Research Article Lie Symmetry Analysis, Exact Solutions, and Conservation Laws for the Generalized Time-Fractional KdV-Like Equation Maria Ihsane El Bahi and Khalid Hilal Sultan Moulay Sliman University, Bp 523, 23000 Beni Mellal, Morocco Correspondence should be addressed to Maria Ihsane El Bahi; [email protected] Received 9 December 2020; Revised 21 December 2020; Accepted 26 December 2020; Published 7 January 2021 Academic Editor: Ismat Beg Copyright © 2021 Maria Ihsane El Bahi and Khalid Hilal. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. In this paper, the problem of constructing the Lie point symmetries group of the nonlinear partial dierential equation appeared in mathematical physics known as the generalized KdV-Like equation is discussed. By using the Lie symmetry method for the generalized KdV-Like equation, the point symmetry operators are constructed and are used to reduce the equation to another fractional ordinary dierential equation based on Erdélyi-Kober dierential operator. The symmetries of this equation are also used to construct the conservation Laws by applying the new conservation theorem introduced by Ibragimov. Furthermore, another type of solutions is given by means of power series method and the convergence of the solutions is provided; also, some graphics of solutions are plotted in 3D. 1. Introduction Fractional calculus is the generalization of the ordinary dif- ferentiation and integration to noninteger (arbitrary) order; the subject is as old as calculus of dierentiation and integra- tion and goes back to the time when Leibniz, Newton, and Gauss invented this kind of calculation. Additionally, it is considered as one of the most interesting topics in several elds, especially mathematics and physics, due to its applica- tions in modelization of physical process related to its histor- ical states (nonlocal property), which can be eectively described by using the theory of derivatives and integrals of fractional order, that make the models described by frac- tional order more realistic than those described by integer order. The most important part of fractional calculus is devoted to the fractional dierential equations (FDEs); in the literature, there are diverse denitions for fractional derivative including Riemann-Liouville derivative, Caputo derivative, and Conformable derivative, but the most popular one is Riemann-Liouville derivative. The fractional derivative has attracted the attention of many researchers in dierent areas such as viscoelasticity, vibration, economic, biology, and uid mechanics (see [111]). Unfortunately, it is almost dicult to solving and detecting all solutions of nonlinear partial dierential equations (PDEs) which renders it a chal- lenging problem, because of this, an interesting advance has been made, and some methods for solving this type of equa- tions have been discussed; among them are subequation method, homotopy perturbation method, the rst integral method, and Lie group method (see [1218]). Lie symmetry analysis was introduced by Sophus Lie (1842, 1899), a Nor- wegian mathematician who made signicant contributions to the theories of algebraic invariants and dierential equa- tions. It can be said that the Lie symmetry method is the most important approach for constructing analytical solutions of nonlinear PDEs. It is based to study the invariance of dier- ential equations (DEs) under a one-parameter group of transformations which transforms a solution to another new solution and is also used to reduce the order such as the number of variables of DEs; moreover, the conservation laws (CLs) can be constructed by using the symmetries of the DEs (see [1924]). A short time ago, the Lie symmetry analysis is also used for FDEs; in [25], Gazizov et al. showed us how the prolongation formulae for fractional derivatives is formulated; by this work, the Lie group method becomes Valid for FDEs; after that, many researches are devoted for Hindawi Journal of Function Spaces Volume 2021, Article ID 6628130, 10 pages https://doi.org/10.1155/2021/6628130

Lie Symmetry Analysis, Exact Solutions, and Conservation

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Page 1: Lie Symmetry Analysis, Exact Solutions, and Conservation

Research ArticleLie Symmetry Analysis, Exact Solutions, and ConservationLaws for the Generalized Time-Fractional KdV-Like Equation

Maria Ihsane El Bahi and Khalid Hilal

Sultan Moulay Sliman University, Bp 523, 23000 Beni Mellal, Morocco

Correspondence should be addressed to Maria Ihsane El Bahi; [email protected]

Received 9 December 2020; Revised 21 December 2020; Accepted 26 December 2020; Published 7 January 2021

Academic Editor: Ismat Beg

Copyright © 2021 Maria Ihsane El Bahi and Khalid Hilal. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative CommonsAttribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work isproperly cited.

In this paper, the problem of constructing the Lie point symmetries group of the nonlinear partial differential equation appeared inmathematical physics known as the generalized KdV-Like equation is discussed. By using the Lie symmetry method for thegeneralized KdV-Like equation, the point symmetry operators are constructed and are used to reduce the equation to anotherfractional ordinary differential equation based on Erdélyi-Kober differential operator. The symmetries of this equation are alsoused to construct the conservation Laws by applying the new conservation theorem introduced by Ibragimov. Furthermore,another type of solutions is given by means of power series method and the convergence of the solutions is provided; also, somegraphics of solutions are plotted in 3D.

1. Introduction

Fractional calculus is the generalization of the ordinary dif-ferentiation and integration to noninteger (arbitrary) order;the subject is as old as calculus of differentiation and integra-tion and goes back to the time when Leibniz, Newton, andGauss invented this kind of calculation. Additionally, it isconsidered as one of the most interesting topics in severalfields, especially mathematics and physics, due to its applica-tions in modelization of physical process related to its histor-ical states (nonlocal property), which can be effectivelydescribed by using the theory of derivatives and integrals offractional order, that make the models described by frac-tional order more realistic than those described by integerorder. The most important part of fractional calculus isdevoted to the fractional differential equations (FDEs); inthe literature, there are diverse definitions for fractionalderivative including Riemann-Liouville derivative, Caputoderivative, and Conformable derivative, but the most popularone is Riemann-Liouville derivative. The fractional derivativehas attracted the attention of many researchers in differentareas such as viscoelasticity, vibration, economic, biology,and fluid mechanics (see [1–11]). Unfortunately, it is almost

difficult to solving and detecting all solutions of nonlinearpartial differential equations (PDEs) which renders it a chal-lenging problem, because of this, an interesting advance hasbeen made, and some methods for solving this type of equa-tions have been discussed; among them are subequationmethod, homotopy perturbation method, the first integralmethod, and Lie group method (see [12–18]). Lie symmetryanalysis was introduced by Sophus Lie (1842, 1899), a Nor-wegian mathematician who made significant contributionsto the theories of algebraic invariants and differential equa-tions. It can be said that the Lie symmetry method is the mostimportant approach for constructing analytical solutions ofnonlinear PDEs. It is based to study the invariance of differ-ential equations (DEs) under a one-parameter group oftransformations which transforms a solution to anothernew solution and is also used to reduce the order such asthe number of variables of DEs; moreover, the conservationlaws (CLs) can be constructed by using the symmetries ofthe DEs (see [19–24]). A short time ago, the Lie symmetryanalysis is also used for FDEs; in [25], Gazizov et al. showedus how the prolongation formulae for fractional derivatives isformulated; by this work, the Lie group method becomesValid for FDEs; after that, many researches are devoted for

HindawiJournal of Function SpacesVolume 2021, Article ID 6628130, 10 pageshttps://doi.org/10.1155/2021/6628130

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studying the FDEs by using Lie symmetry analysis method,for more details see ([26–29]). The CLs are very important,are a mathematical description of the statement that the totalamount of a certain physical quantity including such energy,linear momentum, angular momentum, and charge, andremains unchanged during the evolution of a physical sys-tem. It is also the first step towards finding a solution; fur-thermore, the concept of integrability will be possible if theequation has conservation laws, and the strategy of con-structing the CLs of FPDEs is given by the combination oftwo works of Ibragimov [30] and Lukashchuk et al. [31]and has shown how the CLs of FDEs can be constructed eventhose equations without fractional Lagrangians. For the firsttime in 1895, the Korteweg-de Vries (in short words KdV)equation


+ 6uux + uxxx = 0, ð1Þ

emerged as an evolution equation representing the waves ofsurface gravity propagation in a water shallow canal (see,[32]) and largely used by the mathematicians and physiciststo model a variety of different physical phenomena as hydro-magnetic collision-free waves, ion-acoustic waves, acousticsolitons in plasmas, lattice dynamics, stratified waves inte-rior, internal gravity waves, and so on (see, e.g., [33–36]).Such equations have been studied extensively, especially, forthe soliton solutions, solitary wave solutions, and periodicwave solutions. In order to find other properties that can bedifficult for the standard type or for finding some solutionsin common, a different equation is founded known as KdV-Like equations, for more details (see [37–42]). In [43], aninquiry was undertaken to increase the reliability and preci-sion of a genetic programming-based method to deducemodel equations from a proven analytical solution, especiallyby using the solitary wave solution; the program, instead ofgiving the Eq.(1), surprisingly gave the following generalizedKdV-Like equation


+ 3 1 − δð Þu + δ + 1ð Þ uxxu

� �ux − δuxxx = 0: ð2Þ

The benefit of using fractional derivatives in Eq.(2) whilemodeling the real-world problems is the nonlocal property,and this implies that the next state of the system relies notonly upon its present state but also upon all of its historicalstates (see [44, 45]). Because of that, we will study in thispaper the generalized KdV-Like equation with the fractionalorder derivative presented as follows:


+ 3 1 − δð Þu + δ + 1ð Þ uxxu

� �ux − δuxxx = 0, 0 < α ≤ 1,


where ∂αt u is the Riemann-Liouville (R-L) fractional deriva-tive of order α with respect to t and δ is an arbitrary constant.For α = 1, we have two cases; the first is δ = −1; here, the Eq.(3) is reduced to the classical KdV equation which are con-sidered by many authors (see [46–49]), and the second case

is δ = 1, so the Eq. (3) is reduced to the classical KdV-Likeequation which are studied by using Lie symmetry methodand other approaches in [37, 38, 43]. The paper is structuredas follows. In Sec. 2, we present some main results of Lie sym-metries analysis for FPDEs in the general form. In Sec. 3, weconstruct the Lie point symmetries and similarity reductionof generalized fractional KdV-Like equation. By means ofIbragimov’s theorem, the conservation laws of Eq. (3) aregiven in Sec. 4. In Sec. 5, we suggest an extra type of solutionsin the form of power series by using the power series method.Finally, some conclusions are given in Section 6.

2. Some Main Results in Lie Symmetry Analysis

In this section, we present a brief introduction of Lie symme-try analysis for fractional partial differential equations(FPDEs), and we will give some results which will be usedthroughout this study, so let us consider a general form ofthe FPDE introduced by

∂αu x, tð Þ∂tα

= F x, t, u, ux, uxx, uxxxð Þ, ð4Þ

where the subscripts indicate the partial derivatives and ∂α/∂tα is R-L fractional derivative operator given by


∂tαf x, tð Þ =


∂tnf x, tð Þ, if α = n,

1Γ n − αð Þ



ðt0t − sð Þn−α−1 f x, sð Þds, 0 ≤ n − 1 < α < n,


n ∈ℕ∗:


Now, assuming that Eq. (4) is invariant under the follow-ing one-parameter Lie group of transformations expressed as

t = t + ετ x, t, uð Þ +O εð Þ, ð6Þ

x = x + εξ x, t, uð Þ +O εð Þ, ð7Þu = u + εη x, t, uð Þ +O εð Þ, ð8Þ

uαt = uαt + εηαt x, t, uð Þ +O εð Þ, ð9Þux = ux + εηx x, t, uð Þ +O εð Þ, ð10Þuxx = uxx + εηxx x, t, uð Þ +O εð Þ, ð11Þuxxx = uxxx + εηxxx x, t, uð Þ +O εð Þ, ð12Þ

where ε is the group parameter and ξ, τ, η are the infinitesi-mals and their corresponding extended infinitesimals of order1, 2, and 3 are the functions ηx, ηxx, ηxxx, and α presented by

ηx =Dx ηð Þ − uxDx ξð Þ − utDx τð Þ,ηxx =Dx ηxð Þ − uxxDx ξð Þ − uxtDx τð Þ,ηxxx =Dx ηxxð Þ − uxxxDx ξð Þ − uxxtDx τð Þ,ηαt =Dα

t ηð Þ + ξDαt uxð Þ −Dα

t ξuxð Þ +Dαt Dt τð Þuð Þ

−Dα−1t τuð Þ + τDα+1

t uð Þ,


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whereDx is the total derivative operator with respect to x writ-ten as

Dx =∂∂x

+ ux∂∂u

+ uxx∂∂ux

+ utx∂∂ut

+⋯, ð14Þ

the explicit form of the extended infinitesimal ηαt of order α isgiven by

ηαt = ∂αt ηð Þ + ηu − αDt τð Þð Þ∂αt u − u∂αt ηuð Þ + μ

+ 〠∞




!∂nt ηu −


n + 1

!Dn+1t τð Þ

" #∂α−nt u

− 〠∞




!Dnt ξð Þ∂α−nt uxð Þ,


where Dnt is the operator of differentiation of integer order n


μ = 〠∞













Γ n + 1 − αð Þ

× −u½ �r dm

dtmuk−rh i ∂n−m+kηu



The expression of μ vanishes when the infinitesimal ηðx,t, uÞ is linear in the variable u, which means

η x, t, uð Þ = u x, tð Þf x, tð Þ + h x, tð Þ⇒ μ = 0: ð17Þ

The generator of the one-parameter Lie group (6) or theinfinitesimal operator is the differential operator defined as

X = τ x, t, uð Þ ∂∂t + ξ x, t, uð Þ ∂∂x

+ η x, t, uð Þ ∂∂u

: ð18Þ

The corresponding prolonged generator Xðα,3Þ of order(α, 3) is

X α,3ð Þ = X + ηαt∂∂αt u

+ ηx∂∂ux

+ ηxx∂

∂uxx+ ηxxx


: ð19Þ

Theorem 1 (Infinitesimal criterion of invariance). The vectorfield X = τðx, t, uÞð∂/∂tÞ + ξðx, t, uÞð∂/∂xÞ + ηðx, t, uÞð∂/∂uÞ,is a point symmetry of Eq. (4) if

Xα,3 Δð Þ��Δ=0ð Þ = 0, Δ = ∂αt u − F: ð20Þ

Remark 2 (Invariance condition). In the Eq. (4), the lowerlimit of the integral must be invariant under (6), which means

X tð Þj t=0ð Þ = 0⇒ τ x, t, uð Þjt=0 = 0: ð21Þ

Definition 3. A solution u = f ðx, tÞ is an invariant solution of(4) if satisfies the following conditions

(i) u = f ðx, tÞ is an invariant surface of (18), which isequivalent to

Xf = 0⇒ τ x, t, uð Þ ∂∂t + ξ x, t, uð Þ ∂∂x

+ η x, t, uð Þ ∂∂u

� �f = 0,


(ii) u = f ðx, tÞ satisfies Eq. (4)

3. Lie Symmetry Analysis for the GeneralizedKdV-Like Equation

In this section, the Lie symmetry group of the generalizedKdV-Like equation is performed.

The symmetry group of Eq. (3) is generated by the vectorfield (18), so applying the third prolongation Xðα,3Þ to the Eq.(3), we obtain the infinitesimal criterion of invariance corre-sponding Eq. (3), expressed as

ηαt + η 3 1 − δð Þ − δ + 1ð Þ uxxu2

h iux + ηx 3 1 − δð Þu + δ + 1ð Þ uxx


h i+ ηxx δ + 1ð Þ ux

u− ηxxxδ = 0:


Substituting the explicit expressions ηx, ηxx, ηxxx , and ηαtinto (23) and equating powers of derivatives up to zero, weget an overdetermined system of linear partial differentialequations; after resolving this system, the infinitesimals func-tions are given by

τ t, x, uð Þ = 3C1t,ξ t, x, uð Þ = C1αx + C2,η t, x, uð Þ = −2C1αu,


where C1, C2 are arbitrary constants. The corresponding Liealgebra is given by

X = C1αx − C2ð Þ ∂∂x

+ 3C1t∂∂t

− 2C1αu∂∂u

: ð25Þ

If we set

X1 =∂∂x

, X2 = 3t ∂∂t

+ αx∂∂x

− 2αu ∂∂u

, ð26Þ

we can see that the vector fields X1, X2 is closed under Liebracket defined by ½Xi, Xj� = XiXj − XjXi; therefore, the Liealgebra X is generated by the vectors fields Xi (1,2), whichmeans

X = C1X1 + C2X2: ð27Þ

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Now, by solving the following characteristic equation

dtτ x, t, uð Þ = dx

ξ x, t, uð Þ = duη x, t, uð Þ , ð28Þ

corresponding X1 and X2, we can obtain the reduced formsof generalized KdV-Like equation in the form of FODE.

Case 1. Reduction with X1 = ∂/∂x :solving the characteristic equation

dt0 = dx

1 = du0 : ð29Þ

Leads to the following similarity variable and similaritytransformation

ζ = t, u = f tð Þ, ð30Þ

with f ðtÞ satisfies

Dαt f tð Þ = 0: ð31Þ

Therefore, the group invariant solution corresponding to X1,is presented as

u1 = k1tα−1, ð32Þ

where k1 is an arbitrary constant. Figure 1 presents the graphof solution u1ðx, tÞ for some different values of α,

Case 2. Reduction with X2 = 3tð∂/∂tÞ + αxð∂/∂xÞ − 2αuð∂/∂uÞ:

The similarity variable ζ and similarity transformationf ðζÞ corresponding to the infinitesimal generator X2 isobtained by solving the associated characteristic equationgiven by

dt3t =


= du−2αu : ð33Þ


ζ = xt−α3 , f ζð Þ = t

2α3 u: ð34Þ


u = t−2α3 f xt


� �: ð35Þ

Theorem 3. By using the similarity transformation (34) in(3), the generalized KdV-Like equation is transformed intoa non-linear FODE given by

P−5α3 +1,α

f� �

ζð Þ + 3 1 − δð Þf + δ + 1ð Þ f ζζf

� �f ζ − δf ζζζ = 0,


with ðPδ,αλ f ÞðζÞ is the Erdélyi-Kober differential operator

given by

Pδ,αλ f

� �ζð Þ =


δ + i −1λζddζ

� �Kδ+α,n−α f� �

ζð Þ,

m =α½ � + 1, α ∉ℕ,α, α ∈ℕ,

( ð37Þ

where Kδ,αλ is Erdélyi-Kober fractional integral operator

introduced by

Kδ,αλ f

� �ζð Þ = 1

Γ αð Þð∞1

z − 1ð Þα−1z− δ+αð Þ f ζz1λ

� �dz, α > 0,

f ζð Þ, α = 0:



Proof. By using the Riemann-Liouville fractional derivativedefinition for the similarity transformation

u = t−2α3 f xt


� �, ð39Þ

we have


= ∂n


Γ n − αð Þðt0t − sð Þn−α−1s−2α3 f xs


� �ds

� �: ð40Þ

Let v = t/s, we have ds = −t/v2, so the above expressioncan be expressed as








0 0.2

𝛼 = 0.9𝛼 = 0.75

𝛼 = 0.5𝛼 = 0.25

0.4 0.6t

0.8 1

Figure 1: The solution u1ðx, tÞ for Eq. (1) for K1 = 1 and (α = 0:9,α = 0:75, α = 0:5, α = 0:25).

4 Journal of Function Spaces

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= ∂n



1Γ n − αð Þ


v − 1ð Þn−α−1v− n+1−5α3ð Þ f ζv


� �dv

� �,

= ∂n


5α3 K

1−2α3 ,n−α

f� �

ζð Þh i



We have


ϕ ζð Þ = −txα

3 t−α3 −1ϕ′ ζð Þ = −


3 ζϕ′ ζð Þ: ð42Þ



= ∂n−1


tn−5α3 K

1−2α3 ,n−α

f� �

ζð Þ� �� �


= ∂n−1


5α2 −1 n −

5α3 −


3 ζ∂∂ζ

� �K

1−2α3 ,n−α

f� �

ζð ÞÞ� �



By repeating this procedure n − 1 times, we get


= ∂n−1


5α2 −1 n −

5α3 −


3 ζ∂∂ζ

� �K

1−2α3 ,n−α

f� �

ζð ÞÞ� �


= t−5α3Yn−1j=0

1 − 5α3 + j −


3 ζ∂∂z

� �K

1−2α3 ,n−α

f� �

ζð Þ,

= t−5α3 P

−5α3 +1,α

f� �

ζð Þ:ð44Þ

Continuing further by calculating ux , uxx, and uxxx for(35) and replacing in Eq. (3), we find that time-fractional generalized KdV-Like equation is reduced intoa FODE given by

P−5α3 +1,α

f� �

ζð Þ + 3 1 − δð Þf + δ + 1ð Þ f ζζf

� �f ζ − δf ζζζ = 0:


So the proof becomes complete.

4. Conservation Laws

In this section, based on its Lie point symmetry and by usingthe new conservation theorem [30], the conservation laws ofthe generalized KdV-Like equation are constructed.

All vectors C = ðCt , CxÞ verify the following conservationequation

Dt Ctð Þ +Dx Cxð Þ = 0: ð46Þ

In all solutions of Eq. (3), it is called conservation law of Eq.(3), with Dt and Dx are the total derivative operators withrespect to t and x, respectively.

The formal Lagrangian of Eq. (3) is given by

L = θ∂αu∂tα

+ 3 1 − δð Þu + δ + 1ð Þ uxxu

� �ux − δuxxx

� �, ð47Þ

where θðx, tÞ is a new dependent variable. The adjoint equa-tion of generalized KdV-Like equation is written as


δu= 0, ð48Þ

where δ/δu is the Euler-Lagrange operator defined as


δu= ∂∂u

+ Dαtð Þ∗ ∂

∂ Dαt uð Þ −Dx

∂∂ uxð Þ +D2


∂ uxxð Þ −D3x

∂∂ uxxxð Þ+⋯,


ðDαt Þ∗ is the adjoint operator of Dα


Dαtð Þ∗ = −1ð ÞnPn−α

T DnTð Þ= t

cDαt , ð50Þ


Pn−αt f x, tð Þ = 1

Γ n − αð ÞðSt

f x, sð Þs − tð Þ1+α−n ds, n = α½ � + 1: ð51Þ

and ðDαt Þ∗ is the right-side Caputo operator. Now, the con-

struction of CLs for FPDEs is similar to PDEs. So, the funda-mental Neoter identity is given by

X α,3ð Þ +Dt τð Þ +Dx ξð Þ =Wiδ

δu+Dt Ntð Þ +Dx Nxð Þ, ð52Þ

where Nx,Nt are Neoter operators, Xðα,3Þ is given by (19),and Wi are the characteristic functions written as

Wi = ηi − τiut − ξiux: ð53Þ

The x-component of Neoter operator is introduced byNx

Nx = ξ +Wi∂∂ux



� �+Dxx


� �� �

+Dx Wið Þ ∂∂uxx



� �� �+Dxx Wið Þ ∂



For R-L time-fractional derivative, Nt is determined by

Nt = τ + 〠m−1

k=0−1ð ÞkDα−1−k Wið ÞDk


∂Dαt u

− −1ð ÞmI Wi,Dmt

∂∂ Dα

tð Þ� �



where I is defined as

I f , hð Þ = 1Γ m − αð Þ



f τ, xð Þh ϕ, xð Þϕ − τð Þα+1−m dϕdτ: ð56Þ

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By applying (52) on (47) for Xið1, 2Þ and for all solutions,we deduce that Xðα,3Þ +DtðτÞL +DxðξÞL = 0, and δL/δu = 0;therefore,

Dt NtLð Þ +Dx NxLð Þ = 0, ð57Þ

Observing that (57) satisfies (46), so the components ofthe conserved vector rewritten as

Ct =NtL = τL + 〠m−1

k=0−1ð ÞkDα−1−k Wið ÞDk


t u

− −1ð ÞmI Wi,Dmt

∂L∂ Dα

tð Þ� �


= 〠m−1

k=0−1ð ÞkDα−1−k Wið ÞDk


t u

− −1ð ÞmI Wi,Dmt

∂L∂ Dα

tð Þ� �


Cx =NxL = ξL +Wi∂L∂ux


� �+Dxx


� �� �

+Dx Wið Þ ∂L∂uxx


� �� �+Dxx Wið Þ ∂L




� �+Dxx


� �� �

+Dx Wið Þ ∂L∂uxx


� �� �+Dxx Wið Þ ∂L



Now, by using the definitions and the results describedabove, we can construct the conservation laws of Eq. (3).According to the previous section, the time-fractional gener-alized KdV-Like equation accepts two infinitesimal genera-tors defined in Section 3 by

X1 =∂∂x

, X2 = 3t ∂∂t

+ αx∂∂x

− 2αu ∂∂u

: ð59Þ

The characteristic functions corresponding of each gen-erator are presented by

W1 = −ux,W2 = −2αu − 3tut − αxux:

C1t = θDα−1

t −uxð Þ + I −ux, θtð Þ,

C1x = −ux 3 1 − δð Þu + uxx


� �θ −Dx


� �+Dxx −δθð Þ

h i−Dx uxð Þ ux

uθ −Dx −δθð Þ

h i,

+Dxx uxð Þ δθð Þ,

= δθxxux − 3 1 − δð Þθuux + θxu2xu

− θu3xu2

− δθxuxx

− θuxuxxu

+ δθuxxx:

C2t = θDα−1

t −2αu − 3tut − αxuxð Þ + I −2αu − 3tut − αxux, θtð Þ,

C2x = − 2αu + 3tut + αxuxð Þ

� 3 1 − δð Þu + uxxu

� �θ −Dx


� �+Dxx −δθð Þ

h i−Dx 2αu + 3tut + αxuxð Þ ux

uθ −Dx −δθð Þ

h i+Dxx 2αu + 3tut + αxuxð Þ δθð Þ,

= − 2αu + 3tut + αxuxð Þ 3 1 − δð Þθu − θxuxu

+ θu2xu2

− δθxx

� �

− 3αux + αxuxx + 3tuxtð Þ θuxu

+ δθx� �

+ 4αuxx + αxuxxx + 3tuxxtð Þ δθð Þ:ð60Þ

5. Power Series Solution

In this section, an additional exact solution is extracted byapplying the power series method; also, the convergence ofpower series solutions is proved.

Firstly, let us use the special fractional complex transfor-mation introduced by

u x, tð Þ = u ζð Þ, ζ = ax −btα

Γ 1 + αð Þ , ð61Þ

where a and b are two arbitrary constants, so substituting(61) into Eq. (3), we get

−buζ + 3 1 − δð Þu + δ + 1ð Þa2 uζζu

� �auζ − a3δuζζζ = 0: ð62Þ

Hence, (62) leads to

−buζu + 3 1 − δð Þu2 + δ + 1ð Þa2uζζ

auζ − a3δuuζζζ = 0:ð63Þ

Now, we integrate (63) with respect to ζ; we obtain

−12 bu

2 + a 1 − δð Þu3 + δ + 12

� �a3u2ζ − a3δuuζζ + c = 0,


where c is an integration constant. Now, we seek a solution of(64) in power series form

u ζð Þ = 〠∞


n = 〠∞

n=0an ax −


Γ 1 + αð Þ� �n

: ð65Þ

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We have

uζ = 〠∞

n=0n + 1ð Þan+1ζn, ð66Þ

uζζ = 〠∞

n=0n + 2ð Þ n + 1ð Þan+2ζn: ð67Þ

Substituting (65), (66), and (67) into (64), we obtain

−12 b 〠




+ a 1 − δð Þ 〠∞




+ δ + 12

� �a3

� 〠∞

n=0n + 1ð Þan+1ζn


− δa3 〠∞




� 〠∞

n=0n + 2ð Þ n + 1ð Þan+2ζn

!+ c = 0:



−12 b〠



n + a 1 − δð Þ〠∞





+ δ + 12

� �a3 〠


i=0n − i + 1ð Þ i + 1ð Þan−i+1ai+1ζn

− δa3 〠∞


i=0n − i + 2ð Þ n − i + 1ð Þan−i+2aiζn + c = 0:


Comparing the coefficient of ζ, for n = 0, we obtain

a2 =−ba20 + 2a 1 − δð Þa30 + 2δ + 1ð Þa3a21 + 2c

4δa3a0: ð70Þ

The second case is when n ≥ 0

an+2 =1

δa3a0 n + 2ð Þ n + 1ð Þ −12 b〠




+ a 1 − δð Þ〠n


j=0an−iai−jaj + δ + 1


� �a3 〠



� n − i + 1ð Þ i + 1ð Þan−i+1ai+1�, n = 1, 2:⋯


Hence, the power series solution of Eq. (3) becomes

u ζð Þ = a0 + a1ζ + a2ζ2 + 〠


n+2, = a0 + a1 ax −btα

Γ 1 + αð Þ� �

+ −ba20 + 2a 1 − δð Þa30 + 2δ + 1ð Þa3a21 + 2c4δa3a0

� �

� ax −btα

Γ 1 + αð Þ� �2

+ 〠∞


1δa3a0 n + 2ð Þ n + 1ð Þ�

� −12 b


i=0an−iai + a 1 − δð Þ〠




+ δ + 12

� �a3 〠


i=0n − i + 1ð Þ i + 1ð Þan−i+1ai+1

× ax −btα

Γ 1 + αð Þ� �n+2



where a0 and a1 are the arbitrary constants, and by using (70)and (71), all the coefficients of sequence fang∞3 can be calcu-lated. Now, we can prove the convergence of the power seriessolution.

Observing that

an+2j j ≤ C 〠n

i=0an−iai + 〠



j=0an−iai−jaj + 〠


i=0n − i + 1ð Þ i + 1ð Þan−i+1ai+1

" #,


where C =max fj−b/2δa3a0j, jað1 − δÞ/δa3a0j, jð2δ + 1Þa3/2δa3a0jg. Now, by using another power series introduced by

M =M ζð Þ = 〠∞


n, ð74Þ


m0 = a0j j,m1 = a1j j,m2 = a2j j

mn+1 = C 〠n

i=0an−ij j aij j + 〠



j=0an−ij j ai−j

�� ��aj��"

+ 〠n

i=0an−i+1j j ai+1j j

�, n = 1, 2,⋯,


we can see easily that janj ≤mn, for n = 0, 1, 2,⋯; then,MðζÞ =∑∞

n=0mnζn is a majorant series of (65). It remains

to show that MðζÞ has a positive radius of convergence.

M ζð Þ =m0 +m1ζ +m2ζ2 + C 〠




+ 〠∞




n+2 + 〠∞




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=m0 +m1ζ +m2ζ2 + C M2 −m2


ζ2 + M3 −m30


h+ M −m0ð Þ2 −m2



After that, we define an implicit functional equation withrespect to the independent variable ζ by the followingform

R ζ, rð Þ = r −m0 −m1ζ −m2ζ2 − C M2 −m2



+ M3 −m30

ζ2 + M −m0ð Þ2 −m2



Then, from (77), it is clear that Rðζ, rÞ is analytic in theneighborhood of ð0,m0Þ, with

R 0,m0ð Þ = 0, Rm′ 0,m0ð Þ = 1 ≠ 0: ð78Þ

2. × 10104. × 10106. × 10108. × 10101. × 1011

1.2 × 10111.4 × 10111.6 × 1011




t x

(a) n = 6

4. × 1031

3. × 1031

2. × 1031

1. × 1031




t x

(b) n = 20

Figure 3: The solution u2ðx, tÞ for Eq.(3) when a0 = 2, a1 = 3, δ = 3, c = 1, a = 2, b = 5.

3. × 1011

2. × 1011

1. × 1011





(a) n = 6

3. × 1032

4. × 1032

2. × 1032

1. × 1032




t x

(b) n = 20

Figure 2: The solution u2ðx, tÞ for Eq. (3) when a0 = 2, a1 = 3, δ = 3, c = 1, a = 2, b = 5:

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With the aid of the implicit function theorem given in [50,51], MðζÞ is analytic in a neighborhood of ð0,m0Þ with apositive radius; therefore, the power series M =MðζÞ =∑∞

n=0mnζn converges in a neighborhood of ð0,m0Þ; conse-

quently, (65) is convergent in a neighborhood of ð0,m0Þ,so the proof is complete.

Finally, the graphics of the exact power series solutions(72) are plotted in Figures 2 and 3 by choosing the appropri-ate parameters for different values of α.

Case 1: α = 0:25:Case 2: α = 0:75.

6. Conclusion

In this paper, Lie point symmetry and similarity reduction ofgeneralized KdV-Like equation are investigated by using theLie symmetry analysis. With the aid of similarity transforma-tion, the equation is reduced into a FODE with Erdélyi-Koberthe fractional differential operator. The CLs are also con-structed by using Ibragimov’s approach. Finally, by meansof the power series method, other kinds of solutions are pre-sented; moreover, we investigated the convergence analysisfor the obtained explicit solution, and we presented some ofthe 3D graphics of power series solutions. Our outcomesshow that the fractional-Lie symmetry analysis approachand the power series method provide the useful and powerfulmathematical tools to study other FDEs in mathematicalphysic and engineering. No more of that, the Lie analysis ofFODEs which are related to the Erdélyi-Kober is not yetexplored in the area of fractional calculus. Hence, it will beeligible as a future subject works.

Data Availability

No data were used to support this study.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare that they have no conflicts of interest.


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