22800 Aldine-Westfield Rd., Spring, TX 77373 Office 281-353-5053 * Fax 281-355-8847 Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston www.stjta.org “Living Our Timeless Catholic Faith in a Contemporary World” Scan the image to go to our website.

“Living Our Timeless Catholic Faith in a Contemporary … · “Living Our Timeless Catholic Faith in a Contemporary World” ... Art Guerrez, Sarah Granados, Evelyn Callery, Solomon

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22800 Aldine-Westfield Rd., Spring, TX 77373 Office 281-353-5053 * Fax 281-355-8847

Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston www.stjta.org

“Living Our Timeless Catholic Faith in a Contemporary World”

Scan the image to go to our website.



Altar Society: (Theresa Avila) ………………………………………[email protected] Boy Scouts Troop #355, Cub Scouts, American Heritage Girls: (Paul Hall) ………………………………………………………[email protected] Catholic Daughters of the Americas: (Paula Willis)…………………………………………………………[email protected] Couples for Christ/FFL: VACANT El Shaddai DWXI Prayer Group: (Joyce Ramos)……[email protected] Family Fun Night: (Eric Wilbourn)………………[email protected] Grupo de Oración: (Trini Villafaña)……………[email protected] Knights of Columbus #6557: (Jose Ruvalcaba)…[email protected] Parish Council: (Pam Schultz)………………………[email protected] Spring mers: (Carolyn Vercher)……………………………[email protected]

PARISH INFORMATION NEWCOMERS: A warm welcome to you. We hope that you find a home with us here at St. James. If you would like to become a regis-tered member of our parish family, please pick up a registra on form locate on either side of the doors. If you wish, you may stop the parish office or please visit our website at STJTA.org. We will be hap-py to assist you in any way. INFANT BAPTISM: We are excited about you having your baby bap-

zed here at St. James. For informa on concerning Bap sm, please contact the parish office or please visit our website at STJTA.org. ANOINTING OF THE SICK: The church is here for you in mes of sickness. If you wish to receive the Anoin ng of the Sick, please con-tact the parish office or see the priest or one of the deacons before or a er mass. He will be glad to assist you. MARRIAGE: Congratula ons on your upcoming marriage. The church wishes to assist you in preparing for this important sacrament. Couples should contact the parish office at least six (6) months prior to the wedding date so that we can adequately prepare you to receive this sacrament or please visit our website at STJTA.org. RCIA: The church welcomes you as a son or daughter. We hope that you find a home with us here at St. James. If you are interested in becoming Catholic and learning about our faith, please speak to the priest or one of our deacons. You may also wish to visit our website at STJTA.org. It is our pleasure and privilege to assist you on your journey of faith.


Ifyouoramemberofyourfamilyexperiencesillnessorinjurycalltheparishof iceat281-353-5053andwewilladd thatnameto theprayer list in the Bulletin.Wewill pray every day for those on theprayerlist.

PARISH OFFICE HOURS MONDAY-THURSDAY: 9:00 A.M.-5:00 P.M. FRIDAY: 9:00 A.M.-1:00 P.M. SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Vigil: 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 11:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. (Misa en español) WEEKDAY MASS SCHEDULE Tuesday-Friday 8:00 a.m. RECONCILIATION (CONFESSIONS) Wednesday: 6:30-7:15 p.m. Saturday: 3:30-4:30 p.m. EXPOSITION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT Monday: 7:00 p.m.-8:30 p.m. First Friday of each month: 8:30 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Second Friday of each month (en Español) 7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m.

CLERGY Rev. Charles J. Samperi, Pastor Ext. 117 [email protected] Deacon Ray Oden, Administrator Ext. 111 [email protected] Deacon Alfonso Chicas Ext. 113 [email protected] Deacon Paul Pinon Ext. 119 [email protected] Deacon Rene Ramon Ext. 115 [email protected] Deacon Art Zepeda, Retired Ext. 118 [email protected]

PASTORAL STAFF Don Nguyen, Director of Music Ext. 123 [email protected] Chela Mescia, Secretary Ext. 125 [email protected] Cathy Uvalle, Secretary Ext. 120 [email protected]

Albert Medina, Gary Mokry, Bobby Landry, Jim Fayard Wayne & Fara Isaacs Family, Liz Treybig, Arnold Alvarez, Richard Robbins, Butch Moore, Celia Oviedo, Ron Brown, George Lopez, Nicole M. Hendrix, Velma Sanchez, Edward Sanchez, Raquel Ragan, Marissa Fernandez, Maria

Mondragon, Fernanda Mondragon, Elena M. Richards, Tim Sehrock, Steve Smith, Mary Shannon, Art Gu errez, Sarah Granados, Evelyn Callery, Solomon Alam, Ada Alam, Albert Creado, Samantha, Bessie Sowell, Nirupa Prasad, Eunice Perusic, Keresa Richardson, Don Mar n, Jonathan Creado, Malena Trevino & Ramona Trevino, Michael Wheelis, Alex Osornio, Cipriano Miranda, Jessie Marroquin, Mary Camba, Hanah Henry, Tony Perry, Zoey Luu & Joshua Luu, Judith Sinnard, Zeny Naguit, Adriana Ruiz.

BULLETIN DEADLINE All Bulletin requests can be sent to:

[email protected] ***Publication is done further in advance during the holiday season. Please keep this in mind and submit your announce-

ments as soon as you can for posting.***

4th Sunday of Advent

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 20 4th Sunday of Advent MI 5:1-4A; PS 80:2-3, 15-16, 18-19; HEB 10:5-10; LK 1:39-45

7:30 a.m. Mass - Lydia Weatherby + 9:00 a.m. Mass - Joe Toomey + 11:00 a.m. Mass - Mr. & Mrs. Panfilo Rimas + 1:00 p.m. Misa - Pro Populo 2:00 p.m. Spanish Liturgical Ministries Christmas Party ______________________________________

MONDAY, DECEMBER 21 St. Peter Canisius SG 2:8-14; PS 33:2-3, 11-12, 20-21; LK 1:39-45

8:00 a.m. Rosary 7:00 p.m. Adoration 7:00 p.m. Cub Scout Meeting (Parish Hall) ________________________________________________________

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 22 1SM 1:24-28; 1SAMUEL 2:1, 4-8ABCD; LK 1:46-56

7:30 a.m. Rosary 8:00 a.m. Mass - Bud Stuhlreyer + 8:30 a.m. Morning Prayer 9:00 a.m. Spring Timers (Parish Hall) 7:00 p.m. Crecimentos (Parish Hall) ________________________________________________________ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 23 St. John of Kanty **CONFESSIONS WILL NOT BE HEARD TODAY**

MAL 3:1-4, 23-24; PS 25:4-5AB, 8-10 AND 14; LK 1:57-66 7:30 a.m. Rosary 8:00 a.m. Mass - In Thanksgiving 8:30 a.m. Morning Prayer 10:00 a.m. Bible Study (St. James Room) _____________________________________

THURSDAY, DECEMBER 24 Christmas Eve IS 62:1-5; PS 89:4-5, 16-17, 27, 29; ACTS 13:16-17, 22-25; MT 1:1-25

4:00 p.m. Christmas Family Mass - Will, Jay & Mike Bentz + 7:00 p.m. Christmas Vigil - Int. Alexander & Julia Lara _________________________________________________________ FRIDAY, DECEMBER 25 The Nativity of the Lord

MIDNIGHT - IS 9:1-6; PS 96:1-3, 11-13; TI 2:11-14; LK 2:1-14 9 & 11 - IS 52:7-10; PS 98:1-6; HEB 1:1-6; JN 1:1-18

12:00 am. Christmas Day Midnight Mass - Pro Populo 9:00 a.m. Christmas Day Mass - Int. Alida MacLean 11:00 a.m. Navidad Misa - Nita M. Agustin + _____________________________________________

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 26 St. Stephen ACTS 6:8-10; 7:54-59; PS 31:3CD-4, 6 & 8AB, 16BC & 117; MT 10:17-22

***CONFESSIONS WILL NOT BE HEARD TODAY*** 5:00 p.m. Mass - Pro Populo


Gospel Activity of the Week for Families SetuptheChristmascreche,ifyouhaven’talreadydoneso.Askamemberofthefamilytoofferablessingprayerthatre lectsthejoyandpeaceoftheseason.Talkabouthowyourfamilywillensurethatyourholidaycelebrationwillbeajoyousevent,focusingontherealmeaningofChristmas.DECEMBER 20TH CATECHISM Q & A

Q. When will the Last, or Final, Judg-ment occur? A. This judgment will come at the end of the world. Only God knows the hour and the day. (Catechism of the Catholic Church, paragraph 1038). Read the Catechism! Go to: vatican.va/archive/ENG0015/_INDEX.HTM Source: Faith Fusion: Knowing, Loving, and Serving Christ and the Catholic Church (Our Sunday Visitor)

Fourth Sunday of Advent

In proclaiming the Jubilee Year of Mercy, Pope Fran-cis proclaimed his desire that this Holy Year be

“steeped in mercy,” as we disciples “go out to every man and woman,” bringing the balm of mercy” to

“believers and those far away, as a sign that the King-dom of God is already present in our

midst!” (Misericordiae Vultus, 5). In her visitation of Elizabeth, Mary beautifully presents just such an im-age. Despite the perils of her pregnancy, not to men-tion her preoccupations as a young unwed mother,

Mary instantly, unselfishly, “goes out” of herself, has-tening far and over dangerous terrain, to “bring the

balm of God’s tender mercy” in assistance rendered to her older relative. Since baptism and the Eucharist have made us, in a way, bearers of the living Christ within as Mary was, such selfless “going out” of our-

selves to be of loving service to others in mercy should especially mark our Christmas season this

Jubilee Year.

Eucharistic Ministers, Readers, Acolytes and Greeters We are having a MORNING OF REFLECTION on January 23rd from 10am – 12Noon in the church. Our presenter will be Fr. Leon Strieder, professor at St. Mary’s Seminary in Hou-ston, TX. Lunch will be served afterwards. Please contact the office (281-353-5053) no later than January 16th to let us know if you are going to attend.



DSF 2015 ~ “GO FORTH AND BEAR FRUIT THAT WILL LAST…” Parish Goal for 2015: $87,000.00 Amount Paid: $97,660.55 Amount Pledged: $100,518.30 # of participants: 308 % paid at: 112.25% Report date: 12/14/2015


Sign up for Online Giving by visiting www.stjta.org

OUR GIFTS TO GOD Thank you for your generous stewardship.

Week ending December 13, 2015

Regular Collection (224 env) $ 9,,674.37 Mailed in contributions: $ 3,888.80 Online Giving: 12/07-13/2015 $ 2,716.62 Total: $ 16,279.79 Attendance: 1885

SCHEDULED SECOND COLLECTIONS: 1st Sunday: Debt Reduction 5th Sunday: Social Ministry

In 1972 Pope Paul VI revised several ministries and minor clerical orders. One ministry that was preserved was the minis-try of the instituted acolyte. While the term acolyte is at times used when referring to young men and women who assist at

the altar (altar servers), the ministry of acolyte is a permanent institution. Because the ministry has its

roots in the formation of ordained clergy, the ministry is reserved to men. The instituted acolyte is appointed

to assist the deacon and serve the priest in the celebration of the liturgy. He is an extraordinary minister of Holy Commun-

ion serving only when sufficient ordinary ministers are not available. Men must be at least 21 years of age, fully initiated and living an exemplary Christian way of life, with no impedi-ments to sacramental reception, (e.g. if married, one must be in valid marital union recognized by the Church). For more infor-

mation please contact Deacon Ray in the parish office.

Adult Confirmation Classes Begin January 4th! Would you like to receive the Sacrament of Confirma-tion? If you are 18 or over and have not yet received the Sacrament, please call the par-ish office to schedule a time to meet with Fr. Charlie or Deacon Ray prior to our first class on January 4th.

Classes will take place on Monday evenings from 7-8:30 beginning January 4 through March 28. Confirmation will take place on Pentecost Weekend (May 14 - 15, 2016).

December 22nd There will be a Mass at

7:00pm. Dinner will fol-low after Mass in the

Parish Hall.


THURSDAY 24TH - CHRISTMAS EVE 4:00 pm Family Mass

Children are asked to bring a bell to ring during Mass

7:00pm Vigil Mass


12:00 am Midnight Mass 9:00 am Mass 11:00 am Misa



St. James Family Fun Night Ministry would like to thank all parishioners that donated to our Thanks-giving Food Drive 2015. We were able to help 32 families pro-vide Thanksgiving dinner this year due to your generosity. Thank you so much and God Bless you always!!

We are searching for volunteers interested in creat-ing that good first impression by serving as an Usher at weekend Masses. Individuals must be willing to greet Parishioners, provide support during the Mass, assist in seating at Mass, take up the collection, help

manage Communion flow, assist Parishioners in any need they have, and pass out Bulletins after Mass. The time commitment is about 90 minutes,1 - 2 Sundays a month. Please contact Deacon Ray in the

parish office or email him at: [email protected]


KSHJ 1430 AM – English Catholic radio in

Houston, TX. Tune in every Monday at 12 noon to

“Evangelium Live,” Houston’s local live program hosted by Joe McClane. Listen on air at AM 1430, online at

GRNonline.com, or on your mobile. device – both IOS and Android.


Faith Formation News

For any questions, please contact the Faith Formation Office (281-353-5053 ext. 124) Faith Formation Secretary: Rachel Weatherby - [email protected] CFF (Grades 4-6 & 7-8): VACANT CFF (Grades 1-3 & 9-12): Theresa Avila - [email protected] Adult Faith Formation: David Dziena – [email protected] Youth Ministry Middle & High School: VACANT

Youth Ministry News HighSchoolYouthNights:AllHighSchoolparishionersarewelcometoattendourYouthNightonWed.,Dec.16th,7:30-9pmintheParishHall.Joinusfordinner,activities,fellowship.Bringafriend!JuniorHighYouthNights:AllparishionersinJuniorHighSchoolarewelcometojoinourJun-iorHighyouthnights.Comeforfood,games,andfun.Upcomingmeetingsarefrom7:00pm-8:30pmonintheJPIIRoom(behindthechurchbuilding).

For more information, please call 281-855-2358 or email: [email protected]


Is someone you love unable to join us at church during this holy time of Advent and Christmas? For the faithful at home or in healthcare set-tings, the Heart of the Nation TV Mass brings spiritual comfort and the blessings of joyful hope in the coming of our newborn Savior.

Sunday and Christmas TV Mass: KUBE channel 57 at 10:30 a.m.

Mass is also online at http://www.HeartoftheNation.org.

For those who can get to church, the TV or online liturgy does not fulfill the Sunday or

Christmas Mass obligation.



Meta de la parroquia 2015: $87,000.00 Pagado: $97,660.55 Promesa: $100,519.30 # de participantes: 308 % pagado: 112.25% Fecha: 12/14/2015


(Gracias por su ayuda Cristiana De Los Dones)

Fin de Semana del 13 de diciembre 2015

Colecta Regular (224 sobres) $ 9,674.37 Contribuciones enviadas por correo: $ 3,888.80 Contribuciones Vía línea: $ 2,716.62 Total: $ 16,279.79

Asistencia: 1885

SEGUNDA COLECTA PROGRAMADA: 1er domingo: Reducción de la deuda

5o domingo: MInisterio Social . 4odomingodeadvientoActividaddelaSemanaPonganunpesebredeNavidad,siesquenolohanhecho.Pidanaunmiembrodelafamiliaqueofrezcaunaoraciondebendicionquere lejelaalegrıaylapazdelaestacion.Hablensobrecomosufamiliaseaseguraradequelacele-braciondeestaepocafestivaseauneventodefelicidad,concentradoenelverdaderosigni icadodelaNavidad.

En 1972 el Papa Pablo VI revisó varios minis-terios y órdenes menores del clero.. Un min-isterio que se conservó fue el ministerio del acólito instituido. Mientras que el término acólito es a veces usado para referirse a los hombres y mujeres jóvenes que ayudan en el altar (monaguillos), el ministerio de acólito es una institución permanente. Debido a que el ministerio tiene sus raíces en la formación de

clero ordenado, el ministerio está reservado a los hombres. El acólito instituido es designado pa-ra ayudar al diácono y servir al sacerdote en la celebración de la liturgia. Él es un Ministro Extraor-dinario de la Sagrada Comunión sirviendo sólo cuando suficientes

ministros ordinarios no están disponibles. Los hombres deben tener por lo menos la edad de 21 años, totalmente entregados y estar viviendo la vida Cristiana de una manera ejemplar sin nada que los impida, por ejem-plo (si es casado, tiene que estar casado por la Iglesia Católica). Para mas información, favor de comunicarse con el Diácono Ray Oden en las oficinas de la parroquia.

Regístrese para dar sus donaciones elec-trónicamente en nuestra página de la

parroquia www.stjta.org

Clases de Confirmación para adultos (en Inglés) comienzan el 4 de enero!

Quiere Usted recibir el sacramento de Confirmación? Si Usted tiene 18 años o más y todavía no ha recibido el Sacra-mento, por favor llame a la oficina parroquial para programar

una cita para reunirse con el Padre Charlie o Diácono Ray antes de nuestra primera clase el 4 de enero. Las clases tendrán lugar el lunes por la noche de 7 a 8:30pm iniciando el 4 de enero has-

ta el 28 de marzo. La Confirmación se realizará el fin de

semana de Pentecostés (el 14 y 15 de mayo del 2016).


St. James the Apostle 22800 Aldine-Westfield Road Spring, TX 77373

Contact: Maria Thrift [email protected]

Software: Pub 2013 AAXI Windows 8

Transmit: Monday afternoons


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