Key Words #1

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Key Words #1. Key Words #2. Adaptations. Basic Needs. Math Practice. Who Knows?. Key Words #1. Key Words #2. Adaptations. Basic Needs. Math Practice. Who Knows?. $100. $100. $100. $100. $100. $100. $200. $200. $200. $200. $200. $200. $300. $300. $300. $300. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Key Words#1Key Words#2AdaptationsBasicNeedsMathPracticeWhoKnows?$100$200$300$400$500$100$200$300$400$500$100$200$300$400$500$100$200$300$400$500$100$200$300$400$500$100$200$300$400$500Key Words #1

Key Words#2AdaptationsBasicNeedsMath PracticeWhoKnows?Organisms that breakdown dead plantsand animalsAn organism thathunts anotherorganism for food.All living THINGSAn organism thatcannot make itsown food.Meeting allBasic Needs(Stay Living)I have a long neckthat helps meetmy basic need for food.Tall trees arethe only placesthat I can findshelter from theheat.My long tongue and long nosemake it easy toeat those ants.My binocular vision,sharp claws, and excellent hearinghelp me find my prey.Nice smell, thorns, and petals help me meet my basic needs.Lakes, rainfall, and rivers are examplesof this basic need?Nutrients, dead organisms,and prey areexamples of thisbasic need?Tall Trees, Caves, and Burrows are all examples of this basic need.Savanas, Deserts, andRainforests areexamples of thisbasic need.Meeting allyour basic needsis essential for ---------- ?2.13 + 5.23 = ?What place valueis the 4?

36,45858.36 - 15.87 = ?Place value of the 7?

458.0712.3 + 5.06 + 147 = ?What do producers need from the air?What type offossil is the hollowspace left byan organism?What type offossil is createdwhen a moldfossil is filled in?How can a Paleontologistfigure out the age of a fossil?Name the four basic needs of plants?ElephantAnteatersOwlsRosesWaterFoodShelterHabitatSurvival7.36Hundreds42.49HundredthsDailyDouble!!

164.36Carbon DioxideMold FossilCast FossilRock Layer it was found in.Food, Water,Air, and Light