Make Daily Income on Internet In Nigeria

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  • 7/28/2019 Make Daily Income on Internet In Nigeria


    Online income Guide For Learner #BigNaira communications #series 1

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    How ToMake Daily

    Income OnInternet

    Legally inNigeria


    Afolabi Segun

  • 7/28/2019 Make Daily Income on Internet In Nigeria


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    About Me

    Hello, Im Afolabi Segun an internet marketer and ceo of Big Naira


    What I do is strictly internet Business, I offer Business consulting services andwell known as a specialist when It comes to online importation business.

    Ive authored books, trained Nigerians online, seminars, events, conferences.In short Im a Young Nigerian that Earn MY Living Income online legitimately.

    Want To know more about me?Visit,,

    facebook page,Twitter.BB PIN:3122AB38Email:[email protected]

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    About BookThis E-book was written To Let Any Average Nigerian Know How He/She CanMake a Legal Income from the Internet on a Regular Basis Right here in Nigeria.

    Using my previous and present experiences as a real online marketer, Icompiled the real ideas to get start your own online business within few periodafter reading this book.

    The Books purpose is to help as many people as it can and contribute my ownpart towards eradicating poverty among Nigerians especially the unemployedones, the youths, the retirees, stay at home mom, student and just anybodylooking for a way to be financially safe. For this reason Im Giving it out free ofcharge and Ive added a Master Resale Right

    With This BookYou have the following Rights

    You have the right to give the book out free ofcharge

    You Can sell it but not more than $10 or N1,500

    You Can Share it on Your website/blog You Can Use it For Mail Marketing purpose You can add it to Your own Books as Bonus Book

    You Dont Have the Following Right

    Edit the content as Yours Tamper with anything writing here To Copy Content directly on Your website/Blog

    Kindly abide with the above rule to Avoid Illicit usage ofthis Book.

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    #Facts about Online Business.True You Can Start Online Business You Need Formal Knowledge how it works You Need To Start Small to grow Big You Need To Figure out Your area of Interest You Can Make Million You Can Make Zero You Need Website

    You Need Capital You Need personal Computer You Need To be Consistent You Must Develop Passion Online Business is a Business Just Like every Other

    Business You Must sell Something To Make Money Online No Age Limit

    False Is a Get Rich Quick Business You will Make $10000+ same day you started You Dont need a website You can earn without investment. Pure lie No need of learning before starting it

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    Above is the bitter Truth I must tell you before you jump into or decide to startany business online. Almost everyday I see adverts running, articles, websitecontent talking about get rich quick business deal online, for example HighYield Investment plans something like Invest $5 and make $5000 in 30 days

    ordinarily without telling you this, You should know its a pure nonsense.

    Above all internet can make you rich; weve seen a lot of famous internetmarketers worldwide, those already earning million of dollars or naira. InNigeria we have the big bosses of this industry, some one like Akin Alabi thefounder of, Seun Osewa the founder of, Even therich Young Lady, Linda ikeji the writer on and manyothers which I will not mention for now.

    Why Most people Fail in this Business, especially when theyre just starting issimply because theyve failed to follow the #Fact of this business that is not a

    get rich quick business. Just like normal offline Business; you know we havetwo different types of business (Legal business and Illegal Business). Legalbusinesses are those ones you invested money into it to sell something inreturning of money, in other words Id call illegal businesses the ones youvenot got anything to sell but you sell it for money.

    By this erase the fact that online business is a scam, no. Not at all, just likepeople are being scammed offline, like wise anyone can get scammed online.We have 419s out there transacting illegal deals, why we have the onlineversion of 419s the yahoo yahoo, so its the same.

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    Part one

    How You Can Start You own

    Online Business1. Fear God; the bible tells us The fear of God is the beginning of wisdomwhen You have wisdom You Have wealth. Fearing God in such that youllprotect your name in any business you lay your hands upon. Youll deliver asyou promise; youll not rush after get rich quick business. By this; the methodto keep moving and grow your business steadily with act on you.

    2. Another thing is you need to know if youll be able to start a business online.I dont expect you to say or have plan to launch online business when youvenot got a computer, #fact I dislike it when I read something like can I start

    online business with my phone, at caf. Thats capital NO. You Can not, Take itor Not. You need a standard computer, preferably a laptop to start yourbusiness+internet connection.

    3.Another thing is to sit and search for the type of business you can handleeasily online. If you note the gurus, they spend the day of their life in oneonline business niche and for a start you too need to copy the idea of focusingon one business.

    Example of online Business You Can Make Money from in Nigeria includes;

    o Blogging

    o Information Marketingo Affiliate Marketingo Membership site Marketingo Mini Importation Businesso Website Hostingo Freelancing/Article Marketingo Website Designo Social Network Marketing/Online Advertising company

    o Web Programmingo Bulk Sms Businesso Pay Per Clicko Software Management and programming

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    The businesses are many but let me stop with few listed Above.

    If youve been reading make money online websites you might have come

    across this or may be youve not, which ever. I will try to talk about it one byone and how you can make money from it. Ill also give you examples of thosealready making money from it and how they are doing it.But Before I start Talking on It, Let me Continue where I stopped.

    4.The next step to take when you finally arrived on the type of online businessthat will give you the kind of money you want and the one you think you caneasily handle is To Learn How It Works.

    Learning will never end, I believe Aliko Dangote still learn despite is the richestMan in Africa, why? Because there are some people ahead of him who already

    make wealth than his present wealth, we have the richest man in the world;remember he was once the richest man in Nigeria and Not in Africa, in fewperiods He skyrocketed with a New plan and move ahead of his competitor inAfrica. For you to achieve Your Goal in any Business, You Must first Learn andkeep learning From Those ahead of you, without this youre going No where.

    Jiddu Krishnamurti said and I quote There is no end to education. It is notthat you read a book, pass an examination, and finish with education. Thewhole process of life, from the moment youre born to the moment you die, isa process of learning

    How does this apply to online business? All You See everyday is Make MoneyThis Make Money That. Do You Know youre reading this book just because youwant to learn from it? Yes thats how it should be, you need to buy books, go totrainings, sign up for courses and learn from expert, the more you do this themore you are wiser in Knowledge.

    But I must also warn you not to run after the Get Rich quick experts or Selfclaimed Gurus, By Their words you shall know them.

    Once again learn From Those in Your area of interest.

    5. Another Thing Ill talk about is business plan,A Business with No Plan is a Business with No Vision

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    And where there is no vision youll recognize nothing even if you feel it, Youllnot see it. i.e. Youll not know who to offer your business service, who to sellyour product to and so on so fort.

    People complain I have no capital to venture into online business, Yes capital is

    very essential but business plan, financial intelligence are more important,How youll invest the capital, How youll run the online business, will it be parttime or full time? Do you want to make it an individual or joint business? theseIve mentioned and many others are the plans.

    6. Yes Capital is now important, though the fact still remains online businesswill demand little capital from you, online business is the easiest businessanyone can set up with little capital and make money from it. But note this Imnot talking of $5 investment I mean N750 naira, does that sounds so real? No.The capital starts from the money to take your time to learn from expert, ToBuy Your Tools, To Set Up Your Business, To Start Running Your Business, Till

    You start making profit. By This I cant tell You this is How Much You Need tostart. A normal small scale business in Nigeria will demand nothing less than1.5 million but in online business, N50,000 to N100,000 can start somethingthat will generate a good monthly Income.

    7. You Need a Website, Take it or forget about online business. I mentionedfew among the successful ones in this industry, all of them have their website,I have my websites. Your website can be a static website/content website alsoknown as Blog. The essence of putting on a website is that for you to makemoney online You must sell something; either physical product, software,online product such as ebook, video, etc. sell services such as advert space,

    Freelancing e.t.c.

    For you to be known by your clients or targeted audience you must have abusiness website, this is the avenue where Youll talk about what You do andPeople will know Youre really doing it.

    8. You need Huge Audience, Let me explain this. See the more people yourereceiving on your website the more money youll be making. That is why isimportant to know how to Drive people to your website, Im not Talking AboutJust Driving people, Im talking of massive trafficking of people.

    Now dont mix things together, the reason why I put audience is that, youreto pull in the right people to read your website, (those looking for a way toInvest in stock trading may not have the interest in football betting site).

    Let me open Your eyes again, Few months to Last utme examination, I wrotean ebook titled How To Pass Jamb at one sitting I setup a website for it, Ipriced it for N500 per download, my target were students, parents who want

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    their student to pass this exam, school owners. I spent money on advertisementon Education related websites, I wrote a lot of articles on Education Forums, Isubmitted a Lot of Guest articles on educational websites, and I shared it onfacebook groups, page, related to education. I paid for Google, facebook andaddynamo advert. After doing this I was able to have many people rushing to

    the website.

    I wont tell you the copies I sold, but I made 7 figure income.

    Can you get the point? Website+Huge traffic=Quick sales (Fast income)

    9. You need a List. What is a list? A List is your customer List. Yea as simple asthat. See all grown companies have their customer /client list.This is the reason why, when you want to order for goods from big companieslike dangote, cocacola youll have to fill some certain forms contain yourname, and contact information, ok let me take it down. Have you ever asked

    your self why receipt given to you when you buy anything is always in originaland duplicate copies? The reason isnt just to know what they sell or keepfinancial record, but to also have you on their customer list.Telecommunication industry, banking industry all have lists.

    The advantage of List, is to make future follow up, send update about yourlatest product or services, Remember most people that will visit your site willnot take the offer instantly, doing this will give you the advantage to sendthem reminder notes about the offer.Thats why it is normally said in Internet Marketing That No List No MoneyThe more you grow your list the more you have more people to buy your

    product and services.

    10. Finally, Email Marking and Social Network Marketing, As it sounds this isnot about selling email, This is just the idea of sending follow up via email toyour clients, sometime it might just be greeting, latest articles on yourwebsite, your New product and so on.

    If Big companies like Amazon are doing it, Then you must do mail Marketing. Ifnot You will loose your customer, Your Clients to others in same online businessniche.

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    Part Two

    Online Businesses and How to

    Make Money from ThemWelcome to Part 2 of This Book, Youve just read how to start your own onlinebusiness. But Frankly speaking I dont expect You to Start all the businesses Iwill be mentioning right Now at a time, If You Try To Do so, Youre Just wastingYour Time.

    We discussed in part one type of online businesses any Nigerian Can do to makelegal money, I will also repeat the list here and take it one after the other.

    o Bloggingo Information Marketingo Affiliate Marketingo Membership site Marketingo Mini Importation Businesso Website Hostingo Freelancing/Article Marketingo Website Designo Social Network Marketing/Online Advertising companyo Web Programming

    o Bulk Sms Businesso Pay Per Clicko Software Management and programming

    BloggingBlog is an essential tool for all internet marketers apart from those makingmoney from it. Blogging is the act of writing fresh articles on a weblog alsoknows as Blog for people to read, comment and share with themselves.We have different types of Blogs

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    But can not say specifically, Id say Blogs are categorized in such a way theircontents are writing, the type of niche it discusses (e.g. Business Blog, HealthBlog, Entertainment Blog, News and Magazine Blogs)

    If You Take note very well, I talked about types, Yes thats how it works, YouDont blog about everything. All You Blog About is your online business Niche.For Example If Im a web programmer and I have a website where I sell theservice, I can use my blog to attract visitor to order the service I offer.

    A good example of Nigeria blog is owned by JideOgunsanya, This guy talks about latest internet tips, technology tips in general,you will not find him talking about health, entertainment gist. But the case isdifferent in that of the owner is Linda ikeji, thiswebsite is very popular due to her social and entertainment gist updates.

    How do they make money from their blogs, remember blog is also a website.Like ogbonge, use it to sell his services such as Advert banner design, Advertspace for advertiser, also sells ebook and place pay per click. A good exampleof pay per click is addynamo ppc, google ppc.

    Same thing Applicable to Linda ikeji, Linda charges nothing less than N30,000to place advert on her blog . The girl is rich. If she can make money fromblogging you too can.

    Or Tell me how much will sugar daddy pay you to buy below exotic rides?

    Thats Linda posing with her too exotic cars, money got from same bloggingIve been talking about.

    A quick Mathematics on how it works.

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    Let assume from pay per click she earns $1000From advert, let say N250,000Total= N400,000 per month. Just as an example she earns more than that. Foryou to also earn such money, remember what I told you in part 1. You needthose requirements all. Dont rush; If You Rush Youll fall

    How to Set Up A blog

    You Can Host a blog for free just like Linda is doing at www.blogger.comregister and create your new blog, you will get a domain extension but its more adviceable not to use free bloggingplatform any more, because using it, doesnt guaranty peoples attention,people will not take you serious. But with little fees of less than $100 orN15,000 you can set up a profitable blog, like

    Something without, by this people will take you as an expert, andready to do what ever you ask them to do.

    Setting up a custom domain blog is not difficult, Just get Your domainregistered, for example is the domain, host thewebsite, install a wordpress on your website. Design to suit your blogging style,and then start blogging. I may not mention it all, how to host, register or installbecause of my time, but I have books on it in my store, titled Blogging cashsecret You can get a copy

    Average investment per start up=> N30,000 if you have laptop and internet

    connection ready. How long it takes is 6 months upward, depends on howcreative youre writing articles and driving traffic to your website.

    Dont forget the more visitors the more money, why, you get more clicks,people will be happy to pay for advert space, youll sell more of your product.

    Dont forget to ask for a copy of my book titled Blogging cash secret

    Inside the book, Youll learn how to design both free and paid blogs How to make money from it after few period , 6 month minimum How to be a blogging star like Linda Ikeji

    How To Turn Your Blog To Your Cash Pulling Machine and so on

    Information Marketing

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    Information Marketing, how does it sound? Is it just marketing any Information?How is information marketed?

    Quick reply, Information Marketing business in internet Business world

    Info-marketers gather information and sell it in convenient forms to people whoneed it. The topics include everything imaginable from better sex, to

    relationships, to farming, to investing in real estate, to fish farming, to weight loss

    and healthy living, to okada riding, to public speaking, to seminar organizing, to

    study abroad tips, to running businesses. ANYTHING.

    Information Marketing is fuelled by the ever-increasing pressure on peoples'

    time. Business people and consumers alike need information provided to them in

    convenient forms. The Information Industry encompasses products like traditional

    books, audio programs, videos or DVD's that you might buy in a shop, book store or

    online. They could be e-books, membership websites training courses, seminars,conferences and combinations of all these. Much of this business is conducted by

    lone small, quiet operators, many with home-based businesses, most with zero to

    no more than a few employees, most working only part-time hours and most

    netting 6-figure profits.

    I want to Tell You That Information Marketing still remain the most profitable

    internet marketing business, and the easiest to start Internet marketing Business

    . With A capital of N30,000. one can Make a minimum of N100,000 per month,

    Let me open your eyes, I told you in this book in part 1 that I wrote an ebook on

    How any Aspiring Jamb candidate could pass jamb in one sitting, I knew the

    market was hot, I sold it to over 200+ . Information is a business you can use to

    raise quick cash for other internet business; information business should be the

    best business for new comer to start with.

    Information rules the world, If You can provide the information that solve peoples

    problem, and Then You Could be the next information Marketing Guru.

    e.g. How to last Longer on bed, This might read a meaning in your mind, but

    secret info marketers make million from that only.

    e.g How to reduce your pot belly

    e.g. How To Study Abroad Free

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    e.g. How To do this How to do That, why? Because people will never stop looking

    for how to do something and youll be the one providing the solution.

    Let me tell you I can sell a single book for N10,000, it all depends how hot the


    # How Can You Now Make at Least N150,000 from this business every


    1. You Must Search For Hot Information

    2. You Must search If people are in Need of the information

    A good place to do that, start from your environment, your domain, what is it hot

    in town, would people love to watch football than to listen To News? Would people

    rather prefer to school Abroad than To Pass Jamb In One Sitting?

    I Think Youre getting it. If You sell what people are not looking for, no

    one will buy from you.

    3. Decide on Information Product that will sell fast. Ebook can be the

    best in some products, but sometime cds can be the best. Seminar,

    workshop is there.

    4. create Your Info Product, set Up The website, (Squeeze page to

    capture subscriber, remember when I told you in part 1 about email

    marketing, Thats the essence of Squeeze page, Followed by yoursales page,)

    I will explain better in my future email, books, that shows how to make

    money from this business. Just make sure you check and read my mails


    Assuming You want to make N150,000 from N1000 product in 30 days,

    then 150 people must buy from you, is not that easy, thats why you

    need to learn the techniques.

    I have many ways to raise my targeted monthly income

    For example every 2 month I host intensive training on my biz niche for

    few Nigerians.

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    1. Billing each 7,500*30= 225,000 can you see thats N225,000.

    Why do I sell? I sell because Im an expert in that niche, I know it all

    from A-Z, and I believe some Nigerians also want to know about it.

    There are nothing bad billing people to pay before they can tap my

    knowledge, remember Information is power.

    1. You Need Information

    2. You Need To Decide How You will sell

    3. You Need website

    4. You Need To perform email Marketing(List Building)

    The More Your List Grow the More You Make Money.

    End Of Series oneI will continue in series twoDont forget to read your mail regularlyAs I will start sending you regular updates

    Im Your Business CoachAfolabi Segun