ALD - Architectural Lighng Design, 2008 Pirouee Designers Kaori Endo [email protected] hp://www.kth.se/sth/haninge/Ljus Ilze Kundziņa [email protected] Story of the dancer She starts her dance only aer dark when the lights are being turned on. The dance is never the same. It may vary from calm and fluid to more rhythmic and expressive. By dancing she creates the space around her. We can parcipate in this light dance by giving her surroundings to interact with. Light mill Our aempt of creang this luminaire was to use all the physical and esthecal aspects of the light source. The heat produced by the bulb is converted into the mechanical movement which aerwards is designed to meet the esthecal values of our everyday life. Interacon and integraon The atmosphere created by this lamp can be easily changed by dimming light, shaping the rotang paern and surroundings for light projecons. We would like to keep this interacon open for every owner of this lamp. watch the Pirouee >>

LUM DESIGN Pirouette - ingforum.haninge.kth.seingforum.haninge.kth.se/light/projekt/kaori.pdfALD - Architectural Lighng Design, 2008 Pirouee Designers Kaori Endo [email protected]

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Page 1: LUM DESIGN Pirouette - ingforum.haninge.kth.seingforum.haninge.kth.se/light/projekt/kaori.pdfALD - Architectural Lighng Design, 2008 Pirouee Designers Kaori Endo kaorin_e@hotmail.com

ALD - Architectural Ligh�ng Design, 2008


Designers Kaori Endo [email protected]


Ilze Kundziņa [email protected]

Story of the dancerShe starts her dance only a�er dark when the lights are being turned on. The dance is never the same. It may vary from calm and fluid to more rhythmic and expressive. By dancing she creates the space around her. We can par�cipate in this light dance by giving her surroundings to interact with.

Light millOur a�empt of crea�ng this luminaire was to use all the physical and esthe�cal aspects of the light source. The heat produced by the bulb is converted into the mechanical movement which a�erwards is designed to meet the esthe�cal values of our everyday life.

Interac�on and integra�onThe atmosphere created by this lamp can be easily changed by dimming light, shaping the rota�ng pa�ern and surroundings for light projec�ons. We would like to keep this interac�on open for every owner of this lamp.

watch the Piroue�e >>