MACNAB STREET PRESBYTERIAN CHURCHmacnabpresbyterian.ca/files/2014/04/Easter-Sunday-April-20-2014.pdf · MacNab Street Presbyterian Church 116 MacNab Street South, ... $90 for 2 $400

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MacNab Street Presbyterian Church April 20, 2014 –Easter Sunday


*Those who are able, please stand

PRELUDE PREPARATION AND LIGHTING OF PASCAL CANDLE (remain seated) RESPONSE OF FAITH (please stand) The time of mourning is past The time for rejoicing has come Christ is risen He is risen indeed! Alleluia!

*INTROIT Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hymn #261 Choir: vs 1,2,8; Congregation joins in vs 9 *CALL TO WORSHIP Duty Elder, Diane Hopkins O give thanks to the Lord, for God is good; God’s steadfast love endures forever. Let Israel say God’s steadfast love endures forever. Let all who fear the Lord say God’s steadfast love endures forever. Out of my distress I called on the Lord The Lord answered me and set me in a broad place With the Lord on my side I do not fear, What can mortals do to me? The Lord is my strength and my might And has become my salvation The stone that the builders rejected Has become the chief cornerstone. This is the Lord’s doing; It is marvelous in our eyes. O give thanks to the Lord, for God is good. For God’s steadfast love endures forever. *PRAISE Jesus Christ Is Risen Today Hymn #243

LENTEN LITURGY Abrielle Teeuwsen



We confess, O God, that most of the time We do not believe it. We do not trust it. We do not believe that love is stronger than death. We do not believe that what we see in Jesus Disarmament And “weakness” And vulnerability Can lead to new life. We do not believe that Your love is made perfect in our self-surrender. Who will release us from this bondage of death? Christ, in your mercy, hear our prayer. THE LORD’S PRAYER


Once we were no people But now we are God’s people; Once we had not received mercy But now we have received mercy. We have been buried with Christ by baptism into death So that just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of God, so we too might walk in newness of life. Christ is risen We are set free to live. Alleluia. * GLORIA Hymn # #298

Glory be to God the Father, glory be to God the Son,

Glory be to God the Spirit, God almighty, Three-in-One!

Glory, glory, glory, glory, while eternal ages run.


Minister: The peace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. People: And also with you. With one another: The Peace of Christ.


*PRAISE Come, Ye Faithful Raise the Strain Hymn #253

THE WORD in conversation (Children’s Time)

FIRST READING: Acts 10:34-43 (p.134 NT)

PSALTER Psalm 118 Diane Hopkins

EPISTLE: Colossians 3:1-4 (p.215 NT)

GOSPEL: Matthew 28:1-10 (p.34 NT)

ANTHEM When I Survey the Wondrous Cross G.Martin

SERMON “Staying at the site of a murder” Rev. Cathy Stewart


*PRAISE Christ Is Alive! Hymn #251






All: Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise him all creatures here below; Praise him above, ye heavenly host; Praise father, son and holy ghost. *PRAYER OF DEDICATION

*PRAISE Crown Him with Many Crowns Hymn #274


POSTLUDE “We have been sadly mistaken about Almighty God . . . the

omnipotence of God is this limitless capacity God has to occupy the

murderous place without dying of it . . . God stays at the site of the

murder, immortal, indestructible, inalterable. ”(Lytta Basset)

HAPPY EASTER AND WELCOME TO MACNAB! We extend a warm welcome to all our visitors this morning. Special thanks to the Brass quartet for their wonderful contribution to the worship service this Easter Sunday: Tim Zekveld – Trumpet Julie Chaytor – Trumpet; Brad Gilchrist – Trombone; Jacob Harmule - Tuba MacNab is a child friendly church. The church school is located in the parlour ( through the front door in the sanctuary -lectern side- and to your right - children who wish to stay with their parents for the church service will find colouring materials in the narthex (entrance) Ushers will be happy to assist with any questions. Everyone is invited to Johnston hall following the worship service fellowship and refreshments.

LETTER FROM BOB GEDDES, INTERIM MODERATOR regarding next steps to forming a search committee is now available in the narthex for individual pick up. They will remain available until Easter Sunday. Any remaining after that date will be mailed. FROM THE INTERIM MODERATOR: we would like you to please return the pastoral skills inventory form that accompanied the recent congregational letter, by next Sunday April 27. We will accept those after that date as well, but we are anxious to get a start at reviewing them.

COPIES OF SERMONS are available, hard copy or electronically, on an occasional or regular basis. Call the church office if you would like to make an arrangement. SCHEDULE OF WEEKLY BIBLE TEXTS AVAILABLE IN THE NARTHEX MINISTER’S OFFICE HOURS: THURSDAY MORNING 9-12 (April 24) This week only. OFFICE HOURS: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 8:30am-12:30pm

PLEASE PRAY FOR: Alex Cree facing heart surgery Don & Carole MacVicar’s Inner City Ministry All who are grieving, facing health uncertainties, lonely or jobless

ASSISTING US TODAY: Church School: Jennifer Van Hartingsveldt Greeters: Jean Hartman, Grace Maynard, Gerda Wolf Ushers: Ken & Diane Hopkins, Don & Sheila Campbell Coffee Servers: Bill & Maureen Wright; Bob & Marion Cameron Duty Elder: Diane Hopkins ASSISTING US NEXT WEEK Church School: Seona Moore, Abrielle Teeuwsen Greeters: Bill Stanfield, Mina Beatt Ushers: Jim Myers, Kay Robertson, Myrtle Inwood, Juanita Taylor Coffee Servers: Frank & Irene Mills; Harry & Annette Callaghan Duty Elder: Ken Hopkins

Easter Offerings will help send children from the Inner City to summer camp, as well as support other mission needs in our community (and beyond) throughout 2014. Offering Envelopes have been included in today’s bulletin for your convenience.

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR DOORS OPEN MAY 3RD & 4TH Please let Kevin Russell know if you can spare some time to help with this annual event. Saturday 10am-4pm Sunday 12 noon – 3pm. No amount of time is too little or too much. Thank you.

USHERS, GREETERS, COFFEE LISTS We need more of the congregation to get involved in volunteering for one of these lists as the same people are on all three lists. This is a great way to serve the Church and also a great way to meet other members of the Church. If you would like to be on one of these list please talk to Frank Mills. To the members on these lists: please remember if you are unavailable on your assigned date can you please ask someone else on your list to make a

change with you? Thank you for your contribution to Mac Nab Church.

THIS WEEK AT MACNAB: Mon April 21 7-8:30pm Over-comers-Church House 8:00pm RSCD-Johnston Hall Wed April 23 7:00pm Futures Task Force-Parlour 7:00pm RSCD-Johnston Hall Thurs April 24 1:30pm RSCD-Johnston Hall (prev. Tues pm) 7:30pm Choir Practice Sun April 27 10:30am Moderator David Sutherland will be our guest preacher Baby Shower Sunday 6:00pm Manse Studio Artist Collective-Ch.House


CREATIVE RECYCLING: We can turn what nobody wants into treasure. Come join in a work bee Thursday afternoon May 1 1:30-4:30 in the parlour making wind-chimes from MacNab silverware. See our “model” hanging in the gym today. No particular skill needed. Everyone can help! Bring needle-nose pliers if you have some. We will sell them at Doors Open (May 3&4) and Downton Downtown (July 6) for $20. RSVP (helpful but not necessary): phone church office. Questions: talk to Kathy Shields.

MacNab Prayer

Loving God, by your Spirit the congregation of MacNab was

formed, 160 years ago.

This congregation has loved and served the city of Hamilton and the world in many ways over the years.

Now we are in a new place and we need the help of your Spirit to see what you are calling us to do

and be.

Open our eyes and our hearts, we pray, so we can, Like Abraham and

Sarah, find life in this new land. Help us both “hold on to what is good” and let go of what we no

longer need.

Christ, in your mercy, hear our prayer.

MacNab Street Presbyterian Church

116 MacNab Street South, Hamilton, Ontario L8P 3C3 (905) 529-6896 [email protected]

www.macnabpresbyterian.ca Interim Minister: Rev. Cathy Stewart

Director of Music: Dr. Christiaan Teeuwsen

2nd Annual



Ghana School of Dreams

Taste Ghanian food

Cultural Dancing

50/50 draw, Silent Auction

SATURDAY, APRIL 26 – 6:30-1:00AM

Cost $50 each, $90 for 2

$400 for a table of 10 at

The Legion 435 Upper Wentworth

(across from Limeridge Mall)

proceeds go to build a new school in

Akuffokrom, a village in Ghana

“It takes more than a village to raise a

child in Ghana”

See Dora Anie for tickets

PSALM 118: Refrain O give thanks to the Lord, for God is good; God’s steadfast love endures forever! Let Israel say, “God’s steadfast love endures forever.” R The Lord is my strength and my might and has become my salvation. There are glad songs of victory in the tents of the righteous: “The right hand of the Lord does valiantly; the right hand of the Lord is exalted; the right hand of the Lord does valiantly.” I shall not die, but I shall live, and recount the deeds of the Lord. The Lord has punished me severely, but has not given me over to death. Open to me the fates of righteousness, that I may enter through them and give thanks to the Lord. This is the gate of the Lord; the righteous shall enter through it. I thank you that you have answered me and have become my salvation. The stone that the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone. This is the Lord’s doing; it is marvellous in our eyes. This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. R




Celebration Sunday

is April 27th

Morning worship 10:30am

with the

Moderator of the General


Rev David Sutherland

Special music:

Redeemer College University

Concert Choir

Luncheon with Anniversary


The Honourable T. B. McQuesten Rose

Son of a famous Hamilton family, Thomas Baker McQuesten was

born in 1882. Educated in Hamilton public and secondary schools, he

was an honour student at the University of Toronto, graduating from

Osgoode Hall in 1907. His home church was MacNab Street

Presbyterian. An ardent Hamiltonian, he served as an Alderman and

on the Parks Board, and assisted in the creation of Chedoke Golf

Course, the Royal Botanical Gardens and King’s Forest. As Minister

of Highways he was Ontario’s greatest builder, responsible for the

Queen Elizabeth Way.

In 1988, the year of its 135th Anniversary, MacNab Church

commissioned the naming of a rose in honour of T.B. McQuesten as a

way to mark his years of service to MacNab and also to recognize his

wider service to Hamilton and to Ontario. The result was the

development of a yellow rose by the White Rose Horticultural

Company to be known as the Honourable T.B. McQuesten rose.

The rose was dedicated in the garden adjacent to MacNab Church as

part of the 135th Anniversary celebrations. The donation of 125

McQuesten roses by White Rose helped to establish the present

Memorial Rose Garden at MacNab. Sadly, the rose did not prove to

be hardy enough to survive our winters with the result that very few of

the originals remain in the garden.

This rendering of the rose is a watercolour painting by Ms. Marion Gow, a long-time member of MacNab Street Presbyterian
