Kristie Cannon * Go to: * * Fill out the Student

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Kristie Cannon * Go to: * * Fill out the Student Information Form * Must be a Junior or a Senior * Must have taken (and passed) Chemistry * This is REALLY important. Students who didnt take/pass chemistry really struggle in this class. * We deal with material of a sensitive nature! * I expect you to be respectful and mature at all times. * Failure to do so is grounds for being removed from the class. * All that being said we deal with crime. Some material is sad; some material is gross---make sure you can handle it. * Good attendance is necessary to achieve a good grade. * We do a tremendous amount of labs. Most of these cant be made up in AO. That means that if you miss a lab you will most likely be making it up afterschool with me. * Try to schedule doctors/dentist appointments around the labs. * I will not give you credit for a lab because you copied someone elses results. * A good percentage of your work is done in groups. * Sometimes you will choose your group; sometimes I will choose your group. * I can help with group issues but I have zero sympathy if you wait until the assignment/project is due. * Do your own work! * Contribute to your group! * Often times they score you. * Nobody likes a free-loader! * You get three days to makeup your work. * Unexcused absences receive a zero unless you attend Saturday School. * If you turn in an excuse later, I will only give you credit if you turned in the assignment within the three day window or went to Sat. School. * AO is great but let me know beforehand what you are planning on making up. * I grade makeup work on Wednesday. EVERY DAY * eResource manual. * Something to write with * Paper/graph paper * Calculator (this is a must) * Charged iPad (EVERY SINGLE DAY) * Gloves (you are going to want them!) * Flash Drive * Earbuds * Deaths Acre * Donation items for class to share. * (Kleenex, paper towels, glue sticks, or clear * Scotch tape) * Tests, Projects and Quizzes---60% * Labs, Classwork and Homework---40% * Multiple assessment types * Anything assigned is fair game * If you are absent the day before a test if given you take the test as scheduled unless NEW material was covered. * If you are present for the test I will give you FIVE BONUS POINTS. * You should expect one major project each nine weeks. * Some projects are done as a group. * Minor projects will occur throughout the year. * 1 st nine weeks: GROUP CRIME SCENE PORTFOLIO * 2 nd nine weeks: DNA LAB REPORT * 3 rd nine weeks: BOOK REPORT PROJECT * 4 th nine weeks: GROUP CRIME INVESTIGATION * Take it seriously, labs contribute a significant portion of your grade. * Stay on task. If you dont finish you will have to come back on your own time. * Safety is essential. Safety violations will result in a zero for the lab. * Lab material is frequently on the test. * Work is due before the bell rings! * After the bell, its late regardless of the reason. * Each student may submit two late assignments each semester.. Late work (not resulting from an absence) will be accepted one day late for half-creditregardless of the reason. * Once a student has submitted two late assignments, any additional late assignments will result in no credit. * Introduction to Forensics * Principles, History, Branches, Witness Evidence * Crime Scene Processing and Evidence * Major Crime Scene Project * Document Analysis * Mini Handwriting Project * DNA Evidence * Fieldtrip and Lab Report * Fingerprinting * Mini fingerprinting project * Hairs and Fibers * Pathology * Book Report Portfolio * Anthropology * Serology and Blood Spatter * Mini Blood Spatter Project * Imprints and Impressions * Entomology * Mini Insect Project * Drugs and Toxicology * End of the Year Project * Go to * * I place everything under File Manager