Managing Your Image

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  • 7/30/2019 Managing Your Image


    Management Instiutions

    Translating Quranic Principles into Actions

    A Social Responsibility Initiative of CC Group

    Organizational Management, Systems and Training Consultants

    Developing Strategic Image

    Quality services and products abound. However, only few sustain competition and beome the market

    leaders. Similar is the case of individuals. Competent personnel abound, but only few get the recognition

    and success. Lawyers are good example: Business graduates from the same insititution end up in their

    respective careers in an entirely different manner one reaches to the position of a Chairman, while the

    other retires with an unfulfilled motivation to become a Manger. This is common in almost all the

    professions be it Lawyers, Medical practioners, Busines smen, or Show bus iness celibrities, etc. This

    phenominon also extends into the social life. One gets much higher respect while the other fails gel in.

    Looking at the underlying reasons, one can find that it is the image that matters the most. We all commanda unique reputation or image amongst our seniors, colleagues, customers, friends and family. Sometimes

    the image is highly positive and we leverage it to take optimimum advantag of the opportunities thus

    improving upon our chances to achieve our destined succes s. When our image is distorted then we lose out

    stragic-leverage and our chances to achieve our destined success fade away, unless certain miricales

    happen. What is image and how can we manage it. These are the two questions we shall try to answer in

    this s hort article.

    Our image is what outsiders perceive of us as an individual in general and as a professional in particular.

    What others expect of us is ussually sume d up as Professionalism in modern world. In verbatum it refers

    to integrity, ingenuity, equity, candorness, rationality, emotional maturity, and last but not the least

    perfectionism as essential characteristics of a t rue professional. In simple words people expect us to live by

    what we proclaim; to discharge our responsibilities and honor others others rights in a befitting manner; to

    act justly; to fulfill our promises and commitments; to speak and support nothing but truth; to think and

    analyze rationally and emotionally; to know what we say or do; so on and so forth. What one proclaims

    and how s/he presents or conducts him self or her self in the real world creates an image. One can create a

    superfacial image by proclaiming without fail but failing to live by in practice. Such images are short lived

    and could be much costlier. However, building a last ing image entails s erious efforts to live in verbatium of

    what one proclaims.

    Followings are the recommended DOs and DONTs of building lasting image in our modern world. These

    recommendations are bas ed on my understanding of Quranic principles:

  • 7/30/2019 Managing Your Image


    Management Instiutions

    Translating Quranic Principles into Actions

    A Social Responsibility Initiative of CC Group

    Organizational Management, Systems and Training Consultants

    Allah Al Mighty Says:

    They who have come in Islam [completely]; strive in the path of Allah; and fight with [disbelivers and

    wrong doers] and get martyrdom are the ones who are on the right path and will enter in Paradise, if Allah


    When they [hypocrite] come to you [OProphet SAW] they say they have become muslims, but when they go

    back amongst themselves they turn away and mockery of [Islam]


    Always be honest in proclaiming what ever you

    believe and live by your belifs in practice.


    Never proclaim a thing if you do not believe in.

    Allah Al Mighty Says:

    Give to others what you like for your self

    Do not eat up others property [rights ]


    Always practice equality with any one, every one.


    Never deprive others of their rights

    Alla Al Mighty Says:

    When you make decisions, make them with justice

    Beware that the the final abode for the unjusts [zalimun] is hell fire


    Always act and / or respond in just manner.


    Never transgress others rights nor let any one

    transgress your rights

    Allah Al Mighty Says:

    When you make your promises then live by them, always

    Allah will hold you responsible for the promises you make consciously but fail to live by them


    Always make promises that you can live by and

    always live by the promises you make.


    Do not make promises, which you can not fulfill or

    when you do not intend to live by.

    Allah Al Mighty Says:

    Do not speak of what you have no knowledge

    Do not speak out of your desires

    DOs:Always communicate candidly, even if it hurts

    yours or listeners interest.

    DONTs:Never distort your communication to hide what

    might be disadvantageous for you but critical for thelistener

    Allah Al Mighty Says:

    Unravel the truths of this universe and would you still not believe in Allah Al MightyBelievers do not follow Quran like blinds , [but they ponder and analyze]


    Always investigate before taking a position in an



    Do not insist on either what you know not or what is

    advantageous for you.

    Allah Al Mighty Says:

    They [disbelivers] cas t on Allah what they know not but out of their desires

    They [poets] do not do what they say


    Always s ay what you know and do what you say


    Do not talk or act without knowledge. Never


    Note: This document has no copy right. Please spread it with an intention to promote Islamic wisdom ratherpositively leading to a better world of work.