judith middelkoop graphic design ° dtp

Judith Middelkoop Portfolio 2016

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judith middelkoop graphic design ° dtp

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design poster | filmfestival aruba

design 30 meter mural - printed on fabric | Starbucks

design wallpaper | Starbucks

design murals - printed on black wood | Starbucks


coffee Harvested only when perfectly red and ripe.




nine months after a coffee tree flowers, its coffee cherries begin to ripen.




This coffee is big and juicy with complex layers of black currant, fresh blackberry and a tart grapefruit.



design wallpaper | Starbucks

design 4 framed botanical’s | Starbucks

Les fleurs de caféier Les fleurs blanches, suaves, sont groupées en glomérules de 3 à 7 à la base des feuilles.

Leur corolle gamopétale est en forme de tube à 4 ou 5 lobes. L ’arbuste caféier ne fleurit qu’une fois l’an.

Cerises Les fruits sont des drupes, appelées « cerises », de couleur rouge vif ou violette à maturité, dont la pulpe est sucrée.

Elles contiennent deux graines, placées face à face, à la forme caractéristique des grains de café.

Coffea Arabica Le cafeier fait partie de la famille des Rubiaceae (Rubiacées) qui comprend plus de 10.000 espèces réparties en 600 genres.

C’est aussi la famille du gardénia (genre Gardenia). Le caféier d’Arabie ou caféier commun (Coffea arabica) est un petit arbre de moins de 9 m de haut, qui apprécie l’ombre d’arbres plus grands. Les hautes altitudes des montagnes et le climat particulier ou il se cultive offre

une situation idéale pour la maturation de ses graines et le développement de ses saveurs. Les feuilles persistantes, d’un vert brillant, de forme elliptiques ont un pétiole court.

design and complete layout of the media guide book | l’oreal

design of a powerpoint template - luxury products | lancôme - l’oreal

design and complete layout of the VM guidelines | triumph

design and layout of several leaflets | nike pension

design and layout of several leaflets | nike pension

One of the many advantages of working at Nike is our competitive benefits programs. The Pension Board is pleased to announce the introduction of a new improved investment manager. We are changing the current investment manager Robeco to ING Personal Fund Services (ING). Your overall pension arrangement remains unchanged. This change is designed to reduce the overall costs of investing your retirement savings, improve the investment fund options and introduce state-of-the-art on-line tools to make it easier for you to invest and help prepare for retirement.

Implementation will be done automatically for you in two stages, firstly moving your future contributions. From May 2011 onwards contributions will be invested with ING. This is then followed by transferring your current savings. In September 2011 your accumulated savings with Robeco will be closed and transferred to ING.


• Attend a 45 minute presentation from ING. See dates/times/locations at the end of this communication. You will have an opportunity to ask questions after the presentation.

• Read the provided information carefully.

• Perform a risk profile test to see which of the Lifecycle investment options is best for you or opt for Personal Allocation if suitable.

• Seek an independent financial adviser if you need help to plan for your retirement or help in selecting other investment options (please note that Nike, ING, Pension Board and the administrators cannot provide you with financial advice).

• ING will provide information to you via your Nike email address. If you prefer that information will be provided to you via mail to your home address, then please contact the Pension Fund administrator 31 (0)88 130 82 25 or e-mail [email protected].


• 27 April to 4 May 2011: Information sessions (see next page for dates and location)

• First week of May 2011: New account set up with ING and login details will be provided via email

• September 2011: Close Robeco accounts and transfer account value to ING


As a participant in Nike’s Dutch Pension Fund, your personal and Nike’s contributions are currently invested with Robeco. You have selected to invest your contributions in the Robeco lifecycle mix which is an investment mix that has an automatic investment management facility.

In the next few weeks, a personal retirement savings account will be opened in your name with ING and contributions as from May 2011 will be invested in your new ING account. To mirror the investment facility, your contributions will be invested automatically in the ING Neutral Lifecycle mix. You can choose an alternative investment option by joining the on-line service as soon as you receive your personal login:

• There is a choice of three Lifecycle Options which automatically manage your investments for you (ING Neutral Lifecycle mix, ING Defensive Lifecycle mix and ING Offensive Lifecycle mix)

• Alternatively if you’d like to take a more active role in selecting your investment options from a range

of funds then you can take up the “Self-Select” (Personal Allocation) option. Funds are split into Core and Non-core funds where Core funds have been carefully selected by the Investment Advisers to the Pension Board. For an overview of the fund line-up and the Lifecycle options, please see the attached Investment Brochure.


After April, no further contributions from you or from Nike will be invested in your Robeco account. All contributions after April will be made into your ING personal retirement savings account. Existing money in your Robeco account will remain invested with Robeco and subject to market fluctuations until September 2011.

In September 2011, your accumulated savings with Robeco will then be closed and transferred to ING. Your savings will be invested in line with your selected option for the contribution. For example, if from May 2011 your contribution is invested in the ING Neutral Lifecycle mix, then your savings will be transferred and invested in the ING Neutral Lifecycle mix.


if you have any questions or comments about this transition, please contact the Nike Pension Fund helpdesk: on +31 (0)88 130 82 25 or e-mail to [email protected]


Before you make changes to your investment options, we strongly advise you to review the attached information in detail:

• Pension Brochure (including FAQ)

• Investment Brochure (including information about your investment options)

• ING website (via: https://mijnpensioen.ingim.nl)


Group information sessions will be held at EHQ giving you the opportunity to learn more about the transition. These sessions in are scheduled for:

• April 27 from 12:00 – 13:00 – BBC 1A Johnson

• April 29 from 12:00 – 13:00 – BBC 1A Johnson

• May 2 from 12:00 – 13:00 – TN 0A Magneto

• May 4 from 12:00 – 13:00 – BBC 1A Johnson

If you want to join one of these sessions, please send an email to the Pension Fund administrator: [email protected], indicating the date you prefer to attend a session.

In case you want to participate in an information session but you cannot make it on any of these days, please inform the Pension Fund administrator ([email protected]) and they will contact you to make a separate arrangement.

Stichting PenSioenfondS Nike nederland

neW inVeStMent Manager coMing in MaY 2011

design and layout keynote presentation | nike football

design wedding invitation |


rejuvenation of all the graphics and displays | nike campus

design large led lighting | nike campus

drawing of all the illustrations | niketown bootroom

design of large wall graphic | nike cee

layout of the brochure + dvd cover | nike womens

creative layout of nrsw dvd + cover, free class ticket, flyer, poster | nike womens

copyright 2007 by nike - all rights reserved - users are not authorized to copy these materials without nike’s consent

Nike Rockstar Workout Dancehall by Jamie King

Instructor d

vd + Instructo

r music cd














Instructor dvd +Instructor music cd

Try out one classfor free At local gympartner

Nike is tapping into the energy of the Islands with the all-new Nike Rockstar Workout Dancehall by Jamie King. The workout combines moves from the hottest music videos with authentic dancehall steps.You’ll learn moves like the “Thunderclap” and “Pon the River” while you groove to slammin’ tracks with a reggae flavor.This high-energy workout burns calories while strengthening the leg and core muscles.

When: Add date

Where: Add locall location and time

Instructor: Add name Instroctor

Instructor music cd

copyright 2007 by nike - all rights reserved

- users are not authorized to copy these m

aterials without nike’s consent

creative layout of nrsw dvd + cover, free class ticket, flyer, poster | nike womens

Instructor dvd


yright 20

07 by nike - all rig

hts reserved - users are not authorized to copy these materials without nike’s consent