PURBA BARDIIAMAN ZILLA PARISPlAD F\'GI\:ITIUi\C WING COl I{'I' (·()'\·ll'OL'\I). 1'1) IlARDIIAMi\N IJISJ J'l.RH/\IlAIO)II,\.'vlA;\.I'JN..713101. Memo, No:-DUc-Nll/Z22 Phone: 0342-26656841 Fax: 0342-2663327 c-mai I -PZ1H!i,'iLqJgg@1$rnaiJ_,_QQill_ Datc., 01103/2019 NOTICE JNVITINC ELECTR()NIC TENDER OF TilE DISTRICT ENGINEER, PVRBA HARJ)HAMAN ZILLA I'ARISIIAD c-l\'[T No.-26 of2018-J9 The District Engineer Purba Bardharnan Zilla Parishad iavites e-Tender on behalf of Purba Bardharnan Zilla Parishad for the works in the table below from reputed & resourceful Contractors working under Zilla Parishad, P.W.D., CY. W.O. & similar other Gov!. Dcptt. having experience and requisite credential in execution of similar type of work. List of Work:- 'SIr--- No J -- --- - Name or works (Submission of Bid thl'Oug-h online). .-1-·------ FOllr Mo~;ths-·- R~.5150.,02/- Rs. I ,()J, I 00/- ------ Four Months Rs .15.39.336/- . Rs. 91 ,O()O/- I - ------- FourMq~rhs --. Rs. ~ HAD I 11- Rs. 97,000/- .- --~- --.,,---. £:o-;;-r MOI;[hs R~ ~R.JII,037/- Rs.97,0001- Lsllll1<Jled Rs. 35.61 /Inl- Rs. 21.X'1,;187/- Rs 30,03,833/- R~. 29,66.8021- Rs. 19.79.1~7/~ Rs 28.o3.33(J/- Rs '19_5().527/. Ih 74.10.161/- Rs. 32.65,917/- Rs.33.65,7'17/- Rs. 32.10,599/- Rs 51.30,()OO/- 19 llilgradatio-;:; 0'1' Road 'Ii-tJI11Orentl11 IHntala nil ;\11 "iJ ttl ()r!'ral11 /\Iieram road vi,a VTC with ill 13halar Illock ill Ihe i)isl"ct III I'urha 1 Rs ]O.()().OOO/- l3ardilaman ~- Cons~C-ct;;;;;-;'I' Road IhJl11lkhagram (PlIla!ld"!'lIriJ) III Par,,; Abharampllr road (Ii Gnswai Band" IVithiilljilisi I I'S 1l11i1l' i)istrlcl R, _]I.IB_/IJ I/~ or P\lrb~_I!a_riha!1',~n (Phase-J I) (\ mount plIt t·o Tender Illlcllldin!~ OST. em) (Rs ) ~ I·: 'I:E:'(I)Ell (2'''' Call) lfe-pa~ &. Mainianancc of the road from Kulap.. 1l1i!nnOFl'!H Garuhuur: within Jamaiplir 1'.5. in ihe District of Purba Ilardhillllall (1'Ili'sc II)' Repair & Mail1lunanccol:-;'oad lrorn B.urdwiln Katml road to .'\iglln Rly Station within Mongalkote I'.S. in the District (,I.'Pnrnll 13ardhaman (Phase-H) Repair & Mail1lanal;c';'Z;(Karajg-;;m Tikorkhanii Road via Sudpur within Katwa-I P S. in the District ofPurba Bardhamun (Phase-If) -1)-' - -Rcp;iir &Mauiic'lallc~ o(Road'I'r'Om Kumorpur Ilauala to Rutanpur Pinata wnhi» Keiugrarn-l I'.S. in the District of Purha Bardhamnn (Phasccll) .-. -.. -. ." Repair & Mailitcnance to Bhabadcb Chatterjee Road ('i'has~ Ill) within Raina-Il P_S_in the District of Purba Bardhama» '(;- 7cp~ir & Maintenahcc to ro~d Ir'ol11 Il(;'kra to l Iakrishnapur within Raina-I P.S. in the District of Purba Bardhaman Upgradaticn ofro;;dfr-;;;-nIl~~fyapllr 'lius Statid 10 SiIlDl'rb1n.B.D () omcc via Patilpara wilhin Kaln!!--II Hlock in thl' Dislfl"t .01' I'urba Bardhaman Upgradation of'io;;-dt~oll1 N<I\~para Chakbal11l1nl~'JrI" Ro"J al Kuso'goria to Chotokarali within I'llrbastlwli I IlI"d In thL' i)"trici Ill' I>mba Bardhaman -9-. ---'lJpgr;d-;-~()I;-Olc~oad l'rolll Ilhlll1Uart;oria Illls SlOp III Kulitl \ lilit!\l' Within Kctlleram I Block in thl' Di~trici of l'urb'l Iln,nJhcl!":l1I "10 RepaTr'rr,iar1tana-;;'ie ~)rroad from Momgml11"Chatl 1.0 "t)_llIlsa \\ Il.hlll Kctllgram IBlock in the District of 1'1Irha Ilardhilillall 11- -Upgradirtio;;- ciT r~ad Ii-Om Mejiri to l)oSl!~ra.m within K'll"'': n Illoc-k in the District of Purba llardhalmm Phase II f-:--=--. ------- - -.- - .-.- 12' -Upgradation of road Ii-olll Manirnmbati to DO.lllll via GUfq~har within Jamalpur Block in the District oi'PlIrba Bardhumun --'13- UpgradatiOnoTro~ld from JI,tIircpara to Salmllia within .IillmdpurHltld in the Districi of Purba Bardhaman -J;j - Upg;adali;:;;;-~i:road frOm-C:haknura More'.to Rajpllr Villagl' wlihin Momari I Block iiJ the District ·01' Purba Bardhall1lln -'S,r--'UpgffidaLTooor'road rrol1; Maglampllf Baltiila III I'urbarar" Kall1arshal within M~m<lri I Block in (he District "fPurba ilardhaman Ph II . -16- Upgnidatio;;'of;oad from,Kalidaha I\usgnnn Rtltlu 10 Iluhllrhanuh within /\userall1 I Block in the District or 1'1I1b:1Ilurdlulll1HIl 17 -lIpg;~datio~Of;oad i;ol11 G~nrai 10 I kUligtlnl \\ithil1/\us!'.ram 1:1Illtl(~ in the district P(lrb.a Bardhamall Phase I 2 5 'I LJpe·radation ofroa-d rr~n; M;;Tulia l110re 10 Kashlpllf ,'W :\urpllr ",ullin Bhatal Block in the District of Purba llardhilmun PI",sc 1 18 --r~':lJnt of 1 Earnest I ~rimc of , Money completion ! ,,(~--- --,,- Remarks Lowes! bidder must deposit reqllired agreement fees at the til11e of execlltion or agreement as per norms Three Months Three Months Three Months Rs. 59,500/_ Rs. tlD,OOO/- Rs. 56,500/- Three Months Rs. 99.500/- Rates, arc as per PWD Schcdu Ie of rates wi th effect rrom 30.08.201 g (VOlume-Ill) with 1st Corrigenda & Addenda dated- 09/1.0/2.0 18 --- - .---- ----- ~-.-~- Rs. 1,48,5.00/" FOllr Months -- --". __ .- ------ --._- .--,,- FOllr Months Rs. 65,500/- Four Months '. Rs.6I),50.o1- Fo.ur Months Rs. 1,08,6001· Four Months - --...J _ Rs. 1,.09,500/= - .._-_ -------------.,..-----,-- FOllr Months FOur Months Rs. 60,000/- Rs.62500/- Four Months

PURBA BARDIIAMAN ZILLA PARISPlAD - burdwanzp.org 222.pdf · The District Engineer Purba Bardharnan Zilla Parishad iavites e-Tender on behalf of Purba Bardharnan Zilla Parishad for

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Page 1: PURBA BARDIIAMAN ZILLA PARISPlAD - burdwanzp.org 222.pdf · The District Engineer Purba Bardharnan Zilla Parishad iavites e-Tender on behalf of Purba Bardharnan Zilla Parishad for


COl I{'I' (·()'\·ll'OL'\I). 1'1) IlARDIIAMi\N

IJISJ J'l.RH/\IlAIO)II,\.'vlA;\.I'JN ..713101.

Memo, No:-DUc-Nll/Z22

Phone: 0342-26656841 Fax: 0342-2663327c-mai I -PZ1H!i,'iLqJgg@1$rnaiJ_,_QQill_



c-l\'[T No.-26 of2018-J9The District Engineer Purba Bardharnan Zilla Parishad iavites e-Tender on behalf of Purba Bardharnan

Zilla Parishad for the works in the table below from reputed & resourceful Contractors working under ZillaParishad, P.W.D., CY.W.O. & similar other Gov!. Dcptt. having experience and requisite credential in executionof similar type of work.

List of Work:-'SIr--­No J

-- --- -

Name or works(Submission of Bid thl'Oug-h online).

.-1-·------ FOllr Mo~;ths-·-R~. 5150.,02/- Rs. I ,()J, I00/-

------Four Months

Rs .15.39.336/- . Rs. 91 ,O()O/-I

- ------- FourMq~rhs --.Rs. ~HAD I 11- Rs. 97,000/-

.- --~- --.,,---. £:o-;;-r MOI;[hsR~ ~R.JII,037/- Rs.97,0001-


Rs. 35.61 /Inl-

Rs. 21.X'1,;187/-

Rs 30,03,833/-

R~. 29,66.8021-

Rs. 19.79.1~7/~

Rs 28.o3.33(J/-

Rs '19_5().527/.

Ih 74.10.161/-

Rs. 32.65,917/-


Rs. 32.10,599/-

Rs 51.30,()OO/-

19 llilgradatio-;:; 0'1'Road 'Ii-tJI11Orentl11 I Hntala nil ;\11 "iJ ttl ()r!'ral11/\Iieram road vi,a VTC with ill 13halar Illock ill Ihe i)isl"ct III I'urha 1 Rs ]O.()().OOO/-l3ardilaman

~- Cons~C-ct;;;;;-;'I' Road IhJl11lkhagram (PlIla!ld"!'lIriJ) III Par,,;Abharampllr road (Ii Gnswai Band" IVithiilljilisi I I'S 1l11i1l' i)istrlcl R, _]I.IB_/IJ I/~or P\lrb~_I!a_riha!1',~n (Phase-J I)

(\ mount plIt t·oTender

Illlcllldin!~ OST.em) (Rs )

~ I·: 'I:E:'(I)Ell (2'''' Call)lfe-pa~ &. Mainianancc of the road from Kulap..1l1i!nnOFl'!H Garuhuur:within Jamaiplir 1'.5. in ihe District of Purba Ilardhillllall (1'Ili'sc II)'Repair & Mail1lunanccol:-;'oad lrorn B.urdwiln Katml road to .'\igllnRly Station within Mongalkote I'.S. in the District (,I.'Pnrnll13ardhaman (Phase-H)Repair & Mail1lanal;c';'Z;(Karajg-;;m Tikorkhanii Road via Sudpurwithin Katwa-I P S. in the District ofPurba Bardhamun (Phase-If)

-1)-' - -Rcp;iir &Mauiic'lallc~ o(Road'I'r'Om Kumorpur I lauala to RutanpurPinata wnhi» Keiugrarn-l I'.S. in the District of Purha Bardhamnn(Phasccll) .-. -.. -. ."Repair & Mailitcnance to Bhabadcb Chatterjee Road ('i'has~ Ill) withinRaina-Il P_S_in the District of Purba Bardhama»

'(;- 7cp~ir & Maintenahcc to ro~d Ir'ol11 Il(;'kra to l IakrishnapurwithinRaina-I P.S. in the District of Purba BardhamanUpgradaticn ofro;;dfr-;;;-nIl~~fyapllr 'lius Statid 10 SiIlDl'rb1n.B.D ()omcc via Patilpara wilhin Kaln!!--II Hlock in thl' Dislfl"t .01' I'urbaBardhamanUpgradation of'io;;-dt~oll1 N<I\~para Chakbal11l1nl~'JrI" Ro"J alKuso'goria to Chotokarali within I'llrbastlwli I IlI"d In thL' i)"trici Ill'I>mba Bardhaman

-9-. ---'lJpgr;d-;-~()I;-Olc~oad l'rolll Ilhlll1Uart;oria Illls SlOp III Kulitl \ lilit!\l'Within Kctlleram I Block in thl' Di~trici of l'urb'l Iln,nJhcl!":l1I

"10 RepaTr'rr,iar1tana-;;'ie ~)rroad from Momgml11"Chatl 1.0 "t)_llIlsa \\ Il.hlllKctllgram IBlock in the District of 1'1Irha Ilardhilillall

11- -Upgradirtio;;- ciT r~ad Ii-Om Mejiri to l)oSl!~ra.m within K'll"'': n Illoc-kin the District of Purba llardhalmm Phase II

f-:--=--. ------- - -.- - .-.-12' -Upgradation of road Ii-olll Manirnmbati to DO.lllll via GUfq~harwithin

Jamalpur Block in the District oi'PlIrba Bardhumun--'13- UpgradatiOnoTro~ld from JI,tIircpara to Salmllia within .IillmdpurHltld

in the Districi of Purba Bardhaman-J;j -Upg;adali;:;;;-~i:road frOm-C:haknura More'.to Rajpllr Villagl' wlihin

Momari I Block iiJ the District ·01'Purba Bardhall1lln-'S,r--'UpgffidaLTooor'road rrol1; Maglampllf Baltiila III I'urbarar"

Kall1arshal within M~m<lri I Block in (he District "fPurba ilardhamanPh II .

-16- Upgnidatio;;'of;oad from,Kalidaha I\usgnnn Rtltlu 10 Iluhllrhanuhwithin /\userall1 I Block in the District or 1'1I1b:1Ilurdlulll1HIl

17 -lIpg;~datio~Of;oad i;ol11 G~nrai 10 I kUligtlnl \\ithil1/\us!'.ram 1:1Illtl(~in the district P(lrb.a Bardhamall Phase I




LJpe·radation ofroa-d rr~n; M;;Tulia l110re 10 Kashlpllf ,'W :\urpllr ",ullinBhatal Block in the District of Purba llardhilmun PI",sc 1


--r~':lJntof 1Earnest I ~rimc of

, Money completion

! ,,(~--- --,,-


Lowes! bidder mustdeposit reqllired

agreement fees at thetil11e of execlltion or

agreement as per norms

Three Months

Three Months

Three MonthsRs. 59,500/_

Rs. tlD,OOO/-

Rs. 56,500/- Three Months

Rs. 99.500/-

Rates, arc as per PWDSchcdu Ie of rates wi theffect rrom 30.08.201 g(VOlume-Ill) with 1st

Corrigenda & Addendadated- 09/1.0/2.0 18

--- - .---- ----- ~-.-~-Rs. 1,48,5.00/" FOllr Months

-- --".__.------- --._- .--,,-FOllr MonthsRs. 65,500/-

Four Months


Fo.ur Months

Rs. 1,08,6001· Four Months

- --...J _

Rs. 1,.09,500/=

- .._-_ -------------.,..-----,--

FOllr Months

FOur MonthsRs. 60,000/-

Rs.62500/- Four Months

Page 2: PURBA BARDIIAMAN ZILLA PARISPlAD - burdwanzp.org 222.pdf · The District Engineer Purba Bardharnan Zilla Parishad iavites e-Tender on behalf of Purba Bardharnan Zilla Parishad for

Four Months

- c.:)~lctiol; of Road from AI';r; (NI-12) atS"ha\(tip,rahtn !3\1r~lI\via?l 10t0.para Belna williin Bar.dbaman-"Il.1',5, 'lllti1e t)ISlflc'lol I'u[btl

[Jardhaman _ --~.-- ,,-' ,-"" dh' I22 Construe,tion of Road from Panrui Viliagc Road wnhm Bar aman-

I'.S" in [he District ofPurba Bardhaman _.-" - .'2,,3 Construction orroad f;;;:;;-U;;~jwaipukur Road via Kalna to

Sultanpur within Khandap,hosh 1'.5. in the District of PurbaB.ardhaman -''----''-.- -

24 Construction of road !'rOtnPasanda Thakur pukur ])hal to Pasanda . .Hanala with a Iink to "'asanda Barabainan road Within Raina-ll .1'.5. ll\ Rs. 4-'1.,13.0 \0/·

the Districi orl'lIrba B'l!dl:!.a!~. _" ,,--- ..25 Upgradation or Road from 5haktigarh Atagarh to Ghatsri<t within

Bardhaman.lll'.S" in the District o1'I'\lrba !3ardhaman (Phase·ll)26 Construction one 2!'( 2.50 Mtr 5panC~~ert &: o~e '1;>;25D Mtr Span

Culvert & road side Drain Oil road from Kamarilati Library toKonarpur PMGSY read under GOlanG"l'" within Raina· fl nim:k inthe District or I'urba Hardllaman, " ,.... "J. in the event of c-filing intending bidder ;:;';~ydownload the document from the web-site directly by the help of digital

signature certi ficate/e-Token.Earnest Money Deposit of c-ProcurcmentOnline receipt and refund of Earnest Money Deposit or c.-Procurement through State Government e-Procurement portal. The following procedure to be adopted Ior deposit of 1·:MDlBid Security/Tender Fees related to

l-our ~tl)nth~

R~ ~9.()O()/- lnur Months

Rs 30),'I ..W31

R, Xl)JlllOI \

Rs 6()J)()O/- 1\

1\s. H9 (lO()/


l-our ;vlllnthsRs.H.}(I" \ IIII

Four MonthS

Rs (,I ,,(lOlil l-our Monllls

e-Procurement.A) Login By bidder :-a) A bidder desirous of taking part in a tender shall logging to the e-Procurement portal of the Government of

West Bengal :_ https:/l wbtenders.gov.in. using his login lD and password.b) He will select the. tender to bid and initiate payment of pre·deflned EMD / Tender Fees for that tender by

selecting from either of the following payments modes :-i) Net Banking (any of the Banks listed in the lCICI Bank Paymcnt-gateway) in case of payment through

lOCI Bank Payment Gateway.ii) RTGS/NEFT in case of offline payment through bank account in any Bal1k .

B) Payment Proccdurc:-i) Payment by NetBanking (any listed Bank) through ICICI Banl< l'aymcntGatcwaya) On selection of net banking as the payment lllode. the bidder \Nill be directed to lCICI Bank Payment Gateway

webpage ( along with a string containing a Unique \l) ) where he will select the Bank through he wants to dothe transaction in Account No 026401013669, IFSC Code: ICIC0000264.

b) Bidder will make the payment af1er entering his Uniquc Ii) and password orthe bank to process the transaction.c) Bidder will receive a confirmation message rcgarding SllCCCSS/ failure oCthe transaction.d) If the transaction is successful, the amount paid by the biddcr wi II' get credited in the respective Pool ing

Account maintained with the Focal Point Branch of lClel Bank at R,N Mukherjee Road, Kolkata for collection

of EMD / Tender Fees.e) If the transaction is failure the bidder will again try for payment by going back to the first step.

ii) Payment through RTGS/N EFT:-a) On selection of RTGS/NEFT as the payment mode, the e-Procurement p0l1al will show a pre-filled

challan having the details to proces.s RTGS/N EFT transaction.b) The bidder will print the challan and use the pre-filled information to makc IrfGS/NEFTpayment using

his bank account.c) Once payment is· made, bidder will come back to the c-Procurement portal after expiry of a reasonable

time to enable the NEFT/RTGS process to cornplct·c. in order to verify the payment made and continue the

bidding process.d) If verification is successful, the fund will gel credited to the respective Pooling account of the maintained

with the focal Point Branch of lCICI Bank at R.i\ Mukherjee Road, Kolkata for collection of EMD /

Tender Fees.e) Hereafter, the bidder will go to e-Procurement portal 1'01' submission 'of his bid.f) But irthe payment verification .is unsuccessful, the amount will be returned to thc bidder's account.

C) Refund! Settlement Process:-i) After opening of the bids and technical evaluation 01' the same by the tender inviting authority through

electroniC processing in the e.-Procurement portal of the State Covernment, the tender inviting authority willdeclare the status of the bids as succcssful/ unsuccessful vvhich wi 1\ be made available, along with thedetails of the unsuccessful bidders to lC1CI bank by thc e-Procurement portal through web services.

ii) On receipt of the information from the e-ProeW:Clllent portal, the Bank will refund, through an automatedprocess, the EMD of the bidders disqualified at the technical evaluation to the respective bidders' bank,ccounts tcomWhiC~ m,de the p,ymc:t "J~';on Such ,cl\md 7'CC withinT+2 b,nk

Page 3: PURBA BARDIIAMAN ZILLA PARISPlAD - burdwanzp.org 222.pdf · The District Engineer Purba Bardharnan Zilla Parishad iavites e-Tender on behalf of Purba Bardharnan Zilla Parishad for


working davs where -r: '110> " s - I WI IllL'i1Jl till' dale on which inf . , . '.J rocurcmcm porta) by lh.c lender i))) jljJ]L' au/harjl}1 01 rnauon on rejection of bid is uploaded La the e-Once the finan 'ial bid-e I . . " . -'h . ' )1 -c a uauon is clcctronieal lv 'JrOCCssed' tlee meally qualified bidders o her th: tl . t r 'I t --" In ie e-procurernent portal, EMD of the- '" an ra 0 I ic Ll and L2 bi dders .aUI0mat~d prescs 10 the rc pcctive bidders' bank accollnts fr . I ers will be refunded, through anueh relund wiil lake nlacc '11111-11-I'.; I)' k -W k i . om which they made the payment transaction.. -. ,. - .. )al1 Or Ing Days whe "T" '11

Informa110n on rejection of fiI1UIlCi,!/hid is uplo, ddt '- h - P re WI mean the date on whichAuthority. I Iowever, the 1.2 bidder J'otlld . 1 be a. e, dO.tlle e- rocurement.portal by the tender invitingIftheLlbidl, , __ , ", 110 .creJcctc tl thcLOlprocesslssuccessful.of the L2 b·~;r.aCX:~t~,tl~efI.OJ and-the same IS processed electronically in the e-procurement portal EMD

' I er WI . _C rc undcd JhrQugh an automated process, to his bank account from Which h ' dthe payment transaClimt Sue}i rc/'und ..viii take place within T+2 Bank working days' h "T" .leima ethe date :11' Ii . fo .. were WI mean) . on w I~ In ormation ~J1 /\ward of Comraej (AOC) to the LI bidder is uploaded to the e­f rocuremem pOl1al by Ihe tender IIwlllng allth0rily.;\~I.refunds wiU be made Illal~dHI()rily10 the any account from which the payment of EMD I (if an ) weI'1Il1tlated. y e



2. Eligibility criteria for participation in tender:i) The prospective bidders shall have sa,(i$J~\ctorily completed as prime agency at least one similar nature of

work having minimum value of forty percent of'thc estimated cost for which bid is invited during the last5 (five) years prior to the date of issuc or this not icc. under Zi Ila Patishad, P.W.D., c.P. W.O., & similarother Govt. Deptt. Copy OfColllpletioll certificate (1'01' executed work) obtained from not below the rank ofthe Work Order issuing authority should be produced with the technical bid ..(N.B.- Estimated amount, workdone amount, date of completion or work and detailed communicational address of the client must beindicated in the credential certificate).

ii) Copy of a)Valid PAN Card issued by Income Tax Department b) Current Professional Tax Receipt Challanc) Valid IS-digit Goods & Services Taxpayer Identification Number (GSTIN) under GST Act,2017.d) TradeLicence. IStatutory Documents!.

iii) Neither prospective bidders neil' any or conslituent partner had been debao-ed to participate in tender by anyGovt. Deptt. during the last 5 (live) years prior to the date of this e-NIT. Such debar will be considered asdisqualification towards el igibi Iity.

iv) Registered Unemployed I':nginccrs' co-operative Societies! Unemployed Labour Co-Operative Societies arerequired to furnish Valid Bye l.aw. Valid Registcr Certificate issued by the Co-operative Department,Current Audit /{epoli. Annual C;cnera! \IIecting along with other relevant slIPPOlting papers. [NonStatutory Documents I.

v) A prospective bidder sh~dl be allowed to participate in the job either in the capacity of individual or as apartner of a l~nll. If found 10 have applied severally in a singl~jQQ,_jll! ..b~__g_RRlicant~wil~.JStiected for that.job !lIlly...

vi) A prospective bidder (including his paJ1icipation in partnership) shall be allowed to participate maximumfour works as mentioned in the list or schemes.(Not applicable)

vii) The Partnership finn shall furnish the registcred partnership deed and the company shall furnish the Articleof Association and Memorandum. I \;011 Statutory Documents].

viii) Where there is a discrepancy between thc rate in figures & words, the rate in words will govern.ix) Where there is a discrepancy between the ullit rate & the line item total resulting from multiplying the unit

rate by quantity, the unit rate quoted shall govern.x) Any change of BOQ will not he accepted under any circumstallces.xi) Tax invoice(s) needs 10 be Issucd by the supplier !agency for ralsmg claim under the contract

showing separately the tax charged in accordance with the provisions of GST Act,20 17.3. Constructional Labour Welfare Cess 1~I(one) ''.-0 or cost or construction will be deducted from every bill of the

selected agency. OST, Royalty & all other Statutory levy! Cess will have to be borne by the contractor & the rate inthe schedule of rates inclusive ot' all the taxes. cess 8:.. all other charges etc. Necessary deduction will be made fromthe contractor'S bills as per prevailing (Jovl. (lrckrs alld rules towards security deposit & other taxes & charges etc.

4. The Agency shall quote their rare in percentage basis i.c. Excess fLess/At par (Both in figures as-well as in words)in the given space of Financial Bid 1)()CltllleI1ISonly.

5. a) No Mobilization Advance and Secured Advancc will be allowed.b) No Price Variation will be allmvtd.

6. Agency shall have to arraJlge land for creatioll of Plant & Machineries, storing of materials, labour shed, laboratoryete. at their own cost and responsibi Iity.

7. Bids shall remain valid for period nol less than 90 (ninety) days from the date of opening of Financial Bid. "Bidvalid for a shorter period shall be reject cd by the' Purba Bardhaman Zilla Parishad' as non response".

8. Estimate put to tender includes 12% GST (6% CGST & 6% SGST) as applicable for the financial year 2018-19 atthe time of tender for all works contract & 1% Lahour welfare Cess.

Page 4: PURBA BARDIIAMAN ZILLA PARISPlAD - burdwanzp.org 222.pdf · The District Engineer Purba Bardharnan Zilla Parishad iavites e-Tender on behalf of Purba Bardharnan Zilla Parishad for

• • '. . . '<":'" ','I)S Income Tax, Securil)' Deposit. &.' ,'\' b\. of neccssar fmxa .an(\ l\(l\\ll\\O\\ o~ <'h} I. I

9. Payment rs subJcct to aVe\'! a. e . . . .L;bour welfare Cess, or any other deductlon as appllcabk.







Datc & Time\ 02.03.20 \9 at ?Oq_LS'~·i 02.03.2019at9.00_!?T\ 02.03.2019 at 9.00 IS'1'_'\ \6.03.2019 at~] \~QO_IS'[_I 16.03.2019 at I I.Q_O1ST\ 1803.20\9atl1.30ISTI . .._.. ---- ----, To be intimated later throughI on line and o!'fi·cenotice board.; ,.- - _.-.- -------

There shall be no proviSion of ArbitratIOn. ." .Cost of Earnest Money: Documents (Scanned copies of originals) 01' depositing F,MD to be submitted along With the

tender documents. .The Bidder, at the Bidder's own responsibility and risk is cncouraged to visit and examine the site of works and itssurroundings and obtain all information that may be nccessar~ tor prcparing the Bid and entering into a contract forthe work as mentioned in the e-Notice Inviting Tender. the cost or visiting the site shall be at the Bidder's own

Sl~ -----. Particulars

1. oate'oflT~~~n:, 11_!1_c!erI

2 Date of start of downloadin the d

3 Date of start ofsubmi.~·-~fTe~h- Date of dosing d~~loading the d45 Date of closing of submis?19E...2.f.T

7 Date of o!=,eningof Technical Bid

8 Date of opening of Financial Bid-

)ocumctl.ts (online)ocumcnts etc.nical Bid & Financial Bid.ocumcnts etc.eehnical bid & Financial Bid.


expense.The intending Bidders shall clearly understand that whatever may be outcome of the present invitation of Bids, nocost of Bidding shall be reimbursable by the Department. Purba Bardhaman Zilla Parishad reserves the right toaccept or reject any offer without assigning any reason whensoever and is not liable for any cost that might have

incurred by any Bidder at the stage of bidding.Prospective applications arc advised to note carefully the minimum qualification criteria as mentioned in

"Instructions to Bidders" before bidding.In case of Ascertaining Authority at any stage of application or execution .01' work necessary registered power of

attorney is to be produced.No CONDlTIONAl..JINCOMPLETE TENDER will be accepted under any .circumstances.In case of quoting rates, no multiple lowest rate will be entcl1ained by the Department.The District Engineer, Purba Bardhaman Zilla Parishad reserves the right to cancel the e-N.LT. due to unavoidablecircumstances and no claim in this respect will be entertained.During scrutiny, if it is come to the notice to tender inviting authority that the credential or any other papers foundincorrect/manufactured/fabricated, that tenders will not he allowed to participate in the tender and that applicationwill be out rightly rejected without any prej udicc.

20.Before issuance of the work order, the tender inviting authority may verify the credential & other documents of thelowest tenderer, if found necessary. After verification if it is found that such documents submitted by the lowesttenderer, is either manufactured or false, in that case work order will not be issued in favour of the tenderer Linder

any ciroumstances.Bid from Joint Venture are not allowed.The Defects Liabilities period for the work is one year from completion date.In case of any change of date, corrigenda, addenda. due intimation wiU be given in web site/ Notice BoardIf any discrepancy arises between two similar clauses on different notifications, the clause as stated 111 laternotification will supersede former one in following sequence>i) Z.P. Form No. 2Dii) e-NITiii) Technical Bidiv) Financial Bid

25.No Departmental materials will be issued for the works from PurbaBardhaman Zilla Parishad.

,~I'lPi'1~.v 1:7

strict l~ngineer~ Purba Ilardham.n Zilla Parishad



Page 5: PURBA BARDIIAMAN ZILLA PARISPlAD - burdwanzp.org 222.pdf · The District Engineer Purba Bardharnan Zilla Parishad iavites e-Tender on behalf of Purba Bardharnan Zilla Parishad for

Memo. 'No;- DE/c-'NlT/222172C. f'!', d .N . '. . I· . . . .... l)ale:- 0}/0312019"0 o~~o. e~ el I ~:t1ce(SL No. 2.6 of 2018-2019) forwarded for favour 01 Information with request to kindly display .in his Notice

_ _!'kla,d \(.~_llolv1ng.~Idc publicity to loc;-- - \-~, Sabhad~p~'li!SlILlaka;r.i-,·abblmdhiJiali. Purba Bardhaman i.illa Parish:rd .

_..l) District Magistrate .Purba Bardhaman & Excc~lli:veOfficer . Bardha~aI17,illa Parishad.- - 1-r6~ A~diuioIi.alExecurive Dfficer lFiI;'~ciaJ Controller &, Cllici' AccountsOfficer/Secrerary, Purba Bardhaman Zill~_I).~'.'i~:I:I~S[.=__ ____ . 7) Add'lIonall~0tr!..~Maeis_ll:atc(Dcvelop.rncnt).Purba Bardhaman .8-9~ ·hri Dipanjan Hha!' charyya. :roTritSec~et;;'ryl Sllperintel;d~lg lXriginecr (Vetting Ccli), ·(;;-)~.·~f'W-:-L3..j)ai.d~ats & Rura-I-----­

Deve}:()InT\CI1!.Dep..~'tme9.L .1oint_A!trtt~s_rativ_c.J3uilding..LHC_::7.,-SectQr-llI, Salt Laketl<)._Qlka_t£l-I06.Adhya~ha~ ~i~trist COuncil! Karmadhakshya (_AJ1)-!Rl:!rp? Bardhaman Zilla ~arislj~~ _._-"-___. ~---_=~~~_=..__o___ o _

,Supermtendmg ER~. P.W. Direl::toralc, Western Circle-L, Purba Bardhamanl Superintending Engineer, Western Highway CircleNo-I, P.W. (Roads) Directorate, Pi:Ji1BBhawan, Purba Bardhaman.lSuperintending Engineer, Darnodar ,Irrigation Circle, I & W.D.

7.-':-:::---i-'-Ka=nwinatsal'oEllrbaBardbaman ISl,lperintc-nding_Engineer ,1'JI..E. , Cent~i!!_~irc1e , Purta BhawaJl1Purba Barc::dh,,"oc:am=a::_:n:._. ~_Iub-Divisional Officer (An .Purba Bardhaman

E.~ec~tiveEngil1~cr.wBSRI)i\, Bardharnan 6i~isi~~:-B~rdhan;~ I E;eoutivcThlg~ecr, WBSRDA. Bardham;;;;=Z'Division, Kanksa IExecutive.Engineer-I, Bardhaman ~i:vision. P.W,D:! Executive Engineer-IT, Bardhaman Division. P.W.D.! Executive Engineer, Burdwan

-:T,.-.;:--=--t-So~utt..I:!ig!1w~Divisid!tJ!.V;.(Roa!ls) Direclt .!_Lxccutivc},Jngineer,l3urdwan NortI:!_l:!i.g..hwa~DJ.yisl9.10'-,,-"Y.(Roads) Direct!Sabhapatil Executive q)ffieer, Pancgayet Samity (All), Purba Bardhaman

-=--+-0-.1.0.&T~D.,NIC, Pufua Hardha_ is reque~tcd to arrang~ p;;b[;~ati~}Jn Web siie1iltp)/vvWWl~UIii~lI11.Dir;in .f--;"..-'-'-'--+.LDy. Secretary£.DJ.A., &lrba Bardh.aman.J~a P~risha~is .requcs!.e~q_~an~jl_u!?licatiol_l:,i_nWc.b~e. httR:!lw~J;1.urd~v~",-g _

Assistant. Engineer (_i\1I)1 Assistant @Dginecl{EstiImit~Section), Purba llardharnan Zilla Parishad . ~..-.---.~--------1r~~-t_;S:,:.lIb-~~~tan.! Engil1eer'Q\JI) ISLlb.:-,Assis~tE,~_gi_!1~(lr,..EstLn.~!i.~~::c.~ionI 'tiC./ Acctt., Purba_Ba~d!,arnan ~llla Panshad •.

NoticeBoard. EnginecningWing, P.urba BardhamanZilla Parishad.lOne Extra Copy.to Dlstnct Lnglllccr, I mba Bardharnan ZillaL---;,.-_,_(_.P_::arishae_\. . ~.__ . - 0 .,_., .. __ • -.,..~ _ __J


.~J>l~/)I<Jnct Engmeer

~ Purba Bardhatnan Zilla Parishad!5'r~\~"\ .