Kariong Mountains High School Newsleer - Term 3 - Week 10 - 2016 1 From the Principal Farewell and all the best, to our graduang Year 12 class of 2016. They have been a great cohort of students across the range of academic, creave and performing areas and leave us with the skills necessary to take their place in our ever changing society. I would add, though, that it is not too late to improve on Trial results and that a solid, sustained effort heading into the HSC will make a difference. Although the HSC does not define a student’s life, it is the only HSC they will ever have and, as such, merits a priority of me unl its compleon. The first of the Year 11 fundraising events towards their Year 12 formal takes place on the 24th/25th September at the Plant Lovers’ Fair. This is usually a great couple of days, so if you are coming to the fair, please come and support our students at the canteen. There is another great opportunity to visit the school for our inaugural ‘Mulcultural Day’ on October 12th at 1.00pm. Our fantasc office staff have worked hard throughout the year to idenfy the different naonalies represented in the school and then use them as the springboard for creang acvies, arranging performances and providing food stalls that celebrate this diversity. We hope to have as many families aend as possible, as we celebrate our cultural diversity and the richness it brings to our society. I hope that you enjoy this bumper issue of our newsleer, highlighng some of the great acvies happening in the school. As a parent, I know that when asked the queson “What did you do at school today?” the response is usually “nothing”, but, in fact, our learning environment is quite dynamic and the opportunies that students have to grow their knowledge are extensive. This issue of the newsleer provides a small preview of what learning looks like at Kariong Mountains High School. To all our families, students and staff, I wish you a safe and happy holiday and look forward to another excing term of learning, commencing Monday October 10th. Ms Anne Vine Principal NEWSLETTER CALENDAR Term 3 | Week 10 September 20 - 2016 CONTACT KMHS Unity Knowledge Respect End of Term 3 Update Monday October 10 Students and staff return for Term 4 Note: there is no pupil free day at the start of this term. Wednesday October 12 - Multicultural Day - STARS Assembly Thursday October 13 - Year 12 HSC Exams commence 02 4340 0246 [email protected] www.kariongmountains-high.com.au Student & Parent Portal hp://web1.kariongmtns-h.schools.nsw.edu.au/portal/login

KMHS Newsletter Term 3 - Week 10€¦ · focus on ‘backing up ideas with evidence’ and it has been great to see so many students argue the value of learning Shakespeare in 2016

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Page 1: KMHS Newsletter Term 3 - Week 10€¦ · focus on ‘backing up ideas with evidence’ and it has been great to see so many students argue the value of learning Shakespeare in 2016

Kariong Mountains High School Newsletter - Term 3 - Week 10 - 2016 1

From the PrincipalFarewell and all the best, to our graduating Year 12 class of 2016. They have been a great cohort of students across the range of academic, creative and performing areas and leave us with the skills necessary to take their place in our ever changing society. I would add, though, that it is not too late to improve on Trial results and that a solid, sustained effort heading into the HSC will make a difference. Although the HSC does not define a student’s life, it is the only HSC they will ever have and, as such, merits a priority of time until its completion.

The first of the Year 11 fundraising events towards their Year 12 formal takes place on the 24th/25th September at the Plant Lovers’ Fair. This is usually a great couple of days, so if you are coming to the fair, please come and support our students at the canteen.

There is another great opportunity to visit the school for our inaugural ‘Multicultural Day’ on October 12th at 1.00pm. Our fantastic office staff have worked hard throughout the year to identify the different nationalities represented in the school and then use them as the springboard for creating activities, arranging performances and providing food stalls that celebrate this diversity. We hope to have as many families attend as possible, as we celebrate our cultural diversity and the richness it brings to our society.I hope that you enjoy this bumper issue of our newsletter, highlighting some of the great activities happening in the school. As a parent, I know that when asked the question “What did you do at school today?” the response is usually “nothing”, but, in fact, our learning environment is quite dynamic and the opportunities that students have to grow their knowledge are extensive. This issue of the newsletter provides a small preview of what learning looks like at Kariong Mountains High School.

To all our families, students and staff, I wish you a safe and happy holiday and look forward to another exciting term of learning, commencing Monday October 10th.

Ms Anne VinePrincipal



Term 3 | Week 10 September 20 - 2016


Unity Knowledge Respect

End of Term 3 Update

Monday October 10 Students and staff return for Term 4Note: there is no pupil free day at the start of this term.

Wednesday October 12 - Multicultural Day- STARS Assembly

Thursday October 13- Year 12 HSC Exams commence

02 4340 0246kariongmtn-h.school@det.nsw.edu.auwww.kariongmountains-high.com.au

Student & Parent Portalhttp://web1.kariongmtns-h.schools.nsw.edu.au/portal/login

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From the Deputy’s DeskYear 11I had the pleasure of attending a presentation with some Year 11 students on the health and wellbeing of young people as they tackle the senior years of schooling, with Dr Michael Carr-Greg. It was a very relevant and entertaining seminar where we learnt about teenage behaviours, how to study smarter, dealing with student stress and anxiety and how to keep things in perspective and live well through the HSC years.

The main point that stuck with me was that students are not their ATAR score, and ‘success’ or ‘failure’ in the HSC is not a measure of a person’s worth. For some students, surviving Years 11 and 12 may involve thinking about it like a game. Certainly, we can’t always change a situation, but we can change how we think about it. A positive outlook is a skill for life.Students can reduce the stress of studying, sustain relationships with family and friends, maintain a positive outlook and ask for help when needed by

● Recharging the brain by making sleep a priority● Fuelling the body and mind with a healthy diet● Keeping the body active● Managing social media and negotiating with parents● Using the teachers and gaining their wisdom● Avoiding the use of drugs and alcohol (and caffeine).

Dr Michael Carr-Gregg is a big believer of embracing technology for the health and wellbeing of young people, whether that is purchasing a fitness and sleep tracker, or downloading one of the many great apps available. Here is a collection of apps recently recommended:

Year 7It’s that time of the year when winter sport starts to wrap up and the finals begin. I wish all our students that a play weekend sport all the best in their final rounds. Summer sport will be upon us soon and I know we’ve got some great touch football, OZ tag, cricket, and waterpolo competitions to join locally this summer. Keeping kids physically active and engaged in team sports is a wonderful life skill and makes for happier teenagers.

A reminder that full school uniform is expected every day. The uniform shop is open Tuesday and Thursday mornings, from 8 to 9:30am. We have approximately ten to fifteen students consistently out of uniform in Year 7 and I’d like to reduce that number to zero. It really sends a strong message to the wider community when our students are showing respect for KMHS by wearing the right uniform.

I would like to improve my communication with parents and caregivers, in particular my Year 7 families. I am going to send out a short email once a fortnight or so just to keep you informed of events pertinent to Year 7. I would invite you to reply to these emails if you have any concerns at all.

Thank youMrs Jacqui MatthewDeputy Principal

If you would like more information for helping our students through Years 11 and 12, please feel to contact me or visit the Beyond Blue website.

Year 11 Yearly Examinations have now concluded. Year 12 HSC Examinations commence Thursday 13th October.

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Student Mental Health in FocusStudents, parents and staff have been emailed a survey that looks at the mental health needs of our students and how we currently support them. Data from the surveys will be analysed and this will determine the modules we introduce to address those needs. The survey should only take about 10 minutes to complete. Your support in this is appreciated and valuable.

The review of our Student Welfare and Discipline Policy and Anti-bullying Plan has been completed. Students will be informed of the main elements of each at school assemblies during Term 4. The documents will also be made available on our website. If there are any aspects you wish to discuss please feel free to contact me.

I hope all students and their families have a happy safe holiday.

Mr Scott WhiteDeputy Principal

P&C News All parents and community members are welcome to our P&C meetings

Next meeting: Monday, October 10, 2016 ● 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm ● In the Library

P&C Meetings for the year:Term 4 Monday - October 10 Monday - November 14 Monday - December 5 - Christmas Dinner

Do you want to know more about your P&C? Just let us know and we can add you to our email list. For just $2 you can become a voting member. Send an email to [email protected] (P&C treasurer). We would love to see some new faces!

UNIFORM DONATIONS NEEDEDPlease donate your second hand uniforms to the school. We particularly need skirts. Just drop them off to the office any time between 8:15 am and 3:30 pm. Thank You!

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EnglishIt has once again been a busy, yet exciting, term in English and students have been busy working on a range of different projects. In particular, Year 12 has been exceptionally busy with trial exams and are now preparing for an intense final preparation period. Congratulations to those students who applied themselves diligently to the trials.

Speech WeekWeek 6 was ‘Speech Week’ in English, with all classes from years 7-10 engaging in a speaking assessment task. This year there was a particular focus on ‘backing up ideas with evidence’ and it has been great to see so many students argue the value of learning Shakespeare in 2016 (thank you Year 9) and convincing us to make significant changes to the school (Year 10 would like it known that extra cover and earlier buses are a must for KMHS).

Speaking is a critical skill in all walks of life and I have been particularly pleased with those students who have tackled the inevitable ‘nerves’ to get up and speak confidently in front of their peers.

ALARMThe English faculty remains committed to the ALARM principles created by Max Woods, which looks at structures to help elaborate and ‘analyse’ material more thoroughly in extended writing. The targeted classes that have been fully implementing ALARM this term have shown just how fantastic this model is

in some outstanding pieces of analytical writing. We look forward to slowly introducing this model into more of our junior classes in the near future.

DramaYear 12 Drama students presented their final major group and individual performances to HSC markers on Monday the 29th August. We wished them all well and congratulate them on how far they have come, despite some artistic ‘bumps’ along the way.

Our other drama classes are also busy working on end of year performance assessments, with Year 11 playbuilding around the Beckett’s absurdist play, ‘Waiting For Godot’ and Year 9/10 showing their adept understanding of Shakespeare on stage.

Mr Jai Lester Head Teacher English

Year 11 students playbuilding around ‘Waiting For Godot’

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Mathematics This term many of our classes have been doing practical applications of mathematics.

TrigonometryOur Stage 5 classes have been doing trigonometry and creating their own clinometers. A clinometer allows the students to calculate the angle from a fixed position to the top of an object. The pictures show the construction of the clinometers and the investigation which was to calculate the heights of different trees within the school.

Column Graphs with Rice CrackersMr Quinn’s Year 7 class has been doing graphs and they did a practical task of creating column graphs using rice crackers. The students really enjoyed the experience and look forward to doing more tasks like this with Mr Quinn.

Stage 5 MathsFinally, our Stage 5 classes have completed their assignment for this term. The students got to choose from 3 different tasks and some very impressive assignments were submitted. Results for the assignments will be returned in the coming week.

Mrs Jaqcui Matthew Head Teacher Maths

Rice cracker column graphs made by Year 7 Maths students

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HSIEStudents in HSIE began new subjects in Term 3. Year 7 has completed their Aboriginal Studies program and investigated various aspects of Ancient Egypt.

Mr Tagg’s class undertook a Guided Inquiry project, working in the library with a variety of resources to research their own interest area.

Year 8 students are studying Medieval Europe, with Miss Taylor’s classes making catapults in their study of medieval warfare.

Year 9 and 10 classes have swapped courses, with half of the year commencing History and the other half commencing Geography.

Council in SessionFour Year 10 students had the opportunity to be a local councillor for a day when they participated in the Central Coast Futures Council Program.

Jack Woonton, Thomas Callen, Jackson Bradney and Dylan Bevan participated in a council session, where they argued for and against issues that face the Central Coast.

All four students spoke with sophistication, presenting thoroughly researched opinions, and passionately engaged in debate on topics that included building a wall to protect beach front homes, a late night bus service for party goers and the dumping of mulch for community use.

Roman ForumMr McGilvery and Miss Van Der Kley recreated the buildings from the Roman Forum with Year 11 Ancient History, as part of their study into the City of Rome in the late republican period.

The students were able to research and build 9 of the buildings, demonstrating a variety of methods of presenting historical information.

Mr Tagg Head Teacher HSIEYear 11 students recreating buildings from the Roman Forum

Four Year 10 students from KMHS participating in the Central Coast Futures Council Program at the local council chambers.

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Visual ArtsThe cool arty Year 7 students have created some amazing prints and some awesome crazy creature sculptures. We are well into our third unit of work, “Modernism”. Year 7 has been learning about Modern Art and have been painting up a storm with Impressionism and Post Impressionism techniques. The artistic Year 9 cohort has finished creating portraits and have produced some sensational results. They are ‘pumped’ to be now creating ‘fantasy creatures’ based on science and biotechnologies. Year 10 has explored abstract art and street art and now are about to start their creating a series of artworks based on their own personal interest.

Nagoya Sister City Art ExchangeThe Nagoya Sister City Art Exchange is held annually and the Exhibition features outstanding art works from NSW Public schools. The artworks selected are exhibited in Nagoya, Japan along with works by students in Nagoya, Sydney, Los Angeles, Mexico City, Turin and Nanjing. I am very pleased to inform you that the following artworks have been selected for the Nagoya Sister City Art Exchange 2016.

Photographic and Digital Media/ Visual DesignYear 10 have completed their animation project and have presented a range of sophisticated, humorous and diverse animations based on a social issue. Their next artistic challenge is to create a well-resolved and sophisticated body of work. Year 11/12 Visual Design students have created their wearable products with some amazing results, and now are learning about interior design with a focus on renovating. Their next challenge will be to create a 3D print of their renovated room design.

Declan Hamilton Case study painting of Margaret Olley.

Mikayla Dawson, Charlee Krix-Saladine, Brianna Streat and Luke Kidd - collection of mixed media artworks inspired by nature

Creative and Performing Arts - CAPA

Kaleb Ishwarpersad - Drawing of a Rose.NAISDA student Kiara Malcom - Print, Aboriginal Tree

Year 7 students with their crazy creature sculptures

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MusicIt has been a busy time for the Music department in the school. In the classroom, Year 8 has been learning guitar. Students have learnt how to play some famous riffs and are now moving onto playing chords. Year 9 has just completed their practical performance task where they all performed a song of the pop music genre. They are now working on composing their own pop songs. Year 10 has finished their Rock Music unit, culminating in their Australian music performance task. Year 11 has prepared for their Yearly Exam. In this they had to sit an aural exam and perform 2 pieces. Year 12 has been on the home stretch and after some outstanding practical results in the Trial HSC exams, fine tuned pieces ahead of their final practical exam in Week 9.

Outside of the classroom, the students have done an incredible job showcasing the talent that we have at the school. We had Mollie and Seiya from Year 11, James from Year 10 and William from Year 9 perform at Laycock Street Theatre for Central Coast Showcase. They did this with utmost professionalism and were well received by the audience. We also had our KMHS sound crew who helped in the running of the matinee and the night time concert. These students ran instruments, stands and props on and off the stage in between every act, and made sure that the show ran smoothly and professionally. Special thanks to Jordan from Year 11 for taking photos throughout the event.

Mollie, Seiya and Billy also performed for the residents at Evergreen Life Care at West Gosford. They played and sang for 1 hour and represented the school in a positive light, receiving compliments from both residents and staff.

Well done everyone!

Mr Burns Music Teacher

Visual Arts Year 11 and 12Year 11 Visual Arts students have immersed themselves in clay, photography, digital media and film making for their final Collection of Works this semester. As I have always said, this is an incredibly artistically talented bunch that continually hungers for more challenges and knowledge. I am predicting some great results here, as these guys seem ‘born ready’ for the prospects of the HSC Visual Arts course. Year 12 Visual Arts students have now completed their Body of Work, resulting in some amazing artworks. I feel so very privileged to be a part of the creativity, commitment and sense of self that these students bring to their own artmaking practice… in whatever shape or expressive form it is! Thank you Year 12 Visual Arts students for sharing this experience and, without being too cliché, ‘journey’ with me. I will miss your time in the art studio and wish you the best of everything to which you aspire.

Examples of Body of Work created by KMHS Year 12 Visual Art students in 2016

Ms Peta Werlemann & Ms Kim Skerritt Visual Arts, Cisual Design & PDM Teachers

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Library Highlights

All Year 7 classes have been doing research on Ancient Egypt, with students developing their own questions from a topic of their own choice.

Year 9/10 International Studies students have been undertaking guided enquiry on topics of their choice in the area of human rights.

Child Studies students have undertaken research to develop their own picture books and Year 10 students have undertaken research on Aboriginal rights.

Steven Herrick, international poet and credited as being the pioneer of the verse novel, visited our school this term.

Forty-five students made up the audience for the one hour poetry performance, with Steven entertaining our students and showing them that poetry is fun and relevant. Steven also provided insight to our senior students on his verse novel, The Simple Gift, which is set for HSC study in English.

Research Steven Herrick Author Visit

Library Makerspace for Science Day

Book Week 2016 - Australia! Story Country

Kariong Mountains High School students managed the library makerspace stations on Science Day, where our partner primary schools’ Years 5 and 6 students visited our school. Our high school students are to be commended for the expertise and leadership they displayed in guiding the primary school students through various activities at each station.

Our celebration of 2016 Book Week saw the library transformed with banners, competitions and displays for this year’s theme of Australia! Story Country.

Years 7 and 8 classes participated in Book Week lessons and competitions, with students from other years volunteering to participate in the competition.

Library makerspace station on Science Day

2016 Book Week displays in the library

Steven Herrick visiting Kariong Mountains High School

Year 7 students doing library research on Ancient Egypt

Ms Lidia Jeffrey Head Teacher Secondary Studies

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CareersYear 8 CareersYear 8 has commenced their ‘Mock Interview’ unit of work. They have been developing skills in finding employment opportunities on the Internet and have steadily been working on writing their resume. In the coming weeks they will use a job they have found and write a cover letter in preparation for their ‘Mock Interview’ on Tuesday 15th November.

Links to LearningStudents in this course have been trialling a range of trade/vocational careers each Friday. They have already experienced health and nutrition, childcare, aged care and have completed a safe food handling certificate. Last week the students visited an aged care facility at Noraville and were able to experience first hand what the age care industry is like. Over the coming weeks they will cover fitness, beauty/presentation, hospitality, retail, construction and complete certificates in barista, white card and first aid.

CALM CourseThe conservation and land management course has commenced again this term with a new facilitator. The students have already identified an under nourished tree within our grounds and have performed ‘tree surgery’. CALM students will be working on projects within our grounds, as well as with a neighbouring childcare centre to improve the gardens through the use of natives and good land management practices.

IT CourseStudents in this course have concluded their studies. They have been diligently working each Monday and Tuesday to complete all competencies for Certificate III in Information, Digital Media and Technology.

Career students from KMHS visting aged care facility at Noraville

CALM students improving the local gardens with good land management and tree surgery. Great Beginnings childcare centre love the beautiful garden created by KMHS students and sent this gorgeous poster as a thank you.

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Fun in TAS

Photos showing students enjoying TAS classes while learning valuable skills along the way.

Mr Scott Bath Head Teacher TAS

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ScienceScience Week in the Kariong Mountains Learning CommunityTerm 3 is an exciting time for Science in the learning community as we were getting ready for the annual celebration of Science Week on Wednesday August 17th. This year’s theme was an exciting one: Drones, Droids and Robots.

Once again, Kariong Mountains High school hosted primary school students from Years 5 and 6, who enjoyed a day of technology investigation. They explored: 3D printing, robotics, makerspace gadgets including raspberry pie, playdough circuitry, chemistry technologies, DNA extraction and microscope technology.

A feature of the activities was the teaching by senior science students from Year 11 Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Earth and Environmental Science. As usual these students impressed both the primary students and the primary school teachers with their confidence and knowledge of the sciences being presented.

The Science Week events culminated in the Science Expo evening where the students from the selective science classes in Years 7, 8 and 9 exhibited their Young Scientist Award projects that they have been working on throughout term 2. The display from the primary schools this year was also outstanding with over 30 students presenting a range of projects that reflected individual interest as well as class activities in science over the last term. Well over 200 members of the community attended this event and it was very exciting.

The 2017 National Science Week theme is Future Earth and will focus on Australia’s sustainability science, highlighting issues that are unique to Australia and our region. Future Earth launched in 2015, is a major 10-year international initiative to advance global sustainability science. Future Earth’s 2025 vision addresses eight key challenges to global sustainability:

• Deliver water, energy, and food for all • Decarbonise socio-economic systems to stabilise the climate • Safeguard the terrestrial, freshwater and marine natural assets underpinning human well-being • Build healthy, resilient and productive cities • Promote sustainable rural futures • Improve human health • Encourage sustainable consumption and production patterns • Increase social resilience to future threats.

Photos from Science Week at KMHS: All smiles from outdoor assembly with primary school students to classroom activities.

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Young Scientists Competition

This is the second year the Young Scientist Award has been incorporated into the teaching and learning of the Years 7, 8 and 9 selective science classes. The students were required to identify a problem to be solved or question to be answered and devise an experiment to test a hypothesis over a number of weeks. Some students developed a model or innovation. The projects were displayed at the Science Expo evening with the following projects receiving special mention.

YEAR 9Holly Collins – What fruit will generate the highest voltageAmanda Abolins and Brianna Streat – How to fall asleep faster Jasmine Brierley – Effects of microwave radiation on seed germinationGeorgia Hughes – Recycled water solar powered water purification systemKarl Ward – Strength of adhesivesNicholas Weingaertner – The effects of periodically recurring requests on a web serverEmmett Donovan – Air compressed/electric hybrid motor concept

YEAR 8Huon Smith, CJ Sinclair and Xavier – What affects taste in music Jazlyn Webb – Vortex shedding Hannah Arnott and Ashley Roberts – Roller coaster mass vs velocityLaura Schuman, Makayla MacKay, Lily Hogendyk, Rhiannon Rees – Volcanic eruptions model Harley Simity and Bailey Grevitt – Best bridge design Michael Yang and Joshua Esmali – How do people choose passwords

YEAR 7Nicole Masjak, Jacquelyn House – Erosion Ryan Green, Samuel Wright, Cameron Reeves, Corey Wyatt and Tom Omalley Jones – Which ball bounces the highest on an oobleck?Ramani Keir, Jessica Parker, Jessamene Szabo – Soft drinks and mentos Acacia Vanjgerl and Sarah Ross – DIY hover board

As I write, Emmett Donovan and Georgia Hughes projects are on display at Sydney University being judged in the Models and Innovations category of the Young Scientist Awards. Good luck to both of them.

Rio Tinto Big Science CompetitionEach year a number of students enter this competition, which is quite challenging. It gives me great pleasure to congratulate Adam Schuman on receiving a High Distinction in the Senior Division. Well done Adam.

More photos from Science Week showing happy students exploring the world of science.

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Mr Wood organised a visit from the Australian Reptile Park last week that was attended by Year 7 and Year 8 students as part of their classification of living things and Zoology units. Year 9 Marine Studies also attended. The presentation was interactive and very informative and the students got to see lots of exciting wildlife. Even a 17 year old female alligator walking around the hall.

Until next issue, keep investigating the wonderful world of Science.

Jamie Cartner Head Teacher Science

Reptile Park Visit

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PDHPEIt has been a fantastic and eventful term so far. The term saw our Year 9 PASS and Outdoor Recreation elective, along with two year 11 PDHPE students, undertaking 3 energetic days skiing and snowboarding in Thredbo. As usual, KMHS students did us proud, taking to the slopes with great skill and determination and representing our school with pride and integrity. Thank you to Mrs Miller for her outstanding organisation and her report on this trip later in the newsletter.

Our students have further proven their sporting skill throughout the community with PASS and Outdoor Recreation students heading to the Erina Ice Arena for a chilly ice-skating adventure, while Year 8 students completed their Target Games unit with a trip to the bowling alley for some ten-pin action. The experience for both groups cemented their learning across the concepts studied in class in a most enjoyable medium.

Year 9 & 10 Dance Elective has been exploring ‘Dance as a Stimulus’ this term. They are developing their skills in composition using various stimuli to inspire them. They have been devising some highly creative pieces indeed.

On a more competitive note, our KMHS boys rugby union team, made up of students from the Rugby elective class, outplayed many other teams at the Coast to Country Gala Day, taking 2nd place. Congratulations are well deserved for these boys. Stage 4 students have recently been involved in the touch football gala day and have completed units on lifestyle related illnesses. These have specifically focussed on targeting positive choices to enhance decision making and problem solving capabilities in our students.

In Stage 5 PDHPE, Year 9 has been critiquing the impact of the media on society’s perception of the ideal body image and Year 10 students have just completed their campaigns to raise awareness regarding the potential dangers of social media. Groups worked to create powerful messages to the youth of today and developed influential platforms from which to deliver these messages. The positive efforts of our students help to construct a supportive and healthy environment among peers and these were backed up last week with the visit from Brainstorm Productions, who delivered a brilliant rendition of Verbal Combat which was well received by students.

We are constantly amazed by our senior students and their work ethic. Year 11 are examining effective communication, problem solving and group dynamics through a series of scenarios posed to them, with a high degree of success. They seem excited for the start of Term 4 that signifies the beginning of the HSC.

Year 12 has completed all their assessment tasks and are preparing exceptionally well for the HSC. We look forward to celebrating their successes in the upcoming festival of graduation and formal assemblies, as well as participating in bidding for the slave day auction. We have lots of jobs needing capable bodies in PDHPE, so we hope they are prepared for a day in the life of a slave if successfully bid upon.

Our Dance elective students travelled to Sydney to see Aladdin and have four students attending the NSW CHS Athletics Championships. I look forward to reporting on future successes in PDHPE and Sport.

Ms Smith Head Teacher PDHPE

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On Sunday the 21st of August 2016, 41 Year 9 Outdoor Rec and PASS students and 2 year 11 PDHPE students met at KMHS at 8am to attend the first ever KMHS snow trip to Thredbo for 3 days of fun and adventures.

The bus ride down was filled with a lot of laughs, excitement and of course “are we there yet?” every couple of hours. As we approached Jindabyne and the first snow was spotted on the mountains the cheer and excitement from all the students and staff made the 7 hour bus ride worth the wait.

We checked into Snowy Valley accommodation and our students had some dinner to recharge and then the fun of getting fitted for our ski and snowboarding equipment. Our students had a relaxing evening in the heated pool and games room before returning to their rooms to prepare for their first day of riding at Thredbo on Monday.

Our students spent the next three days with two hour lessons daily with instructors and then the rest of the time to work on their new skills. The determination and the positive approach to learning their new sport led to amazing progress by all our

students. Our students could not wipe the smiles off their face, even after having a fall as they took that wrong turn, had a bit too much speed or caught the wrong edge.

Our students displayed to the wider community how to look at all the positives when learning a new skill. The instructors and teachers were all impressed by how quickly they picked up skiing and snowboarding and the unity and encouragement offered to each other throughout the 3 days was beautiful to witness.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the students who attended the first ever Kariong Mountains High School ski trip. I am so incredibly proud of you all for how you represented our school in such a positive manner. I hope you have made memories that will last a lifetime and enjoy your new found passion for the snow.

Thank you also to Mr White, Mr Riley and Miss James for giving up your time to attend the trip with us. We all had an amazing time and look forward to the snow trip 2017.

Mrs Miller

KMHS Snow Trip 2016

KMHS Snow Trip 2016 - group photo

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WellbeingThis term we have been lucky enough to continue to help students at Kariong Mountains High School with both their learning and wellbeing. Our Wellbeing team has been in classrooms helping students with their learning, as well as helping students practically with assignments and other welfare needs. We have facilitated two wellbeing days which have been supported by our year advisors, staff and students. It is has been a diverse term where we have seen some great results for our students.

Year 11 Study Skills Day This day started with Elevate coming and talking to our Year 11 students. They loved hearing about the study ‘journey’ and the variety of ways in which they can study. The students were engaged and wanted to learn more from the presenters. The students then learnt about the university pathways, BOSTES rules, how to have a study break and the importance of mindfulness.

Carley, Brittni and Breanna said that the day inspired them to start working a bit harder and that they learnt some useful tips to get them started.

Brainstorm - Verbal Combat Brainstorm addresses cyber bullying in schools through a cutting edge educational theatre performance. At KMHS the presentation raised a range of questions and scenarios that discussed who is responsible for cyber safety, what drives cyber bullies, what help can you get if you are being cyber bullied and how can we stop it from happening. It was a cleverly crafted narrative which allowed students to examine both their behaviour and important issues regarding cyber safety.

Our students reported that it was a clever way to learn about cyber safety and its importance. It also taught them about how we can keep ourselves safe and what we can if they become victims of or know a victim of cyber bullying. Hannah stated, “It taught me about peer pressure in a way I had not thought about for”. Michaela said “It was awesome!”

Learning Conventions ConferenceMrs Doyle was lucky enough to go and see one of our own students, Makayla Myers, speak on dyslexia at a Learning Conventions Conference. Makayla spoke brilliantly about how she has used many strategies to help her with dyslexia. We are so very proud of her as part of our Wellbeing team for being so courageous and inspiring others to do the same.

Ms Monica Pallas Head Teacher Student Wellbeing

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Opening CeremonyImagine walking into the arena the whole world is watching ... These photos show the excitement captured by Dylan (very smartly dressed) at the opening ceremony in Rio. You can see more photos and read about Dylan’s road to Rio by following his facebook page here:

Race Action - Canoe SprintDylan progressed through the heats to the semi finals in the Mens KL3 200 - an impressive achievement where Dylan is already looking onwards and upwards. In his own words:

“So ends my road to Rio. Unfortunately, not the result I wanted, not very good conditions for my style of racing but congratulations to the other athletes who are in the final. I unfortunately got knocked out in the semi. Now I’m hoping to come back bigger and stronger in Tokyo 2020 in 4 years to wear the green and gold again on the world’s biggest stage.”

PARALYMPIC UPDATEDylan Littlehales is representing Australia and KMHS at the 2016 Paralympic Games in Rio. We are proud to have our very own paralympic athlete and bring you the latest from Rio.

We are all so proud of you Dylan!!We cannot wait to hear about your incredible experience and watch your journey and your accomplishments over the next four years as you prepare to compete in Tokyo in 2020.Dylan Littlehales and Brock Ingram at the Paralympic Games

Opening Ceremony

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Canteen News NEW VOLUNTEERS ALWAYS WELCOMEContact Marie Conolly on 4340 0246 Or fill out the slip below and bring to the canteen or school office:

Working with childrencheck number: If you don’t have a number, go to: www.kidsguardian.nsw.gov.au and register. IT’S FREE for volunteers

Volunteer’s Name:

Canteen Volunteer 2016

Volunteer’s Phone:

Volunteer’s Email:

Tick the days you wish to volunteer:

Tick the hours and how often you wish to volunteer:


9.30 am to2.30 pm

once a month:

once a fortnight:

9.30 am to12.00noon


Next Fortnight’s Roster Term 4:MON - 10/10/2016 TUES - 11/10/2016 WED - 12/10/2016 THUR - 13/10/2016 FRI - 14/10/2016P&C MEETING Carolyn 9 - 12

HAnita Anita Anita

MON - 17/10/2016 TUES - 18/10/2016 WED - 19/10/2016 THUR - 20/10/2016 FRI - 21/10/2016Tamara H Narrell R Pia C Maria SHAnita Anita





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Pirates Baseball Club are looking for junior players for Under 8s, Under 10s, Under 12s & U14s teams. We are also looking for players over the age of 14 for our 5th - 1st grade teams.

Registration Days Sunday 4th, 11th, 18th & 25th of September 10am to 12 at Adcock Park West Gosford For further enquiries; Juniors contact Belinda Carr on 0416 100411 Seniors contact Phil Davidson on 0407 700608 For more information go to our Facebook page or www.gosfordpiratesbaseball.com

Pirates Baseball
