Kyle S. mendoza

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  • 8/7/2019 Kyle S. mendoza


    Kyle S. Mendoza February 18, 2011

    BSCE-1 Psychology 01- EC

    What is logotherapy of Viktor Emilfrankl?

    Logotherapy was developed by neurologist and psychiatrist Viktor

    Frankl. It is considered the "Third Viennese School of

    Psychotherapy"[1] after Freud's psychoanalysis and Adler's

    individual psychology. It is a type of existentialist analysis that

    focuses on a will to meaning as opposed to Adler's Nietzschean

    doctrine of will to power or Freud's will to pleasure. [2] Rather than

    power or pleasure, logotherapy is founded upon the belief that it is

    the striving to find a meaning in one's life that is the primary, most

    powerful motivating and driving force in humans.

    Basic assumptions of logotherapy:

    1. Life has meaning under all circumstances.

    2. People have a will to meaning.

    3. People have freedom under all circumstances to activate the will

    to meaning and to find meaning.

    As we know life is what we make it. We are the ones that make our own decisions in life whether it

    would lead us to good or not. Problems do occur simply because it would help us to become what we

    want to be and would rather shape and mold us into a better person in the future. But sometimes we

    couldnt deny the fact that we are overpowered by our own problems. We cant handle them well as

    what we really want to. We always want to find meaning in life but it seems that somethings blocking in

    it. It could be self-disturbances or rather outside forces which contributes to our own annoyance.

    As what I have read,logotherapy of Viktor Frankl focuses on finding meaning on ones life rather than in

    focus of pleasure and power. The context of Frankl was more on will to meaning and freedom under all

    circumstances .

    As what I have stated we are under a world that continually offers a lot of problems, fears, and harms.

    But logotherapy would help us overcome these.

    An application on logotherapy: Harold was a middle-aged Australian whose life was rapidly spiralling out

    of control. As well as a drinking problem he had financial problems- not helped by the amount he spent

    on drink - and was under considerable stress at work. His wife's sympathy was running out - no wonder

    he was also having trouble sleeping at night. The reason of Harolds suffering was because of his wrong

    deeds. We must remember what Newtons law stated: every action has its equal and opposite reaction.

    He suffered beacause he never worked for better, he was more on I DONTs. But he can be diagnosed.He went to seeChris Wurm,a GP as well as a logotherapist. Wurm combined a medical approach - for

    example giving information about the damage drink was doing - with logotherapy. In every few sessions

    Harold's life was turned round, partly by the clarification the role of alcohol in his life and the

    alternatives. Wurm says"It was possible to discuss the notion that he could make choices and live his life

    in a variety of ways " ( there we see logotherapy's emphasis on responsibility) " some of which would be

    more meaningful than others. He was then able to reflect on the choices he had been making (this is the

    orientation towards meaning and values) , and the possibilities available in the future". "It was dramatic

    to see how determined and effective he became, once he saw how his old strategies were backfiring".

    Then he was able to change himself and had reflected on what he was before. These assumption is more

    on finding meaning towards life using owns positive difference.

    Viktor Emil Frankl M.D., Ph.D. (March 26,

    1905, Leopoldstadt, Vienna[1] September

    2, 1997, Vienna) was an Austrian

    neurologist and psychiatrist as well as a

    Holocaust survivor. Frankl was the founder

    of logotherapy, which is a form of

    Existential Analysis, the "Third Viennese

    School of Psychotherapy".