LEIBNIZ, IN THE BEST OF COMPANY Insights into correspondence with 8 personalities

LEIBNIZ, IN THE BEST OF COMPANY · Leibniz was a veritable fountain of ideas, and was repeatedly able to find influential persons in the princely courts and their environs who were

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Page 1: LEIBNIZ, IN THE BEST OF COMPANY · Leibniz was a veritable fountain of ideas, and was repeatedly able to find influential persons in the princely courts and their environs who were


Insights into correspondence with 8 personalities

Page 2: LEIBNIZ, IN THE BEST OF COMPANY · Leibniz was a veritable fountain of ideas, and was repeatedly able to find influential persons in the princely courts and their environs who were

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646–1716) was a tireless

writer of letters. A fact demonstrated by some 20,000

letters from and to about 1,300 correspondents with

whom he was in contact across the globe. The Gottfried

Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek (GWLB), part of the Nieder-

sächsische Landesbibliothek (Lower Saxony State Library),

houses the lion’s share of his extensive legacy.

UNESCO accepted the Leibniz correspondence into

the Memory of the World Register in August 2007 as a

‘unique testimony of the European republic of scholars

in its transition from Baroque to the early Enlighten-


Interesting insights in the life and work of one of the

most prominent scientists and universal scholars of his

time can be gained, for example, from the exchange of

letters with the following eight eminent contemporaries:

Queen Sophia Charlotte, Sir Isaac Newton, Czar Peter I,

Baruch de Spinoza, Electress Sophia, Emperor Kangxi,

Denis Papin and Princess Caroline.

To see and listen to three letters and a memorandum

penned by Leibniz, please visit:


Leibniz, in the bestof company


Page 3: LEIBNIZ, IN THE BEST OF COMPANY · Leibniz was a veritable fountain of ideas, and was repeatedly able to find influential persons in the princely courts and their environs who were

For Leibniz, Hannover was a blessing and a curse

at the same time.

“Every morning he (Leibniz) would travel past my

parents’ house to the court, because every time his

large jet black wig caught my eye (...). His garden,

situated in front of the Egydien Gate, full of mulberry

trees, I visited once in order to see the silk worms

emerge, eat, spin, etc.” Thus wrote the later court

councillor Schläger on frequently seeing Leibniz dur-

ing his childhood. The mathematician, philosopher

and universalist Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz spent most

of his life in Hannover, although, of his 40 years of

service in Hannover, almost half were spent on his

travels. He also worked in the residential city of the

Dukes of Brunswick-Lüneburg, Calenberg line, from

December 1676 as court librarian and court councillor.

He subsequently rose to the position of privy and

legal councillor, an intermediate post within the court

hierarchy. The scientifically bountiful years of 1672 to

1676 in Paris were already behind him.

Leibniz was born on 21 June 1646 (Julian calendar).

After completing his studies of law and mathematics,

he refused a post as lecturer at the University of

Altdorf. A versatile and talented intellect, he pursued

proximity to political power throughout his life in

order to be able to realise his extensive plans to

promote societal advancement. He tirelessly sought

access to Europe’s many courts, spoke with the Kaiser

in Vienna (1688, 1714), met with Peter I, Czar of Russia,

three times (1711, 1712, 1716) and hoped in 1716 to move

to London to work at the court of George I (Elector

Georg Ludwig) as an historian. Despite his fame in

Europe as a scientist, philosopher and science organ-

iser he was unable to permanently settle in Vienna,

Paris or London. Leibniz died after a short illness on

14 November 1716 in his apartment in the Schmiede-

straße in Hannover and was buried on 14 December in

the ‘Neustädter Hof- und Stadtkirche’.

Leibniz was often described as a scholar who was

harassed and under-appreciated by the Hannover

Court. Yet, although Leibniz frequently left Hannover,

he also returned there time and time again. In truth,

Hannover was actually long suffering of this restless

scholar who often overreached himself and forgave

him when his projects (like the Harz mining project)

failed or when he again delayed work on his history of

the House of Guelph. Indeed, although frequently

vilified by him, Hannover was not only a curse but

was also the saviour of this exceptional scientist and


00I00 Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz in Hannover 5

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Oil painting,

copy after Andreas Scheits, 1703, Gott-

fried Wilhelm Leibniz Library (GWLB)

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

Leibniz dies. Copperplate engraving by

Wilhelm Arndt, from: Johann August

Eberhard, Gottfried Wilhelm Freyherr

von Leibnitz, Chemnitz 1795, p. 176;

Signature: GWLB: Gd-A 1246

Page 4: LEIBNIZ, IN THE BEST OF COMPANY · Leibniz was a veritable fountain of ideas, and was repeatedly able to find influential persons in the princely courts and their environs who were

00II0 Universal knowledge

Leibniz wanted to know everything in the world

His thirst for knowledge was insatiable. As a small boy

he devoured every single book in the library of his

father, a Professor of Moral Philosophy and notary at

the University of Leipzig. He later dreamed of a univer-

sal library containing all the knowledge of the world,

and was actively involved in establishing major book

collections in Hannover and Wolfenbüttel. He was

himself a walking library, unifying the knowledge of

an entire academy in his own person. He embodied

par excellence the Baroque concept of a universal

scientist, one with an understanding of all branches

of knowledge and all of man’s technologies and arts,

able to gain new insights in all of these disciplines. Yet,

at the same time, his many unfinished plans and

failed projects effectively demonstrated the impossi-

bility - as modern sciences advanced and became

increasingly differentiated - of all subjects being

mastered by any single person alone, no matter how


Leibniz was not only concerned with the collection of

knowledge but also and above all in its order and

systematic organisation. In the course of his combina-

tory studies, following the publication in 1666 of his

‘Dissertatio de arte combinatoria’ (on the combina-

torial art) he developed a scientific-theoretical

process according to which all knowledge - both exist-

ing and future - can be derived from the combination

of simple concepts. Leibniz was a veritable fountain

of ideas, and was repeatedly able to find influential

persons in the princely courts and their environs

who were willing to support his audacious plans, for

example the Prussian Queen Sophia Charlotte (of

Brunswick-Lüneburg) who referred to herself as a

student of Leibniz and frequently brought him to her

court in Berlin. The celestial globe and the terrestrial

globe (both originating from Leibniz’s period and now

at the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek) most

impressively symbolise the world-encompassing and

global interest in knowledge of this exceptional poly-

math from Hannover.

Sophia Charlotte (1668–1705)

From 1684 wife of the Prince-Elector, who in 1688

became Elector Friedrich III of Brandenburg. 1701

Queen in Prussia. Close correspondent of Leibniz.

After her death (1. 2. 1705) Leibniz mourned for a long

period and lamented his heavy loss in many letters.

Terrestrial globe, GWLB

Celestial globe, GWLB


Sophia Charlotte

Page 5: LEIBNIZ, IN THE BEST OF COMPANY · Leibniz was a veritable fountain of ideas, and was repeatedly able to find influential persons in the princely courts and their environs who were

0I000 Mathematics: differential, integral calculations

We still calculate with Leibniz

Leibniz claimed many times that he was fundamen-

tally a mathematician. One of the most complex

mathematical problems of the age was how to use

small rectangles and squares to calculate the area

under a curve. Another being that no satisfactory

method existed to calculate curves and their gradients

(Tangent problem). Leibniz answered both issues with

infinitesimal calculus, which combined differential

and integral calculations. Using Leibniz’s integral cal-

culus it was possible to calculate curvilinear areas

and using differential calculus, the tangents of curves.

The mathematical discoveries during his Paris period,

already completed in October 1675, were only pub-

lished in 1684 in the article ‘Nova methodus pro max-

imis et minimis’ in the Acta Eruditorum.

As early as 1670 Isaac Newton had also developed an

infinitesimal calculation, which he referred to as flux-

ion theory. Newton later accused Leibniz of plagiarism,

although Leibniz had in fact developed his calculus

without being aware of Newton’s method. The con-

flict between the two mathematical giants of their

age came to the fore in 1713 with the publication in

London of the ‘Commercium epistolicum’, an expertise

which contained many documents with the intention

of demonstrating Newton’s priority and exposing

Leibniz’s plagiarism. The conflict culminated in 1716,

the year Leibniz died.

Leibniz’s calculus had won over the European conti-

nent and went on to establish itself in England in

the 19th century. Leibniz’s discoveries relating to

infinitesimal calculus, which included central aspects

of differential equations, differential geometry and

series, also set out the foundations of Higher Analysis:

basically we still learn the mathematics of Leibniz in

schools today.

Sir Isaac Newton (1642–1726)

1669 Professor of Mathematics at Cambridge, 1672

member of the Royal Society, 1699 Master of the Mint,

1703 President of the Royal Society. Newton was in-

volved in a controversial dispute with Leibniz about

who first invented calculus.

First publication of differential calculus

by Leibniz with depiction of mathemati-

cal rules used in calculus. Acta Erudito-

rum 1684. Signature: GWLB: Aa A35

The ‘Commercium epistolicum’ of 1713

with Leibniz’s hand-written notes. Sig-

nature: GWLB: Ms IV 379a


Sir Isaac Newton

Page 6: LEIBNIZ, IN THE BEST OF COMPANY · Leibniz was a veritable fountain of ideas, and was repeatedly able to find influential persons in the princely courts and their environs who were

0I0I0 Calculator and binary code

Calculator and binary code are the basis for today’s

computer technology

Leibniz believed that God created the world based on

dimensions, numbers and weight; as a consequence,

he considered mathematics to be the key to explain-

ing that which holds the world together at its inner-

most core. As a mathematician, Leibniz produced two

key prerequisites for the emergence of the digital

world we know today. He conceived the binary system,

comprising zeros and ones, upon which modern digital

code is based. He also constructed a complex mechan-

ical calculator to perform automated computing

operations. Over many years of painstaking work,

several models of a ‘calculating bank’ were built

under his direction. They could perform all four basic

arithmetical operations. The ‘youngest machine’ -

now completely dismantled - has survived to the

present day and can be viewed at the GWLB.

In the summer of 1716, Leibniz met with the Russian

Czar in Bad Pyrmont and told him of his calculating

machine. He even wanted to send one to Peter I in

Russia, but this never came about. Furthermore,

Leibniz attempted to design a machine which could

calculate using the binary system of ones and zeros.

However, this advanced no further than the drawing

stage. In principle, such a machine would have been a

direct precursor of today’s computers. Leibniz’s hope

was that calculating with zeros and ones would

enable complex theoretical mathematical problems

to be solved. He also considered the binary system to

be symbolic of God’s creation. Zero and one symbolise

the creation of the world by God out of nothing, he

wrote enthusiastically on 12 January 1697 to Duke

Rudolf August of Wolfenbüttel.

Peter I. (1672–1725)

Russian Czar since 1682, very interested in introducing

European sciences and culture to Russia, travelled

Europe, often incognito, from 1697 to 1698. Leibniz

met the Czar three times (last time in 1716), previously

Peter I (in November 1712) nominated Leibniz as a

Russian privy councillor.

Leibniz’s four species calculating

machine, GWLB

Extract from: Leibniz to Duke Rudolf

August (of Wolfenbüttel)

2 (12) January 1697 (the ‘New Year’s

letter’), Signature: GWLB: LBr. F 15,

15 BI. 19v


Czar Peter I.

Page 7: LEIBNIZ, IN THE BEST OF COMPANY · Leibniz was a veritable fountain of ideas, and was repeatedly able to find influential persons in the princely courts and their environs who were

0II00 At home in Europe, with a world-wide network

Leibniz was at home in Europe and had his own

social network

Leibniz was by no means a self-conceited thinker who

hid himself away behind his desk in his chamber to

deliberate. On the contrary, throughout his life he was

constantly travelling, endlessly crossing vast swathes

of Europe, tirelessly writing letters to members of a

wide international network. To develop his thoughts

and ideas he did not seek places of silence and tran-

quillity to concentrate, but rather evolved his wealth

of ideas in a permanent state of dialogue with princes,

noble ladies and scholars from throughout Europe.

His travels, often over several years, took him to Paris,

Vienna and Italy. There were many shorter stays in the

Harz mountains, in Wolfenbüttel, in Dresden and

Berlin. Leibniz was in The Hague in November of

1676 where he met the famous but controversial

philosopher Baruch de Spinoza. The urge to travel

and his restlessness did not let up even in the last

months of his life. In 1716 he travelled to Zeitz to

check the work on his calculating machine, met with

the Russian Czar taking the waters in Bad Pyrmont

and even made plans for a further trip to Vienna

the following year. In order to be able to write when

travelling he had a special folding chair built which he

always took with him. The Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz

Bibliothek collection includes a folding chair which

may well be the very travel-chair or ‘post-chair’ used

by Leibniz.

When not on the move, Leibniz brought the whole

world into his study room in Hannover via his global

postal network. His correspondence of over 20,000

letters with some 1,300 correspondents has been part

of the UNESCO Memory of the World Register since

2007. The high frequency of correspondence contin-

ued to the end of his life. Letters addressed to him

continued to arrive in Hannover for several weeks

after his death on 14 November 1716.

Baruch de Spinoza (1632–1677)

Biblical-Talmudic education within the Jewish com-

munity and studies of philosophy, science and math-

ematics in Amsterdam. Commercial education. 1656

excommunicated by the Jewish community because

of religious controversies and ceased business. 1660

worked as lens-grinder in Rhinsburg, 1663 in Voorburg,

1670 in The Hague. 1673 rejected post of Professor of

Philosophy in Heidelberg; Leibniz met the controver-

sial philosopher in November 1676 in The Hague and

debated Spinoza’s theories for the rest of his life.

Folding chair (‘Leibniz travel chair’),

leather, ca. 1700 (?), GWLB


Baruch de Spinoza

Page 8: LEIBNIZ, IN THE BEST OF COMPANY · Leibniz was a veritable fountain of ideas, and was repeatedly able to find influential persons in the princely courts and their environs who were

0III0 Herrenhausen and the History of the Guelphs

Leibniz strolled through the Royal Gardens of

Herrenhausen and worked on the History of the

House of Guelph

In court, Leibniz had a talent in entertaining noble

parties and charming them with his intellect. Electress

Sophia and her daughter Sophia Charlotte appreci-

ated his presence in the Palace of Herrenhausen

and no doubt enjoyed occasional walks together

through the lush Baroque gardens. One famous

episode in 1692 involves Leibniz challenging Carl

August von Alvensleben to find two identical leaves in

the Gardens of Herrenhausen, which the aristocratic

visitor was apparently unable to do. For Leibniz it was

a demonstration of his philosophical principle of

individuality, according to which each individual is

unique. This episode is famous above all thanks to a

copper engraving made by Johann David Schubert in

1795. Sophia and Leibniz had a very close intellectual

and platonic relationship. To this day, the picture

painted is one of the Electress and the scholar saun-

tering through the gardens engrossed in never-ending

philosophical discussions. This is probably nothing

more than a romanticised view from posterity - a

projection of Leibniz created by the bourgeois cult of

genius during the 19th century.

It is much more likely that Sophia made frequent

mocking, ironic comments on Leibniz’s metaphysical

speculations. She continuously reminded the legal

councillor to finally complete his History of the House

of Guelph. Indeed, Leibniz had promised his employer,

the Elector residing in the Palace of Herrenhausen, to

research the Guelph family tree and started work on

this major project in January 1680. The history of

the Guelph dynasty was one of the main reasons

why Leibniz was employed at the court in Hannover.

Leibniz worked on the project for decades, and actu-

ally focused on it during his last year of life. Despite

the immense amount of effort, the History of the

Guelphs was unfinished when he died. The massive

project was simply on too grand a scale: the story of

the House of Guelph touched on not only the history

of a kingdom but also encompassed the migration of

many peoples as well as the creation of the earth. The

work continued after his death but in the form of

separate entities. Even today, major parts of this

epic work of history have still to be published. Leibniz

had simply got out of his depth. However, each part

of this history project was of itself a (small) stroke

of genius. The ‘Protogaea’, the History of the Earth,

was first published (posthumously) in 1749 and is

regarded today as a milestone in the history of

geology and palaeontology.

Sophia of Brunswick-Lüneburg, Electress of Han-

nover (1630–1714)

Daughter of elector Friedrich V. of the Palatinate, 1658

wife of Duke Ernst August (Elector from 1692), 1701

named as heir to the English throne, was a close con-

fidante and one of Leibniz’s patrons. Their correspon-

dence is witness to a close friendship and trusting


Fossilised molar of a woolly mammoth

and the so-called ‘Quedlinburg

unicorn’, copper engraving by Nicolaus

Seeländer, Göttingen 1749,

Signature: GWLB: Leibn. 211

Copper engraving by Johann David

Schubert, 1795, GWLB


Sophia of Brunswick-Lüneburg

Page 9: LEIBNIZ, IN THE BEST OF COMPANY · Leibniz was a veritable fountain of ideas, and was repeatedly able to find influential persons in the princely courts and their environs who were

I0000 Western and eastern wisdom

Leibniz sought the exchange of knowledge and

culture between Europe and China

Leibniz lived in a period of historical upheaval. In 1644,

two years before he was born, the Manchu came to

power in China: the Qing dynasty boosted economic

and cultural exchange between the Middle Kingdom

and Europe. There were very few scholars on the

European continent who boasted such excellent and

diverse connections to China as did Leibniz. During

his sojourn in Rome in the summer of 1689, Leibniz

met Claudio Filippo Grimaldi, a Jesuit priest. This

encounter led to a contact with the Chinese mission-

aries of the Society of Jesus which continued until

his death. Leibniz hoped to establish a ‘Commercium

luminum’ between Europe and China, an exchange of

experience between the two civilisations in all areas

of science, technology and culture. The first fruit of

these efforts was the publication of his ‘Novissima

Sinica’ (1697), intended to disseminate the latest

news from the Far East in Europe and to foster a

greater level of interest amongst Europeans for China.

Leibniz was fascinated by the achievements of this

ancient civilisation located at the edge of the

Eurasian continent. When Joachim Bouvet, a Chinese

missionary and Jesuit Priest reported from Beijing in

November 1701 that he had discovered that the 64

hexagrams of ancient Chinese ‘Yi Jing’ represented

the binary system of zeros and ones, Leibniz was most

enthusiastic. Leibniz also had a China plan of his own

with several objectives. He strove to achieve not only

cultural transfer but also to open up China for the

Protestant mission and to develop economic ties.

While Leibniz is today portrayed as an ambassador for

current cultural-political ideals, it should not be over-

looked that Leibniz was in no sense proposing an

unrestricted exchange of cultures amongst equals.

He repeatedly chastised the Jesuit missionaries that

they were too generous in their distribution of Euro-

pean products, technologies and knowledge without

ensuring there was adequate compensation from the

Chinese. Leibniz feared that Europe’s equal ranking

with China could turn into one of inferiority. Leibniz

considered China and Europe to be in competition

with one another and frequently described their

relationship in words which remind us less of open

cultural interaction and rather of competing civilisa-


Kangxi, Chinese Emperor (1654–1722)

Kangxi is known for his interest in art and sciences.

He gathered many Jesuit missionaries to his court in

order to gain an understanding of European cultural

achievements. Leibniz contacts were indirect, medi-

ated by Joachim Bouvet, a Jesuit priest who was

in Beijing to teach the Emperor mathematics and


Title page ‘Novissima Sinica’, 1697,

Signature: GWLB: Leibn. 200

Page of the Ming encyclopaedia

‘Sancai tuhui’ (1609 and more often),

enclosure in a letter from Joachim

Bouvet to Leibniz, Beijing, 4. 11. 1701,

Signature: GWLB: LK-MOW Bouvet10

BI. 27-28


Emperor Kangxi

Page 10: LEIBNIZ, IN THE BEST OF COMPANY · Leibniz was a veritable fountain of ideas, and was repeatedly able to find influential persons in the princely courts and their environs who were

I00I0 Theoria cum praxi

Leibniz sought a link between theory and practice

in science and technology

The advancement of the empirical sciences and the

beginnings of the industrial revolution engendered an

atmosphere of euphoria for progress and enthusiasm

for technology in Europe of the 17th century which

culminated in Leibniz’s vision for achieving the best of

all possible worlds by way of the technical implemen-

tation of rational planning. As an inventor, technician

and forerunner of modern-day ‘engineers’, Leibniz de-

signed not only calculating machines but also presen-

ted technical proposals for mining in the Harz

mountains (horizontal winch, speed regulator, con-

veying spindle and chain), he was involved in

hydraulic engineering (canal building, pumps and

water lifts) in Herrenhausen and also developed

plans for fire insurance as well as medical concepts for

health care.

His widespread postal contacts supplied Leibniz with

information on developments in the fields of techno-

logy and science, such as the discovery of phospho-

rous, the production of distillates from sugar solutions

as well as the development of giant magnifying

glasses. He disputed with inventor Denis Papin about

the definition of forces in dynamics and, though his

correspondence, learned about Papin’s experiments

in 1691 and 1692 with a submarine in the river Fulda

and the court of the Landgrave of Hessen-Kassel. He

followed the reports in 1716 with great interest about

an alleged ‘perpetuum mobile’. As a science organiser,

Leibniz was involved in the establishment of acade-

mies to promote technology and science. Leibniz

considered it normal that scientific and technical

knowledge and inventions should also be applied to

military purposes. He contemplated the building of

fortifications, provisions for army units as well as

enhancements to munitions and armaments. His

efforts in the field of weapons technology peaked

with his attempts to invent and construct his own

rapid fire rifle. Many of his plans and designs were

unsuccessful, many experiments failed. However,

such failures should not be seen as negatives: on the

contrary, in science failure is a precondition for pro-


Denis Papin (1647–1712[?])

From 1675 collaboration with Robert Boyle and the

Royal Society London. 1687 Professor of Mathematics

in Marburg, 1695 advisor to Landgrave Karl von

Hessen-Kassel, 1707 return to London. Inventor and

experimenter (including steam engines). Intensive

correspondence with Leibniz, including disputes on

the definition of forces in physical dynamics.

Leibniz’s drawing of his ‘horizontal

wind engine’. Signature: GWLB:


Sheet with notes and pen drawing

of a projectile apparatus by Leibniz,

Signature: GWLB: LH XXXVI, BI. 219r


Denis Papin

Page 11: LEIBNIZ, IN THE BEST OF COMPANY · Leibniz was a veritable fountain of ideas, and was repeatedly able to find influential persons in the princely courts and their environs who were

I0I00 Monads and metaphysics

There is nothing dead in the entire universe, or

everything is linked with everything else

Leibniz was not only a specialist in almost all fields of

knowledge of the time but also intended to investi-

gate the basis of all things. Everything in the world,

according to the basic statement of Leibniz’s meta-

physical philosophy, can be deduced from simple,

indivisible units or substances, which Leibniz, referred

to as spiritual monads in contrast to plain material

atoms. Leibniz considered monads to be indestruc-

tible and that consequently there was nothing dead

in the world but rather everything was in a permanent

cycle of creation and decay. Each simple monad is like

a little mirror of the universe from its own perspective,

such that in his representation everything was linked

with everything else.

Leibniz’s metaphysics of monadology still has its

puzzles today. It can be understood against the back-

drop of Leibniz spending his entire life attempting to

develop a philosophy unifying theology and science,

rationality and Christian belief. As a protagonist of

Philosophical Optimism, he believed God had created

the best of all possible worlds. In his ‘Theodizee’ of

1710 he explained the evil of this world as necessary

and useful for the good of the whole. Leibniz’s closest

debating partners at the Court of Herrenhausen

included Caroline of Ansbach, the later Princess of

Wales. When in England she attempted to mediate

between the philosophies of Newton and Leibniz. Her

postal initiative resulted in the famous correspon-

dence between Leibniz and Samuel Clarke in Novem-

ber 1715, who defended Newton’s position. In contrast

to Newton and his disciples, Leibniz was of the opin-

ion that space and time were not absolute but in

some way relational, a concept which returned later

in Einstein’s Theory of Relativity.

Wilhelmina Charlotte Caroline of Brandenburg-

Ansbach, Princess of Wales (1683–1737)

Following the death of her mother 1696, grew up

under the guardianship of Elector Friedrich III and

Sophia Charlotte of Brandenburg(-Prussia). On

2. 9. 1705 married Elector Georg August of Hannover,

1714 Prince of Wales, 1727 George II of Great Britain and

Ireland. One of Leibniz’s close debating partners

together with Sophia and Sophia Charlotte. Caroline

attempted to mediate between the philosophies

of Newton and Leibniz and played a key role in the

renowned Clarke-Leibniz correspondence of 1715

and 1716.

Leibniz’s manuscript on the later

‘Monadologie’, 1714,

Signature: GWLB: LH IV, 1, 1a Bl. 1r

German translation of ‘Monadologie’,

1720, Signature: GWLB: Leibn. 9147


Caroline of Ansbach

Page 12: LEIBNIZ, IN THE BEST OF COMPANY · Leibniz was a veritable fountain of ideas, and was repeatedly able to find influential persons in the princely courts and their environs who were

I0II0 An expression of our thanks!

This brochure was prepared after the exhibition

‘Leibniz in bester Gesellschaft’ at the Neues Rathaus

in Hannover to mark Leibniz Year 2016, celebrating

Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz on the 300th Anniversary

of the death of the mathematician, philosopher, in-

ventor and polymath. The exhibition was a co-produc-

tion of the Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Bibliothek, the

Leibniz-Archiv, Landeshauptstadt Hannover (Wissen-

schaftsstadt department), Hannover Marketing und

Tourismus GmbH as well as artist Tobias Schreiber.

Our grateful thanks goes to all those who contributed

to the success of this project.

Concept/text: Prof. Dr. Michael Kempe with the collab-

oration of employees at the Leibniz-Archiv, Hannover

Text copyright: Prof. Dr. Michael Kempe, Leibniz-

Archiv/Leibniz Forschungsstelle Hannover

Object photos: Jutta Wollenberg, GWLB

Typo portraits: Tobias Schreiber

Concept consulting/design/production/ technology:

werbeladen gmbh, Hannover-Langenhagen

Project management / editorial: Theda Minthe and

Dr. Silka Rodestock, Landeshauptstadt Hannover,

Büro Oberbürgermeister - Wissenschaftsstadt Hannover

E-Mail: [email protected]


Gottfried Wilhelm. oil (copy).

La Bonté after an unknown artist,

1788, GWLB

Leibniz’s apartment in the

Schmiedestraße, coloured steel

engraving by E. Willmann after

G. Osterwald. Darmstadt (approx.

1860), Leibniz-Archiv


Page 13: LEIBNIZ, IN THE BEST OF COMPANY · Leibniz was a veritable fountain of ideas, and was repeatedly able to find influential persons in the princely courts and their environs who were


Büro Oberbürgermeister

Wissenschaftsstadt Hannover

Trammplatz 2

30159 Hannover

E-Mail: [email protected]

[email protected]

Listen to and see Leibniz (audio texts and videos)


All dates and more information:



LHH/Patricia Kühfuss


Formfürsorge/Jörg Wesner, Hannover


Dietrich Buglass

As of: January 2017