Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product (your music magazine?)


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Page 1: Katherine

Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product (your music magazine?)

Page 2: Katherine

What I have learnt from doing my prelim task and my music magazine.•Picture quality – For the images, use a more

professional camera as this makes the quality of them much better but also makes them easier to edit.

• I have learnt about where to positioning things on the page, to make it less clutter but also to make them stand out better.

•For the contents page, by using a white background makes things stand out more but also makes the page easier t navigate around.

Page 3: Katherine

Prelim task – sixth form magazine.

Page 4: Katherine

Audience feedback.

•I used audience feedback to make changes to make draft version of my piece and my real thing.

•For example I changed the front of the coverlines and embossed them as I found that by doing this it made them easier to see.

Page 5: Katherine

Draft to real thing.

Page 6: Katherine


•I have learnt hot to photoshop during the process of making my music magazines, for example I have learnt how to edit my image to make them flawless and so they look more professional.

Page 7: Katherine

Before and after.

Page 8: Katherine

My final magazine pages.