Jurnal Radiologi Kel e Edit

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  • 8/13/2019 Jurnal Radiologi Kel e Edit


    Reading chest radiographs in the critically ill

    (Part II): Radiography of lung pathologies

    common in the ICU patientAli Nawaz Khan, Hamdan Al-Jahdali, Sarah AL-Ghanem, and Alaa GoudaKing Fahad Hospital, King Abdulaziz Medical City, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

    Address for correspondence:Dr. Ali Nawaz Khan King Abdulaziz Medical Ci!,

    King "ahad Naional Guard Ho#$ial, %.&. 'o( ))*+, i!adh *)/, Saudi

    Arabia. 0-mail1 dr2han+//3m#n.com

    ecei4ed December 5, )67 Acce$ed Januar! )+, )+.

    Co$!righ8 Annal# o9 :horacic Medicine

    :hi# i# an o$en-acce## aricle di#ribued under he erm# o9 he Creai4e Common#

    Aribuion Licen#e, which $ermi# unre#riced u#e, di#ribuion, and re$roducion

    in an! medium, $ro4ided he original wor2 i# $ro$erl! cied.


    :hi# i# $ar ;; o9 wo #erie# re4iew o9 reading che# radiogra$h# in he criicall! ill.Con4enional che# radiogra$h! remain# he corner#one o9 da! o da!

    managemen o9 he criicall! ill occa#ionall! #u$$lemened b! com$ued

    omogra$h! or ulra#ound 9or #$eci9ic indicaion#. ;n hi# #econd re4iew we di#cu##

    radiogra$hic 9inding# o9 cardio$ulmonar! di#order# common in he inen#i4e care

    $aien and #ugge# guideline# 9or iner$reaion ba#ed no onl! on imaging bu al#o

    on he $aho$h!#iolog! and clinical ground#.

    Keywords: Che# (-ra!, inen#i4e care uni, cardio$ulmonar! di#order#

    ;ner$reing che# radiogra$h# in he criicall! ill $aien# in inen#i4e care uni#

    $o#e# a challenge no onl! 9or he inen#i4e care $h!#ician# bu al#o 9or he


    http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Khan%20AN%5Bauth%5Dhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Al-Jahdali%20H%5Bauth%5Dhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=AL-Ghanem%20S%5Bauth%5Dhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Gouda%20A%5Bauth%5Dmailto:[email protected]://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/about/copyright.htmlhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Al-Jahdali%20H%5Bauth%5Dhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=AL-Ghanem%20S%5Bauth%5Dhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Gouda%20A%5Bauth%5Dmailto:[email protected]://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/about/copyright.htmlhttp://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Khan%20AN%5Bauth%5D
  • 8/13/2019 Jurnal Radiologi Kel e Edit


    radiologi#. :he#e challenge# ari#e becau#e o9 #e4eral 9acor#1?@ ;C= $aien# are

    $rone o #e4eral cardio$ulmonar! di#order# which when #u$erim$o#ed on he

    underl!ing $aholog! ha $rom$ed admi##ion creae# a com$le( radiological

    a$$earance, which ma! be di99icul o iner$re on imaging 9inding# alone.?)@ :he

    #andard $o#ero-anerior radiogra$h i# re$laced b! he #ubo$imal A%

    radiogra$h in he ;C= $aien.?@ ;n#rumenaion, mechanical 4enilaion,

    eBui$men 9or monioring o9 cardiac and oher 4ial #ign#, 9eeding ube#, ec.,

    di#rac 9rom oher 9inding# on he ;C= che# radiogra$h.?*@ adiologi##;nen#i4e

    care $h!#ician# are under $re##ure 9or ra$id iner$reaion o9 che# (-ra!# when

    reaing criicall! ill $aien#, o9en wih inadeBuae clinical in9ormaion $arl! due

    o he 9ac ha hing# can change ra$idl! in he criicall! ill.?5@ adiological

    iner$reaion i# ham$ered b! he bewildering arra! o9 line $lacemen# in he ;C=

    $aien, where incorrec $lacemen i# no uncommon, which ma! no be ob4iou# o

    he ob#er4er wihou clinical in$u.?/@ Air #$ace #hadowing in he ;C= $aien ma!

    ha4e idenical a$$earance# in a 4arie! o9 cardio$ulmonar! $ahologie#. Alhough

    he imaging modali! o9 choice in he ;C= $aien remain# ha o9 che#

    radiogra$h!, com$ued omogra$h! i# o9en $er9ormed a# com$uerized

    omogra$h! $ulmonar! arer! wih #u#$eced $ulmonar! emboli#m.

    =lra#ound i# u#ed o con9irm $leural and $ericardial e99u#ion# and when $leural

    iner4enion i# $lanned.

    :he aim o9 hi# $a$er i#?@ o di#cu## he radiogra$hic 9inding# o9 cardio$ulmonar!

    di#order# common in he ;C= $aien and #ugge# guideline# 9or iner$reaion

    ba#ed no onl! on he che# radiogra$h bu al#o on he $aho$h!#iolog! and clinical

    ground#7?)@ o de#cribe he normal $o#iion o9 monioring de4ice# and correc

    $lacemen o9 oher line#, and $rom$ recogniion when he! are mi#$laced or when


  • 8/13/2019 Jurnal Radiologi Kel e Edit


  • 8/13/2019 Jurnal Radiologi Kel e Edit


    hic2ening a# a re#ul o9 9luid reenion in he lung iner#iium. Se$al line#

    re$re#en 9luid in he dee$ #e$ae and l!m$haic# and a$$ear a#?@ Kerle!F# A line#,

    which range 9rom 5 o cm in lengh and e(end 9rom he hilum o9 he lung

    oward he $eri$her! in a #raigh or #lighl! cur4ed cour#e7 and?)@ Kerle!F# '

    line#, a$$ro(imael! )cm long, #een in he $eri$her! o9 he lower lung, e(ending

    o he $leura ?"igure @.

    Al4eolar $ulmonar! edema generall! de4elo$# when he $ulmonar! 4enou#

    $re##ure e(ceed# mm Hg and i# u#uall! $receded b! iner#iial $ulmonar!

    edema ?"igure )@. Che# radiogra$hic 9inding# include bilaeral o$aciie# ha

    e(end in a 9an #ha$e ouward 9rom he hilum in a bawing $aern ?"igure @.

    ih wor#ening al4eolar edema, he lung o$aci9icaion become increa#ingl!

    homogenou#. Normall! he bronchi in he lung $eri$her! are no #een becau#e o9

    air den#i! wihin he bronchi and he #urrounding lung $arench!ma. Howe4er,

    along wih 9luid-9illed al4eoli 9rom $ulmonar! edema or in9ecion , he

    air-9illed bronchi can be ea#il! #een, an a$$earance 2nown a# air bronchogram

    ?"igure *@. Air bronchogram# a##ociaed wih conge#i4e hear 9ailure are u#uall!

    4i#ible in he righ u$$er lobe. ;n $ulmonar! edema due o hear 9ailure, he hear

    #ize i# o9en enlarged.

    Diagno#i# o9 $ulmonar! edema i# no alwa!# #raigh9orward, and a!$ical $aern#

    can $re#en diagno#ic di99iculie# on radiogra$hic 9inding# alone. A!$ical

    radiogra$hic $aern# o9 $ulmonar! edema include unilaeral, lobar, miliar! or

    lower-zone# edema7 and oher a#!mmeric or unu#ual di#ribuion $aern# ?"igure

    5@. Miliar! edema ma! $recede 9ull-blown lung edema. Lower-zone# edema and

    lobar $ulmonar! edema generall! occur in $aien# wih chronic ob#ruci4e

    $ulmonar! di#ea#e and $ulmonar! em$h!#ema.


  • 8/13/2019 Jurnal Radiologi Kel e Edit


    Conge#i4e cardiac 9ailure cau#ing cardiogenic $ulmonar! edema i# u#uall! he

    re#ul o9 le9 4enricular 9ailure, which i# in urn due o $oor cardiac ou$u and

    increa#ed $ulmonar! 4enou# h!dro#aic $re##ure#. Generall! i i# a combinaion o9

    a 9ailing cardiac $um$ and 9luid o4erload ha i$# $aien# ino conge#i4e hear

    9ailure. :he che# radiogra$h i# an im$oran diagno#ic ool in di#ingui#hing 9luid

    o4erload or conge#i4e 9ailure. :hi# diagno#i# o9 a le9-#ided cardiac 9ailure due o

    an acue i#chemic cardiac in#ul i# #ugge#ed on he che# radiogra$h# in )5I o

    *I o9 $aien# be9ore he on#e o9 #!m$om#. ;deall! he be# echniBue in hi#

    #eing i# a #andard %A che# radiogra$h becau#e he accurac! o9 deecing

    cardiomegal! and redi#ribuion o9 $ulmonar! blood 9low on #u$ine A% 9ilm# i#

    $oor. &baining an erec %A radiogra$h ma! no be alwa!# $o##ible in an ;C=

    $aien7 and here9ore a# a com$romi#e, #emi-erec and decubiu# 9ilm# are

    recommended. Cardiomegal!, increa#ed $ulmonar! 4a#culaure, and $leural

    e99u#ion# are e4iden in he $aien #u99ering 9rom conge#i4e hear 9ailure.

    A che# radiogra$h ma! di99ereniae beween cardiac and noncardiac $ulmonar!

    edema. :he radiogra$hic 9eaure# o9 cardiac edema include cardiomegal!, $leural

    e99u#ion#, u$$er lobe blood di4er#ion, #e$al line#, $eribronchial cu99ing and ba#al

    edema. :he onl! e(ce$ion where he a9oremenioned change# ha4e no had ime o

    de4elo$ i# acue m!ocardial in9arcion. :here are a muliude o9 cau#e# o9

    noncardiogenic $ulmonar! edema, which include inhaled irrian# cau#ing a more

    moled a$$earance and more $eri$heral di#ribuion o9 lung $arench!mal change#.

    &her cau#e# o9 noncardiogenic $ulmonar! edema include near-drowning, aliude

    #ic2ne##, o(!gen hera$!, ran#9u#ion reacion#, 9a emboli#m, cenral ner4ou#

    #!#em di#order, ADS or a#$iraion, renal di#order orand drug reacion#, o name

    Eu# a 9ew.?5@.


  • 8/13/2019 Jurnal Radiologi Kel e Edit


    Adult Respiratory !istress "yndrome

    Adul re#$iraor! di#re## #!ndrome i# a erm a$$lied o a #!ndrome where

    #ign# and #!m$om# o9 $ulmonar! edema occur in he ab#ence o9 ele4aed

    $ulmonar! 4enou# $re##ure#. ADS i# a##ociaed wih high morali!, a# much a#

    5I, and i# common in he ;C= $aien#. ADS re#ul# 9rom a 4arie! o9 cau#e#,

    including #e$#i# or $ulmonar! in9ecion, #e4ere rauma, and a#$iraion o9 ga#ric

    conen#.?@ :he 9inal $ahwa! in ADS i# common o all cau#e#, which i#

    damage o he al4eolar ca$illar! endohelium, increa#ed 4a#cular $ermeabili!, and

    #ub#eBuen de4elo$men o9 9ir#, iner#iial, and hen, al4eolar $ulmonar! edema.

    %aien# wih ADS $re#en wih #e4ere re#$iraor! di#re## characerized b!

    mar2ed h!$o(ia ha re#$ond# $oorl! e4en o admini#raion o9 high concenraion#

    o9 o(!gen. :he $ulmonar! ca$illar! wedge $re##ure i# generall! normal, bu here

    i# decrea#ed #ur9acan $roducion, which lead# o $oor lung com$liance and

    aeleca#i# ha re#ul# in an inra$ulmonar! #hun wih $er9u#ion bu no e99eci4e

    4enilaion. %o#ii4e end-e($iraor! $re##ure can hel$ o decrea#e aeleca#i# and

    #huning while im$ro4ing o(!genaion. :he ulimae $rogno#i# i# 4ariable1 whil##ome ma! reco4er 9ull!, oher# $rogre## o $ulmonar! 9ibro#i#. :here i# #ome

    correlaion beween he duraion and #e4eri! o9 ADS and long-erm

    com$licaion#. %rogno#i# i# al#o de$enden on age and $ree(i#ing C&%D.

    Di99ereniaion beween $ulmonar! edema o9 ADS and conge#i4e hear 9ailure

    on he ba#i# o9 radiogra$hic #ign# alone can be challenging7 moreo4er, he wo

    condiion# ma! coe(i# ?"igure# ?"igure#/ / and and@.@. Alhough boh eniie#

    ma! #hare he che# (-ra! 9inding o9 bilaeral air #$ace o$aci9icaion or whie ou,

    ADS i# no u#uall! a##ociaed wih cardiomegal! or u$$er lobe blood di4er#ion7

    howe4er, u$$er lobe blood di4er#ion i# di99icul o di#cern in he $re#ence o9 air

    #$ace o$aci9icaion and on A% che# #u$ine radiogra$h. Air #$ace o$aci9icaion in


  • 8/13/2019 Jurnal Radiologi Kel e Edit


    CH" can occur in he $re#ence o9 a normal-#ized hear. :o ma2e he i##ue more

    com$licaed, $aien# wih ADS could al#o ha4e $ree(i#en cardiomegal! or be

    9luid o4erloaded becau#e o9 #e$#i#.?)@ Lung conu#ion ma! be di99icul o

    di99ereniae 9rom ADS. Conu#ion howe4er u#uall! occur# earlier, i# u#uall!

    localized o he area a99eced b! inEur!

    and im$ro4e# o4er *6-) hour#. ADS end# o be more generalized, i# laer in

    on#e and #lower o re#ol4e ?"igure# 6@.


    Aeleca#i# occur# when here i# 9ailure o9 he lung o e($and com$leel!.:hi# ma! be cau#ed b! an! $roce## which reduce# al4eolar 4enilaion, including

    bloc2ed airwa!, e.g., ob#rucion 9rom mucu# $lugging, a umor, general

    ane#he#ia, $neumonia, #$lining 9rom $ain 9ollowing #urger!.?)6,),@ 0(en#i4e

    al4eolar h!$o4enilaion ma! cau#e h!$o(ia a# a re#ul o9 an e99eci4e righ-o-le9

    #hun. ; i# a common abnormali! #een on he ;C= $aienF# che# radiogra$h.

    Aeleca#i# in ;C= $aien# i# #een mo# 9reBuenl! in he le9 lower lobe. ; i#

    $o#ulaed ha hi# i# due o com$re##ion o9 he lower lobe bronchu# b! he hear,

    in he #u$ine $aien. A conribuor! 9acor ma! be relai4el! di99icul! o9 blind

    #ucioning o9 he le9 lower lobe. =#uall! aeleca#i# i# more e(en#i4e han i#

    #ugge#ed b! he radiogra$h. Aeleca#i# can boh be re4er#ed and $re4ened wih

    he u#e o9 h!$er4enilaion and inceni4e #$iromer!, $aricularl! in he

    $o#o$erai4e $aien.

    Aeleca#i# ma! 4ar! 9rom a oal lung colla$#e o #ub#egmenal colla$#e o

    relai4el! normal-a$$earing lung# on he che# radiogra$h a# an acue mucu#

    $lugging ma! cau#e onl! a #mall reducion in lung 4olume wihou 4i#ible

    abnormali!. Nowih#anding radiogra$hic a$$earance#, he $h!#iological e99ec#


  • 8/13/2019 Jurnal Radiologi Kel e Edit


    ma! be #igni9ican. ;n a mucu# $lug #!ndrome, a #udden on#e o9 h!$o(ia in he

    $re#ence o9 a normal-loo2ing radiogra$h can rai#e he #u#$icion o9 a $ulmonar!

    embolu# and warran an unnece##ar! C:%A. :he radiogra$hic 9eaure# o9

    aeleca#i# are #ummarized in :able .

    Minimal ba#al #ub#egmenal or di#coid aeleca#i# a$$earing a# linear #rea2# i#

    common in he ;C= $aien and ma! no be $h!#iologicall! #igni9ican ?"igure @.

    Aeleca#i# ma! al#o mimic $ulmonar! con#olidaion, which ma! be di99icul o

    di#ingui#h 9rom oher cau#e# o9 con#olidaion. :o di#ingui#h beween aeleca#i#-

    relaed con#olidaion and con#olidaion# relaed o oher cau#e# i# im$oran, and

    cerain di#ingui#hing 9eaure# do e(i#. Aeleca#i# will o9en re#$ond o increa#ed

    4enilaion while oher cau#e# o9 $ulmonar! con#olidaion will no. &her 9eaure#

    ha #ugge# aeleca#i# becau#e o9 lo## o9 4olume in he in4ol4ed lung include

    crowding o9 $ulmonar! 4e##el#, di#$lacemen o9 inerlobar 9i##ure# and ele4aion

    o9 he hemidia$hragm oward# area# o9 aeleca#i#. Colla$#ed lung #egmen# and

    lobe# al#o 9ollow well-recognized anaomical $ahwa!#, unli2e oher cau#e# o9


    :he righ u$$er lobe colla$#e# ino a riangular o$aci!, wih he le##er 9i##ure

    migraing oward he anerior, #u$erior and medial $orion o9 he che#, clo#ing li2e

    a Chine#e 9an. &n an A% che# radiogra$h, he mo# #ri2ing 9eaure i# a #u$erior

    and medial di#$lacemen o9 he minor 9i##ure. &n he laeral radiogra$h, he maEor

    9i##ure mo4e# aneriorl!, while he #u$erior mo4emen o9 he minor 9i##ure i# al#o

    #een ?"igurea )and and @.

    ighmiddle-lobe aeleca#i# ma! cau#e minimal change# on an A% #u$ine che#

    radiogra$h. A con#an 9eaure i# lo## o9 de9iniion o9 he righ hear border. A

    colla$#ed righ middle lobe i# more clearl! de9ined on laeral radiogra$h, which i#


  • 8/13/2019 Jurnal Radiologi Kel e Edit


    no commonl! a4ailable in he ;C= $aien. Aenion o he 9i##ure# re4eal# ha

    he horizonal and lower $orion# o9 he maEor 9i##ure# mo4e oward# each oher

    re#uling in a wedge o9 o$aci! $oining o he hilum. A middle-lobe aeleca#i#

    ma! mimic middle-lobe $neumonic con#olidaion ?"igure *@.

    Aeleca#i# o9 eiher he righ or le9 lower lobe $re#en# a #imilar a$$earance. ;n

    righlower-lobe aeleca#i# he colla$#ing lobe mo4e# cenrall! and in9eriorl!

    oward# he lower dor#al #$ine, where i i# #een a# a riangular o$aci!. Silhoueing

    o9 he righ hemidia$hragm and air bronchogram# i# a common #ign o9 righ

    lower-lobe aeleca#i#. :he minor 9i##ure #how# #ome in9erior di#$lacemen. A# he

    righ lower lobe colla$#e#, $ar o9 he greaer 9i##ure ma! become 4i#ible on he A%

    radiogra$h. A laeral radiogra$h, i9 obained, ma! #how in9erior and $o#erior

    di#$lacemen o9 boh he maEor and minor 9i##ure#. ighlower-lobe aeleca#i#

    can be di99ereniaed 9rom righmiddle-lobe aeleca#i# b! he $er#i#ence o9 he

    righ hear border ?"igure# ?"igure#5 5 and and/ / @.

    A le9u$$er-lobe aeleca#i# $re#en# a di99eren $aern com$ared o a righ

    u$$er-lobe aeleca#i# a# he le9 lung lac2# a minor 9i##ure. hen he le9 u$$er

    lobe colla$#e#, he lobe $redominanl! mo4e# aneriorl!, wih lo## o9 he le9 u$$er

    cardiac border. :here i# com$en#aor! em$h!#ema o9 he le9 lower lobe, which

    e($and# and migrae# o a locaion boh #u$erior and $o#erior o he le9 u$$er

    lobe. :he le9 main bronchu# al#o roae# o a nearl! horizonal $o#iion. :he A%

    che# radiogra$h re4eal# haz! o$aci9icaion o9 he le9 hilum, ele4aion o9 he le9

    hilum, near-horizonal cour#e o9 he le9 main bronchu#, $o#erior le9ward roaion

    o9 he hear and he Lu9#ichel or air cre#cen #ign, he name gi4en o he

    a$$earance o9 aeraed lung abuing he arch o9 he aora, beween he media#inum

    and he colla$#ed le9 u$$er lobe ?"igure @. An a$$earance on a laeral


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    radiogra$h, i9 a4ailable, o9 he ;C= $aien ma! #how rero#ernal o$aci! and

    di#$lacemen o9 he greaer 9i##ure aneriorl!.

    :he le9 lower lobe colla$#e# mediall! and $o#eriorl! o lie behind he hear. ;

    cla##icall! di#$la!# a riangular o$aci!, which ma! be 4i#ible hrough he cardiac

    #hadow or ma! o4erlie i, gi4ing he hear an unu#uall! #raigh laeral border.

    Silhoueing o9 he le9 hemidia$hragm u#uall! occur#, which ma! be a##ociaed

    wih an air bronchogram. ; i# al#o ea#il! mi##ed, e#$eciall! on an under$eneraed

    9ilm, where no deail i# #een behind he hear.?6/@

    Pneumonia in the ICU

    Ho#$ial-ba#ed $neumonia#, which b! de9iniion occur da!# a9er

    ho#$ial admi##ion, di99er 9rom communi!-acBuired $neumonia# in boh cau#aion

    and $rogno#i#. No#ocomial $neumonia i# he leading cau#e o9 deah in he ;C=

    $aien.?*@ :he ;C= $aien# are $aricularl! #u#ce$ible o $neumonia# a# he!

    ma! be immune com$romi#ed and #e4eral iarogenic 9acor# are a $la!, which

    increa#e hi# #u#ce$ibili!. ;arogenic 9acor# ha ma! $redi#$o#e o $neumonia#

    include endoracheal ube#7 ri#2 o9 a#$iraion7 medicaion# u#ed o reduce ga#ric

    acid, which ma! $romoe bacerial growh in he #omach7 and he u#e o9

    anibioic#, which ma! #eleci4el! encourage he growh o9 #ome $ahogenic

    baceria. =nli2e communi!-acBuired $neumonia#, which u#uall! are cau#ed b!

    gram-$o#ii4e #$ecie#, no#ocomial $neumonia# are o9en $ol!microbial and cau#ed

    b! gram-negai4e eneric $ahogen#. Clinical and laboraor! 9inding# #uch a# 9e4er,

    leucoc!o#i# and #$uum culure# ma! no be u#e9ul indicaor# and are o9en

    ma#2ed b! #e4ere underl!ing di#ea#e. :he che# 9ilm mu# be correlaed wih

    clinical daa in order o ma2e he diagno#i# o9 $neumonia in he ;C= $aien.

    adiogra$hicall! $neumonia# can be di99icul o di99ereniae 9rom oher cau#e# o9


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    air #$ace #hadowing, including aeleca#i# and earl! ADS. =#uall! $neumonia

    iniiall! a$$ear# a# $ach! con#olidaion or ill-de9ined nodule# ?"igure 6@.

    %neumonia i# a bilaeral muli9ocal di#ea#e and o9en in4ol4e# gra4i!-de$enden

    area# o9 he lung ?"igure +@. Aeleca#i# and lung edema ha4e a #imilar

    di#ribuion, ma2ing di99ereniaion 9rom $neumonia di99icul. A #!mmeric $aern

    #imulaing $ulmonar! edema can occur wihE-coliand $#eudomona# $neumonia#,

    which can ra$idl! in4ol4e he enire lung#. %ach! air #$ace #hadowing, ill-de9ined

    #egmenal con#olidaion or air bronchogram# eiher o9 he#e wih a##ociaed

    $leural e99u#ion# #u$$or# he diagno#i# o9 $neumonia. Howe4er, unli2e

    communi!-acBuired $neumonia, $leural e99u#ion# cau#ed b! gram-negai4e

    organi#m# are more li2el! o re$re#en em$!ema and here9ore reBuire drainage.

    &her #eriou# com$licaion# o9 $neumonia# in he ;C= $aien# include ab#ce##

    9ormaion and broncho$leural 9i#ula#.?*@


    :he ;C= $aien i# a a $aricular ri#2 o9 a#$iraion $neumonii#, o9en a# a re#ul o9

    a com$romi#ed airwa!. ;m$aired con#ciou#ne##, $lacemen o9 0: and NG ube#

    are among# man! conribuor! 9acor#. :he $ulmonar! re#$on#e o a#$iraion

    de$end# on he !$e, $H and 4olume o9 a#$irae. A#$iraion o9 ga#ric conen#

    $ro4o2e# a chemical $neumonii# called Mendel#onF# #!ndrome. :he lung re#$ond#

    o $H ).5 wih #e4ere broncho#$a#m and he relea#e o9 in9lammaor! mediaor#.

    %aien# become #!m$omaic almo# immediael! 9ollowing a#$iraion o9 ga#ric

    conen#, wih cough, d!#$nea, wheezing and di99u#e crac2le#. "e4er and

    leucoc!o#i# are he norm. :he iniial re#$on#e i# a chemical $ulmonar! edema.

    Secondar! in9ecion occur# in #ome ca#e#. %aien re#$on#e o a#$iraion 4arie#

    9rom #hoc2 o re#oluion wihou #eBuelae. %aien# ha $roceed o $neumonii#

    ma! re4eal $ulmonar! con#olidaion wihin he 9ir# wo da!#. :he air #$ace


  • 8/13/2019 Jurnal Radiologi Kel e Edit


    #hadowing i# bilaeral, u#uall! $erihilar alhough a#!mmeric. adiogra$hicall! he

    con#olidaion u#uall! begin# o re#ol4e b! he hird da! ?"igure# ?"igure#) ) and

    and)@.)@. ;n #ome, he con#olidaion ma! wor#en wih added com$licaion# o9

    lung ab#ce##e# and $leural e99u#ion.?*,*)@

    Pulmonary mbolism

    Morbidi! and morali! 9rom $ulmonar! emboli#m in he ;C= remain high, and he! coninue o

    be underdiagno#ed in he inen#i4e care #eing. %ulmonar! emboli#m in he ;C= #eing ma! be

    com$leel! #ilen, bu i i# a cau#e o9 #udden deah. S!m$om# are non#$eci9ic and include

    d!#$nea, ach!$nea, hemo$!#i#, h!$o(emia and $leuriic che# $ain. Man! ri#2 9acor# e(i#,

    mo# im$oran among# hem being a hi#or! o9 a $re4iou# embolic e4en. &her ri#2 9acor#

    include immobilizaion, rauma, #urger!, #hoc2, obe#i!, $regnanc!, $ol!c!hemia 4era and

    anihrombin-;;; de9icienc!. :he $aho$h!#iolog! o9 $ulmonar! emboli#m con#i## o9 boh

    hemod!namic and re#$iraor! embarra##men. Hemod!namic con#eBuence# occur when more

    han hal9 he cro##-#ecional area o9 he $ulmonar! 4a#cular bed i# occluded b! he embolic

    e$i#ode, leading o acue $ulmonar! h!$eren#ion, h!$o(emia, re#$iraor! 9ailure and righ-#ided

    hear 9ailure. %ulmonar! in9arcion en#ue# rarel! in he ab#ence o9 a##ociaed bronchial arerial

    com$romi#e. :!$icall!, in9arcion# end o be hemorrhagic and occur in he lower lobe#.

    :he che# radiogra$h ha# $oor #en#ii4i! in e#abli#hing he diagno#i# o9

    $ulmonar! emboli#m, and he role o9 a che# radiogra$h i# in ruling ou oher

    $ahologie# ha ma! ha4e a clinical $re#enaion #imilar o ha o9 $ulmonar!

    emboli#m. :he che# (-ra! al#o #er4e# a u#e9ul $ur$o#e when iner$reing

    4enilaion-$er9u#ion #can#. Sudie# ha4e #hown ha he 4a# maEori! o9 $aien#

    wih $ulmonar! emboli#m in rero#$ec do ha4e abnormaliie# on he che# (-ra!

    9inding#, bu he#e 9inding# are oo non#$eci9ic o be o9 clinical 4alue ?"igure#

    ?"igure#)) )))*@. ;n he ab#ence o9 $ulmonar! in9arcion, onl! a 9ew #ign# o9

    $ulmonar! emboli are #een on a che# radiogra$h, which include di#coid

    aeleca#i#, ele4aion o9 he hemidia$hragm, enlargemen o9 he main $ulmonar!


  • 8/13/2019 Jurnal Radiologi Kel e Edit


    arer! ino wha ha# been de#cribed a# he #ha$e o9 a #au#age or a 2nuc2le

    , and $ulmonar! oligemia be!ond he $oin o9 occlu#ion

    . A con#ellaion o9 radiogra$hic #ign# ma! be #een when

    $ulmonar! in9arcion com$licae# $ulmonar! emboli#m. Muli9ocal con#olidaion

    ma! 9ollow wih e#abli#hed $ulmonar! in9arcion# wihin ) o )* hour# 9ollowing

    he embolic e$i#ode. A relai4el! lae #ign o9 $ulmonar! in9arcion i# a rounded

    $leural-ba#ed con#olidaion ha i# rounded cenrall! and i# called a Ham$omF#

    Hum$. A Ham$omF# Hum$ can be di99ereniaed 9rom a $neumonic con#olidaion

    a# he 9ormer lac2# an air bronchogram. ;$#ilaeral or bilaeral $ulmonar! e99u#ion#

    alhough non#$eci9ic are a##ociaed wih a$$ro(imael! 5I o9 $ulmonar! emboli,

    alhough he#e are cerainl! non#$eci9ic 9inding#. ;n9arc# o9en are con9u#ed wih,

    or are indi#ingui#hable 9rom, aeleca#i# or $neumonia# on che# radiogra$h#.

    Howe4er, de#$ie he low #en#ii4i! o9 che# radiogra$h! in he diagno#i# o9

    $ulmonar! emboli#m, i remain# an im$oran 9ir# #e$ in he diagno#i# o9

    $ulmonar! emboli#m, $rimaril! o e(clude oher cau#e# o9 h!$o(emia and o aid in

    he iner$reaion o9 he 4enilaion$er9u#ion #can.?*5@


    :o #ummarize, radiogra$h! o9 lung $ahologie# common in he ;C= $aien i#

    di#cu##ed, including $ulmonar! edema, ADS, aeleca#i#, $ulmonar! emboli#m,

    a#$iraion and ;C=-acBuired $neumonia in erm# o9 $ahogene#i# and radiogra$hic

    recogniion o9 he abnormaliie#. Di99erenial diagno#i# o9 he radiogra$hic #ign#

    encounered i# di#cu##ed. e9erence i# made where oher imaging #uch a# C: or

    ulra#ound i# indicaed. A #ummar! o9 radiogra$hic recogniion o9 aeleca#i# i#



  • 8/13/2019 Jurnal Radiologi Kel e Edit



    "ource of "upport:Nil

    Conflict of Interest:None declared.


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    #igures and $ables

    #igure %


  • 8/13/2019 Jurnal Radiologi Kel e Edit


    "ronal che# radiogra$h #howing 9eaure# o9 iner#iial $ulmonar! edema.

    adiogra$hic #ign# ha #ugge# iner#iial $ulmonar! edema

    include lo## o9 de9iniion o9 large $ulmonar! 4e##el#, he a$$earance# o9 #e$al

    line#, inerlobar #e$al hic2ening and di99u#e reicular $aern a##ociaed wih

    cardiomegal!. 'oh Kerle!F# A and Kerle!F# ' line# are #een. :he magni9ied 4iew

    o9 he le9 co#o$hrenic angle i# 9rom anoher $aien, de$icing Kerle!F# ' line#


    #igure &


  • 8/13/2019 Jurnal Radiologi Kel e Edit


    "ronal che# radiogra$h #howing 9eaure# o9 al4eolar $ulmonar! edema. :he

    9inding# include o$aci9icaion o9 boh lung# wih increa#ing den#i! oward# he

    lung ba#e# due o a combinaion o9 air #$ace #hadowing and $leural e99u#ion#,

    cardiomegal!, u$$er lobe blood di4er#ion

    and an air bronchogram in he righ u$$er zone.

    #igure '


  • 8/13/2019 Jurnal Radiologi Kel e Edit


    A 9ronal che# radiogra$h and a(ial C: #how 9eaure# o9 bawing al4eolar

    $ulmonar! edema. Che# radiogra$hic 9inding# include bilaeral o$aciie# ha

    e(end in a 9an #ha$e ouward 9rom he hilum in a bawing7 $aern. ih

    wor#ening al4eolar edema, he lung o$aci9icaion become# increa#ingl!




  • 8/13/2019 Jurnal Radiologi Kel e Edit


    Su$ine $orable che# radiogra$h #howing e(en#i4e air #$ace #hadowing

    hroughou he whole o9 he righ lung and he le9 lung ba#e due o al4eolar

    $ulmonar! edema wih a##ociaed $leural e99u#ion# #econdar! o hear 9ailure. Noe

    he air bronchogram# in he righ u$$er zone, #omeime# #een wih conge#i4e hear




  • 8/13/2019 Jurnal Radiologi Kel e Edit


    A 9ronal che# radiogra$h #howing a unilaeral edema

    #igure *


  • 8/13/2019 Jurnal Radiologi Kel e Edit


    A $aienF# A% che# radiogra$h #howing wor#ening o9 he air #$ace #hadowing

    wih a 9urher com$licaion o9 a righ-#ided $neumohora(.


  • 8/13/2019 Jurnal Radiologi Kel e Edit


    #igure +


  • 8/13/2019 Jurnal Radiologi Kel e Edit


  • 8/13/2019 Jurnal Radiologi Kel e Edit


    #igure ,

    "igure# "igure#6,6, ,+ + and and #how a #erie# o9 che# (-ra!# and C: #can#

    o4er a $eriod o9 6 hour# o9 a $aien 9ollowing blun horacic rauma. :he iniial

    che# (-ra! ?"igure 6@ a$$ear# normal.


  • 8/13/2019 Jurnal Radiologi Kel e Edit


    #igure -

    Same $aien a# in "igure 67 change# de4elo$ ra$idl! iniiall! a# mild o$aci9icaion

    a he righ lung ba#e 9ollowed b! lung $arench!mal in9ilrae a##ociaed wih a

    #mall $leural e99u#ion.

    #igure %.

    Same $aien a# in "igure 67 he o$aci! i# in he $eri$heral lung, near he inEured

    che# wall. :he le#ion ra$idl! $rogre##e# o ca4iaion a# #een on he a(ial C:


  • 8/13/2019 Jurnal Radiologi Kel e Edit


    #can#. :he a$$earance# are ho#e o9 a lung conu#ion. Conu#ion howe4er u#uall!

    occur# earlier, i# u#uall! localized o he area a99eced b! inEur! and im$ro4e# o4er *6-) hour#. ADS end# o be more

    generalized, i# laer in on#e and #lower o re#ol4e

    $able %

    adiogra$hic 9eaure# o9 aeleca#i#

    0le4aion o9 a hemidia$hragm

    Di#$lacemen o9 a 9i##ure

    Crowding o9 he 4a#culaureS$la!ing o9 he 4a#culaure #een in he non-a99eced lobe due o

    com$en#aor! em$h!#ema

    Media#inal #hi9


    #igure %%


  • 8/13/2019 Jurnal Radiologi Kel e Edit


    %lae aeleca#i#di#coid aeleca#i# i# common 9ollowing horaco-

    abdominal #urger! and admini#raion o9 a general ane#heic.

    #igure %&


  • 8/13/2019 Jurnal Radiologi Kel e Edit


    :he righ u$$er lobe colla$#e# ino a riangular o$aci! wih he le##er 9i##ure

    migraing oward he anerior, #u$erior and medial $orion# o9 he che#, clo#ing

    li2e a Chine#e 9an. &n an A% che# radiogra$h, he mo# #ri2ing 9eaure i# a

    #u$erior and medial di#$lacemen o9 he minor 9i##ure. Noe al#o he rai#ed righ

    hemidia$hragm. &n he laeral radiogra$h , he maEor 9i##ure mo4e#

    aneriorl!, while he #u$erior mo4emen o9 he minor 9i##ure i# al#o #een. :hi#

    aeleca#i# wa# #econdar! o a mucu#$lug.

    #igure %'


  • 8/13/2019 Jurnal Radiologi Kel e Edit


    A 9ronal radiogra$h #how# a #egmenal colla$#e o9 he righ u$$er lobe. Noe he

    ele4aion o9 he le##er 9i##ure and he righ hilum and a minor media#inal #hi9 o

    he righ. :hi# wa# an a#hmaic $aien, wih a mucu# $lug

    #igure %


  • 8/13/2019 Jurnal Radiologi Kel e Edit


    ighmiddle-lobe aeleca#i# ma! cau#e minimal change# on an A% #u$ine che#

    radiogra$h. Noe he lo## o9 de9iniion o9 he righ hear border. A colla$#ed righ

    middle lobe i# more clearl! de9ined on laeral radiogra$h, which i# no commonl!

    a4ailable in he ;C= $aien. Aenion o he 9i##ure# re4eal# ha he horizonal

    and lower $orion# o9 he maEor 9i##ure# mo4e oward# each oher re#uling in a

    wedge o9 o$aci! $oining o he hilum. :hi# i# a middle-lobe con#olidaion

    mimic2ing middle-lobe aeleca#i#.

    #igure %


  • 8/13/2019 Jurnal Radiologi Kel e Edit


    An A% che# radiogra$h #howing aeleca#i# o9 he righ lower lobe. Noe ha hecolla$#ing lobe ha# mo4ed cenrall! and in9eriorl! oward# he lower dor#al #$ine,

    where i i# #een a# a riangular o$aci! $ariall! #ilhoueing he righ

    hemidia$hragm and a##ociaed wih a #uble air bronchogram. :he minor 9i##ure

    #how# in9erior di#$lacemen. ighlower-lobe aeleca#i# can be di99ereniaed


  • 8/13/2019 Jurnal Radiologi Kel e Edit


    9rom righmiddle-lobe aeleca#i# b! he $er#i#ence o9 he righ hear border a# in

    hi# ca#e

    #igure %*

    :he le9 lower lobe colla$#e# mediall! and $o#eriorl! o lie behind he hear. ;

    cla##icall! di#$la!# a riangular o$aci!, which ma! be 4i#ible hrough he cardiac

    #hadow or ma! o4erlie i, gi4ing he hear an unu#uall! #raigh laeral border.

    Silhoueing o9 he le9 hemidia$hragm u#uall! occur#, which ma! be a##ociaed

    wih an air bronchogram. ; i# al#o ea#il! mi##ed, e#$eciall! on an under$eneraed

    9ilm, where no deail i# #een behind he hear.

    #igure %+


  • 8/13/2019 Jurnal Radiologi Kel e Edit


    A 9ronal che# radiogra$h #howing a le9u$$er-lobe aeleca#i#. :he radiogra$h

    re4eal# haz! o$aci9icaion o9 he le9 hilum, ele4aion o9 he le9 hilum, near-

    horizonal cour#e o9 he le9 main bronchu#, $o#erior le9ward roaion o9 he hear

    and he Lu9#ichel or air cre#cen #ign, he name gi4en o he a$$earance o9 aeraed

    lung abuing he arch o9 he aora, beween he media#inum and he colla$#ed le9

    u$$er lobe. An a$$earance on a laeral radiogra$h, i9 a4ailable, o9 he ;C= $aien

    ma! #how rero#ernal o$aci! and di#$lacemen o9 he greaer 9i##ure aneriorl!.

    #igure %,


  • 8/13/2019 Jurnal Radiologi Kel e Edit


    A che# radiogra$h #howing con#olidaion o9 le9 u$$er zone a##ociaed wih

    an air bronchogram #econdar! o ho#$ial-acBuired $neumonia. :he le9 image i#

    an a(ial C: #can de$icing an air bronchogram wih bilaeral $neumonic

    con#olidaion in anoher $aien.


  • 8/13/2019 Jurnal Radiologi Kel e Edit


    #igure %-

    An A% #u$ine radiogra$h on an inubaed $aien #howing $ach! con#olidaion in

    boh lung 9ield#, more $rominen on he le9 due o ho#$ial-acBuired $neumonia.


  • 8/13/2019 Jurnal Radiologi Kel e Edit


    #igure &.

    An A% che# radiogra$h o9 a $aien wih racheo#om! #howing de4elo$men o9

    a#$iraion $neumonia a he righ lung ba#e.


  • 8/13/2019 Jurnal Radiologi Kel e Edit


    #igure &%

    A #erie# o9 A% radiogra$h# on he #ame $aien a# in "igure )#howing e4oluion

    o9 a#$iraion $neumonia a he righ lung ba#ewihin.


  • 8/13/2019 Jurnal Radiologi Kel e Edit


    #igure &&

    A 9ronal che# radiogra$h o9 a $aien $re#ening wih #horne## o9 breah and

    h!$o(emia, which #how# no #igni9ican abnormali!. Howe4er, C:%A #how# e(en#i4e $ulmonar! emboli#m.


  • 8/13/2019 Jurnal Radiologi Kel e Edit


    #igure &'

    A relai4el! lae #ign o9 $ulmonar! in9arcion i# a rounded $leural ba#ed

    con#olidaion ha i# rounded cenrall! and i# called a Ham$omF# Hum$. A

    Ham$om,# Hum$ can be di99ereniaed 9rom a $neumonic con#olidaion a# he

    9ormer lac2# an air bronchogram. Noe al#o a #mall righ co#o$hrenic e99u#ion

    rac2ing u$ ino he le##er 9i##ure.


  • 8/13/2019 Jurnal Radiologi Kel e Edit


    #igure &

    A $leural-ba#ed #egmenal o$aci! due o in9arcion , #ub#eBuenl! con4ering

    ino a hic2-walled ca4i! .