Live Doc Create Recovery Cl on Zilla

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  • 8/10/2019 Live Doc Create Recovery Cl on Zilla


    Create Recovery Clonezilla

    Description: Create a atorn recovery Clonezilla live CD or !"# $lash drive %"tep &y step'

    (. #oot the )achine via Clonezilla live*. +he &oot )en o$ Clonezilla live,. ere we choose 0000 )ode1 a$ter pressing 2nter1 yo will see De&ian 3in &ooting

    process:4. Choose langage. Choose 5ey&oard layot. Choose 6"tart Clonezilla67. Choose 6device-i)age6 option. Choose 6local_dev6 option to assign sd&( as the i)age ho)e

    8. "elect sd&( as i)age repository1 then choose 6restoredis56 option(0.Choose the i)age yo want to inclde in the recovery CD or !"# $lash drive:

    Create Recovery Clonezilla

    9n this ea)ple: Create a atorn recovery Clonezilla live CD or !"# $lash drive %"tep&y step'

    (. #oot the )achine via Clonezilla live*. +he &oot )en o$ Clonezilla live,. ere we choose 0000 )ode1 a$ter pressing 2nter1 yo will see De&ian 3in &ooting

    process:4. Choose langage. Choose 5ey&oard layot. Choose 6"tart Clonezilla67. Choose 6device-i)age6 option. Choose 6local_dev6 option to assign sd&( as the i)age ho)e8. "elect sd&( as i)age repository1 then choose 6restoredis56 option(0.Choose the i)age yo want to inclde in the recovery CD or !"# $lash drive:

    #ac5 to ;Clonezilla 3ive Doc;

    9n this ea)ple1 the )achine has * dis5s1 (st dis5;s na)e is sda %device na)e in @A!/3in'1 *nddis5;s device na)e is sd&. Be already have a Clonezilla i)age in sd&. //A>+2// o )st $irst createan i)ageand it shold eist in dir /ho)e/parti)ag1 otherwise later the )en 6recovery-iso-zip6 won;t&e shown.9n this ea)ple1 the i)age na)e is called 6lcid-*0(0-07-*-07-i)g6. and its contents is:

    root@debian:~# ls -alFh /home/partimag/

  • 8/10/2019 Live Doc Create Recovery Cl on Zilla


    total 512drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 168 21-7-28 7:12 !/drwxr-xr-x " root root 8 21-7-28 7:15 !!/drwxr-xr-x 2 root root "8 21-7-28 7:7 $%&/drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 512 21-7-28 7:12 l'(id-21-7-28-7-img/drwxr-xr-x 2 root root "8 21-7-28 7:7 )hotos/

    root@debian:~# ls -alFh /home/partimag/l'(id-21-7-28-7-img/total 22*drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 512 21-7-28 7:12 !/drwxr-xr-x 7 root root 168 21-7-28 7:12 !!/-rw-r--r-- 1 root root " 21-7-28 7:12 dis+-rw-r--r-- 1 root root ," 21-7-28 7:12 .no-dmi!txt-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 18 21-7-28 7:12 .no-lshw!txt-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1!" 21-7-28 7:12 .no-lsp(i!txt-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 26 21-7-28 7:12 .no-pa(+ages!txt-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1 21-7-28 7:12 parts-rw------- 1 root root 216* 21-7-28 7:12 sda1!ext"-pt(l-img!g0!aa-rw------- 1 root root 2!,* 21-7-28 7:12 sda5!ext"-pt(l-img!g0!aa-rw-r--r-- 1 root root ,6 21-7-28 7:11 sda-(hs!s-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1!* 21-7-28 7:11 sda-hidden-data-ater-mbr

    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 512 21-7-28 7:11 sda-mbr-rw-r--r-- 1 root root "," 21-7-28 7:11 sda-pt!parted-rw-r--r-- 1 root root ,1 21-7-28 7:11 sda-pt!s-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 5, 21-7-28 7:12 swappt-sda2!ino

    Aow we will se the i)age 6lcid-*0(0-07-*-07-i)g6 to create a recovery Clonezilla live CD1which can &e sed to recover the sda i$ the syste) on sda crashes.>nce yo have the &oota&le Clonezilla 3ive CD/DD or !"# $lash drive1 yo can &oot the )achineyo want to clone via Clonezilla live. Re)e)&er to se the Clonezilla live CD or !"# $lash drive to&oot the )achine. Eor ea)ple1 i$ yo have Clonezilla 3ive in !"# $lash drive1 yo have to &oot itvia !"# device %2. !"#-DD or !"#-F9'. 9$ necessary1 yo can set the $irst &oot priority in the

    #9>" as !"#-DD or !"#-F9 so that it can &oot Clonezilla 3ive $ro) yor !"# $lash drive.ere we ta5e CD as an ea)ple. o can either set CD as $irst &oot priority in )achine;s #9>" li5ethis:


  • 8/10/2019 Live Doc Create Recovery Cl on Zilla


    >r &y pressing a hot5ey %e.g. 2sc or E8' when yo &oot the )achine1 yo will see the &oot )en o$

    #9>" li5e this:


  • 8/10/2019 Live Doc Create Recovery Cl on Zilla


    Chec5 yor )other&oard )anal $or )ore details a&ot how to &oot yor )achine via CD.

    +he &oot )en o$ Clonezilla live +>

    ere is a screenshot o$ Clonezilla 3ive &oot )en:

  • 8/10/2019 Live Doc Create Recovery Cl on Zilla


    +he $irst one is the de$alt )ode $or Clonezilla 3ive. 9t will de$alt to $ra)e&$$er )ode with a

    resoltion o$ 0000.+here are )ore )odes which yo can choose in the *nd choice 6>ther )odes o$ Clonezilla live61 e.g.(0*4G7 or 4040 one i$ yo want1 as shown here:

  • 8/10/2019 Live Doc Create Recovery Cl on Zilla


    +he choice1 6Clonezilla live %+o RHI. #oot )edia can &e re)oved later'1 is the sa)e $nction with

    the (st one ecept when Clonezilla live &ooting $inishes1 all the necessary $iles are copied to )e)ory.+here$ore yo can re)ove the &oot )edia %CD or !"# $lash drive' then.9$ yo do not need Chinese or Japanese environ)ent or i$ yor co)pter eperiences pro&le)s in the$ra)e&$$er )ode1 yo can choose the one 6Clonezilla 3ive %no $ra)e&$$er'6 to clone in the 2nglishenviron)ent.+he choice1 6Clonezilla live %$ailsa$e )ode'61 is $or so)ething goes wrong when yo are not &e a&leto &oot yor )achine1 sch as HC9 o$ yor )achine is not spported in the 5ernel.9$ yo want to &oot local >" in yor harddrive1 yo can choose the one 63ocal operating syste) inharddrive %i$ availa&le'6. +his is an etra $nction in the &oot )edia that has nothing to do withClonezilla 3ive.+he choice1 6EreeD>"61 allows yo to &oot yor )achine into Eree D>".+his is an etra $nction in

    the &oot )edia that has nothing to do with Clonezilla 3ive.+he choice1 6Ie)ory test sing Ie)testK16 is $or )e)ory testing sing Ie)testK. +his is anetra $nction in the &oot )edia that has nothing to do with Clonezilla 3ive.+he choice1 6Aetwor5 &oot via ether&oot6 or 6Aetwor5 &oot via gpe6 is sed to per$or) a networ5&oot via2ther&oot or gG2. 9$ yor co)pter does not have a G2 networ51 yo can se this to do&oot $ro) a networ5. +his is an etra $nction in the &oot )edia that has nothing to do withClonezilla 3ive.
  • 8/10/2019 Live Doc Create Recovery Cl on Zilla


    ere we choose 0000 )ode1 a$ter pressing 2nter1 yo will see De&ian 3in &ootingprocess: +>

    //A>+2// Do _A>+_ choose the +o RHI option o$ &oot )en in this case. 9t will _A>+_ wor5 $orcreating recovery 9"> or zip $ile.

    Choose langage +>

  • 8/10/2019 Live Doc Create Recovery Cl on Zilla


    Choose 5ey&oard layot +>
  • 8/10/2019 Live Doc Create Recovery Cl on Zilla


    +he de$alt 5ey&oard layot is !" 5ey&aord1 there$ore i$ yo are sing !" 5ey&oard1 Lst press enter%i.e. se the option 6Don;t toch 5ey)ap6'.9$ yo want to change 5ey)ap1 yo can either choose 6"elect 5ey)ap $ro) arch list6 or 6"elect5ey)ap $ro) $ll list6.///A>+2/// +here is a &g when choosing Erench 5ey)ap in 6"elect 5ey)ap $ro) arch list61 so se6"elect 5ey)ap $ro) $ll list6 to change 5ey)ap i$ yo are sing Erench 5ey&oard.

    Choose 6"tart Clonezilla6 +>

  • 8/10/2019 Live Doc Create Recovery Cl on Zilla


    Choose 6device-i)age6 option +>

  • 8/10/2019 Live Doc Create Recovery Cl on Zilla


    ay attention to the hints1 too. o )ight need that:///intM Ero) now on1 i$ )ltiple choices are availa&le1 yo have to press space 5ey to )ar5 yorselection. H star sign %N' will &e shown when the selection is done///

    Choose 6local_dev6 option to assign sd&( as the i)age ho)e +>

  • 8/10/2019 Live Doc Create Recovery Cl on Zilla


    +here are other options1 e.g. ssh$s1 sa)&a or n$s1 yo can se when networ5 is availa&le. +his is veryse$l when *nd local dis5 is not availa&le."ince we choose 6local_dev6 option1 we can se *nd dis5 or !"# $lash drive to save (st dis5;s i)age.9$ sing !"# $lash drive as repository1 inster !"# $lash drive and wait a $ew secs.


  • 8/10/2019 Live Doc Create Recovery Cl on Zilla


    "elect sd&( as i)age repository1 then choose 6restoredis56 option +>

  • 8/10/2019 Live Doc Create Recovery Cl on Zilla


    9$ yo are not $a)iliar with the dis5 or partition na)e in @A!/3in1 read the hints:;+he partition na)e is the device na)e in @A!/3in. +he $irst partition in the $irst dis5 is 6hda(6 or6sda(61 the *nd partition in the $irst dis5 is 6hda*6 or 6sda*61 the $irst partition in the second dis5 is6hd&(6 or 6sd&(6... 9$ the syste) yo want to save is I" windows1 nor)ally C: is hda( %$or H+H' orsda( %$or H+H1 "H+H or "C"9'1 and D: cold &e hda* %or sda*'1 hda %or sda'...;

    +hen Clonezilla shows yo the dis5 sage report:


  • 8/10/2019 Live Doc Create Recovery Cl on Zilla


    ere we choose 6#eginner6 )ode:


  • 8/10/2019 Live Doc Create Recovery Cl on Zilla


    9$ yo choose 62pert6 )ode1 yo will have so)e chances to choose advanced para)eters1 e.g.i)aging progra)1 co)pression progra)1 etc.. o can see )ore details here.

    Aow yo can select 6recovery-iso-zip6 option:

  • 8/10/2019 Live Doc Create Recovery Cl on Zilla


    Choose the i)age yo want to inclde in the recovery CD or !"# $lash drive: +>

  • 8/10/2019 Live Doc Create Recovery Cl on Zilla


    Choose the dis5 to &e recovered when the recovery CD or !"# $lash drive is sed:


  • 8/10/2019 Live Doc Create Recovery Cl on Zilla


    Choose the langage when the recovery CD or !"# $lash drive is sed:


  • 8/10/2019 Live Doc Create Recovery Cl on Zilla


    "et the 5ey&oard layot when the recovery CD or !"# $lash drive is sed1 here we chose 6A>A26.+hat )eans we won;t change the 5ey&oard layot1 i.e. the !" 5ey&oard layot will &e sed:


  • 8/10/2019 Live Doc Create Recovery Cl on Zilla


    Choose yo want to creaet iso $ile %$or CD/DD'1 zip $ile %$or !"# $lash drive' or &oth. ere wechoose iso:


  • 8/10/2019 Live Doc Create Recovery Cl on Zilla


    Clonezilla will list the co))and to create sch a iso $ile:


  • 8/10/2019 Live Doc Create Recovery Cl on Zilla


    +he iso $ile $or recovery CD is creating:


  • 8/10/2019 Live Doc Create Recovery Cl on Zilla




  • 8/10/2019 Live Doc Create Recovery Cl on Zilla


    +he created iso $ile is in the dir /ho)e/parti)ag:


  • 8/10/2019 Live Doc Create Recovery Cl on Zilla


    +hat;s all. o can copy %or se networ5 tool to copy1 e.g. scp1 l$tp1 to copy the $ile to another )achine.9$ yo need to con$ig the networ51 rn: 6sdo -iO ocs-live-netc$g6 to con$ig the networ5.' the create iso$ile to the )achine rnning with a CD &rner. +hen yo can se &rning tool to &rn the iso i)age toCD or DD. 9$ yo want to create a recovery !"# $lash drive1 choose to create zip $ile1 then $ollowthe sa)e )ethod as creating !"# $lash drive version o$ Clonezilla liveto pt the created zip $ile on!"# $lash drive and )a5e it &oota&le.
