reports of practical oncology and radiotherapy 15 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 107–109 available at www.sciencedirect.com journal homepage: http://www.rpor.eu/ Case report Langerhans cell sarcoma: Response to radiotherapy Anna Lucas a,, Eva González Barca b , Octavio Servitje c , Lina Abenoza b , María Noel González a , Miquel Macià a , Alicia Lozano a a Department of Radiation Oncology, Institut Català d’Oncologia, L’Hospitalet, Barcelona, Spain b Department of Hematology, Institut Català d’Oncologia, L’Hospitalet, Barcelona, Spain c Department of Dermatology, Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge, L’Hospitalet, Barcelona, Spain article info Article history: Received 26 March 2010 Accepted 4 May 2010 Keywords: Langerhans cell sarcoma Radiotherapy abstract We present the case of a patient with progressive Langerhans cell sarcoma whose cutaneous lesions and nodal masses were treated with palliative radiotherapy. Response to relatively low doses of radiotherapy was both good and sustained. We recommend a dose of 15–30Gy depending on treatment intention and volume of the lesions. © 2010 Greater Poland Cancer Centre, Poland. Published by Elsevier Urban & Partner Sp. z.o.o. All rights reserved 1. Case report We present the case of a 63-year-old immunosuppressed patient diagnosed with Langerhans cell sarcoma in 2004. Rel- evant prior medical history includes a liver transplantation, for which the patient received immunosuppressive therapy. This current case report is a follow-up to a previously pub- lished report which described in detail the patient’s indolent cutaneous lesions and nodal involvement. 1 From 2004 through 2007, the patient underwent multiple lymphadenectomies and surgical interventions to resect the skin nodules and diseased nodes. Histological analysis of various samples col- lected during this period confirmed the same diagnosis. In 2007, the patient suffered a relapse, with disease pro- gression evident at several nodal sites. As a result, weekly vinblastine chemotherapy was prescribed. Despite a partial response, the disease began to advance again 5 months after treatment. Chemotherapy was restarted, this time with a new regimen (CHOP scheme for 6 cycles). Despite a positive initial Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 93 260 77 22; fax: +34 93 260 77 25. E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Lucas). response, progression occurred again, this time after only 3 months after chemotherapy had been completed. Given the increasingly poor response to chemotherapy, the patient was referred to our radiation oncology department for possible pal- liative irradiation. A physical examination showed bulky nodal masses located in the left supraclavicular area and bilateral inguinal region, and cutaneous lesions in the left thoracic wall (Images 1–4). The patient presented multiple skin lesions with small subcutaneous nodules; the larger nodules were exophytic and ulcerated. Additionally, he also complained of pain in the supr- aclavicular area. A search of the literature revealed no previous reports on the use of radiotherapy in this type of tumour. The patient had been informed of this fact, but nevertheless agreed to pro- ceed with treatment in the hope of alleviating his symptoms. We decided to treat the supraclavicular mass and the chest wall to relieve the pain and shrink the uncomfortable ulcer- ated cutaneous lesions. Radiotherapy was given over the left supraclavicular mass with 6MV X-rays, 2 oblique AP-PA fields 1507-1367/$ – see front matter © 2010 Greater Poland Cancer Centre, Poland. Published by Elsevier Urban & Partner Sp. z.o.o. All rights reserved doi:10.1016/j.rpor.2010.05.001

Langerhans cell sarcoma: Response to radiotherapy

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Page 1: Langerhans cell sarcoma: Response to radiotherapy

















reports of practical oncology and radiotherapy 1 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 107–109

avai lab le at www.sc iencedi rec t .com

journa l homepage: ht tp : / /www.rpor .eu /

ase report

angerhans cell sarcoma: Response to radiotherapy

nna Lucasa,∗, Eva González Barcab, Octavio Servitje c, Lina Abenozab, María Noelonzáleza, Miquel Maciàa, Alicia Lozanoa

Department of Radiation Oncology, Institut Català d’Oncologia, L’Hospitalet, Barcelona, SpainDepartment of Hematology, Institut Català d’Oncologia, L’Hospitalet, Barcelona, SpainDepartment of Dermatology, Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge, L’Hospitalet, Barcelona, Spain

r t i c l e i n f o

rticle history:

eceived 26 March 2010

a b s t r a c t

We present the case of a patient with progressive Langerhans cell sarcoma whose cutaneous

lesions and nodal masses were treated with palliative radiotherapy. Response to relatively

ccepted 4 May 2010


angerhans cell sarcoma

low doses of radiotherapy was both good and sustained. We recommend a dose of 15–30 Gy

depending on treatment intention and volume of the lesions.

© 2010 Greater Poland Cancer Centre, Poland. Published by Elsevier Urban & Partner Sp.

z.o.o. All rights reserved

We decided to treat the supraclavicular mass and the chest


. Case report

e present the case of a 63-year-old immunosuppressedatient diagnosed with Langerhans cell sarcoma in 2004. Rel-vant prior medical history includes a liver transplantation,or which the patient received immunosuppressive therapy.his current case report is a follow-up to a previously pub-

ished report which described in detail the patient’s indolentutaneous lesions and nodal involvement.1 From 2004 through007, the patient underwent multiple lymphadenectomiesnd surgical interventions to resect the skin nodules andiseased nodes. Histological analysis of various samples col-

ected during this period confirmed the same diagnosis.In 2007, the patient suffered a relapse, with disease pro-

ression evident at several nodal sites. As a result, weeklyinblastine chemotherapy was prescribed. Despite a partial

esponse, the disease began to advance again 5 months afterreatment. Chemotherapy was restarted, this time with a newegimen (CHOP scheme for 6 cycles). Despite a positive initial

∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 93 260 77 22; fax: +34 93 260 77 25.E-mail address: [email protected] (A. Lucas).

507-1367/$ – see front matter © 2010 Greater Poland Cancer Centre, Polandoi:10.1016/j.rpor.2010.05.001

response, progression occurred again, this time after only 3months after chemotherapy had been completed. Given theincreasingly poor response to chemotherapy, the patient wasreferred to our radiation oncology department for possible pal-liative irradiation.

A physical examination showed bulky nodal masseslocated in the left supraclavicular area and bilateral inguinalregion, and cutaneous lesions in the left thoracic wall (Images1–4). The patient presented multiple skin lesions with smallsubcutaneous nodules; the larger nodules were exophytic andulcerated. Additionally, he also complained of pain in the supr-aclavicular area.

A search of the literature revealed no previous reports onthe use of radiotherapy in this type of tumour. The patienthad been informed of this fact, but nevertheless agreed to pro-ceed with treatment in the hope of alleviating his symptoms.

wall to relieve the pain and shrink the uncomfortable ulcer-ated cutaneous lesions. Radiotherapy was given over the leftsupraclavicular mass with 6 MV X-rays, 2 oblique AP-PA fields

. Published by Elsevier Urban & Partner Sp. z.o.o. All rights reserved

Page 2: Langerhans cell sarcoma: Response to radiotherapy

108 reports of practical oncology and radiotherapy 1 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 107–109

Pictures 1–4 – Chest wall cutaneous lesions (1) and PET scan from supraclavicular (2) and inguinal (3 and 4) nodal massesbefore radiotherapy.

of a Linear Accelerator Clinac 2100 (VARIAN). The left chestwall was treated with a 6 MeV direct electron field. In bothcases, treatment was administered with a normofractionatedscheme of 2 Gy per fraction, 5 days per week.

During the second week of treatment, it became evidentthat the lesions were responding well to treatment, with aresponse that continued to improve over the following days.After 36 Gy of radiotherapy had been delivered, the responseof the mass and skin lesions was nearly complete. As a result,we decided that no further radiation was necessary and treat-ment was terminated. Tolerance was good, with the onlyside-effects being mild esophagitis and grade 2 dermatitis.

During the course of irradiation treatment, the patient

complained of pain in the area of the bilateral inguinal masses.Given the good response achieved in the other locations, wedecided to treat these areas as well. Two AP-PA fields of 18 MVX-rays were delivered over each site. The same dose was

Pictures 5–8 – Chest wall cutaneous lesions (5) and PET scan fromafter radiotherapy.

administered and at the end of treatment the response wasalso nearly complete. Side-effects included grade 2 dermati-tis, grade 1 asthenia, and grade 1 anemia (shown on bloodcounts).

One month postradiotherapy, new cutaneous lesionsappeared outside of the treatment field. A PET scan showeddisease progression at several nodal sites and in the lung,pleura, and soft tissues. The patient was treated againwith chemotherapy (cyclophosphamide, 50 mg/day and sub-cutaneous methotrexate, 43 mg), but he developed severeneutropenia and died of septic shock, 6 months after the firstradiotherapy treatment (February 2009). At the time of death(August 2009), the irradiated areas of the skin continued to

maintain the good response achieved by radiotherapy and,moreover, a PET scan showed a reduction in uptake in the supr-aclavicular area and absence of metabolic activity at inguinalregions (Images 5–8).

supraclavicular (6) and inguinal (7 and 8) nodal masses

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peritoneal lymph nodes. Int J Surg Pathol 2009;17:347–53.11. Ferringer T, Banks PM, Metcalf JS. Langerhans cell sarcoma.

reports of practical oncology and

. Discussion

angerhans cell sarcoma (LCS) is a rare malignant proliferationf Langerhans cells. LCS was first defined by the Internationalymphoma Study Group in 2002.2 Prior to that time, multipleerms were used to describe this entity, resulting in confu-ion. Since 2002, only a few cases have been described inhe medical literature. Although those reports contain usefulnformation about the histological features and clinical behav-or of this neoplasm, information about treatment options isuite limited, as is often the case with rare diseases.

Histologically, cellular atypia and mitoses are needed toifferentiate this disease from other Langerhans cell prolif-rations. Diagnosis also requires CD1a positivity and/or theresence of Birbeck granules.3 Lee et al.4 reviewed previouseports in 2006 and found only 19 cases described in English-anguage literature. Since that time, 6 new cases have beeneported1,5–10 (one of which was our patient, reported in 2007).nterestingly, a second case of a LCS patient with a trans-lanted liver was published in 2008.7

It appears that LCS occurs in a wide age range, thoughainly in the third and fourth decades of life. Although theost commonly affected organs are the lymph nodes and

kin, multiorgan involvement – which occurred in the casee present here – is also known to be characteristic. The lung,one marrow, and spleen are the organs most often involved.

From published reports, we knew that LCS had an aggres-ive behavior in most cases. Unfortunately, information abouthe effectiveness of treatments is lacking. Surgery seems to begood option for isolated lesions or confined nodal disease,

ut the benefit of adjuvant treatment is unknown. Chemother-py has been used for the treatment of metastatic disease.lassical hematological schemes, such as CHOP and ESHAP,ave been administered,7 and other drug combinations withdriamycin plus Ifosfamide, such as MAID (mesna, doxoru-icin, ifosfamide, dacarbazine) have also been tested.9,11,12

evertheless, the best option for systemic treatment of LCSas not yet been established.

Although we found no reports in the literature regard-ng the response of LCS to radiotherapy, we do know thatangerhans cell histiocytosis, the benign counterpart of LCS,esponds well to low-dose radiotherapy. For this reason, wehought that radiotherapy might be useful as a local treat-

ent, at least for pain relief and symptom control.In the case we present here, the lesions began shrink-

ng when the total dose reached 12–14 Gy, and response waslmost complete when the total dose passed 30 Gy. At 36 Gy,complete response was achieved and maintained for a longeriod. While lower doses may have been sufficient, we werencouraged to continue irradiating based on the low toxicitynd good response to increasing doses.

As a result of our experience, we recommend this doseange in the treatment of these types of tumours, dependingn treatment intention, the presence or not of gross tumourolume and its size.

therapy 1 5 ( 2 0 1 0 ) 107–109 109

3. Conclusions

LCS responds well to radiotherapy and we believe irradiationis a good option in selected cases with symptomatic or bulkylesions. Based on our experience, we suggest a dose range of15–30 Gy, depending on the treatment intention and the vol-ume of the lesions.


The authors wish to thank Bradley Londres, at the InstitutCatalà d’Oncologia, and Montse González for their assistancein editing this article.

e f e r e n c e s

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