation of cer-tifi cates and prizes to the winners begins at noon. Pre-register by emailing your name, age and school

to [email protected]. A parent consent form is required to participate. For more informa-tion, visit www.facebook.com/kofc11987 or www.catholic-church.org/kofc11987.

Community softball tryoutsCalling all men, women and coaches: U.S. Army

Garrison Kaiserslautern Sports and Fitness will hold community softball tryouts at 1 p.m. April 6 and 7

at the Kaiserslautern Army Depot sports fi eld on Daenner Kaserne. To participate, contact the Rhine Ordnance Barracks Physical Fitness Center, Bldg. 172, at 493-2087 or 0631-3406-2087.

Fitness center closureThe Landstuhl Fitness Center will be closed

April 5 for a biannual deep cleaning and sanitizing. The Kleber, Miesau, Rhine Ordnance Barracks and Sembach fi tness centers will remain open.

Spring dodgeball league sign-ups Children ages 8 to 18 are invited to sign up for the

spring dodgeball league beginning April 26. League dates are April 26, May 10, 17 and 31, and June 7. The cost is $25 and participants must have a valid sports physical. Registration for the league ends today. For more information, call Parent Central Services at 485-7003 or 06783-6-7003.

NCAA March MadnessView the NCAA March Madness 2013 Final

Four basketball games from Tuesday to April 8 at the Sembach Community Activity Center, Bldg. 220 on Sembach Kaserne. Games begin at 8 p.m. Come cheer on your favorite team! For details, call 06302-67-5170.

Half marathonThe running division of the sports club TSG

1861 Kaiserslautern will sponsor a half marathon run starting at 9:30 a.m. March 24 near Bertha-von-Suttner School (Schulzentrum Süd), Im Stadtwald, 67663 Kaiserslautern. Registrations can be made from 7:30 to 9 a.m. in the school lobby. Fee is €10. Finish will be around noon. The award cer-emony will be held at 1 p.m. For online registra-tion until Wednesday, visit www.tsg-kl.de, click on “Laufabteilung” and “TSG Halbmarathon.” For details, contact Angelika Hausser at 06301-1422 or [email protected].

by Capt. Wiley D. Paschal Jr.Landstuhl Regional Medical Center Public Health Nursing

Because of increased cases of pertussis (generally known as whooping cough) in Europe and the U.S., Europe Regional Medical Command is initiating a plan to reduce the spread by ensuring vacci-nation records are up-to-date for Soldiers, family members and other benefi ciaries.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there were twice as many cases (more than 41,000) reported in 2012 com-pared with 18,719 cases in

2011, and the highest levels in the past 50 years. Washington state declared a pertussis epi-demic in April 2012. Their response to the epidemic has been focused on informing individuals about the signs and symptoms, vaccination recommendations, identifi ca-tion of those at high risk (i.e., infants and pregnant women), and targeted antibiotic che-moprophylaxis.

Based on your age, two dif-ferent vaccines are provided for whooping cough:

DTaP — diptheria, teta-nus and acellular pertussis is administered at 2 months, 4 months, 6 months, 15 to 18

months, and 4 to 6 years old. Tdap — tetanus, diphthe-

ria and acellular pertussis is given at 11 to 12 years, and a fi nal booster when 18 or older.

All active-duty Soldiers are required to receive the pertussis vaccine. If required, active-duty Soldiers will receive their vaccine at their next periodic health assess-ment, pre-deployment train-ing or next USAR/ARNG unit function where immuni-zations are available. Family members and benefi ciaries should notify their primary care manger during their next doctor visit to obtain nec-

essary vaccine updates. Call or visit your local clinic for further details and to receive your vaccination.

Pertussis is a highly con-tagious respiratory disease that can be prevented through vaccination (DTaP and Tdap). Pertussis is spread from per-son to person through cough-ing or sneezing. It usually starts with cold symptoms and a cough, followed by a “whooping” sound when a person catches their breath or gasps for air after coughing.

About 80 percent of sus-ceptible people become infected with pertussis after close contact with an infected

household member. Anyone who cares for or lives with children should get their per-tussis vaccination. Individuals who get the bacteria, includ-ing their family members, may be prescribed antibiotics to prevent the spread of the pertussis bacteria. Children, child care workers and health care workers may be excluded from work, school or day care if they have a suspected or confi rmed laboratory pertus-sis fi nding.

Additional information can be obtained at the CDC website at www.cdc.gov/mmwr/preview/mmwrhtml/mm6001a4.htm.

Increase cases of whooping cough prompt reminder to update vaccine

Sembach fi tness centers will remain open.

Spring dodgeball league sign-ups spring dodgeball league beginning April 26. League dates are April 26, May 10, 17 and 31, and June 7. The cost is $25 and participants must have a valid sports physical. Registration for the league ends today. For more information, call Parent Central Services at 485-7003 or 06783-6-7003.

NCAA March MadnessFour basketball games from Tuesday to April 8 at the Sembach Community Activity Center, Bldg. 220 on Sembach Kaserne. Games begin at 8 p.m. Come cheer on your favorite team! For details, call 06302-67-5170.

Half marathon1861 Kaiserslautern will sponsor a half marathon run starting at 9:30 a.m. March 24 near Bertha-von-Suttner School (Schulzentrum Süd), Im Stadtwald, 67663 Kaiserslautern. Registrations can be made from 7:30 to 9 a.m. in the school lobby. Fee is €10. Finish will be around noon. The award cer-emony will be held at 1 p.m. For online registra-tion until Wednesday, visit www.tsg-kl.de, click on “Laufabteilung” and “TSG Halbmarathon.” For details, contact Angelika Hausser at 06301-1422 or [email protected].

Courtesy photo

Landstuhl mountain runThe running club LLG Landstuhl sponsors its 15th German-American Nanstein Mountain Run at 3 p.m. Saturday. The run begins near Sickingensporthalle (gym next to public swimming pool), Kaiserstrasse 128, and goes across forest trails up to Nanstein Castle. The trail is 7.1 kilometers long. The � rst three winners of each age group will receive certi� cates and prizes. Starting fee is €6 for adults and €3 for students. For details, visit www.LLG-Landstuhl.de or call Hermann Brand at 06371-3810.

Page 25: March 15, 2013 - Kaiserslautern American

Kaiserslautern American Page 25March 15, 2013

ACROSS1 Astound5 Sweeping cut10 Blockhead14 Nursery rhyme king15 Polynesian skirt16 Sitarist Shankar17 “All About Eve” actress19 Persia, today20 Grazing area21 Throttle23 Turner of movies25 Door parts26 Bistros29 Gentle winds31 Creeks32 Expire33 Field event36 Amin of Uganda37 Venetian painter39 Alias letters40 Noble’s partner42 Dale’s man43 Malt beverages44 Poultry place46 Salad garnish47 Author John Dos ___48 Hunk50 Standards52 Combined56 Folk tales and such57 Slanderous59 Always60 “Goodnight” girl61 DeMille genre62 Law-enforcement offi cers63 Egyptian dam site64 Skating place

DOWN1 Fraudulent operation2 Musical quality3 Arm bone4 Sewing items5 Salmon do it6 Far from strict7 ___ and crafts8 Get all worked up

9 In haste10 Cowers11 Extensive12 Ellipsoids13 Enjoy a repast18 Squeezing snakes22 World War II beachhead24 Irish Rose lover26 Baby’s bed27 Verdi work28 Blond30 Copy32 Roman goddess of strife34 Hawaiian music makers35 Impudence37 Stressed out38 Cry over spilt milk?41 Homesteaders43 Judge45 Wicker sources46 Biblical miracle site47 Demonstrate conclusively49 Light unit50 Musical symbol51 Not many53 Pith helmet54 Ireland, poetically55 Painter Anthony Van

Visit www.kaiserslauternamerican.com/movies.php for detailsAt The MoviesAt The MoviesAt The Movies

Gateway Cineplex (Ramstein)TODAY - Oz: The Great and Powerful (PG) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m., 8 p.m.

Jack the Giant Slayer (PG-13) 7:15 p.m., 9:45 p.m.

The Hobbit (PG-13) 11 a.m., 3 p.m., 7 p.m.

SATURDAY - Oz: The Great and Powerful (PG) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m., 8 p.m.

Dead Man Down (R) 11 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 6:30 p.m., 9 p.m.

Jack the Giant Slayer (PG-13) 7:15 p.m., 9:45 p.m.

The Hobbit (PG-13) 11 a.m., 3 p.m., 7 p.m.

SUNDAY - Oz: The Great and Powerful (PG) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m., 8 p.m.

Dead Man Down (R) 11 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 6:30 p.m.

Jack the Giant Slayer (PG-13) 7:15 p.m., 9:45 p.m.

The Hobbit (PG-13) 11 a.m., 3 p.m., 7 p.m.

MONDAY - Oz: The Great and Powerful (PG) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m.

Dead Man Down (R) 11 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 6:30 p.m.

Gangster Squad (R) 11:15 a.m., 2:15 p.m., 4:15 p.m., 7:15 p.m.

Jack Reacher (PG-13) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m., 8 p.m.

TUESDAY - Oz: The Great and Powerful (PG) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m.

Dead Man Down (R) 11 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 6:30 p.m.

Gangster Squad (R) 11:15 a.m., 2:15 p.m., 4:15 p.m., 7:15 p.m.

Jack Reacher (PG-13) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m., 8 p.m.

WEDNESDAY - Oz: The Great and Powerful (PG) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m.

Dead Man Down (R) 11 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 6:30 p.m.

Gangster Squad (R) 11:15 a.m., 2:15 p.m., 4:15 p.m., 7:15 p.m.

Jack Reacher (PG-13) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m., 8 p.m.

THURSDAY - Oz: The Great and Powerful (PG) 11 a.m., 2 p.m., 5 p.m.

Dead Man Down (R) 11 a.m., 1:30 p.m., 4 p.m., 6:30 p.m.

Gangster Squad (R) 11:15 a.m., 2:15 p.m., 4:15 p.m., 7:15 p.m.

Galaxy Theater (Vogelweh)TODAY - Jack the Giant Slayer (PG-13) 7 p.m.

SATURDAY - Jack Reacher (PG-13) 4 p.m.

The Guilt Trip (PG-13) 7 p.m.

SUNDAY - Rise of the Guardians (PG) 4 p.m.


Editor’s note: Schedules and synopses are provided by the Army and Air Force Exchange Service. Movie times and dates are subject to change by the individual theaters. Please check with the theater to ensure accuracy.

Solutions to the March 8 puzzle

Puzzle courtesy of http://thinks.com/

Oz: The Great and Powerful (PG-13) — When small-time magician Oscar Diggs pulls one fl imfl am too many, he fi nds him-self hurled into the fantastical Land of Oz where he must somehow transform himself into the great and powerful wizard — and just maybe into a better man as well.

Starring James Franco and Mila Kunis.

The Guilt Trip (PG-13) — Andy Brewster is about to embark on the road trip of a lifetime, and who better to accompany him than his overbearing mother, Joyce. After deciding to start his adventure with a quick visit at Mom’s, Andy is guilted into bringing her along for the ride. Across 3,000 miles of ever-changing landscape, he is con-stantly aggravated by her antics, but over

time he comes to realize that their lives have more in common than he originally thought.

Starring Seth Rogen and Barbra Streisand.

Gangster Squad (R) — A chronicle of the LAPD’s fight to keep East Coast Mafia types out of Los Angeles in the 1940s and ’50s.

Starring Sean Penn and James Hébert.

Dead Man Down (R) — Two strang-ers whose mutual desire for revenge draws them together triggers an escalating trail of mayhem.

Starring Colin Farrell and Noomi Rapace.

FRI MAR 15 - WED MAR 20In Digital 3D: OZ: The Great AndPowerful (PG13)- Fri 17:00, 20:00, 22:30,Sat 13:30, 16:00, 18:30, 21:00, Sun 13:30, 16:00,18:30, Mon - Wed 17:00, 20:00A Good Day To Die Hard (PG13)-Fri 16:00, Sat 15:45, Mon 16:00Django Unchained (R)- Sat & Sun 14:30Lincoln (PG13)- Mon 20:15Life Of Pi (PG)- Sat 13:30Les Misérables (PG13)- Fri - Sun19:45, Mon - Wed 20:00In 2D: OZ: The Great And Powerful(PG13)- Fri 15:45, 18:00, Sat 14:30, 17:00,20:00, 22:30, Sun 14:30, 17:00, 20:00, Mon -Wed 16:00, 18:15Silver Linings Playbook (R)- Fri 22:30,Sat 13:30, 22:30, Sun 13:30, Mon - Wed 16:00

Next to Autobahn A6, Exit 13 (Landstuhl) Merkurstraße 9, 66877 Ramstein-Miesenbach6 THEATRES, THX, EX and all Digital Sound Systems

For Showtimes of Thur MAR 21Icall 06371-937 037 or see www.broadwaykino.com/kmc

Page 26: March 15, 2013 - Kaiserslautern American

Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 26 March 15, 2013

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S E R V I C E & R E A L E S T A T E

No fi nder ’s feeApartment in Rodenbach for rent, 168 sqm, 1 living room,

1 dining room, 3 bedrooms, 1 kitchen (BIK), 2 bathrooms,

1 storage room, 1 attic, 920.00 EUR + utilTel. 06374-4071or

Tel. 0173-3057494 (Marcel)

No fi nder ’s fee – built in 2013 “brand new”

House in Kollweiler for rent, 300 sqm, 1 living room,

1 dining area, 6 bedrooms, 1 kitchen (bik), 2.5 bathrooms,

1 laundry room, 1 pantry, 2 stories, 2 carports,

2,142.00 EUR + util.Tel. 06374-4071or

Tel. 0173-3057494 (Marcel)

K/S Immo Agency


Mannheimer-Str. 25, 67655 KaiserslauternTel: 0631/3619963, Cell 0174/4166662

www.immo-agency.biz, [email protected]

APARTMENTS FOR RENT K-Town, 115 sqm, 1 BR, BIK, terrace

€ 900,00 + utilities + deposit + fi nder’s fee Siegelbach, 110 sqm, 3 BR, BIK, terrace

€ 750,00 + utilities + deposit + fi nder’s fee !!! Apt, Glan-Münchweiler,153sqm, 2BR, 1.5bath, lrg dinrm/livrm, winter garden, BIK, laun-dryrm, 2 storagerm, lrg terrace,floor heating, lift, garage and out-side parking €1250 + util063837208 or 0176-13650316

!!! Bright & sunny 2 Bdrm Apt ti-led floors, garage, BIK, big yard,Pets welcome in Weilerbach. Plscall after 16.00, 0179-6601752 or06374-6823

!Attention Big Penthouse Apt,Hütschenhausen 190sqm, 5BRM,Tiled floors, big Balcony, yard,high speed internet, priv parking,Great view, Pls call: 06374-6823or 0179-6601752

*Apt in Hohenecken, 88sqm, biglivrm, 1BR, 1dinrm, BIK w/dish,bath, €400 +util 0631-50116

100sqm Apt Hütschenhausen liv2BR BIK bath laundry balc 20sqmpartly covered 06372-7073

2BR furn apart close to RAB0176-81105338 or after 6 pm06372-5743

140sqm 2Story Apt Obernheim,12Km to RAM, 3-4BR, liv/dinrm,BIK, 2baths, balc, attic, 2stor,2parking spots, compl new renov,no pets, €750 +util Call: 06371-64411 or 0176-63181335

2bedrm., 1,5bathrm. din/liv.rmKitchen, fireplace, balcony, partlyfurniture, 5min.to RAB. €800015205749575 / [email protected]

Apt 148sqm 5rms kit 2baths2balc garage 1park spot gas hea-ting near A62 in Schellweiler avnow €980+util 06381-6909 or0160-6672516 (only German spk)or 0170-3074939 (engl spk)

Apt for rent in Landstuhl liv/dinrm kitchen bath 3BR garage nopets 120sqm €850+utl 06385-5515 or 06385-925064

Apt in 67735 Mehlbach, Hörn-chenstrasse 36, 220sqm, 5BR1livrm, 2dinrm, 2BIK, 2bath w/shwr + toilet, 2guest-WC, 2balc2cellar rms, TV-SAT connection, 2fireplaces, quiet area near forestavail 22 March, 2013, €1380 +utl06301-9091 or 0172-67111 56

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Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 28 March 15, 2013

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Keeping it real, relational and relevant

August-Süssdorf Strasse 8Ramstein-Miesenbach06371- 407 808 [email protected]

Sunday Worship Gatherings at 9 & 11 a.m.


Heritage Baptist ChurchGary Cra�, Pastor

“Welcome Home!” 6km north of the A6 on the B40 in Mehlingen

A Christian fellowship that gathers to study God’s word verse by verse so we can know, glorify and serve Christ.

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or visit our website www.CCK-Town.org

Industriestr. 5066862 Kindsbach

Air Force and Army Chapel ScheduleProtestant Services

Saturday Seventh-Day Adventist Sabbath School 9:30 a.m.Worship service 11 a.m. Sunday Chapel Next Service 10:00 a.m.POC USAG-K Chaplains Office 493-4098, Civ. 0631-3406-4098, BLDG 3150

Sunday Protestant Worship and Kid’s Church 11:00 a.m. POC USAG-K Chaplains Office 493-4098, Civ 0631-3406-4098

(480-6148)Contemporary Service, 11:00 a.m. Sunday

(480-5753)Liturgical Services, 9 a.m. SundayLiturgical Sunday School, 11:00 a.m. SundayTraditional Service, 11:00 a.m. Sunday

(489-6859) Gospel Service, 11:00 a.m. Sunday Protestant Education Classes are available forall ages at Vogelweh, Ramstein, Landstuhl and Daenner, For more information, call 480-2499 or 489-6743.

Jewish Religious Services (480-5753),

Shabbat Evening Service, Friday, 7 p.m.

Catholic Services (480-6148)

Sunday Mass, 9:00 a.m. and 5 p.m. Confessions, 4 to 4:45 p.m. Sunday Daily Mass, 11:30 a.m. Mon through Fri

(489-6859) Confessions, 4 to 4:45 p.m. Saturday Mass, 5 p.m. Saturday

Sunday Confessions 11:45 a.m.Sunday Mass 12:30 p.m.Daily Mass 11:45 a.m. Tue – FriPOC USAG-K Chaplains Office 493-4098, Civ 0631-3406-4098

Sunday Mass 9 a.m. Daily Mass noon Mon – FriPOC USAG-K Chaplains Office 493-4098, Civ 0631-3406-4098

Islamic Services (480-5753),

Jumu’ah Prayer, 1:30 p.m.For Religious Education and Daily Prayers check Prayer Schedule

Orthodox ChristianConfession by appointmentDivine Liturgy - Kapaun Chapel Sun, 9:00 a.m. For more information call: 489-2496

Youth GroupMiddle School Youth Group, "Plugged-In" for Landstuhl, Kaiserslautern and Sembach meets on Sundays from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Pulaski Religious Youth Center.High School Youth Group, "The Rock" meets on Sundays from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Pulaski Religious Youth Center.Dinner for Students and their Families, "Café" meets on Sundays from from 430 to 530 p.m. at the Pulaski Religious Youth Center.For details and other events, call Anthony Amor at 0151-2411-2619 or visit www.kmcyouth.com.

Denominational ServicesEpiscopal (St. Albans)

Sun, 10:30 a.m.Korean Service

Sun, 1 p.m.Unitarian Universalist Service

2nd & 4th Sun, 1.30 p.m. (Sep through May)Wiccan

1st & 3rd Sat, 7 p.m.Confessional Lutheran (WELS)

2nd & 4th Sun, 4 p.m.

Episcopal ServicesHOLY EUCHARIST

Sundays 10:30Kapaun Chapel

For more information pleasecall 480-6148 or 06372-3163

St. Alban's Military Community



Sunday 10 a.m. and 2:30 p.m.Wednesday 7 p.m.

Tel: 06374-945350 or 0151-57727850www.ramst-churchofchrist.com

Pastors Harry & Cristina Rodriguez, Jr.

Tel: (Handy/Cell) 01577-9105550E-mail: [email protected]

Baumholder International Worship CenterCentro de Adoración Internacional Baumholder

Überm Weiher 2 (GPS-Am Rauhen Biehl 2)55774 BaumholderTel. 06783-185-0980

Sunday Intl Worship: 11:00 hr Wednesday Prayer/Bible Study: 19:00 hr

Sunday School 9:30 AM – Nursery AvailableSundays: Corporate Worship 10:45 AM

Weekdays: Men’s, Women’s and Small Group Bible Studies / Prayer Meetings


Kirchenstrasse 2a, 66849 Landstuhl, Tel: 0 63 71 - 61 81 38 (across the street from European Country Living)



FAITH makes all thingspossible - not easy!

LandstuhlChristian Church

Kaiserstr. 66 • 06371-62988Sunday Worship 11 AM

Apt in Otterberg near Sembach,2BR, kit, liv & dinrm, bath, stora-germ, balcony, park space,100sqm €750 + util. Call: 06301-4594

Apt in Otterberg near Sembach3BR kit liv & din rm bath extra WC110sqm parking sp, €700 + utilavail 1 March 06301-4594

Apt in Steinwenden 86sqm 2BR1bath bik w/din livrm balc basmtcarpk €640 (incl heat) +utl 06371-51894 or 06371-57358

Apt Spesbach 120sqm 2BR1.5bath BIK parkspot balc SAT4km RAB € 690+ utl 0157-77061224 eng spk

Apt. Mackenbach, terrace, car-park, basement, 75 spm, 725€,util. incl.. 06381-996314

Fully furn, 2BR, BIK, bath,40sqm, for singles, €330 + util,avail now. 0631-73485

Bann 145sqm 3BR livrm dinrmBIK bath w/shower stor attic2balc 2priv cpk €900 +utl 06371-946060 or 0162-1929405

Bann, 5km to LRMC, 3BR, liv/dinrm, bik, 1.5bath, balc, garage. 1stlevel. €820 + util Call: 0172-9509832

Big nice Apt. in a quiet Area,3Bedrm., liv/Dinrm. 1,5Bath, BIK,2 Pantries, Balc, AFN, DSL-Inter-net, 130sqm, no fee, availablenow. €500 063847067 or01638150865 - [email protected]

Downtown Landstuhl, nice 3bedrm, 1.5 Bath with built-in kit-chen and covered balcony, avail.now, for 1-2 people, Rent 900€plus util. Doris Drewlow Immobili-en, Tel: 06371-5940059

Exclusively furnished apt. NearRAB, Rent 1100 € incl. util. Redu-ced finder's fee. Call IhrZuhause-Immobilien 0157-87016817

Furn nice quiet Apt, + dish, AFN,carpt, garden, housing appr. €600+ elec, 06308-1346

Gorgeous, large apt. on 2 floors,7 mins. to RAB, 2-3 bedrms, 1bath, double garage. Avail. 1.March, Rent 1230€ includ. all util.except elec. Doris Drewlow Immo-bilien, Tel: 06371-5940059

Kaiserslautern City: apartment 2bedrm., built-in-kit., living-di-ningrm., 490.-- € + util www.agra-immobilien.de 06371/57656

Kusel apt for rent, pedestrianarea, 3 bedroom 1 lge liv/dinroom, bik, 1 bath, 1 guest toilet,small terrace, 2 storage room, ga-rage on request, 140 sqm, 800Eur+ util. 0151-12708491

Landstuhl, Hörnchenweg 4a,furn 90sqm BIK no pets pls, AvailApr 1 €420 +util + €500 dep,06371-62411

Landstuhl: 5***** Apartment, per-fectly located and furnished Whirl-pool, Steamshower, Dolby Sur-round, Boxspring beds www.ferienwohnungen-pechtel.de €100 [email protected]

Miesenbach, 1 bed apt, BIK, was-her/dryer heat included €5000176-84291912

Ramstein - Miesenbach Apt65sqm 5km RAB fully furn availnow ideal for single TLA possible06371-50456

Luxury bright apt near Weiler-bach (3 km). 10 minutes to airba-se and to k-town. 105 sqm + 20sqm terrace + 2 parking places.Wonderful view, pure nature, 3rms, 2 baths, laundry, SAT-TV,floor heat, new kitchen, avail.now. Euro 750+utl. 0173-9035895

Niedermohr near Trainstation. 15Min to RAB and 15 Min. to LRMC.Cosy Apt. 85 qm furn 2 bdr. bik,livrm, full Bath. 650,00€ incl. heat+ Water, 30,00€ Carport, Elektr.by meter, Call 0049 1708101549or 004963837206. Free standingHouse, The Apt was 2009 renova-ted, [email protected]

Otterberg: double storeypenthouse apt, 140sqm, comple-tely newly renovated, availablenow, €950+ut. KKA Immobilien,0172/6855976 or [email protected]

Queidersbach: beautiful Apt. 3bedr., living/dining-room, BIK, sto-rage room, 1.5 baths, basement,floor heating, 90 sqm., mtl. rent590,00 € + util. no finders fee, Call06371/912591

Queidersbach: Apt. 3 bdrm. liv/dinrm. Bik. strgrm, 1.5 bath,bsmnt, washrm. 2 terraces, gara-ge, flr. heat, 110 sqm 690 € + util.no finders fee. Call 06371-912591

Ramstein village apartment, 2bedrooms, partly furnished, availa-ble now, 600 euros + ut. KKA Im-mobilien, 0172/6855976 [email protected]

You like horses? We have theplace for you! Exclusive high stan-dard apt 20min to RAB 136sqm2bed rm 1bath w/shower & tubbik w/din area, attic terrace, lrglivrm, storage €900 + €200utl +€1300 deposit Call: 0175-5665569 or 06363-994981 or [email protected]

***** Excl. Homes, Hütschenh.Penth. 170sqm, 5BR, €1085, Er-zenhausen, big apt, 2BR, €880warm, HeilengenM. (close to Sem-bach) brand new, 5BR, €1400,Kaiserslautern, 240sqm, 5BR, 2gar. very good interior. €1750,Call for more. Realtor Erica, 0160-96697945, [email protected]

1 house in KL, 6.5km Vogelweh,20km Ramstein/Landstuhl, 145m², garage, basement, 5BR,2baths, 1WC, Liv/DinRm, BIK(new). Avail. now. Tel015257324232. €[email protected]

10 Min to Rab + Vogelway,250sqm., 4 bedrms., + dressrm.,+ master baths., 3 baths., b.i.k.,pets are allow, garage yard, 1.950€uro + util Anne S. NeumannImmobilien4you Tel: 06372-803641 or 0173-8317162

10 Min. to Rab, 280sqm., 5bedrms., + dressrm., b.i.k., laun-dry rm., 3 baths., balcony, gara-ge, Pets are welcome 1.850 €uro+ util Anne S. NeumannImmobilien4you Tel: 06372-803641 or 0173-8317162

15 min LS, RAB or VOG, 156sqm duplex, 4 BRM, 1,5 bath, 50sqm patio, carport (15 €), garage(30 €), storage, built-in kitchen, €1060 + utl., no finders fee, call0157 78324830 €1060 [email protected]

All ads & pics can be viewed @www.class-world.eu


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Kaiserslautern American Page 29March 15, 2013

All ads & pics can be viewed @www.class-world.eu


KMC Assembly of Godinvites you to the third annual


KMC Assembly of GodKaiserstraße 16a

67661 Kaiserslautern

March 21 & 22, 2013 at 7 p.m. at Stadthalle Landstuhl • Kaiserstrasse 39 • 66849 Landstuhl

Must have a ticket to reserve seating.Call: 0171-657-4322 or 06333-993-1838 for complimentary tickets

Sun: 10 am, 11 am and 6 pmWed: 7 pm







Mühlstrasse 34 67659 KaiserslauternTel. 06 31 - 36 18 59 92Tel. 06 371 - 46 75 16

Air Force Chapel SchedulePROTESTANTWednesdays during Lent20, 27 February, 6, 13, 20 March 1800 - Liturgical - Midweek Lenten Soup Supper 1900 - Lent Service with Communion, Ramstein South ChapelHoly WeekPalm Sunday 24 March0900 - Liturgical Palm Sunday Service with communion, Ramstein South Chapel1100 - Contemporary Palm Sunday Service, Ramstein North Chapel1100 - Traditional Palm Sunday Service, Ramstein South Chapel 1100 - Gospel Palm Sunday Service, Vogelweh ChapelWednesday27 March1830 - "Seven Last Words of Christ", Vogelweh ChapelMaundy Thursday 28 March1900 - Liturgical Maundy Thursday Service with communion, Ramstein South ChapelGood Friday 29 March1900 - Liturgical Good Friday Service, Ramstein South Chapel Easter Sunday 31 March0700 - Easter Sunrise Service, Ramstein Woodlawn Golf Course 0900 - Liturgical Service with communion, Ramstein South Chapel1100 - Contemporary Easter Service, Ramstein North Chapel1100 - Traditional Easter Service, Ramstein South Chapel1100 - Gospel Resurrection Service, Vogelweh ChapelFor questions about services and times call Ramstein North Chapel: 480-6148 (06371-47-6148) or Ramstein South Chapel: 480-5753 (06371-47-5753)

CATHOLIC Lenten Confessions18 March1700-1900, Ramstein North Chapel 30 March1100-1200, Vogelweh Chapel*No 1600-1645 Confessions on 30 MarchFridays of Lent15, 22 February, 1, 8, 15, 22 March1730 - Stations of the Cross and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament, Ramstein North Chapel followed by a Lenten Soup Supper Holy Week & Sacred TriduumPalm Sunday 23 March1700 - Vigil Mass, Vogelweh Chapel24 March *0830, 1700 - Masses, Ramstein North ChapelHoly Thursday 28 March 1730 - Mass of the Lord’s Supper, Ramstein North Chapel followed by Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament concludes with2345 - Night Prayer

Good Friday 29 March 0800 - Office of Readings & Morning Prayer, Ramstein North Chapel

1200 - Stations of the Cross, Ramstein North Chapel 1730 - Liturgy of the Lord’s Passion, Ramstein North ChapelHoly Saturday 30 March 0800 - Office of Readings & Morning Prayer, Vogelweh Chapel 1100-1200 - Confessions, Vogelweh Chapel2000 - Easter Vigil, Vogelweh Chapel *No 1700 Mass at Vogelweh Easter Sunday 31 March*0830, 1700 - Masses, Ramstein North Chapel *Note: Time change for Palm Sunday and Easter OnlyLandstuhl ChapelHoly Thursday 28 March 1800Good Friday 29 March 1800Easter Vigil 30 March 2030 Easter Sunday 31 March 0900Daenner Chapel Easter Sunday 31 March 1230

ORTHODOX COMMUNITY KAPAUN CHAPELWednesdays20, 27 March, 3, 10, 17, 24 April 1630 - Presanctified Liturgy Palm Sunday28 April 0900 - Divine Liturgy - Entrance of Christ into JerusalemHoly Week Wednesday, 1 May1630 - Holy Unction ServiceThursday, 2 May1630 - Passion Gospels Friday, 3 May1630 - Vespers Burial Service Sunday, 5 May 0900 - Paschal Divine Liturgy For more information please contact:Fr. Eugene Lahue at 489-6859, 0631-536-6859 or [email protected]

JEWISH COMMUNITY PurimFriday, 22 February1900 - Purim Celebration Prayer, costume contest, entertainment, pizza dinner ($10.00 for adults, $5.00 for children ages 12 and under) PassoverMonday, 25 March 1830 - First night Passover Seder Location: Kaiserslautern Synagogue, 4 Basteigasse, Kaiserslautern.Price: To be determinedTuesday, 26 March 1800 - Second night Passover Seder Location: Ramstein South Chapel Cost: $15 per person, $10 for children 12 and under For more information and to RSVP please contact:Chaplain Davidson at 480-5753, 06371-47-5753 or [email protected]

Spring 2013 Religious Celebrations for Passover, Lent and Easter

15 Min to Rab in RAB school free-standing house, 180sqm., 5bedrms., 3 baths., b.i.k., dining/li-ving- rm., garage, yard 1.350 €uro+ util Anne S. NeumannImmobilien4you Tel: 06372-803641 or 0173-8317162

1Fam House 66887 Rutsweiler100sqm BIK bath 3BR liv/dinrmbasem carport yard € 665 +util0170-1073965

200m² house in Landstuhl schooldist, 5 Bed, 3 bath, built-in kit-chen, livingrm w/fireplace, di-ningrm, laundry rm, patio, bal-cony, carport and garden, solarpanels for the hot water. Rent1420 & util Doris Drewlow Immobi-lien, Tel: 06371-5940059

3 BR house for rent in Macken-bach. Please call Norbert Klinckat 06374-2460 or 0172-4584715

30 Min. to RAB Duplex in Rie-schweiler-M. higher standard, ter-race, 2Balc, studio, bik, Sauna,basem finished into Partyroom w/kitchen, electr. blinds, 2fireplace,wooden floors & tiles, Garden,Double garage. €1400 + util Tel.:0177-7832625

5 min Ramstein, nice duplex, 200sqm, 5 BDR, 2 baths, ZIAI DZ Im-mobilien 01726823232

5 min to Landstuhl, FSH, 240sqm, 6 BDR, 2,5 baths, double ga-rage, rent € 1830, ZIAI DZ Immobi-lien 01726823232

5 Min to RAB, in Rab school,280sqm., 5 bedrms., b.i.k., 3baths., + sauna, open fire-place,fenced yard, garage 2.050 €uro +util Anne S. NeumannImmobilien4you Tel: 06372-803641 or 0173-8317162

5 min to Ramstein base, Hüt-schenhausen, FSH, 230 sqm, lar-ge LR, 2,5 baths, garage, rent €1700 No Finders Fee ZIAI DZ Im-mobilien 01276823232

A jewel in the countryside! Thisbeautiful freestanding house is on-ly 10 mins from LRMC, RAB 15mins. 200sqm, 4 bed, 2.5 bath,BIK, exclusive fittings, hardwoodfloors, double garage, gas hea-ting. Available 1 March. Rent1500 euros + ut. KKA Immobilien,call Melinda 0172/6855976 oremail [email protected]

Airbase: 15 min: Bruchmuehl-bach: freest, super house, 5br, 3bath, floorh, gar E 2270,-; Bruch-muehlbach: luxurious house, 5 br,fireplace, big patio , gar, E 1920,-;Weltersbach: house, 3 br, basem,yard, gar E1050,-; JR Realty - re-duced fee- ph: 01703159692,[email protected]

Available with GP Residences: Ni-ce Bruchmühlbach House, 4 BR,2.5 baths, bik, liv/din rm; garage,large yard, lots of storage, €1,250.Beautiful Mackenbach House, 5BR, large bik, liv/din rm with oven,2.5 baths, garage, patio, yard,€1,950. Great Steinwenden Hou-se, 3 BR, liv/din rm, bik, 2 baths,garage in house, ideal for singleperson, €780. Largely reducedfees, call 0162-4131-878 or06372-3211 or email:[email protected].

Bann, 4 bedr. 2 bath, living-di-ningrm., built-in-kit., patio, yard,double garage, 1.560,-- + utilwww.agra-immobilien.de 06371/57656

Beautiful FSH 300 m² built in2008 with a great view, 30 km toRAB, 5 BR, BIK, 2.5 Baths, Liv/Din-Room, Storage, Garage,Yard, Pets negotiable, ReducedFee! Rent: 2050 Euro +util., Avail:Now. For more information pleasecontact G.I. Bill Pay Service & Re-al Estate: 06371-465407 or 0160-1065196 or [email protected]

Beautiful single house near Land-stuhl/Bann, 3-4 bedrms, walk-incloset, liv/diningrm, 2 1/2 bath,dbl garage, gas floor heating1500€ incl the garage & othercharges. Doris Drewlow Immobili-en, Tel: 06371-5940059

Brand new house, Kaiserslau-tern, 300sqm liv-space, 5bedr, 21/2 bath, luxury kitchen, fire-place, garage €2280,- + util. RealEstate Metzler 01759855251

Enjoy the great view from this Ba-varian style FSH, 220 m² in Nie-derkirchen, 20 km to Sembach,22 km to KL, 3-4 BR, 2 Baths,BIK, Huge Liv./Din. room area w.fire place, party room w. Bar, 1 ga-rage, pets negotiable, Rent:1680.00 EUR + util., Avail.: Now,Reduced fee. For more info plea-se call GI Bill Pay Service & RealEstate, Tel.: 0160-1065196 or06371-465407, E-mail: [email protected]

FSH in Bann, 6BR, 2.5 new reno-vaded bathrm, 2 livrm, 2 bik, 2 ga-rages, AFN and cable internet rea-dy, no pets. Avail from Mar 8.€1830 + util. 06371-3833, 0171-7510821

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Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 30 March 15, 2013

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Eulenbis next to Weilerbach: 270m² livingsp 5 bedr, 3 bathr, livingrkitchen wintergarden. Great View,open firepl, garage, no pets, nofinders fee. RE/MAX Dreamhomes4 U, Landstuhl, Kaiserstr. 4 Tel:01704116990 email [email protected]

FSH 130 m² in Steinwenden, 4km to RAB, 3 BR, BIK, 1.5 Baths,Liv/Din-Room, Storage, Base-ment, Yard, Garage, No pets,Rent: 980 Euro + util., Avail: April1, 2013. For more informationplease contact G.I. Bill Pay Ser-vice & Real Estate: 06371-465407or 0160-1065196 or [email protected]

FSH 160 m², 8 km to Landstuhl,12 km to RAB, 4 BR, 2 Bath, BIK,Liv/Din, Basement, Garage, Patio,Pets allowed, Rent: 830 Euro +util., Avail: Now, Reduced Fee.For more info please contact GIBill Pay Service & Real EstateTel.: 06371-465407 or 0160-1065196, Email: [email protected]

FSH 164 m² in Schallodenbach,18 km to RAB/KL/Sembach, 5BR, 2 Baths, Liv/Din-Room, BIK,Basement, Yard, Garage, Pets ne-gotiable, Rent: 1160 Euro + util.,Avail: March 20, 2013. For moreinfo please contact GI Bill Pay Ser-vice & Real Estate Tel.: 06371-465407 or 0160-1065196, Email:[email protected]

FSH 250 m² in Neuhemsbach,6km to Sembach, Sembachschool district, 4 BR, 2 Baths,BIK, Liv/Din-Room, Storage, In-Law-Suite, Yard, Pets allowed,Rent: 1700 Euro + util., Avail:March 15, 2013, Reduced fee. Formore info please contact GI BillPay Service & Real Estate Tel.:06371-465407 or 0160-1065196,Email: [email protected]

FSH 270 sqm in Ramsen, 15 minto Sembach or 20 min to KL, NoFee, very excl, American Style,Pool Outside, 2,5 bath, 2 bik, bigLiv/Din-Room, 2 open fireplace,Basement, 1000 sqm Yard, Petsallowed, Cellphone 0174-2111176€1670 [email protected]

House in Kottweiler, 2.5 brm,livrm, dinrm, bik, 2 baths. €1000 +util. Please call after 7 pm 06371-975335

House in a quiet Area, 5 Rooms,Livrm, Dinnrm, new BIK, Bath,Guestt, Landryrm, Big Balcony,Garage, DSL-Internet, AFN160qm. €930 063847067 or01638150865 - [email protected]

House in Hoeringen with 379sqm, 9 bedroom, 3 bath, 2 1/2bath, large garage, wintergarden.Pets are welcome. Look at our pri-vate homepage www.appel-info.de Available May 1st 2013.€2900 [email protected]

Huge freestanding luxury housein Waldmohr: Ramstein schooldistrict, 330sqm, 5 bed, 3.5 bath,open plan living, designer BIK,storage, sauna, radiant floor hea-ting, garage, yard, € 2450 + ut.Av. now, KKA Immobilien 0172/6855976 or [email protected]

Kaiserslauter - Schopp, 4 Bedr,2 bath, garage, nice view, quietarea, €1550 + util, Real EstateMetzler, 0175-9855251

KL-Erfenbach, top renovatedFSH, 160 sqm, 6 bedrooms, mo-dern BIK, big basement und laun-dry room, 2 baths, Rent 1170 €plus util. + Finder's fee. Call IhrZu-hause Immobilien0157-87016817.

KL-Wiesenthalerhof. Free stan-ding house, 240 sqm, BIK, dinin-groom, 2 livingrooms, 8 rooms, 4bath, 2 balconies, big fencedyard, 2 garages. 1750 Euro + utili-ties. 0171 2194832

KTown Hohenecken low energyTownhouse, 115sqm, 4BR, BIK,2.5bath, big garage. €1180 Call Li-sa 0157-31441334

Luxury big FSH, 20km to K-Town180sqm, 4BR, 2bath, flr heating,BIK, terrace, balc, garden, quietarea, €1300 + util, Call Henry0172-6634425

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Kaiserslautern American Page 31March 15, 2013

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„Alte Feuerwache“ Von Richthofenstr. 30 • 66849 Landstuhl

We are looking forward to your visit.Alfred and Renate

March 22, starting 10:30 a.m.Landstuhl city 5 Min to hospital,300sqm., 5 bedrms., 3 baths., di-ning/livingrm., floor-heating,fenced yard, garage. Pets are wel-come. 2400 euro + util Anne S.Neumann Immobilien4you Tel:06372-803641 or 0173-8317162

Landstuhl/Melkerei - Nice 3-4bedrm house, liv/diningrm, built-inkitchen, 2.5 bath duplex, sunroom, fam rm, basemt, gardenand garage, 165m² liv space.Avail. mid-March. Rent 1100€ +util., 1 Mo Finders Fee Doris Drew-low Immobilien, 06371-5940059

Landstuhl-Melkerei: newer235sqm, 5 bed, 3.5 bath, BIK,laundry, storage, floor heating, 3big balconies, small yard, garage,€1750+ut. Av. Mid April. KKA Im-mobilien, 0172/6855976 [email protected]

Lux. Bungalow in Bruchmühl-bach, 10 min. RAB, (Schooldistr.Landstuhl) 195 sqm next to forest,gas heating, wood floor with floorheating, 2bedr. (1furn.), 1 1/2bath, BIK, large liv/din area withItalien Marble fireplace, 1 office,furn. laundry - and storageroom,2 terraces (1 with excl. table +chairs ), fenced yard, 2 car garagein the house. € 1420,-- + util., nopets. please call: Immob. Schick-Müller 06301-719565/ 0172-6785550

Mackenbach: Big house with5BR, 3BA, balcony, terrace, gara-ge € 1.130,- + util 06371/943313www.GermaWild-Immobilien.de

Miesenbach, 4 bedrooms 2.5baths 175 sqm, yard - pet neg€1250 017684291912

Near Bruchmühlbach: Freesthouse, 283sqm, 5BR, 2,5BA,open fireplace, yard, 2 balconies,2 garages € 2.100,- + util 06371/943310 www.GermaWild-Immobilien.de

Near Bruchmühlbach: Nice hou-se, 4BR, 1,5BA, open-fireplace,yard, balcony, terrace, garage €1.070,- + util 06371/943310www.GermaWild-Immobilien.de

Nice FSH 125 m² in Kusel, 3BR, 2baths, BIK, basement, Liv/Din-Room, 2 garages, yard, pets ne-gotiable, Rent: 835.00 Euro + util.,Avail: Now. For more info pleasecontact: GI Bill Pay Service & RealEstate, Tel.: 06371-465407 or0160-1065196, E-mail: [email protected]

Nice FSH in Kottweiler-Schwan-den, built in 2006, 215 m², 5 BR, 2Baths, BIK, Liv./Din. room w. fireplace, Storage, 1 Garage, Floor-Heating, Yard, no pets, Rent:1580.00 EUR + util. Avail.: 1.April2013, For more info please call:06371-465407 or 0160-1065196,E-mail: [email protected]

Nice FSH 240 m², 18 km to RAB,Landstuhl school district, 3-4 BR,2.5 Baths, BIK, Liv/Din-Room,Storage, Yard, 2 Garages, Pellet-Heating, Pets negotiable, Rent:1800 Euro + 200 Euro estimatefor heating + util., Avail: April 1,2013. For more info please con-tact: GI Bill Pay Service & RealEstate, Tel.: 06371-465407 or0160-1065196, E-mail: [email protected]

Niedermohr, 5 bedr., 2 bath, 2open fire places, garage, carport,€ 1.430,-- + util.; Mackenbach, 7bedr., 3 bath, Pool, Sauna, 2 cargarage, € 1.580,-- + util., I.B.u.Im-mobilienservice Thomas Souri-ßeaux €1430 06374 995 694 [email protected]

Read your newspaper online: www.kaiserslauternamerican.com

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Micha’s Autoservice

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We are located in 66862 Kindsbach, Kaiserstr. 2

No Fee House in Schwedelbach,freestanding house, 180 sqm., 4bedrms., 2 baths., b.i.k., yard,1.295 €uro + util Anne S. Neu-mann Immobilien4you Tel: 06372-803641 or 0173-8317162

No Fee House Steinwenden, free-standing house, 250sqm., 5bedrms., + studio, 2 baths., b.i.k.,dining/living area, yard, garage1.650 €uro +util Anne S. Neu-mann Immobilien4you tel: 06372-803641 or 0173-8317162

No Fee, FSH 187 sqm in Wesel-berg, Landstuhl school, 4BR 2.5Bath 2 BIK 2 LR/DIN, garage,fenced in yard, storage/attic, petsallowed. $1500 06371914312 /017610112130 / [email protected]

Obermohr nice cosy 3 bedr.,freest, 100 sqm, nice bik, liv rm, 1bath, storage, shed, yard, parking670,-€ please call 0179-2267905.

Queidersbach: freestanding 4bedr., living-diningrm., 2 ½ bath,built-in-kit., basement, yard, gara-ge, 1.280,-- € + util www.agra-immobilien.de 06371-57656

Ramstein school district: FSH inGlan-Münchweiler, 4 bedrooms, 2bathrooms, modern BIK, gas hea-ting, terrace, nice yard, garage,basement. Av. now. €1200 + ut.KKA Immobilien. Tel. 0172-6855976 or [email protected]

Ramstein-Miesenbach: 4 bed., 2 ½ bath, living-diningrm, built-in-kit., patio, balcony, yard, garage,1.250,-- + util www.agra-immobilien.de 06371/57656

Rodenbach, 124 sqm, 4 be-drooms, 1,5 bath, BIK, Garden,Terrace, Basement, quiet area,Rent 940 € + Finder's fee. Call Ihr-Zuhause-Immobilien. 0157-87016817

Spesbach: 4 bedr., studio, 2½bath, living-diningrm., built-in-kit.., patio, balcony, yard, garage,1.485,--€ + util www.AGRA-Immobilien.de 06371/57656

Steinwenden Farmhouse170sqm 4BR 1.5bath BIK livrm w/tiled oven dinrm cport yard BBQarea €1300+utl Av April 15 0176-55113398

Steinwenden, nice townhouse,160sqm, 3bedr, livr, bik, 2,5 bath,balcony, terrace, storage, €850 +util. Roth Immobilien 06374-994776 or 0171-1950606

Stelzenberg: Bungalow 5 Bedr.,3 ½ bath living-dingrm., open fireplace, sauna, balcony, patio,fenced in yard, double garage,2.600,-- € + util www.agra-immobilien.de 06371/57656

Townendhouse in KL-Mehlbach,Hauptstraße 52d, 12km to ktown10km to base, 150sqm liv/dinrmBIK 1.5baths 4BR lots of storagespace +many extras 100sqm gar-den & terrace, garage quiet area€1200+utl Avail now Call: 0176-20104661 or 0631-95318

Townhouse 160 m², Ramsteinschool, 25 km to RAB, 5 BR, BIK,2 Baths, liv/din-Room, Garage,Pets allowed, Rent: 980 Euro +util., Avail: Feb. 15, 2013. For mo-re info please contact: GI Bill PayService & Real Estate, Tel.: 06371-465407 or 0160-1065196, E-mail:[email protected]

Weilerbach: freestanding house200 spm., avail now, 6 big bdr., 1big eat in kitchen, big lvr., 2 fullbath. attic, best scenic. Vogelwehschool district. Rented by owner,no finders fee. Send more pictu-res by: [email protected] callHanns 06374 - 1576 €1200

20 min to RAB or Ktown - Hefers-weiler: great house, about 330 m²livingspace, 8-9 bedr, 3 bathr, Li-vingr, 2 built in kitchen, balcony,all tiled and floor heating, garage,fantastic view, available now €289.000,-- RE/MAX Dreamhomes4 U, Landstuhl, Kaiserstr. 4 tel:01704116990 email [email protected]

300sqm+ Finished basement, top floor can be rented out as aseparate apartment, 2 car garage,2 car carport, Nice yard with bar-becue fire pit, grape vines, blue-berry bushes and more. New Kit-chen, new wallpaper in livingroom, lots of storage space. Bet-ween Ramstein, Kaiserslautern,and Baumholder. Save Money =No Realtors!!! 13 Glanblick Offen-bach-Hundheim RP 67749€270000 0171-999-1710 / [email protected]

3floor Fam house, 358sqm, 8BR,4bath, 4kitchen (no BIK), 4liv,4dinrm, central oil heating, 1balc,lrg terrace, basement, storagerm,year 2000 new roof, 2004 newheating, garden, huge car park,1470sqm property, (front & backyard build poss) Price neg. No Re-altor fee. Call: 0176-22987498 or0178-2327775

Exclusive house for sale Kaisers-lautern/Hochspeyer area, 15 minto Kleber Kaserne €380000017686291912

Landstuhl-Melkerei: New Free-standing House, 221 sqm., dou-ble garage, No Fee! More Informa-tion: www.ortbau.de €410000

5 Min to K-town: High qualitystandard house with open floor-plan. 3-4 bedr, large master bedr.with walk-in closet, large bathrmarble tiles, Guest bath, showerbathroom next to sauna, built inkitchen open to dining area, Largeprivate property, 2 garages in-house € 368.000,-- RE/MAX Dre-amhomes 4 U, Landstuhl, Kai-serstr. 4, Tel 01704116990, [email protected]

8 Min to RAB, Ramstein SchoolDistr., about 400 m² living space,7 bedr, huge family room, livingr,diningr, excl. kitchen, pantry, 3bathr, Sauna, 2 Garages veryquiet living area, € 449.000,-- RE/MAX Dreamhomes 4 U, Land-stuhl, Kaiserstr. 4, Tel01704116990, email [email protected]

Einsiedlerhof - Dream House209m² Liv Space, 1065m² lot (ow-ned by the seller). 5 bedrms, liv/di-ningroom, built in kitchen, pantry,fam rm, 2 bath, sauna, laundryrm, cov balcony, cov patio, outsi-de bbq, playground, garden hou-se, plus more outside storage,own well, totally fenced, gas hea-ting. Avail Mar/Apr this year339000 Euro. Doris Drewlow Im-mobilien, Tel: 06371-5940059

Freestanding house, 15 Min fromRAB, 200sqm., living.space, 4bedrms., + studio, 2 baths., base-ment, balcony, 2 garages, fencedyard ready to move in Price 130000 €uro Anne S. NeumannImmobilien4you Tel: 06372-803641 or 0173-8317162

Freestanding house, property914 sqm., 210 sqm., living space,6 bedrms., 3 baths., + sauna,b.i.k., basement, floor-heating,balcony, 2 garages, terrace, bigyard Price Only 290 000 €uro An-ne S. Neumann Immobilien4youTel: 06372-803641 or 0173-8317162

Mehlingen, 150 sqm, One of 3apartments in house, built-in kit-chen, multi-level, 3 bedroom, lar-ge bath, floor heat, no Real Estateagt, 5 min to Sembach or auto-bahn, quiet village, near Germanschool, butcher, bakery, pavedjogging trail. €[email protected]

Penthouse in Homburg - down-town, recently finished 15miles toRAB, elevator, big terrace, 2BR,1.5bath, liv / dinrm, 2storage, insi-de park garage €336.000 Call:0176-13650316 or 06383-7208

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€ 160starting

in chromeASA AR4

FSBO in Enkenbach: Over1750sf, two-story home from the1700's; 4 bedrm, 2 bath, livingroom, study/office, kitchen & di-ning area. 5mi to Sembach &15mi to Ramstein. "Turn-Key" si-tuation including community sup-plied heating. Plus it is a cornerproperty with walled courtyardand carport. Renovated kitchenstays. House fully furnished inclu-ding washer/dryer (American), sa-tellite dish, very high speed inter-net & WiFi. Excellent rental or ho-me in a village with train and sto-res. €187000 [email protected]

RAB school, brand new freestan-ding house, 280sqm., living-space, 5 bedrms., 3 baths., b.i.k.,floor-heating, garage, yard, Price330 000 €uro Anne S. NeumannImmobilien4you Tel: 06372-803641 or 0173-8317162

Rodenbach: 10 brand new luxuryCondos for sale. Highest qualityfittings, modern and charmingwith attractive private yard, terra-ces and balconies. Perfect locati-on for all U.S. military installati-ons, available in May. 70-150sqm,99.000 - 218.000 euros. Pleasecall or email Melinda for an expo-se or viewing appt. Ph. 01726855976, [email protected]

Wonderful freestanding house,130sqm., living space, 3 bedrms.,2 baths., office, guest room, b.i.k.,garage balcony, Price 143 000€uro Anne S. NeumannImmobilien4you Tel: L 06372-803641 or 0173-8317162

Wonderful freestanding house,400sqm., living-space, 1200sqm.,property, with outside pool, 2 gar-ges, florida room, 5 bedrms.,open fire-place, 3 baths., b.i.k.,sepr. apartment Price 420 000€uro Anne S. NeumannImmobilien4you Tel: 06372-803641

!!!! 1 2 3 4 5 Beds luxury tempapts for incoming/outgoing fami-lies & TDY. Ramstein Air Base 2mins, short walk to restaurants &shops. Beautifully furnished,100% equipped TV, AFN, Englishsatalite, DSL, free telephone, USA& Europe, good library & movie se-lection. Pets welcome. Off streetparking at all locations. Call 0171-2679282 or email: luxuryapts09@yahoo, com

@Ramstein- large suites for TLA.All included, no out of pocket ex-pences. www.facebook.com/ramsteinlodging. e-mail [email protected] 01791456657

Apt / TLA close to RAB & LRMCfully furn wshr/dryer, TV, internetoppt. Long term rental possib.€25/day / €650 mnth 0178-3492565

Landstuhl: Warehouse type buil-ding about 500 m², office space,large parking. Also good for bigmeetings etc. Available now rentalprice on request. RE/MAX Dream-homes 4 U, Landstuhl, Kaiserstr.4 Tel: 01704116990 email [email protected]

Storage space in all sizes from 1up to 100 square meters 06371/976038 [email protected]

Caution: Some KA Classifiedads have become a targetfor scams. Please be cau-tious if potential buyers offeryou payment methods otherthan cash.

1993 BMW 316i wagon good dai-ly driver/second car, comes withextra set of wheels (summer),GPS, will get inspection done thisweek. $1000.00 call 01606453063or email [email protected]

1994 BMW 525i Auto, Dual AC,pwr sunroof, E34 w/Vanos, tracti-on cntl, M sport susp, newer bra-kes, exhaust & battery 296K, win-ter/summer tires $2495 obo063738925254 lv msg [email protected]

1996 BMW 320i, station wagonblue, automatic, power steering,winter tires & all-season tires, in-spection good till January 2014150000KM €3500 [email protected] or 015224456565

1998 black BMW 316, manual, A/C, set of winter/summer tires,power windows/sunroof, 202kkm, pet/smoke free.015118117959 [email protected] $3000

2.0T SEL 4 Motion Sport. Auto-matic 6speed w/triptronic. Key-less start. Heated front seats. AllLeather, bluetooth wireless, navi-gation touchscreen. 10m $29,000(obo) [email protected]

2002 BMW 316i, 60,000miles,first owner, garage kept, automa-tic air control, grey, park alarm,good condition, €3100, 0176-84498344

2005 Ford Focus 4cyl 1.6L Euro-pean Specs, Diesel, approx.105,500km $6999 063719288329

2002 Grand Cherokee Laredo4WD 6 CVL4.OL auto Inspectiongarantee. 95800 miles. Call for in-fo. Carlos $5000 obo06204919085 email [email protected]

2002 Toyota Tundra V8 SR5 Ac-cess Cap 4WD Low miles80KTRD, Pwr Door, Pwr Window,Spray in Bed liner, All weatherMats, CruzC, Towing Pck, DualAirBags, Tons of New Parts ad-ded in 2012 Very Clean, asking$12,000 [email protected]

2004 Dodge Ram 1500 SLTQuad Cab 2WD 4.7L, 133,000 mi-les, KBB Value: 10,273, Nada:$9,300. Seats 6 people. Clean Tit-le. Runs Great. $9,000 obo, Natas-ha or Ray 015164512307 or01745750080, email:[email protected]

Toda high power N2 Camshafts,K20a 295in12.5 and K20a285ex12.0, asking for both $700.Call: 017622987498

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All Cars and Vans with winter tires!No extra costs!

2006 Lincoln Zephyr (MKZ) V6,95K. Luxurious car inside and out.White ext with tan heat/cooledseating. Fully loaded. $8000 Chris01703272717 or [email protected]

2007 VW Passat sedan, auto. Usspec, 146,000 miles. Includes win-ter and summer tires. Kenwoodsound system, bluetooth capableand Garmin nav. $8,000, [email protected]

2009 Ford Flex, ?V6, 3.5 Liter,2WD, Automatic, Black Exterior,Black Leather Interior $15,999 da-nyel 01719181144 /[email protected]

2010 VW Tiguan. 35,000 Miles.Recently Serviced and Inspectedwithin the last week. Non-Smo-ker, bought new, clean title, 1 Ow-ner. Under warranty. US Specs.$21000 [email protected]

2011 Accord 4DR EX-V6 automa-tic full equip. 24,100 miles inspMay 14 call or email for more info.Carlos Villanueva $22,000 obo06204919085 [email protected]

2011 Dodge Grand CaravanMainstreet. 20000 Miles. Stow &Go. Power Doors & Power Start.DVD entertainment system withtwo wireless headsets. US Specs.$22500 [email protected]

BMW 316i, automatic, Leatherand heat seats, power (window,sun roof), blue, new summer tireon alloy rims, Park sensors, 99 kmiles, Call: 015117610336 $3200

2012 VW Golf, dark blue 4 drhatchback, 4K miles, 2.5L, auto,ps/pw/pb, tilt, cruise, ac, alarm,all-season tires, non-smoking,exc cond. Wiesbaden. $18k obo0151-241-11075; [email protected]

Audi 100 model 1998, stick shift,w/ CD Stereo, AC, power doors,breaks, runs great, in good condi-tion € 1.200 obo winter speical,New tires, new oil change, new in-spec, 06306-1750 or 0176-24347031

BMW 318i, automatic, automaticA/C, cruise control, heated seats,power window, silver, new winter& summer tire (summer tire neverused) 8 alloy rims, 18 inch tires,very good condition, 53,000 mi-les, €3200, Call: 0176-22858442

Chrysler Neon 2.0 LE, 01/2003,65.000 mil.98 kW (133 PS), Auto-matic, clean. $3850015206786080 - [email protected]

Chrysler Sebring 2.0 TouringBlack Metalic, 10/2008, 1st ow-ner, 48.000 km, 115 kW (156 PS),A/C, Speed Control, Winer/Sum-mer Tires and more. €8900 [email protected]

RHD Audi A3 2002 1.8L V5, lea-ther interior, el.windows & mirrors,immobilizer, CD changer, all ser-vice done by Audi garage, justpassed inspection $5500 obo01606425617 / [email protected]

Toda K20A Valve Spring Set. Ori-ginal price $400. Toda racingparts. Never used Asking $275Ph.017622987498 / [email protected]

Used 17" Alloy Wheel Rims, bluepainted. For more details pls callor email [email protected] $400 015221914969

Caution: Some KA Classifiedads have become a targetfor scams. Please be cau-tious if potential buyers offeryou payment methods otherthan cash.

2005 Harley Davidson BlackCherry Road King Classic with 5kmiles. Chrome upgrades withScreaming Eagle Stage 1 and II pi-pes. More extras. U.S. specs.$13,250 [email protected]

2008 HD Super Glide with 14,000miles. Bike is beautiful/garagekept since new. It is ready to ridewhen the good weather finally arri-ves $9000 [email protected] 016099084709

I am selling a Kawasaki NinjaZXR400L, starts right away; theengine block in the front has aslight rustle. (Dealership says it isprobably the connecting rods).Fairly new wheels and the brakepads were replaced. Do not needmotorcycle, I have bought a car.Extras: mini indicator and 1 to 34hp throttle set. TÜV was Feb,2013, BY 07/1999, 51768 kilom.65ps, 2 previous owners. Still ha-ve Paperback repair manual. Formore information please call06374-944368 or 0176-55247077or email [email protected]

European Financial ManagementBall, 29 March 2013 ArmstrongClub in Kaiserslautern, Germany1730 to 2200 Military: MilitaryDress Uniform E7/GS09 and Abo-ve: $55.00 Civilian: Formal AttireE6/GS07 and Below: $45.00, Plea-se RSVP NLT 8 March 2013 to:2LT Elizabeth Lopez, Email: [email protected], DSN,314-485-7119

I Want to Sing! Barbershop/ acappella bass/ baritone singerwants to join or start a vocal en-semble, preferably a mixed ormen's quartet. [email protected]

RHS Presents "ByeBye Birdie"!March 21,22,23, in the great hallat Ramstein High School. The mu-sical begins at 1900 each night.Everyone is welcome to attend.

The Kaiserslautern Family Histo-ry Library will host a Family Histo-ry Fair on Saturday March 30th,from 12-3 pm. Join us to learnabout [email protected]

5 power strips, 110 volts $20.00Call 0631-37310115 or [email protected]

more customers. more sales.more business.

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Asus Padfone 2, Brand new! 2-in-1: Android Cell Phone and Ta-blet. 3G, 32 GB, black. Still in ori-ginal box and cellophane. 799 Eu-ro obo. [email protected];0163-251-4851

Bose 3-2-1 Series III DVD HomeEntertainment System, 110 volts50/60 Hz, 2 1/2 years old.$450.00 Call 0631-37310115 oremail [email protected]

HD compatible Sky satellite recei-ver with card and remote. Canmeet at either Ramstein or Vogel-weh. Cash only and only seriousbuyers please. [email protected]

Kenwood Stereo system, Com-pact Disc Player DP-1050, StereoReceiver KR-A 5040, Douple Cas-sette Deck KX-W 6040, 2 big Pio-neer Boxes CS-997, remote con-trol RC-5040, Very good conditi-on! €380 obo, Tel. 06385-415150

Looking for Laserdisc playersand movies, concerts and musicon laserdisc. Cash paid Call Scott0160-97538888 or [email protected]

Panasonic 46 inch LCD flatscreen TV, model TC-P46G25with internet/skype connection,110 volts 50/60 Hz. 2 1/2 yearsold. $450.00 Call 0631-37310115or email [email protected]

Waffle maker, 220 volt, $10,017622987498

Caution: Some KA Classifiedads have become a targetfor scams. Please be cau-tious if potential buyers offeryou payment methods otherthan cash.

$1.00 - $15.00, Assorted girlsand boys clothing from casual todressy, long & short sleeve shirts.Sweat pants and 2 piece sweatsuits, skirts, skorts, pants andjeans. To include a full onepiecesnow suit and a winter coat. Girlssize range 4T-size 7. Boys shirts,shorts, pants and jackets. Sizes 2-4T. To include a winter coat. Veryenthusiastic to sell. [email protected]

$45.00 Car cover, GMC SaturnSL, like new, only used twice,very enthusiastic to [email protected]

8 pots of Play-Doh, various co-lors, two unopened. €5,017622987498

A large variety of boys clothing.Pick out five either pants or shirtor both for only $20. Age 2 to 7,017622987498

An adjustable full-size bassinetallows you to keep baby closerlonger. Diaper changing table withwipe clean fabrics that resistmess during changes. Easily con-verts to a portable playard. Signa-ture Graco® push-button fold ma-kes closing your playard quickand hassle-free. Airy mesh on allsides for maximum ventilation.Convenient carrying bag for no-fuss travel and storage. New pri-ce: 129.99, selling for $95, 06374-944368 or 0176-55247077 oremail [email protected]

Antique Tin Pot - very old - pas-sed down from my grandfather.$40. See pictures at www.class-world.eu E-mail [email protected]

Art Nouveau furniture over 100years old. A variety of items,grandfather clock (Harmonium),crystal glasses, Murano glasses,Meisner porcelain figurines,200years old, coffee and Tea set.Call: 0177-5211480

Basketball hoop for children,black and red, approx 3feet tall,$10, Call: 017622987498Bob the builder walkie talkie, €5,017622987498

Childrens plastic table, blue withchair, $10, Call 017622987198

Designer Hand bag. George Ginaand Lucy. Used twice. Paid 160euros for the bag. €100017622987498

Desk lamp, 110 volts, color black$15.00 Call 0631-37310115 oremail [email protected]

Remote control car, color red,€2, 017622987498

Collection of leather bound, si-gned by the author, 1st editionbooks, mint cond. Over 100 diffe-rent books. Authors include: Nor-man Mailer, William F. Buckley,Joseph Heller, Elie Wiesel, DonaldMc Dunne, John Updicke, TomWolfe, etc. $ 15.000 - serious in-quiries only! Call: 0631-940213 or0151-270-19822

Desk lamp, dark grey in color,110 Volts $15.00 Call 0631-37310115 or email [email protected]

Desk Lamp, Stainless steel, 110volts $20.00 Call 0631-37310115or email [email protected]

Elegant yet comfortable eggplantcolored prom dress. Like newcondition 15361. La Femme,Open back, one shoulder beadedstrap Size 6. Paid 300 for new$200 [email protected]

Fender type Telecaster electricguitar. Masterbuilt, professional in-strument. Excellent sound spec-trum and tonal qualities. Must seeand try! Tom at 0172 35 64442

Go Diego Go, Treasure Quest,opened but never played. €5,017622987498

Golf equipment for sale with 12rackets some are new for right-handed men €60 [email protected]

Green suede handbag. Withthree compartments. Zipper top.$20 0176-22987498 please leavea message if I do not answer.

Green wedges, size 40, neverworn. Paid €50, asking $40.017622987498

Hanging Lamp Black in goodshape. $15.00 017684658955email [email protected]

Lace dress, eggshell/offwhite, size 6, never worn. For wedding/prom/summer night out. $50;017622987498 or [email protected] Pic on www.class-world.eu does not do justice. Be-autiful dress.

Pink and white snake skin purse,not real. pics on www.class-world.eu [email protected]

I am selling a Sunbed from Dr.Kern Modell NGR 241. The lighttubes were exchanged and ranfor approx. 300 hours. Also haveavail 300 hours light tubes. (Thenew tubes run up tp 600 hours.) Iam selling the sunbed for someo-ne. The light tubes can be boughtat ebay or directly from Dr. Kern.One or two tubes are possibly de-fect and need to be repla-ced.Bought for 3500 to 4000 DM.If you are interested please con-tact us, the sunbed is located inKaiserslautern, Tel: 0176-55 24 7077 06374-944368 (Doris)

Laney GH50L all valve top guitaramplifier and 4x12 Laney speakercabinet. Brand new, never left theliving room. Amazing sound possi-bilities. Serious offers and detailsat 01723564442

Lots of fashion jewerly for sale,earrings, bracelets, necklaces,from €1 to €5, see class world forpictures, 017622987498

New Girl's Barbie Jeep in originalbox. Assembled, test driven thendisassembled. Never used. Willassemble if interested. Speed up-to 5mph. $200.00 [email protected]

Newer Liebherr 220V Deep Free-zer. Measures 36inT x25.5W x44.5L. Eco-Friendly. Energy Sa-ving. 3 Hanging Baskets plus han-ging thermometer. $300 [email protected] 0170-3825-201

Please let the Dogs out! Need so-meone to let 2 well-behaved fema-le dogs out into fenced yard for20-30 min M-F. Waldmohr area.Neg [email protected]

Porcelain dolls, over 100 to choo-se from, all dressed. Price OboCall: 0176-90796039

Römer Super nice Römer "Visio"Buggy. Push and click system forRömer Baby Safe. Suitable fornewborn onwards, reversible frombaby seat into the laying position,rain protection, mosquito net withzipper, storage place, incl. winter-foot bag. Great condition!!! Nonsmoking household. Original price300 Eur. 130 obo €, Tel. 06385 -415150

Selling two Fender Stratocasterelectric guitars. Never left the hou-se, top condition. One is acollector's item. Serious offersand details at 01723564442

Size 52-57. Multi color childrensbike helmet, for boys. $20017622987498

Stat 200 (45$), Nutr 200 (30$),Phys 111 (35$), Hist 142 (35$),Artt 110 (7$), Socy 100 (35$) - Allgreat condition. Can MPS if ne-cessary. $7-$40 obo01791524433, [email protected]

Sunbeam Table Top BBQ porta-ble Grill used once $10. Can deli-ver to RAB Call: 06332-41560

Toy Story hat, for ages 3 to 6. €5,017622987498


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Swarovski Crystal - Attention col-lectors! All retired pieces reducedto half their value, All pieces over20years old! Prices greatly redu-ced! Great gift for any special oc-casion! Private collection! Retiredpieces. koala bear mother and ba-by, Panda mother & baby, whale,turtle. Call for info: 06332-41560between 2pm to 9pm. Can deliverto RAB!Swarovski, silver, crystal, trilogymasquerade, 1999-2001, w/cry-stal signs & displays, 899€ oboCall: 0162-2762421To sale a complete set of dishes,never used. Excellent state. Dol-lars accepted. €20, 015152112197

The Swarovski Pierrot measures8". This is the first edition of "Mas-querade" series. Retired in 1999.Pics on [email protected]

To sale washing machine AEGmodel 54849. Excellent state(used 2 years). Dollars accepted€200 015152112197

Documents for Sale! USA andCSA documents, coins of Germa-ny and China, private collection,for sale piece by piece. Call bet-ween 4-7pm 0152-25194313 (Da-vid Frank)

Various Golf items IncludesShoes Size 11 worn 1 time, NikeAir Glove size XL, Towels andsmall carrying bag. 1 case of 30each New Golf Balls $50,00017684658955 email [email protected]

Wine Rack/Holder, holds six bott-les, attractive metal finish, fits per-fectly in a small, narrow space.$10; 0163-330-5535 or [email protected]

Winter boots for boys, size 30,$20, Call: 017622987498

3ea Shelving Wood175x160x39cm $25 and 3ea me-tal shelving 150x86x30cm $15,Wine Rack 118x86x30 $25,017696911734

Blue rug with Janosch design forlittle boys room. Paid €50 fromMobil Martin. Asking $20.017622987498

Corner sofa, grey, bought at Mö-bel Martin new price 1.870 € - on-ly 1 year old €1.400 Jacky 0179/5352827 or [email protected]

Cuckoo clock, original Black Fo-rest, Made in Germany, woodenclock-face, cuckoos every half &full hour, music every hour €[email protected]

Designer glass coffee table fromInteria, $130, Very study Solidwood frame. Call: 06374-944828

Dining table w/ 2 benches, mas-siv wood - oak style, €250 0176-90796039

Double Recliner Leather fromLaZBoy, comes in two pieces,pick up in kaiserslautern $2000152-06786080 - [email protected]

For sale: Furniture. White Ikeadesk w/cupboard. Oak hallwaybench for phone. Green marble/oak. Round coffee table 40’’diamtr 24’’high. 2 mahagony/glass bookshelves 30’’ + 5’ high.Antique oval dining table with car-ved lion feet. Best offer. 0631-270641 or email [email protected]

German Sideboard and High-board for Sale. Oak-rustic color,massiv. Great condition! New€1200 each, now selling for €250each! Call: 0176-907-96039

Real leather couch, red, verycomfortable, L shape, original pri-ce was €3000. Asking $1500 obo.Seats 6 - 7 people. Appr. 3 yearsold. 270x270cm, 0631/5208312or [email protected]

Terracotta colored L-shaped mi-crofibre couch. Size 8,5 x 8,5 feet.Good brand and condition. Seats6 people. High back - comfortablefor tall people. €800 [email protected] or call 0172-6940562

This is a solid oak entertainmentcenter. It is in great shape and isreal wood not pressboard. $20006374 99 28322

To sale 2 bar chairs in goodstate, 60€ for both chairs (Width40cm, depth 45cm, seat height74cm, chair height 102cm). Dol-lars accepted €60, 015152112197

Very nice dining room hutch andcorner piece. Asking $400 or bestoffer for the pair. [email protected] or 06361/4588663

Very nice Mahogany LivingRoom Schrank in very good con-dition. Asking $400 or best [email protected] or 06361/4588663

Very nice oak schrank for sale.Very good condition. Asking $350or best offer [email protected] or 06361/4588663

Babysitting in the Kaiserslauternarea, ages 6 months - 10 yearsCPR, first aid certified babysittercourse, [email protected] or06303-9256230

Looking for nanny/cleaner positi-on in the Ramstein area. I speakfluent English and have manyyears experience. Referencesavailable upon request. [email protected]

Very nice lady looking for a clea-ning position or a babysitter job,in the Ramstein/Kaiserslauternarea. Please call: 0176-76869130

Attractive, intelligent, sincereSWF in her 40's looking for SWMfor a long term relationship. [email protected]

German full figured and mature s/f/54 looking for good situatedman age 50-60 years old, who isloving. You should be child friend-ly and a nonsmoker and loves totravel. Americans preferred.01639766526

I am 43 year old male inquiring ifanyone would like to attend aJazz concert in Mallorca in May. Iwould like to go with someone(perferrable a female, but a maleis welcome) to this concert. I havealready purchased my planeticket, I am more looking for so-meone to share hotel accommo-dations. The price is almost doub-led for a single person. In additi-on, we can see the island to-gether. If all goes well, we can be-come Travel buddies, because Iam always traveling. Let me knowif you are interested, serious inqui-ries only thank you. Andrew email:[email protected]

Warm-hearted, great humor35yrs single black lady with, a ge-nerous touch of friendship seeksto find a happy [email protected]

There have been reports ofpets being sold from bree-ding facilities that are not ma-naged at the highest profes-sional standards. Pleasechoose your pet carefully.Make sure you check the cre-dentials of the people sellingthe pet, and get proper pa-perwork showing shots and/or other proof of healthy con-dition. For further advice,consult your Veterinarian.

Bunny! Photographer in K-townis looking for a kid-friendly bunnyto borrow for some Easter pho-tos. 8th and 9th March. Email formore [email protected],0151 15922078

Cat climbing tree. 3 feet tall. Ingood condition. $25.00017684658955 email [email protected]

Free horse stables for rent,Monthly rent €360, riding stables,outdoor riding area, jumping ring,off road course and paddock,available as well is a Horse Gymtreadmill. Horse sport facility Fröh-nerhof. Tel: 06303-983025

French bulldog, 2 months old, fe-male, mostly white, chipped, vac-cinated, also has European pass-port, very beautiful. €700. Call:0176-76869130

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Kaiserslautern American Page 37March 15, 2013

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All ads & pics can be viewed @www.class-world.eu


All ads & pics can be viewed @www.class-world.eu


Kaiserslautern American German

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German or American scholarship applicants must:• Be studying business or business-related courses at the University of Kaiserslautern OR be studying business –related courses at any accredited university but having a home residence within the area surrounded by Kaiserslautern, Pirmasens, Saarbrücken, Koblenz and Mainz.• Have a minimum of one year remaining before completion of degree• Submit a 500-750 word essay – in English – on how the applicant plans to use his or her business studies to further German-American relations. Concrete examples and rough outlines of business plans are encouraged.• Submit a cover letter – in English – which includes the applicant’s name, current address, home address, e-mail address, current school, year expected to complete degree, and a brief outline of current course of study, as well as any pertinent cross-cultural experiences. Letter should be no more than one page.Deadline for applications is 31 March 2013. Essay and letter must be in Word format (not in PDF) and emailed to: [email protected]

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Pekingese male puppy, 4 mo,chipped, Papers, Ch lines. Homeraised, good with kids01717026171 €500 [email protected]

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Professional Services are of-fered by registered busines-ses as well as private peo-ple. To ensure a satisfactoryservice experience, please al-ways ask for credentials anddeny payments up front. Forcleaning services, arrangefor payments after a finalwalk-through and inspectionof the clean house.

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All Lies Died are looking for ashouter. Music style Nu metal,Metal core in the KMC area, CallAlex: 0631-5208312

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Kaiserslautern AmericanPage 38 March 15, 2013

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All ads & pics can be viewed @www.class-world.eu


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Toxins are the cause of many diseaseswww.colonhydrotherapie-in-kaiserslautern.euR.+M. Ernst • Naturopath Steinstraße 25 • 67657 Kaiserslautern Tel: 0631-361 398 14 www.heilpraktiker-ernstmiro.de

English spoken

Colon Hydrotherapy in K-townfor Holistic health

Certified translations. Reasona-ble rates. Call 06374-4113 or0179-531-0274.

Clock repair & antique clock sa-les. Hermann Lieser, Ludwigstr.32, Landstuhl 06371-2637

Shorty's Mobile Piercing! AllKind of Piercings & Skin Divercomfortably at your House. Whe-ther Single appointment or Pier-cing Party, both Is possible any Ti-me. Send message to agree Ap-pointment, piercing will be doneusually at Same Day. [email protected] €40 01578-1532152

Translator/Interpreter CertifiedKL., near Vogelweh. Reasonablerates. Call: 0631-54440

Would you like to learn to playgolf and tour the South West ofIreland? My name is John Dooleyfrom www.conciergegolf.ie and Ican to help you. €642+353214823791/[email protected]

Buying dictionaries all languagesand foreign language guides. Call0152-25194313 or 0160-69439449

Double bass drums preferablebut not necessary. No experienceneeded. Must love Heavy Metal.Drummer for Heavy Metal Band [email protected]

German/American couple with el-derly dog and indoor cat lookingfor modern/updated freestandinghouse in the Landstuhl area. Mo-ve poss within 30 days. €16000151-44335988

Lead guitar for a Heavy MetalBand. No experience needed.Must love all genres of Heavy Me-tal. Email [email protected] 06221-6486156

Looking for a singer to be part ofa Heavy Metal Band. No experi-ence is ok! Must love Heavy Me-tal, Heavy Metal Singer, [email protected]

Looking for a van/transport busfor moving large items, i .e KingSize bed. Price neg. Area prefera-ble Ramstein/Homburg/Kaisers-lautern Call: 0176-76869130

Looking for someone to help memove a mattress, (2 meter long /2 meter wide.) King size bed,couch and boxes. Possibly with asmall van/truck, (2 men) the 1March. From Homburg to Ram-stein. Call: 0176-76869130

Good quality bedroom furniture,dresser, wardrobe, side tables.Mismatched pieces OK, prefer na-tural wood. Best if you can deli-ver! Up to $500 [email protected]

Looking for two strong men tohelp me move on the 1st ofMarch for a little apt from Hom-burg to Ramstein. Price neg. Call:0176-76869130

New Challenge for Baseball /Softball Coaches!! The River Ban-dits Baseball and Softball Team,located in Saarbrücken (A6,30min from KL) is looking for coa-ches for both teams and alsoplayers. Please contact: [email protected] or call0171-8634083

Singer for a Heavy Metal Band.No experience needed. Must loveall genres of Heavy Metal. Email [email protected] 06221-6486156

Twin or double-sized bed, withframe and mattress. Mattressmust be clean, or will buy only fra-me. Must be able to disassemblefor auto transport. Up to [email protected]

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Precision edge, self-sharpening blades made of high quality special steel, 60 min charge time, 1 min quick-charge, lots of accessories, 1mm – 25mm adjustable. Item no.. 152 2135

Extended warranty: only € 20,-

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Whole-body use


Precision edge, self-sharpening blades made of high quality special steel, mains operation for constant operation, 1mm – 25mm adjustable, incl. case. Item no.: 107 2510

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