fjds. Ar th ur Bason went to New &t yesterda y to spend about a week. «r. and Mrs. Karl Pausewang mo- „4 to Forest Hills on Sunday ' to jt Mr. and Mrs. Geor ge Orrler. ^nest Gaiser has been ill for the pt several weeks. He Is- able to be i aga in but Is still not completely jovere d. George Huether , who has been work- j in Islip, has re turned to his posi- in J ohn St. Lawrence ' s garage an d ilnt shop. Hr s. Bertwin . ' 4Al§i^$ii, . 'J3it . ' . Schaghti- b, motor ed ; *)lc}J ^i^Jij Jttr ;-ner daugh- r, Miss AliceV:.«ci«Sodiday, and is Bi ding a w ' eeiT : ' o ' r : ** ihore '' here. The Ladles ' Aid Society.of St. John ' s (Scran Church will meet at the me of Mrs. J. Bergman on Greeley mue next Wednesday afternoon . Die Ki ng ' s Daughters will hold their sness meeting on Monday afternoon iv 1st , at 2 o' clock at the home of & Annie Pausewang at 109 Lake- id avenue. Ifie Rev. and Mrs. Joseph H" : Bon d, Is Ell a Van * Deusen- ,au d Miss Hazel ilrchild atten ded|j *he i. Westminste r lair Demonstration " it Babylon on Mne sday e*ehlrigV bUll v ' let Geor ge do it! Do what? Repair il mower ; mowers called for and livered. Lowest rates: George W. toux. 105 East Main St., Opp. Col- li . Ave. Phone Sayville 1085. tf Hiss Jeanne Gilllgan has been act- jas a substitute teacher In the Fat- igue High School this week , taking t place of Miss Gertrude Parley, lo is ill. Miss Gllligan is teaching slish and French , Urs. Annie Hallock , who as we re- rtcd last week suffered a serious sc- lent when she fell and broke her I on Easter Sunday, underwent an iration on the leg on Tuesday. She still in the Southside Hospital. the usual monthly meeting of the rvllle Chamber of Commerce will be i in the office ot A. G. Edwards on mday evening . May 1st , at 8:15 bck. Important matters ore to, ha cussed, and a large attendance is ted. tt good sized delegation from the *i ry,«f Smlth-Wever Post is ex- ed to attend the next meeting of Suffolk County units to be held Huntington on May * 13th. Mrs. initit. the State president , will be Ku cst of honor. Slgld adherence to the highest udards of .pharmaceutical practice matccs that the patient will re- ive exactly what the physician pre- ita! for him when the prescription i filled at th e Sayville Pharma cy, Hcli Tietze, Ph.G., proprietor. - 15tf The winner of the silk dress to be liposed of for the benefit of the ' omen ' s Emergency Work Relief w will he announced on the morn- «of Mny 12th , when the winner w ill i notifie d. The dress may be seen iy day during the week from Mon- iy to Friday between the ' hours of i. m. to 4 p. m. in tho Relief Room. In. R. Smith , Supervisor. Utrjorie O'Gr ndy, little dau ghter of It and Mrs. Paul O'Orady cntertnln- I ttvcrnl of her friends ' at a party l . licr home on Collins avenue on Ittlnct day, In celebra tion of her Hhdriy. The little folks ' who onjo y- I n pleasant afternoon were Agnes lunkelwi tz , Bobby Munkelwlts , Vivian rtllckn , Ethel Smith , Laurel Collins , Wty De Graff. June Knhle and Car yl! mm. Nick Dlsknduros , n brother of Mike Wtad uros , pop ular proprie tor of the tenia sweets Shoppe , has taken a ** on the vacant store of- George '«ta , on Main .street, opposite- Can- * avenue , who re he will open a mod- ni , first class barber shop. Nick's krbc r Shop will be ready for bus- 's In about a week. For th e past i years , Mr. Blskaduros has conduct * I n bar ber shop In Nashua, New bpshlre. The lenao was . ne gotiate!! Itou gh the 3. p . Dlckerson real estate J mcy. The mon thly meting ol the Church Hiool Board of th e. Methodist Sunday «hool mot at the Orison im Tuesday ] «nln g, At this time the Children ' s Nf and Sunday School plento 1 com- lltlccs were appointe d/ ' ;The niem- tt of the committee In charg e ot the (Warn for Children ' s Day, which will tobserv ed on June 11th, are Ur a. lam ln Broero, Mrs. Harriet Buj ffh), fo. Frank Collins, Miss Helen nip- N and Miss Muriel Bhonley , ' The ' J ura tion cojnmlt tee Includes MlU Nle Nauert , Wilbur Ho pkins, Mr, Nu , and th e assqolkto teach er *, ' fembcrs of the plortj o committee, ton win be "held at Wre Iala , Jv(l \n % mo Percy Webber. Harry o. 8kU> rand Wilbur HcpMro. ¦ J tlmo Meats at Billy' s Market , R»iji W Av« . T»L fla yvlIU 841 8tl %ry Krono ke, upholsterer, Merrick m; Vv t estimates call BayvUle UUv l^'t^'i';. ": . ' ' m< Miss Edna' Wlxom spent her vaca- tion at Norfolk , Va., where she mo- tored from her home In Beacon , N. Y. : Mrs. Herber t L. Jones , of Brooklyn , was a guest over last week-end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Hender- son. Joseph Marti n , assistant cashier of the Oyst ermen ' s National Bank , is having a vacation from his duties this week, j Clifford Munsell was taken to the -Mather Memorial Hospital on Satur- day for trea tment. He Is- a little bet- ter but his condition is still very seri- ous. Goldfish , 2 for 5c; giant goldfish , $1; water lilies, aquatic plan ts , rock gar- den plants , Japanese red map le, 50c, at the Sayville Pet & Garden Shop, 112 Main St.; Sayville. 15tf Mrs. Fergus Shaw, of Jackson Heights , and Miss Rose Truh lar and Henry Schultz , of New York , ha ve been guests this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Vltoch. The committee of St. Ann ' s Men ' s Club in charge of the annual beef- steak dinner has announced that it will take place on th e evening of Wed- nesday, May 17th , and that tickets will be one dollar. A combined meeting of the South Shore College Women 's Club was held in the music room of the high school building ' on Wednesday evening. After supper was served, there was a busi- ness meeting, and the guests played bridge. Past Distric t Deputy Grand Master Prank H. Howell , and Harry C. Skin- ner , both of Sayville , have been elect- ed Chief Patriarch and Senior Warden respectively of Queen Uillage Encamp- ment No. 154 and will be Installed at the special meeting to be held in Pat- chogue this evening. Commodore Albert Randall of the United States Lines was .here with his son, Albert , and daughter , Dorothy, of Beechhurst , together with Mrs. Ell Godfrey, of Scotia, N. Y., to spend last Friday and Saturday with Com- modore Randall' s aun t, Mrs. C. A. Brown , an d his cousins , Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Rcqua. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lambdin cele- brated their 33rd wedding anniversary on Wednesd ay evening by entertaining two tables of cards. At the close of the evening, the hostess served dainty refreshments. Those present were Mr. and M-s. John Westerbeke, Mr. and .Mrs. Peter Kwaak , Mr. and Mrs. Em- erson Peppard , »and Mr. and " Mrs. Lambdin. An enjoyable Easter party for the children of the Methodist Sunday School was held In the social room of the church when 42 children were pres- ent to take part In the games. Eleven teachers and parents of the youngsters were present to act as hostesses and served the refreshments , and each child received an Easter gift. The Sunday School has made a gain of 32 per cent in all of its departments during the last year. Attorney Fredrick'W. Tuck , who ha s maintained offices In Sayville and Isllp for some time past , announces that he has associated with him In partner- ship Stanley Gray Horan , of Groat River, and that tho Arm hereafter will be known as Tuck & Horan. Mr. Hbran, who has had his law office located nt 22 Exchan ge place , Now York City, will spend most of his time In the Isllp office , so that while still maintainin g their New York office connect ions , Mr , Tuck will be enabled to s pend most of his time attendin g to his practice In Sayville. Prompted by the ser ies of articles recently published In th e Eagle com- memora tin g tho 50th anniversar y of the openin g of the Brooklyn Bridge to traffic , Tho News Is Informe d by Onpt. Albert Tuthlll that ho sailed up the East River on the first vessel which passed under tho first wire cable to be stretc hed for that bridge somethi ng like ten years prior to Its comple- tion. He was on board the schoone r OaseUe bound from North Carol ina to Brid geport , Conn,, with a car go of watormcl qr ts, Capt. Edmund Terry, of Bay port, father of Oapt. Charles Floyd Terry, was in command and the crow were Oecsr Slmonson and Albert Tut- hlll. Cars washed , groaned nnd repaired , Clifford Green , Unison' s comer , Greene Ave, Phone Bayvlllo 1333. lStf Miss Luella Toaer spent the Easter vacation at her home in Naples , N. Y. Earll Fr alick has been away ' from the post office for the past two weeks because ol illness. Lawnmow ers sharpened and repair- ed at the Central Garage , Railroad avenu e, Carl Munkelwitz. i3tf Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hildreth are here from Miami , Fla., to spen d the summ er in IVeeport and in Sayville. Mrs. G. Harold Terry has been ill for several days this week and unable to attend to her duties in the Blue Point school. The links at the Sayville Golf Club are open for play. A greens fee of 75 cents per day is to be charged until Jun e 1st. 15tf Albert Oakley underwe nt an opera- tion last Fri day In the Southside Hos- pital for appendicitis. He is improving but will hav e to be in the hospital for another week. Miss Violet Smith , accompanied by the Misses Leona Smith and Margaret Dolg, motor ed to Dickinson Landing, Ontario , for the Easter vacation. They also visited Ottawa and Montreal. Mrs. John M. Alvarez is to go to New York on Monday to attend the annual meeting and breakfast of the Daughters of Maryland in New York, of which she is th e founder. The af- f air will be ' held at the Waldorf-As- toria. The Misses Vivian Van Poperlng and Doris Lynch an d Louis Maas and Reginald Elton at tended the annual dinner dance of the Jun ior Class of Adelphl College held at the Ambassa- dor Hotel in New York City on Friday evening. Miss Van Popering is a mem- ber of the Junior Class at the school. Miss Gladys Vunck spen t last week- end In Brooklyn with her sister . Miss Natalie Vunck. On Sunday Miss Vunck attended a reception at th e Players ' Club In New York in celebration of Shakespeare Day. The club is op«n to ladies only one day during the year and admittance is by invitation only . The club Is housed in Edwin Booth' s former home. The Card Party to be given by the Sayville and Bayport branches of the Red Cross tomorrow In the Bay- port High School promises to be a pop- ular event, as a large number of tick- ets have been sold. Games will start at 2:30 p. m. There will be a large number of prizes. Refreshments will be served afterwards. Tickets may bs purchased at the Red Cross office or from any member of the committee. The ¦%. P. Dlckerson . real estate agency has -leased for a year the cot- tage of Joseph Martin on Sncdecor avenue , Bayport, to Robert Buttlcmnn. of Jamaica. - They have rented the cottage of James Donahue on Garfield avenue , to August Saucr , of New York , and the cottage of Mrs. Mae Glider- sleeve on Cleveland avenue , to Edwa rd Bronnan , of Holbrook. They have also rented for the summer the cottage of Mrs. Ida C. Greener on Colton avenue to John Burkhard , of Brooklyn. Lawnmowers sharpened and repaired at tho Central Garage , Railroad ave- nue , Carl Munkelwitz. . 13tf Miss Alice Riley of Manhattan , was a guest over last week-end of Miss Lillian Griffin. Miss Alice Alvarez atten ded a re- union luncheon of Packer alumnae at the Hotel Blltmore in Ne ' w York last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Elbert wenteto New York last evening to hear the broadcast of " the Chase & Sanborn hour from station WEAF. . A large variety of delicious coflei cakes and layer cakes arc baked espe- cially for the week-end at Wahn 's Bakery. Phone Sayville 808. 14t'J Mr. and Mrs. John M. Alvarez and ' their son , John 3rd , returned to their home in Larchmont on Sunday after spending ten days here with Mr. Al- varez ' mother , Mrs. John M. Alvarez. About twenty local people, members of the Companions of the Forest and their friends , we 're guests last evening at a dinner party as Mr.s. George Moon ' s place in Bayport. Foll owing a delicious dinner , several hours of bridge were enjoyed. Invitations have ueen Issued this week for the wedding on May 14th of Miss Doris Locker , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Locker , and Irving S tanley Spauldlng, of Nashua , New Hampshire. The weddin g will, take place at 6:30 in St. Ann ' s Epis copal Church , and will be performed by the rector , the Rev. Joseph H. Bond. Miss Locker will have as her maid of honor Miss Harriett Dlckerson , of Southold, and her bridesmaids will be Miss Rita Dickersp ' n , , of Southold , and Mi ss Mcl- ba Spauldlng, of Nashua , sister of the groom. All of these young women are friends of Miss Locker at the Methodist Episco pal Hospital. Mr. Spauldi pg will have as best man his brother , Lawrence Spauldlng, of Na- shua, ard the ushcrs will be Howard Locker and Elwyn Spaul dlng, of De- troit , Michigan. Meat s ol the finest qualit y, and at the lowest prices at Billy 's Market , Railroad Ave . Telephone -your order for prompt service. Sayville 841. 2tf Miss Julia Trinkwald has been con- fined to her home for several days this week by illness. Marek' s Dry Goods Store , 142 Rail- road avenue , carries merchand ise for the entire family. It The annual meeting of the Sayville Garden Club will be held on May Cth at the home of Miss Agnes Moore on Foster avenue at 2:30 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. William Ryther and their daughter , of Brooklyn , have been spending the past two weeks here with Mr. Ryther ' s mother , Mrs. Jennie Ryther. Miv, .nnd Mrs. Arthur D. Smith en- tertai ned on Wednesday Mrs. Alic3 Egger&of Rutherford , N. J. , Mr s. Mil- dre d Schelling of New York , Mrs. Ger- trude Ankeltell , of Jamaica , Herbert Smith of New York , an d Willia m Smi th , of Vannest , N. Y. Miss Lolita M. Roemmele Is enter- taining at bridge, and tea tomorrow at her home in Brooklyn. The invited guests are Miss Flora Hannigan, Miss Gladys Gerdts , Miss Shirley Vogel. Miss May Melton. Mrs. James Kelly. Mrs. Joseph Oppenheimer , Miss Louise Bausback , Miss Ann Tissier , Miss Mar- ion Carr , Miss Dorothy Carr , Mrs. Thomas O'Brien , Miss Dorothy Bauer . Miss Eleanor Hommell and Miss Jean Roemmele. We have a few high grade lawn mowers at from $5 to $12.50. H. Rohm & Son , 246 R . R. Ave., Tel Sayvlli . - 100!). 1314 Dr. G. K. Oxholm Is expected back tomorrow after a week' s vacation. Mrs. Joseph Grimn iert on Sunday for Wash ington , D. C, where she spen t several days the first of the week. Be sure to attend the card part y gi v- en by the Sons and Daughters of Lib- erty on Monda y avenlng, May 1st, at Odd Fellows ' Hall. Cards at 9 p. m. Pr izes , refreshments. Tickets 35c. It Continued on page eight HI * . .. i I Town Tal k V TRY A TRIAL TON OF ( ft*#°^ SottyJobtlon "* qpf Gtiaranto ed ' jJ E^ CTriWi yBH FR OM— -—— FR pK PAGELS ' , >; ¦: 'Vw^^ iitoiiaBnoe Phone y^l^MfffrtSiB TPWMi ¦" d9 *. mi fl^H 4fe Mfe ¦ * ¦" A t *. ¦li utNB 4fe AS IP« A bor don & hor aon Bill" Nv!^lB^PlilK» MEET ALL COMPETITION WITH ^HutI 17 fm i7 D Af Ah mI ii j l/ Ej I\. /\ Li Um1 1C.« fl K/trit i-l-vIr EXTRA ¦ m mf rn dT * ^ y lil illi^sl ^ * 9XXIIC service i ires IM^SI I DII mUHHbE compare these prices anywhere ^»RHHrll I 4.40 ftrfe ^Q 4.50 ' <t <r& «Q ^HH f 4.50 4T>qQ 4.75 <t CO Jdo not 5.00 $^7Q 5.25 m *A q BE DECEIVED x «P A £M * ** x *P W^ ~ t * ' by major tire company 1Q Mm 1C ^ mm^r names , where th ey arc used lo , *•' 10 advertise different quali ty OTHER SIZES EQUALLY LOW PRICED tirea. Most rubb er companies m ^mmm mmmmi^m^mmmm^mi^m^mmmmm^i^mmi^m m i m^ nBaa,aB bu ild as many ns four and five GUARANTEED FOR 12, 000 MILES different quality tires , bul some chain and cut rate stor es | J j use the third and fourth grad e "MARKO" MADE £ 4* mAC Complete ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦I . tires , adve rtisin g the company RaHafir j) J3 J fiia?«i« ^ M mm\ \ j name in BIG TYPE , but the Dattery If gJ UW VHSSSIS M l^W brand name in SMALL TYPE , six volt - is platk b | I iil%»i *«tMMi ' M WB knowing when they so adver- 0u F r ^iV8TA?LATiZ " ty " 141DriCaUOIl « \0 t ise, they are misleading you wrrh your old n atteri Any Car in the grade and qualit y that 1 -,, 1 1 they sell. Before you buy ask NOW ! II THIS IS SAYV1LLE!S ONLY the clerk what gr ade of tire TCVAf^A MAT AD All he U selling you : ie: 1st , 2nd , I LAAI U lflU 1 UK U1L \M iOf TEYArA 3rd , or 4th grade. lUU /fo I LAAL U ** all *k mu4- We consider 3rd and 4th & W tgl* |j SERVICE STATI ON Srade tires unsatisfac tor y to i_ _ ' _ p i v M n 11 T H S ¦ell and dan gerouo to use. DODQE PLYMOUTH Tliruc prices Include mounting m\ ' ^ X^ majJ M "^. T /^ O §fl ^ ^ W sm ^ I ^^ -ma Wvloe-rroo you n««d II- ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ M ¦ ¦' At 1 111 1 1*111111 and oonn ta iit attention to tee that you ^.k^^UFJHL mkM. ^L»F JtJH. |J | ^Ur* ^JFH. ¦ W/BL^JT JIM i»i Jon t nnd sstWuc loty ssrvlcs, ' I ' ' ¦ ,^,j ...J r ... -r ~- .-—-, i Main Street and Foste r Ave., Sayville I '¦¦- - ': * ¦ . * ¦ •¦ ¦ ' ¦ . l ^^ FOR KENT -^fl^SQjj g^ 5 room cotta Re , some improvements , 2 car garage. $25 |&|flSBB ^2jJ 6 room cottage , all Improvements , 2-car garage. $30 6 room cottage , all Improvements , with or without fur- niture , sun porch ancyopen porch , 1 car garage. $30. "-SJ- ASK EDWARDS SSSL Oldes t and Best Big NEWS Breaks on Page An announcement of genuine interes t to every local mo- torist ! SEE PAGE 9! BUICK 1 930 7-Passenger Sedan $550 Mechanically in First Class Condition Painted Black. DphoLste ry, Paint and Tires A-l. An Exceptional Value. ¦ Priced right to move quickly . . . $550. Terms arran ged. Chas. Meder Authorized SALES ^g|^^ P . SER VICE W. Main St. Sayville , L. I. TEL. 13 Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Jf ( Roses iiiii S"H '!fei^^ S6l AND 75c -^¦Kr^&ilii d°zen ^^rt ^yPfSiVj BBl Shipments ' vluUVUBlMI Guaranteed ' J ^W lWtf i wlthln ^^^ WW: B0° mllcs' w^ff/JT)^ ° nly sm<iu ilf*&r extra cost for express charge. Flo wers can add so much to that f riend ' s b irthday ... or to his sick room if he is ill. Phone Bayport 765 and we will deliver them. Funeral Desi gns O ur designs are always of fi nest quality flowers and workmanshi p . . i and low- priced , too .... $1.50 and up SPECIAL While They Last Rose Bushes That will bloom this year 15c We do not deliver roao bushes, G eo. A. Reid, I nc. PHONE 70S Montauk Highwa y (north slda) at Oakwoo d Ave, RaypoH llllllllilllllllllKIIIIIIIIIIHIK 'lliiilililllll ¦ BH ^^ Hi BsVSWHBH g i^l

m. NEWSnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031477/1933-04-28/ed...Wty De Graff. June Knhle and Car yl! mm. Nick Dlsknduros , n brother of Mike Wtad uros , popular proprie tor of the

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Page 1: m. NEWSnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031477/1933-04-28/ed...Wty De Graff. June Knhle and Car yl! mm. Nick Dlsknduros , n brother of Mike Wtad uros , popular proprie tor of the

fjds. Arthur Bason went to New&t yesterda y to spend about a week.«r. and Mrs. Karl Pausewang mo-„4 to Forest Hills on Sunday 'tojt Mr. and Mrs. Geor ge Orrler.^nest Gaiser has been ill for thept several weeks. He Is- able to bei again but Is still not completelyjovered.George Huether , who has been work-j in Islip, has returned to his posi-„ in J ohn St. Lawrence 's garage andilnt shop. Hr s. Bertwin .'4Al§i^$ii,.'J3it.'.Schaghti-b, motor ed;*)lc}J ^i^Jij Jttr ;-ner daugh-r, Miss AliceV:.«ci«Sodiday, and isBiding a w'eeiT:'o'r:**ihore'' here.The Ladles ' Aid Society.of St. John 's(Scran Church will meet at theme of Mrs. J. Bergman on Greeleymue next Wednesday afternoon .Die King's Daughters will hold theirsness meeting on Monday afternooniv 1st , at 2 o'clock at the home of& Annie Pausewang at 109 Lake-id avenue.Ifie Rev. and Mrs. Joseph H": Bond,Is Ella Van * Deusen- ,aud Miss Hazelilrchild attended|j *he i. Westminste rlair Demonstration " it Babylon onMnesday e*ehlrigV bUll v 'let Geor ge do it! Do what? Repairil mower ; mowers called for andlivered. Lowest rates: George W.toux. 105 East Main St., Opp. Col-li . Ave. Phone Sayville 1085. tfHiss Jeanne Gilllgan has been act-jas a substitute teacher In the Fat-igue High School this week , takingt place of Miss Gertrude Parley,lo is ill. Miss Gllligan is teachingslish and French ,Urs. Annie Hallock , who as we re-rtcd last week suffered a serious sc-lent when she fell and broke herI on Easter Sunday, underwent aniration on the leg on Tuesday. Shestill in the Southside Hospital.the usual monthly meeting of thervllle Chamber of Commerce will bei in the office ot A. G. Edwards onmday evening. May 1st, at 8:15bck. Important matters ore to, hacussed, and a large attendance isted.ttgood sized delegation from the*iry,«f Smlth-Wever Post is ex-ed to attend the next meeting ofSuffolk County units to be heldHuntington on May* 13th. Mrs.initit. the State president , will beKu cst of honor.

Slgld adherence to the highestudards of .pharmaceutical practicematccs that the patient will re-ive exactly what the physician pre-ita! for him when the prescriptioni filled at the Sayville Pharma cy,Hcli Tietze, Ph.G., proprietor. - 15tfThe winner of the silk dress to beliposed of for the benefit of the'omen 's Emergency Work Reliefw will he announced on the morn-«of Mny 12th , when the winner willi notifie d. The dress may be seeniy day during the week from Mon-iy to Friday between the ' hours ofi. m. to 4 p. m. in tho Relief Room.In. R. Smith , Supervisor.Utrjorie O'Gr ndy, little dau ghter ofIt and Mrs. Paul O'Orady cntertnln-I ttvcrnl of her friends 'at a partyl .licr home on Collins avenue onIttlnct day, In celebra tion of herHhdriy. The little folks' who onjoy-I n pleasant afternoon were Agneslunkelwi tz , Bobby Munkelwlts , Vivianrtllckn , Ethel Smith , Laurel Collins ,Wty De Graff. June Knhle and Car yl!mm.Nick Dlsknduros , n brother of MikeWtad uros , popular proprie tor of thetenia sweets Shoppe , has taken a** on the vacant store of- George'«ta , on Main .street, opposite- Can-* avenue , whore he will open a mod-ni , first class barber shop. Nick'skrbc r Shop will be ready for bus-'s In about a week. For the pasti years , Mr. Blskaduros has conduct *I n bar ber shop In Nashua, Newbpshlre. The lenao was .negotiate!!Itou gh the 3. p. Dlckerson real estateJmcy.The monthly meting ol the ChurchHiool Board of the. Methodist Sunday«hool mot at the • Orison im Tuesday ]«nlng, At this time the Children 'sNf and Sunday School plento1 com-lltlccs were appointe d/ ' ;The niem-tt of the committee In charg e ot the(Warn for Children 's Day, which willtobserv ed on June 11th, are Ura.

lam ln Broero, Mrs. Harriet Bujffh),fo. Frank Collins, Miss Helen nip-N and Miss Muriel Bhonley , ' The'Jura tion cojnmlt tee Includes MlUNle Nauert , Wilbur Hopkins, Mr,Nu , and the assqolkto teach er*,'fembcrs of the plortjo committee,ton win be "held at Wre Iala,Jv(l \n% mo Percy Webber. Harry o. 8kU>rand Wilbur HcpMro. ¦

J tlmo Meats at Billy's Market , R»ijiW Av«. T»L flayvlIU 841 8tl%ry Kronoke, upholsterer, Merrickm; Vvt estimates call BayvUle UUv

l^'t^'i';.": . • ' ' m<

Miss Edna' Wlxom spent her vaca-tion at Norfolk , Va., where she mo-tored from her home In Beacon , N. Y.

: Mrs. Herber t L. Jones , of Brooklyn,was a guest over last week-end at thehome of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Hender-son.

• Joseph Marti n , assistant cashier ofthe Oystermen 's National Bank , ishaving a vacation from his duties thisweek, j

Clifford Munsell was taken to the-Mather Memorial Hospital on Satur-day for trea tment. He Is- a little bet-ter but his condition is still very seri-ous.

Goldfish , 2 for 5c; giant goldfish, $1;water lilies, aquatic plan ts, rock gar-den plants , Japanese red maple, 50c,at the Sayville Pet & Garden Shop,112 Main St.; Sayville. 15tf

Mrs. Fergus Shaw, of JacksonHeights , and Miss Rose Truh lar andHenry Schultz , of New York , have beenguests this week at the home of Mr.and Mrs. Anton Vltoch.

The committee of St. Ann 's Men 'sClub in charge of the annual beef-steak dinner has announced that itwill take place on the evening of Wed-nesday, May 17th , and that tickets willbe one dollar.

A combined meeting of the SouthShore College Women 's Club was heldin the music room of the high schoolbuilding 'on Wednesday evening. Aftersupper was served, there was a busi-ness meeting, and the guests playedbridge.

Past Distric t Deputy Grand MasterPrank H. Howell , and Harry C. Skin-ner , both of Sayville , have been elect-ed Chief Patriarch and Senior Wardenrespectively of Queen Uillage Encamp-ment No. 154 and will be Installed atthe special meeting to be held in Pat-chogue this evening.

Commodore Albert Randall of theUnited States Lines was .here with hisson, Albert , and daughter , Dorothy, ofBeechhurst , together with Mrs. EllGodfrey, of Scotia, N. Y., to spendlast Friday and Saturday with Com-modore Randall' s aunt, Mrs. C. A.Brown , and his cousins , Mr. and Mrs.Edwin C. Rcqua.

Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Lambdin cele-brated their 33rd wedding anniversaryon Wednesd ay evening by entertainingtwo tables of cards. At the close ofthe evening, the hostess served daintyrefreshments. Those present were Mr.and M-s. John Westerbeke, Mr. and.Mrs. Peter Kwaak , Mr. and Mrs. Em-erson Peppard , »and Mr. and " Mrs.Lambdin.

An enjoyable Easter party for thechildren of the Methodist SundaySchool was held In the social room ofthe church when 42 children were pres-ent to take part In the games. Eleventeachers and parents of the youngsterswere present to act as hostesses andserved the refreshments , and each childreceived an Easter gift. The SundaySchool has made a gain of 32 percent in all of its departments duringthe last year.

Attorney Fredrick'W. Tuck , who hasmaintained offices In Sayville and Isllpfor some time past , announces that hehas associated with him In partner-ship Stanley Gray Horan , of GroatRiver, and that tho Arm hereafter willbe known as Tuck & Horan. Mr.Hbran, who has had his law officelocated nt 22 Exchan ge place , NowYork City, will spend most of his timeIn the Isllp office, so that while stillmaintainin g their New York officeconnect ions , Mr , Tuck will be enabledto spend most of his time attendin gto his practice In Sayville.

Prompted by the series of articlesrecently published In the Eagle com-memora tin g tho 50th anniversar y ofthe openin g of the Brooklyn Bridge totraffic , Tho News Is Informe d by Onpt.Albert Tuthlll that ho sailed up theEast River on the first vessel whichpassed under tho first wire cable tobe stretc hed for that bridge somethinglike ten years prior to Its comple-tion. He was on board the schoonerOaseUe bound from North Carol inato Brid geport , Conn,, with a car go ofwatormcl qr ts, Capt. Edmund Terry, ofBayport, father of Oapt. Charles FloydTerry, was in command and the crowwere Oecsr Slmonson and Albert Tut-hlll.

Cars washed , groaned nnd repaired ,Clifford Green , Unison's comer , GreeneAve, Phone Bayvlllo 1333. lStf

Miss Luella Toaer spent the Eastervacation at her home in Naples, N. Y.

Earll Fr alick has been away ' fromthe post office for the past two weeksbecause ol illness.

Lawnmow ers sharpened and repair-ed at the Central Garage , Railroadavenu e, Carl Munkelwitz. i3tf

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hildreth arehere from Miami , Fla., to spend thesummer in IVeeport and in Sayville.

Mrs. G. Harold Terry has been illfor several days this week and unableto attend to her duties in the BluePoint school.

The links at the Sayville Golf Clubare open for play. A greens fee of 75cents per day is to be charged untilJun e 1st. 15tf

Albert Oakley underwe nt an opera-tion last Fri day In the Southside Hos-pital for appendicitis. He is improvingbut will have to be in the hospital foranother week.

Miss Violet Smith , accompanied bythe Misses Leona Smith and MargaretDolg, motor ed to Dickinson Landing,Ontario , for the Easter vacation. Theyalso visited Ottawa and Montreal.

Mrs. John M. Alvarez is to go toNew York on Monday to attend theannual meeting and breakfast of theDaughters of Maryland in New York,of which she is the founder. The af-fair will be ' held at the Waldorf-As-toria.

The Misses Vivian Van Poperlngand Doris Lynch and Louis Maas andReginald Elton at tended the annualdinner dance of the Jun ior Class ofAdelphl College held at the Ambassa-dor Hotel in New York City on Fridayevening. Miss Van Popering is a mem-ber of the Junior Class at the school.

Miss Gladys Vunck spent last week-end In Brooklyn with her sister . MissNatalie Vunck. On Sunday Miss Vunckattended a reception at the Players 'Club In New York in celebration ofShakespeare Day. The club is op«nto ladies only one day during the yearand admittance is by invitation only .The club Is housed in Edwin Booth' sformer home.

The Card Party to be given by theSayville and Bayport branches of theRed Cross tomorrow In the Bay-port High School promises to be a pop-ular event, as a large number of tick-ets have been sold. Games will startat 2:30 p. m. There will be a largenumber of prizes. Refreshments willbe served afterwards. Tickets may bspurchased at the Red Cross office orfrom any member of the committee.

The ¦%. P. Dlckerson. real estateagency has -leased for a year the cot-tage of Joseph Martin on Sncdecoravenue , Bayport, to Robert Buttlcmnn.of Jamaica. - They have rented thecottage of James Donahue on Garfieldavenue , to August Saucr , of New York ,and the cottage of Mrs. Mae Glider-sleeve on Cleveland avenue , to Edwa rdBronnan , of Holbrook. They have alsorented for the summer the cottage ofMrs. Ida C. Greener on Colton avenueto John Burkhard , of Brooklyn.

Lawnmowers sharpened and repairedat tho Central Garage , Railroad ave-nue , Carl Munkelwitz. . 13tf

Miss Alice Riley of Manhattan , wasa guest over last week-end of MissLillian Griffin.

Miss Alice Alvarez atten ded a re-union luncheon of Packer alumnae atthe Hotel Blltmore in Ne'w York lastSaturday.

Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Elbert wentetoNew York last evening to hear thebroadcast of " the Chase & Sanbornhour from station WEAF. .

A large variety of delicious cofleicakes and layer cakes arc baked espe-cially for the week-end at Wahn 'sBakery. Phone Sayville 808. 14t'J

Mr. and Mrs. John M. Alvarez and 'their son, John 3rd , returned to theirhome in Larchmont on Sunday afterspending ten days here with Mr. Al-varez ' mother , Mrs. John M. Alvarez.

About twenty local people, membersof the Companions of the Forest andtheir friends , we're guests last eveningat a dinner party as Mr.s. GeorgeMoon 's place in Bayport. Following adelicious dinner , several hours ofbridge were enjoyed.

Invitations have ueen Issued thisweek for the wedding on May 14th ofMiss Doris Locker , daughter of Mr.and Mrs. Henry Locker , and IrvingStanley Spauldlng, of Nashua , NewHampshire. The weddin g will, takeplace at 6:30 in St. Ann 's EpiscopalChurch , and will be performed by therector , the Rev. Joseph H. Bond. MissLocker will have as her maid of honorMiss Harriett Dlckerson , of Southold,and her bridesmaids will be Miss RitaDickersp'n, , of Southold , and Miss Mcl-ba Spauldlng, of Nashua , sister of thegroom. All of these young womenare friends of Miss Locker at theMethodist Episcopal Hospital. Mr.Spauldi pg will have as best man hisbrother , Lawrence Spauldlng, of Na-shua, ard the ushcrs will be HowardLocker and Elwyn Spaul dlng, of De-troit , Michigan.

Meat s ol the finest qualit y, and atthe lowest prices at Billy 's Market ,Railroad Ave . Telephone -your orderfor prompt service. Sayville 841. 2tf

Miss Julia Trinkwald has been con-fined to her home for several days thisweek by illness.

Marek' s Dry Goods Store , 142 Rail-road avenue , carries merchand ise forthe entire family. It

The annual meeting of the SayvilleGarden Club will be held on May Cthat the home of Miss Agnes Moore onFoster avenue at 2:30 p. m.

Mr. and Mrs. William Ryther andtheir daughter , of Brooklyn , have beenspending the past two weeks here withMr. Ryther 's mother , Mrs. JennieRyther.

Miv,.nnd Mrs. Arthur D. Smith en-tertai ned on Wednesday Mrs. Alic3Egger&of Rutherford , N. J. , Mr s. Mil-dre d Schelling of New York , Mrs. Ger-trude Ankeltell , of Jamaica , HerbertSmith of New York , and Willia mSmith , of Vannest , N. Y.

Miss Lolita M. Roemmele Is enter-taining at bridge, and tea tomorrow ather home in Brooklyn. The invitedguests are Miss Flora Hannigan, MissGladys Gerdts , Miss Shirley Vogel.Miss May Melton. Mrs. James Kelly.Mrs. Joseph Oppenheimer , Miss LouiseBausback , Miss Ann Tissier, Miss Mar-ion Carr , Miss Dorothy Carr , Mrs.Thomas O'Brien , Miss Dorothy Bauer .Miss Eleanor Hommell and Miss JeanRoemmele.

We have a few high grade lawnmowers at from $5 to $12.50. H. Rohm& Son, 246 R . R. Ave., Tel Sayvlli .-100!). 1314

Dr. G. K. Oxholm Is expected backtomorrow after a week's vacation.

Mrs. Joseph Grimn iert on Sundayfor Wash ington , D. C, where she spentseveral days the first of the week.

Be sure to attend the card part y giv-en by the Sons and Daughters of Lib-erty on Monda y avenlng, May 1st, atOdd Fellows' Hall. Cards at 9 p. m.Pr izes, refreshments. Tickets 35c. It

Continued on page eight

HI * . .. i

I Town Talk


ft*#°^SottyJobtlon "*qpf Gtiaranto ed'jJE CTriWi yBH FROM— -——

FRpK PAGELS' , >;¦: 'Vw^^ iitoiiaBnoe Phone

y^l^MfffrtSiB TPWMi ¦" d9*. mifl^H 4fe Mfe ¦* ¦" At *. ¦li utNB 4fe ASIP«A bor don & hor aonBill" Nv!^lB^PlilK» MEET ALL COMPETITION WITH

^HutI 17fmi7D AfAhmI ™ iijl/Ej I\./\ LiUm11C.« fl K/trit i-l-vIr EXTRA ¦ m mf rn dT *^y lililli^sl ^ * 9XXIIC service i iresIM^SI I DIImUHHbE compare these prices anywhere

^»RHHrll I 4.40 ftrfe ^Q 4.50 ' <t <r&«Q

^HH f 4.50 <£4T>qQ 4.75 <t j § CO

Jdo not 5.00 $^ 7Q 5.25 <£m *A q

BE DECEIVED x «P A£M * ** x *P W ~t*'

by major tire company 1Q Mm 1C mm^rnames , where they arc used lo , *•' 10advertise different quali ty OTHER SIZES EQUALLY LOW PRICEDtirea. Most rubb er companies m^mmmmmmmi ^m ^mmmm ^mi ^m ^mmmmm ^i ^mmi ^mmim nBaa,aB

bu ild as many ns four and five GUARANTEED FOR 12,000 MILESdifferent quality tires , bulsome chain and cut rate stor es | J juse the third and fourth grad e "MARKO" MADE £ 4*mAC Complete ¦¦¦ ¦¦I.tires , adve rtisin g the company RaHafir j) J3 J fiia?«i« M mm\\jname in BIG TYPE , but the Dattery If gJ UW VHSSSIS M l^Wbrand name in SMALL TYPE , six volt - is platk b | I iil%»i *«tMMi ' M W Bknowing when they so adver- 0u

Fr^iV8TA?LATiZ "

ty " 141DriCaUOIl « \0t ise, they are misleading you wrrh your old natteri Any Carin the grade and qualit y that 1 -, , 1 1 they sell. Before you buy ask NOW ! II THIS IS SAYV1LLE!S ONLYthe clerk what grade of tire TCVAf^A MAT AD Allhe U selling you : ie: 1st, 2nd, I LAAI U lflU 1 UK U1L \MiOf TEYArA3rd , or 4th grade. lUU /fo I LAALU

**all*k mu4-We consider 3rd and 4th & W tgl* |j SERVICE STATIONSrade tires unsatisfac tor y to i_ _ ' _ p i v M n 11 T H S¦ell and dan gerouo to use. D O D Q E — P L Y M O U T H

Tliruc prices Include mounting m\ ' X^majJ M "^. T/ ^ O §fl ^^W sm^I ^

-maWvloe-rroo you n««d II- ¦ *¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ M ¦ ¦' At 1111 11*111111and oonn ta iit attention to tee that you ^.k^^UFJHL • mkM. ^L»F


|J | ^Ur* ^JFH. ¦ W/BL^JT JIMi»i Jont nnd sstWuc loty ssrvlcs, ' I

' ' ¦,^,j ...J r ... -r ~-.-—-, i Main Street and Foste r Ave., Sayville I' ¦ ¦ - - ':* • ¦ .* •¦ • • ¦ ¦ ' ¦ . l


-^fl^SQjjg 5 room cotta Re , some improvements , 2 car garage. $25

|&|flSBB^2jJ 6 room cottage , all Improvements , 2-car garage. $30

6 room cottage , all Improvements , with or without fur-niture , sun porch ancyopen porch , 1 car garage. $30.

"-SJ- ASK EDWARDS SSSLOldest and Best

BigNEWSBreaks on Page

An announcementof genuine interestto every local mo-torist !SEE PAGE 9!

BUICK 19307-Passenger Sedan

$550Mechanically in First ClassCondition — Painted Black.DphoLstery, Paint and TiresA-l. An Exceptional Value.¦ Priced right to move quickly. . . $550. Terms arran ged.

Chas. MederAuthorized

S A L E S ^g| ^ P .SER VICE

W. Main St. Sayville, L. I.TEL. 13


Jf ( Rosesiiiii S"H

'!fei^ S6l AND

75c-^¦Kr^&ilii d°zen

^ rt ^yPfSiVjBBl Shipments'vluUVUBlMI Guaranteed'J ^WlWtf i wlthln^^ WW: B0° mllcs'

w^ff/JT )^ °nly sm<iuilf *&r extra cost for

express charge.Flowers can add so much tothat friend 's birthday . . . orto his sick room if he is ill.

Phone Bayport 765and we will deliver them.

Funeral DesignsOur designs are always offinest quality flowers andworkmanshi p . . i and low-priced , too . . . . $1.50 and up

SPECIALWhile They Last

Rose BushesThat will bloom this year

15cWe do not deliver roao bushes,

Geo. A. Reid, Inc.PHONE 70S

Montauk Highwa y (north slda) atOakwood Ave, RaypoH

llllllllilllllllllKIIIIIIIIIIHIK 'lliiilililllll

¦BH^^ Hi BsVSWHBH gi^l