University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Lovington Leader, 1911-1917 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 2-9-1912 Lovington Leader, 02-09-1912 Wesley McCallister Follow this and additional works at: hps://digitalrepository.unm.edu/lovington_leader_news is Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Lovington Leader, 1911-1917 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation McCallister, Wesley. "Lovington Leader, 02-09-1912." (1912). hps://digitalrepository.unm.edu/lovington_leader_news/24

Lovington Leader, 02-09-1912Mill Sap News. ven, were taken seriously ul at All Kinds of Fruit, Shade Trees and Shrubbery. W. T. Lay. local Agent Lovington, N. M. sipation of our magnificent

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Page 1: Lovington Leader, 02-09-1912Mill Sap News. ven, were taken seriously ul at All Kinds of Fruit, Shade Trees and Shrubbery. W. T. Lay. local Agent Lovington, N. M. sipation of our magnificent

University of New MexicoUNM Digital Repository

Lovington Leader, 1911-1917 New Mexico Historical Newspapers


Lovington Leader, 02-09-1912Wesley McCallister

Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/lovington_leader_news

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been acceptedfor inclusion in Lovington Leader, 1911-1917 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please [email protected].

Recommended CitationMcCallister, Wesley. "Lovington Leader, 02-09-1912." (1912). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/lovington_leader_news/24

Page 2: Lovington Leader, 02-09-1912Mill Sap News. ven, were taken seriously ul at All Kinds of Fruit, Shade Trees and Shrubbery. W. T. Lay. local Agent Lovington, N. M. sipation of our magnificent

. i j


Our Motto: Pride, Progress and Prosperity.

VOU2. NO. 48 LOVINGTON, NEW MEXICO. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 9. 1912. $1.00 Per Year. .'

A proclamation by the governor:Ira. T. M Ancell MeningitisConservation, in recent years has Artesia Nursery.

:and Son Dies. btMome ths watchword of theAmerican people. A nation-wid- e

In October there was a scatter--i ....protest has swept over the land

the wanton waste and disMrs, Ancell and son Steve, age

where upon disintegration .it letslose a poison which gets-- into the

cavaties of the spine and brain region. causing inflamación and greatpain. The sickness is intense.The attack is sudden, is moat ac-

ute, and usually of brief duration.A usual symptom is a rigidity of

the neck, due of course, to the at-

tack on the spine, and coma, head-ache, insomnia, and delirum, areusual phenomena. Mill SapNews.

ven, were taken seriously ul at

All Kinds of Fruit,

Shade Trees andShrubbery.

W. T. Lay. localAgent

Lovington, N. M.

sipation of our magnificent naturalresources and it is needless to saythat this campaign is producing

U ranch about he 30th. and?ere brought to their home in

ing case or Mo cerebro-spin- aj

meningitis at a few points in Texi as. The number of cases and in-- :

fected points increased in Novem-- I

ber and December until by thefirst of January the disease had as--;sumed somewhat of the propor

splendid results. Now comes theNational Congress of Mothers, an

joviagton (or medic! treatmentlittle Steve died late MondayVeniag, The funeral wat con-

ducted by Rev. Jenkins at theLovington cemetary Tuesday eve--

tions of an epidemic. As is usual-

ly the case in such instances, analarm approaching a panic wasfelt in certain quarterrs. In Dallas


Serial No. OII8o2

Department of the Interior. U. S.

organization of highminded, noble

women, and asks for the. conser-

vation of the child life.All intelligent women and men

will agree that upon the moral andphysical welfare of the . child de-

pends the future proaperity of the

ing. Mrs. Ancell died about the

Jame rjrne a day later and wasVid to Test in the cemetary Wed

Land Office at Roswell. N. MjJanuary 31, 1912.

Notice is hereby given that Sam


AND NOTION STOREVesday evening.

the epidemic seemed to be at its

height, though other places havebeen severe sufferers.

"Now, what is meningitis? TheI The services of Mrs. Ancell nation. It it is important to con uel C Pruit, of Monument. N, M.,

who on Feb. 2. 1907, made Homeserve pur rnipes, our forests, streamand agricultural lands, it is infinite- -

vere conducted by Rev. Cunning'

lam at their residence, from whichhce the Rebekah Lodge took

:harge and conducted the cerne- -

stead Entry, Serial No. 01 1862, forN, K. M. Section 3, Township

! ly more important to conserve the

disease is an inflamación of themeninges, the membrane envelop-

ing the brain and spinal cord, andis therefore called cerebro-spin- al

meningitis. It is caused by a germwhich usually gains entrance

Mrs. L. W. Absr Vasagsr.

Christmas Specialties, and orders- taken for ladies suits and

ready-to-We- ar garments.


Jary services assisted by the OddHows and Woodman Circle

19-- S. Range. 35-- E, N.M,B.-iv.- ,

has filed ! notice ' of intention tomake Final five-ye- ar Proof, to es-

tablish claim to the land above de-

scribed, before Wesley McCalles- -

mhea of humanity who are destin-

ed to receive, use and care for theresources in years to come; if it is

important to practice the conser-

vation, efficiency and economy in

all departments of human service,

Lodges,through the nose or mouth, finally

The ceremony was sad andhnding its way to this membiane,

beautiful and impresses us thatthe lodges have done much pood, it is vastly more important to prac- -

and is a strong link of friendship tice these principles in their rela

ter, U. S. Commissioner, in his of-

fice at Lovington, N. M., on the19th day of March, 1912.

Claimant names as witnesses:Arthur E. Brookin, Clarence

that binds the people of our town i tion to the youth of today by givaing careful attention to the needUd community togather,

physical, mental and moral. RegMr. and Mrs. Ancell and familyister-Tribun- e,moved to Lovington about March

Brookin, James W. Roberts, Samuel Posey, all of Pearl N. M.

T. C. Tillotson,Register--

1911, and have conducted theAncell store since that time, a) solook care of their ranch interests.

It will not pay you to pass by ,

Higginbothaiii-Harris&G- o,

when you want

Lumber, Sash, Doors, Building Material of all kinds,

Post, Wire, Stays, Brick, Lime, Cement, Windmills,

Pipe and Pipe Fittings, we will meet any competi-

tive prices. See us before you buy your bill.O. McCaslin, M'gr.

They made many warm friendshere 'who are much grieved to Ul. ANGELUS STORE.óose such estimable woman andon. . .

The sympathy of the entirecommunity goes out to Mr. Anecjl "Solicits a portion of your trade"

A complete line of Groceries, Dryand family and . relatives. r

Ton.LamesaGood, hats, caps, boots and shoes.Child Welfare

Day Proclamed.On and after February 1st, we will

run a bargin counter. Call and inspect it.

A big line of $5.00 shoes at $3 98,iFebruary 17th is Proclamed a $3.50 and 3.75 lot, go at 2.48, some

By Gov. McDonald asWelfare Day. thing doing at Ancells 6 days out of the

week, and on the 7 th quietude reigns.

LOVINGTON, NEW MEXICOA proclamation was issued Feb

The Carlsbad Autotnobilo Go


The U. S. Mail & PassengerLine to Carlsbad, with theCELEBRATED BUICK CARS.Leaves Lovington every Tuesday, Wednes-

day Saturday at 7 A. M. o'clock. : : : : :

ruary 5th ly the governor settingaside February 1 7 as Child Wel

Staple and Fancy Groceries.Can fill yóüf wants in the Gro-

cery line also Feed and Coal

fare Day. The object of the dayIs that "every citizen may givesome thought and effort to dieneeds of children' "Ths day willbe observed in evetyatate in theUnion if the National Congress ofMothers and 1 arenvTaacher

persuade the govern

THESE CARS CARRIED IN STOCKAT CARLSBAD. N. M .ors of the states to set aside th

47 bjr proclamaron., ,. v v


Page 3: Lovington Leader, 02-09-1912Mill Sap News. ven, were taken seriously ul at All Kinds of Fruit, Shade Trees and Shrubbery. W. T. Lay. local Agent Lovington, N. M. sipation of our magnificent

Carchii cw C t&dI

THE LOVINGTON LEADER Demonstration Train ouoe. Feriar esa I CerCU ratad dm frota my bed ci eso.

by many hundred people before

it left for the north.TheCarUhad Project was the

last district on the pro-ra- m. yetthe interest wee aa keen, at whenthe tram first eta led out


Cardsi saved Ry Ufe, aad I caaV;Weeley McCellieter Editor.

Earl Mecy Publisher. be thankful enough for whet it hea 'wtovaVPublished Every Friday at done for me. WhetUr

tetU lor vessta. to

- - New MexicoLovington,

non. iaraui m in a ciaaamr its acit .. KaUr! as tMMd-ciu- t matter l"eiary 11, 110. at lae pott ffica t

U'Vao, Na Mu tt, itaaar im Act of Mm a I. If.faMW 4 eaalj a4 alad ta IU


teaitritiua yate f 1 00

AdTiuiui! lUtti' tHalrMdiBtialktiiiiciiiHírlinaí..rflriiuiertwi, for.r ctnti 1,1 for

t:i itCMtvt itiu tlitisaitr Lims Umaud a. íie acrds tarn,

weeks ago. This is the &3of its kind ever run inico and has met with suck' waráreception at every point thick

Santa Fe Ry. and the AgriculturalCollege are highly pleaaed overthe reault. Carlsbad Current.


Argyle, Mich.- - Mrs. Wm. H.Cars n, in a letter from Argyle.aays: "I waa almost wild with painin my head, and other severepains, due to womanly troubles.


BarberUar r.eH: ia go 4 work aa

Oifa us a



does the work; it relieves, it cures;Try it Your druggist has it.

The Lovington Leader$1.00 per Year.


Shoptoarteess Utaiosat


C. E. STIIES. Proprietort.

and Love

A U 8in wonnan jf

a- -

Well Attended.

The people of Cailibad and theProject turned out in body laat

Thursday and Friday to the De-

monstration Train. It allowed thehunger for farm gospel and J. D.

Tintley and the ataff from the Ag-rirnlhi-

CnlUore had attentivehearers The children were there.

i i ti i -.itnowtog luuy at arrn inirrwthe grown-up- s.

The train came in a little aheadof time, but was not opened to

jt,e public TlAirsday night. In--

,lea(l lr,e various speakers were, .

, "in me i rojecu m --ansDaa mecommodious Auditorium was wellfilled .! eager listeners. W. 11



jet V

Gair'.son, president of the Agricul-

tural Colege, Fabian Garcia, horticulturist, and others gave interest-ing addresses. Among otherthings the speakers- - dwelt on theimportance of educating the risinggeneration in agriculture, as thefuture welfare of the state depended on the boya and girls of today.

J D. Tinsley, H. H. Simpson,and others appeared at Otis wherethe large schoolhouse waa crowd-ed to the doora. The dairy indus-try received much attention hereas the farmers of Otia are takingthe lead in developing the dairyin the Project

Friday morning the train stop-ped an hour at Loving. Here theentire population was in waiting.The various exhibits interestedthis progressive farming commun-ity. The next stop waa Malaga,where a very interesting crowdwaa in attendence. On returningthe train stopped half an hour atOtia, where over 200 people wentthrough the train. The two schoolsin the district came with bannersflying and wers given the oppor-tunity to see the exhibits first Thechildren all carried note . booksand made good use of them as thevarioua. exhibits were explained bvby the men in charge. Returningto iarlsbad the train vas visited

Spurs and Bits made to order.FIRST CLASS BLACKSMITH1NG

Wood-wor-k and HorseshoeingSatisfaction Guaranteed.

S. O. Love, Shop Manager.

i iereia.' L (tifien and larroauJing '


pr jraar Ml uaiit'ii .50.:


atiigio column .6'Je. aab.e calmuu






Public Land Sale.

Department of the Interior, U. S.Land Office at Roswell. N. M.January 5, 1912.

Notice is hereby given that, asdirected by the Commissioner ofthe General Land office, underprovisions of Act of Congress appro ved June 27, 1906 (34 Stats.,5 1 7), we will offer at public sale,to the highest bidder, at o'clock AM., on the 13th day of, February, 1912, at this office.the following-describe- d land:

E. -2 S. E 1--4 Section 25.

Township 10 S., Range 35 EAny persona claiming adversely

the above-describe- d land are ad-

vised to file their claims, or objections, on or before the time designated for sale.

T. C. Tillotson, Register.Harold Hurd Receiver.

The bank is the financial- - heartoí die community. Upon its circula.tion depends your prosperity. Doyour part toward keeping it throbmg and we will do ours. '

First Territorial Bank.

Lovington, N.. M.

DUyiaj Ads par iucli ar mouth

iase ft aaoth $1.00.

A Wmm




Department of the Interior. U. S.

Land Omcc at Roawell, N. M..January 5. 1912.

Notice ia hereby given that, asdirected by the Commissioner ofthe General Land office, underprovisions of act of Congress ap-

proved June 27. 1906 (34 Stat..,517), we will offer at public sale,to the higheat bidder, at 1 0 o'clockA. M, on the 13th day of Febru-

ary, 19 12, at this office, the follow-ing described land;

W. -2 N.W. -4 Section 26.Township 10 S.. Ranse 35 E.

Any persons claiming adverselythe above-deeenbe- d land are advised to file their claims, or objections. on or before the time designoted for sale.

T. G Tillotaon, Register.Harold Hurd, Receiver.


ArtasiaRM.Doors west of First NatL Baak


Wesley McCalUter reprtneta the Fireman Fund Fire

nsurance Company. '

Subscribe for TheLeader


Arteeie New MexiFor Fine Portrait.

Mail order Kodaka,Work Attended to Promptly.

Send for Prices.


No. 84.

Msti fsrr first aal tklra talarV niai lu Iba W. O. W kail.



Biuitt, Edipi. windmill,, CmL aoWET US FIGURE WltH YOU.

Page 4: Lovington Leader, 02-09-1912Mill Sap News. ven, were taken seriously ul at All Kinds of Fruit, Shade Trees and Shrubbery. W. T. Lay. local Agent Lovington, N. M. sipation of our magnificent

(d) Where r) married wc,mrwi&b tspapi t;""': .the heir of a settler or contactbe saada, taadW tmt?ktajy eo&oVisiag such catrys, by tíss :

flowing cUasos of poreoa.if tSss

ale otherwise qualified to nuke '

who dies before making entry.(c) Where a mamad woman

made improvements and residedon the lands applied for before

irgcshe may enter themlot aiütó VII entry. '(a) By a foimer entqtnatwkoafter marriage if her husband is

not holding other land under an emmuted his entry prior to juneANDEXTRA HIGH PATENT FLOUR, TEXAS BEST 5.1900- -unperfected homestead entry at thtime she applies to make entry. (b) By a homestead entrymanWHITE FACE, $3.00." A married woman can not make who. prior to May 17. 1900. paidentry under any of these rendi fci !. i d to which I c would havtions unless the lawa of the State: The above are tvo of die best known brnnds in Texas. been afte. ward entitled to receiv

patent without payment, under thewhere the lands applied for are. a .i iWe always keep them and guarantee every sack. situated give her the right to ac

quire ana hold tide to lands as a- If you want a Cheaper flour, we liave Extra High Patent femme sole.

If an entryman deserts hiand abandons the land coveredMcgnolia at $2.90, also Fully Guaranteed.

fate homesact" , . .

(c) By any person who for anycnuseloet, forfeited, or abandoned .

his homestead entry before Fsbniary 8, 1906, if the forme rentrywas not canceled for fraud or relinquished for a valuable conslderation. Where an entry mansells his Improvements on the landand relinquishes his entry in connection therewith, or ifhe receive

by his entry, his wife then has theexclusive right to contest the entryCANNED GOODS, CAR LOAD JUST RECEIVED. t a a

it she has continued to reside onthe land, and on securing its can'cellation she may enter the land inher own right, or she may continue

We bought these goods at the lowest point in the last year and are making prices be.low present wholesale prices. 3 choice Tomatoes case of 2 doz., $2.50. Fancy Sweet corn;$2.10. California Yellow Free Peaches; $4.25. Egg plums; $4.25.

All of our California Fruits are put up in heavy canesyrup, will please the most critical.


her residence and make proof inthe name of and as the agent forher husband, and patent will issue

mr amount ot his hung tees or anyoilier amount, it is held that be relinquishes for a valuable considera -tion.

(d)Any person who has alnady made final proof for less

to him.If an entryman deserts his minorneed a new wagon l or j men moune wagons, always sell at SOO.UU, our price

children and abandons his entryafter the death of his wife, the$75.00. Buy a wagon and load it with Groceries and Dry Goods and SAVE MONEY,

a athan 160 acres under the homesead laws may, if he is otherwisechildren have the same rights the(Jome and see us, we have the most complete stock in Dawson county, and want toqualified, make a second or addi- -

ional homestead entry for such anfigure with you.


amount of public land as willwhen added to the amount for

wife could have exercised had shebeen deserted during her lifetime.

If a husband and wife are eachholding an original entry or a sec-

ond entry at the same time, they

must relinquish one of the entriesunless one of them holds an entry

as the heir ofaformer entrymanor settler. In cases where they can

i a a a

which he has already made proofnot exceed in the aggregate 160

acres. See, however, instructionsunder theenlarged homestead act(Appendix No. I A).HOMESTEAD LAWS

'Any person desiring to make anot hold both entries, they maylect which one they willretain second entry must first select and& G0Y and relinquish the other. inspect the lands he intends to en-

ter and then make applicationA widow, if otherwise qualified,

may make a homestead entry not here-- f or on blanks furnished by theregister and receiver. Each apwithstanding the fact that her hus

band made an entry, and notwith

By Whom Homestead EntriesMay be Made,

Homestead entries may he madeby any person who does not comewithin either of the followingclasses:

(a) Married women, except ashereinafter stated.

(b) Persons who have alreadymade homestead entry, except as

hereinafter stated.

plication must state the date andnumber of his former entry and theand office at which it was made

standing she may be at the timeclaiming the unperfected entry ofher deceased husband.

Contractors for Centrifugal Pumps.

Will dig wells and Guarantee water to

furnish pumps.

Agents for Olds Engine, American

Centrifugal and Gould pumps.Call on or, address us

A person serving in the army ornavy of theUnited States make ahomestead entry if some memberof his family is residing on the lands

or give the section, township, andrange in which the land enteredwas located. Any person mantioned in paragraph (c) abovemust show, by the oaths of himself

and some other person or personsthe time when his former entrywasl ost.forfeite d, crabandonedand that it was not canceledfo

(c) Foreign-bor- n persona whohave not declared their intentionto become citizens of the United

applied for, and the applicationa

and accompanying affidavits mayLOVINGTON NEW MEXICO. be executed before the officer comStates.

manding the branch of the service(d) Persons who are the owners(a) Where she has been actuallyof more than 160 acres of land in

theUnited States. deserted by her husband,(b) Where her husband is in

fraud or abandoned or relinquished for a valuable consideration.

An additional homestead entrymay be made by a person for such

(e) Persons under the age of 21

capacitated by disease or otherwiseyears who are not the heads offrom earning a su) port for his fam- - an amount of public lands adjoinfamilies, except minors who makeUy. and the wife is really the head ng lands then heldandresidedupentry as heirs, as hereinafter men

on by him under his original entryas will, when added to such adjoin.

tioned, or who have served in thearmy or navy during the existenceof an actual war for at least fourteen

and main support of the family.

(c) Where the husband is con fin-d- in

a penitentiary and she is ac-

tually the head of the family.nganda, not exceed in the agsregate 160 acres.days.Abctrecte and Fire Insurance (f) Persons who have acquired

tide to or are claiming under anyof the agricultural public-lan- d laws,NoesirftASe d U.3.Undthrough settlement or entry madesince August 30. 1890. any other

Lxwingioo, New Mexico lands which, with the lands last applied for, would amount in the ag-

gregate to mote than 320 acres.See, however, modification hereof

especially for its manufacture.Half a century of success, has

stamded Cardui with the seal ofpublic approval, During this timeCardui has benefited a million

women. Why not you? Try it to-


No Pity Needed 1 was so sor-$- r

for your wife ' during , the serSjion this morniiu, Doctor. Shebad such a dreadful fit of cough-

ing that the eyes of the congrega-

tion were fist upon herDoctor "pon t be unduly al-

armed. She was wearing her newk at (or the first tur" üaetter. .


Memphis, Tenn. Mrs. EmmaD. Looney, of this place says: - "I

suffered misery nearly eight years,

but since taking Cardui, I ammuch stronger, and I haven't mis-

sed a single meal. 1 hardly knowhow to express . my gratitude."Don't worry about your" symptomsCardui doesn't treat them. Whatyou need is strength. Cardui helpsyou to get it Take Cardui, be-

cause other tonics and medicinesdo not contain its peculiar andsuccessful ingredients, unpolled

in the regulations concerning en-Urg- ed

homestead entries under the

act of February 1 9-- 1909 (Appen-

dix No. 14).

A married woman, .who has all

of the other qualification of a home-

steader, may rnake homestead

entry under any one of the follow- -

Good meals and bedsCourteous Tmtratyt

A. B. Love Proprietor.ftbgcooditíons:

Page 5: Lovington Leader, 02-09-1912Mill Sap News. ven, were taken seriously ul at All Kinds of Fruit, Shade Trees and Shrubbery. W. T. Lay. local Agent Lovington, N. M. sipation of our magnificent

Local News. worliCLa G J, 0 a a, --Sat.

sheoí T. IX AaccJa SU.

a. L. roeey and wile vas tn' ' atil

i ta a iftown yesterday fro n Pearl t-- n mi prw nam'Mag.- - Uk1l-aois1jiai4,- !.

Aaal- -i AKoMhpsw lienUar DealProf. J. C Johnson wat veryi

somenlow Tuesday night, but ubetter Thursday.

. .


CERIES, GRAIN AND HAY.Bet and Cot Ancell. 0 I ionand Tom Carter attended the fu

neral of Matter iter and Mr.Ancell.

Before buying windmill, eating'ad repairs, aee Aualey and Rob-- son 7i

Jason; we will make it to your in- -

W.M,B-ccko- n

Jcwelercr :

We handle a CompletiLine of Jewelery

Watch and dock RepairWork Carefully Done.

Semincle Texas

tereat n

tPink E. Cravy. J. S. HibLeU and !

ton, A. C Cook. Mr. Smith, Tom f

Miller and William OocLrtt all oftJa'mview, have been in Lovir.g- -

IPricoVery Serais '

A full line of Strtaon and FVaverMat! at T. M. Anrell't Store.

F. J. Robinson has enlarged hisfarm from twenty-fiv- e to forty- - oneacres, hat it broken up and in fineshape for planting.

It Is a very asrievu matter so tsklor ens medicine nrd hrv? tbtwrenj o:j ryín jo. Per thisreason its u:;e you fu buyinr ta

a di cartful to get tha gtnv

All kindfl of building material, thefamous Star Windmill, casing, pipe andpipe fittings, wire and posti, and thebest grades of all kinds of lumber.

We are located in Lamesa to stay.Patronize us and by so doing help ussave you money.

For the best of everything and treat-

ment go to

FEED.-Co- rn, oats, chops, cot-- !

ton seed meal and cake; also No. ;

I stock salt; best coalEL.tCK-CDE?AUG- líí

Liver Medicine

When in Lovington dropin at the

JÍLniití htbio,

All kindaof PhotofaphyjrkKodak work a Specialitf

John Beard

Prop.ITor ItsmldT, Tuasday aad H '.uesdav


Attorneys t Law

Arteiia New Mexico,

Figure with me on vaur nextbill J. 5. Boyd.

Editor Autry, of Flainview. wasa Lovington caller one day thisweek in interest of his paper.

Thartpntstloa efthta old, rsaoio medicine, f r cor3tiuoo,

and liver UouMe, is rirrvlr established. Itother medicines. It it better thnaA. G. McADAMS LUMBER CO.

Lamesa and Tahoka, Texaswner, or it would not ba the fa-

vorite liver rn.lr with i usalo than all others combined.

Everything in the latest and; 4

. best scarfs, at Ancell's Store. fl

A. C. Heard was in from hisranch Tuesday.


Ancell guarantees satisfaction orgives your money back.

A new baby was recently bornto Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Stokes

Our new line of Dry GoodsItrsi territorial lattk


GROVE, No. 27.

fttUr Ifsetiiif svery third Thiirs- -

I; in ata moaih ia W. O w aUMBS. N. J. C )RNETTd Unstri

MKS UAUIia&iUAU. C.rk .

DR. T. L PRESEY,SpecialUt

EYE. EAR, NOSE and THROATOklahoma Block.

Office hours: 9 to 12 a. m.; 2 to 4p. m. Roswell, N. M.

have arrived. Our prices are right, j

Come in and let us convince you. j

T. M. Ancell's Store.

J. D. Hart is raising his wind-- 1

mill tower this week. He is put- -

ting in a six inch pump and will i

irrigate a nice orchard. '

V See Ausley & Robinson for alie-l-

Hardware. Furniture and coflinsLeman Clascock has bought a j

bunch of steers and moved them


nsMMiirn ti n mrakJMBaaaa-- L . ,


CAPITAL $30,000. AH Rr-- J Up

5 Per Cent Interest on all Time Deposits,

We invite your account and will graat yoaevery accoanmocJitioB consistent with soundBaakiaf. Prompt attention giran all Mllaetiaas.

to his place for the winter.We are headquarters for stove i

. nd heaters. V. 1 1. Brennand.Dr. A. A. Dearduff is again ble

. to practice. His service and pres-ence has been much missed dur-- ;ing bis illiness.

i. . it.

Hardware Wind Mills, and WellSupplies of All Kinds.

Implements, Lumber, Barbed-Wir- e

and Posts.oes nams 1 1 cents per lbs. at


I'rtstdsnt, Vics-rrtiiis- at. CaiU.

C. L. CrMfkMB

Asst. Ctfb.

: l. M.acells.. C O. Gilley rang up his family

.from Midland Monday and re-

ported good luck with the car of. horses that he bought, andwas on' Iiia way tp purchase another car.He also reported meningitis break-ing out anew in Midland, andother placet along the Texas &

' Pacific road.Caroline, Lubericating, and

Wind Mill oil, at Brennand .

Í UW. JL Cay, a land man of Stanvfffd, Texas, and motorman M. BMóote and N. 5. Wert, of Hager-- .tnany Mt passed through Lov-ingt-


and spent the night Tues-day enroute to Stamford. Mr. Gaywas exchanging some Texas prop-erty for some interests in the val- -

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