tsr | Rt ALTO II "2ST ¦til If Theatre ^^ s*u %m iiM Ends Thursday "CHINA VENTURE" FRIDAY to MONDAY OCTODEK 9 to 12 ON OUR W-l-D-E SCREEN Van Hefiin Julia Adams "WINGS OF THE HAWK" Color by Technicolor Together with "HALF A HERO" Red Skclton Jean Hagen TI ESDAY to THURSDAY OCTOBER 13 to 15 I Dan Anne Bill DAILEY BANCROFT CHAPIN J'THE KID FROM LEFT F1EID" GORDON HEIGHTS NEWS Mrs. Alberta Beach. SEIdcn 2*3795 FIREHOUSE DEDICATION Over 150 spectators attending: the dedication of the new tire- house Sunday heard thc principal speake r , Brookhaven Town Su- pervisor Philipp A. Hattemer , congratulate the fire department on its growth "from an annex to an accomplished force." Mr. Hattemer , an honorary deputy chief of thc department , spoke during a ceremony which also , featured many othe r speak- ers and honored guests. Amo'i . -r. tlie.s e were : Jacob Kuelue , builder of the firehouse; E:' .i'. -st Stoll , trustee of thc Firemen ' s Home at Hudson; Perc y B. Raynor , town clerk; Arthur W. Murray, superintendent of highways; George Weber , instructor of the Suffolk County Fire school; Louis Fife , developer of Gordon Heights; James H. Overton , chair- man of thc Town Planning board; Helmut Meyer , Medtoni tire com- missioner; Edward Pirner , town assessor; Justice of the Peace, Lester Duvis , Doughi s Bro wn, legal counsel to the Coition Heights Fire district; and Charles \V. tiarraud , Jr., deputy superin- tendent of hig hways. The ceremony was opened by Leon Allnian , who introduced the master-of-ceremonies, Tyrel l Wil- son , Sr. A prayer was given by tne kev. Domemc K. » _ iannella of Patchogue , and the benediction was conducted by Elder Norbert Simmons. A silent tribute was paid the late Kobert S. Still , lormer superintendent of high- ways. During the ceremony Fire Commissioner Cyril* Woodburn presented tne keys of the new firehouse to Chief Tracy Haynes. Mr. Woodtiuvn was accompanied by two other fire commissioners , Clii-istopher Henry and Mr. All- man. Mrs. Cyril Woodburn was chair- man of the musical program which included the "Star Spangled Banner , " sung by Miss Jean Au- gustine , and "Bless This House , " sung by Miss Joan Woodburn. Misses Xubia Riddock, Jean Au- gustine and Thelma Robinson sang the "Battle Hymn of thc Republic. " A duet was sung by Miss Thelma Robinson and Mrs. Alberta Beach. Preceding the program a pa- rade , led by the Hep Steppers t wining cluo , started fro m Sey- mour lane and Hawkins avenue. Among the marcher*; were the Drum and Bugle corps , the Ladies ' auxiliary and the fire - men , with three pieces of tire lighting apparatus. Tlie Ait-Crait guild ami thc J^adkV auxiliary served a chicken dinner and cold cuts. On the re- lre.shmcnt committee were : Mes- dames Gladys Hylton , Tracy Haynes, Christopher Henry, John Martin, Alberta Beach , Vincent Henny, Leon Allnian , Booke r T. Larrie and William Burwell. Miss Yvonne liyhon and Miss Made- line Seymore were in charge of the assembly at the tin-house. Recent, guests of Misses Al- I'l i'ta , Muui-linc and Phyllis Scy* more of Hawkins avenue were their grandmother-- , Mrs. II. Stewart and Mrs. Florence Sey- more of Hridgehaniplon. House guests of Mrs. Cornelia Williams of Daniel lane were her brother and sister-in-law , Mr. and Mrs. Theod'ire IJri-tol and daugh- ter , Catherine , and granddaugh- ter , Harriet , ult of New York city; Mr. *!. Bertha Johnson, and granddaughter , Fraiicine; Mrs. Gortrudi* White and son , Frankie , of Brooklyn;'Mrs. Emma James , Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jones , and son , Edward, Jr., Miss Ccciline and Thomas English of Glen Cove. Mrs. Jo/m McNeiee of Granny road is visiting her father , G. Keitt of Orangeburg, S. t, ' . Mrs. Gay Pointer and Mrs. Thelma Brooks of Di'troit spent two weeks at tin- Gordon Heights Rest on Granny inad recently. Mr. and Mrs. William Bann-r and son , William , Jr., and Betty- Lou Levi of Seymour lane* mo- tored to Southampton and were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hen- ry Snowden. Birthday Rrectings to Melvin Perkins , Mrs. Ela Holme* * , Mi>. Ilettie Hudson , Mrs. Nettie Griggs, October 8; Norma Dae, October 11; Earl Moore , October 10. Firemen ' s school will be held October 18 at the firehouse on Hawkins avenue. Sunday ' -* guests of Mrs . Al- berta Beach of Hawkins avenue were Mr. end Mrs. .1. A. Hum- phry of Holbrook ; Mrs . Carrie Mi ars and Mrs. Inez. Solomon of New York city. Mrs. Solomon is the owner of the newly erected all-year-home off Granny roa d near Middle It-land road. Weekend guests of Mr. anJ Mrs. Samuel Green of Cedar lane were Mrs. Rosalie Brailsford , Mr. and Mrs. Paul Parley and daugh- ter , Yvonne Bailey, and Vivian Brailsfo rd , all of Jamaica. Mws Joan Woodburn of Wil- son avenue attended a daiii e given by her sorority. Alpha Omega Pi , Friday night at Roost vi'll hiitise ill New York city. She Kpt-nt th'* weekend at the li'iiiu* of Miss Evelyn Cherry of New York city. Mrs. Lucille Adam* of New- York city Mpcnt the weekend in thi-ir newly erected home on Clitrord lane. Mr. and Mrs Sumuei Palmer of Park lane and Mrs. Ella C. Foster of Ci'iitrti l Parkway nio- tori'd tn New York city Friday. Weekend gut-bis of Mr. and Mr?. Tracy Uaytus of Hawkins uvc-iiu ' e wi-l-i . - Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Martin , Mr. and Mrs. Clem IkiviH - .;, Mr a lid Mr A If ted Huyiii' .i and : on, Tiuey, all of New York ' city. Sunday school at Gordon Heights mission , Granny road , is held at 11 a. m. Divine worsnip is held at 12 noon. The Rev. Elliott Travaleo is pustor-in- charge. Sabbath school at Ebenezer Sabbath Day church , Pine Grove avenue is held at 11 a. m. This Sunday is Missionary day; all are invited to attend. Deacon Samuel Fredericks , missionary leader and Elder Norbert Simmons will be pastors in charge. Sunday school at Churc h of God in Christ , Baldwin lane , is held at 10:30 a. in. Divine wor- ship at 11 a. m.. Elder L. Harri- son will be pastor-in-charge. The Holy Eucharist will be celebrated by thc Rev. E. Lloyd Ballinger, of thc Church of the Messiah , Centra) Islip, at 11 a. ni. at the Church of St. Michael and All Angels , Sunday. Father Ballinger will be assisted by the vicar , the Rev. Edmond T. P. Mullen , who will preach on "The Sacrament of Holy Confirma- tion. The church school children , ha ving wet f or instruction at 10 a. m., may remaia for thc wor- ship service at 11 a. m., when they will be joined by their par- ents. Choir practice follows im- mediately after the Communion service. Acolytes ' training will be held each Saturday morning at St. Mark' s church , Medford . All past and present acolytes are asked to contact Father Mullen to arrange for transportation. Saturday at 5 p. m., the Garden club of the churc h will meet at the home of Mr. Vaughan , on Gra y avenue. The vicar requests that all men and women of the church who are interested in hel ping to maintain the church lawn bo present. Sunday at 7:30 p. m. informal evening prayer , and "Question Box " will be held. Recent guests of Mrs. Eva Harewood of Seymour lane were Mr. and Mrs. Iris Hoytt anJ niece , Carmen Jones , of New Y' ork city. Yes, see us for all your print- ing needs. The Patchogue Ad- vance. Here are two points to remember when you buy a new car!... . DIIVED.DEUEEIT O ¦ ; - : ; - ¦ nllffrn nrlVrri l al mMM m Wm m i 4 M $ % UUI Lll ULIILIIIU EI 11 > W #ffi ¥§1 © S%fi|l|l |Sfii? 't ! ^ -—- I ^ I ^ B *-- -^ %H II 4# tu H *% -iyP W0 Wl %li ' &. 1st r 4il. *&*&? fj/ ii // ^ u ^ff /^^^^^^ ^ ^^< \. f ^S_ \___ \_ \\\\\\\W _ Wr^__ ^fi^^^^^ K - *^ j3B^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ H^^^^^^^ HlHF /f y- - -. --gis; t ^^ i^^ jmW ,/f^l^^^^^^^ B^^B|^^A^r/!TinM r^* ' 14 ,. /1- A ~~ ' jnkwm Sa* **>* r. T ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ |^^^Hi^H^H^^^!.^3^^fev^v^r m ,.^,mt~-l- " %fc-*-jJ*jJ2~ - . """ ' Wllk ^^' ' ' ,^ ¦¦ - »"*^^^^^^^ \ ¦ ,,„ ' , "" ¦ ~^t^AmLmmimr wlAwk\r ' m . ¦ ¦ .-- ^s^ -- ****- *" ***'' '*' .--¦• mill 1 " 1 *^».P- ¦' .. . ... «—- ^ 4\\\tfg^__ _ __ ' .___ #*4 -*— Th> thr||| . nfl .. Tw0 . Ttn « 4.^00- | t da n. Will, ^^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^_ ^ mm .^m-- *. ^ flr«ot naw ttritt. Ch*yrel*l »ff«ft »h» ^wp, 0 If Hii ^ lBI ^ H SW^M\ BB ^P-B ».ide»l choice ol model* in ill field, Pfcftip^^ l pf DDIPtC liiiPl lililpf m I I I I I I ¦ ¦ IJPilw # i il i i i 1 I lIlvliV «« W w. W- ' : ? t WUBb ^t* ¥% ^ i ^ 1 p P ft #i ^ H brlnfl8 you aU ,he ,h,nfl$ yo ° wanf-°H th* '•° , «r« * •' eoilltor P 1? i li " ^ W L Pi^W S^¥ ^fc %. cars—af the lowest prices and with outftanding gas«lin« economy! Look at Chevrolet! You 'll sec that it alone combines thc greater comfort brings ytni big-car styling, smoothly and convenience of Powcrglidc auto* f ¦• •¦ t\ §J§ rounded I-ishcr Body beauty, and a matic driving. * Power Steering * and ^% \ f tFf lftXf Iff)A Ifl f|C Ti Amkln l rivh. roomy, colorful interior with the Knee-Action Ridc-juU a* it alone WI %»«ffjr W S 'M ^ III Ml** ¦¦¦9l%« e Safety Plate Gla* .s in windshield and give* thc salety-protection of Velvet- all window i ot sedans and coupes. Pressure Jumbo-Drum Brakes , the larg- » I-catures you ordinarily associate only est brakes in Chevrolet * field. with higher-priced cars. And hcrc . s ^ ^ new, of a„ «9riir a Chevrolet! You 'll he equally Chevrolet offers all these advantage* impressed by thc outstanding pick-up at Ihe lowest prices and with exceptional rjj ZJj J^ZJJira and power as well a> thc smoothness economy of operation and upkeep I mUWA WAjAmS and quietness of its advanced high- _ . .. .. c y^^i^Jfwir i-^W compircssion Valvc-in-Head cnginc-a Come tn , »cc and drive this finer /X *i a I *4 T i l XP\ 1 ^ m WWW Po«" plant so thoro u ghly efficient, so «• " »l >'° ur e*-'"" convenience! ___\\\\__ \\__\_\WW ________\^ wonderfully reliable , that maker after _______ - _ - _ - __ " ¦ ^ifjj l maker has been adopting Valvc-in- 'Optinnnt at extra rmt. ComNnanot <-> (-¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ I Head design in recent years. '' ?. *f r *'" / ' , - »"'""""'* ¦ '«-w«'>«/vw and aaODK BIADI f> RIIV ruil/Pfl l ETC ' ' '' ¦ ¦ Chevrole t 's handling-ra. \e and •¦T*o-Ten " and Bit Air models. f o»tf mUKl rlwrfcB BUT inr.VKUI.tl3 ridms-euic! You 'll find that this car Sieenng amiable on all modtlt . THAN ANY OTHER CAR ! FINE ENTERTAINMENT ON THE AMI The Oinoh Shore . Showi-NIC Nutwarl- .. * ' ' TV-Ti/«idar and Thvndoy . . . »odi»-Tue»d»r ond Friday Cenerol Molort football Cam* of tho Week—Solwrdo*ii NK-TV HULSE CHEVROLET , Inc- | 460 EAST MAIN STREET PATCHOGUE 3-W00 J MARIE WEBER FAMISE CORSET SHOP ROUTE 112. NEAR PECONIC AVE. MEDFORD. N. Y. SCIENTIFIC CORSETRY Alterations and Repair Phone: PAtchogue 3-3748 SHOP HOURS 9 a. m. - 12 1 - 6 p. m. The only shop in this vicinity arTordm-r such specialized si-rvico. SAVES YOU MONEY ...G IVES YOU B ETTER H EAT W ^ s & blue coal * 4Mm%m\___ ij i[ *"*- . *- *-* - T ION OF COAL IN TOWN tfipWtJ^^^^E ^J^BM ^HM Naturally it' s the same in size and weight, but _^ VStm j^^H ^^Bg_ A ^m m m ^m \ thousanrls of families call 'blue coal' the biggest Vm^t^9^AMMM _ ^^_ \_ WMMMMM M\ ton °f coa^ In town - They ' ve found it' s tops in lli^f^flb^k^HH i^Hk^k^l^klk^P comfort , satisfaction, economy. Burns better, f wJUK^^^^^R^^H^^Hb^^r - asts longer , so it actually costs less in the long l^ flK^^^^I^^^^HOrr ^qs^!*" - ^ run - It ' *- America ' s most popular hard coal. jggl^^JIPOEW- i'---^^^ Every ' blue txial* dealer is a qualified heating r "^ I expert... equipped and ready to give FREE „-,...... - .„ ,• . - . '. mil,,- in* ••-- advice on aU heating problems. Get the 6e«e in ORDINARY COAL MIGHT BE GOOD. coal . . . the best in service. Always specify YOU KNOW 'blue coal* IS GOOD 'blue coal' BIGGEST TON OF COAL IN TOWNI BECAUSE IT'S TRADEMARKED... ^ TINTED BLUE FOR YOUR PROTECTION AB^ CAU YOUR AUTHORIZED 'blue coal* 1 gMK DEALER: WHO 1$ USTED KLOW SWEZEY FUEL CO. 51 Rider Avenue Telephone 3-0270—1 PATCHOGUE , N. Y. (A) s JJi!r s CAlso (M WmMJ GASOUNE FUEL OIL I L J ) ^ 5^^ D^TRIBUTOR ^^ __ Wr SELDEN, L. I. TEL. SELDEN 2-S5I2 |^¦-¦J12Ik£££^£o , * BABV s imM!^^ ffff^V^^^^^9£^^^^^^fi '-» s * Time Thursday - October 8 WS _VSiAS^^^^aml(AJMSW *- CITY THAT NEVER SLEEPS " llcHlf ^ffl S>«Mv9 Pluii "SO THIS IS LOVE" _mg_ W _ W[_ t _i__ 0____ t __y__ i ___ \ ¦ ° ct * • - -o iJBflVS^ *^|> , -iJ--- JSAm "SWORD AND THE ROSE * lHHr /*S^- «-FOi4L-^V i S ^H p l<» "SON OF BELLE STARR" mW Yz/j T^ t T nu\«g ¦ Both in Technicolor W-*-*r;CA R S S Miui*U Sun - - Mo "- Oct. n iz BAND CHILDREN 7 3L m - ISLAND IN THE SKY - ^K^-Ji *'*' J Plu» "V1C K1" Je«nne Crtln HBnBfJBBBB^B&Blfl^H " Wed* ffff|Bfffff8fffvBSfffl or WAX " IBbzJISJKJa gqslElim. PIUH "OKLAHOMA ANNIE" PRLEY DRIVE IV U THEATRE lf Phone ATIantic 1*9600 Shows start 7:00 I* . M. ^REE Playground for Children FKIDAV and SATURDAY OCTOBER 9 and 10 "THE GOLDEN BLADE" in Technicolor ,, starring: ROCK HUDSON PIPER LAURIE TOGETHER WITH "SON OF BELLE STARR" in Technicolor , starring KEITH LARSEN PEGGY CASTLE Sun. thru Tues. Oct. 11 - 13 Wed. & Thurs. Oct. 11 - 15 Gregory Peck Audrey Hepburn "HOUSE OF WAX" "ROMAN HOLIDAY" vi-SnflS&^WSTiirk together with Frank Lovejoy \r I C V I " together with , ¦ . .. "OKLAHOMA ANNIE" Jeanne Cram Jean Peters Judy Canova 1 ' mm " ping iiSfgfPI ] j MATLNRM | -*y^g*j -ij l*y»t -i l —B WVWilltQ* o«ur HHMBiiMii inMBii3 1iH "* ti n BBHMBBBBHBBIWB t^t I WEDNESDAY to SATI RDAY OCTOBER 7 to 10 , | ON OUR NEW GIANT WIDE SCREEN | f " *- -n-i.. - .¦ .- ¦ - ¦ " >* ¦ " ¦¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ni ¦ *¦-i ¦ ' MI . i. *-¦ | HE WENT FROM THE BOTTOM TO THE TOP...ON STEPPING STONES THAT WERE CHISEIERS , CROOKS, TIN-HORNS, TWO-TIME LADIES I JAMES CAGNEY f^^HV JSM ^r ' f ^^r ^&aMd&L' ' .9* II V M IB y ^A ^tJK^ m\mmm^AmiAmmmwA\ ^W^ <^9- ' v[ it fRi Pi^-n-V n ' « _ A^^ \ \W__\m % ^L l[t] I v ' ' ' :v ' ' -: "^B ^AMBS\ _t _W __U __ W _ ___ W ___ f _ WAtwSW^m 4T^ wM ** * m ^¦"•-J^I^-'^WWPMMMM ^^Pkr «.*M-I- *.•***! i MOI | »,¦-*n- BARBARA HALE ANNE FRANCIS | .SUNDAY lit TUESDA Y OCTOBER 11 to 13 | ON OUR NEW GIANT WIDE SCREEN | ^^^^^^^^^^^f^^KT^d*PlfMiTMiT- M ^ _^ *^m^m ____^ tut_wt>**9v _ >m*i** **¦%*% UflT a | Ol K NEXT \rtUMTlOS B1NG CROSBY in "UTTLE BOY LOST" Mrs. Lucrcita lliumm . I'd. Heliport 3(I **M Masses will be held at St. Jo- seph's R. C. church at S:I50 a. m. and 10:^0 a. in. Sunday ami daily during the week ;it S a. m. Confessions , no longer heard be- fore mass , will be heard Satur- day from 7:30 to 9 p. ni. Bap- tisms will be performed Sundays at 4 p. m. Devotions for October will be held every nij -ht at S. The Catholic Youth orj-aniz-u i .m will meet tonif-ht at 7:30 in the basement of Mary Immaculate church. All boys and girls be- tween the ai-es of 13 and 18 may attend. The men of thc Holy Name parish will l-eceiye com- munion at the 8:30 mass Sunday followed by a communion break- fast and business meeting at the firehouse. Perfection Is essential ; beauty is desirable. Combine the two and you-have the finished product in wedding invitations. Budget prices at The Patchogue Advance. —Adv. Veterans of Foreign Wars Post , ' 8300 will hold a harvest barn dance Saturday ' at th*e VFW hall on Dunton avenue. Music will be by Otto Kost and his orchestra. Refreshments will be served. The Rosary Society of St. Jo- seph' s R. C. church met Sunday afternoon for installation cere- monies. New members were Mes- dames Marie Saternino , Josephine Stephani , Anna Maletta , Grace Malctta and Lena Carlson. Mrs. Ann Guzzola , who had been elected vice president , resigned and Mrs. Mary Greco was unani- mously elected in her place. The annual dinner will be held at Felice' s restaurant Sunday at 5 p. m. Tho speaker will be the Rev. George La Flair of Mary Star of the Sea parish in Far Re ckaway. Kathy Collichio . daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Collichio , Jr., celebiated her second liirth- •l:iy, F'-Jay. The Hagcrman Fire department racing team will hold a dan*e tomorro w at the lirehousi- at 8:30 p. ni. Music will be furnished ty the Mannino orchvstra . The Ladies ' auxiliary- of the fire department will hold a mas- querade dance on Halloween night I at 8::<0. j Home after hospitalization at; Dr. King 's hospital is Fred Kelly J Mr . Kelly is still confined to Veil, i The Parent-Tea.. *ler association of East Patchogue will meet at the school , October ' . 'l at H:?0 p. ni. A box supper will be held at the firehouse. October 17 for the benefit of the East Patchogue PTA at 8:30 p. ni. Kach ooup le is requested to br-ng a box sup- per and , refreshi.u-nis will be available. E. Patchogue

s CAlso(M GORDON HEIGHTS NEWSnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn86071739/1953-10-08/ed-1/seq-23.pdf · by two other fire commissioners , Clii-istopher Henry and Mr. All-man. Mrs. Cyril

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Page 1: s CAlso(M GORDON HEIGHTS NEWSnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn86071739/1953-10-08/ed-1/seq-23.pdf · by two other fire commissioners , Clii-istopher Henry and Mr. All-man. Mrs. Cyril

tsr | Rt ALTO II "2ST¦til If Theatre ^^ s*u %m iiM

Ends Thursday — "CHINA VENTURE"


ON OUR W-l-D-E SCREENVan Hefiin Julia Adams

"WINGS OF THE HAWK"Color by Technicolor

Together with

" H A L F A H E R O "Red Skclton Jean Hagen




GORDON HEIGHTS NEWSMrs. Alberta Beach. SEIdcn 2*3795


Over 150 spectators attending:the dedication of the new tire-house Sunday heard thc principalspeaker, Brookhaven Town Su-pervisor Philipp A. Hattemer,congratulate the fire departmenton its growth "from an annexto an accomplished force."

Mr. Hattemer, an honorarydeputy chief of thc department,spoke during a ceremony whichalso , featured many other speak-ers and honored guests. Amo'i.-r.tlie.se were : Jacob Kuelue , builderof the firehouse; E:'.i'.-st Stoll ,trustee of thc Firemen's Homeat Hudson; Percy B. Raynor ,town clerk; Arthur W. Murray,superintendent of h i g h w a y s ;George Weber , instructor of theSuffolk County Fire school; LouisFife, developer of G o r d o nHeights; James H. Overton, chair-man of thc Town Planning board;Helmut Meyer , Medtoni tire com-missioner; Edward Pirner, townassessor; Justice of the Peace,Lester Duvis , Doughi s Brown,legal counsel to the CoitionHeights Fire district; and Charles\V. tiarraud , Jr., deputy superin-tendent of highways.

The ceremony was opened byLeon Allnian , who introduced themaster-of-ceremonies, Tyrell Wil-son, Sr. A prayer was given bytne kev. Domemc K. »_ iannellaof Patchogue, and the benedictionwas conducted by Elder NorbertSimmons. A silent tribute waspaid the late Kobert S. Still ,lormer superintendent of high-ways. During the ceremony FireCommissioner Cyril* Woodburnpresented tne keys of the newfirehouse to Chief Tracy Haynes.Mr. Woodtiuvn was accompaniedby two other fire commissioners,Clii-istopher Henry and Mr. All-man.

Mrs. Cyril Woodburn was chair-man of the musical programwhich included the "Star SpangledBanner," sung by Miss Jean Au-gustine, and "Bless This House,"sung by Miss Joan Woodburn.Misses Xubia Riddock, Jean Au-gustine and Thelma Robinsonsang the "Battle Hymn of thcRepublic." A duet was sung byMiss Thelma Robinson and Mrs.Alberta Beach.

Preceding the program a pa-rade, led by the Hep Stepperst wining cluo, started fro m Sey-mour lane and Hawkins avenue.Among the marcher*; were theDrum and Bugle corps, theLadies' auxiliary and the fire -men, with three pieces of tirelighting apparatus.

Tlie Ait-Crait guild ami thcJ^adkV auxiliary served a chickendinner and cold cuts. On the re-lre.shmcnt committee were : Mes-dames Gladys Hylton , TracyHaynes, Christopher Henry, JohnMartin, Alberta Beach , VincentHenny, Leon Allnian , Booker T.Larrie and William Burwell. MissYvonne liyhon and Miss Made-line Seymore were in charge ofthe assembly at the tin-house.

Recent, guests of Misses Al-I'l i'ta , Muui-linc and Phyllis Scy*more of Hawkins avenue weretheir grandmother-- , Mrs. II.Stewart and Mrs. Florence Sey-more of Hridgehaniplon.

House guests of Mrs. CorneliaWilliams of Daniel lane were herbrother and sister-in-law , Mr. andMrs. Theod'ire IJri-tol and daugh-ter , Catherine, and granddaugh-ter, Harriet , ult of New Yorkcity; Mr.*!. Bertha Johnson, andgranddaughter , Fraiicine; Mrs.Gortrudi* White and son, Frankie,of Brooklyn; 'Mrs. Emma James,Mr. and Mrs. Edward Jones, andson, Edward, Jr., Miss Cccilineand Thomas English of GlenCove.

Mrs. Jo/m McNeiee of Grannyroad is visiting her father , G.Keitt of Orangeburg, S. t ,'.

Mrs. Gay Pointer and Mrs.Thelma Brooks of Di'troit spenttwo weeks at tin- Gordon HeightsRest on Granny inad recently.

Mr. and Mrs. William Bann-rand son , William , Jr., and Betty-Lou Levi of Seymour lane* mo-tored to Southampton and werethe guests of Mr. and Mrs. Hen-ry Snowden.

Birthday Rrectings to MelvinPerkins , Mrs. Ela Holme**, Mi> .Ilettie Hudson , Mrs. NettieGriggs, October 8; Norma Dae,October 11; Earl Moore, October10.

Firemen 's school will be heldOctober 18 at the firehouse onHawkins avenue.

Sunday '-* guests of Mrs . Al-berta Beach of Hawkins avenuewere Mr. end Mrs. .1. A. Hum-phry of Holbrook ; Mrs . CarrieMi ars and Mrs. Inez. Solomon ofNew York city. Mrs. Solomon isthe owner of the newly erectedall-year-home off Granny roadnear Middle It-land road.

Weekend guests of Mr. anJMrs. Samuel Green of Cedar lanewere Mrs. Rosalie Brailsford , Mr.and Mrs. Paul Parley and daugh-ter , Yvonne Bailey, and VivianBrailsfo rd , all of Jamaica.

Mws Joan Woodburn of Wil-son avenue attended a daiii egiven by her sorority. AlphaOmega Pi , Friday night atRoost vi'll hiitise ill New Yorkcity. She Kpt-nt th'* weekend atthe li'iiiu* of Miss Evelyn Cherryof New York city.

Mrs. Lucille Adam * of New-York city Mpcnt the weekend inthi-ir newly erected home onClitrord lane.

Mr. and Mrs Sumuei Palmerof Park lane and Mrs. Ella C.Foster of Ci'iitrti l Parkway nio-tori'd tn New York city Friday.

Weekend gut-bis of Mr. andMr?. Tracy Uaytus of Hawkinsuvc-iiu'e wi-l-i.- Mr. and Mrs. Wil-liam Martin , Mr. and Mrs. ClemIkiviH -.;, Mr a lid Mr A If tedHuyiii ' .i and : on, Tiuey, all ofNew York ' city.

Sunday school at GordonHeights mission , Granny road , isheld at 11 a. m. Divine worsnipis held at 12 noon. The Rev.Elliott Travaleo is pustor-in-charge.

Sabbath school at EbenezerSabbath Day church , Pine Groveavenue is held at 11 a. m. ThisSunday is Missionary day; all areinvited to attend. Deacon SamuelFredericks, missionary leader andElder Norbert Simmons will bepastors in charge.

Sunday school at Churc h ofGod in Christ , Baldwin lane, isheld at 10:30 a. in. Divine wor-ship at 11 a. m.. Elder L. Harri-son will be pastor-in-charge.

The Holy Eucharist will becelebrated by thc Rev. E. LloydBallinger, of thc Church of theMessiah, Centra) Islip, at 11 a.ni. at the Church of St. Michaeland All Angels, Sunday. FatherBallinger will be assisted by thevicar , the Rev. Edmond T. P.Mullen , who will preach on "TheSacrament of Holy Confirma-tion. The church school children ,having wet f or instruction at 10a. m., may remaia for thc wor-ship service at 11 a. m., whenthey will be joined by their par-ents. Choir practice follows im-mediately after the Communionservice. Acolytes' training willbe held each Saturday morningat St. Mark's church , Medford .All past and present acolytes areasked to contact Father Mullento arrange for transportation.Saturday at 5 p. m., the Gardenclub of the church will meet atthe home of Mr. Vaughan , onGray avenue. The vicar requeststhat all men and women of thechurch who are interested inhelping to maintain the churchlawn bo present. Sunday at 7:30p. m. informal evening prayer,and "Question Box" will be held.

Recent guests of Mrs. EvaHarewood of Seymour lane wereMr. and Mrs. Iris Hoytt anJniece, Carmen Jones, of New Y'orkcity.

Yes, see us for all your print-ing needs. The Patchogue Ad-vance.

Here are two points to rememberwhen you buy a new car!...

. DIIVED.DEUEEITO¦ ;-: ; - ¦ nllffrn nrlVrrilalmMM m Wm m i 4 M $ %® % U U I Lll U L I I L I I I U

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^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ _ mm .^m--*. flr«ot naw ttritt. Ch*yrel*l »ff«ft »h»wp, 0 If Hii lBI H

SW ^M\ BB P-B ».ide»l choice

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in ill field,

Pfcftip^^lpf DDIPtCliiiPl lililpf m III III ¦¦IJPilw # i iliii 1 I lIlvliV


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tWUBb t* ¥% i 1 p P ft #i

H brlnfl8 you aU ,he ,h,nfl$ yo° wanf-°H th* '•°,«r«* •' eoilltor

P 1? i li " WL Pi^W S ¥ fc %. cars—af the lowest prices and with outftanding gas«lin« economy!

Look at Chevrolet! You'll sec that it alone combines thc greater comfortbrings ytni big-car styling, smoothly and convenience of Powcrglidc auto*

f ¦• • •¦ t\ § J § rounded I-ishcr Body beauty , and a matic driving. * Power Steering * and^%\f tFf l f tXf Iff)A Ifl f|C Ti A m k lnl rivh . roomy, colorful interior with the Knee-Action Ridc-juU a* it aloneWI %»«ffj r W S 'M ^ I I I M l * * ¦¦¦9l%«e Safety Plate Gla*.s in windshield and give* thc salety-protection of Velvet-

all window i ot sedans and coupes. Pressure Jumbo-Drum Brakes , the larg-» I-catures you ordinarily associate only est brakes in Chevrolet * field.

with higher-priced cars. And hcrc.s new, of a„«9riir a Chevrolet! You 'll he equally Chevrolet offers all these advantage *

impressed by thc outstanding pick-up at Ihe lowest prices and with exceptionalrjjZJjJ^ZJJira and power as well a> thc smoothness economy of operation and upkeepI mUWA WAjAmS and quietness of its advanced high- _ . .. .. c

y^ i Jfwir i-^W compircssion Valvc-in-Head cnginc-a Come tn , »cc and drive this finer/X*i a I *4Ti l XP \ 1 ^m WWW Po«" plant so thoro ughly efficient, so «•"• »l >'°ur e*-'"" convenience!

___ \\\\__\\__\_\WW________\^ wonderfully reliable , that maker after_______-_-_-

__— "¦¦¦¦¦ ifjj l maker has been adopting Valvc-in- 'Optinnnt at extra rmt. ComNnanot <->(-¦¦¦¦¦ I Head design in recent years. ''?.*f r*'"/' , -»"'""""'*

¦ '«-w«'>«/vw and

aaODK BIADI f> RIIV ruil/Pfll ETC '' ''¦¦ Chevrole t 's handling-ra.\e and •¦T*o-Ten" and Bit Air models. f o» tfmUKl rlwrfcB BUT inr.VKUI.tl3 ridms-euic! You 'll find that this car Sieenng amiable on all modtlt.THAN ANY OTHER CAR!

FINE ENTERTAINMENT ON THE AMIThe Oinoh Shore. Showi-NIC Nutwarl-.. * ' '

TV-Ti/«idar and Thvndoy . . . »odi»-Tue»d»r ond FridayCenerol Molort football Cam* of tho Week—Solwrdo*ii NK-TV





Alterations and RepairPhone: PAtchogue 3-3748

SHOP HOURS 9 a. m. - 12 — 1 - 6 p. m.The only shop in this vicinity arTordm-r such specialized si-rvico.


W s& blue coal

*4Mm%m\___ij i[ *"*-.*-*-*-T ION OF COAL IN TOWNtfipWtJ^^^^E J^BM^HM

Naturally it's the same in size and weight, but_^VStm j^^H Bg_A ^mmm ^m \ thousanrls of families call 'blue coal' the

biggestVm t 9 AMMM _ ^ _ \_ WMMMMMM\ ton °f coa^ In town- They've found it's tops inlli^f^flb^k^HHi^Hk^k l^klk^P comfort, satisfaction, economy. Burns better,f wJUK^^^^^R^^H^^Hb^^r -asts longer, so it actually costs less in the longl flK^ ^ I^ ^ HOrr qs !*"- run- It'*- America's most popular hard coal.jggl^^JIPOEW-

i'---^^^ Every 'blue txial* dealer is a qualified heating

r" I expert... equipped and ready to give FREE„-,......-.„ ,•.-.'. mil,,- in* ••-- advice on aU heating problems. Get the 6e«e inORDINARY COAL MIGHT BE GOOD. coal . . . the best in service. Always specify



SWEZEY FUEL CO.51 Rider Avenue Telephone 3-0270—1 PATCHOGUE, N. Y.


| ¦-¦J12Ik£££ £o,* BABVsimM!^

ffff^V^^^^^9£^^^^^^fi '-»s* Time Thursday - October 8WS_VSiAS^ ^ aml(AJMSW *-CITY THAT


"llcHlf fflS>«Mv9 Pluii "SO THIS IS LOVE" _mg_W_W[_t_i__0____t__y__i___ \ ¦ °ct* • - -oiJBflVS *^|>,-iJ--- JSAm "SWORD AND THE ROSE *lHHr /*S^-«-FOi4L-^ViS H pl<» "SON OF BELLE STARR"mW Yz/j T t T nu\«g ¦ Both in Technicolor W-*-*r;CAR S SMiui*U Sun- - Mo"- Oct. n • izBAND CHILDREN 73L m -ISLAND IN THE SKY -K -Ji *'*' J Plu» "V1C K1" Je«nne Crtln

HBnBfJBBBB^B&Blfl^H " Wed*ffff|Bfffff8fffvBSfffl or WAX "IBbzJISJKJa gqslElim. PIUH "OKLAHOMA ANNIE"


Shows start 7:00 I*. M. ^REE Playground for ChildrenFKIDAV and SATURDAY OCTOBER 9 and 10

"THE GOLDEN BLADE"in Technicolor,, starring:


"SON OF BELLE STARR"in Technicolor, starring


Sun. thru Tues. Oct. 11 - 13 Wed. & Thurs. Oct. 11 - 15

Gregory Peck Audrey Hepburn "HOUSE OF WAX""ROMAN HOLIDAY" vi-SnflS&^WSTiirk

— together with — Frank Lovejoy<« \r I C V I " — together with —, ¦ . .. "OKLAHOMA ANNIE"

Jeanne Cram Jean Peters Judy Canova

1 ' mm"

ping iiSfgfPI ] j MATLNRM |-*y^g*j-ijl*y»t-il —B WVWilltQ*


| ON OUR NEW GIANT WIDE SCREEN |f "*- -¦ -n-i.. - .—¦ .- ¦- ¦¦ ">*¦¦ "¦¦ ¦ ¦¦¦ ni — ¦ *¦-i ¦¦¦¦ ' MI . i. *-„ — ¦ |


JAMES CAGNEYf^^HV JSM r'f ^ ^r&aMd&L' • '.9* IIVMIBy A tJK^m\mmm AmiAmmmwA\^W < 9- 'v [it fRi Pi -n-Vn' «_A ^\ \W__\m % L l[t] I v ''':v''- : " B

AMBS\_t_W__U__W____W___f_WAtwSW m 4T wM

*** m ¦"•-J I -' WWPMMMM^ Pkr «.*M-I-*.•***! i MOI




^^^^^^^^^^ f^ KT d*PlfMiTMiT-M ^_^*m m ____^ tut_wt>**9v _>m*i****¦%*% UflT a |


Mrs. Lucrcita lliumm . I'd. Heliport 3(I **M

Masses will be held at St. Jo-seph's R. C. church at S:I50 a.m. and 10: 0 a. in. Sunday amidaily during the week ;it S a. m.Confessions, no longer heard be-fore mass, will be heard Satur-day from 7:30 to 9 p. ni. Bap-tisms will be performed Sundaysat 4 p. m. Devotions for Octoberwill be held every nij-ht at S.The Catholic Youth orj-aniz-u i .mwill meet tonif-ht at 7:30 in thebasement of Mary Immaculatechurch. All boys and girls be-tween the ai-es of 13 and 18 mayattend. The men of thc HolyName parish will l-eceiye com-munion at the 8:30 mass Sundayfollowed by a communion break-fast and business meeting at thefirehouse.

Perfection Is essential ; beautyis desirable. Combine the two andyou-have the finished product inwedding invitations. Budget pricesat The Patchogue Advance.—Adv.

Veterans of Foreign Wars Post ,'8300 will hold a harvest barndance Saturday 'at th*e VFW hallon Dunton avenue. Music will beby Otto Kost and his orchestra.Refreshments will be served.

The Rosary Society of St. Jo-seph's R. C. church met Sundayafternoon for installation cere-monies. New members were Mes-dames Marie Saternino, JosephineStephani , Anna Maletta , GraceMalctta and Lena Carlson. Mrs.Ann Guzzola , who had beenelected vice president , resignedand Mrs. Mary Greco was unani-mously elected in her place. Theannual dinner will be held atFelice's restaurant Sunday at 5p. m. Tho speaker will be theRev. George La Flair of MaryStar of the Sea parish in FarRe ckaway.

Kathy Collichio . daughter ofMr. and Mrs. Anthony Collichio ,Jr., celebiated her second l i i r th-•l:iy, F'-Jay.

The Hagcrman Fire departmentracing team will hold a dan*etomorrow at the lirehousi- at 8:30p. ni. Music will be furnished tythe Mannino orchvstra .

The Ladies ' auxiliary - of thefire department will hold a mas-

querade dance on Halloween night Iat 8::<0. j

Home after hospitalization at ;Dr. King 's hospital is Fred Kel ly JMr. Kelly is still confined to Veil , i

The Parent-Tea..*ler associationof East Patchogue will meet atthe school , October '.'l at H:?0 p.ni. A box supper will be held atthe firehouse. October 17 for thebenefit of the East PatchoguePTA at 8:30 p. ni. Kach ooup leis requested to br-ng a box sup-per and , refreshi.u-nis will beavailable.

E. Patchogue