Lecture Notes for 2nd Midterm

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  • 7/31/2019 Lecture Notes for 2nd Midterm


    Nucleic AcidsNucleic acids = polymers (RNA, DNA)

    Phosphate group

    Five-carbon sugar (ribose/deoxyribose), carbons numbered from 1' where base is

    Cytosine (C)

    Uracil (U)

    Thymine (T)

    Pyrimidines (single ring):

    Guanine (G)

    Adenine (A)

    Purines (double ring):

    Single/double ring of carbon & nitrogen atoms, nitrogenous base

    Monomer is nucleotide

    RNA is made up ofribonucleotide monomers

    DNA deoxyribonucleotide monomers

    Structure of chain

    Nucleotides added to 3' end when polymerizing

    Sugar-phosphate backbone is directional: 5' end (3' carbon unlinked), 3' end (3' C unlinked)

    Written in the 5' -> 3' direction

    Genetic materialMust contain information for entire organism

    Must be accurately copied

    Should account for known variation within, without species

    1920s1940s: expected protein part of chromosomes to be genetic material


    DNASeptember 26, 2012 10:04

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    1914: fuchsin dye stained DNA

    1920s: DNA was in chromosomes (right place, varied among species, present in right amount), possible

    evidence for being genetic material

    Demonstrated transformation of bacteria from DNA

    Avery, MacLeod, McCarty (1944): hypothesized that purified macromolecule (which is genetic material) from

    type S bacteria (the deadly one with capsules) could convert type R to type S

    Measured where radioactivity was; experiment 1: radioactive phosphorus was in pellet, experiment 2:

    radioactive sulphur was in supernatant

    Hershey, Chase (1952): tested whether protein or DNA in bacteriophage was responsible for genetic material

    Chargaff's Rule: in double-stranded DNA, # A = # T, # C = # G

    Rosalind Franklin: determined helical structure of DNA via X-ray crystallography

    Crick, Watson, Wilkins, Franklin

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    DNA StructureStrands antiparallel in double helix

    Hydrophilic sugar-phosphate backbone faces exterior

    Nitrogenous base pairs face interior

    Major groove

    Minor groove

    Two different sized grooves in helix (i.e. not symmetric)

    A-T 2 H-bonds

    C-G 3 H-bonds

    Binding sites on C=O groups and N groups

    Purines pyrimidines

    Stabilized byhydrophobic interactions in interior

    as well as H-bonding between complementary base pairs

    Base pairs are exposed in grooves

    RNAAlso sugar-phosphate backbone, four nitrogenous bases

    Uracil (U) instead of thymine (T)1.

    Presence of additional OH means RNA is less reactive, less stable

    Ribose instead of deoxyribose2.

    Differs from DNA in 2 ways:

    Can be a catalytic molecule; ribozymes are enzyme-like RNAs

    Full genetic material

    Unlike DNA, can function like a protein

    Theory: early life originated with RNA

    Secondary structure of RNAComplementary base pairing

    Typically forms H-bonds between bases on the same strand

    Often observe hairpin single-stranded RNA

    Nucleic acids (continued)September 28, 2012 10:00

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    Replication"It has not escaped our notice that the specific pairing we have

    postulated immediately suggests a possible copying mechanism

    for the genetic material."

    - Watson & Crick

    Each strand of DNA has all info needed for copying

    ReplicationSeptember 28, 2012 10:30

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    What is the mechanism?

    Demonstrated by Kornberg (1956), who found DNA polymerase I

    Part of large replication complex

    DNA polymerase catalyzes replication

    Unidirectional polymerization: each base on the template strand gains a dNTP (deoxyribonucleoside

    triphosphate) (the form of a free base)

    Replication complex binds to ori

    Replication occurs in both directions from ori, forming two replication forks

    All chromosomes have origin of replication (ori)

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    In closed circular chromosomes (prokaryotes)Single ori

    15 million bp in chromosome

    DNA polymerases very fast; in E. coli, can reach 1000 bp/s

    Second duplex (i.e. new DNA) slips through the cut

    Cut is re-ligated

    Type II topoisomerases cut both strands in a duplexsimultaneously

    In linear chromosomes (eukaryotes)

    Total human genome = 3.3 billion bp

    Larger chromosomes, about 80 million bp

    DNA polymerases much slower; in humans, about 50 bp/s

    Hundreds ofori in humans to increase speed of replication

    Leading strand synthesisLeading strand = toward replication fork

    Helicase uses ATP to separate strands1.

    Single-strand DNA-binding proteins (SSBPs) attach to separated strands to prevent closing2.

    Unwinding creates tension down the helix, so topoisomerase cuts one strand then rejoins strands downstream

    to relieve this tension


    DNA polymerase requires primera few nucleotides bonded to template strand with a free 3' OH group.

    Primase (RNA polymerase), synthesizes short RNA segment that serves as primer.


    Replication (continued)October 3, 2012 10:00

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    DNA polymerase III synthesizes first fragment, then reaches primer and stops2.

    Process repeats for multiple Okazaki fragments3.

    Exonuclease (removes primers)

    DNA polymerase

    Two enzymatic activities:

    Uses 3' end of next Okazaki fragment as primer for new dNTPs

    DNA polymerase I removes primer, replaces with deoxyribonucleotides4.

    Leaves gap between former RNA primer and the Okazaki fragment

    DNA ligase closes the gap in the sugar-phosphate backbone5.

    Most of these enzymes around the replication fork are probably in one large multi-enzyme machine: replisome

    (replication complex)

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  • 7/31/2019 Lecture Notes for 2nd Midterm


  • 7/31/2019 Lecture Notes for 2nd Midterm


  • 7/31/2019 Lecture Notes for 2nd Midterm


  • 7/31/2019 Lecture Notes for 2nd Midterm


  • 7/31/2019 Lecture Notes for 2nd Midterm


  • 7/31/2019 Lecture Notes for 2nd Midterm


  • 7/31/2019 Lecture Notes for 2nd Midterm


    Peptide bonds form between amino acids on the tRNAs; added to C-terminus of previous amino acid

    Elongation factors move mRNA down 3 nucleotides at a time = translocation

    tRNAs moveA->P->E, ifEsite already had a tRNA, it is ejected;A is empty and then this cycle continues

    Release factor protein enters site (not tRNA), no amino acid carried but shape resembles tRNA

    Catalyze hydrolysis of tRNA in Psite with polypeptide

    Ribosome subunits separate

    Termination phase: whenA site encounters stop codon3.

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    Various points of control affect gene expression (and

    modulate the level of gene expression). (see right)

    Translational control and protein degradation often have

    faster effects than control within the nucleus

    DNA compactingDNA wrapped around proteins to create a protein-DNA

    complex, chromatin

    negatively-charged DNA wrapped twice around

    eight positive-charged histone proteins

    histone H1 maintains structure of each


    linker DNA between nucleosomes

    Nucleosomes are beadlike structures1.

    Nucleosomes together create 30-nm fibre2.

    Fibres form even more complex protein scaffold3.

    Everything condenses to chromosome4.

    Chromatin has a regular structure, several levels of


    Opening up chromatin

    Condensed chromatin -> open chromatin

    DNase degrades open chromatin to fragments but

    leaves condensed chromatin intact

    Chromatin must be relaxed/decondensed for


    Use ATP

    Chromatin-remodeling complexes reshape



    histone acetyl transferases (HATs)

    histone deacetylases (HDACs)

    Acetylation (negatively-charged groups

    attached to positively-charged lysines)

    reduces positive charge; associated with


    Methylation ~ activation or inactivation

    Other enzymes catalyze acetylation and

    methylation of histones


    Two types of proteins

    An example ofepigenetic inheritance; not

    due to differences in gene sequences

    Daughter cells inherit patterns

    Histone code hypothesis: chemical modifications of

    histones contain information influencing gene expression

    Transcription control

    Also have gene-unique promoter-proximal element

    Promoters etc similar to prokaryotes

    Gene Expression in EukaryotesOctober 15, 2012 10:00

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    Also elements farfrom promoter; DNA looping etc allow

    them to have effects even though they are far

    Enhancers (positive control)

    upstream/downstream/within introns

    Silencers (negative control) shut down transcription

    Regulatory sequences that affect gene transcription

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    Alternative splicing

    Same RNA transcript can yield 1+ kinds of

    mature mRNA

    Some exons may be removed from primary transcript

    with introns

    Regulated by proteins that bind to pre-mRNA, interact

    with spliceosomes

    90% of human sequences affected; 20500 genes

    produce 50000+ proteins

    MicroRNA (miRNA)

    Effect called RNA interference (RNAi)

    Small RNA molecules that silence expression of

    specific mRNA

    Animals, plants, also in some bacteria

    RISCs affect specific mRNAs based on


    Associates with cellular proteins to become RNA-

    inducing silencing complex (RISC)

    Either inhibits translation or degrades mRNA

    GlucocorticoidHormone released after meals

    Enters cytosol, binds to receptors1.

    Chaperones released, expose nuclear localization

    signal (NLS)


    Receptors dimerize, enter nucleus through pore3.

    Dimer binds to response elements next to genes4.

    Transcription activated, eventually leads to protein5.

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    Cell theoryCells are the fundamental unit of life.1.

    Cells are both distinct entities and building blocks of more complex organisms.2.

    Cells are created from pre-existing cells by division.3.

    Cells contain heritable material, which is maintained over division.4.

    All cells probably descend from an ancestral cell from over a few billion years ago.

    This fossil prokaryote is 3.5 B years old!

    3 major domains of life

    Prokaryotic cellsTypical E. coli

    Eukaryotic cellTypical animal cell

    CellsOctober 19, 2012 10:00

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  • 7/31/2019 Lecture Notes for 2nd Midterm



    Organelle Duplication

    New ER cannot be made without existing ER; same for

    mitochondria, plastids, peroxisomes

    Daughter cells inherit complete set of specialized membranes; cannot

    construct such membranes from scratch

    Epigenetics (1+ protein already in organelle membrane

    required, passed from parent to progeny in organelle)

    Information for organelles not exclusively in DNA

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  • 7/31/2019 Lecture Notes for 2nd Midterm


    Compartments within cell specialized based on combinations of membrane markers


    Bud off as coated vesicles with a cage of proteins on surface

    Before fusing with target membrane, the coat is discarded

    Transport vesicles form from membranes

    Involved in selecting package for transport

    Concentrates specific membrane proteins in a patch that leads to the vesicle membrane1.

    Assembly of proteins into curved lattices deforms the membrane patch, molds vesicle2.

    Coat has two functions

    From Golgi / from plasma membrane


    From ER and Golgi cisternae


    From ER and Golgi cisternaeCOPII-coated3.

    Three main types, differing in proteins

    Formation of clathrin coat drives vesicle formation

    3 large, 3 small subunits -> three-legged structure triskelion

    Form hexagons, pentagons for pits

    Isolated triskelions spontaneously assemble into polyhedral cages

    Major protein = clathrin

    Binds clathrin to membrane

    Traps transmembrane proteins including cargo receptors that interact with soluble proteins inside

    Different kinds of adaptin for different cargo receptors

    Second protein = multisubunit adaptin complex

    Assembly of adaptins and clathrin coat -> lateral interactions lead to bud formation

    Vesicular TrafficOctober 26, 2012 10:00

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    Signal peptides guide transmembrane proteins to coated pits, bind to adaptins


    Early endosomes near plasma membrane

    Late endosomes near Golgi and near nucleus

    Differ in protein composition

    Pumps H+ into lumen

    Later endosomes more acidic

    Interior kept acidic pH 6 byH+-ATPase

    Some endocytosed materials diverted from pathway back to plasma membrane

    Molecules not diverted -> lysosome for degradation

    Endocytosed receptors

    Some endocytosed ligands remain bound to receptors, follow fate of receptors

    Most recycled back to same plasma membrane domain1.

    Some return to different plasma membrane domain = transcytosis2.

    Some go to lysosomes for degradation3.

    Different receptors treated differently

    LDL receptor follows first pathway

    Soluble protein carrying iron in blood

    Transferrin receptor binds with transferrin1. Endocytosis2.

    Low pH in endosome causes iron to be released3.

    Transferrin & transferrin receptor recycled to plasma membrane4.

    Transferrin -> exocytosed5.


    VirusesEnveloped viruses enter host by fuse with plasma membrane (e.g. HIV) or endosomal membrane (e.g. influenza)

    Nonenveloped viruses form a pore in cell membrane (e.g. polio) ordisrupt endosomal membrane (e.g.


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    How do things move around quickly when they are large?

    MicrotubulesMicrotubule overview

    Minus ends at centrosome in centrePlus ends toward outside

    Polarity (+, ends) arbitrarily defined not by charge

    Molecular motors

    Transport organelles

    Mechanical cycle (bind to MT, power stroke = step, unbind) coupled with

    chemical cycle (ATP hydrolysis)

    Use ATP

    Carry cargo either in plus (kinesin) or minus (dynein) direction along MT

    2 m/sec = more lengths per second than a gasoline race car

    Smaller force than gasoline engine, but more efficient!

    Kinesin takes steps about 8 nm apart

    CytoskeletonOctober 31, 2012 10:00

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