Leeds Medical Student Commits Suicide

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  • Leeds medical student commits suicide http://www.doctorportal.co.uk/news/news/Leeds_medical_student_c...

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    Copyright 2008Elsevier

    DoctorPortal Home > News & Opinion > NewsLeeds medical student commits suicide2008 Aug 7

    Amir Mahmood, a Leeds University Medical School student, leapt from a ten-storey building after being told he had failed the fifth year of his course for the second time, and would be expelled. His body was found on 9 June 2007, outside Leeds General Infirmary Medical School.

    At the inquest, coroner David Hinchliff read a statement by Mr Mahmood's father, Dr Khalid Mahmood, in which he alleged that his son had been "deliberately demoralised and bullied" by his tutor, Dr Richard Fuller.

    A former medical student came forward during the inquest, claiming that he felt like "taking his own life" when Dr Fuller threatened to expel him over plagiarism concerns, which were later resolved.

    Dr Fuller and the University denied the claims, and the coroner found "no evidence to suggest" Amir Mahmood killed himself after racist or bullying behaviour by his tutor. Instead, he suggested Mr Mahmood "may have caused his family to believe he was the victim of bullying, harassment and racist remarks in some way to elicit their sympathy". Heaccepted evidence that Mr Mahmood was not intellectually lacking but had a long history of unexplained attendance problems.

    Amir Mahmood's mother condemned the University, saying, I sent my beautiful, kind, loving son to Leeds Universitymedical school as a 19 year old teenager. They had a basic duty to look after his academic and personal welfare while hestudied to become a doctor. Six years later they sent him home in a body bag.

    The family will challenge the coroner's decision.

    In 2005/06 a BMA survey showed that over one-third of students were bullied or harassed. Doctors Support Networkfounder, Dr Elizabeth Miller, said, Bullying is probably worse because these are vulnerable individuals. One blackmark, and the GMC can come down on them.

    Related links Andrea Adams Trust Doctors Support Doctors Support Network Doctors for Doctors Advisory Service and BMA Counselling Service (08459 200 169)Bereavement Through Suicide, Royal College of Psychiatrists factsheetSurvivors of Bereavement by SuicideFamily Campaigning Website