FINAL ASSIGNMENT MGMT 3042 Kelsie MacLeod, Section 1. Dr. Scott Blandford MGMT 3042 December 14, 2016


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Final ASSignment

MGMT 3042

Kelsie MacLeod, Section 1.Dr. Scott Blandford

MGMT 3042December 14, 2016

Page 2: Kelsie MacLeod FINAL ASSIGNMENT



Your company has asked you to develop a Teamwork Training Program. This program will be Off the Job in a fully equipped training centre.

Complete & submit each of the templates below. The templates must be used in order for the assignment to be graded.

TEMPLATE 1 – Needs Analysis

Why is Teamwork training important to an organization?

Complete the following template and provide 3 potential reasons why a company would need this type of training.

Provide an explanation for each reason. Your explanation should demonstrate your understanding of the training function and how it links to the success of the organization.

Refer to the assignment grading rubric for how this template will be graded.

ReasonsWhy this training is important to the organization

ExplanationShould demonstrate your understanding of the training function and how it links to the success of the organization

Organizational analysis:

Help to work towards the organizational strategic alignment

Incorporating different strengths and weaknesses from all participants

Regulate/improve organizational climate

Linking team members together

An organizational analysis is conducted to help understand the probability of success in the training program that the firm is seeking to implement. In order to know how successful the program has the potential to be, an organization must explore their potential strengths, as well as their weaknesses as whole. Teamwork training will aid the organization in identifying and utilizing individual’s strengths within the workplace, all while also identifying the pitfalls some employees may have (and how to improve those short-comings). In order to work toward the strategic alignment of the workplace, the amount and type of training needs to be compatible with the company’s

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ReasonsWhy this training is important to the organization

ExplanationShould demonstrate your understanding of the training function and how it links to the success of the organization

will help to make a positive environment/team cohesion

Improvements to organizational climate and transfer training climate

(Saks & Haccour, 2016)

needs, goals and objectives. Having all the staff members work in unison, either in general or on specific tasks, will promote the effectiveness of communication skills, as well as encourage peer feedback. If the company did not implement or follow through with a training program of any type for their employees, they may have a suffering organizational climate as a result. Incorporating team work related training may help to alleviate most if not all issues in the workplace regarding the company’s policies, procedures, and most importantly, their goals as an organization. Along with improving the organizational climate, the training transfer climate should significantly pick up as it is tied in with the former. Having a positive environment in the firm will in general help to create healthy, happy staff members who have a connection to their job and will more likely enjoy the work they do; ultimately lowering the turnover rate, increasing the team cohesion, and reducing the amount of money the firm will need to spend to train new staff.

(Saks & Haccour, 2016)

Task analysis

Identify targeted jobs Obtain job

descriptions Analyze and interpret

information from program

Provide feedback post-program

(Saks & Haccour, 2016)

The continuation of the needs analysis involves performing a task analysis, which aims to indicate all the separate duties of employees, developing the job descriptions. These job descriptions will aid in identifying what knowledge, skills and abilities an employee must possess in order to obtain and be successful at a position in the firm. What team training will do for a company is give them an opportunity to address all of the employees either at once or in large groups. The managers will be able to convey the company goals, policies and procedures to the staff, all while assuring that each member knows their specific place in the company. Having all employees know exactly which position they actually hold in the firm is an important process, more or less because this may

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ReasonsWhy this training is important to the organization

ExplanationShould demonstrate your understanding of the training function and how it links to the success of the organization

be lost if one employee is assuming a higher role than the one originally assigned. Once all employees are aware of their positions and duties, management will now be able to identify and develop job descriptions for the key roles in the firm. In the next step, the managers will be able to essentially compare and contrast the information provided to them by the employees regarding their jobs. This is needed since the employees who completed the survey may not take it seriously, or rate themselves higher on the scale than they should; either due to narcissism or the assumption that their pay will increase if it’s perceived that they “do more.” After debating and cross-analyzing the employees’ surveys with their managers, the employers can now actually give the feedback and reviews to their staff. The information obtained indicates how much training an employee (or manager) should actually receive, as well as the type of training that would best suit them.

(Saks & Haccour, 2016)

Person analysis

Defining the desired performance of the staff/training program

Determine the gap between the outcome that’s expected and what the real outcome of the training program was

Identify the obstacles to the performance

The final stepping stone of a needs analysis is incorporating the person analysis, which is monitoring the employees after the program to observe whether or not the information was actually transferred successfully. To evaluate whether or not the training was effective, there needs to be standards and guidelines in effect for staff to follow along with. These standards will be used during and after the training sessions to see if the tasks are being performed at an adequate level. To determine the gap between what was expected of the worker and what the actual outcome was, the employers can use their performance reviews, surveys, work samples, and even a self-assessment, and compare these items to the standard that the company wishes to uphold. Gaps can arise when a staff member doesn’t know their

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ReasonsWhy this training is important to the organization

ExplanationShould demonstrate your understanding of the training function and how it links to the success of the organization

(Saks & Haccour, 2016) exact position in the company, are unsure of the duties that they’re supposed to perform, or haven’t gotten any feedback from their employer about how they’re performance is. As well, gaps can form if the job description that the employer provides when hiring someone, meaning if the duties, pay, hours, etc. aren’t accurate it can leave the employee upset with their job and possibly unable to perform the work they agreed to. Though, if a company finds themselves with a gap in their system, they need to take measures to identify the source of the gap and to fix it as soon as possible. To assure that future gaps don’t form, employers should be as accurate are possible on their job descriptions, and also rewarding their employees for a “job well done” and giving criticism when an employee needs improvement to their performance.

As well, a beneficial program for an employer to set up is a contingency management program, which will help to convey the message of consequences/rewards. It’s imperative for the workers to know that for every action there’s a reaction, and that there will be rewards for a task performed at the standard, as well as a consequence for falling beneath the level. Rewarding employees is also essential to their motivation, as well as a step to further regulate/improve the organizational climate.

(Saks & Haccour, 2016)

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TEMPLATE 2 – Lesson Plan

Provide a detailed Lesson Plan using the following template. The plan should have enough detail to allow someone else to follow it in the

classroom. Timing and materials should be included. The plan should reflect a practical training course that could be used in a

business scenario. For example, a 2 week long training program on how to operate a cash register in a retail store would not be realistic.

Refer to the assignment grading rubric for how this template will be graded.

* IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Training sessions will be completed in 3 groups of 10 employees (30 employees per session total) *

Objective Employees will work together in a 1 hour time period to complete a puzzle with no photo reference faster than the other groups; aiding in strengthening team cohesion.

Materials -Puzzles $14.97-$17.97* each (1000-piece puzzle, 100 pieces per group member, 10 members per group), 3 groups per session-Stop watch $18.97* (using an actual stop watch in lieu of a phone)-Tables and chairs $0 (provided by fully equipped training facility)-Sandwich bags $3.27* (used to separate the 100 pieces for each group member. 30 bags needed, boxes come in packs of 80)Grand total of ~$67.15-$76.15 per session (one-time purchase, next training groups can reuse items*All prices are from Walmart.ca

A/V Equipment Requirements

No technical equipment required, rules can essentially be conveyed through vocal instruction. If further equipment is needed, the fully equipped training facility will be able to provide a monitor to display rules.

Methods Used Training session will begin with a lecture style method for the beginning instructions. The trainees will then use productive responses, as they are all competing in the competition and not observing an instructor beforehand. Training will be delivered off the job, and will incorporate two-way communication since all the participants will be engaging in developing a strategy to solve the puzzle (game).

ContentProvide the detail of your training plan below.

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Content Heading Content Details

Preparation/before the arrival of trainees

Trainers will separate desks into 3 large sections before the trainees enter the room. Trainers should have these items ready:

Sandwich bags filled with 100 puzzle pieces in 10 bags (and labelled bags 1-10), as well as have an indication of which puzzle they’re from (puzzle 1, 2, or 3).

Tables should be labelled “Tables 1, 2 and 3” Puzzle boxes are to be hidden, employers are not to see

the outcomes of the puzzles (meaning they can’t see the picture)

As trainees are entering

10 minutes

Trainers should be welcoming the employees into the training facility. As they employees are entering, the trainers should also be handing the trainees a bag of puzzle pieces and instructing them to sit at the tables according to the number on the bag (ex. Bag 1, table 1). Trainers should be assuring that there are 10 people per table.


5 minutes

Trainers will address the whole group when welcoming everyone to the training session. They will explain the topic of discussion, and explain why working as a coherent team is needed in a workplace setting. This lecture will not be as broad as the post-activity lecture.

Explanation of training activity

5 minutes

Trainers will inform the group that they are to build the puzzle in the time span of one hour. This is a competition and the first group to successfully complete their puzzle will win. Groups will not be allowed to see what the puzzle is supposed to look like. Explain that this activity requires you to:

Communicate with your team members Problem solve Think quickly and utilize the process of elimination

Training activity

60 minutes

Trainers will instruct the trainees to begin the process of building the puzzle. Once one group is finished, allow the other groups to finish within the hour.

Tell the trainees when the stop-watch is about to begin, and let the puzzle building begin.

BREAK15 minutes

Allow trainees to take a brief break once the activity is completed.

Lecture (part 2) Ask the employees “what did you learn from this activity?”

Reinforce that everyone in the company will have a separate role, yet every role is equally as important (100 pieces of the puzzle would be missing if someone from the group was not there).

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15 minutes

“Did everyone do their fair share in building the puzzle?”

This task also relates back to time management/goal setting, since this is a timed activity (and competition between three groups).

Team cohesiveness should be touched upon, and drive home that everyone had to help equally with their 100 pieces in order to finish the “big picture” (ie. the outcome of the puzzle).

Ensure that employees understand that if they held pieces from their group members that it would only hinder themselves as well as the group, and would take away from the goal.

Question period10 minutes

Allow trainees to ask questions about the training period, information learned, and receive clarification.

Training conclusion

2 minutes

Draw the information learned to a close. Make sure employees can relate what they have learned today back to real-life and the workplace.Thank the trainees for participating in today’s session and feel free to ask any more questions if need be.

(Saks & Haccour, 2016)

TEMPLATE 3 – Program Evaluation

All 4 levels of the Kirkpatrick Model must be met for this training program. Describe each level and how your program will meet each level in the template

below. Reasoning should be provided. Refer to the assignment grading rubric for how this template will be graded.

Brief LEVEL Description

How the Level Will be Met

The reactions that the trainees have with the training program (and whether or not

The reaction that the employees will have with the training program that I have devised can be measured before and after the session has taken place. The organization can distribute a questionnaire to assess what the trainees knew about company policies, goals etc. before the session, and the same when they finish the session. An advantage of

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Brief LEVEL Description

How the Level Will be Met

they’re positive)

(Saks & Haccour, 2016)

having an idea of what the employees do and do not know is also good for the training session, since now the trainers can focus on what needs improvement rather than what the staff are already retaining. The purpose of the post-session assessment will be to know if what the company just spend valuable money on was worth their time, or if they should try a new route.

(MindTools.com, n.d.)

Whether or not the trainees actually learned the material

(Saks & Haccour, 2016)

Once again, a pre and post assessment will aid in figuring out exactly how much the trainees learned during the session. Assessment should be geared toward what the actual learning objectives should be. This is an imperative step, since there’s no point in training people in topics that they’re not retaining.

(MindTools.com, n.d.)

The training creates a positive effect on behaviour

(Saks & Haccour, 2016)

To assess if there were actually changes in the employee have actually taken and aren’t just memorized from the session directly after, the company should evaluate their employees after some time has passed. This will ensure that there was a positive transfer, and that the employees feel self-efficacy whist on the job that they were trained for. Consider asking if the trainees can teach someone else the skills that they’ve learned, or asking behavioral-style interview questions.

(MindTools.com, n.d.)

Whether the training has had positive outcomes/results for the organization

(Saks & Haccour, 2016)

This stage will analyze all the results that the training was to accomplish, including what was described in the needs analysis. For the training program, the goals for the company were to better the organizational climate, link all the team members together, identify the strengths and weaknesses of the employees in the firm, the to boost the team cohesion in the company. If the organization has achieved these goals, then the system and training program is deemed a success. If no, however, then the employer now has what information

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Brief LEVEL Description

How the Level Will be Met

needs to be more heavily focused on, an idea of different training types to try, etc.

(MindTools.com, n.d.)

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6 Benefits of Teamwork in the Workplace. (n.d.). Retrieved December 11, 2016, from


Four Levels of Evaluation. (n.d.). Retrieved December 13, 2016, from


Kirkpatrick's Four-Level Training Evaluation Model: Analyzing Training Effectiveness. (n.d.).

Retrieved December 13, 2016, from https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/kirkpatrick.htm

Saks, A. M., & Haccoun, R. R. (2016). Managing performance through training and development.

Toronto: Nelson Education.

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