Letra original en inglés Cartel publicitario de la Fuerza Aérea de los Estados Unidos utilizando la estrofa O'er the ramparts we watch, que traducido sería sobre las murallas nosotros vigilamos I O say, can you see, by the dawn's early light, What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming, Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming! And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air, Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there. O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave O'er the land of the free, and the home of the brave! II On the shore, dimly seen thro' the mists of the deep, Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes, What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep, As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses? Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam, In full glory reflected now shines in the stream:

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Cartel publicitario de la Fuerza Area de los Estados Unidos utilizando la estrofa O'er the ramparts we watch, que traducido sera sobre las murallas nosotros vigilamosIO say, can you see, by the dawn's early light,What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming,Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight,O'er the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming!And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.O say, does that star-spangled banner yet waveO'er the land of the free, and the home of the brave!IIOn the shore, dimly seen thro' the mists of the deep,Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam,In full glory reflected now shines in the stream:'Tis the star-spangled banner! O long may it waveO'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!IIIAnd where is that band who so vauntingly sworeThat the havoc of war and the battle's confusionA home and a country should leave us no more!Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps' pollution.No refuge could save the hireling and slaveFrom the terror of flight, or the gloom of the grave:And the star-spangled banner, in triumph doth waveO'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!IVO thus be it ever when freemen shall standBetween their loved home and the war's desolation!Blest with victory and peace, may the Heav'n-rescued landPraise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation.Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,And this be our motto: "In God is our Trust."And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall waveO'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!God Save the QueenCreditoycobranzasingelub.com.veCOROIhttp://www.computrabajo.com.ve/correoe.cgi?ofrd=ingelub-7148&1328555824God save our gracious Queen,Long live our noble Queen,God save the Queen:Send her victorious,Happy and glorious,Long to reign over us:God save the Queen.IIO Lord, our God, arise,Scatter thine (or her) enemies,And make them fall:Confound their politics,Frustrate their knavish tricks,On thee our hopes we fix:God save us all.IIIThy choicest gifts in store,On her be pleased to pour;Long may she reign:May she defend our laws,And ever give us causeTo sing with heart and voiceGod save the Queen.Otras estrofas en desuso por considerarse antiguas y con tono imperialista:IVNot in this land alone,But be God's mercies known,From shore to shore!Lord make the nations see,That men should brothers be,And form one family,The wide world over.VFrom every latent foe,From the assassins blow,God save the Queen!O'er her thine arm extend,For Britain's sake defend,Our mother, prince, and friend,God save the Queen!VILord grant that Marshal WadeMay by thy mighty aidVictory bring.May he sedition hush,And like a torrent rush,Rebellious Scots to crush.God save the Queen!*

Deutschland, Deutschland ber alles, Germany, Germany above all, ber alles in der Welt, Above everything in the world, Wenn es stets zu Schutz und Trutze When always, for protection, Brderlich zusammenhlt, We stand together as brothers. Von der Maas bis an die Memel, From the Maas to the Memel Von der Etsch bis an den Belt - From the Etsch to the Belt - Deutschland, Deutschland ber alles, Germany, Germany above all ber alles in der Welt. Above all in the world. Deutsche Frauen, deutsche Treue, German women, German loyalty, Deutscher Wein und deutscher Sang German wine and German song, Sollen in der Welt behalten Shall retain in the world, Ihren alten schnen Klang, Their old lovely ring Uns zu edler Tat begeistern To inspire us to noble deeds Unser ganzes Leben lang. Our whole life long. Deutsche Frauen, deutsche Treue, German women, German loyalty, Deutscher Wein und deutscher Sang German wine and German song. Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit Unity and law and freedom fr das deutsche Vaterland! For the German Fatherland Danach lasst uns alle streben Let us all strive for that Brderlich mit Herz und Hand! In brotherhood with heart and hand! Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit Unity and law and freedom Sind des Glckes Unterpfand; Are the foundation for happiness Blh' im Glanze dieses Glckes, Bloom in the glow of happiness Blhe, deutsches Vaterland. Bloom, German Fatherland. Deutschland, Deutschland ber alles,* Germany, Germany above all* Und im Unglck nun erst recht. And in misfortune all the more. Nur im Unglck kann die Liebe Only in misfortune can love Zeigen, ob sie stark und echt. Show if it's strong and true. Und so soll es weiterklingen And so it should ring out Von Geschlechte zu Geschlecht: From generation to generation: Deutschland, Deutschland ber alles, Germany, Germany above all, Und im Unglck

nun erst recht. And in misfortune all the more.

1. Deutschland, Deutschland ber alles,ber alles in der Welt,Wenn es stets zu Schutz und TrutzeBrderlich zusammenhlt,Von der Maas bis an die Memel,Von der Etsch bis an den Belt -|: Deutschland, Deutschland ber alles, ber alles in der Welt. :| 2. Deutsche Frauen, deutsche Treue,Deutscher Wein und deutscher SangSollen in der Welt behaltenIhren alten schnen Klang,Uns zu edler Tat begeisternUnser ganzes Leben lang.|: Deutsche Frauen, deutsche Treue, Deutscher Wein und deutscher Sang. :| 3. Einigkeit und Recht und FreiheitFr das deutsche Vaterland!Danach lat uns alle strebenBrderlich mit Herz und Hand!Einigkeit und Recht und FreiheitSind des Glckes Unterpfand.|: Blh' im Glanze dieses Glckes, Blhe, deutsches Vaterland. :| (4. Deutschland, Deutschland ber alles,Und im Unglck nun erst recht.Nur im Unglck kann die LiebeZeigen, ob sie stark und echt.Und so soll es weiterklingenVon Geschlechte zu Geschlecht:|: Deutschland, Deutschland ber alles, Und im Unglck nun erst recht. :