Major Test Wordlist E,F,G(Bangla meaning+mnemonic+example)

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  • 8/12/2019 Major Test Wordlist E,F,G(Bangla meaning+mnemonic+example)


    1 By Saifur Rahman

    Major Test 1500 Wordlist (E, F, G)

    1. Enfranchise ----------give voting rights----------- , , --------- if you are franchise of a company u have right to VOTE for its

    policies. freedom to vote being a franchise-------- Slaves were enfranchised in the mid-19th century

    2. Engender -------to produce, cause------ , -------- when two gender'smale & female end up together... They produce or give rise to a CHILD -------------- Who knew it would engender such discussion.

    3. Enhance --------improve; make better or clearer------- , 4. Enigma -------puzzle; mystery------ , -------Enigma...EGG? REMEMBER EGGAn

    example of an enigma is the question.---Which came first, the chicken or the egg?------The world is an enormous enigma that science is solving gradually.

    5. Ensconce ---------establish firmly in a position------ ---------- a child getshis ice cream CONe which makes him settle down comfortably.--------- He ensconced himself in the chair

    6. Enshroud --------cover------ ------- enshroud-in shaul imagine that a girlis wearing shaul covering her head-------- This cant be enshrouded in secrecy as she takes on the job

    7. Enunciation ---------clear pronunciation; accent; articulation------- , , ----- rhymes with pronunciation which means clear accent

    -------- Every word counts with them and there is nothing slipshod in the enunciation8. Envenom -------------to cause bitterness and bad feeling------ ------ Venom is

    poison so envenom means fulfill with poison----- The importance they attached to it was irritating it rather envenomed my dissent.

    9. Ephemeral -----------short-lived------ ---- sounds like e-funeral. Electric funeral isSHORT------ It's an ephemeral concept, and it proves nothing.

    10. Epicure -------someone who appreciates good food and drink----- - --- who can write an EPIC on CURRY has to be a CONNOISSEUR OF FOOD.

    ------- He was, in every sense of the word, a literary epicure11. Epistle ---------a letter (form of communication)-------- -------- epsilon is a letter in the

    Greek alphabet. so u can relate epistle with a letter.------ The entire proceedings are disclosed in this epistle

    12. Epistolary ------concerned with letters; through correspondence------ - ---- If youget robbed of all but one dollar, you may well write on A PISSED DOLLAR in the form of a

  • 8/12/2019 Major Test Wordlist E,F,G(Bangla meaning+mnemonic+example)


    2 By Saifur Rahman

    letter to the police-----The epistolary novel has a distinguished ancestry and is a notoriously difficult form.

    13. Epitomized ------typified; characterized; personified----- ------- He epitomizedthe highest principles of integrity, ethical and moral standards.

    ------- He epitomized the highest principles of integrity, ethical and moral standards.14. Equivocate -------speak ambiguously; avoid telling the truth------ ------

    equi(equal) vocal(sound)... if we make similar sounds then it would beambiguous(unclear) to distinguish!!------ He did not know how to equivocate or dissemble.

    15. Err---------make a mistake------ ------ err... ERROR. to make an error is to err------- To err is human; to persevere in error is the act of a fool.

    16. Erratic ---wandering; irregular--- , ----F ocus on ERR + atic part of it, anderr is nothing but ERROR, and errors always look ODD, AND ARE unpredictable in nature

    ------ My work schedule is erratic so I'm on at different times depending on the day17. Esoteric -------obscure and difficult to understand----- ------- HISTORIC things are known

    to few people-------- The more esoteric the bug, the harder it is to find and correct.

    18. Espouse ------promote; take up; support---- , ---pick the wordspouse like the wife is the spouse of her husband and is always supportive of him.-------- Hollywood films espouse a belief in goodness and redemption.

    19. Etymology -------the study of word origins------ ------ Its etymology is not given in the American dictionaries.

    20. Eulogy -------praise------- ---- eulogy = eu-'good' + log 'root: logue [dialogue, talk,speech]' => Good speech------- No doubt we will share a similar eulogy a thousand years from now.

    21. Euphemism ----a polite phrase to cover something unpleasant---- --- Assuming: females are milder than males as they are more

    emotionally inclined. It reads like E(xpress) U(yourself) Phemism(like feminism).------- It sounds to me like it could be a euphemism for damaged

    22. Euphony -------pleasant sounds------ ------- Sounds like SYMPHONY. Music is sweetsounding.------- Some sort of contraction, therefore, is demanded for the sake of euphony.

    23. Evacuate ------ vacate; empty; abandon------ ----- Pack a bag with important items in case you need to evacuate

    24. Exacerbate ------ make worse------ ----- Latin ex+acerb+ate; Latin acerb-means bitter, harsh; So exacerbate means to make bitter, to worsen.

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    3 By Saifur Rahman

    --------- Many of us exacerbate the problem by treating our e-mail addresses as publicinformation.

    25. Exasperated --------frustrated; annoyed------- ----- exasperate(excess +parade)=hence u r ill and if u r asked to parade excess u will annoy and become angry as

    it may worsen your health condition------- Both looked exhausted, dehydrated, exasperated

    26. Exceptionable ---------very bad (something which we should object to) ----- -----He is not exceptional but exceptionable hence he is open to objections or he is a personto which objection may be taken------- The custom is exceptionable on every principle, both of morals and physiology.

    27. Exculpate ----free someone from blame; pardon; acquit---- ---exculpate sounds like ex-culprit = culprit...but now he has been cleared of the charges--------- Cameras exculpate people just as well as they incriminate them

    28. Execrable -------very, very bad ------- , ----Execrable = exe + cr + able; this*.exe file is a 'crappy' virus and is 'able' to badly harm your computer.-------He speaks execrable verse to her to prove his sincerity.

    29. Exegesis --------scholarly explanation or interpretation-------( ) -----Exegesis- EXEcuted, JESUS please explain how Jesus was executed.------- No scholarly book is complete without academic exegesis

    30. Exemplary -------outstandingly good; setting a fine example----- , -----think of that word as example and an example is an outstanding and a worthy to beimitated kind of fact------- The prime minister leads a life of exemplary simplicity.

    31. Exemplify --------to serve as a good example------- ------ amplify with example

    -------- He has come to exemplify the coherence of a fierce, prophetic vision.32. Exhaustive ------complete and thorough------ ----- im exhausted of this exhaustive

    debate.-------- Take a look at the festival website to see the exhaustive list of free attractions.

    33. Exonerates ------acquits; absolves; removes blame-------( ) ------- Ex- honourate get back your honour by getting yourself free from the charges.----She noted that her defense for the act was not enough to exonerate her of the crime.

    34. Exorcism --------getting free/rid of; eliminating (especially demons)------ ------ Exercise removes bad things (fat) from your body, and exorcise removes bad /evil spiritsfrom your mind-------- Exorcism has been a popular subject in fiction, especially horror.

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    4 By Saifur Rahman

    35. Expatriate ------refugee; emigrant; someone living away from his own country----- ----- read EXPATRIATE as EX-PATRIOT, now no more a patriot, as the person

    withdrew from his native land and settled somewhere else.--------- Some expatriate laborers have a different view of the ports dispute.

    36. Expedient ------convenient; practical------ ----- expedient : expert +obedient ,,, they are the most "suitable" person------ The timing does seem mighty expedient

    37. Expedite --------make faster------ ------ EX(exceed)+PED(read it asspeed)+ITE......hence to speed up means to expedite !!!!!------- To expedite departures, they may direct you to a different runway than planned.

    38. Exposition ------clear explanation------ , ----- the exhibition was conductedinorder to EXPLAIN various facts------- They planned to attend a trade exposition before heading to Beijing.

    39. Extol -------praise------ ----- Extol = Ex + Tol. My EX-Girlfriend always praisedthe 'Tall' guys highly in front of me. And so our relationship ended!------ We extol ancient things, regardless of our own times.

    40. Extradite ------deport from one country back to the home country----- ----- dite isthe root word for GIVE. so giving the extra criminals to their own country------- Many countries will not extradite their own citizens.

    41. Extraneous -------irrelevant------ -------- Think of news channels....EXTRA+NEWS...Inorder to get TRP, news channels show irrelevant or unrelated things hence the news aremost of the times EXTRANEOUS-------- If you remove what's extraneous , it all makes sense.

    42. Extrapolate -------extend; predict on the basis of known data------ ---- from theEXTRA info that u have, u guess what might happen LATEly or in future-------- It's harder to extrapolate with little or no data.

    43. Extrinsic ---irrelevant; on the outside--- , --Extrinsic is opposite of Intrinsic-------This is an intrinsic motivation issue that can't be addressed by extrinsic motivators.

    44. Ebullient -------very lively; cheerful; jovial; happy-------- ---- "bull" is always readyto hit it is high-spirited & exited

    -------They were ebullient yesterday because customer orders totaled $12 billion.45. Eccentric --------unusual; quirky; odd------ , ---- ec(x)-centric(normal): going

    away from the center that is departing from the norms--------- Perhaps most eccentric of all, a professor in our math department taught hisdog the essentials of calculus.

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    5 By Saifur Rahman

    46. Eclectic -------taking things from different sources-------- , ------ eclectic or elect means, chosing the best from many sources which is

    the meaning of the word eclectic------- The offerings are so much more eclectic and interesting.

    47. Edifice -------building; structure; construction------ ------- edifice sounds likeHEAD+OFFICE means (big size building)------- The entire edifice of our social and political system is starting to crumble.

    48. Efface -------wipe out; remove all trace of------- -------Closely related to "erase"..torub out or we can think in another way also, we wash our face to remove the dust fromthe surface of the skin(ef+face)...------Let this fact efface the salty impression left by the last sentence, above.

    49. Effigy--------a model of a person------- ------- effigy = ef (effective) + fig (figure)-------- The highlight will occur at dusk with the destruction of the effigy .

    50. Effusive ------gushing; demonstrative------ ------- effusive when spoken havesimilarity with Diffusive->Diffuse that means something going out/ gushing out ------ The style is sentimental and effusive , but it is also winning.

    51. Egalitarianism ----belief in equality----- ----Same Meaning as equalitarianism--------- Trying to enforce egalitarianism for information is ridiculous and futile.

    52. Egregious ----------outstandingly, obviously bad----- ------ egregious is similar toaggressive. Aggressive people are very bad in manner. this may help you people------ Perhaps the most egregious thing they do is to use nonstandard grammar.

    53. Egress ---------exit------ ------ gress- to go________ digress-to stray______ egress-to go out________ ingress- to go in regress is to return to a former state-------- The flight crew is responsible for the safe egress of the passengers.

    54. Eloquent --------fluent and persuasive in speech----- -------- E+LOG+FLUENThain..these people are fluent--------- There are games to make you smarter, fitter, and more eloquent .

    55. Elucidate -------make clear----- ----- think of lucid, which means clear.------ The pathway could also elucidate how language evolved

    56. Elusive ---------hard to pin down----- ------- illusive things are always difficultto understand--------- At boarding school, a boy falls in love with an elusive girl.

    57. Emaciated -------very thin; withered------ - , ----- EMMA WATSON :::THINGIRL--------Those young emaciated boys need a good meal and a haircut.

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  • 8/12/2019 Major Test Wordlist E,F,G(Bangla meaning+mnemonic+example)


    7 By Saifur Rahman

    70. Effrontery --------- daring; audacity (has a negative connotation)----- , ---for every discussion he comes to the FRONT and a rude manner.----- The lawyer's natural effrontery did not desert him.

    71. Extirpate ------wipe out totally---- ----Extirpate~~~Exterminate or Extract

    -------Our religion is made to extirpate vices; it covers them, fosters them, incites them.72. Epistemology ---------theory of knowledge

    ------- The epistemology of science is based on falsification, not proof. 73. Extemporize ---------- speak without preparation or rehearsal[extemporaneous (a)]----

    ----- extra + tempo(speed of music) +rise:why there is extra tempo,becausethis is performed without any preparation------ If you extemporize you can get much closer to your audience.

    74. Engendering ------causing; bringing into being [engender (v)] ----- , -------when two gender's male & female end up together .. they produce or give rise to a

    CHILD--------- The result was the engendering of diseases both violent and diverse.

    75. Erudition ---------learning; scholarly knowledge [erudite (a)]------- , ------Erudition sounds like education ..... someone who is well educated or has an extensivebookish knowledge is a scholar, an erudite------- Despite these shortcomings, Bryson's erudition is evident and refreshing.

    76. Evanescent ---------short-lived [evanescence (n)]----- ------ e-vanescent.. vanescentsounds like vanishing.. henceshort -lived------- The evanescent modes decay rapidly and therefore do not propagate

    77. Empirical --------found by experiment or practice----- -------Empire...maintaining an empire requires much practical experiences and workouts....------ The empirical evidence that global warming does exist is blinding.

    78. Exacerbated ---------made worse [exacerbate (v); exacerbation (n)]----- ------ Latin ex+acerb+ate; Latin acerb- means bitter, harsh; So exacerbate means to

    make bittter, to worsen.------- Both sides said the issue was exacerbated by social media.

    79. Exact (v) ----------to demand; extort----- ----- I want theEXACT amount! nothing more nothing less! very demanding-------- Im pretty sure those were my exact words as well.

    80. Emollient --------- softening (a); something which softens (n) ------ , ----- divide it as e + moll(..mole which is a black spot)+ ient. If we find a black spot on

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    our skin, we quickly start searching for a SOOTHING REMEDY to remove it.------- It works as an emollient and has germicidal properties.

    81. Epigram ---------- short, witty saying------ ------- telegram-->simplenote....epigram--->witty note

    ------ The difficulty, however, could not be solved by an epigram .82. Expiate -------- atone; make amends for------ ----- Rhymes as Ex Pirate. An ex-

    pirate always tries to expiate his guilt.Ex pirate becomes pious.------ He had only to live and expiate in solitude the crimes which he had committed.

    83. Enervate ------- weaken------ ------- Enervate: ener(ENERGY) + vate(evaporate) Urenergy is evaportaed, so u feel weak------ But there was something oddly enervating about the programme.

    84. Equivocal ------- ambiguous; open to interpretation [equivocate (v), equivocation (n)]----- ------- equally vocal about both the ideas which are contradictory

    ------- There is nothing equivocal about her belief.85. Exigency ---urgent matter; pressing need-- ---exigency ~ exit + emergency;

    you remember the emergency exit, only when at the time of an urgent situation--------- This is a national exigency they cannot turn a blind eye to anymore.

    86. Expostulate -------- offer strong objections; remonstrate ----- ----- expostulate also means make a protest...EXPOSEtulate......when you expose your bodytoo much, most of the people will oppose you !!!------ In the present circumstances he felt inclined to expostulate vehemently.

    87. Eddy -------- circular current ------- - ---- if you can remember the term "Eddycurrent", where the current flows------ The boat was caught in a powerful eddy.

    88. Epaulet -------- shoulder decoration------ ------ relatepaulet to pilot...epaulets are there on pilot's uniform------ General officers wear one inch stars centered on the epaulet .

    89. Expatiate -------- speak or write at great length------ ----expatiate - ex + pati (husband in hindi) + ate - your ex husband ate your brain talkingsome nonsense tried to convince you to remarry him, means he talked at length.

    -------I wish I had time and space to expatiate further on this wonderful event90. Elaborate --------- 1. Complex and detailed (a); 2. to expand on (v)------- --- e-

    laborate(laboratory)in laboratory we work with CARE------- If that is not your intended meaning, then please elaborate.

    91. Elegy --------- poem concerned with death; praise of a dead person------- , ---- E(a)-LEGY(legendry) if a legendry person dies......people

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    sing a mournful poem or people lament or regret for his death----- It's an elegy to the loss of individuality.

    92. Enlist ------- 1. sign up for the army; 2. Obtain ----- ,

    ----- We can also enlist others to help us in this process.93. Errant -------- 1. Wandering; 2. Wrong; 3. Straying from accepted standards------- ,

    , ------ errant=err(error)+ ant = If there is a error in ant plan they werewandering everywhere----- Such an errant officer will be liable to imprisonment up to five years.

    94. Exemplar ----- model type [exemplary (a)]----- , ------ it sonds like anexample...model----To many of us, he was a great companion, an exemplar of great wit and a great guy.

    95. Emboss ----------- decorate with a raised design------- --- e(mbo)ss:you try toattach an MBA tag beside ur name to raise it to ur relief!!------ The light grade, however, is recommended as easier to emboss by slate and stylus.

    96. Eschew ------- shun; avoid----- ----- es+CHEW... CHEWING aCHEWINGGUM IS A BAD HABIT while working in an office, so you must avoid this HABIT.----- Most diners would be wise to eschew appetizers, as entree portions are enormous.

    97. Efficacy --------- effectiveness------ ----- effic(EFFICIENT)+AC(Y) just checkout if your AC has the efficiency to PRODUCE DESIRED cooling .----- I've never used it, so I can't comment on its efficacy.

    98. Epithet -----phrase used as a label or to express the essential nature of------ , ---- Concentrate on the latter part of the word, epiTHET (Threat): If someonethreatens you, he's going to use abusive words.------- She earned this epithet fairly and early.

    99. Endow -------- give gift; provide with money etc.100. Esoterica --------- obscure details------ ,

    ------- Most of the bill deals with financial esoterica that would be difficult foraverage voters to understand.

    1. Enigmatic -------- puzzling [enigma (n) ] ------ , ----- sounds likearithmetic--difficult to understand n mysterious as 'x' is always unknown------ The reasons that we sleep are gradually becoming less enigmatic .

    2. Extant ----still in existence (opposite of extinct) ------ ------- Opposite ofextinct is extant-------- The fact remains that there is only 1 copy extant

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    10 By Saifur Rahman

    -----------------------------********** E *********** ------------------------- 3. Fallacious ---------false------ , ---- fallacious.split it like fallac+ious...if you just

    concentrate on look like FALSE, THINK that SOMETHING is based on a

    FALSE OR incorrect notion.....------ The entire debate over the Second Amendment seems fallacious.

    4. Falter ----------hesitate; waver------ ---- failing to utter due to hesitation.----He can be quick to dismiss those who falter as incompetent or lacking in motivation.

    5. Fanatical --------obsessive; fixated------- , ------- fanatical ~ fanatic ~ fan ~ holligan = acting excessively enthusiastic

    ------But what few people knew about was his fanatical dedication.6. Fanaticism --------passion; excessive devotion----- ------ it sounds like

    fantastic. You say fantastic with lot of zeal------ No one is as surprised as me by the fanaticism surrounding this computer.

    7. Fastidious --------overly particular; finicky------ , ---- just like... If your boss is a demanding person he may not leave to you time to eat. Fasting istedious. So your boss is fastidious.------- He, who had always been so fastidious in dress, no longer seemed to care.

    8. Fatuous ----------silly; foolish----- , ----- resembles FAT ASS an ass isconsidered foolish------You are an abominable man, fatuous, cruel, insensible, cowardly!

    9. Feasible ----------possible and practicable------


    ------ For this to be feasible, the steam must be used as efficiently as possible.10. Fecund ------------fertile----- , ---- fecund.... fetus.....a fetus is produced only

    if parents are fertile------Yet no matter how fecund nature is, humans are more so.

    11. Felicitous -----apt, marked by good fortune, exhibiting an agreeably appropriate manneror style --- , -------felicitous sounds like felicitation... in felicitation theperson is praised with SUITABLE, APT , WELL CHOSEN remarks..------ But the current talks on unity have hardly been felicitous.

    12. Fervor ------passion; enthusiasm----- , ----- Fervor - relate it to examfever. U becomes so much ardent and enthusiastic to study for that one night to getgood marks U have an intense feeling to study.. Hope this helps-------- Another breakfast product that adults are eating with fervor

    13. Fickle ----------unpredictable; whimsical; easily swayed------- , ----- imagine you are in a grocery shop. you need to select a PICKLE bottle . there are so

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    many varieties of pickle there so ur FICKLE (changing mind) about which one to buy----- It's hard to say which it will be because the weather is so fickle, he said.

    14. Finesse -------skill----- , ---- fine-ness...------ Baseball was a different game then, built more on speed and finesse than power.

    15. Fitful ----------not continuous; stopping and starting----- ----- I am fat and sotrousers occasionally fit me fully. So its like sometimes yes and sometimes no. ----- In poor and rural areas, the roads are rough, the electricity supply fitful

    16. Flagrant -------clearly wrong---- , ------ flag + rent --renting the national flag!(No offense meant) It is shocking & scandalous.-------Not every flagrant foul has been vehemently opposed

    17. Flamboyant --------showy; ornate------ , ---- flame + boy; imagine aboy wearing a T-shirt with pictures of flame on it. Will it not be flamboyant?--Your work was scholarly and extensive, and my flamboyant criticism was undeserved.

    18. Flaunt -----------show off; display in a showy manner------ , ---- flaunt="flatter"+"aunt" ,, aunty flattered uncle by displaying herself ostentatiously------ If greed is something you have to hide rather than flaunt , it loses much of its socialvalue.

    19. Flippant ---------making jokes about serious matters, showing inappropriate levity ----- ----- flippant - person who flips a coin and decides is not serious...

    ----- The mayors flippant comment has outraged homeless advocates 20. Flout ----------defy; reject------- , ------ FLOUT... FOUL + OUT.

    When a player is sent out by foul, the player shows his contempt to the referee.------ She soon found a doctor who was willing to flout the law and take on her case.

    21. Flustered ---------worked-up; not calm----- , --------- If the interviewer seems to ignore you, do not get flustered

    22. Fly-by-night --------unreliable; disreputable------ We're not talking about some fly-by-night operation either.

    23. Forensic ---------concerned with argument or debate (esp. for legal evidence)------ ---- think about forensic report used in court

    ---------- It could even be used by forensic detectives. 24. Fortitude ---------bravery-------- , ------ fortitude..the soldier killed

    forty dudes in battle, so he was very brave-------- His message is one of fortitude, resilience and inspiration

    25. Fortuitous --------happening by chance---- - ---- equivalent to fortune.............fortune isn't destined to occur it is accidental-------- It was very fortuitous for both of us, and it worked out very well.

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    26. Fractious ----------irritable; difficult to control------- , ------- f + RACTIOUS ->RACTIOUS sounds like RAKSHAS(like Raavan) -> RAKSHAS' are easily irritated------- The political culture remains fractious and often violent.

    27. Fraudulent --------fake; false------- , ------ fraud ( fraudulen).. one who is

    fraud... deceptive, one who cheats-------- Most refute the texts and offer ample evidence of their fraudulent nature.

    28. Frivolous ----------not serious------- , , ------ Fri+vol+ous = Free+Will ->one who acts with his own will, carefree, not serious.------ He may be wrong, but it is not a frivolous observation.

    29. Frugal ----------economical; not wasting anything----- , ----- sounds likefru(threw) gal(girls)=>if no girl friends . No wastage of money------- We are both frugal so there have not been any arguments about money.

    30. Furrow -----------groove----- , --- sounds like BURROW--------All these are embedded in his every furrow and gesture.

    31. Furtive ------hidden and secret------ , ----- One who is FARTive has toexpel farts stealthily.--------While the relationship was private, it can hardly be called furtive or clandestine.

    32. Futile ------useless; hopeless----- , ---- futile is not fertile hence notfruitful------Those efforts proved futile, and he let his hair grow.

    33. Feckless ---------feeble; helpless; lacking in initiative------- , ------ feckless:-

    sounds like fuckless people who fuck less are not effective i.e ineffective.------- Too often such work degenerates into a feckless exercise.

    34. Feint ----------pretended attack; a move intended to deceive----- , ------ Relate it to the word feign which means to deceive

    ------- We made a feint at trying this, but it was impossible.35. Foppish ----behaving or dressing like a dandy; excessively concerned with fashion ------

    --fop-ish = pop (fop) - ish ; those boys who are in pop music are over dressed!they have a very bad sense of dressing but they think that they are looking cool----- He felt that his foppish clothes were conspicuous.

    36. Froward ------stubborn; wayward; disobedient------ , , ---- Somebody who frowns when you have a word with him, One who is disobedient andstubborn. Frow(n) + W(a)rd = FROWARD------- Who is this froward youth, with his loud and boisterous voice?

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    37. Fawn ----------behave in a sycophantic way; grovel [fawning (a)] ------- , - ---- a FAN tries to gain favor by flattery

    -------- If you observe a fawn by itself, it has probably not been abandoned.38. Foible ----------quirk; minor weakness----- ---- Fail to be able... so you have a

    weakness or slight fault at something--Her decision seems to have been tolerated as a personal foible and a matter for gossip

    39. Foreshadowed -------indicated a future event [foreshadow (v)] ----- --- A'shadow' of an assassin alerts you 'before' his arrival.------- These events foreshadowed the modern civil rights movement.

    40. Faddish --------whimsical; following a fashion------ ------ f+ add+ish = f(follow)add = advertisements => fashion------- Technology is not simply a collection of faddish products that are fun to use.

    41. Fusillade ------long burst of gunfire----- - --- 'Fusion' bomb, a kind ofnuclear bomb. So 'fusillade' is discharge of bombs----- He was discovered and wounded in the fusillade that began as soon as he was seen.

    42. Faade -------1. Front elevation of building, 2. false appearance or demeanor ------ , -- facade = fake + id---facade = "face" means "front" , of a building

    ------- Recruiters are smart people, they will see through your facade.43. Fallible -----capable of making mistakes [fallibility (n)] ----- -------

    fall+iblle....think of a person who can FALL FOR anything, hence makes mistakes.------- Predictions of the dates of future achievements are notoriously fallible.

    44. Facetious ------not intended to be taken seriously------ ------ someone who makes funny faces Facetious>>>Face is not Serious-------- It's a facetious point, but it's also a serious one

    45. Filibuster --------delaying tactics------ -----something that is filled to burst the final outcome (which delays the outcome)-------One party is using the filibuster much more than the other.

    46. Forage --------search for food-------- - ---- it take as for+age(alive)=food(whichis most important)so for the further aliving searching of food is necessary------- Of course you cannot question my right to forage on the country.

    47. Fervid --------passionate----- , ----- Fervid = Fer ( again) + V + Id; Again Wehave to show id that why we have become hot in angry.------ The students argue these and other points with fervid intensity.

    48. Fledge -------1. Grow feathers; 2. Leave nest [fledgling (n) = an inexperienced person or ababy bird] ------ , ------ fledge sounds like fly + urge. When

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    feathers grow baby birds have an urge to fly or to leave nest.--------- Both parents care for the nestlings, which fledge in three to four weeks.

    49. Fallacy --------wrong idea [fallacious (a)]------- , ------- first threeletters of d word fallacy n first 3 letters of false i.e. "fal" r fallacy indicates

    something false....------ He claims he did not commit the etymological fallacy

    50. Fringe -----1. Decorative border with tassels (n); 2. to form an edge (v)------ , ------ Fringe benefits are nearly the polar opposite of sucking

    51. Flag (v) -------1. To lose energy; 2. to signal------- , , ----- white flag is used to indicate surrender as in a war, a white flag is used to indicateacceptance of defeat. Thus low in vigor, grow feeble------- It is a big red flag if the advisor does not send a letter.

    52. Flail-------1. Tool used to thresh grain; 2. To thresh (separate grain from chaff); 3. Towave arms about wildly------ , ----- flailrhymes with fail....if a child fails in his exams, he is beaten hardly by his parents.-------- Sometimes it didn't matter: he'd flail at me anyway.

    53. Foment ---------1. Stir up; 2. bathe with hot liquids (medical)----- , ---- Foam starts to appear once you profusely foment (stir up) a soapy hot water

    bucket( 2nd meaning ).-------- Many books have recently appeared on terrorism that serves to foment anxiety.

    54. Fallow ------- uncultivated------ ------- after plowing farmer fallow

    (fall-low) of money so, he left it without seeding (uncultivated)------- Management could put the project on hold and let its field lie fallow .

    55. Forbearing -------- tolerant [ forbear (v); forbearance (n) ] ------ ----- forbearing:bearing pain for long time without resisting. Forbear: take pain in REFRAINING--------- How dare you blame him, my patient, wise, forbearing father!

    56. Fabricated ------- made up; false; manufactured [fabricate (v); fabrication (n) ] -----

    , ---i ATE u believe...i suppose no!!!------ These can be fabricated locally with local technicians.

    57. Fulminate --------- 1. Attack loudly in words; denounce thunderously; 2. Explode noisily------ , ---- fulminate sounds like full + illuminate during anexplosion or lightning, everything is illuminated completely.------- Politicians fulminate about double standards and anti-Semitism.

    58. Fervent --------passionate------ , , ------ fervent/fervid both can beremembered by February -specifically Feb14 when youngsters are quite emotional

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    regarding V-Day.------The visitors themselves aren't really visitors but devotees, meditative and fervent.

    59. Figurehead ------symbol of power; nominal leader------ ----- FIGUREHEAD= FIGURATIVE (imaginative) + HEAD:-imaginative head, not real

    or actual ----- The director becomes an ineffective figurehead without real authority.

    60. Fracas -------fight; disturbance------ , ----- Fracas-(fraud + cause),a fraud will generally cause a quarrel or brawl.------The fracas began, the police said, when someone threw a bottle or a brick at a car.

    61. Frieze ----------decorative border---------- sounds like prize which are kept as decorationsin the drawing room------- Restore original finials, repair decorative exterior frieze work, and repair masonry.

    62. Falters --------- hesitates-------- ---- failing to utter due to hesitation.------ It falters a little and then rises, hanging briefly in the air.

    63. Ferrous ------- concerned with iron or its compounds----- ------- Ferrous iron is better absorbed and is the preferred form of iron tablets.

    64. Foolhardy ------- reckless [ foolhardiness (n) ] ------ ------- A fool and hardy sailorwould take the risk of sailing in a bad weather.---------- He acknowledged that the journey ahead might seem foolhardy.-----------------------------********** F *********** -------------------------

    65. Gist ------------essence; main point------ , ---- gistSounds very similar

    to list.....SO your lecturer is asking you to LIST OUT THE MAIN POINTS of the paragraph.-------- The gist of the article is true, but it is not the complete picture.

    66. Gerontocracy ------government by the aged------- y etymology gerontos means oldpeople and cracy mens govt.(eg. democracy,autocracy etc.) ....therefore gerontocracy isthe govt. formed by old people.-------- But a world of portable minds will be more turbulent than a simple gerontocracy.

    67. Gouge -----------cut or dig out, stealing by overcharging ------- ---------It's letting companies gouge customers who don't have many other alternativesfor service.

    68. Gall ----------1. Bitterness (bad feeling); 2. Confidence; 3. Abnormal growth on a plant---- ----A slap on his 'Gall'(cheek) completely exasperated him.--------- I've deemed my life more valuable than that blowing bag, but it does gall me

    69. Gavel -------- judges hammer ------ ------Rhymes with gravel (small stone) :To break gravel, you need a gavel(hammer)--------The experiment banged the gavel on the overbidding debate.

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    70. Gossamer ----------delicate; filmy; like gauze------- , ----- GO+SAMMER (summer) - we wear clothes of light fabric------- Her shapely arms were bare, and in her hands she held a gossamer scarf.

    71. Gambit ----------opening move; transaction------ -------- GAMBIT > In a

    GAMe you have to GAMBle a BIT to win!--------- It might be a gambit to get you to back down.

    72. Gaucherie ------awkwardness [gauche (a)]------- ---- gau+Cherieimaginea girl in GAU(village-gaon) having just a CHERIE(cherry) in lunch, that is so SOCIALLYEMBACING AND AWKWARD ACT------- I think my gaucherie needs some apologia too, she confessed

    73. Gainsay ------contradict------ , ---- she has (Gain)ed weightbut is not (say)ing it which means, she is denying the fact.------ No one can gainsay the potential for further financial scandal.

    74. Gregariousness ----------sociability; liking for crowds [gregarious (a)] ------ ------ Learning how to balance necessary solitude and necessary gregariousness

    75. Galleon ------ancient type of sailing ship------ ----- galleon - GALLONSand gallons of goods are transported by means of LARGE SHIPs-------- Joining the crew, you'll have to find your way around the galleon ship.

    76. Gambol ------frolic; leap; bound----- --- gambol: game-ball, ina football game you have to skip the ball playfully because if you don't do it the oppositeplayer will tackle you quickly.

    -------- Is he not too old for such gambols?77. Garble ---------distort; confuse; muddle----- ----- if we try to

    search something in garbage, it will REPRESENT IN A CONFUSED AND DISTORTED WAY-------- The second announcement, five minutes later, was straight garble

    78. Garish ---------gaudy----- , ------- GARISH- sound likeGayish........ a gay person wears all bright colored clothes and looks gaudy and garish------- Ignore the garish colors and focus instead on the darkest parts of the picture.

    79. Garner --------gather; collect----- , ------ Sounds like a gardener whogathers fruits and vegetables from his/her garden.

    ----- The longer you stay, the more attention you're likely to garner80. Garrulous -----talkative----- ---- ( garrulous can be related to girls when

    pronounced) and girls talk more than boys-------- Most of the victims become garrulous, in effect talking themselves to death.

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    81. Gaunt ------emaciated; bony and angular----- , ---- G[rand] AUNT, or imagineas G[reat grand] AUNT... is generally lean and weak due to old age.------ He left the hospital looking tired and gaunt.

    82. Genre ----------a category; type----- , ----- genre = generation = every

    generation has his particular variety of arts & literature------- The research statement seems like a very strange genre to write.

    83. Germane -----relevant----- , ---- Ger(main) : he asked the "main"(appropriate) question------- I don't agree with that approach, but that's not germane to this post

    84. Germinal -------just growing; not developed; immature------ , ------ new (GERM) (IN) house bits (AL) and creatively a new disease occurs------ It behaves as germinal matter, and they do not hesitate to regard it as such.

    85. Gibbering ---------making meaningless noises------ ---- U will gibber infront of GABBAR u will utter nonsense out of nervousness------- The cook was gibbering and actually drooling with fear

    86. Glacial --------hostile; unfriendly; cold; icy----- , ---- glacial can beconsidered as facial (unfriendliness expression)--------- Even with that, his solitude was glacial , and reacted on his character.

    87. Goad ------prod; urge----- , ------ goadsounds likegod..everyday when we praywe always URGE to god ,to give us courage to face allthe hurdles and obstacles in life.------- It does not matter if they were trying to goad you or not.

    88. Grate (v) ----------- 1. To annoy; aggravate; vex; 2. Shred------ , ----- the old GATE makes a GRATE sound every time it is opened and shut.

    ------ It's about sharing that food with people who grate on you and push buttons.89. Gratis ------free of charge; without payment----- ---- gratis= grant + is , grant

    from govt. is free------- There are no monthly membership fees, and the consultant's time is gratis

    90. Gratuitous -------unwarranted------ , ------- if we havegratitude towards someone, then we do anything for them free or without great reason

    -------- We don't need any gratuitous advice from your side.91. Gravity ------seriousness------ , , ----- GRAVES/Death are

    very serious matters--> GRAVITY.--------- The gravity folks claim that you need to have two bodies for gravity.

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    92. Gregarious ---------extroverted; sociable; outgoing------- ---- for gre we attendclasses in groups--------- We humans are a gregarious species; we like to mingle with other humans.

    93. Gritty ----coarse; granular----- , , --- Pretty girls Vs gritty girls

    --------- He found his summer town unpretentious, gritty , endearing.94. Guffaw ------sudden loud laughter------ ----- remember gufa in hindi. If you laugh a

    bit in gufa, it sounds like boisterous laugh.------- Don't underestimate the transformative power of a good guffaw

    95. Guile ------cunning; craftiness------ ---- guile sounds like goals... people often useguile to achieve their goals-------- So there is no guile here but a strong sense of identity.

    96. Guileless -------frank; straightforward; honest----- , ------ "guile" means todecieve guile+less means no deception, only honesty.----- No doubt Mr. Jack is a guileless hero; but such persons are often tiresome!

    97. Gullibility --------unwariness; trustfulness; being easily fooled----- ------- Someone is making a fortune on the gullibility of people.

    98. Gullible -----------easily fooled----- - ----Gullible = Gull + ible =girl/galli + able A girl who is able to be tricked or deceived easily.---------You guys are either being gullible or disingenuous.

    99. Gustatory ------concerned with the sense of taste---- gus-TASTE-ory--------- Not all his gustatory experiments have been so successful.

    100. Glib --------slick; superficial esp. in speech----- ,

    ---- good ad-lib

    ------ Many senior administrators are smooth and glib, in the manner of politicians.1. Gaffe ----blunder; social mistake------ , ---Disney character Goofy who

    was always making Blunders.------- The gaffe caused a six-day delay in election results, but wasn't insurmountable.

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