'Stylers hold strong on the UK Tribes map – innately cool and stylish, the rising influence of Urban fashion and music have made them a hugely aspirational Tribe for youth today. As luxe sportswear and Urban high fashion has hit the Aspirants more young people than ever before are looking like a Styler and aspiring to their luxury lifestyle‘ – uktribes ‘stlyers’ seem to be a perfect audience for my magazine as they adopt a minmalist and sophisticated sense of fashion but Stylers

Magazine Audience research

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research of uk tribes that would follow my genre of music magazine

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'Stylers hold strong on the UK Tribes map – innately cool and stylish, the rising influence of Urban fashion and music have made them a hugely aspirational Tribe for youth today. As luxe sportswear and Urban high fashion has hit the Aspirants more young people than ever before are looking like a Styler and aspiring to their luxury lifestyle‘ – uktribes

‘stlyers’ seem to be a perfect audience for my magazine as they adopt a minmalist and sophisticated sense of fashion but are also very alternative, therefore, I think that they are the type of people to follow an indie genre music magazine.



'As authenticity became a key tenet of youth culture and the Hipster look was disseminated to teens via Primark; the iconic skinny jeans, glasses and obsession with Bergheim made the Hipsters a stereotype and an insult for the original Hipsters (most of whom have now aged out of the Tribes model)‘

Hipsters would be one of the main audiences of my magazine as they are sometimes referred to as being or dressing ‘indie’ which is the main genre of music my magazine is promoting. They are normally young individuals with a love of individuality and creativity which is something I hope to get across in the style of my magazine.