LDM-E01-S3 BUS3 TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 2013 LEICESTER MERCURY 5 BUSINESS WEEKLY IT solutions specialist still raising the bar ADVERTISING FEATURE TESTIMONIAL: GLOBAL ENGINEERS REASSURED BY EXPERTISE COALVILLE-BASED KENRAY are the global market leaders in engineering excellence for the manufacturing of form- ing sets, ancillary items such as sealing jaws, belts and knives as well as consultancy services for the packaging industry. Kenray’s area of expertise is the innovative design in forming sets for vertical form fill packaging ma- chines. The company operates from state-of-the-art premises in the UK, supported by a stra- tegic manufacturing site in France with commercial of- fices in the USA and Poland. Commercial Director Mark Evans commented: “Our Investment in growth technologies and innovative development, backed by a track record of cast-iron service, sees IT solutions specialist Network Integrity Services continuing to forge ahead. Despite the ongoing chal- lenges of a difficult trading en- vironment NIS has expanded rapidly over the past year, sur- passing a predicted 20 per cent growth as the company contin- ues to raise the bar for excel- lence. NIS has launched a second data centre in Leicester and having outgrown the firm’s Manchester base is relocating to new head offices at Salford Quays, close to Manchester’s Media City, in a move that will double space and further ex- pand capacity. Earlier this year, NIS also an- nounced the opening of its North London office, to provide swift response for a growing client base in the cap- ital. Through its dynamic partner- ships with global suppliers, NIS has also retained Microsoft Gold Accreditation and IBM Advanced Partner status, while gaining a stream of new customers nationwide. Consistently impeccable ser- vice at the highest level recog- nised by the IT industry has earned NIS an enviable reputa- tion since the company was es- tablished over a decade ago by Mustaq Chandia, Martin Spen- cer and Bernie Ledwick. Today the firm’s wealth of ex- perience and forward-thinking approach makes it a top choice for SMEs seeking comprehens- ive IT solutions with tried and trusted technical support. NIS offers a broad range of IT support through remote, pro- active monitoring, plus on-site services with fast response times. An early adopter of cloud computing, NIS also hosts IT systems on a fixed rate basis that smaller firms may not be equipped to provide in-house. With a data centre facility already established in Manchester, the second NIS data centre at Leicester is now open for business, providing automated off-site data backup and on-line business continu- ity cloud services. This enables customers to se- curely stream data off-site and TESTIMONIALS: NETWORK INTEGRITY SERVICES JUST THE TICKET! LEICESTER-BASED Centrebus provide public transport throughout the East Mid- lands. Financial Director Chris Brown said: “The past few years have been challen- ging for many local busi- nesses. Centrebus has con- tinued to remain focused on delivering a dependable bus service whilst offering great value fares and discounts to make public transport more appealing. “We have invested in new smart ticketing equipment, and worked with partners to deliver services such as the Hospital Hopper and Flexi ticket. Our website keeps customers informed of the latest changes to services as well as timetable informa- tion and fare deals. Having worked with NIS for several years, they have proved to be business has experienced considerable growth over the past few years, and with such changes come many chal- lenges. “It is reassuring to know NIS has the experienced re- sources and expertise to re- spond quickly to our com- pany’s challenging IT needs.” just the ticket in providing a reliable support service for our computer needs.” NIS Business Development Director Mustaq Chandia, left, and Regional Manager Ken Manger with their Microsoft Gold Accreditation and IBM Advanced Partner status. Right, NIS staff Ken Manger, left, of NIS and Chris Brown of Centrebus continue operating in the event of such disasters as fire, flood, or other acts which might pre- vent a business from trading. Director Martin Spencer said: “With the recent investment in our second data centre near our Leicester office, we will continue to deliver wider op- tions to our customers with un- beatable added value products such as low or interest-free fin- ance with support from IBM. “We plan to further move our customers forward with a choice of tried and tested solu- tions. “Traditionally, this has been the privilege of larger blue- chip clients, but with SMEs continually looking to com- pete, the emergence of cost- effective technology is now making a real breakthrough in the delivery of slick solutions to the marketplace.” While NIS continues to invest in growth technologies, invest- ment in staff training is also ongoing, with the firm always on the lookout for talented IT professionals. Business Development Dir- ector Mustaq Chandia said: “Our success is a great testa- ment to our dedicated staff who pulled out all the stops to get us through a busy period last year. “We continue to keep a cau- tious eye on the recession. It is crucial that we remain fluid and maintain our ability to re- spond quickly to a bumpy busi- ness climate. “However, despite the long hours, it is reassuring to know our forward order books and new business pipeline contin- ue to buck economic trends.” Following the acquisition of ACS last year, NIS became a main UK distributor for soft- ware specialist Mamut, offer- ing smaller businesses an ex- cellent, lower cost alternative to products like Sage and Ex- chequer with strong function- ality and a modular escalation path. In a joint campaign with Mamut and IBM, NIS will be delivering a series of seminars this summer on the benefits of Mamut, plus subsidised train- ing to help existing UK-based Mamut customers gain better value from their investment. For further details, compan- ies should email: [email protected] NIS has also recently signed a significant deal worth over half a million pounds with a leader in the automotive tools in- dustry, Sealey Power Tools. Tim Thompson, Commercial Director for Sealey, said: “Our relationship with NIS spans over a decade. “During this period Sealey has experienced considerable growth, which has continued to demand more from our IT in- frastructure. “NIS has always been a safe pair of hands and we look for- ward to its valued assistance with our investment in the next generation of software.” Mr Chandia added: “We envis- age another important year ahead, as Microsoft signals the end of some of its 2003 products and companies seek out next generation solutions. “We will continue to focus on the delivery of innovative solu- tions to small and medium- sized businesses. “In addition, we welcome dis- cussions with other IT pro- viders looking to merge with NIS, or companies who wish to benefit from our state-of-the- art investment in the latest IT cloud technologies.” For further information about the services offered by NIS, call 0800 999 2118 or visit the company website at: www.nis-it.co.uk JUST FOR YOU LEICESTERSHIRE busi- nesses can make the most of special NIS offers until July 31: 0 per cent IBM server fin- ance over 12 months, with no arrangement or exit fees. four per cent discount on off-site data storage sub- scriptions five per cent discount on new customer technical support contracts Free server health check Call Ken Manger on 0800 9992118 for details.

LDM-E01-S3 BUS3 TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 2013 BUSINESS WEEKLY ... · LDM-E01-S3 BUS3 TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 2013 BUSINESS WEEKLY LEICESTER MERCURY 5 IT solutions specialist still raising the

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Page 1: LDM-E01-S3 BUS3 TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 2013 BUSINESS WEEKLY ... · LDM-E01-S3 BUS3 TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 2013 BUSINESS WEEKLY LEICESTER MERCURY 5 IT solutions specialist still raising the



COALVILLE-BASED K E N R AYare the global market leadersin engineering excellence forthe manufacturing of form-ing sets, ancillary items suchas sealing jaws, belts andknives as well as consultancyservices for the packagingi n d u s t r y.

Ke n r ay ’s area of expertise isthe innovative design in

forming sets for verticalform fill packaging ma-ch i n e s.

The company operates fromstate-of-the-art premises inthe UK, supported by a stra-tegic manufacturing site inFrance with commercial of-fices in the USA and Poland.

Commercial Director MarkEvans commented: “Our

Investment in growthtechnologies and innovativedevelopment, backed by atrack record of cast-ironservice, sees IT solutionsspecialist Network IntegrityServices continuing to forgeahead.

Despite the ongoing chal-lenges of a difficult trading en-vironment NIS has expandedrapidly over the past year, sur-passing a predicted 20 per centgrowth as the company contin-ues to raise the bar for excel-l e n c e.

NIS has launched a seconddata centre in Leicester andhaving outgrown the firm’sManchester base is relocatingto new head offices at SalfordQuays, close to Manchester’sMedia City, in a move that willdouble space and further ex-pand capacity.

Earlier this year, NIS also an-nounced the opening of itsNorth London office, toprovide swift response for agrowing client base in the cap-ital.

Through its dynamic partner-ships with global suppliers,NIS has also retainedMicrosoft Gold Accreditationand IBM Advanced Partnerstatus, while gaining a streamof new customers nationwide.

Consistently impeccable ser-vice at the highest level recog-nised by the IT industry hasearned NIS an enviable reputa-tion since the company was es-tablished over a decade ago byMustaq Chandia, Martin Spen-cer and Bernie Ledwick.

Today the firm’s wealth of ex-perience and forward-thinking

approach makes it a top choicefor SMEs seeking comprehens-ive IT solutions with tried andtrusted technical support.

NIS offers a broad range of ITsupport through remote, pro-active monitoring, plus on-siteservices with fast responset i m e s.

An early adopter of cloudcomputing, NIS also hosts ITsystems on a fixed rate basisthat smaller firms may not beequipped to provide in-house.

With a data centre facilityalready established inManchester, the second NISdata centre at Leicester is nowopen for business, providingautomated off-site data backupand on-line business continu-ity cloud services.

This enables customers to se-curely stream data off-site and


LEICESTER-BASED C e n t re bu sprovide public transportthroughout the East Mid-lands. Financial DirectorChris Brown said: “The pastfew years have been challen-ging for many local busi-nesses. Centrebus has con-tinued to remain focused ondelivering a dependable busservice whilst offering greatvalue fares and discounts tomake public transport moreap p e a l i n g .

“We have invested in newsmart ticketing equipment,and worked with partners todeliver services such as theHospital Hopper and Flexiticket. Our website keepscustomers informed of thelatest changes to services aswell as timetable informa-

tion and fare deals. Havingworked with NIS for severalyears, they have proved to be

business has experiencedconsiderable growth over thepast few years, and with suchchanges come many chal-leng es.

“It is reassuring to knowNIS has the experienced re-sources and expertise to re-spond quickly to our com-p a ny ’s challenging ITn e e d s. ”

just the ticket in providing areliable support service forour computer needs.”

NIS Business Development Director Mustaq Chandia, left, and Regional Manager Ken Manger with their Microsoft Gold Accreditation and IBM Advanced Partner status. Right, NIS staff

Ken Manger, left, of NIS and Chris Brown of Centrebus

continue operating in the eventof such disasters as fire, flood,or other acts which might pre-vent a business from trading.

Director Martin Spencer said:“With the recent investment inour second data centre nearour Leicester office, we willcontinue to deliver wider op-tions to our customers with un-beatable added value productssuch as low or interest-free fin-ance with support from IBM.

“We plan to further move ourcustomers forward with achoice of tried and tested solu-t i o n s.

“Traditionally, this has beenthe privilege of larger blue-chip clients, but with SMEscontinually looking to com-pete, the emergence of cost-effective technology is nowmaking a real breakthrough in

the delivery of slick solutionsto the marketplace.”

While NIS continues to investin growth technologies, invest-ment in staff training is alsoongoing, with the firm alwayson the lookout for talented ITp ro f e s s i o n a l s.

Business Development Dir-ector Mustaq Chandia said:“Our success is a great testa-

ment to our dedicated staff whopulled out all the stops to get usthrough a busy period last year.

“We continue to keep a cau-tious eye on the recession. It iscrucial that we remain fluidand maintain our ability to re-spond quickly to a bumpy busi-ness climate.

“However, despite the longhours, it is reassuring to knowour forward order books andnew business pipeline contin-ue to buck economic trends.”

Following the acquisition ofACS last year, NIS became amain UK distributor for soft-ware specialist Mamut, offer-ing smaller businesses an ex-cellent, lower cost alternativeto products like Sage and Ex-chequer with strong function-ality and a modular escalationp at h .

In a joint campaign withMamut and IBM, NIS will bedelivering a series of seminarsthis summer on the benefits ofMamut, plus subsidised train-ing to help existing UK-basedMamut customers gain bettervalue from their investment.

For further details, compan-ies should email:

[email protected] has also recently signed a

significant deal worth over halfa million pounds with a leader

in the automotive tools in-dustry, Sealey Power Tools.

Tim Thompson, CommercialDirector for Sealey, said: “Ourrelationship with NIS spansover a decade.

“During this period Sealeyhas experienced considerablegrowth, which has continuedto demand more from our IT in-frastr ucture.

“NIS has always been a safepair of hands and we look for-ward to its valued assistancewith our investment in thenext generation of software.”

Mr Chandia added: “We envis-age another important yearahead, as Microsoft signals theend of some of its 2003 productsand companies seek out nextgeneration solutions.

“We will continue to focus onthe delivery of innovative solu-tions to small and medium-sized businesses.

“In addition, we welcome dis-cussions with other IT pro-viders looking to merge withNIS, or companies who wish tobenefit from our state-of-the-art investment in the latest ITcloud technologies.”

For further informationabout the services offered byNIS, call 0800 999 2118 or visitthe company website at:

w w w. n i s - i t . c o . u k


LEICESTERSHIRE busi -nesses can make the mostof special NIS offers untilJuly 31:■ 0 per cent IBM server fin-ance over 12 months, withno arrangement or exitf e e s.■ four per cent discount onoff-site data storage sub-scriptions■ five per cent discount onnew customer technicalsupport contracts■ Free server health check

Call Ken Manger on 08009992118 for details.