Kitu Kama Hatma

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  • 8/13/2019 Kitu Kama Hatma


    Kitu Kama Hatma

    J. A. Rothberg

    Chapter One

  • 8/13/2019 Kitu Kama Hatma


    The class went mute as the Animal Behavior

    instructor, Mr. Witherbe, entered with his overly

    large magnified spectacles and regularly ironed suit

    and tie. Lately it had become next to impossible to

    read the expression on this older mans face for he

    had so many wrinkles on his cheeks and around his

    eyes. Many of the students who knew him assumed he

    must be past retirement age, but this teacher was

    the sharpest of them all. His posture was that of

    someone in their thirties and he must have a well

    toned body underneath his overdone outfit. Sure he

    worked within the walls of a private school, but hischoice in daily wear was the opposite to the English

    Literature teachers polo shirt and pants. Anyhow,

    aside from his attire no one spoke in the presence of

    Mr. Witherbe unless spoken to or asked an open

    ended question in which you were given the opportunity

    to speak as much as you wanted.

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    He took his place, standing behind the table at the

    front of the classroom and cleared his throat. It is

    evident, ladies and gentlemen, that you are all seniors

    this year and will be graduating tomorrow at three

    oclock pm. Therefore I expect that you all have your

    final exam to turn in to me on this day since I have

    given you the option to do this test outside of the

    class. Anyone who hasnt completed the final will not

    receive a report card until it has been e-mailed to me

    and viewed by my very own eyes. One at a time you

    may come up and hand it in.

    And so as instructed, all twenty five of the studentsstood up and made a perfect single file line, each with

    their own paper in hand. Winnie Brielmann flipped

    through all five typed pages before her to make sure

    everything was perfect for Mr. Witherbe. Of course,

    that was impossible. Nothing ever qualified as worthy

    of deserving a solid one hundred in this mans mind.

    Winnie knew that, but she was hopeful that this last

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    time would be different. She had after all managed to

    keep a B+ average in this course despite her lack of

    interest in the subject.

    Winnie hated animals, especially ones who roamed

    around in dirty habitats and didnt often take to

    water to clean themselves off. It was only to gain

    enough credits for graduation that she took Animal

    Behavior. It was a much better choice than

    Marketing, her boyfriend had confirmed that just in

    April. She had no more time to ponder this though, it

    was her turn to hand in the final exam.

    What have you got for me, Miss Brielmann?The final sir, like you requested.

    No silly girl, he chuckled. I mean, what was your


    Grassland Animals.

    Very good. Thank you and good luck to you next

    year, Winnie.

    Thank you, sir.

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    Winnie returned to her seat and let out a breath she

    had been holding while she placed the exam in Mr.

    Witherbes frail hands.


    The day was over, high school was officially done

    with. Students were hollering out in the hallways and

    the seniors were grilling it in the faces of

    underclassmen who tried to avoid the rampage and

    tear their stuff out of their lockers so that they

    could escape the chaos. Winnie was one of the few

    seniors who contained her excitement and weaved her

    way down the hall toward her own locker which hadbeen near the front of the school all four years. She

    hadnt realized that with each year she had less and

    less school supplies to empty out and take home.

    On the inside of her locker she had a mirror. It

    wasnt hers. The previous owner must have left it

    behind, but Winnie took advantage of it and the days

    that she hadnt had time to apply her foundation she

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    did so before class began. Now she contemplated

    whether to take the item along with her or be just as

    generous and leave it for the successor of this locker.

    She looked at her reflection a few moments longer but

    then a male figure appeared behind her and he was

    half smiling at her from inside the mirror.

    Winnie giggled and turned around. She threw her arms

    around her boyfriend then looked up into his soft blue

    eyes. They were more somber today and his red hair

    was untidy, like he himself had no time to get ready

    for school this morning. Hey babe, whats the

    matter? Cat got your tongue?I thought you hated cats, he gave her a

    smaller smile this time.

    I do, with a burning passion, she put her school bag

    over her shoulder and slammed the locker shut,

    forgetting about the mirror. Come on now, whats

    your deal? Are you happy? Sad? Ive known you eight

    months, Spencer.Winnie attempted to give him a

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    kiss on his cheek and then his lips, but Spencer

    stepped back and Winnie almost tripped.

    WinnieI cant.

    Youre making no sense, she said now becoming

    agitated. Are you having another Bipolar attack or


    Come outside, Spencer took Winnie by the

    arm and they walked out the front entrance of the

    high school and stood there, face to face. Remember

    when I told you that for college Im going to Brown


    Yes, you told me back in February that was yourfinal decision. But what has that got to do with your


    Its too far from here, I wont be able to

    see you.

    But you can drive.

    I know I can, its been like that for a


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    Just get to the point! Winnie cried aloud


    Spencer turned away and sighed, scratching

    the back of his head, something he did when he was

    nervous. Then he finally looked back to Winnie and

    spoke. This past weekend I started seeing someone

    who lives closer to Brown than you do here in


    Someone else? Winnie said in a low voice but without

    a definite reaction or some sort of emotion. Well

    good, I guess I wont feel too guilty thenwhen I meet

    someone nice at the modeling academy this fall.Spencer laughed. Winnie, I dont want to

    sound mean, but when you applied to that school or

    whatever back in January you had natural blonde hair

    that grew from your headthen you died it this

    artificial auburn hue.You think that theyll like that?

    Why? What color hair does Miss Providence sport,

    Spencer? And is it natural?

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    Spencers face grew cold now. Shes twenty-

    six, its obvious that she knows better than to bleach

    her hair, Winnie.

    Fine, fine Spencer. Have it your way, high school is

    overwe are over! Dont bother looking for me at

    graduation tomorrow. Winnie groaned as she stormed

    off campus and hopped onto her bike to ride home.

    She was perfectly content with her newly colored

    hair, and the academy would be too. She would make

    a great model for some of the hottest clotheslines

    that included stores such as Gap and Express.

    Spencer doesnt know anything about hair, she toldherself as she pedaled down the street, looking

    nowhere but ahead of her. She didnt haveto cross

    any busy roads and for this Winnie was thankful.

    While it was mostly anger that coursed through her,

    she couldnt stop a couple of persistent tears from

    escaping her eyes.

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    At home Winnie dropped her bike by the side of the

    garage and darted inside the house without any

    intention of greeting anyone, but went up into her

    room so that she could think. Except, she couldnt

    quite do that all in order. Winnie had to stop in the

    bathroom to examine her hair. What on earth am I

    doing? She muttered to herself in her head. Spencer

    is a thick headed asshole and I happen to think that

    this new color goes perfectly with my tan skin and

    soft brown eyes. Yes, that was all that mattered!

    That I am comfortable in my own skin.These thoughts were making her feel much better,

    when suddenly the door swung open to reveal her

    fourteen year old sister, Maddie. Hey, what gives?

    Funny, I was about to ask you the same

    exact thing. You didnt take a moment to say hi to

    dad or me, and its obvious you have no more finals to

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    study for since you graduate in the next twenty-four


    Yes, that may be true. But youd be surprised at the

    issues that can arise at the last moment.

    I thought you defriended Ginny last month

    when she tried to steal Spencer?

    Winnie cringed at the sound of his name and her ears

    felt as if they had been stung by a swarm of bees.

    Did he go too?

    Another groan was emitted from Winnies mouth and

    she stormed past Maddie into her bedroom.

    Im sorry! She heard her sister yell beforeclosing the door at once.


    Winnie had fallen asleep upon her bed which had at

    one point been nice and flat but was now full of

    creases, much like her now previous teachers face.

    She glanced through foggy eyes at her alarm clock

    and noticed that three full hours had gone by since

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    the encounter with her sister. She didnt budgefrom

    her spot though. She felt too weak to even lift her

    head. Stop the moping, a voice snapped inside her

    mind. She knew inside her brain that Spencer was just

    defending his case as most guys do when they were

    confronted with a conflict. Though deep in her heart,

    she wished that he hadnt even started to mention

    Miss Providence.

    Winnie was thankful for the knock at her bedroom

    door and jumped up onto her feet in an instant,

    surprised that it was only a minute ago she couldnt

    move a muscle. She opened it to see that it was herfather who was himself a very strict lawyer. It

    actually made sense that often he would sport both a

    suit and tie to his work. Winnie was just shocked to

    see that he hadnt changed since coming home minutes

    before her. She supposed that the court really wears

    you out. She stepped aside without a word and let her

    father into the room.

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    Good evening Winnie, and how was your last day of

    high school? He sat down on her bed, ignoring how

    deranged it looked.

    It was decent, I cant say that I will miss

    anyone from my class.

    Oh come on, not even one person?

    She thought for a moment, even strained her

    brain, but no one important came to mind. No, not

    even one.

    Shocking, I could count off about ten or fifteenbut,

    then again Im fifty, he gave Winnie a humorous

    smile. Are you hungry?Hungry? We arent waiting for mom?

    Oh,right. Your mother, well about her, shes not

    going to be home until much later. Its not the usual I

    know, but its stressful times.

    Whats going on?

    There was a silence that fell upon the room while her

    father stared off into space. Ill tell you and Maddie

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    at dinner. Your sister is actually starting the stove

    for me right now.

    The last thing Winnie wanted was to feel

    anxious. She had forgotten about the hair thing

    between her and Spencer and there was barely any

    chance it would slip back into her mind unless her

    sister prodded for details. She watched her father

    leave the room and take the doorknob in his large

    fist. You dont have to close it, she said suddenly.

    Whatever you want, sweetie, he told her in a quiet

    voice and disappeared down the stairs.

    (Next Page To Chapter Two)

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    Chapter Two

    Africa! Youre fucking kidding me! Winnie cried out,

    dropping a spoonful of blueberry yogurt upon her lap

    which only made things worse. What about my

    modeling career? Maddie looked as if she was trying

    to stifle a laugh.

    Now watch your language young lady! Your

    mother has left us, yes I said it, and Ive wanted tomove there for years. Im sure youll find another

    passion over seas.

    You must be possessed, Winnie muttered with

    disgust at her father. Youdo realize that you have

    ruined my futuremy life?

    I will nottake responsibility for something

    that big, Winifred. If you like, when we get to

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    Kenya, you can sport all of the animal hide skins you

    want and show off as much bust as you please.

    Thats sad if you think thats what I had in mind for

    a career, She said standing up.

    You havent been excused.

    Really? Because I thought Id get a head start on


    Oh stop being such a prat! Look at your

    little sister, shes not having a cow over this.

    Well maybe thats because she doesnt know what to

    do with her life, I do!

    Thats a lie, Maddie chimed in. I want towork on a National Reserve.

    Thats my girl, their father smiled widely for the

    first time through out the whole dinner.

    Winnie had since sat back down, but she refused to

    meet eyes with both her father and sister for the

    duration of the evening.

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    Im sorry Winnie, but it was time that I go. Thats

    not to say that I dont cherish you or your sister, but

    your father was becoming unbearable. There are just

    some people in life you cant hold onto forever, even

    after twenty years of marriage.

    So thats it? No divorce? You walked out on

    us? That doesnt seem the least fair, mom.

    Oh I signed the papers, sweetie. I did that a few

    days ago, but yes, I didnt want to turn this situation

    into a whole ordeal. Ive moved to the other side of

    town because your father kept on going on aboutdragging me into his fantasy lives. And so when I told

    him it would never become a reality, he got angryI

    got angryit wasnt going to work between us anymore

    and we both knew it. Imagine living with someone who

    only spoke as if he was living in his dreams and forgot

    to actually live. It wears you down, and being out of

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    Yes, I know how old you are Winnie. Youve been

    eighteen for a few months now and some days and

    hours too. There was a small giggle on theother end

    of the line as her mother remembered this precisely.

    Still, they were words youd never have thought the

    love of your life would say when at one point he had

    said some of the sweetest.

    There was a loud and rapid knocking outside

    her bedroom. Winnie! Whos that youre talking to?

    It was her father standing behind the door.

    She didnt answer though and waited for her mom to

    carry on speaking.Sweetie, I have to go.

    Why? Winnie said suddenly in a very

    dramatic tone.

    She heard a sigh this time from the receiver.

    Is there someone else?

    Yes Winnie. I would have had to leave anyhow, even

    if your father had stopped rambling on about running

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    off to live in his dream worlds. I have fallen for

    another man.

    Oh. Okay then.

    I love you, and tell your sister too. I wont lose

    touch, even if youre a million miles away.

    Love you too, mom.

    The line went dead and Winnie knew that her mom

    had really gone. Well, physically maybe, but she knew

    how much her mom cared for her and Maddie while

    she had been in the house these last eighteen years

    of her life. A mothers love for her children never

    dies. Not like the love between a man and a womanwho are in no way related to one another aside from

    the fact that they are both human.

    Winnie put the phone down on the hook and

    went now to the door. Her father was still there, his

    hands were hanging limply at his sides. May I help

    you? She asked as if speaking to a customer.

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    I was hoping that you could answer my question about

    who it was you were speaking to on the phone.

    It was my mother. Just because you arent

    speaking to her, doesnt mean I cant.

    I know that Winnie, but you must know that she had

    been having an affair for weeks before we split.

    I found that out as well.

    Doesnt shockme to be honest. Your mother has

    never once spared herself a breath at social events.

    I see.

    I want you to go and see your sister, her father

    said at once.Maddie? But why?

    Its finally hitting herthats were leaving.

    Um, alright I suppose.

    Thank you, sweetie.

    Winnie waited for her father to close his

    bedroom door before walking down the hall to see

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    Maddie. Her door was open a crack, but she still


    Whos there? She heard her sister ask.

    Its Winnie.

    Come in.

    Winnie opened the door and took a couple of

    steps inside the bedroom that smelled strongly of

    vanilla. She remembered then that her sister loved to

    have scented candles burning in her room whenever

    she felt melancholy. Dad said I should see you.

    Thats why Im here.

    He did. Well, I guess you should sit down then ifthats what he wants.

    Winnie did just that. She sat at the desk

    while Maddie sat upon the edge of her bed. So,

    whats up?

    Africacan you believe it? Im going to high school in


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    I wonder howgood their schools are. The

    high school here is as pretty as the town dump.

    But to be educated in a whole other continent?

    It must be years before those kids are

    actually smart enough to graduate. Ninth grade is

    probably ABC and 123! Winnie started to crack up at

    her own joke she knew Maddie wouldnt find funny. It

    wasnt like her younger sister to laugh at her jokes.

    Though this time Winnie could have sworn that she

    saw a smile.

    Maybe youre right Winnie. But at least, Ill get to

    see real wildlife animals while Im walking to town.Just be careful a rhino doesnt nail you and

    send you flying through the air, more fits of giggling

    emitted from Winnies mouth.

    No seriously!Winnie, I love wildlife no matter how

    fast dads decision was to just move from thousands

    of people in town to barely anyone.

    There are people in Kenya, silly.

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    Not as many as there are here.

    GreatI might as well be living up in the

    trees with the monkeys as us humans once did.

    Are you packed? Maddie asked, seeing that Winnie

    was only trying to make humor of their supposedly

    serious talk.

    Yeah. We are leaving here at noon.

    Ill probably be up late finishing all of my personal


    You dont own that much.

    Yes I do, my childhood stuff is the most special to

    me.Winnie rolled her eyes and stood up.

    Where are you going now? Trying to get out of

    Africa againand we havent even arrived!

    Maddie please, I didnt choose to walk in

    here you know.

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    I know. Dad told you to because instead of having to

    go through this transition alone he wanted us to

    encounter it together.

    Winnie didnt have a reply to this come

    backthere was nothing else to be said.

    (Next Page To Chapter Three)

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    Chapter Three

    Winnie had never been on an airplane before in her

    whole life. The fact that she had been offered to

    await boarding the aircraft in a sky lounge and was

    sitting in first class made her wonder if the reason

    why was because her father had been saving up for

    the journey to Africa.

    Such a smart cookie, her father said toMaddie

    because apparently she had asked exactly what Winnie

    had been keeping to herself.

    So are we going to have a mansion in Kenya

    too? She went on to ask.A mansion Im not so sure, but it will be a beautiful

    home. Maybe the most well constructed in the

    country, but that youll just have to wait and find out

    my dear.

    Fifteen hours. Why must the flight be fifteen hours

    long? Winnie wanted to ask this to her father as the

    planes engines revved up beneath them. She didnt

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    though, she leaned back in her seat and stared up at

    the off white ceiling above her. She wasnt scared of

    the plane ride, she was afraid of the destination and

    now her future. Thanks dad, she thought once she

    felt the plane taxi down the tarmac.

    Im actually excited now that were on the plane,

    Maddie said putting her blonde hair up into a clip. I

    was nervous at the thought, but now its really


    Thats right kiddo, their father said.

    Between you and I, I was afraid that Id never

    even get as far as looking into homes. I wonderhow your mother is doingprobably out with

    someone who is just as satisfied with plain old

    American life as she is I bet.

    Why would you wonder such things if you told her you

    never cared? Winnie broke into the conversation, but

    didnt realize she hadnt lowered her voice and now

    some people were looking her way.

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    Thats an interesting question, but its not

    one I can answer.

    And why is that?

    Winnie, stop. We are going to make a new

    beginning over in Africa. It does not do one well to

    live in the past when theyve got a bright future.

    This caused Winnie to laugh. Yeah rightbright.

    She saw that her father had turned to a

    magazine now, but she refused to see what it was on.

    Surely it was something in Swahili.


    Outside of Mombasa Airport, the atmosphere wassweltering. Winnie had only stepped outside for one

    minute so that her father could find their car and she

    felt beads of sweat forming at the hairline above her

    forehead. It must be at least ninety degrees out

    here, she said aloud though irritated.

    Actually, its eighty-nine if you want an

    exact temperature.

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    How do you know that?

    Maddie revealed a square gadget with a

    couple of buttons underneath a screen that did give

    you a reading of the exact temperature outside as

    well as inside for that matter. Dad got it for me on

    my birthday back in April. He said I needed something

    useful so he bought me this. It was seventy-two

    degrees back home in Rhode Island. Crazy right?

    Ill say, now where the hell is that ludicrous father

    of ours? Im going to die of heat stroke before I die

    of homesickness.

    There he is! Maddie pointed a finger aheadto a navy blue jeep. Its tires were massive and it

    looked less like a jeep, but more so a Monster Truck.

    That thing looks ridiculous compared to the regular

    trucks around here. Does he plan to drive over rocks

    in that vehicle?

    No idea.

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    The monster truck stopped before them and they

    watched as their father took one massive leap down

    from his seat onto the cement ground at the entrance

    of the airport. Hello girls, what do you think of my

    new ride?

    It looks

    Great dad! Maddie said quickly interrupting Winnies

    oncoming remark. Very large but, pretty cool.

    I was expecting that kind of reaction, it is

    a bit large isnt it?

    Yeah, whats up with the tires? Theyre as tall as

    you.It was Winnie who made this observation.Its all I could get for the price I offered

    the dealer. People here want money.

    Thats not surprising.

    Are you kidding? Maddie said. I thought

    this place would look way more out of sorts than it


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    Shes right, Winnie. Maybe you should give Kenya a

    chance to grow on you.

    Seriously dad, stop the jokes. This is wild

    life were moving into. Nobody washes more than once

    a week or eats fresh produce.

    Fine Winnie have it your way, Im done arguing with

    you on this matter for good!


    The Monster Truck stopped on the side of the endless

    dirt road. When Winnie looked out to her left side

    she noticed a cluster of gazelles grazing and feedingon the thick overgrown grass surrounding them. To her

    right was a medium sized blood red orange stucco built

    house that was only slightly bigger than the one they

    had back in Newport. Still, no matter how close to

    home her father would try to make this place it would

    never work. When she looked behind her, Winnie could

    just barely see the small town that they had passed

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    through ten minutes before. And looking ahead

    through the windshield she couldnt say that there was

    much either.

    Alright ladies, here we are. Mombasa Wildlife

    Reserve! And would you look at that, our house is

    right across from all of the animals! Maddie, you can

    practice your career from home. Winnie stuck her

    tongue out and pointed a finger at the back of her

    throat in disgust.

    Awesome! When can I start?

    As soon as you have unpacked all of your stuff and

    think you are ready to explore your new home.Maddie threw open the car door and hopped

    out letting out a scared sound when she hit the

    ground. Winnie however was hesitant to do so. Can

    you please consider a regular set of tires? She asked

    her father in as nice a tone as possible.

    If we are ever deported back to the United States,


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    Inside the house, Winnie carried all of her belongings

    toward the bedroom at the end of the corridor

    upstairs. She was shocked to see that the bedroom

    was as large as the kitchen and the den put together

    and contained a bathroom as well. If she wanted she

    didnt have to leave the room except for mealtimes.

    What else did she have to do with her life? If she

    wanted to find some sort of modeling school shed

    have to go to South Africa if anywhere in the

    continent at all. What time was it? She saw that

    there was a wooden wall clock above the bed post. It

    was one oclock in the afternoon yet Winnie wasexhausted. How was it that Maddie had the energy to

    chase after wild animals? Then again she was destined

    to do just that. Winnie stood and stared at the boxes

    that were full of her itemsbut insteadof opening

    them one by one, she decided to fall onto her bed and

    pass out.

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    (Next Page To Chapter Four)

    Chapter Four

    One week later, Winnie looked outside the window

    beside her bed to see her younger sister crossing the

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    dirt road to other side with a camera that was larger

    than her face dangling around her neck. She sat and

    watched as Maddie lifted the giant object before her

    and captured a photo of a rhino. She was also

    wondering why her sister had been outside so early in

    the morning, but realized it was almost ten am. The

    time difference was really impacting her internal

    clock. She slowly stood up and went to her walk in

    closet to see what she wanted to wear.

    Winnie! It was her father calling for her. She ran

    to the door and thrust it open to shout back

    downstairs.Yes dad?

    Are you going to go on a walk with Maddie and I

    along the reserve?

    And get eaten alive? Id rather not.

    Okay. Well, I had to ask, let alone tell you where we

    were going.

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    Okay, bye. Winnie closed the door once

    more and proceeded to get dressed. As she was

    sliding on her tank top, there was a knock at her

    door. Is that you dad?

    No. Its Maddie.

    Her sister stood at the door and in her right

    hand was a brochure. Winnie rolled her eyes. I

    thought I told dad millions of times I am not going to

    get into anything that involves animals.

    Its not wildlife related actually. Why dont you look

    at it before making assumptions? She held out the

    pamphlet and Winnie took it from Maddieshandcautiously before turning her back to her sister and

    closing the door once more.

    She sat down at her desk and glanced at the front

    cover. Maddie was right, it had nothing to do with

    animals, it was a waitress job. What made her father

    think she wanted to take peoples orders? She flipped

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    the item onto its back and saw a sticky note with

    writing on it:


    I know this isnt a modeling offer but its a decent

    and rather clean job. There is a small caf in town

    that needs a new waitress and I thought youd like to

    get out of the house for a few hours each day. All

    the information you need is inside the brochure from

    dress code to service hours.

    Love you,

    Your father

    ~Within a few days of handling the brochure for

    Mombasa Caf, Winnie found herself washing small

    round coffee tables free of pastry crumbs. It didnt

    bother her, but she was also the only Caucasian

    person who turned up at the place each day. What

    was hardest for Winnie was picking up Swahili because

    next to nobody spoke English.

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    That night, as she sat having dinner with her family,

    her father started to speak. Would you like me to

    buy you a Swahili to English dictionary?

    Winnie shrugged.

    Sure, fine, whatever. If you can find a

    book in good enough condition that offers the help Ill

    be grateful.

    Its a deal then, Ill go to the used BookNook in

    town and pull one out. It just might not be in the best

    condition depending on how many non Swahili speakers

    have come through this town.

    Dad, its fine. As long as I can get by onsomething.

    Okay, I just hope that one day youwill realize I only

    want the best for you.

    I know dad, said Maddie.

    Im glad you know Maddie, but I wish Winnie did


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    Winnie had been looking down at her plate of

    wild boar. Her father had took to hunting pig once a

    week when he wasnt doing other nature based

    activities. Still, Winnie couldnt deny that it was good

    despite the fact that it too had once been rolling

    around in dirt and other gross matter. Surprisingly, it

    was her father who now stood up from the table.

    Well sweeties, Im off to bed for a busy day

    tomorrow, love you both. He first kissed Maddie atop

    her head and then moved to Winnie and did just the

    same, It was as if there had never been conflict

    between them all this time.

    (Next Page To Chapter Five)

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    Chapter Five

    When Winnie awoke on the first day of July, she was

    laying on her stomach with her chin resting upon the

    top of her hands. Except, something was wrong with

    that picture. She had always been uncomfortable on

    her stomach and even her mother knew it since shehad been a baby.

    When she went to stretch, Winnie opened her eyes

    slightly and yawned. As she reached out in front of

    her, she found herself in the downward dog position

    not stretching out her arms but furry gold legs with

    enormous paws. In shock she leapt back and fell off

    the bed landing on her side. There was a tail hanging

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    loosely behind her as well with a bushy auburn tip to


    Now Winnie purposefully curled up on the floor in fear

    of herself with her overgrown once hands over her

    still round brown eyes which, she had met in the full

    length mirror on the wall across from her when she

    looked up accidentally.

    What time was it? Would someone walk into her room

    and see that she had become a feline beast? Would

    she become Maddies pet? There were so many

    questions Winnie had but didnt want answered. Being

    curled up at the foot of her bed wasnt the solutionthough. Slowly, Winnie clambered up onto all four legs

    and realized that she would not only look ridiculous

    but, fail at standing on only two and so she stayed

    that way. She made her way over to the mirror to

    examine herself more closely. She wasnt a tiger, she

    wasnt a leopard, not a jaguar, and definitely not a

    cheetah. Winnie had morphed into a lioness. But how?

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    She had been asleep all night. Again, there were no

    answers to this. She hung her head low and sulked at

    the rug underneath her and felt her claws dig into the

    fabric. She even heard them make scratching noises

    beneath her as well.

    Winnie went over to the window of which she was now

    just level with. The sight of which she saw before her

    now brought a lump into her throat. There was Maddie

    taking a photo of a real lioness! A lion that wasnt

    actually a human in disguise. But this metamorphosis

    wasnt fake either. Winnie had turned into a real legit

    lion whether she wanted to acknowledge it or not. Shetook her eyes away from her sister and instead

    turned them toward the wall. It was only eight am.

    Maybe her father was still asleep. She sure as hell

    hoped so. Winnie went into her closet and looked up

    at all of the clothes she once wore. What had

    happened to the night gown she fell asleep in last

    night? She left the wardrobe and saw a torn piece of

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    lingerie on the floor on the side of her bed. This

    made her want to scream. She paced the room a

    couple of times thinking about what to do. She

    couldnt go to work anymore, there was no question.

    Well, her father had been rich enough to move them

    all the way to Africa, he was on his own now. As for

    Maddie, she was as good as an only child as of now.

    Winnie hadnt been thinking about it, but she had

    suddenly become hungry. No, not just hungry,

    ravenous! Like she could eat anything you put in front

    of her. How would her father feel about raising a

    lion? Feeding one every day because she could nolonger feed herself. Then Winnie remembered the

    chocolate shed stolen from her sister one night she

    had bad cravings. There was still a bar of it inside

    her desk drawer and she just had to have it.

    Winnie pawed the handle of the top most drawer but

    couldnt find success in opening it andshe growled

    underneath her breath. This time she took advantage

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    of her razor sharp canines to open it and this time

    succeeded. Yes! She said excitedly to herself as she

    fished out the sweet.

    It fell to the floor and she tore the wrapper off with

    her claws. With one bite the chocolate was in her

    mouth, but while she was chewing it she developed the

    most foul taste in her mouth like none she had ever

    had while savoring such a good treat. This is nasty,

    she thought to herself. Winnie didnt dare spit it out

    on the carpet though. She swallowed the darned

    chocolate bar only now wishing for some water to rinse

    away the flavor.~

    Winnie? Winnie, come outside quick! Its mating

    season for a couple of zebras! Maddie called through

    out the house. I got a shortvideo clip, but you

    should see this.

    Winnie didnt know whether to respond to her

    sister or not. She had no intention of drawing Maddie

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    into her bedroom while she was in this state. She

    wouldnt have to come out,not unless it was her

    father who demanded to see her.

    Are you there big sis? Maddie called again. Dad is

    out there too!

    There were footsteps coming up the staircase

    now. I better speak, Winnie said. That way she wont

    come into my room! I cant, Imnot ready, she said

    at the door even though she was on her bed, on her

    stomach once again.

    Oh my gosh! Is there a lion in your room? Winnie,

    hold on! Im going to get dad, she cried out.Shit. Was Winnies normal speaking voice now a roar

    to humans? She had to get out, but the window was

    shut. She jumped off of the bed and thought fast.

    There must be something she could break the glass

    withanything! But even for a lion her thinking wasnt

    as fast as her body.

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    The door was thrown open and Winnie saw her sister

    standing there as white as a ghost and her father

    looked sweaty, his cheeks were a rosy hue. Winnie!

    Winifred Hope! Where are you?

    That lionit ate her dad! Maddie said

    pointing to the actual Winnie.

    Winnie didnt move though. She sat on herhind legs

    obediently and just looked up at both her family

    members as calm as possible. Wait a minute Maddie.

    Her father took one step inside the bedroom. If

    Winnie had been eaten there would have been blood,

    pieces of flesh, and bones. Go and look in the closetMaddie.

    Maddie did as she was told but came back

    out as soon as she was in. No corpse in here, the

    body wasnt hidden I suppose.

    Just then Winnie went up to her father, who by

    instinct went still. She rubbed herself against his legs

    and purred like in the case of many cats who loved

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    their owner. This indeed took her father by surprise.

    This isnt a wild lionit cant be. Shes tame and

    seems to have been raised by a human. But, I dont

    understand how she got inside the house, let alone all

    the way up here in Winnies room. Winnie looked up

    and met eyes with her father who happened to be

    looking down at her that very moment as well. They

    stayed like that for a few moments, in silence.

    Um, dad? You alright? Maddie asked,

    tapping her father on his upper arm.

    Shes got eyes likeChestnuts! Her father said aloud.

    Yeah so? She must be a mutant cat.FuckWinnie? Isis that you?

    Honestly dad, youre talking to a freaking


    Now, just wait a second young lady He kept on

    scrutinizing the lioness who was in fact his daughter.

    Winniemy baby girl?

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    Winnie rubbed the top of her head on her fathers


    My Winnie! He dropped to his knees and threw his

    arms around the female lion with a mix of emotions.

    Tears of joy and sadness came down his cheeks, from

    the corners of his eyes. Maddie, its your sister.

    No, thats a lion.

    Look at her! Think about it! I keep the doors locked

    all the time and the windows! This lion happened to

    be in her room as opposed to yours or mine. She has

    her eyes! You cant really be second guessing.

    I justI guess I dont want to believe thatWinnies a lion.

    Maddie, you love lions!

    Just as Winnie has feared, becoming her

    younger sisters pethad now become a possible

    reality. I know I do, but thats my sister.

    Her father stood back up. Its alright Winnie, we

    still love you. You will be a teenage girl again before

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    you know it. He turned to leave the room butthen

    looked back. Come outside if you feel like it.

    (Next Page To Chapter Six)

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    Chapter Six

    Winnie was restless that night. She had left her room

    to go outside twice that day. Once around noon and

    then again at dinner time. Both times to eat and

    hydrate herself. Winnie did this as quick as possible

    though, she didnt want to get too dirty. She was

    clean and she liked the way her golden fur gleamed

    underneath the sunlight. At the same time it didnt

    feel right inside her bedroom anymore. When the

    moon was full in the sky late that night, she looked to

    see that the reserve across the street was scattered

    with animal night life. The longer she stood andwatched this affair the emptier she began to feel.

    Im not a human anymore! She cried inside her mind.

    And I will probably be that way for the rest of my

    lifeSo what am I doing inside a home where no one

    understands my situation? Winnie was unsure if

    animals cried but, she was and she didnt know why.

    Her dad loved her, her sister had more or less

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    accepted the fact that she was a lion. What was her

    issue then? Maybe it was the fact that there was no

    more real communication between them. At that

    moment Winnie lost control, she took a paw and

    swiped the lamp from her bed side table onto the

    floor and roared. Then, she took the music box she

    had been given to by her mother between her teeth

    and broke the window so a good portion of the glass

    shattered onto the ground and there was a hole big

    enough to slip through. She heard voices outside her

    bedroom door muttering nervously, but before anyone

    could notice her leave, she took on the twenty footjump without any fear and landed upon her feet onto

    the grass taking off at a run across the silent road

    into the reserve.


    It was very bright underneath the full moon that

    shined above the massive field where the animals

    stood, many of them admiring the pattern of stars,

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    the constellation Cancer. Winnie stood in the midst of

    them all, noticing that she was now being stared at by

    a clique of giraffes.

    She turned the other way so that she didnt have to

    meet their small gleaming eyes, of which looked

    anything but welcoming. Winnie went to the far edge

    of the expansive piece of dry land and found herself

    standing along the edge of a thick wood, a rain forest

    from what she registered from the outside looking in.

    She looked back once more at the cluster of giraffes

    who she could hear whispering. They were speaking in

    English that was for certain, but she could barelymake out what they were talking about. Perhaps it

    was about her? It would make sense. Why else would

    they be whispering if there were no human ears to

    hear them mutter underneath their breaths?

    Winnie stepped through the thickets and stepped into

    the damp atmosphere of the Mombasa Rain Forest. In

    here, she heard the suttle chirping of birds coming

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    from the canopies of the tallest trees and the slight

    hissing of a snake slithering over the ground

    somewhere nearby.

    She stood rooted to her spot for a moment, taking in

    the atmosphere before continuing through the shrubs.

    There was a rustling around her but Winnie kept

    moving onward, determined to keep all fright out of

    her mind. It was really dark now. She could barely

    see a thing, though she wasnt entirely blind. She was

    certain that it would take time for her eyes to adjust

    to the low level of light. And so she began to slow her

    strides through the forest, but as clumsy as she wasas a human, that hadnt changed at all when she

    became a lion. Winnie tripped over the extensive root

    of a tree and tumbled into a body of water. A rather

    shallow river from what she made out because the

    rocks hit her immediately. She cursed loudly as she

    scrambled out not only freezing to the core, but

    devastated that her attempt to stay clean was

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    starting to fail. There was no way that the water in

    this rain forest was sanitary, she was becoming a

    dirty cat already! As she lay down, waiting to dry off,

    Winnie looked at her reflection in the river before

    her. Uglyjust a disgrace to human nature! Her nose

    was too big and her jaw was much too wide to be

    feminine. She slapped the water hard with a paw the

    same way she did the lamp and it created a loud

    splashing as it did when she had fallen in.

    She had began to doze off when she heard a voice

    close by. Hey, you! Lion!

    Winnie lifted up her head from the ground tosee through heavy eyes that there was a panther

    standing on the other side of the unmoving river.

    What do you want?... She grumbled with extreme


    Woah! Bite my head off kitty, have you gone mad?

    What are you talking about? Im trying to


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    Sleep? Lions dont sleep at night, at least, youll find

    that most like to bake in the sun during the day.

    Well, Im not one to conform to the nature

    of feline bestiality, if you must know.

    What on earth? Where is your clan? Or rather, your


    I never had one and I dont plan on joining

    one. Now if you dont mind, Ill ask that you leave me

    to wallow in a life I wish to drastically end without

    the act of suicide.

    Girl, you got issues.

    I got issues? You think youre cool? Living upin the branches of trees, licking the termites off your

    skin? You animals are the ones with issues.

    But you are animal! Dont you get it kitty? Youre a


    No Im not.

    Oh please, dont humor me. Have you looked in the

    river lately?

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    Unfortunately yes.

    Then whats the deal?

    Winnie opened her mouth to speak, but

    closed it again at once. Never mind

    YeahI thought so, said the panther before walking

    off again into the darkness of the night.

    (Next Page To Chapter Seven)

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    Chapter Seven

    For some four days, Winnie stayed in the same spot,

    only moving a short distance to drink from the river

    and eat the plants and or small creatures that

    surrounded her. She knew that she would not survive

    off her fantasy of fresh cut Sirloin. She even took

    the risk and sniffed at her arms occasionally to see if

    she smelled. All that she could pick up was the scent

    of fallen leaves and old rain. Yes, it had rained once

    the previous night. Yet, as stubborn as Winnie was,

    she had no intention of moving, but rather hoped that

    it would rain long enough to drown her.When she opened her eyes on this morning, she heard

    monkeys screeching and bickering up in the tree tops.

    Probably fighting over some rotten banana, Winnie

    thought to herself. That is after all what monkeys did

    best. This made her smile. In fact, these were the

    only thoughts that kept her from sinking into a more

    severe form of depression.

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    Actually, Winnie was contemplating if she should

    bother moving locations on this day. One voice was

    telling her that it wasnt worth it and that she may

    accidentally fall this time in a pile of manure. Another

    voice was telling her to go and explore her new

    surroundings and see what she comes upon. Neither

    were very convincing.

    She was clawing at an aquamarine feather, which at

    some point in the last six hours had fallen right next

    to her. Then suddenly, something hit her full force on

    her left shoulder. She jumped up onto a four of her

    legs defensively scanning the area for the attacker.But then, she was hit again on the head. She glanced

    down to see that it was a mango and those only came

    from the trees. She looked up and saw that a gray

    baboon was sitting upon a branch about fifteen feet

    up in the air and he was laughing hysterically. Youre

    lucky I dont come up there! She hissed to the

    monkey. Whats your problem anyway?

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    This stopped the baboons cackling and he

    stared at her. My problem? I dont have a problem?

    Mind you, I have noticed that youre the one who

    hasnt moved in a few days. I think its fair to ask

    yourself the same question?

    Listen, I dont know what that panther was onto and

    what youre trying to get at now, but I suggest you go

    on and continue your monkey business.

    Winnie started to walk away but stopped in

    her tracks when the baboon landed in front of her. I

    see that you are having trouble with yourself,

    Winnie.Trouble? What? How do you know my name?

    I cannot reveal to you that, but I know that

    what you are struggling with comes from within. What

    youre missing now is an answer.

    Oh Isee, Winnie said in amusement. Youre

    supposed to be one of those wise monkeys who helps

    the one in distress.

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    You are correct, said thebaboon putting

    the tip of his finger on Winnies nose. And old Kaj is

    going to tell Winnie what she has been lost in all

    these days.

    You are! Winnie was excited. Will it helpbecome

    human again?

    The baboon named Kaj was not shocked to

    hear this. Perhaps. But, first Winnie must

    understand what it takes.

    Please Kaj! Tell me, what do I need to do? Ill do

    anything! Winnie begged.

    Kaj knows why you are here, and how thiscame to be.

    Thats all good, but get to the point! Winnie sat

    down anxiously.

    Winnie has been prejudice against the

    nature of animals since she knew what one was. She

    thought they were dirty, hideous, can feel no love!

    She hated them so much that she hated Africa! This

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    wasnt going to be a pleasant life for dear Winnie.So

    Winnie wakes up one day and she is a lioness! She is

    fearful now of herself and in disgust of what she has

    come to be. And so unable to speak about this to her

    human loved ones, she runs away here with the other

    animals. Yet, she still hesitates to accept her

    metamorphosis. Winnie has to learn something very

    important while she is inside a lions body before she

    can become human again. She must learn to love

    herself, others like herself, and Africa. The baboon

    stopped speaking and opened his eyes, for they had

    been shut this whole time while he spoke.But I do! I love Africa now, the animals are cool too!

    Im awesome!She said trying to sound the most


    Winnie must not just think that inside her

    mind, she must also feel it inside her heart, the

    baboon put a hand where Winnies heart was beating.

    Thats a bunch of philosophical

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    No, it is not! Kaj interrupted. Old Kaj

    knows the legends and the happenings of many things.

    He will not lie or fail to guide those in need like


    Fine then, I dont need you. I love Africa and thats

    that. I can live with my own guide, inside my own



    Winnie had come to the conclusion that everyone on

    the reserve was insane and even they, animals,

    wouldnt understand her. This baboon who calledhimself Kaj didnt run after her when she stormed

    away, but rather stayed in his place shaking his ahead

    muttering something she couldnt quite hear, but didnt

    care to know nonetheless.

    She left the rain forest part and went back out into

    the grassy field. The snooty giraffe clique had been

    replaced by a group of male tigers. Of course, as she

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    expected all of their heads turned when she walked

    by. A couple even had the nerve to cat call at her and

    point out how easy she looked. Men, she thought.

    Human or animal they are all the same inside. She

    looked towards her home to see that her father was

    getting into his Monster Truck, not sparing a glance

    out at the wild life. Had he and Maddie been looking

    for her? She doubted it. Maybe they understood that

    she was better off with those who didnt live inside

    the walls of a house but, rather preferred the

    comfort of sleeping underneath the shade of trees or

    bathing in the sun for that matter. Winnie didnttrouble herself with anymore thoughts such as these.

    Instead, she focused on a group of galloping gazelles

    and watched them intently. Would she have to kill one

    if she wanted to eat something as close to a steak as

    possible? She was indecisive. That would be

    conforming to the disturbing nature of animal life.

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    The very last thing Winnie wanted to do, but was

    unsure if she would much longer have a choice.

    (Next Page To Chapter Eight)

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    Chapter Eight

    Winnie woke underneath the shade of a large Sequoia

    tree to hear an irksome singing coming from up in the

    branches. She put her paws over her ears but the

    poorly tuned voice only grew louder and when she

    looked up there was old Kaj swinging on the lowest

    branch near her. Would you quit it?

    Has Winnie found it in her heart to accept her new


    She looked away from the baboon and rolled

    her eyes. I might just kill myself if you dont go

    away.I will take that as a no. And what good would that

    do to become what you refuse to eat? Dead meat!

    Listen,if it flatters you I have eaten some

    okay? Just, not a lot.

    Its not enough! You must eat until you are satisfied.

    At this point Winnie had gotten to her feet

    intending to walk away when a furry hand yanked hard

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    of the tip of her tail making her jump. Listen

    youyou banana brain! She shouted at the monkey

    who wore the most innocent expression at the

    moment. Im not going to spend the rest of my life

    hearing you go on about legendary myths! Go and

    enlighten someone dumb enough to believe each and

    every word. But dont waste another breathe on me.

    Winnie began to sprint away from the tree at full

    speed coursing with anger and adrenaline. Not

    watching entirely where she was going, she collided

    with another solid figure, tripped, and the last thing

    she recalled was hitting her head on the edge of alarge stone rock.

    When she came to and her vision became stable,

    Winnie made out the face of a male lion with

    chocolate brown fur and a dark mane staring down at

    her with emerald green eyes. It wasnt a sight for

    sore eyes, but she kept that to herself. No lion ever

    looked the least attractive to her.

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    At first Winnie couldnt say a word, her head was

    throbbing and she believed for a moment that maybe

    she had severe brain damage. But then words

    emanated from her mouth. What happened? She

    tried to lift her head from the ground, but that only

    made her feel worse.

    I am so sorry, I didnt see you coming and I

    was being chased

    Winnie laughed at this explanation and this caught the

    male lion off guard. Im not joking! I thought Id

    killed you.

    Somehow Winnie had found the strength togo from being on her side to being on her stomach and

    she felt the throbbing become a dull ache. Well

    then, I guess you over exaggerated a bit, didnt you?

    I suppose, but are you sure that youre alright?

    Hows your head?

    Aside from the overly large bump thats

    going to appear, I think Im okay.

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    Im glad to hear itum, I didnt catch your name.

    Winifred, but please, dont you dare call me

    that. My name is Winnie.

    The male lion chuckled for the first time since their

    encounter. Alright then Winnie, Im Tariq.

    Tariq, you sound like one of those bad boys who likes

    to have his fun while us innocent girls sit and watch on

    the side lines, ignored.

    The lion named Tariq was taken aback. Now thats a

    bit of a misinterpretation dont you think? If I was

    one of those lions I would have just let you be food

    for the vultures. I stood and waited hours until youopened your eyes so that I could be assured you were


    Winnie got to her feet now, she was

    speechless after hearing of this act of kindness. She

    turned her eyes away from Tariq and muttered,


    No problem.

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    Where am I? She asked suddenly not

    recognizing her surroundings.

    You are in the Pride lands, in other words, miles

    from the edge of the reserve.

    No, I have to go back! She said now


    But you are with other lions now! Winnie, you were

    coming from a direction where hardly any of us go.

    You dont understand, Winnie started to

    say in a shaky tone. I dont belong out herein this


    You cant go back, besides, its at least five miles.ListenTariq, I didnt ask to be brought all

    the way out here. I was perfectly happy where I was

    on the edge of the reserve.

    Really? Because most would have been thankful for

    what I have done. I saved your life!

    Winnie sat down, she had walked a few yards

    away from Tariq as they argued. All of a sudden she

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    felt emotion wash over her again but refused to show

    it and so she didnt speak.

    Hey, are you okay? Tariq asked from behind her.

    Im sorry.

    Winnie wished that out of all the words he uttered,

    he wouldnt have said those two. Im sorryrepeated

    inside her head. It almost made things worse in her

    mind. But why? Why did she pity a lion that she

    barely knew? A lion who was so sincere and keen on

    making sure that she was neither physically or

    emotionally hurting. It was all very strange to her.

    Please, Tariq. Dont apologize.Why not? She heard his voice become more

    clear as it was more evident he was approaching her


    Because, it should be me saying those words. To you,

    to that baboon, to that pantherto my father and


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    I see, wellyou dont have to. I understand

    that youre too upset to say much else at the moment.

    I think that you need timeto be alone.

    From the corner of her eye, Winnie saw Tariq turn

    around and begin to walk away. Is that really what

    she wanted? No, she wanted anything but to be alone.

    Wait! She cried.

    Tariq stopped about twenty feet away and looked back

    at her. Please, dont go, shesaid in a lower voice.


    Where do you come from? Winnie asked Tariq thatnight when the moon was up in the sky casting their

    shadows over the ground where they lay.

    Itsa complicated story.

    Really? Mine too.


    Winnie nodded.

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    Then Im sure well understand each other


    Nobodys ever understood me.

    Oh come on, not one person?

    Not one.

    Tariq didnt say anything else. Winnie assumed that

    what she had said, there was no right response let

    alone any.

    (Next Page To See Chapter Nine)

    Chapter Nine

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    The following late afternoon, Tariq was crouched low

    in the tall grass, his eyes focused upon a grazing

    antelope. Winnie was watching behind him, interested

    to see his skill in sneaking up and scaring his prey

    though he had no intention on eating this one. Watch

    and learn, he sneeredwith a playful smirk upon his

    face. With silent sprints forward and one giant leap,

    the antelope only caught sight of Tariq as he grabbed

    hold of the animal on its side knocking it down below


    Please! Dont eat me, Im too young to die. The

    antelope was covering its eyes with its hooves, shakingfearfully, praying for dear life.

    Quickly, Tariq let the animal go and without

    looking back, the antelope took off as fast as he

    could before Tariq could change his mind.

    Instead, he turned around to meet eyes with an

    impressed Winnie. Well? Not such a bad actor, am


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    You got me there, you must never go


    I wouldnt say that. You see, Im too nice a guy to

    be killing five animals a day like some of the other

    lions out there. One is enough. They got family too.

    At hearing of Tariqs sensitivity, Winnies

    heart began to beat at a fast pace as they continued

    their walk. No, I cantbe growing soft for a lion! She

    thought with a temptation to slap herself across the

    face. Youre very sweet, she said hoping to push

    away the intense feelings of admiration and sincere

    interest.You think so? A smile came across Tariqs gentle

    expression. Come with me, I want to show you

    something. They took a sharp turn to the right

    toward a break in a large pile of broken down rock.

    As they approached, Winnie took note that it was

    dark inside the opening. Was he going to show her a

    cave? She didnt have such high hopes forthis

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    surprise and so she refrained from being too excited.

    Tariq came to a stop before she could even enter.

    Its dark in there. Maybe you should go in

    first, Winnie said with a nervous giggle.

    Ha! Trying to hide your manners there Miss Winnie?

    Well thats not going to work with me, go ahead,

    ladies first. He gave her a slight pushon the

    backside so that she slid across the damp ground,

    which was almost as smooth as ice, and hoped that

    she wouldnt fall. Her wish was granted, Winnie was

    still on all fours when she had stopped sliding and

    came to the edge of the slippery floor.When Winnie looked to see if Tariq was

    coming, she noticed him gliding across the ground,

    doing all sorts of tricks on his front paws toward the

    end where she waited. He was laughing in amusement

    when he came to a halt beside her. Man! What a

    rush isnt it?

    I suppose.

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    Well, lets carry on shall we? This isnt the end you


    The tunnel that they now walked through was

    dim so they could just barely see. When Winnie

    glanced to her right and to her left she spied wall

    paintings that seemed to have been done by humans

    years ago. This worried her. Maybe they were still

    here, in the place they were headed right now. Um


    Whats up?

    Are you sure that where we are going is

    safe?There wasnt an answer. Tariq stopped and when

    Winnie looked around him to see why, she noticed a

    curtain of long leaves before them blocking their view.

    Close your eyes, he instructed her. Ill stay in

    front of you so that you dont trip and black out


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    Winnie felt the leaves brush the top of her

    body as they passed through and it seemed they were

    going down hill over much shorter grass this time. She

    also heard the sound of rushing water, as if there

    was a river with rapids flowing nearby or perhaps a


    Soon she felt a paw on her chest and Tariq said,


    She did as she was told.

    Open your eyes.

    Winnie did. It was beautiful! It wasnt like the

    rainforest she had been through before. This was asort of jungle paradise out of the movie Lion King.

    That had been her favorite film as a child. It had

    come out when she was a toddler and funny enough,

    she wished she could fall in love in a place like this

    just like Simba and Nala. There were mystical trees

    everywhere, a water fall that descended into a silent

    body of water. Could I just stay here forever? She

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    back to her now. She felt a tug inside her chest and

    a wave of sympathy. She didnt know whatto do. How

    to make him feelnot alone.

    Hey, Winnie said in a comforting tone. Its alright.

    No. Winnie, Tariq sighed. Theres

    something I need to tell you. Something I shouldnt

    hold back from saying much longer.

    Winnie went silent and sat down, looking at the side

    of Tariqsface, which was now drawn with something

    that resembled pain.

    What do you mean?

    Winnie. I know that we havent beentogether for such a long time, let alone known each

    other. But I already know that you bring out a whole

    other side of me, a part of me that I never knew I

    had. You might not have noticed it, but when Im in

    your presence I feel complete. Sounds pretty cheesy

    I know, but thats what I should have been

    likebefore all of thishappened to me.

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    Before whathappened? I dont understand.

    Another sigh. Winnie, Im a Prince.

    Winnies eyes grew wide. You mean, an actual human


    Yes, a human Prince. I was actually the heir

    to a ruler of a kingdom in Northern Kenya.

    Butwhat happened?

    I didnt want to hurt you Winnie. I knew you

    were the kind of girl who had been hurt one too many

    times before and I never intended to treat you that

    way. But the pressure of going home again and being a

    human was too great. Then I found, just minutes ago,just this morning, maybe even last night, when you

    were by my side, when you complimented me, and then

    admired my home, that you were much more than

    what I needed to be back in my kingdom. You are the

    one I want in my life even after I morph back into a

    human again! I dont feel like I need to be a king

    anymore as long as I can have my queen.

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    Winnie tried to process all of it, but it was too much

    to handle. You were using me to become human so

    that you could go back home? You would have left me

    here alone with all of the other animals?

    No, yes, no! I mean, at first yesthose were

    my initial intentions, but then it changed all so

    quickly. The way I began to feel about youUgh! Im

    so stupid! Tariq growled.

    I cant believe itI trusted you! I listened to you, I

    felt for you, I admired you! I actually began to not

    only accept you but, me, even Africa! I could have

    become an actual teenage girl again too!You still can, you see. Now that Ive

    explained myself, I want to tell you how sorry I am.

    That none of this monarchy business matters to me

    anymoreWinnie, I love you!

    Winnie had already started sprinting away from the

    waters edge toward the opening in a grassy hill where

    the tunnel ended. She had no intention on looking

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    back, it would only make her feel more terrible and

    for no reason she could think of. She drowned out the

    desperate calls from Tariq as best she could. He only

    wanted to be a prince again! Yesterday when he saved

    her it was so that he could be human! Yesterday when

    he had let her have the more meatier part of the

    gazelle it was probably so that he could boss all of

    the people around one day like his father! Maybe even

    last night when they were making out shapes in the

    stars too. Then this morning when they laughed

    together at each others stupid jokes. When they had

    to escape a cluster of rhinos because Tariq pulled oneof their tails as a prank. Then he had impressed her

    with his cunning hunting skills. He had finally crossed

    the line when he had shown her his home.

    Now Winnie hadnt even bothered to keep her balance

    as she glided out from the dark tunnel and back

    underneath the cloudless night. She just went over it

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    upon her stomach, waiting for the momentum to slow

    her down before she rose onto her feet.

    Winnie was back in the midst of all the tall grass and

    it tickled her somewhat on spots around her ankles.

    She hadnt paid attention to the feeling before, but

    now that she was alone in this part of the Pride Lands

    she noticed all of the little things she hadnt prior to

    hearing the sad truth.

    Winnie looked up at the stars hoping to see one very

    bright flying across the black velvet sky so that she

    could make a wish. There was none. But there was

    indeed a picture painted in the sky that she made out.Winnie wanted to believe that she was only

    hallucinating but, she was certain that there were two

    lions, a male and a female standing face to face with

    some sort of strange barrier in between them. She

    couldntmake out what exactly that wall was, but she

    didnt care much either. She never did before Tariq

    had pointed out a couple of symbols the previous

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    night. I should have known then, Winnie thought to

    herself. He had been pointing out small things that

    she hadnt even questioned. It was because he was so

    interesting that she forgot she was supposed to be

    ignorant toward everything he told her. Because of it

    she was once again betrayed, as she was before her

    metamorphosis, and before Africa came into the

    picture, and started to grow on her for a short time.

    (Next Page To See Chapter Ten)

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    Chapter Ten

    Winnie stayed up all night, walking, sprinting, stopping

    to glance up occasionally to see if there was something

    written in the stars that would guide her along a path

    where shed be truly happy. Happy like shed been

    these last couple of daysor so she thought.

    Right now, as the sun began to give off a peach glow

    against the sky, Winnie could make out the end of the

    reserve. And a little ways past that, the place she

    once could call home. She took off at a run now,anxious to get a closer look. Maybe she could even

    cross that lonely road again and walk upon her

    property. Glance through the windows in hopes of

    seeing either her father or sister. That was all she

    really needed, to see that they were happy. Even if it

    was without her around, it was the sight of them that

    sent a warm feeling through out her whole body.

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    Except, when she came to the side of the road where

    she would have to cross, her nerves stopped her.

    Winnie developed all of these questions inside her

    mind. What if they were to see her? Would they tell

    her to go away, or would they take her in again?

    Maybe they wouldnt do either, maybe this time her

    father wouldnt recognize her at all. Winnie found dirt

    stuck in the crevices of her paw and she already knew

    that there was no way she looked the way she had

    when she escaped her home. Unknowingly, wild life

    had taken ahold of her and she had become a real

    lioness roaming the Mombasa reserve. Winnie had noidea how much ones feelingscould change in almost

    forty-eight hours. For a moment all she could do was

    glance across the road at the house that stood

    peacefully on the other side of her. Winnie looked

    around her once but then she took a single step

    forward so that a paw was resting up the dirt road

    that lay in between her and her home.

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    And where are you going? Came a loud but,

    unfortunately familiar voice. The baboon, Kaj, stepped

    in front of Winnie, blocking her tracks.

    Home, if thats alright with you.

    Winnie must not go home now, what about her



    To be a girl again, a human.

    Its hopeless.

    That is where you are wrong! Youve already started

    your journey, and now there is no way out.

    Nice try monkey. But, Im better offwithout the suffering.

    If thats what Winnie wants! If she wants to

    underestimate old Kaj then let her go ahead. He wont

    say I told you so!

    Winnie had tuned out the baboon as she

    approached the side of the road of which her house

    stood. It had not changed, not even on the outside.

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    The stucco was still new and intact as were the print

    free windows. Hers seemed to have been long repaired

    when she glanced up. If only she could jump up as

    easily as she had down. She so badly wanted to see

    her bedroom once again, to see if her mother had in

    fact remembered to contact her despite the

    inconvenience back at home in Rhode Island.

    Winnie wished to know the time now. She had

    officially lost track and two days ago felt like a

    month. Time had dragged since she had set foot in

    wild life. Maybe even since she had morphed into a

    lion. Now she began to walk even closer to the house.She wanted with a burning passion to catch a glimpse

    of something that resembled a father or a sister.

    There werent any words to describe how much she

    missed them now. Not that they would understand the

    words she said anymore anyway because she already

    knew that they couldnt.

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    Winnie looked through the window that she

    believed to be the kitchen. The table seemed to be

    set as if her father and Maddie were going to have

    some sort of formal breakfast together. Maybe

    something great had happened and she wasnt there to

    celebrate with them. At that moment she wished to

    be inside, to see if that was the case. But that too

    she knew she couldnt manage. So instead, she made

    her way toward the window looking inside the den

    where her father often watched the news, which by

    the way wasnt nearly as interesting as it was in the

    United States. At least, that was what Winniethought.

    Her heart went up into her throat when she

    saw what was happening inside the den. It was so

    early, yet she saw that Maddie was helping dress her

    father in an outfit that didnt at all look the least

    American. Was it an African holiday? Did he need to

    wear something for a job he had acquired since she

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    ran away? Now she wished to jumped through this

    window to find that out as well. What on earth was

    going on inside her home? Or what was once her

    home? Why was her father dressing so outside his

    personality? Or maybe now he wasjust Maddies

    father. She sighed at the fact that she would never

    know the answers.

    (Next Page To Chapter Eleven)

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    Chapter Eleven

    Sometime passed before Winnie told herself that it

    was time to move on. She had been peeking in the

    living room window, ducking when she felt like Maddie

    and or her father might look her way. She didnt know

    how she would react if they were to notice her spying

    on them. Most likely shed have run back into the

    reserve, but then again she might have just waited tosee if they would come out and see her.

    Now, her father was pacing around the room. He had

    a bouquet of flowers in one hand and his cell phone in

    the other, pressed up to his ear. She didnt know

    what to make of this, but Maddie looked anxious as

    she kept glancing at the wall clock that Winnie could

    barely see. Maybe it was seven am? What did it

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    matter? She continued to pursue her original plan and

    started to walk away from the window. She started to

    cross the street, but felt like she needed to take one

    more glance back at the house. Just in case they

    decided by some off chance to open the door and

    welcome her inside. At least so she could hear about

    whatever was going on. It wasnt going to happen

    though, she knew it. Instead, at the next moment

    something more unexpectedmore tragic had come at

    Winnie. A normal sized car, going at least fifty miles

    per hours on this empty roadshe tried to get out of

    the way and the car tried to stop but the both ofthem were too late. There was yet another collision

    between a solid something and Winnie. Karma, she

    thought before losing consciousness. Deep now Winnie

    knew that she needed this to happen, for it was a

    wake up call.


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    When Winnie opened her eyes she wasnt on the road

    being picked and prodded at by a bunch of vultures,

    but being healed by a rather young looking African

    woman who was pretty emotional at this moment. I

    cant believe this, I didnt see her crossing the road I

    must have been so excited. Im sorry.

    Its alright babe, you see, shes alive,

    Winnies father said in hopes of assuring this woman

    who must be his new partner. Then he turned to smile

    at Winnie herself. Its going to be alright sweetie,

    Terkina is taking care of you. Shes a nurse and does

    this for a living.Winnie wanted to say that she didnt need this

    womans help, but that would be useless and a lie. She

    lay still on the carpet underneath her secretly wanting

    to be back outside. Shell need time to resther leg.

    Winnie should not try and walk for some time. Id say

    about a week or so. I suggest you help her to eat,

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    drink, go about doing her business until the bones

    have healed completely.

    At hearing this, Winnies eyes became wide

    and she felt afraid. Stay at home for a week?! No.

    She wanted to say to the both of them that wouldnt

    happen. Now she regretted ever crossing the street

    to see what her family was up to. She should have

    known the way her father was getting all dolled up

    and how he was holding those roses. Winnie should

    have been expecting a car to come soaring down the

    road at such a fast speed because there was never

    anyone driving ahead or behind. A crazy thought cameacross her mind. Come the next three or four days

    she would escape, this time not via the window.


    That evening someone walked into Winnies room

    unannounced. It was Maddie, caution was drawn over

    her face when she looked over to her lioness sister,

    but she didnt run back out of the room. Hi.

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    Winnie smiled. She wondered if she could still write

    with a pen and some paper. Nah, her paws were too

    big. She just nodded at her sister and gestured her

    to come over to her. Maddie obeyed and this was

    shocking to her.

    I dont knowfor certain if you can still

    understand me since youvechanged. But, I miss you

    Winnie, sounds stupid right? And I still do. I know we

    used to get on each others nerves all the time, and

    now I find myself hoping that one day we will again.

    Winnie moved her front paw to Maddies lap since it

    was her back leg which had been broken and shehoped this would assure her sister.

    You wont believe it when I tell you this

    Winnie, but a class that I take at school teaches you

    how to speak to certain animals. I thought it was

    stupid when I first heard of it to be honest. Then,

    after I saw what happened to you that morning, and

    then when you ran awayI felt like that if you ever

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    came back I wanted to connect with you. Even if it

    was through animal communication. Actually, funny

    enough, this whole time Ive been speaking in that

    language to you. It may seem like normal words to you

    but, I am speaking in lion dialect.

    Winnie was impressed by this. So maybe she could

    speak to her sister after all. Just wait and see, a

    voice inside her head told her.

    So tell me Winnie, where did you go?

    Winnie was ecstatic. This was her opportunity to

    speak! I ran away into the reserve, then into a rain

    forest. I was still miserable and I had come across apanther who began to question me. He thought I was

    insane, how I was speaking as if I wasnt a lion

    because obviously he thought thats what I truly was.

    Eventually he left me alone though and I was


    A panther? Id love to see one of those

    some day.

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    Yeah. But get this! After some time, there was a

    baboon. His name was Kaj, he was older and he told

    me why this metamorphosis had happened to me.

    Oh mygosh, really? What did he tell you,


    That since I had despised animals, lions, and even

    the idea of Africa I needed to learn

    Learn what?

    What it means to be accepting. To accept others,

    yourself, a certain place. He said I had to feel it in

    my heart before I could truly become a human again.

    I guess you didnt get that far yet, didyou?

    Winnie began to feel sick. She had been so close,

    after she met and spent time with Tariq. He was

    teaching her how to enjoy being who she was and the

    hidden beauty that lay within Africa. If only it hadnt

    started as a plot, but something real.

    Winnie, are you alright?

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    I was close. Maddie, I met someone and I was

    almost human again.

    Who? Was it another wise monkey?

    No, it wasnt. It was a lion, he was a prince who had

    been cursed. Apparently he had to feel true feelings

    of love in order to become a human again himself. I

    thought hed want to use me when we met. So over

    the course of about two days we spent every moment

    together, having so much fun. I think that there was

    something more between usI think he even changed

    his mind. Like it wasnt just a plan anymore, but that

    he actually loved me for who I was.And then what? You ran away?!

    I told you Maddie! I thought Tariq was just using me

    to get back into his kingdom.

    Maybe at first! But Winnie, the more you

    were speaking about it the more clear it was becoming

    that this lion was starting to fall in love with youfor


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    I just figured that out too. I guess when I told you

    about a minute ago, I realized the truth myself. A

    plot almost instantly turned into unexpected love.

    Exactly! And you ran away.

    And I almost got myself killed doing so, Winnie


    I dont think that was intentional, but this

    Tariqhe loved you

    Hence the past tense, maybe hes moved on.

    You dont know that.

    Face it Maddie, hes a guy! Hell find some other

    female to help him morph back into his royal form.No. He fell in love with you Winnie. There

    isnt another youout there!

    Winnie had again been outsmarted by her younger


    Shes right, came a voice. Both Maddie and

    Winnie turned toward the window to see old Kaj

    sitting on the ledge. There is none other like Winnie

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    out there in all of Africa. It is not too late to go

    back and claim your Tariq.

    Listen, hes not mine, he never was! Plushe must be

    really angry with me.

    Ive been watching you two when you were

    together, said Kajas if this was something he did on

    a daily basis. He has eyes only for Winnie Brielmann.

    He hasnt left his home since you left last nightit is

    the next night now and youve been gone a whole day.

    Thats twenty-four hours. The boy is heartbroken.

    This didnt help. It made Winnie feel even worse, like

    she could vomit.What is he saying? Maddie asked.

    He agrees with you. He says Tariq is very depressed

    now that Ive gone.

    Oh, poor thing. You dont hear of many guys

    dwelling over a girl like that for so long.

    I have to go back, dont I?

    But what about dad?

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    What about him Maddie? Doesnt he have that

    Terkina woman to keep him company? She seems like a

    lovely replacement for mom.

    Please Winnie, can I at least tell him what

    youve been through since you ran away?

    Sure go ahead, Winnie placed her head down over

    her pillow.

    Youve got a great sister, Kaj said. He was

    still crouching over the window sill.

    Yeah, I suppose I cant override that, Winnie said,

    smiling for the first time at the old baboon before

    looking back at the bedroom door.Winnie has changedfor the better, Kaj

    knows it in his own heart.

    Youre so sure of yourself, arent you?

    Kaj knows all. The future is bright.

    Whatever you say monkey. When Winnie looked back

    to the window though, Kaj had gone and now she felt

    a breeze take his place.

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    (Next Page To Chapter Twelve)

    Chapter Twelve

    For those three days afterward Tariq was the primary

    focus on Winnies mind. How she would ever see him

    again was beyond her, but she had come to terms

    that maybe the lion prince had come to really love her

    some time after they met. Yes, there was surely a

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    difference between his behavior after they first met

    to when she had run away from him.

    Now it was Winnies turn to fe