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July 29, 2018 • Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Timestclareagw.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/July-29-2018.pdf · July 29, 2018 • Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time ˘ˇˆ ˙

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July 29, 2018 • Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

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Mon. 7:00-8:00pm — Greenleaf

Wed. 6:30-7:30am — Askeaton

Thur. 8:45-9:45am — Wrightstown

“Disciples on the Way” Holy Hour

Tuesday, August 7th - 7:00pm



Anointing: Contact Fr. Brian Wideman

Baptism: Contact Dcn. Ken Kabat

Marriage: Contact Fr. Brian Wideman


Sat. 4:00pm — Askeaton

5:15pm — Wrightstown

Sun. 8:00am — Greenleaf

10:00am — Wrightstown

Tues. 8:05am — Wrightstown

Wed. 8:00am — Askeaton

Thur. 8:05am — Wrightstown

Fri. 8:00am — Greenleaf


Mon. 7:00pm — Greenleaf

Wed. 4:30pm — Askeaton

Thurs. 3:30pm — Wrightstown




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July 29, 2018 - Seventeenth Sunday In Ordinary Time 2

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

29 17th Sunday in

Ordinary Time

8:00 Mass GR

10:00 Mass WR


8:15 Liturgy of the

Word WR

8:45 Bible Study


7:00 Adoration/

Confession GR


8:05 Mass WR

August 1

6:30 Adoration AS

7:00 Conf. AS

8:00 Mass AS


8:05 Mass WR

8:35 Adoration WR

3:30 Conf. WR


8:00 Mass GR


4:00 Mass AS

5:15 Mass WR

5 18th Sunday in

Ordinary Time

8:00 Mass GR

10:00 Mass WR

11:30 Spanish Mass


(Seminarian Appeal



8:15 Liturgy of the

Word WR

8:45 Bible Study


7:00 Adoration/

Confession GR

7:30 Youth Group



8:05 Mass WR

7:00p “Disciples on

the Way” Holy

Hour GR


6:30 Adoration AS

7:00 Conf. AS

8:00 Mass AS

7:05p Timber

Rattler’s Game

in Appleton


8am-6:30p Bus Trip to

Shrine in Champion

8:05 Mass WR

8:35 Adoration WR

1:00 Prayer Shawl

Meeting GR

3:30 Conf. WR

6:30 Mixed & Belles

Choir Practice WR


8:00 Mass GR

11 Feast of

St. Clare

4:00 Mass AS

Blessing of Shawls

at the 4:00pm Mass

5:15 Mass WR

Ice Cream Treats

after Mass—4:45,

Askeaton and 6:00,


St. Clare Parish This Week and Next


Lucy Lee Landgraf, daughter of Andy &

Katie and Jordy Jay Van De Hey, son of

Jesse & Jayna were baptized on July 22nd, 2018.

Please welcome in prayer these two newest members of the

Catholic Church.

Please keep in your prayers

Janice Eiting who passed away on

July 19, 2018

“Eternal rest, grant unto her,

O Lord, and let perpetual light

shine upon her.”

Wisdom from a Wider World

“Sometimes you have to bend with the breeze or you

break.” – Vin Tanner, The Magnificent Seven.

New Giving Tree Set-up for Picnic!

An additional way for you to donate

to the picnic is to support the craft

and produce tent!

Starting the first weekend in August,

there will be a sign-up table located in

the back of church. All parish mem-

bers are encouraged to pick a leaf off

the Giving Tree and sign up for a craft,

produce or food item. Check this weekend’s Bulletin insert

for more ideas. Just imagine what a generous donation we

could gather this fall if each parish family brought in just

one additional item for the craft and produce tent.

St. Clare Feast Day - Saturday, August 11th

We will be celebrating the Feast Day of

St. Clare on Saturday, August 11th, with

an Ice Cream Social following Mass at the:

Askeaton Campus @ 4:45pm and the

Wrightstown Campus @ 6:00pm.

Make plans to join us!

There are two Masses that have a short-

age of Liturgical Ministers: Askeaton at

4:00pm and Wrightstown at 5:15pm. Please

email or call Theresa Reynders (864-2550)

or [email protected], if you would

like to be a Lector, a Communion Distribu-

tor, Greeter, a Sacristan or an Altar Server. Thank You!

Last week, the July ‘18 Newsletter was

emailed to all the Parish member

emails we have on file. If you would

like to receive an electronic copy of the

Newsletter, please forward your email

address to: [email protected].

Hard copies of the Newsletter are also

available in back of Church.

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St. Clare Church Cleanings

Greenleaf Site—August 4-5

Need Volunteers

Askeaton Site—August 5

Gene & Helen Brick,

Brenda & Jerry Van Den Elsen

Wrightstown Site—July 30

Russ & Joan Aerts, Mary Geurts

Seminarian Vocation Prayer


July 29-Aug. 4: Diane Cleven

This week’s Prayer Intentions:

Matthew Colle, Michael Uchytil,

Aron Hietpas, Andrew LeGreve,

Brandon Lewandowski,

Ben Pribbenow, Jace Scheffler

Aug. 5-11: Peggy Currey

3 St Clare Parish - Askeaton, Greenleaf, Wrightstown


Week of July 15, 2018

Sacrificial Giving

Envelopes $ 10,540.00

Loose Collection $ 520.48

Children’s Collection $ 46.00

OnLine Giving $ 1,691.00

SCRIP Profits 7/1/17-6/30/18

Fiscal Year: $ 30,093.00


St. Clare Annual Parish Picnic

Sunday, September 2nd,

Askeaton Campus

� Outdoor Mass @ 10:00am.

� Booyah & Burgers served @ 11:00am.

� Oral Auction starting @ 1:00pm.

� Silent Auction runs throughout the day.

* Did you know you can donate prizes for the Silent and Oral Auctions?

Contact the Parish Office for more information.

� Don’t forget to pick-up your Picnic information envelope.

* Picnic envelopes are available in back of each church. Please help

support our Parish Picnic by buying or selling Picnic Raffle Tickets.

The Picnic Committee is asking for your help in these areas:

• Are you a talented crafts person? Check out this weekend’s Bulletin Insert

for ideas on how you can help support the Parish Picnic with your special

talents through the “Giving Tree” project! Please contact Peggy Fritsch

(532-6213) or Donna Wall (532-4723) for more information or questions.

• Prizes are needed for the Kid’s Games. Prizes must be “NEW”. Containers

are in the back of each church for anyone wishing to donate. Please contact

Laura Heimerl @ 864-2562 with questions.

Remember to Sign-Up on the Parish website to work at the Picnic!

The Work Schedule Sign-Up Genius link is available on the St. Clare website,

or you can call the Parish Office at 864-2550 to be added to the Schedule.

Thank you for your continued support!!

Seminarian Collection

August 4th & 5th

Our Seminarians Need Your

Help: The Gospel this weekend

reveals Jesus’ desire to feed his

people and perform a miracle of

multiplication. We can each

partake in his work by being generous with our Annual Seminarian Collection:

Hope for the Future, Help them Today. An important letter will arrive in your

mailbox this week asking for your help. Next weekend is the kick off of this

annual collection. Your donation provides tuition, room and board, insurance, a

small stipend for our seminarians and will support the Vocation Office’s efforts

to call forth more candidates. The total annual cost for our seminarian programs

is around $1,000,000.

As friends and followers of Jesus, we support each other. In order to make your

gift today, visit: www.catholicfoundationgb.org/give. Or use the Seminarian

Collection envelope you will receive in the mail. Additional envelopes are also

located in back of Church.

Feast Day—August 4th

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July 29, 2018 - Seventeenth Sunday In Ordinary Time 4


Discipleship Formation (RE) News

Grades 7-8 Summer Session continues this week, in

Greenleaf. Classes are being held Mon. (30), Tues. (31),

Wed. (Aug.1), from 9:00-11:30am.

Looking for Catechists: If you are interested in learn-

ing more about the Catholic faith, consider being a catechist

– one of the best ways to learn is to teach. We are looking

for volunteers to help at all grade levels. Contact Anne for

more information.

This week our High School catechists are meeting at

6:30pm, Wednesday, Aug. 1st, in Greenleaf. Fr. Brian has

developed some very exciting new classes – many are dis-

cussion based and include hands on learning experiences.

Anyone interested in learning more about the sessions are

invited to join us.


trip has been CANCELLED!

Discipleship Formation Registration – If you have not

already completed your registration form, additional forms

can be found in all of the churches and on the parish web-

site. We would appreciate registration forms being turned in

by August 1st. Payment does not have to accompany the

form we will do billing after the start of the program.

Liturgy of the Word for Children: We would like to

begin this program for children in our Parish ages 3-7. The

program would take place during the 8:00am Mass in

Greenleaf and the 10:00am Mass in Wrightstown. In order

to make the program work, we are looking for 4-8 volun-

teers for each site to work with the children. All materials

will be provided. Volunteers will have to complete a back-

ground check and attend a Virtus: “Protecting God’s

Children” workshop. If you are interested in helping

contact Anne.

St Clare School News

New to the area or the Parish?

St. Clare Catholic School offers

Early Childhood for 3- & 4-year-

olds, and a full kindergarten

through eighth-grade academic pro-

gram. It’s not too late to register!

Summer office hours for school will be by

appointment through Friday, August 17th:

• Contact the school office by emailing:

[email protected]

• Contact the principal, Lisa Gruber, by emailing:

[email protected]

• Leave a non-urgent phone message at 532-4833

Someone will get back to you via email or a phone call.

Regular school hours will resume on Monday,

August 20th.

Dates to remember:

August 2nd: Family swimming at Kaukauna pool

August 29th: Back to School Night 4:00-6:00pm.

Bring your children and their supplies to

school & say “Hi” to teachers and staff!

Sept. 4th: First Day of school

Sept. 7th: Family movie night

Sept. 20th: Parent Night 6:00pm

Faith. Family. Future

It’s not too late to join the

St. Clare Catholic School family!

• Contact Principal, Lisa Gruber,

by emailing:

[email protected].

• Or call Principal Gruber at


Enjoy dividends for life with a Catholic Education!

Shopping on Amazon for

School Supplies?

If you plan to place orders through Amazon for school sup-

plies, any household or gift purchases, please consider sign-

ing up for the program. Both the Parish

and School benefit from this program! For every dollar you

spend, .5% is donated back to the Parish from Amazon!

What a convenient way to support our Parish and Catholic

School. To sign-up, go to: www.smile.amazon.com,

create your account, then search for the zip code 54126.

The St. Clare Parish's name will pop up, click on it to estab-

lish “St. Clare Parish” as your preferred Charity.

Thank you for participation!

Feast Day—July 31st

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Mass Intentions

Saturday, July 28

4:00 pm �Mary Lou & Lloyd Gussert Askeaton

5:15 pm St. Clare Parish Community WR

Sunday, July 29

8:00 am �Bob Heimerl, Bonnie & Hugh Heimerl,

Brandy, Jim & Dan Brantmeier GR

10:00 am �Janet, Gary & Tim Swoboda WR

Monday, July 30

8:15 am Liturgy of the Word w/Communion WR

Tuesday, July 31

8:05 am �Lloyd & Mary Lou Gussert WR

Wednesday, August 1

8:00 am �St. Clare Parish Community Askeaton

Thursday, August 2

8:05 am �Allen Hansen WR

Friday, August 3

8:00 am �Ruth & Clarence Baeten GR

Saturday, August 4

4:00 pm �Janet Vande Hey & Kasey Vande Hey


5:15 pm � St. Clare Parish Community WR

Sunday, August 5

8:00 am �Les & Irene Neuman GR

10:00 am �Harriet & Charles Van Rossum WR

11:30 am Spanish Mass WR

Liturgical Ministers

Saturday, August 4, at 4:00 pm—Askeaton

Communion Distributors ................ Deacon, Peggy Fritsch,

................. Lois Gremore, Dean Arndt, Thomas Hoffman

Lectors ....................................................... Lisa Vande Hey

Mass Servers ............................................ Mary Vande Hey

Ushers ..................................................... Lloyd Vande Hey

Music ................................................... Theresa & Rosanne

Greeter ................................................... Mark Wall Family

Sacristan ........................................................ Peggy Fritsch

Saturday, August 4, at 5:15 pm—Wrightstown

Communion Distributors ....................... Deacon, Kyle Fox,

........................ Carol Van Zeeland, Jacci Vanden Heuvel

Lectors ............................................................. Kim Hruska

Mass Servers ........................ Katerina Hruska, Kyle Rohan

Ushers ................................... Servers handle the Collection

Music ................................................... Theresa & Rosanne

Sacristan ................................................................Kyle Fox

Sunday, August 5, at 8:00 am—Greenleaf

Communion Distributors ........ Deacon, Marian Vande Hey,

........... Betty Kabat, Jane Steinberger, Bonnie Crossman

Lectors ................................ Cindy Cohen, Jane Steinberger

Mass Servers ................................... Gracie & Bella Stenzel

Ushers ................................... Steve Cohen, Clayton Cohen

Music ............................................................... Adult Choir

Sacristan ................................................ Marian Vande Hey

Greeter .............................................................. Jerry Kabat

Scrip Helpers .............................. Cathy Stenzel, Ellen Diny

Sunday, August 5, at 10:00 am—Wrightstown

Communion Distributors . Deacon, Dean & Terri Swoboda,

Dan Verbeten, Diane Roundy, Dave & Barb Van De Hey

Lectors .......................... Linda Verboomen, Nicole Falkner

Mass Servers ............... Carlie, Mason & Carissa Hendricks

Ushers .......................... Duane Diedrick, Morgan Diedrick,

............................... Bernard Vander Heiden, Bill Ehnerd

Music ....................... Ann Vanden Wymelenberg & Cantor

Sacristan ...................................................... Dean Swoboda

Greeter ...................................................... Nockerts Family

5 St Clare Parish—Askeaton, Greenleaf, Wrightstown


St. Clare Parish Open Hours @ Church

St. Clare—Greenleaf

Open Monday thru Thursday, 8am—4:30pm

St. Clare—Wrightstown

Open Daily until 4pm

Bible Study Opportunities

Reflection on Sunday

Scripture Readings

BIBLE STUDY—Mondays @ 8:45am, server sacristy,


DVD BIBLE STUDY—Third Tuesday of the month @

2:00pm, 1st Classroom on right in school, Greenleaf.


Mixed Choir will practice Thursday,

August 9th, at 6:30pm and sing Sunday,

August 12th, at 10:00am and Tuesday,

August 14th, (Holy Day Mass) at

6:00pm, Wrightstown.

Belles Choir will also practice Thursday, August 9th, at

6:30pm,Wrightstown and sing Sunday, August 12th, at

8:00am, Greenleaf and Wednesday, August 15th, (Holy

Day Mass) at 6:00pm in Greenleaf.


of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Holy Day of Obligation Mass Times:

� Tuesday, Aug 14th: 6:00pm, WR

� Wednesday, Aug 15th: 8:00am, AS

� Wednesday, Aug 15th: 6:00pm, GR

Pope Francis Twitter—@Pontifex July 22

“God wants us to call Him Father, with the trust

of children who abandon themselves in the arms

of the One who gave them life.”

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July 29, 2018 - Seventeenth Sunday In Ordinary Time 6


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If you need prayers for any reason, please call one of our

Prayer Warrior Leaders, who will in turn call members of

their group. Our Prayer Warrior Leaders are:

Dolores Farrell—864-2470

Jane Kleineschay— 920-471-9661

Marian Vande Hey—864-2509

You can also call the Parish Office with your

Prayer Request. If you would like to join this

prayerful ministry, please call the Parish Office at

864-2550 for more information.

Next Prayer Shawl Meeting is

Thursday, August 9th, @ 1:00pm,

Parish Center, Greenleaf site.

New members are welcome to join the group.

For more information, contact Kay Arndt at


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Care Ministry provides a listening

presence and care to those facing a time

of personal loss or transition in their lives.

If you or someone you know would benefit from a weekly

visit from a trained Care Minister, please call the Parish

Office at 920-864-2550. Thank you.

Brown County Fair

Parking Fundraiser

August 15




The Brown County Fair is less than a month away and as

of Monday, July 23rd, we still need 60 more people to

help with parking at the Fair. To sign-up for this Parish

Fundraiser, go to: www.stclareagw.org and select a day

and time that works for you. Or call the Parish Office for


Keep in mind that all volunteers receive a Fair Pass for the

day they park cars, which is good for all entertainment at

the Fair, except carnival rides.

Thank you to everyone who volunteers!

Community Events

St. John-Sacred Heart 66th Annual Parish Picnic &

Car Show—Sunday, August 5th, located on Hwys. 114 &

55, Sherwood. 10:30am Outdoor Mass @ Sacred Heart.

Car Show from 11am-3pm. Country style dinner from

11:00am-2:00pm, live music, games, silent auction and

much more. Visit www.StJohnSacredHeart.org for more


St. Patrick’s, Stephensville—48th Annual Round-Up on

Saturday, August 11th, from 11am-Midnight. Bean Bag

Tournament, Human Foosball, Kids game, Raffles, food

stands & refreshments. Register for tournaments at

www.stpatrick-stephensville.org, click on 2018 Roundup.

Live music throughout the day.

Holy Family Parish Community Picnic—Sunday,

August 19th, held at 628 Menasha St, Reedsville Campus.

10:00am Polka Mass, Silent Auction, 50/50 Raffle, live

Music, bounce house & much more. Serving chicken

booyah (until gone), pork roast sandwiches, hamburgers,

brats, pie & ice cream. $6,000 in prizes, drawing at 6pm.


Please join us for our Grand Opening at Nickel Funeral

Home, 7101 Morrison Road, on Sunday, August 12th.

Stop by between Noon—4:00pm to take a tour of our

updated facility, enjoy some food, meet our staff and pick

up a free gift. We are honored to continue to serve South-

ern Brown County.

Tickets for “Disney’s Jungle

Book KIDS” now available!

The Xavier Theatre Academy will

present “Disney’s Jungle Book

KIDS”, at 7:00pm on Thursday &

Friday, August 2nd & 3rd, and at 1:00pm on Saturday,

August 4th, at the fully accessible Xavier Fine Arts Theatre,

1600 W. Prospect Avenue, Appleton. Mowgli, Baloo,

Bagheera and more colorful characters come to life onstage

in “Disney’s Jungle Book KIDS”, a lively musical version

of the classic animated Disney film.

Ticket purchases are available at www.xaviertheatre.com

or the Xavier Fine Arts box office at (920) 733-8840. The

box office is open through August 3rd, Monday through

Friday from Noon until 3:00pm for phone orders and walk

up sales, as well as, one hour before each performance.

A Program of the St. Francis Xavier Catholic School System

Presented by the Xavier Theatre Club & Christmas Stars

With grant support from Margaret Bekkers & Thomas Feavel ‘62

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September 10 - 14, 2018San Antonio: $ 839 - 10days

October 12-21, 2018

Rosie Rohm 920-779-4246

Seniors On The Go

Mike & Matt Cotter


Contact John Hiller to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 950-9952 x2481

Jerry CalninFairway Independent Mortgage NMLS#2289


Dr. Stephen Lasslo450 High St. #3 Wrightstown


Pallets • Skids Specialty Crates • Boxes

“ISPM #15 Certified for Heat Treatment”W811 Hwy. 96

Kaukauna, WI 54130 920-766-4069

Fax: 920-766-1220


W712 County Road UU • KaukaunaCall Here First For All Your Dairy Needs.



Delsman ConstruCtion

Building Since 1991

Joe Delsman Parish Member

[email protected] Cell :920.901.4682

13432 Rameker Road, Reedsville, WI 54230

Commercial • Residential Agricultural • Construction Management

Your Friendly Supermarket

In Store Fresh Bakery & Deli

Wrightstown, WI 54180 532-4880

David J. Nennig - OwnerN2581 McCabe Road • Kaukauna, WI 54130

Phone: 920-759-7500 • Cell 920-378-4766www.creativehardscapesinc.com


“When it’s time to sell your home, trust and expert.”

Call Gary • (920) 362-1144www.wrightstownhome.com

Solid Waste & Recycling Solutions

JUST STOP INOpen Tuesday thru Sunday

11 am to close

5316 Hwy 57 DePere

920-336-3114Sunday’s Broasted Chicken

(920) 864-7822Call forFREE



Jeremy Owen 920.309.0732

For ad info. call 1-800-950-9952 • www.4lpi.com St. Clare, Greenleaf, WI A 4C 01-0951

A Brand of Fine QualitySince 1959

600 Cty. KK, Kaukauna, WI 766-3239 • www.haenmeats.com

400 N. Military Road Stockbridge, WI 53088

Dirt Moving and Excavating Stone and Gravel Sales

Over 20 years experience!

Shawn DeCleene, Owner 920-639-7836

[email protected]



Contact me for all your business insurance needs. LuAnn Boyea, HIA

200 N. Adams St. • Green Bay O: (920) 497-5574 • M: (920) 619-9799

[email protected] www.associatedbrc.com

Fish & Seafood, Steaks, Fresh Pasta, Burgers & Sandwiches

301 Green Bay Rd./ Hwy 96 • 766-1236 www.theskyviewclub.com

Under New Ownership!