Nuclear Proliferation Lesson 1– The NPT

Lesson 1– The NPT. Students will differentiate between nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons. Students will explain the history and purpose of

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Nuclear ProliferationLesson 1– The NPT

Objectives Students will differentiate between

nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons. Students will explain the history and

purpose of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

Students will examine current issues facing the global community surrounding nuclear weapons.

Students will formulate opinions about the use and regulation of nuclear weapons.

Warm Up What are weapons

of mass destruction?

Nuclear, chemical, biological

Inflict mass casualties & destruction

Compare & Contrast Types of WMD’s



History of Nuclear Proliferation 1945 – US 1st A-

Bombs, end WW2

1946 – Baruch Plan

1949 – USSR 1st A-Bomb

1950’s – GB, FRA, China detonate• Sputnik – Proliferation• Geneva Accords

1957 – IAEA Created

1962 – Partial Test-Ban Treaty after Cuban Crisis

1968 – UN proposes Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty

1970 – NPT Official

NPT Controls dvpt, spread,

use of nuclear technology

3 Goals:• Non-proliferation• Disarmament• Fair access for

peaceful use

Signed March 5, 1970• 43 Original, 189 Today

NPT Categories Nuclear Weapons

States (NWS)

• Exploded device prior Jan 1967

• US-USSR-GB-France –China

• Can‘t transfer weapons/info

Non-Nuclear Weapons States (NNWS)

• Don’t /Won’t have• Technology for

peaceful use • IAEA Monitoring

NPT Articles I – NWS can’t transfer

weapons/info to NNWS

II – NNWS won’t receive weapons/info

III – NNWS won’t turn peace into weapons, IAEA monitoring

IV – All R&D peaceful tech, free exchange info/tech, share w/dvp world

V – Share at lowest possible cost (free?)

VI – Agree to disarm negotiations

VII – Can make own disarm treaties

VIII – Meet every 5 yrs

NPT NWS – Big 5

Non-NPT Nuclear States• India & Pakistan

(Never signed)• N.Korea (Quit ‘93,


Suspected Programs• Israel (Never

signed)• Iran (NPT Member)• Syria/Myanmarhttp://


Global Nuclear ArsenalNation Total Nuclear Arsenal

China > 125

France 300

India ~ 50

Israel ~ 80

Pakistan ~ 60

Russia ~ 14,000

United Kingdom ~ 160

United States ~ 10,500

Total ~25,275


Importance? Prevents



Sets stage for future negotiation• Review Conference

every 5 yrs (May 2010)


Closure Do you view nuclear proliferation as

inconsequential or agree with efforts to limit the spread and numbers of nuclear weapons?

Homework Research Questions

• Decide upon a topic you would like to explore/better understand within the theme of nuclear proliferation.

• Identify 5 potential topics that interest you.

• Draft a well-constructed research question.