PRICE 5 CENTS. - ,nrAT0 7R. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WEDNESDAYMARCH 28. L888. ildPcrlisrmcnis. dutrtimnts. JUocrusmitttts. ROYAL INSURANCE (VMP'Y S. L. 8TANLKY . JOHN SFBtTANCK Spruauce, Stanley & Co., Importers and Jobbers of tine WHISKIES, WINES AND LIQUOKS HO Front St., San Francisco. 2 tf & w OF LIVERPOOL. CAPITAL. SIO.OOU.OOO - UNLIMITED LIABILITY. I II wk Y..iigi.niao k V sail loapri4tiliii X: will be effevt;!d at Moderate Kates of Prem Dm, oy tne unuersgnea. WM. G. IRWIN & CO i 20-d&- Managers for Haw. Islands U3VTION Fire and Marine Insurance Co. Wl w eainiwi. CAPITAL., : 10,000,000 Ravin? TCMfabliMtiet! an Agency at frw tha 11 uu'uii'j n iaianiii. tli un dersigned are prepared to accept risks against Fire in dweliiugs, stores warehouses and merchandise on favorable terms. Marine rtsk& on cargo4 Ixhhoh promptly adjusted A payable 19-d- wtf WM. . IRWIN & CO. J, 3ST. S. Williams, SANGER II A USER Ac ion Mnscliincn Fabrik, WaiiirorhaiiMen, Germany. Manufacturers of all kinds of Sui Machinery. The Eisdon Iron & Locomotive Works, Corner of Deal and Howard Streets eiv FR A NCTSC CALIFORNIA Fried. Krupp, Essen, Germany. RAILROAD MATERIAL. Krauss & Co., Munich, Germany, : i aspreckels Wm. G. Irwin. GLAUS SPRECKELS & CO., BANKERS, UONOLUL HAWAIIAN ISLANDS: Draw Exchange on the principal pares of the world. Will receive deposits on open account, make collections and conduct a general banking and exchamre business. Deposits bearing interest received in their Sav inus Department subject to published rules and regulations. 17oc:uf PARDEE'S flEMEDV I AMUttf lilt ' DR. PARDEE'S (The Only Sellable Blood Purifier.) JL SPECIFIC FOR Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Neuralgia, Ring worm And all other St in and Blood Diseases. IT REGULATES TUB LIVPF? AMD KIDNEYS. Cures Indirection ond all dlneae nrlftlngr from an enfeebled condition or tne yuem. Tin AT atjttvr. nf London, the cele brated specialist, says of PARDEE'S .dEJSIJbii x : " 1 Have nseu it, ior iwcmj frr Blood Diseases, such a Salt, Itlienm. Tetcr and Cancer and I cannot recommend it too highly T r 1 r- - The Kev. Dr. Thomas, oi iiong lvong, China, says: "PARDEE'S REMEDY is a wonderiul meuicine ior mo iuuti. f linvft nrpscrihpd it hundreds of times for Leprosy, and when given in time it always cured, tne paiieni. x can safely say that Leprosy will never break out on persons wno tase xAituhh t rpo-nlarlv- . and I advise all pei sons living in countries where leprosy i.4 prevalent to take Pardee's Remedy as a preventive." FOR SAt BY ALL DRUCC1STS IN HDNPlULU. BUHACH ! TUE GREAT CALIFORNIA INSECTICIDE. Beware oi Imitations, Which are being put upon the market. THE GENUINE BUHACH sold only by Benson, Smith & Co Sole Agents in the HAWAIIAN ISLANDS FOR THE Bnliacli Producing and Mfg. Co. STOCKTON, CAL. 78 aug!2tf cr - . I THE DAiui k Commercial Advertiser I is PUBLISHED L Horning Except Sundays. KUBSCBIITIONS: .vBBTiKB,oneyparr. -- .. JO frvP.t. VDfc A illHlHlilie fahie Inoariably xn Advance FOOK LUN & CO., 113 XnuanujStreet, I lMPoRTEKS.5AXDjiIKALERS IN, linese & Japanese Goods, va Dpsifiis in Clips and iIKa, ci&r. and ali kinds of Fancy Vilir.l.fpMut I.y 'very steamer. It office r.ox no. 255. t Vitici of Ifeinoval. THOMAS LINDSAY nafacturiiig Jeweler, HAS KKMOVKD TO hi ..1. tt : C4- - HMS liHWK. IVHIil Ol. NOTICE TO AliltlVE I5Y T1IK - I Australia To-d- ay ! j' Sweet ami leaking. lVars. Prunes. Jains and Jellies. jM Fruits. Potatoes, Onions. (iarlic, Cabbages. Cauliflower, Etc. Ms, Hazel Nuts. Italian Chestnuts. Almond Nuts f have now a steam nut roasting ma- - fin full running order. P'Twenty-tiv- e extra heavy corn fed yson hand 1 ifornia Fruit Market. I King: Street f Jstraliau Mail Service. 1 1 ' FOR SAN FRANCISCO. I "be new and fine Al steel steamship jZEALJSnDJ-A.- " eanic Steamship company, will be due I "oiielulu from Sydney and Auckland I 011 or about jpril 8th,. 1888, al!!eforvtheab,vePortw,th mails and ? f reX r abU 1 that e' having SUPERIOR I IONS, apply to Fm. 1 a. Irwin & Co., AGENTS. I Sydney ami Auckland. s I I " aw aid ane AI steel steamship i. or ornhr.Ht Pril 12th, 1888. 'ill :!rV'rtPheahaiPn with mails a. rS&iJ"!" 8DPKUIOB AV.. fin. a. iPW in & Co., ATTORNEYS- - AT-LA- BROWN, ATTORNEY AT LAW AND CECIL Public, Campbell's Block, Merchant street. 77tiaugS)tf M. THOMPSON. A.TTORNE Ofiice in Campbell's Block, corner Fort and Merchant streets, Honolulu, U. I. PRACTICES IN THE COURTS desired, will give the law in a writ- ten opinion, as to the probable result of the contention upon the facts stated 44tf J. M. FflONSARRAT. ATTORNEY AT LAW AND NOTARY PUBLIC Estate in naiy jrt ofilif Keal Bought, Sold and I.oased on Commission Loans Negotiated and Ltgul Documents Drawn NO. 27 MERCHANT ST11EET, Gazette Block, Honolulu. -- tf Mi Ml Sty . . vi v-V- -' ft" "15 I 1 ; nil. f : 'I,., . S rs. Mill .Xfr.3ratV--- : LEEGE & MILLS, E M1 I K E Steam, Coffee and Spice Mills. Importers ol Tcas, Coffees. siiee. Chartres Java Coffee, Yeast Powder, Cream Tar- - tar, Soda, Salseratus, urouna uonee, iw eign and Domestic Matches. 410-11- 2 Clay St. bet. Sansome & Battery SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. p O. Box 1580. 635mayl3 88 BONE MEAL !! The undersigned are now prepared to re ceive order for this Celetrated Fertilizer from the manufactory of UucK & uniauut San Francisco: The following is a report of the compo- - nent parts, aa obtained by Chemical analy BIS ater 8.10 per cent Organic Matter 29.18 " " " Silicious Matter 4.65 Lime 31-7- 0 44 Phosphoric Acid 23.11 Oxide of Iron 85 Carbonic Acid 1.89 " ' aiv. Salts : .52 ' 100.00 Nitrogen 2.7 per cent. Orders Received will have Prom and Careful Attention. W. GL Irwin & Co., Agents ot the Hawaiian Islands. JOHN PHILLIPS, Practical Plumber, Gasiitter AND Coppersmith, 71 King Street, Honolulu, H. I. IIUNK AND SHIP JC-l-i WORK PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. Bath Tubs. Water Closets, Wash Cowl, Plumh ng Goods of all kinds alwayn on hand. 75-jnnel5- tf. WM. McCANDLESS, No. 6 (ueeu Street, Fish Market. Dealer in choicest BEEF, VEAL MUTTON , FISH, etc. Family and shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live Stock furnished to vessels at short notice, and vegetables of all kinds supplied to order. 29 tf VVENNEE, & CO. 92 Fort Street, Have on hand New Foreign and Homemade Jewelry. Watches, Bracelets, Necklets, Pins, Lockets, Clocks, And ornaments of all kinds. Silver and Gold Plate, Elegant Solid Silver Tea Sets. Suitable for Presentation. ENGRAVING AND NATIVE JEWELRY A Specialty. Repairing in all its brandies. &r Sole Agents for King's Eye Presivers. v( Americiin Biscuit Co. Comer of .t Broadway Sis., Sun ri-3iii-- oi : : 'aliforui SUCCUS"?OlH to ll.o CALIFORNIA CRAi'iKF.U CO. :in MONTH LY PAYMENTS. All accounts U.: Al rllaii;y ar..l J-- - Printl OflJce will from tliis date I1 pruemed o im iil moutiily. MAOFARLANE & CO., FSU F IlKAK.EItS AND 0 WIIOI Jobbers in VNK an.i LtQLOK No. It! Slrot, HONOLULU. IP' Boat JBiiilder Anl eneral Joliocr. All kinds of work at?d repairs and other work executed with promptness on reasonable terras. Workshops at the rear of Lucas Planing Mill. J. H. SOPER, SuccecBor to J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co., STATIONERS & NEWS DEALERS, Hawaiian Gazette Block. 27 Merchant St., Honolulu. II. I. 41 tf FOE SALE. vt sttv a T.ATCflT! OTIANTITY OF OLD VV newspapers on hand, which will be sold for 25 cents a hundred. They are useful for wrapping parcels, laying unaer caxpeia, em. P. C. ADVERTISE!!. S. P. TAYLOR & CO., Paper Manufacturers, AND DEALERS IN Paper Bag. Twines, Etc., 414 and 416 Clay street, SAN FRANCISCO Pioneer and San vreronimo Paper Mills. South Coast raper Mill, Soqnel, Santa Crnr. Connty, Cal. Iftia2i5 88 M. PHILLIPS & Co.,' nnil Wholesale Oealers i Iniorters Boots, Shoes, Hal, Men's Furnish Ins and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahnruano Street Houo' In. H. I. 25tf-w- U H. F. BEIITELMANN. Contractor intl Builder. ESTIMATES FU11NISUED ON WOOD, BRICK OB STONE. FLANSDRAWN Cabinet and Carpenter Work done to order. 86 KING STREET. Bell Telephone 10- - TlljelCtf THE INTER-ISLAN- D STEAM NAV- IGATION COMPANY, (L.iniitel), Keep constantly on baud, for sale, STEAM FAMILY and BLACKSMITH COAL, and a genera assortment of BAR IRON. MCly Schweitzer & Co. Importers and Jobbers of FAN OY GrOOXJS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, CORSETS, White CiooiiM, IIinbroiUerieM. IIiilker efiiel. ltilIoiis, UtilieH A li j.li'it t'inlerer. 29 and 31 Battery St., San Francisco 4HCt leblu'bH E. H. Buckiiaiii k (Jo, , Manufacturers and Dealeis in SHIP STOVKS, Tin, t'oii-- , ,iM'Ui'i'.Yinl MktI lro. sires. Nliip l.ntil'-i- s iiiI M'A Stewart St., Iet. Alarket :iim1 Mission SAN 1UANlUSCO. OA I.. Shin and Job Work and tove Repairing ! x kiu i a specialty. lebU'Mn To tlie IPublic. - Tlie Pacific Transfer Co., Ofttce with Jas. I. Powsett, Sr , Queen St n et. BOTH TELEPHONES NO. 15. I an. fully pn-pare- to do rdl kir.ds of ' tlraj'RK b:udin or nivin work, al! of which I will uuai antec to oxeute faithfully. 1 ID. ! VII) A. Manager. J. E. Brown & Co. 28 MERCHANT STREET. Bell Telephone 172. P. O. Box 40 ' Mutual Telephone SSI. ACCOUNTANTS A.ND General Commission Agents OenerallAgency for Hawaiian Islands of the "H in15 ii nrf ill miH P.'fiCfl 11111111511 vv Railroad ACROSS gAMEKICA. Connecting attJOBton with the Azores ana Vercbandise stored and sold on commission. Consignments solicited. 43Properties Leased, Rente .nd 8old. Lega. Documents Drawn. Books Auui.ed and Adjusted Accounts Collected. 738augl2t H. HAOKFELD & CO., COMSHfiSIOX A2i:NTK. GENEIML Queen St., Uouolmu PAUL NEUMANN'S Law Office,. If rierclmnt .street : tf LOCOMOTIVES. Falkn & Guilleaiiiiie Cologne, Germany; Wire nopes, etc. Schmidt & Ilaentsch, P.erlin, Germany. l'ola 11 scopes cc Analytical Apparaius. Estimates and illustrated Catalogues on application. 1. . I5x S0, Ilonoiuiu BEIH SALOOK. XO. POItT STREET. Opposite Wilder & Co.'s M. J . Molte, Propr, OPKJS POM 3 A. M. TILL 10 P. M FIEST-CLAS- S LUNCHES, COFFEE, TEA, SODA WATEB, GLGEK ALE, Cigars and Tobaccos OF BEST BRANDS Plain and Fancy JPI1JES personally selected from the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety Of BKST QUALITY SMOKERS' ARTICLES. Lovers o BILLIARDS will find an Elegant B&UXSWICS i CO, BJUASS TABLE on the .Premises. The Proprietor vrould be pleased to receive a call from his Friends and the Public generally who may desire a MTNOlA SMOKE, OB A GAME OF H. J. NOLTK 31-- tf Honoliil-- t J. IVANCOVICH k CO. Irauorters, Wholesale Dealers and Commission Merchant in Foreign Sz, Domestic Fruit, 500 Washington, and Cl, 60'i & 60S Sansome Sts-- , SAN FRANCISCO. hone in this established This is the oldest and ve are line of business in San Francisco, fill orders of all kinds li, onr line. prepared SPECIALTY in PACKING all kinds of FhUIi for long distance markets. Yonr latronas Solieitel 645 marlO'8 Geo. C. Shreve & Co., MANUFACTURING J K WE L, B R S AntI Importers of Diamonds, Watches, Silver and Silver Plated Ware, Decorated China, Art Brass Goods, Fans Canes. Umbrellas, Berlin and Vienna Leather Goods, Opera Glasses, Clocks, Etc. Montgomery and Sutter Sts.. SAN FRANCISCO. Sja25'88 mrt. a i.w , WM. G. IRWIN & Co., FA4rrRH anil (onimlwlmi SUUABt Honolulu 1. I. 18-tfw- U AGENTS

lilt - eVols at University of Hawaii at Manoa: Home · BEIH SALOOK. XO. POItT STREET. Opposite Wilder & Co.'s M. J. Molte, Propr, OPKJS POM 3 A. M. TILL 10 P. M FIEST-CLAS-S LUNCHES,

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Spruauce, Stanley & Co.,Importers and Jobbers of tine


HO Front St., San Francisco.2 tf & w




I II wk Y..iigi.niao k V sail loapri4tiliiiX: will be effevt;!d at Moderate Kates of PremDm, oy tne unuersgnea.

WM. G. IRWIN & CO i20-d&- Managers for Haw. Islands

U3VTIONFire and Marine Insurance Co.

Wl w eainiwi.CAPITAL., : 10,000,000

Ravin? TCMfabliMtiet! an Agency atfrw tha 1 1 uu'uii'j n iaianiii. tli un

dersigned are prepared to accept risks against Firein dweliiugs, stores warehouses and merchandiseon favorable terms. Marine rtsk& on cargo4

Ixhhoh promptly adjusted A payable19-d- wtf WM. . IRWIN & CO.

J, 3ST. S. Williams,


Ac ion Mnscliincn Fabrik,WaiiirorhaiiMen, Germany.

Manufacturers of all kinds of SuiMachinery.

The EisdonIron & Locomotive Works,

Corner of Deal and Howard Streets


Fried. Krupp, Essen, Germany.


Krauss & Co., Munich, Germany,

: i aspreckels Wm. G. Irwin.




Draw Exchange on the principal pares of theworld.

Will receive deposits on open account, makecollections and conduct a general banking andexchamre business.

Deposits bearing interest received in their Savinus Department subject to published rules andregulations. 17oc:uf



AMUttf lilt '


(The Only Sellable Blood Purifier.)JL SPECIFIC FOR

Scrofula, Salt Rheum,Neuralgia, Ring worm

And all other St in and Blood Diseases.IT REGULATES TUB

LIVPF? AMD KIDNEYS.Cures Indirection ond all dlneae nrlftlngr from

an enfeebled condition or tne yuem.Tin AT atjttvr. nf London, the cele

brated specialist, says of PARDEE'S.dEJSIJbii x : " 1 Have nseu it, ior iwcmj

frr Blood Diseases, such aSalt, Itlienm. Tetcr and Cancer

and I cannot recommend it too highlyT r 1 r--

The Kev. Dr. Thomas, oi iiong lvong,China, says: "PARDEE'S REMEDYis a wonderiul meuicine ior mo iuuti.f linvft nrpscrihpd it hundreds of timesfor Leprosy, and when given in timeit always cured, tne paiieni. x cansafely say that Leprosy will never breakout on persons wno tase xAituhh t

rpo-nlarlv-. and I advise all pei

sons living in countries where leprosyi.4 prevalent to take Pardee's Remedyas a preventive."




Beware oi Imitations,Which are being put upon the market.


sold only by

Benson, Smith & Co

Sole Agents in the


Bnliacli Producing

and Mfg. Co.

STOCKTON, CAL.78 aug!2tf



k Commercial Advertiser


L Horning Except Sundays.


.vBBTiKB,oneyparr. -- .. JO

frvP.t. VDfc A illHlHlilie

fahie Inoariably xn Advance


113 XnuanujStreet,I


linese & Japanese Goods,

va Dpsifiis in Clips andiIKa, ci&r. and ali kinds of Fancy

Vilir.l.fpMut I.y 'very steamer.

It office r.ox no. 255.t

Vitici of Ifeinoval.


nafacturiiig Jeweler,HAS KKMOVKD TO

hi ..1. tt : C4--



I Australia To-d- ay !

j' Sweet ami leaking.lVars. Prunes.

Jains and Jellies.jM Fruits.

Potatoes, Onions.(iarlic, Cabbages.

Cauliflower, Etc.Ms, Hazel Nuts.

Italian Chestnuts.Almond Nuts

f have now a steam nut roasting ma- -

fin full running order.

P'Twenty-tiv- e extra heavy corn fedyson hand


ifornia Fruit Market.I King: Streetf

Jstraliau Mail Service.1

1 '


I"be new and fine Al steel steamship


eanic Steamship company, will be dueI "oiielulu from Sydney and AucklandI 011 or about

jpril 8th,. 1888,al!!eforvtheab,vePortw,th mails and? freX r abU 1 that e'

having SUPERIORI IONS, apply to


a. Irwin & Co.,AGENTS.

I Sydney ami Auckland.


I" aw aid ane A I steel steamship

i. or ornhr.Ht

Pril 12th, 1888.'ill

:!rV'rtPheahaiPn with mails a.

rS&iJ"!" 8DPKUIOB AV..

fin. a. iPWin & Co.,


BROWN, ATTORNEY AT LAW ANDCECIL Public, Campbell's Block, Merchantstreet. 77tiaugS)tf


A.TTORNEOfiice in Campbell's Block, corner Fort and

Merchant streets, Honolulu, U. I.PRACTICES IN THE COURTS

desired, will give the law in a writ-ten opinion, as to the probable result of thecontention upon the facts stated 44tf



NOTARY PUBLICEstate in naiy jrt ofilifKeal Bought, Sold and I.oased on Commission

Loans Negotiated and Ltgul Documents Drawn

NO. 27 MERCHANT ST11EET,Gazette Block, Honolulu. -- tf

Mi Ml

Sty . . vi v-V--' ft" "15

I 1 ; nil.f :

'I,., . S rs.

Mill .Xfr.3ratV--- :


Steam, Coffee and Spice Mills.Importers ol Tcas, Coffees. siiee.

Chartres Java Coffee, Yeast Powder, Cream Tar- -tar, Soda, Salseratus, urouna uonee, iweign and Domestic Matches.

410-11- 2 Clay St. bet. Sansome & BatterySAN FRANCISCO, CAL.

p O. Box 1580. 635mayl3 88


The undersigned are now prepared to receive order for this Celetrated Fertilizerfrom the manufactory of UucK & uniauutSan Francisco:

The following is a report of the compo--

nent parts, aa obtained by Chemical analyBIS

ater 8.10 per centOrganic Matter 29.18 "

" "Silicious Matter 4.65Lime 31-7- 0


Phosphoric Acid 23.11Oxide of Iron 85

Carbonic Acid 1.89 " 'aiv. Salts : .52 '

100.00Nitrogen 2.7 per cent.Orders Received will have Prom

and Careful Attention.

W. GL Irwin & Co.,Agents ot the Hawaiian Islands.


Practical Plumber, GasiitterAND

Coppersmith,71 King Street, Honolulu, H. I.


Bath Tubs. Water Closets, Wash Cowl, Plumhng Goods of all kinds alwayn on hand.

75-jnnel5- tf.

WM. McCANDLESS,No. 6 (ueeu Street,

Fish Market. Dealer in choicest BEEF, VEALMUTTON , FISH, etc.

Family and shipping Orders carefully attendedto. Live Stock furnished to vessels at shortnotice, and vegetables of all kinds supplied toorder. 29 tf

VVENNEE, & CO.92 Fort Street,

Have on hand New Foreign and HomemadeJewelry.

Watches, Bracelets, Necklets,Pins, Lockets, Clocks,

And ornaments of all kinds.

Silver and Gold Plate,Elegant Solid Silver Tea Sets.

Suitable for Presentation.


Repairing in all its brandies.&r Sole Agents for King's Eye Presivers.


Americiin Biscuit Co.

Comer of .t Broadway Sis.,

Sun ri-3iii-- oi : : 'aliforui




All accounts U.: Al rllaii;y ar..l J-- - Printl

OflJce will from tliis date I1 pruemed o

im iil moutiily.



No. It! Slrot,HONOLULU. IP'

Boat JBiiilderAnl eneral Joliocr.

All kinds of work at?d repairs and other work

executed with promptness on reasonable terras.

Workshops at the rear of Lucas Planing Mill.

J. H. SOPER,SuccecBor to

J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co.,


Hawaiian Gazette Block.

27 Merchant St., Honolulu. II. I.41 tf


vt sttv a T.ATCflT! OTIANTITY OF OLDVV newspapers on hand, which will be sold

for 25 cents a hundred. They are useful forwrapping parcels, laying unaer caxpeia, em.



Paper Manufacturers,AND DEALERS IN

Paper Bag. Twines, Etc.,414 and 416 Clay street, SAN FRANCISCO

Pioneer and San vreronimo Paper Mills.South Coast raper Mill, Soqnel, Santa Crnr.

Connty, Cal. Iftia2i5 88


nnil Wholesale Oealers iIniortersBoots, Shoes, Hal, Men's FurnishIns and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahnruano Street

Houo' In. H. I. 25tf-w- U

H. F. BEIITELMANN.Contractor intl Builder.


FLANSDRAWNCabinet and Carpenter Work done to order.

86 KING STREET. Bell Telephone 10- -




(L.iniitel),Keep constantly on baud, for sale, STEAMFAMILY and BLACKSMITH COAL, and a generaassortment of BAR IRON. MCly

Schweitzer & Co.Importers and Jobbers of


White CiooiiM, IIinbroiUerieM. IIiilkerefiiel. ltilIoiis, UtilieH A

li j.li'it t'inlerer.29 and 31 Battery St., San Francisco

4HCt leblu'bH

E. H. Buckiiaiii k (Jo,, Manufacturers and Dealeis in

SHIP STOVKS,Tin, t'oii-- , ,iM'Ui'i'.Yinl MktI lro.

sires. Nliip l.ntil'-i- s iiiIM'A Stewart St., Iet. Alarket :iim1 Mission


Shin and Job Work and tove Repairing ! x

kiu i a specialty. lebU'Mn

To tlie IPublic. -

Tlie Pacific Transfer Co.,

Ofttce with Jas. I. Powsett, Sr , QueenSt n et.


I an. fully pn-pare- to do rdl kir.ds of ' tlraj'RK

b:udin or nivin work, al! of which I will uuaiantec to oxeute faithfully. 1

ID. ! VII) A.Manager.

J. E. Brown & Co.28 MERCHANT STREET.

Bell Telephone 172. P. O. Box 40 'Mutual Telephone SSI.


General Commission Agents

OenerallAgency for Hawaiian Islands of the

"H in15 ii nrf ill miH P.'fiCfl11111111511 vvRailroadACROSS gAMEKICA.

Connecting attJOBton with the Azores ana

Vercbandise stored and sold on commission.Consignments solicited.

43Properties Leased, Rente .nd 8old. Lega.Documents Drawn. Books Auui.ed and AdjustedAccounts Collected.



COMSHfiSIOX A2i:NTK.GENEIML Queen St., Uouolmu


Law Office,.If rierclmnt .street :



Falkn & Guilleaiiiiie Cologne, Germany;Wire nopes, etc.

Schmidt & Ilaentsch, P.erlin, Germany.l'ola 11 scopes cc Analytical Apparaius.

Estimates and illustrated Catalogues onapplication.

1. . I5x S0, Ilonoiuiu


Opposite Wilder & Co.'s

M. J . Molte, Propr,OPKJS POM 3 A. M. TILL 10 P. M



Cigars and TobaccosOF BEST BRANDS

Plain and Fancy JPI1JES personally selected from

the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety


SMOKERS' ARTICLES.Lovers o BILLIARDS will find an Elegant


on the .Premises.

The Proprietor vrould be pleased to receive a call

from his Friends and the Public generally

who may desire a


H. J. NOLTK31-- tf

Honoliil-- t


Irauorters, Wholesale Dealers and CommissionMerchant in

Foreign Sz, Domestic Fruit,500 Washington, and Cl, 60'i & 60S Sansome Sts-- ,


hone in thisestablishedThis is the oldest and ve areline of business in San Francisco,

fill orders of all kinds li, onr line.preparedSPECIALTY in PACKING all kinds of FhUIi

for long distance markets.Yonr latronas Solieitel

645 marlO'8

Geo. C. Shreve & Co.,


J KWE L, B R SAntI Importers of

Diamonds, Watches, Silver and Silver PlatedWare, Decorated China, Art Brass Goods, FansCanes. Umbrellas, Berlin and Vienna LeatherGoods, Opera Glasses, Clocks, Etc.

Montgomery and Sutter Sts..SAN FRANCISCO. Sja25'88

mrt. a i.w ,

WM. G. IRWIN & Co.,FA4rrRH anil (onimlwlmi

SUUABt Honolulu 1. I. 18-tfw- U




Ministers should be prepared on the re-

assembling of Parliament to submit acomprehensive scheme to the House.If this colirse is taken the probable ad-

vantages are not likely to be Bargains in EmbroilPacific Commercial Advertiser


is-- :o:-


Popular Millinery Ho lis

104 Eoi't St., Hoiiolnlvi


HAY AND GRAIN,Just received and for

Sale at



rKuns of NUBsruipnoN,

ner annum T6 0

Hix mouths 3 00

Perniontn 50c

Subscript! oh Payable AlwaynlnAdvance.

Communications from all parts of the KingdomHI always he very acceptable.

Persons residing in any part of the United statesran remit the amount of subscription due by PostOffice money order.

Matter Intended for publication In the editorialcolumns should be addressed to

EaiTOB Pacific Commercial advfrtiser.Business communications and advertisements

snouU' be addressed simplyP. C. Advkrtisek,

an 1 not to Individuals.


. IJelt of Saliferous Deposit rure HockSalt Pepper Fields.

One of the visitors to the mines explainedtv Mr. Ely that there was a belt of saliferouideposit in Louisiana extending from Bossierand Bienville parishes, above Red river, tothe Gulf. The largest of these deposits ap-pears to be the beds of ancient exhaustedlakes. Salt springs were known to exist onPetite Anse island from the earliest date, butthe works were abandoned until the blockadeduring the war raised the price of salt sohigh in the southern states that Major Averyreopened them for the use of the Confeder-acy. It was at this time that he came unex-pectedly upon the enormous stratum of purerock salt, which underlies the soil. Like theisland of Ormuz, in the Persian gulf, PetiteAnse is apparently only a huge rock of salt.

The mines have now been in operationabout twenty years. The salt is excavated inlarge masses by blasting with dynamite. Itis so pure that it is prepared for the market,not by melting and refining, as in the Eng-lish mines, but simply by grinding into therequisite grades of fineness. The native crys-tals detached by blasting are as clear andtranslucent as glass. Mr. Ely went down intothe mine, and wandered through its far re-

treating corridors, whose pillai-- s and loftyarches shone with a soft silvery radiance.When the lights of the torches struck into thedarkness overhead, the domes flashed backsuch splendors of color that it seemed toMr. Ely as if lie had entered one of the cavesunderground where the Trolls have storedall the jewels of the world.

"This is all a surprise to me," said one ofthe visitors a stout professor from some col-

lege in Indiana as he stepped from the ele-

vator into the upper air. "I actually did notknow there was a mine of salt in the UnitedStates."

"And yet," said their guide, quickly, "youhave no doubt used our salt on your table foryears. We ship it to every large town in thenorth and west."

This little island of Petite Anse furnishespepper as well as salt to our tables. Tobasco,or the distilled caj'enne, dear to the hearts ofgourmands and chefs, is manufactured hereout of a wild pepper peculiar to Louisiana.Two or three fields produce enough of thecultivated pods to send their essence to allparts of this country and to Europe. It iaone of the numliess minor iiidwities whichhave sprung into life throughout the southsince the war, and which hint at the strengthand vitality of that ing sterile soil. Re-

becca Harding Davis in Harper's Magazine.

Hamburg and Swiss Edgings!Hninlmro" iiiwl Kxvir,

ALL OVER EMBROIDERIES!Children's Embroidery Flounces ! Ladies' En;briJm F

In Skirt and Holoku Lengths.

Ladies' Box Suits ! Ladies' Box Si

THEI'aeifie Commercial Advertiser

I now for sale daily at the Fallowing places:J. H. SUPER Mercnantstr'jtA. U. HE WET V Merchant streetT. (i. THRUM.- .- Fort streetm .

Five Cents per Copy.


Thereby saving the United States Duty. The Entire Lot will V tf.


The Incandescent Iamp.Ed. P. C. Advertiser Sir: That

anybody dealing in anything but ignor-ance, much less "light," oould, at thepresent day, have spoken the wordsmentioned by "Electricity" in his com-

munication of j'esterday, seems incred-ible. Is there really a person living inHonolulu, who has neither read of norseen, the beautiful incandescent lamp,perhaps the only perfect piece ofmechanical work of this or any age. Itseems so, for in your correspondent's let-

ter we have stated the case of a poor, be-

nighted creature who comforts his pettyioul with the belief that the arc lamp isscience's only achievement in utilisingelectricity to produce an artificial light.The ingenious demand of "Electricity's"acquaintance for light to dispel the dark-ness in which his mind was, only a dayago enveloped, is an urgent oneand ought to be supplied forthwith."Electricity's" letter has, I hope, donesomething to this end. But as it maybe that others whom your paper does notreach may be groping in darkness, mayI suggest "how to reach the old men,"to inform them what progress sciencehas made during the last twenty years toprovide mankind with an artificial do-

mestic light the arc lamp is not a do-

mestic lamp which is as superior to gaslight as gas light is to sulphur matchesas an illuminant.

I have said that the incandescentlamp is perhaps the only perfect piece ofmechanical contrivance that we have. Ifeel now that in this I have said toomuch of it for it yet lacks the ability todispense a sweet fragrance like the roseor gardenia, which ought to vary to suitthe taste , of the individual. It isto be hoped this serious want will soonbe supplied. But to my sugg'estion. Itis that some one capable deliver a lec-

ture on "The Incandescent Lamp." Theoracle of Spurgeon's Tabernacle hassaid, that the man who could not speakon the candle in an interesting wray for afew hours had clearly no object in strik-ing mother earth. I say that there is noman who has seen the lamp, wThose

claims I am proud to know, but couldtalk about science's best gift with aneloquence that would make an Americanthinking of "the day we celebrate" greenwith envy.

But let the lecture be only instructivewhich it will best be by being illustratedand there will be, as there ought to be,no question about the advisability of theGovernment providing us with the elec-

tric light in our houses as well as in ourstreets.

I won't say that "Electricity" is asignorant of gas as his friend was of theincandescent lamp, say, last week, buthis statement about the days of gasplant being numbered, places him there-abouts.

Would he be surprised to hear of gasbeing a mere bi-produ- ct of coal andwhat would he and his friend think ofthe motive power for driving a dynamobeing produced by a gas engine a com-mon occurrence in poor, old, effeteBrittain. Yours,

Monkcii ester.

WEDNESDAY March 28th

Astonishing Prices ! Astonishing PryTHE MELBOURNE EXHIBITION.

Iloyal Fire Insurance Co., of Liver-pool.

Union Fire and Marine luNiirauce Co.of New Zealand.

Sun Insurance Co., Sau Francisco.(Marl ne;.

Mcgarburg: General Ins. Co., of Mejjar-burt- f


Notice to the Public of lb:o:

FIRE INSURANCE effected on all kinds ofinsurable property, and MARINE INSURANCEon vessels, cargoes, commissions and freights atcurrent rates.

J. S. "Walker,tf Agent for Hawaiian Islands.


A Mass of Ambergris.The fact that a schooner, which had ar-

rived at Gloucester, had picked up off CapeSable a mass of ambgris, weighing 125pounds, has started inquiry as to the natureand market value of the substance. Its usein Europe and the United Spates is entirelyconfined to perfumery, although it formerlyoccupied no inconsiderable place in medicine.In the east it is used in pharmacy and as aflavoring material in cookery. Its value isfrom $18 to $25 per ounce, according toquality. It is a solid, fatty, inflammablesubstance, of dull gray or blackish color, theshades being variegated like marble, andpossessing a peculiar sweet, earthy odor.

This substance is formed in the intestinesof the spermaceti whale, being morbidly se-

creted, and floats on the water. Vessels pickit up in the Atlantic ocean, on the coasts ofBrazil and Madagascar, on the coast ofAfrica, East Indies, China, Japan, the Ba-

hama Islands and sometimes on the NorthAmerican coast. The largest lump everheretofore found weighed 182 pounds. Thewhales in which it has been discovered wereeither dead or much wasted, and evidently ina sickly condition. But it is believed thatambergris, from the position in which it ex-

ists and its chemical constitution, is a biliaryconcretion analagous to what is found inother mammals. Boston Transcript.

NOTICE.Ladies or gentlemen who contemplate giving orders for the aljove ait

respectfully requested to call at the Honolulu Pioneer Steam Candy Fad

Bakery, established 18G3, before going to any other house;, as my estaMibla:

POSITIVELY the only establishment in Honolulu, notwithstanding all lb

ulous, empty, and pompous newspaper blowing and pufing, where a cafe

procured to give the greatest satisfaction to the most refined tastes, anuiANNUAL MEETING OF THETHE Dairy and S ock Co. will be held at theoffice of W. O. Smith, Fort street, on Thursday,March 29, 1888, at 2 o'clock p. m. A full .attend-ance of the stockholders is desired.

A. L. SMITH,lw Secretary W. D. & S. Co.

ornament of exquisite workmanship on your table which will not cm

pieces when cut, but be a credit to the fine art of the Confectionery, which':,

only for twenty-fiv- e yeais, but still bids competition defiance to this day. i

tempts in any other establishment are inferior to mine, and not worth tit:

you pay. It is an indisputable fact that all over the world a good workman!!

ductions are always cheaper than half made ones are. Having had over half

tury's (practical experience, the undersigned is enabled to ornament Cakes

and the highest stvles of the art.

E. HORN,The only Practical Confectioner in all branches Proprietor Honolulu- -;

Candy Factorv and Bakery. Hotel between Fort and Nuuanu Streets,

H. I.

Ed. Hoffsclilaeger & Co

Offer For SaleAles, Beers, Wines,

Brandies, Whiskies,

Champagnes.All of SUPERIOR QUALITY and at LOW

RATES, including

Henuesy Brandy,Boisset Brandy,

IAclvocat Brandy,White Elephant Gin.

Nioue Juk Gin,Royal Club Gin,

Angostura Bitters, Etc. Etc

188WGEO. LINCOLN.1876.

Superstition on the Stage."There is as much superstition among ac-

tors as there is among" sailors," remarked amember of the profession to a reporter."They are forever on the lookout for signs,and these are construed into all kinds ofmeanings. The placing of a chair on thestage in a peculiar position will be taken tomean something in connection with their suc-cess, while the action of a single individual inthe audience will have a decided effect upontheir future course.

"It is while rehearsing a new play that thegreatest amoimt of superstition is indulgedin with actors and managers.

One of the most noticeable is the effect ofthe lines upon the members of the company.If a laugh or even a smile is provoked by thewitticism of the author it is regarded as abad omen for the success of the piece. If apathetic passage causes a remark regardingits beauty, the conclusion is at once reachedthat the play will not be a 'go,' and when theeffect is in the opposite direction their spiritsrise and the belief is entertained that all willbe well with the play. There are probably100 other signs upon which actors hang thefate of themselves or the play to be pro-duced." Philadelphia Bulletin.


The idea of the Hawaiian Islandsbeing represented at the forthcominginternational exhibition at Melbourne isnot a new one, though it does not ap-pear to have attracted much attention sofar. It is nevertheless one which it iseminently desirable to put into practicalshape, and if this is to be done there isntime to lose. The value of such ex-

hibitions in promoting internationalcommerce is too well established toneed a word of comment, and especiallyare they calculated to advance the pros-perity of producing countries. Hawaiiis essentially one of these, and its list ofstaple products is not likely to becomeless. The notions that prevail in theminds of most Australian colonists re-

specting these Islands are vague in theextreme. Honolulu is-- commonly asso-ciated with leprosy, and is comjuentlyregarded as a place to be avoided. Somehave got as far as to become aware thatthe Kingdom of which it is the capital isfamous for the production of sugar, butthat is about the extent of currentknowledge concerning it. The greatlire of April, 1886, brought it into noticebo me what, and the recent political dis-turbances have been instrumental per-haps to a greater extent in the same di-

rection. But no intelligent conceptionof the resources ef the country and itsconditions" of life is to be found evenamong the better informed classes unlessit be in exceptional cases. If a countryis to be progressive commercially it musthave relations with the outside world,and the more varied these are the morestable will its commercial status become.While the trade in sugar with San Fran-cisco will probably be the leadingfeature for a long time to come, it is notwell to trust entirely to that. Other-wise, fluctuations of the market will af-

fect trade much more deeply than if thestaples of commerce were multiplied.But it, is vain to expect that foreign capi-tal, which is often one of the most ef-

fective agents in the development of anation's resources, will be imported un-less the particular advantages which thenation has to offer are made knownabroad, and the more widely they areknown the better. We cannot affordto lose an opportunity of bringing oursinto public notice. An Hawaiian courtat a foreign exhibition is like an adver-tisement which an individual trader in-

serts in- - a newspaper. One cannot tellinto what unexpected quarters its influ-ence may penetrate. If sugar, rice,coffee and other products of theseIslands are exhibited in Melbourne, im-

porters, not only in the colony of Vic-

toria, but in the neighboring ones, willbe led to inquire whether they can withadvantage derive their supplies from us.If the wonders and the beaties of Hawa-iian scenery are made known throughthe medium of a trophy of lavamens, photographs and the like, wealthycolonists who contemplate a trip to theold country will consider whether itwill not afford them greater pleasure totake the Pacific route than the beatentrack through the Suez canal. And ifthey are induced to do so a proportionof their number will break the voyagehere to visit the points of interest andupend their money. In this way perma-nent residents will be attracted. But allthis can only be done by organized ef-

fort. A Hawaiian commissioner shouldle appointed in Melbourne. Possibly itmight be expedient for the local Consulto act in this capacity. A nicely got up

75 and 77 Kinp Street, - - - - HonoM

Mutual Telephonef5Bell Telephone No. 275.


Flensburg Stock Beer.Alsace Ale of the Scbiltigbeim Brewery.M. B. Foster & Sou's Ale and Porter.W. E. Johnson & Co.'s Stout.Thistle Blend Scotch Whisky.Old Glen Highland Whisky.Daniel Crawford & Son's Scotch Whisky.Mavourneen Old Irish Whisky.ETC. ETC. ETC. ETC.



Tuesday, March 27th.In probate, estate of Cii Yet, or Ah

Yet, deceased. Petition of W. R. Castlefor probate of will. Hearing continuedfrom 26th. Ordered that will be ad-

mitted to probate, that letters testa-mentary be issued to W. R. Castle andthat he be appointed guardian of SinChu Sam, a minor, and his co-execut- oi,

that notice be published to creditors ofestate in "Hawaiian Weekly Gazette."

In probate, guardianship of Fredrehenminors. Petition for allowance of firstaccounts and division of cash on hand.Accounts approved, balance cash to bedivided, viz.: Widow her dower in it;remainder equally among four minors ortheir legal representatives. W. A. Whit-ing for guardian, A. Rosa for other heirs.

BEFORE PRESTON, J.In probate, estate of Domingo Lopes

Ramos. Final settlement. The finalaccount of Joseph P. Mendonca, admin-istrator, approved, he discharged andbond cancelled. Cecil Brown for ad-

ministrator.BEFORE BICKERTON, J.

In probate, guardianship of W. C. andM. Jones, minors. Account of W. A.Kinney, guardian, approved, his resig-nation as such accepted and HenrySmith appointed guardian of said minorsunder $1,200 bond. W. A. Kinney inperson.

Ed Heffschlaeger & Co.KING AND BETHEL STREETS.


Causes of Premature Death.Most of those who die between 25 and 60,

unless they die by accident, die by some in-discretion. It is the over indulgence of appe-tite, or the neglect of food when needed, orthe overstrain of lmsiness, or exposure tochanges of temperature without correspond-ing change of clothing. Most people ofthese ages are conscious of the error after ithas been made, or others are conscious of itfor them. Without undue captiousness wecan note changed conditions, and adapt our-selves thereto. Multitudes die prematurelyby reason of an indiscretion which mighthave been easily avoided. It is intelligentcaution that saves sickness, and this cautionought to be in possession and exercise beforemiddle life. It is so much easier to preventserious sickness than it is to secure recoveryfrom it. Hence it is that so many that aredeficient in vigor in early life outlive thevigorous and the careless. Necessity com-pels them to study their changing conditionsof health, and so teaches them the benefits ofadaptiyeness to conditions and circumstances.





Commission Merchants,I - - : . X

Stoves, Kanges and Housekeeping GJ(18'

Plumbing, Tin, Copper and Sheet hoi!

Not a Good Memory.For some reason, I don't know why, people

expect to hear sensational testimony when-ever I'm put on the stand in a political case.But they don't hear it for a very good rea-son: I am so peculiarly constituted that in apolitical campaign I never remember a trans-action in which I am concerned for twenty-fou- r

hours afterward. I never write letters,I always burn those I receive, and I don'tmake notes in a memorandum book or diary.

"Politician" in Globe-Democra- t.


Importers and dealers in all kinds ofChinese Provisions, Merchandise, Cigars,Ebony Furniture, Ebony and MarbleTables.

Chinese and Japanese Crockery Ware.Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Vases of all

kinds.Mattings, Camphor Wood Trunks,

.Rattan Chairs, Clothing Baskets, etc.Silks, Satins. Embroidered Silk Hand-Kerchief- s.

Grass Cloth, Crape Shawls and CrapeSilks.

All kinds and all styles of China andJapan Teas, of the latest importation.

Opposite W. C. Peacock & Co., Nuu-a- mi

street, Honolulu, H. I.Mutual Telephone No. 18. P. O.

Box 186. 3m

H. E. Melntyre & Bro.,

Installation and Presentation.At a special meeting of Hawaiian

Lodge No. 21, F. and A. M.t held Mon-

day evening, W. F. Allen, P. M., as-

sisted by J. M. Monsarrat, P. M., in-

stalled the following officers: W. M.Graham, W. M. ; John Phillips, S. W. ;

A. B. Scrimgeour, J. W. ; W. M. Giffard,Treasurer; T. C. Porter, Secretary; Rev.A. Mackintosh, Chaplain; AndrewBrown, S. D. ; M. N. Sanders, J. D. ;

John II. Soper, Marshal; M. Goldbergand F. Auerbach, Stewards; Capt. Ben.Whitney, Tyler.

After the installation a Past Master'sjewel was presented to Mr. J. M. Mon-sarrat, the late Worshipful Master. Thepresentation was followed by a collation.


and nGhxoceiies, Provisions

Advice to a Son."My son," said a careful and observant

father, "live an honest life and you will pre-serve your self respect, though you may failto win the respect of others. But if in anevil hour you should deviate from the pathof rectitude, struggle to escape detection un-til you have salted down enough money topurchase justice. Dont make a mistake andtake too little; justice comes high." NewYork Tribune.

EAST CORNER FORT AND KINO STREETS.descriptive pamphlet, with photogaaphicillustrations, should be published forgratuitous distribution. Every possibleinducement should be afforded by this

..i.MdF."'r;ioiii. ..wew uooas received by evry packet rrom tne ,asifr VVnnda dt"Uve iut 't

city free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaramer .

Telephone No. 92(government to private exhibitors, and 1


LOCAL AND GENERAL..tTrriinRlTl. SMIutftfsemenis.i To-morro- w will be Maundy Thursday.

Fishel keeps open till 9 o'clock this evening. PACIFIC HARDWARE CO, L'DGents Indian gauze undershirts at 25cents each at Fishel's. ,

I he bark bonoma took a small mail to EOET STEEET.

Rebeka i)egre t,idse.On Monday evening a new I. O. O. F.

lodge was instituted by Deputy GrandSire W. E. Foster, and will be known asRebeka Degree Lodge. Following arethe officers elected and installed: W.E. Foster, Noble Grand ; E. C. Rowe,Vice Grand; J. Emmeluth, S3cretary;S. B. Rose, Treasurer; S. Savidge, War-den; W. O. Smith, Conductor; J. J.Lecker, Inside Guardian ; B. F. Dilling-ham, Right Supporter of the NobleGrand ; V. C. Parke, Chaplain.

This lodge is instituted for the benefitof the wives and daughters of membersof the order of Odd Fellows, these ladieshaving the privilege of joining. Theregular night of meeting will be the first

San Francisco yesterday.J. G Rothwell has been appointed de

livery clerk at the Post Office."r,Mtl:Kt-- lI employees of the

Tenders for matting the Government raplemeiitsHardware, Miicii liraei8 to wnompe.sousotheriernnient, and Treasury on

;ltdr to rnseut vouchers forStefore March J-

- tUtJf aIld all per-likto- nr

0U account of the Govern-Lbavingi"0- 11

their returnsJljakef t are l(ff may be ..o delaytbecal period eua- -tfouu,

building should be sent in to-da- y.

Prayer meeting at the vestry of the Cen-tral Union Church this evening.

A full line of gents' straw hats of "thelatest styles at 75 cents at Fishel's.

The usual service at St. Andrew's Ca-

thedral this evening at 7:30 o'clock.

AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE.--Oand last Friday of each month.

A Hare Fish.All bills against the Interior Departmentj. V." XI

Minister of Finance.

Now Opening ISTew Goods in Onr Linev Last Saturday morning as the steamer

J. A. Cummins was proceeding to WaiI. --:o:-fuv 'hmli:uj, u.manalo from Waialua. and when off

should be presented before the 31st.The moonlight concert at Thomas

Square last evening was well attended.The Volcano is reported as very active.Antone Pet Una was fined $400 m the Po-

lice Court yesterday for smuggling opium.One thousand five hundred dozen gents'

Waimea, Mr. John II. Paty and several

'1'1'kspay, March 27. other gentlemen were amusing' them-selves by trolling for fish. They had a

linen collars (4-pl- v) at 10 cents each at

New Style Steel Poor Mats,

WOVEN WIRE ROOFING,Entirely New, TraiiMliicent, Q Waterproof, Durante.

The following are some of the purposes to which it is applicable: Verandas,Porches anl Covered Ways, Boat Houses, and Engine Room Skylight, Conserva-tories, Ferneries, Garden Frames aud Summer Houses, Stables, Loose Boxes forHorses and Cattle, Barns, Cow Houses and Shepherds' Houses, Pheasant r iesFowl Houses and Kennel-s- , Skylights, Factory Windows, Workshops, Markets,

tpy ft PiM, March 27.

I I) Lvit T M lVnson, for ManilaCampbell, for Hanalei and

long line at the end of which was apiece of white rag for a bait. They suc-ceeded in hooking a very rare fish knownas the "ono." It measured five feetfrom the tip of the nose to the end of thetail and its girth was t wenty-eig- ht inches.Mr. Paty describes it as a very handsomefish, and the flesh is very palatable. Nothaving any ice on board the steamer, thefish was placed in salt.

Absolutely Pure.iscb.'. . Krt-e- i'ii lor Nawiliwili, Wai- -

marvel of purity.Th3 powder novcr vu:K' Kauai. at5p ,u?

r Litelit- - Davies. for Maui aim naa. Schools, Laundries, Portable buildings, Temporary Structures, and all other build-ings requiring to be light and dry.w.v ;,m,nlo. Underwood, for Waianae,

ir.uT 'for Hamakua

Strength and v hoi .K'Hicnes--. More economicalttxanthooi'Ilr..ary :,r.r.d cum-o- be sold in eonvpetitioi v ith the n.nltitudt? ci iov test, shortweight, alum or phophnte jvxwders.r.iss. itoYAi- - Iuki:.'4 Poiii Co.. lyii Wail-g-V


llrKilaii Hon. Cameron.

SiflJuC.. "rifflth. for San Francisco



Compan vR"quitable LifeOF THE

AssuranceUNITED STATES.Notice to Creditors.

ASSETS OVER $80,000,000.The protection of Life Insurance combined with the Investment Principles of a Savings

Pank. Example of a 20-ye- ar endowment policy for taken out at the age ol 25 years;

"lh KawaiLiUi. tor Koolaupr Cu ute, for Kuan

.1 vti i.eavnisr To-la- y.

Irlwilaiii, Weir, for Haniakna, via Lauaina.

t1uVu'u:.)iuiiis. Neilsou. for Waiinaualo

IMukoliMiregor, for Molokai. at 5

ibk Forest Qneen, J C M Winding, for San

JrMoi Wabiiie. for r.amakuatbrLuka.forKobala

KiUikeaouli for Kobalapr

eH i lr r.Mii rreij?n l-- ort

1 q Marion, Uyer, from AcapulcoISSUims, L Kemptf, from SamoaIritVk Saraca, O Watt, from Liverpool

ubkCaibarien, G A Perkins, froui Sau Fran- -

:n bktne Planter. W R Perriman, from San

lun ship Alex McNeil, J R Howard, from Sau

.ia Lk Atlanta, from Paget SoundiVabkVH Hopkins, frm Sau Diego

I sfiistiip Vanaalia, Kimberly, from Hawaii

Annual premium, 8187. Total premium in '20 years, $9,740. Cash fund tbeu due, $18,110. Equivalent paid up policy for life, $43,800. Or, annuity for life, ?1.310.rpHI

1 hi has this day been appointed executor of Estimates for different amounts ana ainerent ages cneerit ny given, rroieci your iamuythe last will and testament of Walter Murray from future want or provide for your own old age Policies Free, Indisputable, NonforfeitableEtc.. Etc. For further particulars apply toGibson, late of Honolulu, deceased. All persons

having any claims against the estate of saiddeceased, whether secured by mortgage or other Alexander J. Cartvvrijjlit,

taeiieral Afent, Hawaiian ImIaimI. -wise, are notified lo present the same duly veri-fied and with proper vouchers, if any exist, tothe undersigned at his oflice in Honolulu within

Mail for Sin rranciNcv.The bark Forest Queen sails for San

Francisco at noon to-da- '. She will takea mail which closos at the Post Office at11 o'clock. All letters marked perForest Queen will be forwarded. Shehas seventeen days in which to reachthe Coast before the next steamer. Asthe weather now is a quick up passagemay be looked for, and the Forest Queenshould be in San Francisco in fourteendays.


Tuesday, March 27th.Jack McVay, charged with selling

liquor without a license, was lined .f 125,with $1 costs.

Lee Hop was fined :.' for violating theSunday law.

Metara, for assauH and battery, wasfined $6, with $3 10 rosls.

George forfeited bail of iG for drunk-enness.

Antone Pettina, remanded from the2Gth on a charge of smuggling opium,was found guilty and lined $400.

Another I.i'ap Year Vielim.Mr. S. D. Fuller, General Secretary of

the Y. M. C. A., w:u receiving congrat-ulations yesterday on his engagementto Miss Alexander, principal of the Ka-waiah- ao

Female Seminarv.

Fishel's.Engine Company No. 2 will have a drill

this evening at 7:30 o'clock. A full at-

tendance of members is requested.Mr. F. Horn will have his well-know- n

and delicious hot cross buns for sale onFriday next from G a. m. to 0 p. m.

A lot of stylish hats in black, white amicolored, at $1 and $1 25 each at the PopularMillinery House, N. S. Sachs, proprietor.

Mr. J. II. Putnam, United States Con-sul General, is desirous of learning thewhereabouts of Albert Herzog, an Ameri-can.

Eighty-si- x boxes of white Star shirts,extra good, worth $2 25 each, we will sellduring our sale at $1 25 each ; sizes 16,17, 17, at Fishel's.

The choir of the second congregation ofSt. Andrew's Cathedral had a capital re-

hearsal of the Easter music last evening atthe residence of Mr. T. May.

A large and well selected stock of milli-nery goods, fine wings, fine birds, fancyfeather pon pons, choice flowers and fancyedged watered ribbons, at Sachs' store.

People who attended the concert atThomas Square last evening must haveappreciated the absence of rowdyism amarked contrast with what was formerl'the case.

Children's hats; children's hats trimmedand untrimmed, in fine leghorn and finewhite Milans, also a good assortment inschool hats, at one dollar each at Sachs'store, 101 Fort street.

In the matter of the trusteeship of HisMajesty the King, Mr. Alex. J. Cartwrighthas been appointed a trustee in place ofMr. J. O. Carter. The trustees now are:Hon. S. M. Damon, Mr. A. J. Cartwrightand Col. C. P. laukea.

In order to close accounts for the bien-

nial period, no money will be received orpaid in the Clerk's office of the SupremeCourt on Friday, March 30th, and Satur-day, March 31st. All settlements for thecurrent quarter must be made on or be-

fore March 29th.

Kok Yuk, the Chinamen who was as-

saulted with an ax on Sunday night, isdead. A jury was empanelled and viewedthe body. The Inquest may probably beheld to-da- y. A Portuguese living near thedeceased man's residence was arrested onsuspicion, as his pants looked blood-

stained. The stains are being analyzed.

six months irom this date, or they will be forever barred. All persons Indebted to said estateare requested to make immediate payment.

J. S. WALKER,Executor Estate W. M. Gibson.Honolulu, March 'Jth, 1888. GRASS SEEDS. Win. G. Irwin & CoCHE. GEETZ,



GRASS.tionts Xalie and Children's

ShoesBootsSUGA. TR S


Half Barrels,


And 30-pou- Boxes.CUBETHE CHOICEST BRANDS OF fn Half Barrets

ATTENTION OF ALL INTERESTED INTHE the pasture lands of the Islandsis called to the above valuable seeds, which weoffer for sale in lots to ouit purchasers.

We have also on hand sample lot3 of WhiteClover, English Alsyke, Timothy, Rib Grass,Crested Dog's Tail, Tall Fescue, Italian RyeGrass and Lucerne seeds, which we offer insmall lots for trial, and will also receive ordersfor quantities of not less than half - a ton weight,and execute same with dispatch.


Cfmf;Ie'tiNl from roreisrn portEWh M's S Zilveren Kruis, Jocke, from S

idue MarSiJiSTsukuWa, froxn Tahiti, due April 1-- 20

to Lark Deutchland, from Bremen, sailed& :riith, clue February 1--

LstipMystij Belle, Cooke, from New York,iHirchl-2- 0

Irit Dk St Thomas Bell, sailed from Cardiff,.foba 2il, due March 1--

jitbirk Xituna, sailed from Liverpool Novft, due March 1

ia bk Edward May, Johnson, from Hongkong,t Jin 2'--'1

i SS Omaha, from Panama, due March 1-- 10

hi bk J A King, W H Berry, from Pagetlid, due at Kahulu March 6--

ii bktne St Lucie. J Erskine, from Pugetted, due March 15-2- 5

$rit bk Pacific Slope, Rarnes.from Puget Sound,Ihrch 20-- "0

U bktne S G Wilder, A II Paul, from Sanjbriseo.dne March 7--

bkiue S N Castle, L H Hubbard, from Sanlacisco, die March 10-2- 0

Sim sen H L Tier uan, Melauder.from San Franioen route t, due March 10SohrAnni, due at Kahului from Sau FranciscoIrch lu-2- 0

M bark Memmon, from Port Discovery, due5rch 0

bark Alice Muir, Yarnell, from Newcastle,W,due April 1--

la bark Alice Mary, Nixon, from Newcastle, N,due April

la bark Veritas, from 'pwca?t1(. NSW

Cigars and Tobacco POWDEREDAnd 25-pou- Boxert

In 30-pou- nd Boxes.Ieit on Hand.GOLDEN C. COFFEE

In Half Barrels2TOrders from the other islands solioited.

Mr. Fish el wishes to say that, owing tohis great rush of customers during hisspecial cheap sale of two weeks, and wish-

ing to give everybody a chance to buy him-self rich, his store will be kept open onTuesday.'Wednes lay and Thursday till 9p. m.


TEASBlue Mottled SoapEmployment Office,

SWlvcrlisrmriits. Makal side of Hotel and Ewa side of Smithstreet at the corner.

irk Willie McLaren. Laidman. from New- -

M Cara Dual. SwoptUnd due at Knhnlni. Cases Corned Beef.BUNSGROSSI0T CHINESE COLLECTING

A Specialty.

13 Xev castle, N S W, March -0--31

iw bk W B Godfrey, R Dable.from San Franc-o, due March 24-6- 1

?a brgtne Consuelo, L E Cousins, from Sanpisco, due March 24-- ai

pw bkLady Lampion, from San Francisco,? March 24-3- 1

fa bktne Ella, from Sau Francisco, due MarchON FLOUR



Of the Best Assorted Brands in the Market, which

we will sell at fewest Prices, either inBond or Ditty Pall.

Fresh Lots received by every Steamer.



Chinese Labor,GOOD FRIDAY,March 30th, Next.

Cooks, Yard lioyrf, Etc., obtained witli 08 Medium Bread.DEPABTrRES. tlie iitmost diMpatch.

TAK0 EL0U11 FACTORY,Wailuku, Maui,

forKmai, per strur Mikahala. March 27thi i Funis. Miss Lyman, Mrs R Fountain andren Mr Akana, J li Kaiwi and wife, Hon P

Qoa, Miss Hart, and about 40 deck.I k

aui' per stmr Likelike. Msirch 27thatid wife Mr arul Mr Warner, Hon W

jniel J L Thomas. Ed Btelenberg. OILSFUEL and LUBRICATING.KiiiT St., Bet. SlaiinHkeanud Xiinami.3m

F. lIOTtlSTWill have on hand a few dozen of of his well-know- n

delicious BUNS from 6 a. m.to t p. in. at the

I'ioiiecr Steam Camly Factory, Bafceryand Ice Cream I'arlor, Hotel St.

P.artnership N otice.

KlllllIXj JittTEN.


By J. 1). Strong,

OPERATIONS ON THURSDAY,COMMENCED and are now prepared to supplyTARO FLOUR in any quantities.

With new and improved machinery and otherapparatus, the present Manager guarantees tosupply Taro Flour that will make a better classof Pol than ever produced.

All orders to be sent to W. H. CUMMINS,Manager, at the Factory, Wailuku, Maui ; or toW. G. IRWIN & CO., Agents, Honolulu.

657may27tfdwWho accompanied the Hawaiian Embassy.

Galvanized Ircn Koofing.


IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THENOTICE title and interest of Lan Liu, WongYoog&tChow Fook in the partnership businesscarried on nn'er the firm name of Sun imLung Co. on Hotel street, Honolulu, general drygoods and Chinese provision dealers, has beensold and transferred to Lan Kau, who will hence-forth carry on the business under the same firmname. ' LAN LIN.

Honolulu, March 27th, 1888.

fe dentine Planter received new main andpntop masts yesterday. She will leave nextf y with a full cargo of su-- ar for San Fran-co.i

American bark Martha Davis, Captain, Beusou, has sailed with a cargo in transitf Boston for Manila.

schooners Luka, Moi Wahine and.Kauike-- I"I leave this moruiug for Hawaii.American 1ark Fort Queeu, Captain J.C."ng, sails to-da- y with 875 tons sugar forf Frauci!ico.


8l"hoo A. C. Ilerseltine sailed" WUb carb' iu transit from Sanr-- o for the South Sealslands.VHiiaubark J. A. King, Captain H. H.

8 days 0llt wit" lumber from Puget

auk.I 7 Valaui le'iVe3 tbis '"orning for

be barkir - i. ."orH- - Hopkins has been docked

Judges, Sheriff and Deputy Sheriffs.The following order to Police and Dis-

trict Judges, Sheriffs and "Deputy Sher-iffs has just been issued :

1. Police and District Judges through-out the Kingdom, except as hereinbelowmentioned, are to receive all costs incivil cases, and all fines, costs and bailforfeited in criminal c,ses, whether paidinto Court or to the Jailer or DeputySheriff after commitment to jail, andshall remit their receipts at the end ofevery month to the Minister of Finance,and shall send every month an accountof their receipts and disbursements indetail to the Auditor General.

The Marshal at Honolulu, the Sheriffsat Ililo, Wailuku and Lihue, are author-ized to receive fines and costs paid in atthe jails of said places, and shall remitthe same, together with their other re-

ceipts, direct to the Minister of Finance.They shall also account to the AuditorGeneral concerning all their receipts anddisbursements at the end of each month.

2. All process of Court, civil or crimi-

nal, imist be served by the respectiveSheriffs or their Deputies, or by theregular (paid) police. Only in cases of

emergency, when the above officers can-

not be obtained, shall service by an un-

paid officer be allowed.3. Mileage, at the rate of five cents

per mile each way (as per statute), shallbe allowed to officers serving civil andcriminal process. This is to be paidfrom the costs collected in the case.Mileage is to be paid upon the distancetraversed without reference to the num-

ber of persons arrested or served.4. Hereafter no shares of fines, except

in cases where the statue creating theoffense allows it, shall be paid to theMarshal, the Sheriffs, Deputy Sheriffs,Officers, paid or unpaid, or to informers.The whole amount shall be returned tothe Treasury.

5. The Jailors shall keep a record of

all persons arrested and brought to jail,and shall report the same regularly tothe magistrrtes of their Districts, at thenext sitting of the Court, with the bailtaken, if any, which the magistrate shall

J. J. Williams, Photographer,

1045 Fort Street, Honolulu,Has on Sale a Series of

Views of

Samoan Life & Character

Sugar Bags 22 x 36.

Wanted to Purchase.COEDAGE.

THE UNDERSIGNED, AH YOUNG, HAVEI lived in Honolulu for ten years, working forforeigners, and have committed no offense inthis country. I know of a gambling house,which is constantly filled with Chinese gam-blers, some of whom have lived there for threbyears, with no other work than gambling at alltimes. I know this gambling house,into which they are constantly going, and Ihave lost much money in it myself. This is whyI wish the gambling house stopped I was sum-moned to appear before the Court, and thesegamblers were arrested for the offense of gam-bling. I was the witness before the CourtTherefore they are angry with me for my testi-mony in the trial, and wish to kill me. For thisreason I publish these facts before the people.

(Signed): AH YOUNG.Honolulu, March 19, 1888.

And Historical Incidents 'connectedwith the Hawaiian Mission

to Samoa.Manila and Sif-al- , Panana 'I wine, Mb air I.iD

HAVING A PHOTOGRAPHICANYONE moderate dimensions for sale, maypossibly hear of a purchaser by communicatingwith Z, P. O Box O.

' Mdilx

CPauy's wharf to dis- -

Ivin,", '"ich she will corumeuce re- - Variety and Great ArtisticAn Immense

merit.NOTICE.Call and See Them.Waterliouse & Lester,

Reed's Felt Steam Pipe

and Boiler Covering,


"A TENTS, (suitable forins and surveying panic'.

2 tf

Mk0lU wilt be lowered from thei evening

hl3 Iuoruiug. aud will leavei for Molokai.f"8 steamer J a

launan,. mmins leaves for KoolauI to-da- y.

p American bark cth.M3o.H,loa, ciiptaiu t- - h- -

Uing 3 2--. ... 27,593 bags ugar

I Te Huin': rl,u. and valued at $153.-1- 24

fcag8 anT,Were Hackfeld & Co. with' 'u- - q .s. Gnnbaum & Co. 5,46'J



J. E. BROWN & CO. AREMESSRS.to collect subscriptions for the dailyPACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER.

Honolulu, January 17, ls88.

North British and Mercantile


AND Importers nl Dealers In

Groceries, Provisions, Etc.April Term ESTABLISHED 1809.

CARRIAGE MATERIAL16 to 22 Beale street, San Frantisco. apl9

F EETILIZERS. Ill FORT STREET,roW toefM,l,re Court will be

;ibrpl;:.,eann motions, demurrers

TELEPHONE 240P. BOX 297enter upon his record.! A. F. Judd,

Resources of the Company as at 31st Dec, 1882

1 Authorized Capital 3,000,0002 Subscribed " f 2,000,0003 Paid up " .......... 500,0004 Fire Fund and Reserves as at

31st Dec, l!83 1'271',I5 Life and Annuity Funds.... 3,85;,5-- 9

6 Revenue Fire Branch 1,107,1247 Life and Annuity

Branches .793

ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO.,Agents fcr the Hawaiian Islands.


t. j. bass 5B BBOW11

T. .1. BASS & CO.Importers of and peal en in

Artiste' - Materials,Paints, Oils, Glass, Varnishes, Turpentine. .

Manufacturers of Mouldings, PictureFrames, etc., etc., etc.

14 and 10 Kills Street near BlarUet.SAN FRANCISCO, CAL.


PLANTATIONS, GARDENS, LAWNS. ETC.FOR sale by HANSON & SMYTH. We arenow prepared to receive all orders for the aboveFertilzer of a superior quality, thoroughly curedaud warranted one of the best articles of thekind in the market.

Orders may be left with. L. P. HANSON, 2C0 Queen street.

G. M. SMYTH. Hawaiian Hotel St.

ldi ofSUme to be in order

!lle "Court will -) 8lurdav i


m banCO on Frida

dand farJ n Sitrday ofj following Saturdays.

Chief Justice Fupreme Court,Clarence W. Ashford,

Attorney-Genera- l.

Aliiolani Hall, March 26, 1888.

ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & 00Commission iffercliauts.Importer Honolulu, H. 1.



Under the above heading the "Don-cast- er

Reporter" of July 6, 1887, pub-lishes the following in its editorial col-

umns :

Our readers may recall the circumstance




Meat Company,i Society Miss Takes the Conceit Out ofa Young Briton of Noble Blood See-

ing the United States on the "TwoDay" rian.

of a young clerk, named Arthur Eichoid,falling insensible on the Wheatley Lane inthis town some time ago, and being pickedup, as he continued perfectly helpless, andtaken in a cab by two gentlemen to theoffice of F. W. Fisher, Esq., the solicitorwho employed him. On restoring him to rai16 re Mverft81 IINJ STKEKT,consciousness it was . ascertained thathe was afflicted with what seemed to be an

The mention of Florida recalls the experi-ence of some young Englishmen who came toWashington for two days on their way tothat land of oranges and alligators and whostayed here two months. They got into off-icial society and found it so attractive thatfthey could not get away. One young Briton,apparently not many years above 21, and thefeon of a "real lord," but traveling as modest

A Marvelous Medley of Magic Wonder-ful Performance of a Man in LeagueWith the Powers of the Fire andBrimston World.The professor was a little man, generous

and expansive in the matter of shirt front,red as to hair and blessed with a surprisingamplitude of coat sleeve and tail.

"Ladies and gentlemen," he began, comingto the front of the stage and turning backhis cuffs with an innocent air and that gen-erally clean fingered dexterity which char-acterizes the manual motions of sleight ofhand men "ladies and gentlemen, beggingyour pardon in advance for the liberty I amtaking, I wish to state that in tho hall ofthis opera house, just outside the door, thereis a fa.ucet connected with the pipes whichsupply the city with water. If some younggentleman in the audience will be so kind as


incurable disease. When he was able tospeak he said he had been to his dinnerand was on his way back to his work,when suddenly his head was in a whirl andhe fell in the street like a man who isknocked down. On coming to his senses

r.Mr. went out to make calls last week.

MANAGER.in the solicitor's othce he thought whatthis might mean, and feared he was goingto have a fit of illness, which we all knowis a very dreadful thing for a poor man

IN THEto fill this tin utensil in my hand" he lifted with a family to care for.With this in his mind he at once sought

the best medical advice, telling the doctorsWHOLESALE AND RETAILhow he had been attacked. They ques-

tioned him, and found that his presentmalady was exhaustion of the nervous


system, resulting from general debility,indigestion and dyspepsia of a chronicnature. This in turn had been caused byconfinement to his desk and grief at theloss of dear friends by death. The comingon of this strange disease, as described by I'tTBIilSMlSl) EVERY MOltXlKG


Mr. iiichold, must be of interest both tosick and well. He had noticed for severalyears previously, in fact, that his eyes andface began to have a yellow look; there

The daughter of a well known hostess hadseveral young women assisting her, and with;these he proved a voluble and unflaggingtalker. Finally, to give him variety and re-lieve one of the assistants, the hostess said toa. caller:

"Do let me introduce that young man overthere. I want to get Miss A. away from him,and he shows no signs of giving up."

The introduction was made, bows wereexchanged and the son of a "real lord" wasleft with the other woman.

"And what are j-o-u doing in Washington, if

I may ask the question?" were the first wordsof the young man, as he gave one sweepinginclusive glance, from her tall bonnet downto the hem of her gown.

"Oh, I am doing what most other womenare doing making calls," she replied, witha flash of quickness, and showing no sur-prise at the unexpected and abrupt question.

HE WAS SET BACK.The surprise was on the other side, and for

an instant he was set back by her readiness."Ah oh don't you know that's really verygood," he said, laughing, and recoveringhimself.

"And what are you doing in Washington,if I may ask the question?" she added thenext moment, and giving him a second start.

"Ah oh really, you Americans are veryquick, don't you know," he answered, a triflesubdued, and in rather more a tone ofrespectful deference. " I will tell you. Wehave just come across to look about a little.Spent two days in New York, you know.Kan on here for two days, and well really,there is a good deal in your towns, you know.Quite a lot to see."

"Two days in New York and two in Wash-ington ! Is it possible, Mr. , there are twowhole days of sightseeing in either city foran Englishman? Oh, I understand. You havejust run over to get thoiuughly acquaintedwith us, and will then run home to Englandand write a book about America. (5f course

--owas a sticky and unpleasant slime on thegums and teeth in the morning; the

a tin quart bucket from the table and tappediz with his forefinger "with water fromthat faucet, I shall proceed to burn it notboil it, understand me, but burn the waterwith a flame which you may all see."

After a little natural persisteuce and someurging from the professor a couple of younggentlemen, aged about 13 summers, conveyedthe tin bucket out into the hall, whence theypresently returned with a quart of water,which the professor demonstrated to be purewater by drinking a few swallows of it. Asuggestion from the rear of the hall that thegrowler might contain beer was properly ig-nored, and the remainder of the clear fluidwas poured from the bucket into a glass fruitdish.

"Salamandissimus, salamandosl" remarkedthe professor, solemnly, while he waved hishands over the surface of the water. "I com-mand thee, once; I command thee, twice; Icommand thee, three times, in the name ofbrimstone, fire!"

A rose colored flame appeared on the water,and gradually spread until it embraced thewhole area of the surface and rose pyramidwise to a height of about twelve inches. Dur-ing the subsequent proceedings the water con-tinued to bum.

SEVERAL FAMILIAR CHESTNUTS.Then ensued the cracking of a number of

familiar chestnuts, such as the cooking of anomelet in a borrowed silk hat. the mysteriousproduction from nowhere of an outfit of tin-ware and a guinea pig, et id omne genus.

A bar of lead was melted in a crucible overa small furnace, and according to the prom-ise on the bills the professor proceeded to

Office, 4G and 48 Merchant Street, Honofo

tongue coated; and the bowels so boundand costive that it induced that most pain-ful and troublesome ailment the xnles.He says there was some pain in the sidesand back and a sense of fullness on the

o.- -

Navy Contractors.




Represents the Interests of the Politician, the Me reliant

Planter, the Storekeeper, the Lawyer, the Workmuin.

right side, as though the liver were enlarg-ing, which proved to be a terrible fact.The secretions from the kidneys would bescanty and high-colpre- di with a kind ofgritty or sandydeposit after standing.

These things had troubled Mr. Jiichold along time, and after his fall in the streethe clearly perceived that his fit of giddi-ness was nothing more than a. sign of thesteady and deadly advance of the com-plaint, which began in indigestion and dys-pepsia. His story of how he went fromone physician to another in search of acure that his wife and little ones mightnot come to want is very pathetic andtouching. Finally he became too ill tokeep his situation and had to give it up.This was a sad calamity. He was appalledto think of how he should be able to live.Hut God raised up friends who helped tokeep the wolf from the door. He thenwent to the seaside at Walton on-the-Na-

but neither the change, nor the phvsieians

fact, all CLsses of the Community.PILLSthis accounts for your long stay in New Yorkand two whole daj's at our capitall But Fno glad you find a lot to see.""Ah oh really now. You can't mean to

le so hard on a fellow. I should nevah, youlaiow, give my impressions without really

wash ins hands m the molten metal. He didthe work thoroughly, plunging his hands tothe elbow into the crucible, now and thenscooping up the liquid lead in his palm anddropping it upon the board floor of the stage,where it instantly hardened in thin flakes.The blade of an ordinary steel table knifemelted like wax in the flame of a t.nllow


knowing America. I was lust CONSTIPATIONto saygoingHas for many years been noted for its Reports of Le-'ida-

Proceedings, Important Law Cases, etc. These are recti'

Liver,Sluggish Verbatim when the importance of the occasion warrants it.


TTNLIKE catharticmany kinds ofT. .medicines, do not make yon feel IS a inhabitant ol;

candle under the influence of his touch, andthen, dipping a pen into the dish of burningwater, the professor went through the mo-tions of writing upon a folded newspaperhanded to him by one of the audience. Whenthe hall was darkened the words, 'Therguson,the Phire King, right hand of his MajestyDiablosI" stood out in green flames from thesurface of tho paper.

So far, so good. Tho tricks were per-formed; but the city editor's instructions tofind out how they were performed and towrite an expose of the Fire King's secrets un-happily were not yet carried out. While theaudience was conveying itself through thedoorway into the street I elbowed my waybehind the scenes and corralled tho professor,who was engaged in packing his parapher-nalia When you want a man to do you afavor, it is by no means best to approach himwith an obsequious air; if you do, he willprobably tumble to your racket, so to speak,and give yon the cold shake. I 'cept my haton and paralyzed the professor with a steely

necessity to Every English. speakingworse before rou feel belter. Their op-- tt.I it 1 n Aivm times.who desires to keep pace with the

that really, after two days your capitalis so very charming we couMu't get away.Iteally we couldn't. And we went down tothe booking office and the fellows fixed it alli ight with the tickets. Now, insten1 of twodays, we've really been in Washington sevenweeks. It's a fact. I wouldn't bel:eve it my-self if I didn't know it, you see. Sevenweeks! But we really, you know, must getoff to Florida next week. Sorry; Washing-ton is very delightful; people charming, youknow."

MUST GO WEST."And, of course, you go to Chicago. No

lKX)k on America is complete without Chi-cago, the big city of the west. Oh, you mustgo west," she said. lie was rising rapidly inher estimation, and she was a little sorry shehad been sarcastic. Tho next minute downhe went again, as he said:

"Ah oh yes. I have heard of Chicago,you know. Quite a town, of course. Butreally, Miss , I can't fancy how you dis-covered I thought of writing a book. Now,really, you know. Do I look like it? Howdid you happen on that?"

"Oh, you all do it. You come over on thetwo day plan of seeing the country. Andyou've all heard of Chicago. So you go homeand write about us, when you really don't

who treated him there, did any good. Allbeing without avail he visited London,with a sort of vague hope that some ad-vantage might happen to him in the me-tropolis. This was in October, 18S5.

How wondeiful, indeed, are the ways ofProvidence, which dashes down our high-est hopes and then helps us when we leastexpect it.

While in London he stated his conditionto a friend, who strongly advised him totry a medicine which he called MotherSeigel's Curative Syrup, saying it was gen-uine and honest, and often cured wheneverthing else had failed. He bought abottle of a chemist in IMmlico, and beganusing it according to the directions. Hedid this without any faith or hope, andthe public may, therefore, judge of hissurprise and pleasure when after taking afew doses he felt great relief. He could eat

THE ADVEETISERIs copious and prompt in the publication of Local News, i

iaiiimi m jnut;, uuv iiiorougii, aimunattended with disagreeable effects,such as nausea, griping pains, etc.

Seigel's Operating Pills are the bestfamily physic that has ever been discov-ered. They cleanse the bowels from allirritating substances, and leave them ina healthy condition.

The best remedy extant for the baneof our lives constipation and sluggishliver.

These Pills prevent fevers and all

its readers are kept constantly posted as to the course of ere:

in other parts of the world, particularly in the United Statesglare ana just a shade of hauteur.

"Representing the press," 1 said brusquely,producing a pasteboard. "Are not thechemicals used in your ah ah tricks, arethey not dangerous of an inflammable nat-ure apt to explode; and all that?"

A SCARED PROFESSOR.While I was talking, I mado some notes in

a manuscript book, giving tho professor theidea that the jottings were to the effect thathis entertainments were of a characterhazardous to the audience.

"Good gracious, sir! no!" he gasped; "byall means do not publish such an insinuation;it would ruin me. All my agents are innocentwhen rightly used."

kinds of sickness, by removing all pois-onous matter from the bowels. Theyoperate briskly, yet mildly, without anvpain.

If you take a severe cold, and arethreatened with a fever, with pains in

flie WhUt

better, his food distressed him less, thesymptoms we have named abated, thedark spots which had floated before hiseyes like smuts of soot gradually disap-peared, and his strength increased. Heforethis time his knees would knock togetherwhenever he tried to walk. So encouraged

iiw.Oiinlrawtnc lictut. nack, and limbs, one or two

was he now that he kept on using Mother doses of Seigel's Operating Pills willSeigel's Curative Syrup until it ended in I . Is specially adapted forportions of

residents of the outlying

the group.I smiled cynically "Yes, of course you say

know anything about America or Americans,after all," she said, squarely and frankly.

She had come up in his estimation as fast ashe had gone down in hers. He was taken byher offhand manner of talking and quickunderstanding. He was about to concludehis call, and as he turned to go ho said seri-ously and wholly without his former con-ceited air:

"I will tell you what we do know, and weare not slow in learning it, you know,either"

"I'm so glad you really know somethingabout us, if it's , ever so little' she put in,laughing.

"We learn, as soon as we meet Americanwomen, that they are the best talkers in theworld. Now, Miss , I promise you, if Iwrite my impression, I will go to Chicago andto all the rest of your western cities. Good-by- .

We're off to FloridaWashington Cor. New York Tribune.


break up the cold and prevent the fever.A coated tongue, with a brackish

taste, is caused by foul matter in thestomach. A few doses of Seigel'sOperating Pills will cleanse the stom- -

completely curing him.In speaking of his wonderful recovery

Mr. Kichold says it made him think ofpoor Robinson Crusoe, and his deliver-ance from captivity on his island in thesea; and added, "But for Mother Seigel's ach, remove the bad taste, and restore

"But I can prove it. Potassium, phos-phorus, brimstone, quicksilver. Are they ex-plosive?"

The trail was getting warm."Well, of course, that depends. The potas-

sium, for instance, how do you use it?""I drop a small quantity cf it upon the sur-

face of the water in the glass dish. Uponcontact with the water it immediately flaresup and burns with a ro6 colored flame.

Terms of Subscription :Curative byrup the grass would now be

Daily Edition, per annum

the appetite, and with it bring goodhealth .

Oftentimes disease, or partially de-cayed food, causes sickness, nausea anddiarrhoea. If the bowels are cleansedSimplest thing in the world. With tho brim

" " per half year" " per month

Weekly Edition, per annum

growing over my grave."Our readers can rest assured of the strict

truth of all the statements in this most re-markable case, as Mr. Richold (now resid-ing at Swiss Cottage, Walton-on-the-Naze- ,)

belongs to one of the oldest and most re-spected families in the beautiful village ofLong Melford, Suffolk, and his personalcharacter is attested by so high an au

stone I merely touch a piece of stee madered hot m tl- - i.ie of a candle, and the steel

to Foreign CountriesMelts like t: Ino danger there. A stick:f phosphoru o affixed to my pen when Iwrite upon the newspaper, and of course inthe darkness the writing stands out. To washmy hands in molten lead it is only necessary


irom mis impurity with a dose ofSeigel's Operating Pills, these disa-greeable effects will vanish, and goodhealth will result.

Seigel's Operating Pills preventill-effec- ts from excess in eating or drink-ing. A good dose at bedtime renders aperson fit for business in the morning.

These Pills, being sugar-coate- d, arepleasant to take. The disagreeable tastecommon to most pills is obviated.

thority, as the Rev. C. J. Martyn. Wehave deemed the case of such importanceto the public as to justify us in giving thisshort account of it in our columns.

The Alaskan's Kiches.Alaskan Indians do not reckon wealth by

the amount of money or gold a person pos-sesses, but rate a man as worth so manyblankets. A government blanket sells in thestores everywhere throughout tho country attbo nominal price of $4. It is never more,never less. If an Indian gets hold of $20 and'desires to save it, he buys five blankets andodds them to the store ho already possesses.An Indian who owns 2,000 blankets is im-mensely, wealthy, and is looked upon as anabob by the poor members of his tribe. Thisis the currency of tho realm among the In-dians, and is recognized by the whites as wellin trading with them. Lieut. H. T. Mona-ha-n

in Brooklyn Eagle.


to bathe them previously man Ointment madeof one ounce of quicksilver, two ounces ofbole ammoniaco, half an ounce of camphorand two ounces of aqua vita?, beaten togetherwith a pestle in a brass mortar. I keep thismixture by me constantly, and have neveryet had the slightest accident."

The still, small voice of the call boy's clocksaid ''11" just as the professor was finish-ing his meaty sentence, and I rushed aroundto the office with scant t?me to write up andhand in my copy by 12 o'clock. I had not

Pacific Commercial Advertise,For Sale by nil Chemists, Druggists

and Medicine Vendors.'exiosed the professor's whole business, but I -

had got at tLeTmarrow of four of his besttricks. Detroit Free Press.

Bone Meal! Bone Meal


Manufactory of BUCK & ASHLANDban Francisco. Orders f01 this

Celebrated FertilizerwUlnow be received by the undersigned. Plantersare requested to send their orders in early, so thatthere will be no delay iu having them tilled Inlme for the planting season. Also,

Super - Phosphates,AFine Fertilizer for Cane.


Is replete. with every requisite which modern ingenuity basdeviped- -


Purpose of the Ballet.Twelve-year-ol- d Miss The opera was very

long, wasn't it, mamma?Mamma Yes, daughter, and very stylish.Miss The ballet girls don't sing, do they,

mamma?Mamma --No daughter.Miss Why do they have the ballet then,

mamma?Papa To make the opera as broad as it is

long, daughter. Don't ask any more ques-tions. Washington Critic.


The Cloud Dispelled.Alonzo Dearest Edith, candor compels me,

on the eve of our wedding, to confess that Iam a

Edith (in consternation) Not a marriedman?

Alonzo No; but a somnambulist.Edith And is that all, dearest? That

should not separate us. Why, papa wasbrought up an old fashioued Methodist andmamma has always leen a close communionBaptist, and they'vo got along very well to-gether. Harper's Bazar.

Ordersreceived in qnantitlea to suit.21-w- tf WM. G. IRWIN & CO., Agents. LONDON", ENG.



Second Hand Gravestones.Buffalo has a citizen who deals in second

hand gravestones. Ho buys old ones, erasesthe letters and engraves new inscriptions toorder. "Lots of people seem to want to sell,"ho U reported as saying, "and plenty of othersare willing to buy when they can get a goodci-ticl-

e so cheap. "

The Job Printing DepartALLEN & ROBINSON,S.HOTH,

MERCHANT TAILOR,83 Fort St., Honolulu, H. j.


LUMllKRand all kinds of BUILDING

An Epidemic of Klicuinatism.The Philadelphia Ledger thinks there is an

epidemic of rheumatism this winter, and saysthat "rest for the brain, tho body and thedigestion, and a diet of hot water and cheer-fulness, is the treatment best warranted ' tobring tho sufferers right." Roto

Distance Lends Enchantment.Mobile has a brass band with a conscience.

It goes out in the suburbs on a Sunday andhides itself in the woods to practice. At adistance of two or three miles the music issimply enchanting. Mobile Register.

Every descriptiou of BOOK WORK. - Books and Blank Forms

order.HOLLISTER & CO.,

Druggists and Tobacconists,

MATERIALS, Paints, Oils, Nails, etc., etc.AGENT FOR HCHOONKR8





Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. 80-w- ti


Siaii:3 can be removed from marble bymaking a mortar of limo and strong lye andspreading thickly on the discoloration; leavefor several days, then wash off perfectlyclean with a scrubbing brush.

of'iThe newest craze in New York city 13 forTvhite furniture.

WHOLESALE Aft RETAIL.59 Nuuanu Street, and cor. Fort fe Merchant Sta

83wtfPrices are strictly moderate and will compare favorably witn

other office in the city.